for Vidya to die
Google shitfest
Other urls found in this thread:
give me a quick rundown
>google has a row of failures
>empty spot for their new shit
they know.
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
Google Streamcast
Sku 1: Console with the ability to download games and act as a host server to your chrome browser and apps.
Sku 2: Streamkey, small dongle with Chromecast built in allowing you to stream with googles gaming servers.
Launch Titles: Entire Sega Library and Fallout 76.
5 new AAA titles a month for at least for the first two years. Sku 1 $599, Sku 2: $99.
People have been shaking their heads all day as were setting up. Todd is here, he seems unhappy with the whole thing, but they are preparing Fallout 76 for it.
I won't post again, anyone else pretending to be me isnt me
Crytek made an exclusive game for Google that can only be played through Streaming because it'll be the Crysis of 2019.
moot is crashing Google from inside.
He was always on our side lads
what a piece of cunt
Why do kids do these fanfiction things?
I am not a fan of streaming games.
From a technical standpoint it's amazing, I'll give it that
but I don't know how physical games will work into this. If I can't use physical games then it's pointless.
Im willing to bet this becomes a subscription service where you don't own your games and your money will be lost once they shut down the service for not making money I can't support it out of principle.
owner of Yea Forums
hiroyuki doesnt work at google
idk who hiroyuki is but he doesnt own Yea Forums
martin skrelly owns Yea Forums
they don't
video games are trying to be phased into software as a service horseshit, because the industry has become so mainstream that they no longer need to worry about consumer backlash or protecting our rights to a product purchased
in 10 years this will be standard on all consoles and everyone will think it's okay, except for the "poorfags" who just want us to all go back to the good old days when you could play games without an internet connection and 14 accounts
screencap this post
>Six hours until Xcuck squealing
Feels good
>in 10 years this will be standard on all consoles
>he thinks consoles will exist in 10 years
Alright I work for Google let me give you a rundown on what to expect:
>console is called Google space
>200 Launch titles that include a new panzer dragoon, Call of Duty Google edition and Street Fighter 4 AE
>Console has the ability to work as a tablet
>No controller, instead uses a space interface which is holographic
>400 GB of space
>Can run Word for some reason
>Console itself is a clear see through block
>includes Cortana like voice recognition
>Google also confirms it's bought Namco, Sega and Capcom
>Presentation ends with a teaser for a new Sonic game set in Feudal Japan.
That's all I know.
The industry is already shit, it can't really get any worse.
Source: My penis and Anons ass
>in 10 years
I doubt internet services will improve everywhere that quick. You'd potentially be cutting out entire countries from your market.
for some reason I'm skeptical of this claim
So basically it's shit. Got it
>Street Fighter 4 AE
>Not Ultra SF4
fake and transsexual
I'm not sure why you bothered to even type that out. It wasn't funny or amusing. Rethink your life.
internet services are already good enough for streaming for countries that arent 3rd world shitholes like canada, america and australia
Launch titles
I love how Google has been teasing this fucking thing for like a week now and building it up to be the hottest shit and I don't think anyone gives a single fuck
Whats going on? Is google finally coming out with a console?
Google is coming out with an anti console. When you boot it up, it delivers an EMP wave which destroys all consoles within a 30 mile radius.
Lmao kys
God finally
Genuine question, why the Dreamcast, the glove and ET?
who would use a closed system made by fucking google of all companies? seriously? thats worse than apple with their iphones
In my opinion, this is what suit guys believe is the history of vidya
Because they're all failed products.
it says 2017 and sounds like the switch but ok
fits in the row for sure though
/x/ wth
And why would they show that
Because they're going to put PS4 and XBONE in the last box.
What if they announce open source console just like android for phones?
>open source
somehow i doubt it
What do you think android is?
I hope it is free cloud gaming
Inb4 impossible
With the current internet quality, the service can scale without major issues, as in not a lot of people will have the privilege of using it decently
Google has a load of open source projects.
Like Webm and Android
It's "free" as in you will see tons of ads.
More like free as in they provide your gameplay metrics to devs so they can improve the games
Basically their ad model, but with how people play games
Why the Dreamcast?
whats googles thought process behind those choices in the cases?
dreamcast-died do to not enough advertising or decent games(may have a gem nowadays but not at the time), controller being fucking wierd and the insert thing into never got localized to make use of it
powerglove-ahead of its time, died to lack of support and being very buggy due to the tech for the time
E.T.-caused the game industry to crash and burn
is google putting out a console because they know its gonna fail but have the money to waste?
they dont actually think they will break the cycle and become something unlike what they show in the pic.....do they?
O god... The streaming is going to be free and ad filled. Their streaming technology is going to eliminate load times and the loading will be replaced with ads.
You can tell by the notes it's gonna be something gimmicky
Enjoy your 300 ping to play a game at crispy 480p30.
Let me brainstorm a prediction:
Some vr shit
Telemetry up the wazoo
Parental controls
Muh science and virtual museums crap
Aka we are not the target audience for this
You mean opensource like 90% of their products?
Google Search is not open source
Youtube is not open source
Google Maps is not open source
None of the google mobile apps are open source
Chrome is not open source
Do I need to go on?
You should think that they know the Dreamcast, ET and the powerglowe were all massive failures (they might as well add the Nintendo VR and the Sega 32X in there)
What are they smoking?
personally I thought the sonic game set in feudal japan part was funny
So its basically mobage crap?
but will it have it's own messaging platform
Its just a controller don't get too hyped.
This is Huxley's "A happy world" levels of fucked up
I thought it was funnier than the guy before him.
>not calling it Google Spot
>Space Janitor
Finally jannies will have a game for made for them.
>Chrome is not open source
Lmao please never again post on any website ever in your life
I literally came in this thread to leak infomation but it's all already here.
Guess you guys are going to hate the system if you don't find any of this appealing.
Todd told a girl to fuck off when she came up to ask him if he wanted another mocha btw.
I'll take 1969000
It was 150 ping for 1080p
Please post a link to Chrome's source code. Oh that's right, you can't.
This is what we call a solution in search of a problem
will be interesting to see what their example 'can only be done with streaming' MMO features are. if they even bother.
Yes, lets give the company that already has very biased worldviews and massive power within the world, the tools to actively record, study, and emulate how human beings would play video games based off of war.
That doesn't sound like training exercises for an AI supercomputer at all. It started with chess, now it'll evolve into actual wargames.
That sounds fucking stupid.
That's not the full source. You literally can not compile a copy of Chrome from source. They're two separate projects ON PURPOSE.
>a streaming "console" on-the-go
It literally gives you access to the source code with directories for navigating it
That's the only way Google can beat its competition. Make a streaming platform that provide games that would require hardware far beyond consoles or an average PC to run. Google has the server capacity to do that.
If it's just a streaming box that streams regular games you can get with other platforms, but with lag and blurrier graphics, then no thanks.
People are getting paid big money for comming up with this kind of bullshit
Yeti has no gaems
Sounds like fake
That's Chromium source code. Compiling that won't give you Google Chrome executable.
>games as service implemented
>commoners balk at subscribing
>industry crashes
>Yea Forums rides it out by playing and emulating older shit
>industry reborn in 10 years with new sense of purpose
Chrome != Chromium
Chrome is built on top of Chromium, but the Chrome source code is not public.
>commoners balk at subscribing
This is the part I worry about.
Looking at that display, I get the feeling that they have no idea about how the public actually feels about games, or how the market works.
Like, some suit saw some sales chart from Sony's online services and says "we need in on that!" And then they just threw something together. And the ad campaign wasn't even based in videogame based google searches, lol. Just 3 random, recogniseable things...
With it being google, you'd think they'd have done more market research, spent some real time and money on developing the thing, maybe make it seem like more than bare minimum effort, at least...
It's fuckin google. They have access to more raw info than any other company in the world, and THIS is the best all that data could do.
It's pathetic. Sony did more with less when they broke into the industry, and in a time with very little internet presense, and like a billionth the amount of market data google has as well.
>traditional barriers like discs
Have we not already got rid of those fucking things? My computer hasn't had an optical disc drive in years
Why are they showcasing infamous video tech failures?
A Google machine, if succesful, would literally be Kotaku the console.
controllers are more hype than a shitty streaming console
One more californian company that bans anime games
Not like we didn't already have five of those
the problem is getting money from stupid goy
turning a product into a service is always a preferred solution.
No. If you compile Chromium you get Chromium. You do not get what Google distributes as Chrome. Google can put literally fucking anything in Chrome and omit it from Chromium, including whatever spyware they feel like using this week.
Remember when they said Google+ will be the king of social platform and kill Cuckbook?
>still can reject
Bad jorb
>launching with fallout 76
this will be a laugh
Ever since I was forced to become a wageslave and do tech support for normalfags, I've realized that they will buy fucking anything with the Google or Apple logo on it. This shit is going to sell and it's going to be fucking horrible.
What the fuck is with you morons and your stupid ass obsession with spyware?
What in the fuck do you think they're spying on?
so am I free from the botnet if I use chromium
Sega is one of their main collaborators ya dingdong
First day on the internet newfriend?
Or do you just don't know?
>main selling point is the removal of traditional barriers like discs
Literally all three major consoles have stores you can just digitally buy your games from and PC has been doing it for over a decade now
You mean the same Sega that have been massively censoring their games lately, even in Japan, to appeal to liberal americans?
Where can an user go to watch or get updating info on this inevitable trainwreck? I want to enjoy a shitshow and already got snacks for this.
>What in the fuck do you think they're spying on?
EVERYTHING. Google, Microsoft and other companies just slurp as much data as they can, hoping to either monetize it at some later time or supply it to governments and three-letter agencies to get goodboy points/influence/money.
If you're not paying for it you are the product. If you're paying for it you are still the product. Remember when it wasn't like that?
In 4 hours, on YouTube
I got tired of competitive games years ago. Some latency wont be an issue.
How the fuck is putting a disc into a slot a "barrier" to anyone with more than 1 brain cell?
>yfw when the stream breaks
a huge failure shouldn't be that mysterious but i cant think of any real candidates that failed hard except if you count minor shit like the ngage
The timeline doesn't match the displays.
>Remember when it wasn't like that?
1999 was 20 years ago
It will launch with Half-Life 3.
Based Todd
Can be as intensive as it likes, streaming is still completely on the user end and most people have garbage internet, even with the top 1% of connections streaming is still delayed garbage.
>200 launch titles
Their big innovation is just some gimmicky streaming bullshit. This is such a waste of time.
Fuck off newfag
And? The fuck does it matter?
>selling data to the government
>not just throwing all that data into their sentient A.I.
the government has NSA and other agencies, they don't need to pay for more data. They can just steal it or gather it themselves.
>Yea Forums in 3 hours
If I can play directly from my android tv without latency it would be great
>he knows?
You sound like a retarded paranoid schizo. None of that is verifiably true and the most they do with our data is use it for AI and Ads. They exist to sell us products.
You are peddling a boogeyman narrative because you inherently believe google is evil for some reason. They are a business that exists to sell us a product. That's it
Like clockfuckingwork. Love you guys.
>without latency
Not going to happen unless Google found a way to break the laws of physics.
Every business uses information to target people that spend money. That's called capitalism. Why are you up in arms that they monitor your habits? That's always been done since before internet existed and companies have always figured out ways to target consumers
>but they monitor my google searches
Okay you have not stated why that's bad
How is a fiber optic connection breaking the laws of physics? With a low ping it's essentially the same as having a desktop PC in your home, even if that PC is across the country. All that matters is low ping. That's not breaking the laws of physics you moron
>Displaying the worst game ever made at your gaming announcement
What did they mean by this?
>Dump it
>600 dollars US
Is it going to be live-streamed? What time?
Higher bandwidth doesn't mean lower ping. Latency is about network routes.
You can't deny it was made, I mean it's more of a nightmare than a dream but it was realised.
Lmfao. Why do autists do this
I didn't mention bandwidth. I mentioned only finding a way to lower ping. Which isn't breaking the laws of physics at all.
Not everyone has fiber optic, and even WITH fiber optic streaming is still fucking trash. Streaming games will NEVER take off, not unless connections quadruple.
it's already been confirmed by several sources now and the streamkey is also a controller
Props to the guy that bullshitted all this to the suits.
literally 5 replies above retard
Don't try to explain things like that to brainlets user, its pointless.
And connections will quadruple, in the near future. So, not never, but, soon
Give me those sources
>tfw google makes an official tool for stream sniping
streamers love stream snipers
Oh god please.
Lmfao. Oh that must be why there's only ONE display box right?
>He believes this
The internet is a series of tubes user.
Who’s gonna be the first one to snipe the subreddit
Read the thread and the 5 others from the past few days plebian or just go to the thread on 4+4 chan.
>3 failures
>coming soon
what? another failure?
I just went from 25 mbps to 300mbps in kentucky so yeah, i'd say we're good
>and Fallout 76.
The display is all kinds of fucked. So, the actual display goes backwards in time
>Dream Cast, Power Glove, Atari and ET, New Console by Jewgle
and then the timeline on the bottom has fucking NOTHING to do with the things on display, at all.
Again, the bandwidth isn't the issue but the latency.
you mean brave new world?
>Bringing up bandwidtch AGAIN
You need to stop, you have no idea what you're talking about and its embarrassing.
Nice, it has been a while
This is the most fowl fucked up gif I've seen on this website. Please spoiler next time
>mfw i actually streamed bloodborne a few months ago with the PS now free trial
>mfw couldn't tell if there was input lag or just the shitty frame rate
>mfw played the whole game
>mfw it was okay
>mfw friend who did the same was in the project stream trial
>mfw he said it felt a little better than ps now
>mfw the streaming future is here
>mfw i might just sign up if the library is good enough
I went from 120ms in general to 40ms... so you guys can stop acting smart
Is it in 3h10min?
3 hours 6 mins loser
>This fucking brainlet
God damn.
>da latency
Okay Brainlet
there's no end to universe, you moron - after heat death the gravity will slowly start to pull the singularity shrapnel back together, grinding atoms together and accumulating the energy for singularity #7
Yeah, novel got the title changed on my country
Fake image OP, but don't worry, I found the original.
Will it let me stream visual novels?
Google+ was pretty based though, if only for niche meme communities
mm stroganoff babies
fucking kek
>dreamcast-died do to not enough advertising or decent games(may have a gem nowadays but not at the time), controller being fucking wierd and the insert thing into never got localized to make use of it
Wrong, Dreamcast sold fairly well and had a huge marketing campaign. They were everywhere with trucks, ads and pushing its product. Dreamcast died because the PS2 cut into its sales (not the thing that killed it but prevented it from being a breakout success) and SEGA bleeding money from two previously failed gens and side products. Even if the Dreamcast was a huge hit, SEGA still would've died. That's how bad they were in the red, it was a last swan song to keep brand power going and leave off with some good will as they transitioned to their next moves.
Also I think the cases imply "Coming Soon" as in their new console is gonna kill the competition, PS5/XClit will be in the new podium soon enough kind of jab. So yes, they're cocky enough to think think they're above all of that.
So when is this shit happening?
>Google kills Playstation, Nintendo, Microsoft and Steam single handedly today in one go
It's over bros
2h from now
2h 50m
Cant wait!
WHy is the PC guy fat?
Have you seen a PC nerd
Google Dreamcast 2 soon
are you on a phone?
Dead on arrival
not really
i played ps2 at the time and didnt even know of the dreamcast till it died
the system or games werent even in the stores here in canada, not in the stores i bought games from
the system was doa
Did you ever play space quest?
Somebody free that Dreamcast save him bros...
Based and cyclepilled.
Besides shitposting fuel, what could google even possibly make that would make you want to dump shekels on?
Ninja Gaiden and God Hand.
Consolefags projecting
Dreamcast 2
>Can run Word for some reason
where do I preorder?
I'm tired of waiting
why are xbox people ALWAYS fat as fuck? this isnt even funny anymore
paranoid neets is the answer, see /g/, full of them
Never thought I would ever see the fucking piece of shit ET game on a display.
only americans use xbox
the generation of kids probably don't even use computers
OK Google play moviegame
>launching RDR
can confirm. met a 5 year old who never saw a mouse before.
My cousin still finds weird that he can't use the TV as a tablet, touching the screen
It is common sense to him
old people are so cute
my little zoom can't be this retarded
>there will come a time where the new generation of kids won't even know what a vidya controller is, and just will assume all vidya is played via their phones/tablets or whatever new meme setup for VR exists by then
>and kids won't even know of any games that ever existed before fortnite or whatever meme game of the year that comes out by that point
Where is the stream
>space interface which is holographic
because touch screen was not bad enough
we want the kinect audience
>mfw i've actually walked up to a phone-shaped advertising display at a bank thinking it was an interactive touchscreen
in fairness they did have a menu up on the thing that looked like it was meant to be used for getting tickets
Fornite will available since day 1.
Doesnt it start in 5 minutes?
I'm not finding a stream anywhere, it must not be being streamed.
2 more hours
It's 1 pm Eastern you fucking idiots
Nice time zone faggot
118 minutes
He's obviously talking about eastern europe time.
Uh no
>It's absolute kino in every aspect
How would you react
is anyone uniroincally hyped for this or is it just marketing shills?
I'm just here for the inevitable cringe.
I'm hyped but that's because I'm hyped for all gaming devices ever. Even awful shit.
I think we're mostly just bemused
yeh guess I can finally speak up
this is why Sony pulled out of e3 this year, brace yourselves
Can't wait to fap to Jade Raymond haircut. I'm begging for ponytail, soldier style.
mostly people want to see a train wreck
We're hyped for the shitstorm.
Google, Apple or Amazon were going to jump into the gaming market sooner or later. It's no different than Sony or Microsoft at this juncture.
So I'm giving them one shot
I'm just here to talk shit.
>Sega's death rattle
>the goddamn powerglove
>ET for Atari
Christ. Whoever thought of this lineup was having quite the giggle.
Man, I miss /biz/. Perhaps this is time to get back.
livestream where?
Sony and Nintendo jumped in at the right time.
>google bought the pokemon franchise
>plans to add gender mixing in it
God bless America, more news at 11.
we all are senpai desu
>It's a PC which streams video games to your TV episode
This is just like the PlayStation service for PC but the other way around.
Google have the technology and money but they have too many weird employees and a silly culture. It would be best for gamers if they stayed away.
There's only three ways this shit will end: Either it's a giant pile of shit that becomes new shitposting fuel for the next 2-3 months, it's fucking nothing and everyone stops caring days later when the next fuck-up by someone happens, or it actually manages to offer pretty neat shit and we add a new member to console wars shitposting.
No matter what happens, it will be worth a watch to see where this goes.
I'm willing to give them a chance but I'm not expecting much
i received the bog call and i didn't reply
w-what happens next
it took MS fucking Halo to even get
what exclusive does Google have?
More like hyped to witness the train wreck
just google it bro
In jewtoob
Was Moot working on this project all along? Will it be the optimal console for faggots?
I'm hyped. C'mon guys, it's Google, what could be wrong?
does this fat prick have ketchup sitting on his bed?
>tfw every console will steal your ip and shit post on Yea Forums to get you banned
Don't buy it, it's a trap !
yep shitposting with Yea Forums in a live event is comfy
>moot helped make Google vidya 'console'
>it also comes with its own Miiverse-like community forum thing for all games
>everything is allowed other than shit that is illegal in whatever country you live in
>yfw moot uses this to make a new Yea Forums of his own that has slightly less autism and cancer in it
We have attempted to broker peace.
You have spat in our face.
You are no longer necessary.
someone fucking post the link
>still 2 hours until stream
I just want to laugh at how retarded it is why must I wait?
you just know
> slightly less autism and cancer in it
Miiverse was unbridled autism
I can't imagine this will be a success in any way. I fully expect a "meh" at best and most likely a complete failure to laugh at. So hey, I'll either get to laugh at a terrible idea or actually be excited over something big since I have basically 0 expectations.
The thing is, if it flops google has enough money to just brush it off like it never happened.
If it succeeds it will most likely hurt vidya as we know it irreparably
>everyone has big fatties pink haired neckbeards
Stop it user, I can't wait.
I'm pretty sure we're all just excited because seeing things flop is the one thing Yea Forums can actually bond together over when it comes to vidya
he's doing it for us, god bless his soul
>lights dim
>ladies and gentlemen the moment youve all been waiting for
>Reggie comes out to introduce
I could be playing vidya right now, but I'm curious.
>develop a console
>bans youtube on every other console
Well you got about 1 hour 30 minutes left to play vidya sitll.
>playing video games
look at this loser
He's in
And here we have the first Googlebox exclusive
Wait guys
What if they just stream Sekiro as the climax of video games?
Why did they kill the best feature ever?
>inbox and even fucking google+, the thing that shat all over a lot of prior youtube features, is going to be ded next month
Assuming google+ is kill soon, what will come next to replace it, assuming google even has anything left new to bring out that won't get killed off because some brainlet at top keeps assuming Apple's MUH MINIMALISM is the be-all end-all of all technology?
Something about muh kids only use cellphones nowadays and shit.
But if you asked this autist, it's likely so they wouldn't have to deal with the kind of 'special' kids that flooded the Miiverse. aka autists, spergs, furfags and >us here on Yea Forums.
>google glass
>youtube kids
*grabs pop corn and wait*
>it also comes with its own Miiverse-like community forum thing for all games
>yfw moot uses this to make a new Yea Forums of his own that has slightly less autism and cancer in it
because it was a major flop, just like all the other portrayed videogame artifacts
>raeps u
noting personell
That'd be a trans plateform game launcher. One account, many apps many games for a 7,99$ monthly fee.
>Sounds wild, right?
No, it sounds retarded. Resuming from your favoritest streamers savepoint won't catch on with developers because that means the majority of gamers will skip large parts of the game they poured their heart and soul into creating.
Classic. Poor lil Alice.
Stream where
You just know that was some autistic faggot from here.
Nothing, G+ was functionally dead 5 years ago and was operating as a legacy platform since. They’re killing it now because they found massive security holes they can’t even be bothered to fix.
Would Moot make an appearance and do his usual T-rex dance?
Well, we'll know today
Alice was from here too.
If moot shows up to announce this console and more, Yea Forums will become impossible to use for the next week due to how intense the shitposting would become with moot as the head of new vidya console.
Dreamcast didn't flop, Sega simply bled out from all the stupid shit they did in the 90s (32X, Sega CD, Sega Neptune, etc.)
E.T. did not cause the vidya crash, it was just a symptom of its causes. And it only crashed home consoles in North America, not the vidya industry as a whole.
>tfw no non-gf to talk about videogames
>Entire SEGA Library
Why? Not that I hate it, it's just...why?
Yea Forums users stopped liking moot after the puddy puddy incident
You mean, a friend ?
>botnet the console
Really funny
>Tfw no farm gf
Yeah, we will just shitpost against him incessantly.
Mind refreshing this user's mind with what happened so I know what faggotry moot did back then?
>motherfucking E.T
They're already begging on success. Google id literally on lifesupport since 2002.
this is the main reason I wont touch it with a 10 foot pole
Yeah you could probably call it that
Pure browserkino
Just read it on the encyclopedia.
Girls can't be friends. They can only be mothers, girlfriends or fuckpals.
30 minutes ago I didn't even know that this was a thing, now I'm just curious.
>he's falling for it again
just as planned
Yea Forumstards were only able to post puddi puddi as text, and to listen a forced video with pudding singing puddi puddi
This time to the moon for sure.
So rare to see one in the wild. Such a majestic beast.
>Alice GF
> user, let's play Melee
>Twilight Princess is so cool
>Stop asking me for pictures
>Stop calling me cute
>D-don't hug me
>I don't wanna play in your faggy tournaments, user
Come on, it will take google 11 more years to make this console viable. Did they even think about the upgrades? Most games have it and a streaming device will have more, so average bandwidth players will never play games.
You can't be free of the botnet if you're online but it's certainly better than chrome. Anything is, really. Consider a privacy focused variant like Brave
I honestly don't buy the "whole universe in a single point" schlock.
The way we know it to be now is a fucking shitheap, so who cares.
shut the fuck up
first ever portable console with a notch!
I don't care what anybody else says. It was glorious and this site would benefit from more admin fuckery. It keeps the userbase lean and on guard.
What are your hopes for this thing? Fears?
eh, kinda. Live stage presentations always bring a delightful wave of cringe and men in business suits spilling spaghetti.
Don't be so angry.
Only americans can believe in one singularity.
It's 2019 it's time to end thinking into focused jesus points. One sun is obvious, but there're lot of them.
>What are your hopes for this thing?
>Sounds wild, right?
Agreed. This cruelly lacks nowadays.
My big staff is ready to look for JR.
Sega games are very low-skill so the players that play them won't notice the 500ms input lag
Just last week, on sega shop. JET SET RADIO t-shirts, merchandise, RANDOMLY dropped. Out of NOWHERE.
reminder, if your game gets merch, about a month/week or whatever later, it gets revealed. happened with spyro, happened with crash.
GET ready for Jet Set Radio
This is the worst thing I've ever seen on this site.
Please kill yourself.
Hilariously, they dropped the "don't be evil" motto. Now it's "do the right thing" which has a very "ends justify the means" feel to it for me.
Sega games are japjank-core.
>new JSR content
>exclusive to Google's dumbass shit
I swear to fucking god I'm going to kill myself if this happens
Probably deserved it.
Neck yourself you autismal edgy faggot.
As cool as that is, Google better have a fuckload more than a new Jet Set Radio game if they want to enter the gaming market and compete with these well estabilished companies that have been here for decades. A few exclusives/good games won't be enough to gather a big market share.
>Piewdiepie finally gets his own official game
>Youtube celebs fighting game
All the series I love have been dead in the water for 2-3 generations now. I'll gladly make some deals with devils to bring them back.
lmao where's this from? genuine question
I dare they say it
"By the way
We bought SEGA."
Not going to happen. The Yakuzas will not allow that to happen.
Except if google is the yakuza.
>We bought SEGA.
The shitstorm would be immense, and no way this would happen, no fucking way SEGA would sell to dirty gaijin and Google of all people.
>the Skies of Arcadia license in the hands of Google
Moons give me strength
>and Fallout 76
The proverbial spoonful of poop in the barrel of honey.
Isn't there some law about how western companies can't buy Japanese companies if they're old enough or something
A whole new group of faggots will be annoyed and disappointed. I look forward to it. Cynicism always.
SEGA was originally founded in the west so I doubt whatever rule that is applies to them
wtf that's why I keep seeing them in my vidya
>supporting google at all
Go live in china then
is it going to be a streamed presentation? if so can someone link where to watch
Implying watching is supporting
the rest of segas games will now be mobile cash grabs. is this really what you want?
I think you misunderstood the tone of my post.
the link has been posted 5 times already and is literally one search away. the fact that faggots like you still get spoonfed makes me angry
I'm here to watch them embarrass themselves with whatever retarded shit they came up with
>not even 20k viewers atm
There are more paths to retard city than to anything else
It's nearly impossible for Google to present something interesting other than making already available stuff free of charge
Reminder Google's success was unlimited free email
>Reminder Google's success was unlimited free email
nigga it was google.com
That is questionable
Gmail was what put money in Google's pockets
Come to think of it, how did everybody start using google as a search engine?
It's been the default for as long as I can remember it, was it the first one?
why is googles search such dogshit these days, it never used to be this bad
You're both retards Google has always been an advertising company
It wasn't the first one but I think they were the first one to make on that wasn't cancerous to use. Like they had good search algorithm for the time.
whats the best search engine
word of mouth and it actually worked
>google stops expanding its high bandwidth low lantancy internet service leaving most people with slow dSL or high lantancy cable.
>hey here is a streaming box that very few people will be able to use for modern games!
Why is google dumb?
>living in the third world with lesser internet than 250/100
lmao what is it like to be poor
duckduckgo unironically
Their deal with Firefox that put Google search as default in New tab
Add that Microsoft was bailing ultra hard with the worst internet explorer ever
Then they launched chrome, and Google pushed it into a Google Earth update, and setting itself as the default browser
Suddenly millions of normans were running chrome out of the blue, thanks to Google Earth
Start.me or DDG
>implying bandwidth is the same as latency
It’s like this.
Doesn't it also sell your data despite claiming to be ANOMALOUS?
They stopped expanding it because the giant corporations who all but hold a monopoly on the current internet cable lines told google to fuck off because how dare they not have complete control and force high prices on everyone to keep the status quo forever.
it's anomalous because it sells your data
>20 minutes
>feel like taking a nap
if I give Yea Forums my mobile number, would one of you call and wake me up in 15?
Set an alarm on your phone faggot
yes of course, wont use it for anything else
yeah sure
Yeah no problem.
yeah sure No problem
Yeah man.
Let's say I'm an autist who doesn't understand others' intentions, what are they trying to say with this?
Are they being ironic or genuine?
course, pass it bro
>Yea Forums trying to get my phone number
Sure, bro. Trust me, bro.
Click the set reminder button in YouTube, nigglet
>Are they being ironic or genuine?
Find out in about 15 minutes.
course my man it's fine, what is it
OK, call me a few minutes before it starts
listen don't worry about it pass it over, i'll wake you up, get your beauty sleep
it's happening
Hi Jenny.
>wanting to jack off to my voice
12 minutes right?
music sucks
I'm here for the shitposting.
>Chat is disabled for this live stream.
they really want a hugbox
There are like 3 threads about this, which one nerds?
Where the stream at
it's so empty. What is this type of utterly hollow jingles is called?
>Those growing numbers
>Chat disabled
dis gon b gud
literal pressure cooker shitstorm waiting to explode
it's generic E3 music
I've created a new thread for the steam
>post yfw it ends up being actually good
Now it is getting chilled
Why no Twitch stream
>that golf club
>stream didn't even start yet
>3 threads all almost at bumb limit
nice going niggers
There's absolutely no way this is going to be good
Hype, we haven't had a new console maker since the ouya.
because google has its own streaming service you retarded fuck
What happened to Atari?
yeah leave it to out of touch data hoarding megacorporation to know what's good for videogames
Google owns youtube. Twitch is a competitor.
This but I'm still hype.
They'll come for you. You're theirs now, user. One way or another you will hear their message.
>The console is free because it's openly a botnet
And that's a good thing.
Fuck off, brainlet
They should hire a better DJ. The transitions feel so bad
It's probably just a playlist.
Wow really? Thank you my friend
All will be revealed today, so may as well do this.
I playtested this thing, ask me anything.
The catch is input lag noticeable to hardcores but not noticeable to normies. Think 30fps vs 60 fps, but with controls
>200 launch titles
It starts
No problem, any time.
oh lawd it's happening
why do you lie on the internet
>video lag already
>go to trending video games to try and find the stream
>see this faggotry getting literally millions of views
I now have an overpowering urge to kill myself
Hol' up, the poo in loo will present a new wifi toilet.
thats a dog you retard
Silence the PooLoo is speaking.
Pajeet overlord is here, and he's gonna kick some ass at FIFA
FIFA, so immersive.
Thank you come again.
I'm already bored
This guy slaps your gf ass, what do you do?
>most played game on the internet
>only played when there's no internet
Thank him because he probably did it to scape a bit of shit.
Official name?
Introducing Deepmind as a player in FIFA
thanks user
Post >yfw moot walks on stage
Goodness Gracious Me
10 fps on Assassin's Creed lmao
Why hasn't he updated his blog since by the way? What does he do at Google I wonder.
literally who
Streaming bullshit confirmed.
>Moot steps onto the stage
>Audible "Who?" from the audience
>For everyone
Is here
>someone steps up and say "hey look everyone, is Sigourney Weaver!"
>"Games for EVERYONE"
Ohnonononono casualmachine about to fucking drop
ayyy guys remember ONLIVE?
vidya gaems amirite peep
>no pewdiepie
I have become truly jaded, I only feel hatred watching this.
Lol what a dumb nigger name
>youtuber fueled
sounds like an STD t b h
calling it
>viewers can interact with streaming players while devs fuck them over
>yoobisoft sucking from google
what timeline is this
Whats the difference?
the first console built from the ground up for NPCs
fuck this
i'll wait for crowbcat compilation