Capcom hired a white dude who pretends to be black and says nigga to voice Morrison in DMCV

>YT channel full of transphobia, racism, and antisemitism

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if you're not going to post the youtube channel then no one cares.


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This. Source your shit or fuck off.

wtf I love dmcv now!

But isn't he of correct race and it's his DMCV depiction that's blackwashed?

With a blonde fucking 'stache, even.

Wow. That kind of pisses me off really bad actually. Why would they hire someone with a background like that? Really ruins the experience for me.

There’s nothing wrong with a person of another race depicting the voice of a character from another race. That happens literally all the fucking time man. I’m certain Japan uses exclusively Japanese VAs to voice every character in most games.

Issue is hiring a shameless racist with no regard to their digital footprint for your triple A game.

But he did a good performance and no one said that Morrisson character was racist
also he is not white, he is jewish which is not white according to jews themselves

He’s a whitewashed Jew then.

Man I looked at the resetera thread about it it really feel like a parallel dimension, they even say yikes and big yikes unironically
also gloria in DMC4 is a blackface apparently

A white person voicing a black character does t make it blackface. It’s stupid to not just hire a black VA, but it’s still not blackface.

T. Black

In Gloria case they just reused the asset they already had as Gloria was supposed to be her own character before they had to rush eveything
What they are calling blackface is the fact that in one of his youtube video he is wearing a black winter mask (don't know how it's called in english) and play the role of a black dj or something like that. They also want the trophy "I believe I can fly" to be changed as it reference R Kelly

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What's your opinion on kratos voice actor?

The guy who voices Samurai Jack is black.

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I know why they’re calling /him/ blackface, he did a literal blackface. There’s nothing wrong with a white person voicing a black person generally speaking, like for Gloria.

I’d like to know why they’re okay with hiring pieces of shit like Morrison’s VA for black people but want to take out an R Kelley reference. Seems very selective. Id also like to know if Japan is responsible for selecting international voices or if the US does that. Either way you’d think they would do a more thorough background check on these people.

>Doing blackface is wrong.
Nothing wrong with that. Why are niggers and nigger lovers so easily triggered?

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Christopher Judge? Seen him posted here a few times (you know the webm I’m talking about) but I’m indifferent to him. Kratos isn’t a human anyway so he would never identify with any race. The voice fits and he seems like a decent guy afaik so I’m indifferent.

Who cares. You don't even care OP, you are a psycho who wants to whine about people whining about a game instead of actually playing video games. I hope somebody gouges your eyes out.

Both Chris judge and T.C carson are black voicing a white guy.
>Kratos isn't a human
He actually is, a Greek.

easy there edgy man, we don't want you shooting up things either.

Stfu those ppl whining in the first place have now the power to change shit for the worse.
OP is in the right to make this topic aware.

>Snoy literally hired a black dude to voice Kratos

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You almost got my (you) faggot

Whats edgy about my comment? In the netherlands is the most common thing to yearly celebrate a child holiday with ppl wearing black face.

Why wrong with acting black unless you think being black is a bad thing.

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because niggers shooting someone up at this very moment.

Fuck off SJW, he sounds exacty like a black dude in the game, so c learly he is very talented at imitating voices


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>Kratos isn’t a human anyway
Yes he is. Stop flipflopping, you are clearly just racist against white people.

He's a demi-god, so technically half human, not that it matters in the slightest.

that is NOT okay

Phil Lamar the GOAT

His previous VA was also black. And he was better.

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How. I’ve never played a GoW game. Does he identify as Greek in them?

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phil lamar can voice whoever the fuck he wants

>reading a book makes you a nazi
Yep, we're in fucking clown world.

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This is outrageous why would the hire a black man to voice a skeleton? Literally skullface and is unacceptable because it takes work away from real skeletons.

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>He is a god of war followed by Greeks. How could a god be born on earth
If you have no idea of Greek Mythos you should post about it friend.

>Both Chris judge and T.C carson are black voicing a white guy
Again, it literally doesn’t matter as long as the voice fits. If they were choosing visual actors for film or something that would be different. I could care less that Morrison’s VA is white. My issue with him is being a retard and open racist.
>Kratos is Greek
He is a god of war with Greek features followed by Greeks because that’s all they knew. I’m certain if you asked one of them what his race was they would tell you god, not greek. How could a god be born on earth?

>account still in junior phase
What the fuck does that even mean?

Being a newfag over there means you get banned very easily

>reading books is code for nazi support

fucking brilliant

He is a proud Spartan.

>Does he identify as Greek in them?
What do you mean? Yes, obviously? He is a Spartan citizen. Born in Sparta, lived a normal life as a Spartan army commander, was married and had a child. How could he get any more Greek than that.

I’m giving my best guess. Was he not a character of Greek? I don’t know everything about Greek mythology, I’m more of a Norse mythology guy.

I bet he reads BOOKS too like those other FUCKING NAZIIIS

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>reading Aldous Huxley is now alt right
Oh, wow...


Phil Lamar doesn't count.

What a magical place


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>reading books meme
Somebody page Yea Forums

Do you guys always copy resetera threads so you can outrage over outrage?


I can't believe I thought the strangest the world was going to get was when actual clowns were going around assaulting people and fucking batman showed up to stop them
That shit's almost tame now

Well, now I know.
In any case, if the VA fits voice them I say. There probably aren’t a great selection of Greeks to cast as VAs anyway.

That sounds like their only good rule.

Sounds way more wholesome and normal than the shit we're being subjected to today.

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>There probably aren’t a great selection of Greeks
I would be up for it if they asked me ;_;

Only books allowed are Harry Potter and Hunger Games. Nothing else.

>as long as the voice fits it's OK
So what's the problem with what capcom did

Throughout all of the original GoW games his personality largely revolves around his love and nationalistic feelings of Sparta and his people there, the entire reason he is waging war against the gods of Olympus is that Zeus exterminated all Spartans, and leveled the city to ashes in GoW2.

It is only in nu-GoW that he identifies as a "god" (even though he is only a demigod canonically, the writers of nu-GoW did not care). The writing is dumb nonsense because originally even after he found out he was a demigod, he hated the gods and identified as a human Spartan, as a Greek man taking revenge for his countrymen.

I was just saying. I'm fine with both of his voice actors.

Japan is responsible for the english voices, the games are originally made in english then dubbed in japanese.

Probably because the constant antagonizing of a race of people who were taken from their land and repeatedly attacked for existing in a world they weren’t meant to be apart of in the first place could have something to do with it.

I mean liberals

>alt right
WW3 when

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In case anyone who hasn't played the game is confused, the VA doesn't say nigger in the game.
He said it during a skit he was doing on his youtube where he was playing as a black person.
Anyway they hate on him because he openly supports Trump.

*teleports behind mosque*

>peddling disinformation
>Post right above them got banned for saying they'll still buy the game

It’s almost as if he came to terms with who he is


Op kill yourself hard. Die from an overdose, jump off a bridge I don't give a fuck so long as I have peace of mind that your filth will never pollute this world again.

>typical alt right books
>Huxley and Fahrenheit 451
What the fuck is wrong with these people

Kratos is not a god, he is a demigod. Zeus came down to earth and fucked his mom, got her pregnant and she gave birth to Kratos in Sparta. Zeus did that a lot in Greek mythology, lots of his demigod bastards all around Greece.
Kratos only became the God of War after the first game when he killed Ares, the Greek god of war, and they decided to have Kratos replace him. This lasted a few months until the gods betrayed him and took his godhood away, making him just a demigod again.
Demigods are basically just physically very strong humans, they are not immortal like the true gods.

Kratos is basically the god of war only for the length of one cutscene in the entire series. Otherwise he is never an actual god in the series.

if people actually try to start some outrage over this they'll just tire themselves out, japs don't care about that bullshit.

To any Yea Forumsfags, how good is Fahrenheit 451 or Huxley?

Huxley is better than Fahrenheit IMO, both are great tho

not a litfag, but they used to make us read them in school.
but then they stopped forcing kids to read about dystopian futures probably because they started to realize just how much the modern world was starting to look like one.

remember to attend your local progressive bookburning celebration

I do agree that the voice fits him, the VA is talented enough to sound like a white man when doing his voice. Just like Morrisons VA 100% sounds like a black man. I only found out afterwards that the VA was white, throughout the game I was certain it was an old black man voicing him, sounded so authentic.

Point is, there exists no justification for demanding that a voice actor is of the same race than the character. It's a voice, you can not see the voice actors face in the game, and there are plenty of people extremely talented at imitating other peoples voices, to a degree that it is impossible to tell the difference.

I don't know much about this Peterson guy, but Huxley and Fahrenheit are considered alt-right in America now?
What the hell?
Is this some personal retardation or are these common views?
>Don't read Orwell, don't read Huxley don't read Lee, they might make you start seeing things you aren't supposed to see
This is literally stuff these books talk about.

>Resetera actually tracks him down and lynches him
>a thousand blacks descend upon the users and rape them with BBC

Wow, what would bring someone to give a shit about the life of a voice actor outside of the studio like this? You would almost have to have- Oh.

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Which is inaccurate, because he isn't a god. He is a demigod. The writing is trash, Kratos would never begin to identify himself as different from humans, when he lived all his life in Sparta as a human until the gods ruined everything. Demigods are literally not gods.

Orwell and Huxley where the first authors I read. I recommend them, they are easy to read, entertaining and "deep" enough to not be a just meaningless entertainment.

Phil Lamar can fuck my wife


1) Create RestetERA account
2) Mention being black once every couple of posts
3) License to shitpost without restraint

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What the fuck are you on about? Do you Americans think everything has something to do with you? You literally replied to a guy posting an image of a Dutch blackface tradition - from a country that did not have a single negro in it throughout history until recent decades.
No African slaves were brought to Europe, since slavery has been illegal in Europe for far longer than that. You people need to stop thinking American feels matter anywhere else in the world.

I know about the Zwarte Piet dumbass I'm from the Netherlands myself, the whole holiday is stupid as shit. But at the same time they're just admitting that the moors were black.

You are asking of the impossible, friend.

>harry potter
>the hero is a straight white male
>from Britain, so he likely supports colonialism and the oppression of PoCs in general
>not one disabled genderfluid transnigger in any of the books
>Hogwarts is run by old white men which is sexist, racist and probably ageist
Fuck off with that your Nazi literature Mr Goebbels

Resetera isn't America. Resetera is akin to a christian fundie cult who shows up to people's funerals proclaiming that they're going to hell.

Both are ok to me, i just wished they kept the same for the sake of consistency. It feels petty, like when Kojimbo trashed David Hayter for Venom Snake for the sake of having a celebrity voicing him.

I just figured he considered himself one since he killed Zeus with his bare hands. Seems to me it’s apples and oranges in gow though. Either that or he is referring to the time he was an actual god. Probably is shit tier writing though

These posts...

There are times when I wonder if it wouldn't be better for us all to stop using Yea Forums and to spend our time on the internet on more mainstream sites, there are times when I wonder if the tedious internet progressives have a point about the "bigotry" present on anonymous image boards. Then I see posts like that and I remember that whatever bad things you can say about anonymous image boards, the rest of the internet is either as bad or worse while taking themselves far more seriously then anyone sane would when they are talking about videogames and other assorted entertainment media.

I’m glad we are in agreement. But I still think casting a social retard like Morrison VA whatever his name is, is stupid. I’ll never be able to look at the character the same way without being reminded of the person behind the voice.
Ty for the rundown
I see. Then I wonder what their policies are on background checks, if they hire English speakers to do them or just don’t care about them at all. They probably don’t care.

I can't believe we have to remind those awful cislords at Yea Forums how awful blackface is. Only our youtube e-celebs can save us now.

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Black Pete, go

Phil Lamarr is a talented man. A comedian and a very good voice actor.

Fight me

>this is straight from a resetera thread

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>taking obvious trolls, trannies and resetniggers seriously
Absolutely based as always Yea Forums

>woooowwww can you not misgender the child predator we're talking about? SHE may be a pedophile, but at least she isn't RUDE

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Can it wait a bit? I'm still kinda tired after I got done with your mother, little sister, pet ferret and favorite pillow.

He’s handsome.

>de-radicalizing the youth by summoning a lesser demon
Well if it works

But Dumbledore canonically packs fudge and Hermione is a nigger according to the cat lady that wrote those atrocious books

It’s. It that bad I was just being an asshole. Only butt blasted retards get mad at people acting like a stereotypical member of a race. Soon white people well start getting mad at stereotypical portrayals of themselves and you fuckers have been on top since America was created.

>But I still think casting a social retard like Morrison VA whatever his name is, is stupid. I’ll never be able to look at the character the same way without being reminded of the person behind the voice.
This sounds more like a personal issue for you than anything even close to an actual issue. People don't care. Only the talent of an actor matters. As an example, John Travolta is a fucking scientologist, but him being retarded doesn't change the fact that he was clearly the right choice to play in Pulp Fiction.

>Don't have three of those things
This is awkward.

Phil Lamar is the grandfather to my kids.

You know, a disturbing number of the people on that board are willing to give trannies a free pass for some really heinous shit


>calls this moderation
It's not even internally consistent.

How has resetera not just deleted itself at this point?

Dear fucking God.

>it's okay to say nigger if you are black
>if you are white it's not okay

Fuck off retard. Since when do we do race segregation again?

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I am pretty sure that 90% of the remaining fans just ignore everything rowling says at this point, she just wants more attention while never having to leave her heavily guarded anti-pleb fortress

And so is the voice actor of Morrison clearly a very talented man, insanely good at doing different voices.

>every alt-righter is obsessively reading books now
>glances at book pile
Well fuck

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>that video
Ahh yes, nothing guarantees wholesome and peaceful life better than Baphomet.

Oh fuck, are you telling me I got the wrong family/ferret? Goddamn, 4th time this month man.

Good for their time, kinda naive now

If the children misgendered xhim they had it coming, only Nazis disagree

Look at that fucking Nazi with his white pages and 2 dollar words, it's sickening. Just read something woke like marvel

oh, you are adorable user

>segregation comes back
>retards who want to mix races live in their own part of America
>whites and blacks come together to shit on the goblins
This is the timeline we need


Did you even play the God of War games? Kratos was born a human. He's a decendent of Zeus but so are like 90% of Grecian kings and heroes if you go by the myths. He's a Greek guy, from Sparta, who eventually became a God. He even tells Atreus this in 4. He's not like Ares or Baldur who have only godly lineage.

>He is a god of war with Greek features followed by Greeks because that’s all they knew. I’m certain if you asked one of them what his race was they would tell you

They would tell you Greek. Do you know nothing about Greek mythology?

Maybe you ought to refrain from commenting on it in future.

This kind of racism bigotry homophobia antisemitism islamophobia pedophobia and transphobia is totally unacceptable in 2019. This actor should be fired and paraded along the streets of social media as the heretical outcast of society that they are and to teach others the cost of being such bigots.

Shut up, big nose.

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He sounds good though. Could of sworn he was the black dude that played Jet in Cowboy Bebop.

>who were taken from their land
They were sold by their own people.

>resetera once again trying to fuck with someone at Capcom

Capcom should be aware that this """people""" want nothing but their doom. Only that. They are not good people, they are a bunch of mentally ill degenerates that pass all day in their cave trying to target more people to destroy based on bullshit reasons.

This is why wellfare and basic income are bad ideas. It gives the wackos free time to plot bad shit.

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To be fair, the Netherlands did have colonies in North and South America that had slavery, but they eventually banned it.

That's a no brainer. On ResetERA I'm a black bisexual man.

(In real life I'm just a hispanic bisexual man, but on the internet as in real life hispanics get no respect.)

Yes, but they did not bring any nignogs into Europe. Slavery was illegal in Europe, so only colonies on other continents could have slaves.

They already do once they see how Asians depict them, not to mention black comedians using whiteface in many forms, like White Chicks.

do you think its ok to cast a racist actor to play a black role?

Don't worry user, for me you're still a real human bean.

How does that make it okay? They were still taken from their land.
It's like going into some 3rd world shithole, buying a child, raping it, then blaming it because its parents sold it in an immoral transaction.

Why are you so demonic?

There’s been a few americans and chinese and brazilian VAs in japan lately

All voicing japanese characters

They actually sold 200,000 whites into slavery in Africa. The Dutch basically did the whole slavery thing wrong.

Can you please tell me why your people make it a point to be as loud as fucking possible when talking in public places?

They took some people too. Everyone is to blame for slavery but mostly Africans.

>you get a 1 week ban for calling someone Amir0x but no punishment at all for calling people nazis
fuck /pol/ but fuck Resetera about as much, god damn


Black people don't say nigger, they say nigga. It's not an accent thing, the two words diverged from each other in the 1980's. The ONLY times a black person says nigger is if they're an Uncle Ruckus type, if they're being ironic or edgy (Tyler the Creator calling Spike Lee a nigger), or if they're quoting someone who called them a nigger.

I already saw that post actually, why'd you delete it and post it again?

When you grow up you'll realize that everyone is racist in their own way, especially those "progressives" you parrot so fondly. The only difference is that some choose to act on it, seeing it as the be all end all, and others simply ignore it, seeing it as a stupid prejudice that leads nowhere. this is what it feels like

It feels funny. Like "ha ha" funny.

>/pol/ bad
I’m starting to think the NPC meme isn’t a meme.

I was fishing for (you)s
Whites could usually take a joke but they’re getting way more sensitive than blacks and that’s a huge problem because whites are everywhere. Can’t have everyone butt blasted 24/7