Can you all please grow some balls and stop playing Palutena, ness and those anime swordfaggets?

Can you all please grow some balls and stop playing Palutena, ness and those anime swordfaggets?

For God sake, everytime I try to reach vip with another character I have to deal with those tryhards

Attached: Palutena F-Tilt.jpg (1200x675, 144K)

>telling others to grow some balls
>while playing nintendo games made for children
how about YOU grow some bals

Rate my mains v

>yoshi wario luigi and dr mario

Sure. You look so adult in your desk playing like pc like an adult, in your parents adult basement.

Tell me more about adulthood

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I play Link. The fairest high tier, that doesnt risk nerfs. I can only go up from here.

Only one S tier. Fair enough

Dedede masterrace.

Fear the hammer.

Ganondorf, simon and piranha plant main here. I enjoy as much as I suffer. I regret nothing

Most offensive teabagger in the game

Maybe yknow, try to assess your own weaknesses and learn rather than pointing at others like they're the problem for your lack of understanding of the game at higher levels?

Getting into a rank means nothing if you cant beat them. Not trying to condescend, just saying. They're not going anywhere, they'll always be there. You'll have to get better and realize what YOU'RE doing wrong. You're losing because you're worse than them, that's just how it is.

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stop playing at mcdonalds you dumb fuck

No one sayd they are unbeatable, but anoying. In fact you can see them coming miles away

my roommate will only play fox wolf and ganon. Always tries to counter pick me too.

fuck him and fuck fox with that half a fucking millisecond recovery time

>to light to be a regular heavy weight but to large and heavy to still get combo’d to death
I hit skewer twice on a swordie today in one match. God it was amazing

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Well clearly if they're annoying, but you say you can see them coming a mile away your mentality is to blame. If you had a better mental grasp of what you're supposed to do to nullify their annoying play, they wouldn't be annoying in the first place because they'd be shut down.

It helps in situations like this to simply remain calm, back away and play safe, and analyze what they're doing and formulate your counterplay to what they're doing in any given situation, that is called adaptation and is very valuable to high level play. The second you call them annoying you're giving into bad mentality rather than winning, they already have an advantage over you at that point.

T.Old school Peach player whose character countered by everyone above them in Melee.

Fox can be deleted at 35%
Pick browser and spam B^
Youre welcome

>grab down + B down
It hits 90% of the times I did.
Pure ectasy

Good tip friend but bowser is just not for me

whats the problem with her?

can palutena please sit on my face

Ask bowser for Down B

Ganon side B and mid downkick can be helpfull

I've been maining ness for over 5 years. I'm not dropping him now.

>being a fucking faggot for over 5 years
I thought people grew out of it

Wow, someone's a bit itsy bitsy salty :^)

>he plays fox
have fun when i violate you with pichu ez win

Attached: furkoff.jpg (264x290, 32K)

> Pichu trying not to be ripped at 25%
Come back when you reach at least 1 000 000



Whats your other main? Little mac?


drop yoshi

I love Ridleys off stage play so fucking much.

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>Ganondorf and ridley. Lucina's neck stomped to the ground

Attached: feels-good.jpg (680x497, 24K)

>implying you can hit pichu when he is smaller than most crouching characters

Attached: pichu.gif (400x300, 515K)

>pichu & roy

Can you be more predictible?

You haven't seen the match between Shuton and Myran, right? It happened in Frostbite.
That's a perfect example of how you can play whoever the fuck you want as long as you know the matchups. From there gg ez my boi

Man, are you comparing us with professionals?

Should I remind you where you are?

>he says on a board dedicated to virtual children's toys


I try to play pit but it is not really worth it
you are assuming Richter is bad and even if he is doable vs Olimar he aint winning vs a S tier character.

Attached: bakudog.jpg (700x494, 57K)

We deliveratedly ignored you. Dont claim for atention

No u

For how many Smash games have you played Link?

No she cannot.

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Palutena in her black dress should be illegal. Sharia Law cant come soon enough

>playing Incineroar
>opponent is Young Link

Attached: [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2019.01.27_23.47.31].jpg (1280x720, 92K)

*only uses the B button and the left joystick*
*beats you*

Attached: zelda-smash-ultimate-625x352.png (625x352, 341K)

>play Mario
>play against Chrom
>he tries to recover with Up-B
>just use my water gun to blast him off stage

>"""HIGH TIER"""

That's free Revenge desu

I play Robin and i love playing against Reflect Characters they always try to reflect anything when tho I'm not stupid enough to throw anything willy nilly. Free win, the only character i hate is ness. His PK Fire is to strong, I try to wiggle out of it but he just keep spaming it then he back throws me to Oblivion. I'm at 4 million gsp and these assholes keep popping up. I just want elite reeee

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>people get mad at good sword characters
>and the not-so-good ones
>and projectile based characters
>and good characters in general
>and easy to use characters
>and hard to use bad characters
who the fuck do you want to play against you stupid scrubby shits

user be a smart player, more often than not they're just spammers

I fought one that was godly
I foot stoll him and he used his up b and bombs to get back on stage

Not you, of course. I hate to make a child cry

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Bros pls me win my oot locals. I main inkling and always get second to number 1 player who plays palu.

The problem is the match up is always not fun for me as the Incineroar.

If they don't know what they're doing, they're free revenge and easy to get in on anyway so are a pushover. If they do know what they're doing (which a lot of Yinks do), they're practically impossible to get in on and can run circles round me. Neither is fun.

learn the fucking matchups
what’s killing you from her

Playing against zelda is instant win. She eats every strong smash

Also fuck Belmonts
I can't fucking approach them. Even when i get in they whip me away. Robin player btw. WHAT THE FUCK DO I DO ANONS?

Literally platform camp them. When and if you get on them do not let up. They’ll have to come fight you eventualy. If not just sd. No ones paying you to try and when that match up

Oh boy. Im having tons of fun with you

Attached: Damn+this+is+funny+_96cd2f49486a510f8d937e6a416ac020.jpg (400x402, 23K)

If you know this then why are you getting hit by her obvious bullshit

Baiting ness is THE easiest way to kill him. They all do the same thing

I get caught by nair/grab mixups all the time and have trouble getting off ledge a lot since he is sm4sh player that knows how to ledge trap. Main issue is I don't know how to edge guard teleport recovery effectively and roller can only get you so many confirms.

As a Ness main I gotta admit I hate playing against Ness

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teleports are tough, try to cover some options with the splat bomb lob, punish the hell out of projectiles when possible.
belmonts on the ground have a pretty big blind spot diagonally above them. Axe is slow and up tilt is worse than it looks.

So as a Mother fan I'm not allowed to play Ness because you can't get out of a PK Fire? Good to know lol

>stop playing Palutena
I would rather fight a million Palutenas than one Ness. She isn't hard to fight at all. The only swordfags that are genuinely hard to fight are Ike and Roy.

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You’ll never make it into Elite Smash with that shit mentality. The high tiers are played a lot because you can actually do shit with them and they feel complete and fun

Ganon main since Melee. All your salt feeds my strength.

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You aren't really trolling anyone in this thread by making yourself look stupid. I don't really understand your plan.

>off stage against Ganon
>press shield to airdodge
>online lag makes me eat a fully charged DORIYAH I saw coming a million years away

Every fucking time.

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I don't like playing as Ganondorf sometimes because of the disrespect reddit meme. Shitty Youtube compilations have made it so any move with Ganon is "disrespectful". My spiking you isn't disrespectful, you shitter. You're just fucking terrible.

Even with the router adapter I lag. I think it's just Ninty's shitty netcode.

Yeah,a lot of people are on the Ganonbandwagon cause of memeing Youtubers. It's even more satisfying when you take a meme clone down and they don't rematch.

Ganondorf isnt even really good. His signature F-Smash takes so long to come out you should kys if you get hit.
He is slow, big and his only good attacks are his aerials and he can not even jump
He is just a good character for bad players because one hit does 30% damage and he kills at 80% with it

>not playing something because others opinion

Oh boy, you are going to enjoy adulthood when you reach it in about 12 years

Meleefag here, I'm really struggling to find characters I really like. I liked Spacies, Marth, Captain Falcon, and Doc Mario. Any characters that are similar to them in this game in playstyle? Roy/Chrom feel very similar to Melee Marth but I'm not sure on the rest

>defending le ebin disrespect ganon "joke"
It wouldn't matter to me if the meme didn't affect gameplay, but it does. People hate fighting Ganondorf, in person and online. You'll never get rematches, and you'll almost always deal with double niggers who spend the entire match running away from you because they're afraid of a forward smash that comes out at frame ten-thousand.

Attached: bassed.jpg (1282x1022, 808K)

Literally just play inkling

That's how Captain Falcon and Ganon have always been stereotyped in Smash. If you even remotely breathe you have a million nerds screaming about how stylish and disrespectful that was

I play Link and Cloud, with a side order of Ganondorf and a scrap of Samus. I don't mind Richter or Simon (personally prefer Richter though)

>For how many Smash games have you played Link?

What an irrelevant question

The difference is that Falcon is actually stylish and gets respected for it, meanwhile Ganondorf gets treated almost as bad as Ness despite being much worse because retards keep posting underwhelming """disrespect""" compilations like they haven't gone out of style.

It's more to see if he hopped on when Link became better in Smash 4, or if he just always played him.

Op, you are the tryhard.

Ok, but i mean, why do you care?

I still don’t get the autistic hatred towards swords in particular. Everyone has something annoying and compared to others swords aren’t nearly as bad. Fuck I’m relieved when I fight them because they’re more likely to be bandwagoning tryhard shitters than someone whose a onetrick that’s incredibly good with their character

Swords arent even that good in Ultimate. All the small and fast meme characters dominate

I play Cloud, Ike, Dr. Mario, Luigi, and Zelda. Do I have balls?

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Oh I'm not the one who asked, I'm just explaining the reasoning. I don't care. Why do you care if he cares?

All I can read from that list is that you love spamming F-air

literally only works at low percents

>stop playing ness
No way fag EarthBound/Mother gang

Attached: pk dab.png (430x430, 217K)

1. Captain falcon
2. Pokemon trainer
3. Wario
Rate my mains senpai

I play Lucas because spiking with his back air feels really good

all my ness mains wya?

Attached: ness.jpg (333x319, 11K)

>falcon in this game
Respect. I can't do it.

I finally lived long enough to see Ganon being better than Falcon

Different. Not better

without a doubt just better

>Why do you care if he cares?

Because it would be a stupid thing to care about

I stay mostly grounded. I hate any stage that's not FD.

Why is that

FD is nice, but BF stages really change up the combo game in a meaningful way, in FD you can basically just space-and-chase and that's about it

>Fought a billion Nesses, Wolfs, FE Swordsmans
>Haven't fought a single Duck Hunt, Rosalina, Ryu, Mii Gunner, Bayonetta, Sheik, and maybe some more i'm forgetting
Cool variety

r8 my most played Yea Forums
>link (will probably be my main)


cope more nintentoddlers

I'm more into traditional fighting games and only like the most competitive aspects of smash.

I was a Dedede secondary, but stopped playing him to focus on my main and get him into elite, but went back to him yesterday only to realize I had completely forgotten how to play him...

How do I play him effectively?

Ness is one of the characters I play too, I've had fun fights against him but only if the other person isn't just picking him because he's meta and is actually doing more than one strat. I also play Greninja, Lucas, Bowser, Rosalina, Peach, Inkling, and ROB and can destroy a spamming Ness with all but they aren't fun to fight because of F-air and side B spam, and maybe doing a back or down throw depending on percent.

Let me add a new variable to the matter

I miss his smash 4 Bair

For me, it's Samus Aran, the most honest character in the game.

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>lil mac main

Fuck off I genuinely like Earthbound and I'm going to use Ness accordingly. I'm a Pac-Main but that's besides the point.


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Don't worry Nessfags, I'm coming for you. I'm the one character your faggot crutch can't dab on. I'm going to personally dab on every Ness corps I see, and you literally can't even stop me from doing it.

Eat shit nessvirgins, I'm coming for you.

Attached: ROB_NES-2.jpg (1450x1600, 119K)


*absorbs your laser for free health*


>shoots gyro afterward, canceling the PSI magnet and making you vulnerable

One fun strategy that is discovered is that bomb drop blocks pk fire HARD, the bomb collides with pk fire but the bomb itself wont detonate while its burning, if ness does nothing but pk fire that can shut him down completely, just jump over the fire and kick his ass

>tfw no one ever complains about my main in these threads, so there’s no guilt using them online
Wii Fit player here, by the way

Literally only 1 step above little mac and mii fighters. Might be the most boring character in the game

Mii gunner strategy

her shield breaks are so satisfying though

Rob is crutch as fuck

>mii fighters

I see you have no imagination lad

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Why can this character combo like this? Why is Sakurai so fucking retarded?

Any other elite Duck Hunt players in here? Have you adjusted to the patch yet?

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>tfw people hate my main for reasons that have absolutely nothing to do with gameplay and barely anything to do with the character itself.

If you can't beat a quarter of the cast, you aren't good enough to be vip. Literally get good

I was listing the most awful characters to play with, not the most boring.

So can we all agree that Ness players are the most braindead player online?

ness, ganon, young link, and cloud players all play like bots

I was at my areas weekly playing against a young link in bracket and at any mid-long range moment he would go
boomerang>arrow>short hop fair
even if I was no where near him, he'd do that exact string literally every time, insane. I just started shielding the first two and then upsmashing his shorthop. I told him afterwards and he was like 'I know, I know' but come on

Fighting an Ike online is exactly like fighting a computer player


any tips for a rosalina main?

>TFW been a yoshi main since the original smash bros game was brand new
>As soon as he is once again decent people turn into massive pillars of salt because his entire character is amazing but a hilariously high skill ceiling and a major absolute bitch to actually get used too enough to not completely scrub out.

wait for 3.0 lol

what did they change to make her go from pretty much top tier to basically bottom tier?
she has a killer nair in ultimate though.

>up air
>high skill ceiling

Fuck you, OP, I've been playing Palutena since day one of Smash 4, without customs. How about you fucking get good, you absolute scrub?

Beat me first you fucking loser.

>drop yoshi
how come??

Whatever helps you sleep

Everyone in quick play is just GSP farming bots.

But i play bowser and isabelle


Wow, congratulations! That doesn't really change the fact that Palutena is an easy to play top tier in Ultimate.

Wow, congratulations! That doesn't really change the fact that you're a little bitch who can't get good.

Why are you getting so angry that people are pointing out you play an easy top tier? If you like the character, you shouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed of playing an easy top tier.

6 characters is not 1/4 of 76
Stop quiting kidergarden and do your maths


Lol. All that salt because he cant rush 2 buttons at the same time

DDD is optimally played like a fat Marth

Why is OP so angry that people can happen to like characters who happen to be top tier and wants them to stop playing them?

If you dont have enough money to afford multiple consoles and a pc, or are autistic enough to defend major coorporations like this, you are too young to enjoy this hobby, end of story. Cope, consolewarfags.

>Ganon f smash is literally old Ike fsmash that no-one cared about
>But since its on ganon now it's an ebin disrespect move
I hate it

Peach and Olimar are more honest than Link in their playstyle. And if we're talking high tiers I'd say Mega Man and Ness both as well. Link has his flaws but his game plan is still "be an obnoxious cunt"

There is no VIP. There's 'elite smash' which is just a basic competence barrier.

Having been playing fighting games for so long now I try not to get upset and blame my character. But ffs Sakurai and Co. didnt even try with Duck Hunt. Irredeemably shit.

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>free single button combo to 60% on every super heavy

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I was curious.

I'm not seeing how Link is obnoxious.

>Characters with unpunishable buttons and powerful ranged options are more honest than a character with easily punishable buttons and powerful ranged options

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>be 4.2+ million in elite smash
>young Link
These are the 7 characters you are going to see 90% of the time. Nice balance Sakurai. Im literally the only Ken at this level.

no throws are true combos into up-air. And yoshi has one of the worst grabs in the game, you retard.

>My best character in Smash 4
>Lucky if I win with him at all in Ultimate

I don't know if it's just me or what. But it feels like he has AIDS. He feels like the same character but he just doesn't work anymore. By contrast, Yoshi and Zelda, my other characters, feel much better. Shit. How do I Da Cunt in Ultimate?

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They aren’t unbeatable at all. Just incredibly tedious.

Imagine Punch Out and all you do is fight Von Kaiser over and over and over and over. Those are the ness and fe character players.

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I always have the feeling that most people who consider Ganon bad are people who don't really know how to play him. I have seen him at high level play and those fsmash ain't nothing to disrespect. Sure it's slow, but landing it is all about the read and leading your opponent into it, which is not easy, but that's the way to go.
I'm not trying to argue that Ganon is a hidden top tier or anything, but I'd be willing to go as far as to place him in lower B instead of upper mid. I have mainef Ganon since Melee going as far as maining him in 4 and eating all the shit that cones from maining such a shit tier as he was in 4 and Ganon in ulti, to me, feels far better than how people rank him and that's because I have only played and seen a handful of competent Ganon players since the game's release and I see a lot of them in quickplay and locals playef by people who simply don't understand the character. That is why, to me, that when I hear he's not very good, I'm skeptical. The comnent always come from people who didn't put a lot of time in the character. I have played against maybe 4 goood Ganons since the game's release in the maybe 60 matches I've had against Ganobs both in and out of Elite and I beat them all with extreme ease with or without playing Ganon, but they all play him like shit. You're supposed to be patient at all times with Ganon and break someone's confidence slowly by applying good reads and relentless pressure.

That being said, I do agree that he is heavily handicaped by his obvious weaknesses and struggle like a motherfucker against fast rushdown characters like Pichu, Fox, Inkling and Sheik, but patience pays especially against these terrible matchups and I never really see the matchup itself as the problem. It's all about how patient I have to be.

What was the counter word to cope again?
Fuck it, yikes.

this made me hard

It amazes me that PK Fire bothers so many people. It's so fucking obvious when a Ness runs away and turns around what he's going to do and then it's a free ass whooping for Ness. And if he's doing it in close just fucking block it's also not safe there. PK Fire is a shit move if they're not catching your jumps and no good Ness should be relying on it over his aerial pressure.


Go write a book somewhere else. A book about autism

You have to understand that for the vast majority of Yea Forumsirgins can't even break elite with their mains

You can all talk shit to Zelda but she is one of my main and god do I love the Ness matchup. Zelda is perfect to fight this annoying faggot.

To me, it's the ammount of cheese there is in quickplay as of late. It's like all the fir glory kiddies finally caught up to Ultimate because I barely have any fun in quickplay anymore. I acknowledge my limitations and that I'm not very good all things considered, but that has nothing to do with losing in itself since I play in locals and with friends and have a blast even if I get destroyed.
It's really the atmosphere that comes with online competitive play that gets to me. This desire some have to legit do all they can to push you to quit the game, those that draw genuine pleasure from breaking your confidence by playing as disrespectfully as possible and make no effort to engage you seriously or those who are so obsessed with winning that they will cheese any way they know how to be it by spamming or using stupid one-trick gimmicks like sucking ass on the center-stage, but once you're offstage it becomes obvious tgey've only ever cated to practice that ONE gimp they rely on 100% to win the matches.

As you said, adapting and playing safe is an obvious fact, but it has nothing to do with outplaying them anymore. Getting one maych like this out of 10 is no big deal, but getting 10 faggots in a row and 2 good sets out of all of these games inevitably errode your patience. I completely understand the mentality of adaptation, but nobody can bullshit me. No one enjoys having to play trolls online or arrogant scumbags. There is no fun in getting disrespected even if you win. No fun in getting trolled for epic youtube distespect montage. The only thing I try to remind myself is it's online and I can't be expecting good practice out of an environmemt with such shit netcode, input lag and playerbase, but most of the time it"s my only option if I want to play against human people and the prominence of scrubs as of late is making me lose interest in the game itself. Maybe I have a shit mentality, but fuck, we're just human.

Did you feel clever when you wrote that shit bait as a reply?

>Pichu good
>BowJu shit, Jiggs shit, Kirby shit, Diddy shit, Isabelle shit, Villager shit
>Chrom, Roy, Marth, Ike, Lucina, Young Link and Link all great

Fuck out of here swordboi.

Attached: IMG_20190308_195241.jpg (674x715, 62K)

>To me, it's the ammount of cheese there is in quickplay as of late.
Nigger did you even play the game at launch? Quick play was exclusively Ylink and the Marths for a full 3 weeks

Durning smash4 i never tried sheik i simply ignored her despite knowing she was really good. Fast forward to ultimate and i tried her by casuality and im loving the ever fuck out of her gameplay, the way she has to string moves and the snappy movement alongside her animations make her really fun to play , i think i am in love. Yet its all worthless since its evident she was gutted , not even loyal sheik players main her anymore ; and yeah i will keep playing her , fuck tiers
but gee i sure do regret missing her prime

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Just play Fox or ZSS instead

Please enlighten me as to what these unpunishable great buttons are.

how bout you grow some balls and stop getting rekt by them. Honestly this post is just embarrassing

git gud and they'll quit

I wouldn't be as salty if every character didn't do what he does better. His recovery is a slower and more vulnerable version of something a good quarter of the cast has. He's the "zoner" character except all of his projectiles are slow and easily punished with down b literally being useless. Meanwhile Mega Man, Link and the Belmonts not only have godlike projectiles but they have actual A moves that do something with both Mega and Belmonts have multiple giant range killing Aerials. Duck Hunt has up air. He's also significantly lighter than basically anyone who is supposed to be using projectiles and was made even lighter in Ultimate.

So we have
>Poor recovery
>Easily punished and stuffed
>Easily killed
>Can't kill
>Is a zoner in a rush down meta

Existence is suffering for Duck Hunt

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Online Zelda is significantly more cancerous than Ness in my experience. Killing a Ness is as simple as blocking and punishing. Zelda uses online as a get out of jail free card on her up air and neutral air. Even the pros hate fighting her.

>Main Falcon
>Secondary Ken, Villager, Toon Link
r8 me. Still need to get Villager into elite.

Same. I don't know why people sleep on Piranha Plant. He's surprisingly good. He's almost as heavy as Incelroar while being fast on the ground, having amazing damage output, and his only problem is that he struggles killing, but he has a kill throw that kills off the top and can kill as low as 110% on Wario Ware.

The hitbox is legit the same, the animation was just changed to better reflect it.

>standing at the ledge against Ridley

Anyone with a brain will fair him to death or just walk back to stage,

Pre nerf it hit below him too

>cant even get all of his mains into elite

Attached: 745.png (327x316, 211K)

Ness isnt even a good character desu

>Everyone saying Ganondorf is strong now
>When he's just as weak as ever, just with a worse U-smash
Everyone will feel ashamed of themselves when Ganondorf ends up being bottom tier again and they were complaining about him.

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>his only problem is that he struggles killing

This isn't a game of attrition you know. The most widely agreed upon top-tier characters are also some of the most braindead to play (Ike, Lucina, Wolf) because they have one or two moves that come out fast, can be spammed, are applicable in most situations and kill.

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I only played the 3 or so matches to get into elite with him but he felt pretty decent, I see them quite a bit in the pools of majors so I assume he is at least middling tier

Every heavy deserves to be nerfed into nothing

Im a nintendo fan but holy fuck dude, this is such an ancient meme, i dont know how you were able to type that unironically

I play young link and zelda, thinking i need to just throw inkling into the mix because i keep getting beat at my locals.

Attached: super_smash_bros_ultimate___zelda_by_undead_niklos_dceirqh-pre.jpg (894x894, 178K)

Ike isn't top tier, because he only has one good option now as opposed to 0. As an Ike main, I can safely say that he's not top tier, just really unga bunga now. Take away his nair confirm and he's bottom 20.

PP, though, has his spiky ball, which does fucking everything. You can control half of Wario Ware with just his poison and spiky ball. Granted, he's also combo fodder for Wario, but you never see Warios because they're hard to play.

>talking about regret while posting vivian

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Reflectors are too good against him, make it so they don't work on poison. His ability to approach is also pretty limited.

>Ike isn't top tier

Post discarded

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What's wrong with Vivian?

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>As an Ike main, I can safely say that he's not top tier
this doesnt mean anything, almost everyone in these Yea Forums smash threads is fucking trash and the comments reflect it.

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>As an Ike main, I can safely say that he's not top tier
Thanks literally who. I feel so reassured now.

>main lucina
>shit on entire roster

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>K. Rool niggers think Ike is OP
He literally has 1 (one) good option. Just learn to avoid the Nair. He doesn't have that many tourney results for a reason. Granted, he's still high tier, but he is in no way a top tier, not even close. You can't be a top tier with 1 option.

>out spaces your disjoints

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Lucina is really hard to play at the higher levels because she's one of like three top tiers who have to play an honest neutral. Her only spammable move to kill is upb and that's for rare occasions.

As far as I'm concerned the only character who deserves the rope right now is Wolf. Swordies are annoying with their discount but they're not unmanageable. (Unless you're at the edge). Wolf however just has every to imaginable, fuckery in some of his move hitboxes, a reflector, a stunning projectile and ridiculous kill power considering everything else he has. He feels like the most solid character smash has ever seen.

>giant hit boxes
>slow and predictable smash attacks
>punishable recovery
not today shitter

If ganon can make him his bitch by just using A, it means its mediocre.

So wolf is discarded as top tier

>giant hit boxes
thats right, my hit boxes are bigger than yours, good luck trying to space those fairs when my hammer is bigger than your sword
>slow and predictable smash attacks
you actually play against DDDs that use those for anything but yolo mixups? what a laugh, Bair and off stage hits are more than enough to end your stock
>punishable recovery
5 jumps and a super jump with 3 mixups arent easily punishable at all

>Play villager
>Opponent at kill percent
>Plant a tree
>axe one time
>Opponent rush to the tree and use reflector before I axe it a second time
>I just dash forward and axe him instead for kill
Every fucking goddamn time.

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>Lucina is really hard to play

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>Neutral B's everything you try to do

>play a character with good off stage mobility
>villagers just start camping the tree and go for the mixups like I am going to enter their magical realm

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Op here

I didnt mean they are dificult. I mean they are everywhere.

For god sake, I prefer going vs a pichu, luigi or Piranha plant. At least they offer an interesting battle

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It's called VIP Smash in Japanese

Why am I so much better with Villager than any other character

because you dont actually have to play the the game when your bread and butter have blood gulch sized range

>Pichu and Pikachu are annoying they just does whatever they wants
>Marth, Roy, Lucina, Chrom are braindead flowchart, their disjoint is so annoying
>Olimar can smash through anything he's so annoying
>Link and Young Link's projectiles are so oppressive they're so annoying
>I keep getting hit by PK Fire Ness is so annoying
>Belmont's wall of projectiles are so hard to get through they're so annoying
>Ganondorf kills at 40 he's so annoying
>Wolf's projectile stuns it's so annoying
>Zelda's neutral B is too good so annoying
>IKE NAIR so annoying
PK Freeze ledge guarding so annoying
>K. Rool armor and blunderbuss uggh so annoying
>Wario has a free comeback mechanic how annoying
>Peach combos me annoying!
>Isabelle just throws out the fishing pole and doesn't even play how annoying
>I can't shield Inkling's roller too annoying
>DDD gordos are too fast for me to knock back annoying
>Palutena juggles. Annoying.
>How do I get through ROBs ANNOYING side b
>Snake grenades are so annoying the match isn't even fun

Do you faggots even want to play this game

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Villager fucks with other characters. Pocket K Rool's crown and then just keep it.

it'd better be the cool roy

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More like can you, FAG OP, drop your balls and stop playing a children's party game on a tablet

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>tfw when no one is ever talking about your main
Beep boop...
Tut Tut!

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My main is Samus!

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Game and Watch's recovery attack is annoying as fuck, having to completely respect him as he slowly floats at the top of the stage is infuriating


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Nigger what. As a DK main it's Bair. If you're playing a DK main that's spamming fair and actually complaining about it you're both retarded.

"Hello sir. Would you mind to block this supermissile while I land 36% damage to your face?"

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>complaining about DK fair spam
Sub 1mil GSP detected

seething. checkmate, PK Fire spammer.

They never see it coming. Think I've hit more Max charge shots than I've missed.

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ganondorf main thread

i agree with lucina and wolf,but not ike.his nair is dtupid but hes still slow

>Lucina is really hard to play

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Wow this really tips the scale.

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If you care enough to climb, "tryhard" shouldn't be in your vocabulary anymore.

>They never see it comming
Wut? Everyone and their mother is conditioned to it

Yet it still hits all the time. Or they'll do the whole rush you while you charge and you just dodge and zap. I almost never waste a Max charge

How do you guys miss the important point?
Do you even read?

>play pit
>get opponent offstage
damn i love the new airdodge mechanics that make it so half the cast literally cant do anything about my arrows offstage
even though he was only buffed from 4 hes still just worse sword mario which is a little disappointing, but ill take my easier gimps and go back to being a completely irrelevant low-mid tier at best

Except she's not. The fact that she's fundamentals + range means she still has an easier time than the characters who require work because Lucina is just getting good at playing the game where something like Peach or Olimar or hell even Pichu requires getting good at executing your character. It's not a commentary on Lucina being bullshit or anything but it's like having a top tier Ryu or Ken in a SF. They're so elementary that if they're actually good in the game they have exponentially less bullshit hoops to jump through to get results.

Never ever. If it dont hit, it means broken shield and stunt.

Why samus is not one of the most played in mid tiers?

This is Just a Game Theory TM
But I've wondered if it's because Samus has felt like garbage in every smash up to Ultimate and nobody is giving her the chance to see how much better she feels. I feel like a floaty badass in the air now where she used to feel like a dumb clumsy slut.

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Yeah I could see that being a significant factor, but as I get to play better players who understand the game and have perfected their character-specific tech, I feel that strength becomes more if a weakness as her success is fully dependent upon a player's skill in fundamentals, making her less strong compared to other characters who can convert off of one neutral win for massive damage with easy, low risk options. She becomes difficult to play due to this, as the Lucina's capability to read their opponent tells whether they get a hit or get destroyed with no in-between.

Appreciate the suggestion, but I've played Palutena since the beginning of 4, so I'm not stopping now that she is actually good. Sorry

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>Play heavy character
>Land literally any move

>playing based characters generates hype
Wow go figure

How do you counter dedede?

rate my mains, Yea Forums

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Send every gordo back into that fat fuck's face


I play whatever I goddamn please and there is nothing you can do about it you fucking whiny pissbaby.

Why am I suddenly seeing Lucarios/Mewtwos/Samuses doing some weird movement with their charge shots? I've seen it before but it was rare, now I see it constantly.

Somebody post that webm where Nairo's Ganon lands the forward smash from behind and wins the game.



You are so dumb. I also play him, just revenge 3 projectiles and hit him with anything.

This post is correct.
Lucina is very simple and kind of predictable. I never understood the complaints against sword characters in this game. I legitametely have the most fun playing against them over any other characters.

It's alot easier said than done, especially with how easily DDD can mix them up or regrab them

What the fuck? Playing against Lucina makes me want to pull my hair out as someone with short range. Moves like her uair are fast, huge and safe, and she's free to spam moves like fair and nair without any commitment. The best thing against her is to use shield a bunch so of course she has a move specifically made to bust shields. Fighting Lucina fucking sucks and pretty much every FE swordsman is a chore to play against because while you're constantly working to get in, they just need to mash the A button and get free, safe percent before killing you with an easy edgeguard or a frame 10 fsmash.
And for the record my GSP is so high that matchmaking takes forever, don't pull any of that "lol ur just bad" shit because sworides are equally obnoxious at all levels of play.

No, you're probably good. I'm willing to admit that I just play lower level swordies and you fight them at a higher level. Maybe it's just a matter of matchups, too, idk. I tend to play as heavies so they usually give me more respect than I have to give them.

>want to play a meatrod
>Dark Samus has cooler colors and effects but isn't a character and playing a "Dark" version of a character feels lame
>But hate that Samus is a blonde bimbo inside the suit and also uses shitty other m armor

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Can you grow some balls and admit that you fucking suck dick at smash bros. Baby bitch faggot.

>Tfw absolutely love all the newcomers
>Have to play them in a game where reps from Brawl and tr4sh exist
Honestly 90% of the newcomers from those games need reworks. They all operate on antifun principles

does lowtiergod actually play K rool?


t. carried Palutena main

nobody here knows what a tech chase is

I played Palutena all through smash 4, Not gonna stop for whiny bitches like you

Swordies online are fucking cancer on both ends but offline Lucina leaves a lot of holes that need to be covered up by a good player. It's mostly in the endlag of her moves which are easier to capitalize on in offline because you can read and react a lot more reliably.
Also gsp doesn't mean much for skill. I've played complete shitters with gsp a hundred thousand higher than me in elite smash and legitimate hard players in the lower rings of elite. Who do you main?

I usually jump cancel side b for any forward tech chase and f-smash for backwards roll

Guess I'm just gonna have to get good. Back rolls are still basically impossible to punish with fsmash's tiny range

I do fear it, still gonna try to punch Dedede's fucking face tho.
Always a good game against me and Wolf (im not a furry, i did NOT fucked my cat).

>fighting a zelda
>I'm samus
>Everytime they whif a move they press b as fast as the can
>I grab them and only pummel them everytime in hopes that they realize what they're doing
>they never learn and keep doing it

This is every Zelda

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