Tomorrow, the world is going to end. What's the last game you'll play before the end?

Tomorrow, the world is going to end. What's the last game you'll play before the end?

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fallout new vegas

can't divorce me and take the kids if the world is about to end

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>when you want to avoid the risk of severe pain on doomsday
The suicide game

>playing games
I am just going to edge until my final moments

It’s ok user if you get hit with a nuke you disintegrate so fast you won’t feel a thing.

>implying anyone would bother nuking my city

The spend any money I have on food and alcohol and dive into games I have deep nostalgia for game.

You live in Detroit? You shouldn't kill yourself then, you are more likely to survive the apocalypse since you have already been living in it.

Bring it on. Lets end this shithole. The whole planet is gonna get bought by Comcast and Disney anyway and i'm gonna be dead before that happends.

Ricochet 2

Majora's Mask. Peak immersion

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Lol no it’s not, dumbass

lol you dont know that.

Nah I don't live in a shithole, just some noname village close to a noname town in the European countryside.
So unless whoever is participating in the doomsday wants to flatten the entire place I think there'd be more valuable targets

this user knows what's up
edge all day and finish as the flash of your local nuclear warhead illuminates the room

/pol/ isn’t freaking out over a world war HAPPENING

If you're lucky, your shadow will be burned into the wall and you'll be imortalized as a legend by whatever post-war mutant society that rises from the ashes, kinda like this guy

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I dont care if the world ends tomorrow, i have prepared for this my whole life....because i am a gamer, i get shit done....

Truly the best way to face our impending day. Even the romans agree.

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I wouldn’t waste my last moments playing video games

Fallout 4


gamers don't die, bud.

we respawn.

you just know he was a guy that left lewd ancient shitposts on the bath house walls
what a legend, rip

I would spend my last minutes shitposting, that's what I did when some faggot fat fingered the 'OH FUCK A MISSILE' button last year

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God i wish this was true.

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I guess I'd play the seven days as Roxas on Kingdom Hearts II.

Hotline Miami 2

Is this a college bball game?

I'd be spending time with my family and boyfriend. The only art I would seek out is music.

yeah and that's what people in Hawaii watching it saw when the alert went out