Attached: BABA gives YOU.webm (240x200, 137K)

Other urls found in this thread:

first for REMOVE SHIFT

Attached: 1536278169257.jpg (269x211, 8K)

I still have to arrive at the SHIFT statement please don't

who /water/ here?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 81K)

*I've yet to get to
ffs I can't formulate sentences today.

>see SWAP in level

Attached: 1530169149886.jpg (593x601, 24K)

How do I beat fall-1

Try DROD also, it deserve to be not as obscure as it is now.

bros should i get this game

If you are into puzzles than yes.


Attached: 1524335692930.png (500x271, 209K)

Post screen.

>this is the intended solution for Queue
It's disgusting. I love it.

Attached: solvedqueue.png (690x466, 18K)

i quite literally don't get the fad for remaking the same thread over and over again for a game that doesn't change

like the retarded dmcfaggots sitting in the same thread for months on end talking about absolutely nothing

Download the jam version and see for yourself.
or find a MEGA download in the older threads

then hide the thread and go back to your twitter screencap threads retard

Game is new and difficult enough that everyone's still figuring out the endgame shit, which gives new/brainlet players somewhere to come and ask for help.
It'll probably stop getting threads in a few weeks.

Get over it, this place likes to stagnate topics. This is the only good one that there is at the moment.


That one wasn't actually so bad, but it threw me for a loop for a minute.

Attached: 1376292437545.gif (264x320, 929K)

Wait, is this the first one with teles?
Most of early ones is making them pushable/movable at some point and then walkable by various means.

I got stuck on that first fucking volcano level for ages
every level after it was piss easy though
GROUP is a fucking kino word

I can't beat pillar yard

Attached: 1514675655942.png (160x153, 5K)

Is this the fotm with a le deep pixel horror element to it

God you're embarrassing

It's a puzzle game.

>tfw the fucking stacking text with teleport mechanic isn't working
god damn it, it feels so fucking wonky

Attached: endless suffering.jpg (500x484, 362K)

user is cringe

>this is good now because we haven't beat it til it's pulverized to dust yet, NEW THREAD GUYS WOOO

so is this undertale and r9k had a baby the game?

If you don't see any difference between the kind of thread I quoted and this one, then I don't think you belong here.

Only one end of the teleporter is Float

this shit took me more than hour to solve, I'm scared of the future

Attached: fuck.png (1920x1080, 73K)

It's literally just a puzzle game my dude.

yeah that part I was aware of, it was just wonky trying to get it to push
TELE, SWAP, and SHIFT levels always fuck with me

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 58K)

What is a Baba?

Baba is (You) until it's not


BABA is sometimes YOU
i always thought of BABA as a sheep desu

i think i broke it

Attached: file.png (1680x1050, 104K)

I wanna fuck Baba right in their lamb ass

Alright you fucking asshole pieces of shit who won't shut up about this fucking sheep simulator I've bought the damn thing this better be good.

Why the fuck I read that like one of the game statements

Attached: 1545258329877.jpg (413x395, 17K)


Thanks for making me feel better about myself


>[ominous music plays]

go to vg ffs. Making one thread after another is the definition of a general

I don't see anywhere in the LEVEL written

god i hate complex statements

Attached: 1523942822200.png (590x446, 25K)

Me is Worst

Here's a quick edit for your shitposting needs

Attached: 20190319_121631.jpg (124x124, 8K)

>kept trying to do STARDROP and failing at the timing
>try BELT is S T A R is FLAG
>it works
fuck it, i don't care of it was intended or not, I'm tired of timing puzzles

Attached: baba GOD is DEAD.png (1200x1200, 15K)

new one
My niggest of niggas

Attached: MeMe.png (124x124, 18K)


tfw got first ending
I knew something was off with this level being too easy

>found out there's an undo button
>i'm on the flower level

Attached: 1549236090291.jpg (588x823, 109K)

and DR is FUN

Attached: drod.png (200x200, 83K)


>jpg (8 KB, 124x124)
>the same lossy jpg re-saved as a png

Attached: computer.jpg (640x480, 41K)

>when you spend 3 hours on a puzzle
>decide to look at a guide
>they start going in a different direction
>the whole thing clicks instantly
>leave the walkthrough and finish the level
it's a complex kinda feel

>tfw mild ADHD and trying to play this game

Attached: 1536998521901.jpg (495x600, 242K)

>tfw finished every level but walled off at Depths-1 and "???" Bonus 3
Fuck BELT, Fuck SHIFT, and fuck tight corners

Attached: asura% mad.jpg (500x803, 71K)

How about you just skip typing out the fluff and just say because you fucking hate videogames and would rather read greentext anecdotes, twitter shit, and CURRENT EVENT threads. Crawl into this thread since I'm sure you think this is epic and based Yea Forums content

oh god NOTs stack

Attached: 1529446961597.png (215x190, 4K)


Attached: 1551894029025.png (315x76, 4K)

what the FUCK have you done

Attached: 1418456295197.gif (250x188, 634K)

what the fuck

Attached: 1550229642859.png (1018x767, 590K)

>Get stuck on level for 30 min
>Give up, go to sleep/work
>Try it again
>Finish it under 1 minute
There must be a name for this shit it happens too often with this game

Hey! Good to see this game getting repped, its a classic

>tfw stuck on garden 6, 8 and 9
Any tips for any of them?

Attached: 1455155091552.gif (720x720, 36K)

it's something to do with how our brains never truly let a problem go, and we're always thinking of an answer to it passively
if you're in uni and get stuck on some homework, you should take a look at it for a bit then fuck off and try again a bit later


Attached: baba need hug.png (192x132, 2K)

>garden 6
you basically want to make a bridge of ice to go through the right half
>garden 8, pic related
it's retarded but it's literally just walking an optimal path. here's the opening for it. you should be able to figure out the path just on this part
as for garden 9, I don't remember exactly what I did, but you should look at the word ON very carefully

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 56K)

please just end your existence, thanks

It's okay to be a brainlet.

Brainlet is You

am i retarded?
>no flags in sight
>no way to make flags for NEAR

Attached: 1544223519128.png (608x443, 16K)

I'm not up to that point yet, but does "Level near rock is push" or "Level is push" let you push walls?

no, then the level would be simple

Presumably the game wants you to make x is Flag is Win, but you can't get above the "Is" to push it down and into position, and if you push the "Is" up then you can't get behind it anymore.

>had to go back to the neighboring level and turn it into a flag for LEVEL NEAR FLAG IS WIN to give me the victory

Attached: 1545068607390.jpg (750x692, 261K)


Attached: 1531212419865.png (870x518, 17K)

To clarify a couple things:

- Regarding Prison - the lesson taught there is relevant in a couple puzzles later (and I personally kinda like that particular quirk), but the point that that particular behaviour isn't very intuitive is very much valid and as a result the next patch will divide Prison into two separate levels that hopefully ease you into the concept better.

- Regarding the level in the bottom-right corner: You're only ever supposed to get one orb from it; next build will fix that.

- Broken playground: the extra bit in the bottom-left corner is leftovers from an old version of the level, it'll be gone next patch.

- The game tries not to do arbitrary orders-of-operations and for the most part the game logic is fairly consistent, but the movement system (particularly when multiple objects with Move do stuff at the same time) is the one part where a good way to make everything consistently happen "simultaneously" for all objects hasn't emerged. For the record, none of the puzzles in the game should require e.g. multiple objects with Move pushing objects from many directions because of this.

I realize that since the portals to Meta and Depths are there, and those can be won, the current system requires them to be beaten to consider the map complete

world is Void

>tfw had to see a solution for Tiny Isle
I was struggling with it for hours, the solution made me feel like an incompetent absolute brainlet

Honestly, fuck the casuals that can't solve the puzzles before they were patched
Just goes to show anyone that isn't playing the first release is playing on easy mode

also fuck that 'intuitive' shite
it's a fucking puzzle game, you're SUPPOSED to figure things out
you want intuitive, go play a game that holds your hand

How should you guess that YOU is the ONLY state that has collision when pushing but not when pushed?

can I get a hint for ???-Extra 3 aka BABA IS KEKE?
shift puzzles are fucking retarded and unfun

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 68K)

By testing it out
Same way I've solved many of the puzzles
Trying different things and seeing if there's a behavior or technique I've missed or have yet to discover.

Found a dodgy solution for world 2-6 parade.
You can use the skull's swapping abilities to force yourself the wrong way through the belt, and then force the skull through the belt the wrong way, allowing you to move it out of the way rather trivially.

Attached: world 2-6 parade.png (870x519, 18K)

oh my fucking god not this shit again

Attached: 1528075458143.png (591x448, 22K)

I'm not up to that level yet, but here's my guess:
Make a loop with the belts.
Put "Baba Has Keke" on the loop so it goes around. It'll be Baba Has Keke at the top, and Keke Has Baba at the bottom.
since you can now swap who has who, you can pass the door and the lava.

It's a new game that people are picking up, and everyone is discussing level solutions. You know, ~the gameplay~.

Attached: 1485223401435.png (128x245, 69K)

Just make a letter T in the middle of the 2 Belts you can't move, then load the text onto it.

>sink KEKE
>kill baba at IS FLOAT
>fly above water and skull

I have the attention span of a five-year-old and don't often play games without some kind of background noise. This is one of the few that I can fully focus on.

what about the part where you can't touch the flag because you're floating genius?

Flag is floating and you can't make yourself un-float.

Now do it without the Flaot.

that was my first attempt but there's only 6 total belts and I don't see how you can make the loop with less than 8

maybe some sort of jank 6-belt where you exclude the corners but I tried that and it requires some unintuitive push order apparently

>just started now
>getting stuck on early easy levels while everyone else is far ahead
I need help with Ruins 5

Attached: sadcat.jpg (259x194, 5K)

Yeah, I know that I need to loop it in a pattern so that they can alternate, that's the easy part. It's making a pattern that doesn't suck dick that I'm having trouble with.
the T pattern hasn't been working for me since it always shoves one of the words off to the side

Also you don't need to 'guess' since you encounter the same behavior a few times in previous levels especially if you've been completing all the levels in an area before moving on to the next.
Particularly in The Lake
Are you playing the patched version of the game? Because that's even more embarrassing that you're kind of complaining about it

hurr durr just do the level without the WIN using WIN is cheating!

Except for the part where the hard version LITERALLY asks you to do it without the Float text.

Nah don't worry about
Don't rush through the game. That kind of mentality just causes people to look up solutions because they give up like the idiots they are.
I personally am taking my time going through it.
My best advice is, if you think you've tried everything and still haven't solved the puzzle, then you haven't actually tried everything.

it's not the same level you tardlet

I solved Prison before the latest patch, and it was a bitch desu.

Objects can HAVE themselves.
Objects can HAVE more than one object.

Fucked up world eh?

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-133518_Twitter.jpg (1080x1739, 381K)

You're all fucking retards that shouldn't be playing this game
Also good luck on the next level after that

>Mode7 not lewding Baba
I'm actually impressed.

What the fuck is Modeseven's problem with noses, anyway

have sex virgin

Post a screenshot of your Prison
There's been two patches already
so if you've been playing before the latest patch, yours is still a patched version

Who nose?

how do you make yourself unfloat then tough guy?

I got it now
I was trying to do what you said but felt like I didn't have enough words, turns out I was just arranging them poorly

Attached: 1507241325408.png (522x472, 46K)

Tell your mom to put in double shifts to cut the backlog down then

That version.
I believe the version before that also had a move block? That would make this version more difficult, wouldn't it?

Are you fucking serious, retard?
No really, are you seriously asking how to unfloat there?
fucking kys stupid

>no answer
just as i thought

It's a level about linear thinking. The later levels are MUCH harder and require you to essentially solve two things at the same time, so if you can't rationally think out what you need to do, then smashing verbs around won't help.

Attached: ruins 5.png (870x519, 21K)

>That would make this version more difficult, wouldn't it?
No it wouldn't. The developer specifically changed it so people like you would solve it easier.


>Only 3 levels left in Chasm

But you're right. BOX HAS BOX AND KEY IS YOU is much more kino, because you use the And in two separate statements (Box has box and key, box and key is you)

Is there any other game as meta, outside the box thinking and insane as this one?

>He thinks I don't have the solution
KYS retard
I'm not gonna spoonfeed you the answer when I've solved that and the hard version

Attached: Go fuck yourself.jpg (1920x1080, 379K)

The threads were like this only with more pictures

>even though he was already told this wasn't the same map he keeps insisting

Attached: 1523493817913.png (870x518, 36K)

Different person.

That's not even the level he's talking about, dumbass. No (You) for you


Attached: Level is.png (870x519, 20K)

legitimately braindead


It is literally a different person.
I know because I'm not them, but I'm the one you originally called a tardlet.

luckily that level isn't that bad
the only possible answers are LEVEL is WIN and LEVEL is BABA

What is this game?

FLOAT isn't in the "hard" version, but in the extra-hard version it is, so it must be part of the puzzle somehow
that's why you're a massive tard

Thread is full of so many retards asking for solutions
fucking hilarious watching imbeciles with less than 140 IQ playing this and thinking finishing it counts when they've ever looked up and/or asked for a solution


user is drawfag
Requestfag is (you)
BABA IS ___ AND ___


Thicc and Goth

puzzle game where the rules are physical objects and you can change them by rearranging them

How do you do garden-8? I figured out the opening part, and I can get the rock on top of the flag/me, but then I can't figure out how to make the rock non-solid so I can win.
Am I missing something?



baba is girl and thicc
cock in baba is real fuckin big

Here's a hint. Think very hard about why the circled path is there.

Attached: hint.png (1920x1080, 63K)

Don't be so sure.

Attached: incoming.png (870x519, 21K)

>tfw on post-patch Prison and can't figure it out and anons are saying it should be easy now

Feels bad

You fucking idiot.
You complete cretin.
Undefine objects are basically floor tiles, it's time to learn about collision.
You bumbling fool.
Fuck you.

>have to be mindful of the levels i'm in as well as others
that's insane
this is just too much for me and my 2 iq points

Attached: 1542668813929.jpg (640x480, 67K)

It just makes it easier to execute, if you didn't have the right idea in the first place you still won't get it.

>WATER (object) IS FLOAT in the corner with no way to break it
fuck me it's like prison but cancerous

>Box has key
>Box is weak
>Box is push
>Key is push
Mistakes were made

ignore that raging user, he is retard

Changed my mind, be sure.


WORD IS DEFEAT, so old prison's strategy of pulling sentences apart from inside doesn't work
pretty sure the level is impossible at this point

Attached: BY THE POWER OF SATAN DOOR IS OPEN.png (1920x1080, 73K)

>Used to love playing these kind of games when I was 15 and was really good at them
>Am 23 now and start playing Baba is you
>Stuck already in second world

Anyone sad that you're prime is already over

>Misspelled your as you're
Yeah that's the last draw, I had a meh life, see you in the afterlife anons

user HAS user

>getting stuck on early levels
>tfw all of this convoluted shit in the later levels
I'm not prepared

Star is open and push, so why can't I push it into the door and open it?

Attached: star is actually not open.png (1173x670, 46K)

Do not worry.
We're all gonna make it, bro.

Door is not shut

because door is STOP, not SHUT


>A door that isn't shut can't be opened

Attached: the-violence-has-escalated-28366097.png (500x593, 154K)

Baba is you___

Every tile in the game is neutral with no properties until they are defined, text being the exception because you can push it by default

baba is female and male
baba is shut
user is key is open

You need to destroy the water (turn it to empty) as your first move.
Now all you have is a box and a bunch of empty space. How can you open a box in a bunch of empty space?
I'm progressing through

Attached: 2-11 security check.png (870x519, 15K)

another thing that user didn't mention is that the TEXT is PUSH rule is not only default, but it has the highest priority of any rule, so even if you make "TEXT IS NOT PUSH", you can still push the text

False. TEXT IS NOT PUSH means that text can only pushed by (You) directly moving it.
Nothing else can move it, not even other text, so you can push text onto other text.
One level late in the game teaches you this.

how do I see the babatrix code?
I can't figure this shit out and I'm not even in the "hard part" yet

I managed to get it pretty quickly after that revelation. I've gotten quite a bit further than this in terms of unlocking worlds, but that was still outside of the box I was thinking in.

Attached: yay.png (1173x668, 46K)

that's what I meant, I just phrased it like a retard and wasn't clear enough
YOU can still move the TEXT

>solution was overlapping text all along

Attached: 1526868057972.png (597x452, 22K)

>you can overlap text

Attached: 1507026740432.jpg (887x1097, 487K)

Hol up. I figured that you needed to make Baba and Keke overlap, but I never figured out how.
The character you're not controlling, the one you turn into text, is always gonna be slightly above or below [Charname] Is You
And you don't have enough characters to move the Is You upwards, or to have two Texts of the same character.
... Or am I wrong? I'll go fuck around with it a bit more.

IS FLOAT is a trap
TEXT IS DEFEAT can cooperate with the words you have

I what
Oh shit

>you can't do TEXT IS YOU because TEXT IS also DEFEAT and you instantly neutralize yourself

Attached: 1522426141397.png (688x578, 32K)

mfw frying my brains out trying to push a boulder past some crabs
meanwhile why did i buy this game

Attached: 1530646440200.jpg (645x729, 81K)

Don't worry, I'm ascending the first Dunning Kruger peak myself.

Wtf I beat this level and next one without text overlapping, I dont even know how to do it

>push a boulder past some crabs
Oh I remember that level alright.
My personal tip for you is to stop doing that level right now if you've waster some hour on it and return later with a fresh mind.
Wait 'til you get at Tiny Isle. That level was what made me reconsider my intelligence, not even Opus Magnum made me feel like that.

this one is a meta level not a fall level
you likely haven't even entered it

Thanks for the tip

Attached: wuoaaaaa.png (1920x1080, 85K)

There are no limits.

Attached: 1552887916586.gif (436x440, 1.32M)

That's because Opus Magnum is easy. It's by far the easiest Zachtronics game unless you're trying to optimize

with all the war promotion between baba and HK in the last thread i wouldn't mind some fanart of em together
both are great indie games and testaments to how far the indie scene can go
although how context for the characters from both to work in one environment is way up in the air

Attached: file.png (893x782, 1.21M)

I solved this one quickly, but only because the original version took me an hour after I kept trying to use the solution that works for the second one and ignoring the FLOAT.

*thumbs up*

Of course I was trying to optimize.

Attached: 1552888157271.gif (600x438, 1.09M)

I get nearly every mechanism of that gif, but why GRASS become ORB?


Attached: img-brain-universe (1).jpg (640x350, 109K)

>Hollow Knight
Why does every indie game with a primarily white character need to be connected to Hollow Knight? Rain World also has it happening but at least that's two platformers.

I still have to try out Hollow Knight, is its price worth it?
don't fucking dare answer with that meme answer from the game

What if BABA is GRIL

Attached: bG.gif (96x96, 3K)

no cost too great

your guess is as good as mine
technically the knight isn't even white, its purely black void underneath the shell

it absolutely is, and then some
and for its size, its cost is nowhere NEAR too great, hohoho

I think BABA is already female since some artist has done futa drawings of it.

Grass on keke is lava
baba make love
love follow baba
love is orb
fruit on baba is grass
orb on keke and not on grass is metal
metal on not grass is empty
Basically you always make orbs, but they get deleted instantly when not on grass.
And you see none of it cause they are hidden.

Are these from the upcoming level editor, or are they bonus levels or something I haven't found yet?

>baba make love
oh boy

Rule 63 + 34 of baba when

How long do you give a level an attempt before you youtube the solution.

I know that feel, baba. Get your woolly ass over here for a big hug.

is this a third version of this level? this doesn't look exactly the same as the two I remember, and I sure as shit didn't solve it by pushing text together


You don't.
The level map is designed in a way so that you can advance in the game and return later to earlier levels with a changed way of thinking.

What's even the point of attempting a puzzle if you don't solve it yourself

Did you draw this because of my suggestion?
Damn that's cute, user. Thanks.

I post in these threads for hints, get frustrated and then look at someone's spoiler. Like an hour of play and a day of not play.

Someone made fun of me for not getting old Prison. Fuck em.


Attached: 1522815558943.jpg (255x242, 29K)

>gif is wiggling
Nice work there, user.

I only looked up 2 solutions on youtube, and that was after ages of fucking around with the problem and because they're focused around the tiles I hate the most.
BABA HAS KEKE and the first level of volcanic cavern are good examples

volcanic cavern 1 is such a stupid fucking level and it was harder than every other volcanic level after that, and the entire ice mountain area that was after it

if i can figure out how at least most of the words can apply to the situation from looking at the map then i'd probably give it a while
if i can't there's obviously something i don't know about the words, either how they apply to the situation or how they affect the map itself, then i'd more than likely youtube it within five minutes
probably would've done it for prison if i hadn't already seen it in a letsplay

theres a lot to learn about this game and how everything applies to the map, and i'd sooner ask for help than cluelessly guessing for hours on end

if I know WHAT to do but have no idea how in the fuck it's applied due to it being really specific, then I'll just give up and look it up. A lot of the shift and swap levels were this for me

Can't do tiny isle.

Attached: oh fuk.png (1920x1080, 366K)

I haven't gotten super duper far but I've always had other levels to do if I get stuck on one, and then I can come back and use my new understanding to solve it. Don't beat yourself up too bad because oftentimes you just don't have the knowledge to beat a level right away but you'll find it if you explore further
I love games that work like this, pic related.

Attached: witness.jpg (460x215, 41K)

The Witness is shit though.

This game is pretty much an unique programming language at this point

You didn't try every possibility.

I haven't youtubed any, but I've asked these threads when I got stuck, for example on Tiny Isle, or when I was forgetting a basic game mechanic like how you can sink text in evaporating river.
Tiny Isle is such a good casual filter.

Attached: belt loop.png (870x519, 27K)


Attached: 1530265398311.png (283x302, 105K)


>Forest 7
LITERALLY impossible

Its just a puzzle game. You move around words to change the rules of a level.

reminder that you can make your own levels right now

Did you beat it yet?


[Zachtronics intensifies]

is this another Yea Forums pretends a game is good thread?

or is it actually good? i'll buy it if its actually good. RIGHT NOW.

Attached: 1539817457194.png (946x512, 310K)

user is SCARED

Depends on if you like puzzles.
If you don't like puzzles, then no
If you do like puzzles, then yes.

Its a crazy good game. Its also got a free demo.
Well, not demo but its the version for game jam.

I haven't really gotten to the point where NOTs are actual puzzle elements and not just ways to keep doors from MOVE-ing and shit, but what happens if you do something like BABA IS NOT BABA? Would BABA just become nothing, or what?

This one? Where you need to get the flag even if it's stop?

>finally beat depths 1
>next level doesn't unlock, have to go back in
>get LEVEL is SKULL fairly quickly after
why the fuck are initial solutions so aids, but the extra steps completely braindead?

Yeah, that one

Attached: ng.png (1920x1080, 525K)

You shouldn't ask questions like that. You're tangling with some dark forces here.

Attached: AHHHHHHHHHHH.webm (832x473, 420K)

The solution to one of my favourite puzzles in the game so far involves experimenting with just that

Sounds fun.

>exactly 100 posts apart

Can I get a hint for Prison?

>Ghost Friend
>Rocky Road
>Love Is Out There
>Unreachable Shores
>But Where Is The Key?
I can't beat fucking any of these. Am I retarded?

Attached: 1552865746969.png (400x557, 315K)

actually that flag solution was pretty easy after the initial brain damage
deeply concerned for later levels though

Attached: hugh oh shit.jpg (246x291, 8K)

How many objects do you see that are "STOP" user?

Attached: baba_is_cute.png (918x2812, 30K)

heres a picture since people are saying post a pic of yours

Attached: prison.png (2560x1080, 131K)

Gimme that level editor

Attached: Where is Hand.png (480x480, 3K)

you shouldn't need any other hints.

Keke is my favorite walking orange grape.

I see

Attached: ゴゴthinkingゴゴ.jpg (496x488, 22K)

neither are STOP as in:
and I can't make them stop without having a (you)

it looks different than the last time I played it
did it get nerfed or something ?

>can't make progress in Meta until I clear stage 3

>tfw the level restart jingle fits the rhythm of the music

Attached: pacha.jpg (500x500, 23K)

Attached: it is done.png (1920x1080, 18K)

If you really can't solve it, here's a spoilered solution, but you should know that Forest 7 is piss easy and you won't have much chance in the rest of the levels.
If you can't bring yourself to the flag...

Attached: forest 7.png (870x519, 22K)

>buy game
>beat the tutorial
>beat the lake

when does it get hard?

No I got it
I just assumed that it would get blocked by the belts acting solid, but they judt pushed me onto it

it was adjusted to remove an unintended solution since the mechanic is really important
if you couldn't get the intended way to solve it before though, then you probably won't get it now

here's another hint
If BABA and KEKE are both YOU, and if they aren't STOP, then what happens when you put an object on them?

look a few posts up user, there is a way to enable it manually

Congrats, you beat like 10 out of 281 puzzles. You're so fucking smart. Let me suck your cock.

Attached: 1552610203973.jpg (379x401, 19K)

>it's another overlap episode
please kill me

Attached: 1547861871786.png (326x49, 3K)

you're not even into the first 10% of the game user
keep going

everything I move here is insta death except for the lone group block you can remove.

Attached: file.png (1301x763, 47K)

Keep playing, you're still in the tutorial

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 82K)

>figure out Bottleneck with what I believe is the intended solution
>it has an altered version called Eye of the Needle with the only difference being a single skull missing and the exact same solution I had before still works
Okay, now I'm fucking curious on what the intended solution I missed on Bottleneck was.

What I did was set up the rocket next to the belt then set it up so I could break push as empty while pushing the rocket with empty blocks and make it the right area as quick as possible.

The only significance I see behind the skull is missing is it would make pushing the and while empty is push impossible, but I see absolutely no point to doing that in the first place.

God that's a stupid fucking answer to Prison

>Ruins 4
Okay, so I think I have to make BOX HAS BOX across and BOX IS PUSH down, but I have no idea how with the water in the way and BOX HAS LOVE.

Attached: 1552939740131.jpg (600x600, 24K)

>levels inside other levels
holy shit

Attached: 1445539976318.jpg (500x490, 48K)


Attached: Untitled-2.png (240x240, 2K)

Think harder.
Your first step from there is making "baba is you" and you can do it easily.
The rest of it is just fucking around with the rest of the objects until you get control of all three.

>I just assumed that
There's an undo button for a reason. Trying everything you can think of.

>so I think I have to make BOX HAS BOX and BOX IS PUSH
One of these is correct and the other is not.

>Never did any

Is there a way to change the movement direction of an object somehow?

Attached: 91bc2f58029a3f3053f0257558e208e1.png (1570x896, 86K)

Don't try to move the words on the right side of the water at all

Oh I get eet.

>flag is win
>stand on flag
>dont win

nice game dotards

in all seriousness though, HELP

Attached: 1538793994904.jpg (2560x1440, 152K)

how the fuck am i expected to climb inside the wall

Attached: 1537079677386.png (359x355, 11K)

baba is float, flag is not

Yeah, I just solved it. I feel stupid for not seeing it earlier. I should start to pay attention to not only which text blocks you can push, but also from which direction you can push them from.

>mfw pushing Keke to his doom

Attached: 1541425731693.png (600x600, 652K)

>user meets FLOAT for the first time

BABA is FLOAT above FLAG, not standing on it.

Man I wasn't thinking advanced enough. Thanks for the tip.

You are above the flag and not touching it

Game is amazing.

Baba is Float.
Fortunately there are 3 other objects in the level which are not float. And you can also make the win condition float if you really want.

Impossible. Also that's the easy version of the level, there's a hard one coming up later.
What you've probably figured out is that you need to make "Flag is win" without moving either Flag or Win.

Attached: baba belt.png (870x519, 14K)

you're overthinking it, only focus on the pieces on the other side of the bog

meant for

>implying that this is where it stops
also that wasn't a level, that was an overworld. same difference though I suppose
you only need the two objects, you don't need to move directions either
here's a hint: shift your red arrows 2 rows up and work from there

Attached: it has only begun.webm (832x473, 609K)

This game really isn't helping my depression. Post more levels that cause you existential dread.

Attached: (353x126, 25K)

Attached: unknown.png (960x576, 31K)

Let me guess, you didn't notice the second set of puzzles until the game told you?

Watch The Witness - A Great Game That You Shouldn't Play on Youtube.

This is art

>baba loves anni
>anni loves keke
>baba is you
>baba is not ok
>baba has rope

Attached: 1552670011078.gif (200x210, 392K)

>Opinion is not you
Baba is displeased

>tfw so far into the game solutions aren't on YT yet

Wait till you get to the third one :^)

>Love Is Out There
Okay, so I feel like BOS IS WEAK is irrelevant and is just there to make you overthink it. HAS might also be irrelevant. So far, I've done BOX IS KEY and changed that to KEY IS PUSH, then moved the key to the door. I feel KEY HAS BOX might be part of the solution, but I don't think that's possible because then I can't move the tiles down once I do that.

Then I get stuck street that. I have a bad feeling that BOX IS WEAK isn't irrelevant because I have literally no idea what to do with it, and if that's true then I an certifiably stumped.

Attached: 1543623651559.jpg (400x400, 74K)

What combinations are broken? Meaning, either really good or so fucking bullshit.

shift bro

So I got the END on this level. Is there another way to beat it using belt? I ended up not touching it at all.

Attached: a way out questionmark.png (1920x1080, 101K)

There are so many fucking typos holy shit. I'm playing on Switch so I'm phoneposting. The important one is "I get stuck AFTER that".

Attached: 1552941426863.png (470x359, 52K)

gonna need better hints than that since TEXT doesn't want to get stacked either

Attached: 1550896411341.png (351x352, 11K)

Oh they've added some ice next to Rock. Cool.
Yeah, that level has multiple ways around it.

What words can I make here? I have GRASSHOT. I know I can make Grass, Hot, Star, and Ghost. Are there any others?
I don't want any other hints. Just what words I can make.

Attached: abc 6.png (870x519, 18K)

'le' is the mark of an older fag than you, newfriend


Attached: enough with the jojo references ffs.png (1280x360, 17K)



>??? isn't giving a flower pattern in the Depths, while the Map does give one
Did I miss something, or is this an oversight? I'm a bit lost here
I did the Rock level, Water level, and Baba level, and the Orb from getting to the Flag in Depths

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 81K)

For some reason ???, Depths, Meta, and Center don't ever give flower patterns. Which is depressing.
Either that or we're all retarded and there's secret levels we haven't found.

when you think you are a genious and almost get it but then you get fucked.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 72K)

I think i got a spare flower due to update shenanigans? I have 4 flowers but only 3 of them show up on the main map. I have no idea what happened.

i don't see a problem? just press Z to undo slapping the skull against the wall

The updated added two new levels (or more accurately, split two levels into two each).
You probably 100%ed the Ruins, and now Prison's been split.

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 73K)

ABC-Extra Meteor strike.
This can't possibly be the correct solution, but it works.
What am I looking for, for the actual solution?

Attached: meteor strike.png (870x519, 20K)

Stuck on Meta 3, how in the fuck do you get down to get the BABA before the LAVA reaches you?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 65K)

It's nowhere near as cancerous as undertale, it's just a cute puzzle game that happens to be very clever and hard.

it's a puzzle game, there is nothing but puzzles

The solution involves fully blocking off the lava, so there's no time pressure at all.
You don't need to push anything into the belt corner; just leave with two words.

I have no idea if I have the intended solution either because it worked for both Stardrop and Meteor Strike, and only has two steps.

Attached: 1.png (1366x768, 50K)

pls respond. I feel dumb.

Attached: 1552592208262.gif (100x100, 719K)

what am i missing? I assume the solution have something to do with the ice but i don't see how pulling it helps me any.

Attached: guardians.png (1920x1080, 54K)

Ah, that's probably the correct solution

Box Has Box Is You

Text is Pull and Empty is Pull lets you pull text across empty space.
The thing is, you can't walk on empty while Empty is Pull is active. That's what the ice is for.

Wait. Which area and world is "Love is Out There" in? I might be thinking of the wrong puzzle.

Oh this one?
Box Has Key and Box. D'uh.

I mean how did you NOT think to try this?
You obviously need two keys from the one box.

Attached: love is out there.png (870x519, 23K)

>user's self propulsion only covers the right side
>caging shit off only covers the left side
well fuck. either of you guys have other hints?

Can you crash the game by spawning enough keys?

Technically yes but it takes a LONG time. This isn't Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, or Skyrim.
You need upwards of 100,000, and probably closer to a million.

After finishing Forest of Fall I thought the game might let up for a second. Now I'm getting stuck on Babby's first conveyor puzzle. I've figured out I can make a belt is pull but that doesn't seem to help in getting the anywhere. Maybe I need a break.

Attached: Keep out.png (1202x683, 55K)

Self-propulsion uses a text tile and a flag
Caging the left lava off uses 5 text tiles
You have 6 text tiles and a flag

>tfw this is where the crazy shit starts

Attached: 20190319200731_1.jpg (1384x752, 107K)

pull belt to the right end of the same row
then, tree is pull

Okay. You've obviously established that you can't pull the tree all the way to the fungus.
You can get it most of the way there, but once it hits the corner you can't drag it around the corner.
If you could shift the tree over by one tile somehow, when it's on the tile behind the corner, then you could continue dragging it.
Belts can shift things.
But how do you move the belt to the tile behind the corner?

>this can't be the intended solution

Attached: not flag is box.png (855x510, 29K)

It isn't a solution.


>Self propulsion using a FLAG and TEXT
>In order to block off the LAVA on the left, 5 TEXT is needed, and they have to form TEXT IS SHIFT. If it is arranged to form TEXT IS SHIFT and FLAG IS SHIFT for a propulsion machine, it won't cover all of the LAVA
>GHOST kills BABA when going through the straightaway
SHIFT levels are fucking stupid and never make sense.

Attached: Capture.png (520x584, 20K)

nevermind got it, but it's still fucking stupid

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 65K)

Can I get non-spoiler hint? What I'm trying to do is move Baba is You down to make Ice is You but I can't break it up without killing the sentence.

Attached: 2019-03-19 14_23_22-Baba Is You.png (1666x907, 77K)

there's an alternate solution make text is pull and Ice is pull while standing on ice and then push the "empty" text. The "empty" will the pull the ice as you push it, stopping the ufos from touching you. Then break cloud is solid once you get up to the win

user, I...
You don't need to have any of the propulsion machine rules active at the same time as the left lava is blocked off.
You can just set them up first, get the flag/word in position, then disassemble them for the lava blockade.

>play through the first 3 worlds
>finale unlocked
>figure out how to win the level relatively easily
>getting it to be end instead of win is pretty much the same solution
>beat the game
wow I thought this game was supposed to be difficult

Attached: 1450474338567.png (399x285, 124K)

>getting the fake early ending
user you've barely touched half of the game

Attached: courage.jpg (500x375, 53K)

That sounds awesome. I'm gonna try it.
Depths is kicking my ass anyway.

Your upper baba needs to spell out something else. Don't try to make Ice is You.

Ofcourse, I just thought it was funny that they let you just "beat" the game after only doing like 10% of the levels

The move block was a red herring. It was removed to make the solution more obvious.

Got it eventually.
Didn't realise I could make a whole phrase on the bugs.

I can almost hear my neurons fucking dying, and that's not even a hard level. I skipped roughly half of most previous ones as soon as I got the zone finished.
I'm scared lads.
I don't know if I'll make it. Each puzzle is taking at least 20 minutes of my time now.

Attached: 20190319205351_1.jpg (1920x1080, 205K)

Fuck yeah

Attached: guardian altsolve.png (870x519, 16K)

What you have to do is obvious, it only SEEMS impossible. Force it.

Is there a reason why these "sentences" don't work?

Attached: 2019-03-19 14_33_46-Baba Is You.png (268x227, 3K)

This game feels like how Undertale should have been. Truly subversive, funny but not cringy, difficult.

shaded words can only be the end of a statement

ah, I see you're a nihilist of culture, too

>the answer will come to me eventually

Attached: slowpoke.png (276x270, 11K)

You is not an object.
You is a verb.

yea it is

Attached: not-me-on-flag-is-win.png (854x511, 29K)


Oh shit, nice work

words with backgrounds are properties and only work at the end of a sentence

>just realized i've been in this fucking level for 2 and a half fucking hours
i swear to fucking god SHIFT is going to end up being responsible for this game getting uninstalled

Attached: 1537577677976.png (1080x801, 825K)

That level had me stuck for a while.
You need to give the key some form of self-propulsion that you can break when you need to.

I just had the key make Ice and pushed Door up with Ice.

I think I did something similar.
Key on Ice is Move and Key Make Ice, then just broke Key Make Ice when I needed it to stop, and had the key push Door up so I can make Door is Shut.

It's not subversive or funny at all though. It just takes a concept and milks it for all it's worth like any good puzzle game, and all I feel is my brain pleading for mercy.

I also had Door Make Key to avoid even needing to push the key up.

don't blame you
SHIFT has such a wonky interaction with objects. it would be ok if it only asked for WALL, but WALL AND TEXT is just too much

>it's a shift and tele level

kill me now

>be me
>can't even get to Meta-12
Oh god I'm a brainlet

Adventurers was absolute horseshit. I die inside whenever I see a SHIFT level.

How the FUCK does Forest 11 work. I need some kind of small hint, at least. I open the door and then my brain shuts down

So the idea for Meta-6 is to get the ROCK to FALL while on the BELT, while simultaneously forming ROCK IS FALL when it gets on the belt so that it falls, and ROCK IS PUSH so that it can be pushed on the BELT, right?

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 74K)

DROD is fucking magnificent. The lore is far, far better than a puzzle game has any right to have.

I think I'm a bit clueless in this map.
I see that there is a "Level is", and guessing by its placement on the map I'm gonna need to get either Text or Belt up there.
I see that I need to make Text is Weak to get the Push out of the side pocket, and presumably make Belt is Push with it. The problem is, I'm not seeing -where- I should be pushing the belt.

Attached: depths 3 crushers.png (870x519, 16K)

>haven't unlocked the map yet
>still stumped

Can I get a hint for Island - 11 Evaporating water?

Have you tried pushing different things in the water to see how they work? There are probably a few movable objects that you haven't tried yet.

Oh my sweet summer child, you're way off. Welcome to Crushers. By the end of the level you'll learn to hate SHIFT just like the rest of us.

Attached: 1542270381569.png (264x318, 194K)


Yeah I get I can destroy a block of water if I make the cog sink but I can't for the life of me figure out what I'm supposed to do after that

They do give flower patterns, you just haven't found all the hidden levels. I have flowers for everything except Center.

well, I figure the Push and the belt (object) are important, and the Shift is obviously important.
The problem is, that leaves me with only one "Is" statement.
I know if I can get Text and Belt to both be shift I can use the belt with text on it to push itself past the crushers. But getting "Belt is shift", with the word belt low enough to actually be pushed onto the belt? Doesn't seem possible.

Is Push just a red herring?

Attached: depths 3.png (870x519, 16K)

I feel like Im close, but at the time time I'm missing something....wait shit, I think I just realized what to do as I was typing this.

Attached: 20190319152405_1.jpg (1920x1080, 200K)

And to save you some time, one of those things you can make level has no descriptors in the map. Finishing the level like that will reset and you'll have to go through all the shift bullshit again, so choose wisely.

There are probably a few movable objects that you haven't tried yet.
Protip: There are probably a few movable objects that you haven't tried yet.
Have you tried pushing different objects into the water? There's some you haven't tried yet.

Is there any secret to this? It's the only thing left in the game I can't figure out. I have no idea what the M is for. The only images I can get to appear are for One through Ten, Fourteen, and Sixteen.

Attached: gallery.png (1920x1080, 19K)

Yep, I was just being a dummy.

Attached: 20190319152513_1.jpg (1920x1080, 195K)

>just started playing
>already stuck at Sunken Temple

Attached: JUST.jpg (600x885, 36K)

Surprisingly find the Swap levels to be incredibly intuitive. Fuck levels with Shift, though, especially Adventurers.

The game is funny and subversive. No wonder your brain hurts, you don't understand language.

there's a new mechanic in that level involving SHIFT and you're not going to be happy when you figure out what it is

ME needs HELP

Attached: aaaaaaaaa.png (966x966, 43K)

You gotta give me more than that, I really don't see what else I can push or do I must be retarded

I didn't think of using HAS AND. I need to start thinking on deeper levels if I'm going to survive this game.

Attached: 1552622108384.jpg (960x960, 181K)

it's a SHIFT level
i've been in that level for 3 hours and honestly i'm not any smarter than i was when i started
the only difference is that i'm legitimately considering uninstalling the game now

SHIFT levels just make me want to die desu

Well, it is a bonus level. They're designed to be harder.

It can move objects on top of it
It can turn skulls
Text can shift things, you can shunt the skulls with shift.
I can push text onto myself with shift, but that doesn't help unless I can then change text to shift without moving (and thus leaving the text)

Have you pushed words around in the levels up to this point or not?

I have - as I said I can make the COG SINK and destroy a piece of the water but I can't figure out what to do after that (if that is indeed what I'm trying to do). Making the Water Skulls isn't helpful nor is making the Water Wall


I'm not there yet, but my first guess is this
I see that you can spell out M I N U S, does that do anything?

And don't sink Baba either.
Something -else-.

I can't sink anything else other than the flag and I can't move the flag god damn I know this is frustrating but I really can't see what you're trying to tell me to do man

Literally flail randomly around the level until you find the other """""""""secret"""""""" pushable object that you clearly are already pushing because you mentioned turning the water into skulls or wall. What else are you pushing besides cog?

Sink the water

You should be able to solve this from here.

Attached: gettingtogether.png (1920x1080, 25K)

Please don't tell me i have to superimpose text so i can turn rocks into bats then bats into rocks AND babas at the same time.

Attached: fuck me man.png (1920x1080, 89K)

I tried Sinking the words but I don't have enough to push Flag into Is Win


>other rock halfway across the map
this only makes me more confused

Attached: 1539164881658.jpg (413x449, 50K)

How do you push across 3 skulls with only 3 objects?

Fuck, I thought there wouldn't be enough letters to spell two numbers, and there aren't, but this combination actually did something.

Attached: minusone.png (1920x1080, 321K)

Maybe you should also try sinking skulls then

Don't push across the skulls then.
_Sink about it.

Is all the shit in Avalanche in meta a red herring besides "Level is Baba" or am I retarded? I can't figure out how to get past level 10 in Meta. I tried cursor is flag, but then flag is not push nor open. I feel like I'm missing something in one of the levels

alright i fucking give up im looking up a tutorial because this is apparently shit over my fucking retard mongoloid better off dead skull

does minus three give you anything?
also where is this? currently walled on meta 6 and the flag version of meta 3


Attached: cog is sink.png (870x519, 14K)

kill me irl

I used another Baba to push text onto a Baba, the top Baba will push the text down with the middle Baba as it turns into a wall, giving me a wall with text on it which is the hardest part of the puzzle. After that you first need to combine your remaining two Babas to get Baba on Baba, then put both rocks against the wall and put Rock is Shift right above them so you can push it in as you are standing on one. Put one rock against the wall next to the flag and the other directly on top of the flag, then push the wall with text on top of the rock with the flag. Push up the Shift text while standing on the rock next to the wall and the other rock will Shift the Flag, Wall, and Text on top of you and the other Rock giving you Baba on Wall and Text and Baba and Rock and Flag.

as far as I know, all you can get from meta 5 is WIN, and BABA. I tried doing stuff like CLIFF IS LEVEL but that just turns all of the cliffs in the area into blank level sprites, although that could just be a sign that I am not far enough in meta to unlock the levels that appear. since you're farther ahead than me, you might want to try doing that


It's in the map after Meta called Center. The only things here are this Gallery stage and the final The End stage, at least that is all I can find.

Don't worry mate, this level made me drool as well. There are still many high-end levels i managed to clear on my own, but some are made to test your ability to set aside a certain way of solving the puzzle in favor of other methods.

what brush do you use?

>baba is baba

Attached: IMG_20180707_023256.png (160x226, 6K)

tfw you like puzzle games a lot but you're stupid

Attached: 1393279526567.jpg (707x1234, 401K)

These are the kinds of threads that i will back to in 2 years with fond memories after they die out. Enjoy them while they last.

I still don't have a clue. This is literally the last level I need for full completion just spoonfeed me so I can be done with this hell.

I know that feel.

Attached: 1512701053210.jpg (399x464, 52K)

I get it now.
Two shifting objects on the same tile shift each-other
When you don't know what you're doing, overlap text to win

Attached: neat.png (870x519, 16K)

>text stacking
The fun ends here.

Attached: 1547378745077.jpg (177x278, 37K)

I need an edit of this with "Am I Baba?"

pls help
the first one was easy, this one is not

Attached: 1535133309121.png (1920x1080, 28K)

Right here.


god i'm retarded, thanks

This was the first "OHHH SHIIIIT" moment for me.

could you spoonfeed me on how to reach meta-12? There must be something obvious I'm missing but I've been stuck for literal days. I even finished meta-15.

Now I know how to turn the tile on the depths map to either "Level" or "Belt".

Attached: depths map.png (870x519, 23K)

How do you even get to 10? What am I missing? It seems impossible to get to 10 without another flag.

Attached: baba is dumb.jpg (1920x1080, 342K)

Oops, meant 11


Nevermind, I'm a dumbass. I did what I thought was impossible and figured it out. Did the math wrong.

>stuck on this level
>oh thanks

k. "Flag is open and win"
That should help

Underrated post.

push BABA IS YOU AND OPEN out of the way
use object to open left hand side
shove AND inside
make (OTHER OBJECT) IS OPEN AND WIN without breaking BABA IS YOU

wat do now

Attached: ddwqdq.png (1920x1080, 23K)

something needs to be done about this

Attached: 1552963105974.png (2264x594, 200K)

level is hot

i did this
the level completed but i still have no fucking idea what i just did
at least i'm fucking done

What the fuck does SHIFT even do?
So far I’ve cleared two with it and I have no idea how it even happened

Nice to know I'm actually brain damaged. Thanks.

I'm really stuck on level lake-extra 2: Sunken Temple. It feels like there's genuinely no solution to this, I've tried every combo I can think of.

Attached: Baba Is You 2019-03-19 15-31-01-89.png (960x540, 46K)

goddamit i'm dumb, these level texts are gonna kill me

if you get stuck here you won't make it very far in the worlds that follow

It's solvable, and that's not even the hardest variant of that level.
Hint: Things besides baba can be (You)

Things that aren’t you can’t be DEFEATed
But you can become things later

I've tried Rock is you and Rock is Baba is you but the crab still ganks my ass when I try to pass him.

use a word to push it past the crab

Rock is you
Rock stops being you
Push rock past crab
Rock is you again
Has the "things that aren't you can't be defeated" mechanic been introduced to you yet?

Yeah I know that. I did finally figure it out, using is to push the rock past the crab then becoming rock again. I'm just a dummy.

>Chasm Extra 7
This is the last one...
I can do it.


Attached: 20190319164619_1.jpg (1920x1080, 277K)

Don't worry, this game is a seesaw of feeling like galactic brain and brainlet wojak.
>mfw Factory finally clicked

Attached: b1be32-1220450652_1_640-56a2e3a63df78cf7727af8da.jpg (678x678, 78K)

the first step has been made.
Now claim your prizes in ? and then seek the 10th.


I found a ? but it was just a blank black area with a single flag and baba. Unless I missed something there.

Go left.

I don't quite understand how the MAKE block works. I'm on Garden 2 and it's the first time I'm seeing the block. I tried MOON IS MAKE, MAKE FLAG, MAKE IS OPEN, and they don't even register as combinations.

What the fuck does this block do?

Attached: example-35756.jpg (512x512, 31K)

>figure out stage 6

Oh, this game is gonna be fun.


Was wondering why there wasnt any text

MAKE is an attachment word
it's basically a MORE block but instead of spreading around like a plague, it just leaves a duplicate of the MAKE item in the space that the maker was at last

Make can cause something to spawn other things under it.

Like Flag Make Moon will cause Moon to spawn wherever Flag moves or is moved.

>deep forest
I miss the freedom and sheer simplicity of the early levels already, endgame is going to be terrible

That's what should've tipped you off.
If there's no Text, then Baba is not You and Flag is not Win.

Yeah, I should have noticed it, but I saw shiny and went for shiny and kinda ignored everything else.

I should know this because I like to turn Text into random shit when I get stuck in a level with Text for laughs.

Did you also notice you could get 2 Orbs out of ?

I remember reading about that, so Im trying to figure out how to get the second one. I tried turning the first Orb into Text to see if I could turn both Orb Text back into Orb, but I feel like I'm on the wrong track there.

Here's a hint.

Stuck in Skull House, please shoot down my logic
>Door and Skull are stop and both are also unreachable, so the only way to get out of the house is turning something into key
>There are only two objects you can use to change into each other, key/rock and Baba, but since you need key rock is mostly useless
>To get out of skull and water you need two sinkable objects, which leaves none for you
>The lake doesn't allow you to push floating words next to the win condition nor to change the door or water statements
I feel this is a Walls of Gold kind of deal but I can't see it

Attached: 1550798104983.jpg (1511x2015, 503K)

Oh, thanks. The puzzle was pretty easy, but the word isn't explained very well.

thread is defeat

This one threw me for a loop for a while and took some rough thought.
Here's a hint.
There is a way to turn something into 2 things simultaneously using what is available.

it took me a good 15 minutes to beat this level on fall
what in the fuck is this

Attached: 1536449764074.jpg (500x385, 63K)

In a pinch, if your not sure what a word does, experiment. The undo button exists for a reason.

Making something else besides the flag a win condition?

How do I get the left star in meta 9? I feel like I'm missing something very obvious

Late game spoilers:
I managed to turn this level into a flag through a bunch of needlessly complicated moves. Is there any actual use for this? It took me over an hour to figure out how. I can probably also make it a hedge, a key, or a wall.

Attached: ss+(2019-03-19+at+05.10.56).png (1920x1080, 63K)

You gotta touch it to get out.
Also, technically you can get way more, but it only counts a max of 2.

>20 minutes later
Not including an hour or 2 in prior sessions

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 76K)

Yeah Im clueless. Do I need to collect the first orb or do I need to leave it on the field for something? Im assuming I can't just turn the orb into text for later or something.

don't think that's intended since there's no FLAG IS WIN to be seen

iirc the dev mentioned that being able to turn that level into a flag was an oversight and is getting patched out
also you're missing 2 levels on that world

Take the Orb and then make Flag is Bonus.