Will JRPGs ever be this good again?

Will JRPGs ever be this good again?

Attached: 240764-xenoblade-chronicles-wii-front-cover.jpg (800x1113, 283K)

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Considering that it was mediocre I'd say they already are

considering its two sequels were better sure

considering its gameplay wasn't anything special, sure

Considering the 3 faggots who replied before me are stupid faggots and are also wrong, no.


Considering that Mochi is the best loli artist, yes


I’m really feeling it

Weebs btfo

No, its a one in a lifetime kind of game.
X and 2 are good too, but just not as tight and well rounded as this one.

Rightfully rated by critics and fans high above the other two. We'll just have to wait for another franchise somewhere and at sometime pulling a Xenoblade.

It's the low point of the entire Xeno franchise, lower than its predecessors and successors.

See pic related.

Attached: 1549376213629.png (727x401, 45K)

there it is

Attached: 1552831848581.png (1058x1146, 700K)


Cringe and retardpilled

I hope a future Xenoblade takes place in space like Xenosaga did
Gears and Blade are boring desu

>the true Monado is the friends we made along the way
>final antag is God
>fetch quests out of the ass
>have to be near enemy level to not have attack miss 90% of the time
>dumb AI cant follow up Topple after you spam Break skills
It's enjoyable if you ignore all sidequests

plus if you don't do most of the mundane side quests the game throws at you, you'll be underleveled in no time which leads to
>>have to be near enemy level to not have attack miss 90% of the time
It's a great game, but the gameplay is the weakest aspect by far


you can get bonus EXP by exploring

yes, that's true. especially the secret areas give you like half a level worth of xp. Still, I did almost every side quest I came across and did some exploring, but I was still around 5-7 levels below the monsters at the end of the game.

Attached: 1552335077953.jpg (900x900, 157K)

how? did you ignore all normal battles? you should be overleveled if anything

No, I wouldn't say so. I didn't go out of my way to battle random monsters, but I didn't actively avoid fighting them, as far as I remember. Actually, at Eryth Sea and Prison Island I was overleveled, since the game gives you more side quest in the first half than the second half, I became underleveled towards the end.

based and zoharpilled

>literally a hundred+ hour game with tons of interactions
they put it all on the line for XB1, it absolutely couldn't fail or the franchise would fail.after the first one was a sucess they could relax and slack off and hope you wouldn't notice because look waifus

I hope you arn't alluding to XC2, which was made with less than half the amount of people with XC1 yet they managed to have a proper battle system and 10 times the amount of worldbuilding of 1

>put 99 hours into Xeno2 back at release
>Dropped it for nearly 2 years cus other shit happening
>Go back and play it recently
>That fucking performance.

Dunno how I played it for 99 hours it's painful to even look at

Considering 2 is better, yes.

monolith is too good for shitendo's hardware

Played 2 them emulates 1 at 60fps. Going back to play Torna after 60fps was fucking painful.

1 has better conflict. Fighting a God too full of himself is makes more sense than evil pope who wants to kill everything just because, and his Blade who got influenced by his evilness.

>Considering 2 is cringier, yes.

1's conflict is weaker because that's not what you do, the conflict changes like 3 times with the last arc being weak to the point where XC2 had to clean it up. 1's mid game story (post ether mines-prison island first visit) is god tier though. It misses on beefing up the lore afterwards

The last good rpg was the darkest dungeon

>Change my mind

games with heavy RNG factors interlaced in their combat mechanics are never good

1's conflict loses its steam when you realize Egil is the only villain with depth.
Mumkhar (understandably), Xord, Dickson, Lorithia, and Zanza are all saturday morning cartoon villains who come off as evil for the sake of being evil.
Even fucking Luxaar in Xenoblade X, who's only ever shown as being evil, has more motives than Dickson's or Lorithia who come off as complete mysteries.

Luxaar was better than anyone in XC1, his motivations and actions make sense despite being otherwise bland. The best villain in the blade games thus far is amalthus

Mumkhar Zord Egil and Zanza really gets your blood pumpy when you confront them, like Malos.
I dont like the brooding villains Jin and Amalthous

doubt it.

>God is afraid of becoming irrelevant and forgotten as the aeons go by so he creates a neverending cycle of destruction and recreation so people in the future will fear and worship him, but this backfires when people had enough of this cycle of fear and retaliate against him

>God is afraid of his own powers and deems himself not worthy after his own creations begin to succumb to the same follies his people succumbed to, locking himself away in a tower and hoping to die or fade away from people's memories and refuses to communicate with his people. This backfires because a mindbroken and religious man tries to climb the tower, receives the wrong message because God doesn't communicate him and takes on a Messiah complex trying to right the world's wrongs and kill everybody thinking it's God's will. This leads to people actually believing God is the bad guy and trying to kill him

Both are great.

I never played this sadface.jpg i started with 2 but boy did i love it

to be fair for Xenoblade they dropped their pretensions and got Nintendo to teach them how to make a fucking video game, and it was received far better than any of them expected because of it

I appreciate the ambition and attempt at scope in previous Xeno games but they're half-finished games at best and movie games at worst. Saga literally collapsed under the weight of it's narrative because they didn't know how to model 3D when they started and things like the rendering engine got finished a month prior to going gold. And they wanted to release 6 games of this shit. Saga literally killed Monolith Soft's motivation for making games; many of their staff said they would quit if their next game didn't do well (see Iwata Asks for XBC).

It's telling that X's development is like an exact mirror of Saga's.
>focus on learning HD development while deemphasizing story, as if they realized learning how to make a game and trying to make a 100+ hour story and cutscene heavy JRPG is a terrible idea
>when it became apparent they couldn't tell the full story they wanted, they rescaled development appropriately and spent more time on trying experimental things instead of trying to cram 6 games into 3

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xenoblade wasn't supposed to be a xeno games, blade 2 has all of those except playable mechs which were shit in saga 1/2

>xenoblade wasn't supposed to be a xeno games
The light that Alvis appears as at the end of the game is literally a stand in for the Zohar, we know from Iwata Asks that they changed the ending because the editor who wasn't familiar with Xeno didn't understand it.

Speaking of Alvis, I'm midly disappointed he wasn't released as a challenge mode blade in XC2 along with Shulk and Fiora, since he is supposed to be the 3rd Aegis.
I wonder, did Monolith say that they are not going to release any more content for XC2?

Attached: shulkxc2.jpg (1280x720, 117K)

Better jrpgs are being released every year

X was the most boring game I've ever sunk 80 hours into, and that was just to say I'd finished it

Alvis's absence but revelation that he's the 3rd Aegis means he's going to appear in a future game.
Maybe X's sequel considering a lot of the 'coincidences' between X's symbolism and revelations in 2
Watch Vita be his artifice or some shit.

Attached: Alvis.jpg (700x1340, 108K)

and yet, the one on the right is the best game out of all listed.
its almost like hamfisted nonsense and pretentiousness don't make a good game

The "Xeno Franchise"

Xenoblade is not a true part of the franchise

Nah. Maybe one day though. But XB really is that one game that remains unreached.

Xenogears and Xenosaga aren't "truly" related either, but are conceptually and spiritually linked.
It's true that the Xenoblade series was pretty removed from Xenogears or Xenosaga except for symbolism and reoccuring nods, until Xenoblade 2 came around and was a lot more blatant about its spiritual connections to Gears and Saga, and since it's canonically connected to Xenoblade 1, Xenoblade 1 is now spiritually connected to previous Xeno games too.

Attached: Shulk shrug.png (698x515, 209K)

Its a 9/10 game on its own and gets another point added for making gears and saga fags butthurt.

considering how huge and the scope of alvis's role in xenoblade and how he's still out there, it would feel wrong to add him as a cheap DLC blade.


>Came from another planet
>From Planet Qlu/Magi village
>Looks like she’s around 20
>Occupation: Skell Air Traffic Controller
>Very similar appearance to the leader, Nielnail (Qlurians who succeed the maiden all have the same appearance genetically)
>Celica’s home planet was the final destination for ancient earthlings who left Earth several tens of thousands of years ago. This is why Celica shares a similar appearance and has similar DNA structures.

>Only a teeny bit different from humans?? body shape, hair, skin color
>Maybe sort of like indigenous people, going with the “Planet was conquered” and “humans from tens of thousands of years ago” plotline?

>The original concept for Qlurians involved them being ancient aliens from earth with some kind of anti-type system(?) ("the maiden").

Attached: qlu.png (810x456, 294K)

Probably but not anytime soon. This game gave me the same sense of exploration and adventure Chrono Trigger did. The music, the locales, the scale, the charming party members, the completely different atmosphere at night and day. It really was an amazing game.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 had Nia and Tora so it's objectively the better game.

Correction: Nia and Morag

Nothing came close.
I like how both other blade games are trying to do their own thing though. They realized its not working if they try to top it.

Attached: Ch7Sg6.png (2560x1440, 3.62M)

>Will JRPGs ever be this good again?
JRPGs got better, now go play JRPG of the decade

Attached: Rance-X-cover.jpg (554x700, 154K)

His Japanese voice is actually worse than his English one

his artifice is obviously colossus since it's one of the three mass produced we see, I doubt X will be tied to mainline having 2 earths in different dimensions would be dumb and boring

The ending was bad.

>I doubt X will be tied to mainline having 2 earths
If the concept artbook for X means anything (it might not since it's just concept), Mira is probably a pocket universe with its own laws akin to Xenoblade 1's universe since the artbook describes it as just ending in a void if you go far enough. Although this isn't in game, the finished game acknowledges that Mira has supernatural properties that defy logic.
I still think there are no human bodies, and everybody's memories of Earth and outside Mira are fabricated and Mira is all there is to Xenoblade X's universe. That theory's a spinoff of the old theory that Mira was hell or purgatory.

>xenoblade 2 better than 1

Where can I play this?

Mira is the dimension where the missing third Beanstalk tower disappeared to when Klaus pushed the button.

Xenoblade X2 will have you explore the rest of Mira and confront Galea/Meyneth's second half.

Attached: original Mira.jpg (1280x1856, 680K)

Don't forget it also has MMD style cutscenes.

Attached: 1551961746005.webm (854x480, 2.05M)

>confront Galea/Meyneth's second half.
Isn't she dead?

Attached: Xenoblade 2 Galea.png (1046x514, 687K)

Different person, different hair colors
>dark hair on the left
>gray hair on the right

>dark hair on the left
That's just a lighting thing since the cutscene in XB2 is black and white. In Xenoblade 1 she has gray hair.

Attached: Meyneth_as_a_Human.png (853x454, 532K)

Oh damn. F
I wanted to see more of the original Galea

Still posting this webm?


It's funny. :p


XB2 better at every aspect of it.

Attached: 117-1.png (680x383, 116K)

Great porn. Cringy ass game.

2 is pure cringe.

>Xenoblade 2

can we ever have a proper Xenoblade thread where we discuss the whole series without the fake fans and smash secondaries who can't shut up about how they hate 2?

Attached: xenoblade_chronicles___shulk_s_sad_face_by_robinvalentine-dastz8v.jpg (800x597, 59K)

Yeah, because X came out.

As long as the dance webm exist never ever or if you fags can admit that Xenocringe 2 is cringy off the bat of the discussion instead of defending like babies.

Won't happen, Smash introduced Xeno to all the normalfags and redditers and they hate anime.
The backlash against X and 2 wouldn't exist if Shulk never got into Smash.

Joker got in and people still lost their shit how does that explain it?

Persona is normalfag shit

Why isn't Xenocringe 2 normie shit then?

I don't know. When does Xc1 battle system get good? Because I dropped after unlocking monado 2 and stopped giving a shit. X and 2 are so much faster


it doesn't

Let me guess, you just played as Shulk?

It objectively may not be anything special, but to me it's gonna be impossible to beat. I love this game so much

>It’s the Xenoblade is bad because it has a worse story meme
Say what you want about the story, but the gameplay of Xenoblade blows the previous Xeno games out of the water.

Shulk is the only character with any gameplay depth in original Xenoblade, changing doesn’t make it any better

That's objectively false.

Xenoblade is mediocre though.

Holly shit how much of a plebian you are?
Use Dunban, Melia or Ricky. If you want a harder challenge use Sharla just like I did

what an idiot

Use every skill you have to maintain aggro

Literally just keep your DoTs up and heal fucking retard.

Summon lightning x2, go through the rest of your elements and lmao starlight kick.

At least Shulk has to balance his talent gauge usage between being useful and making sure it's available if an enemy uses their "fuck you" attack.

Xenocringe 2