God damn this game is BORING

>walk down small linear hallway where you cant even go left or right, only straight Forward
>get trapped in an Arena
>spam random Buttons for 1 Minute
>walk down small linear hallway where you cant even go left or right, only straight Forward
>get trapped in an Arena
>spam random Buttons for 1 Minute
>walk down small linear hallway where you cant even go left or right, only straight Forward
>get trapped in an Arena
>spam random Buttons for 1 Minute

Rinse and repeat.

Attached: DMC5-Devil-May-Cry-Capcom-Japanese-Hack-and-Slay-new-Game-Key-Art-Cover-Candidate-Preview-News-Annou (801x534, 150K)

I'm a longtime DMC fan and still agree. Get ready for the cocksuckers to come in and start freaking out that you have a dissenting opinion, though. This game has nearly all the same problems as DmC outside of the combat itself.

Based retarded baiter

so you prefer backtracking or something?

cringe Japan dicksucker

This. Game is ok but have some terrible flaws, but newshitters dmctards will defend this shit.
God I fucking hate them they are a fucking plague

is this copypasta?

DMC is constructed entirely out of combat scenarios that only ever change with enemy composition (+unlocked skills and bosses) and thats intentional. linear levels are only there so that you wouldnt need be teleported to another arena and for pacing. What the fuck do you expect to do in those levels user? get sidetracked ?

based DMChad

cringe shit taste fagbag

Maybe an epic open world game would be more to your liking? You can go anywhere and engage in mediocre combat whenever you want!

Still better than 2 and 4

Attached: 2737474784.jpg (2560x1920, 1.43M)


Attached: 1552561179141.png (733x736, 146K)

>spam random Buttons for 1 Minute
>doesn't feel fulfilling

gee user i know this game doesn't have xp or """"""choices""""" like talent trees or other shiny things at the end of fights but maybe thinking about combat and trying different things might just be fun

Sounds like you aren't playing the game correctly. Of course a game that relies mainly on its fighting mechanics will be boring if you don't engage with any of them.

DMC must be so confusing to GOW babies.
>ehh how come I don't just automatically zoom towards enemies as I mash attack?

And this is bad, why exactly?

mad switchbabby

>spam random buttons

Attached: woohoo_adventures_5.png (700x690, 1.13M)

DMC4, despite repeating the game twice with the second time just backtracking everything you did the first time, still had puzzles and level variety. DMC5 has absolutely no puzzles outside of the secret room diagrams.

And those problems are?

>DMC game

does not compute