ITT: games everyone lost interest in after a month

ITT: games everyone lost interest in after a month

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Other urls found in this thread:

>single player game with 10 hours of content

no shit

>single player game with 45 hours of content

no shit

DMC5 and it hasn't even been a month yet.

>about 5 threads at any one time

Every single AAA game that gets praised by the national media. These games were made to be played once and discarded.

Not talking about the game. Just jacking off over the girl. So I guess you kind of have me on a technicality. I'll give it to you.

In a week.

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>people don’t autistically play and talk about a single game for months at a time

At least some games are popular enough to have occasional reoccurring threads after their time in the sun is over

I don't even remember it having many threads while it was fresh

talk about a flop

>Just jacking off over the girl.
Why would you lie when it's so easy to prove you wrong?

Because I'm not wrong or you would have proven me wrong, and not made a terrible reply like that.

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this game is really popular like Fortnite, Yea Forums just doesn't like it

Im still playing it now, got my platinum last night. Will probably do a Noir game tonight. It's GOTY.

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I didn't want to oust myself as a phoneposter but ok

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Sure thing nigger.

Its fucking dying kid. All the [paid] streamers left, people are laughing at the battle pass, its bleeding players

>The 'time = quality' argument.

It was a great remake but until there's new DLC, there's nothing else to talk about.

>nothing else to talk about.
waifu wars

>game is no longer getting shilled now that it's out
No shit, you think they get payed indefinitely?

>waifu wars
The war is over user. Claire won.

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There are still relatively frequent RE threads though

This. Seems like it was just kind of okay.

I've put 141 hours into the game. I'm taking a fucking break. I'll probably come back to it soon though. I'm a sucker for 4th survivor. It's so fun. I really want to get my time down a little bit more.

I haven't even finished it, did the copy-pasted fight against the heartless lich x 7 and couldn't be bothered playing anymore.

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Only a dipshit zoomer could possibly complain about this standout gem, when the games industry is literally drowning in bullshit endless 'games-as-a-service' repetitive garbage.

Go play Apex Legends over and over again on the same exact map like your other junior high buddies

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The true answer right here.
The only threads i've seen about it were making fun of the older games.

I don't understand the logic that quality equates to how long people talk about and play a game. For one thing, people with good taste play an absurd amount and variety of games, so it's not like they spend 1000s of hours on a single game (or even 100s most of the time). You can still think something is a masterpiece even if you only play it once. In fact, most linear games are best played only once, and repeat playthroughs are usually inferior to the first (loss of novelty), so it's better to just move onto another great game instead of replaying.

You also ignore the fact that certain genres alienate casuals. Even if an RTS game was the true GOTY, hardly anyone would talk about it, since the genre is alienating to brainlets. Similarly, the fact that RE2 is less of an action game than DMCV (for example), means a lot of casuals will simply not have the attention-span to play it, nevermind talk about it.

It's one of my new favorite games of all time. It is subjectively near-perfect.

I did not think it was possible to make a game that stuck to the real roots of Resident Evil's brand of survival horror while also retaining the great controls and enhancements of RE4, and I DEFINITELY didn't think you could GENEROUSLY improve upon BOTH of those aspects. It has everything I needed and so many things I didn't even know I wanted.

My only real complaint is that they have nowhere to go from here. Even RE3 leans heavily toward action and linearity, and then you're heading towards the exact problem the series just escaped from.

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>I did not think it was possible to make a game that stuck to the real roots of Resident Evil's brand of survival horror while also retaining the great controls and enhancements of RE4, and I DEFINITELY didn't think you could GENEROUSLY improve upon BOTH of those aspects. It has everything I needed and so many things I didn't even know I wanted.
And yet somehow people think DMCV is still superior, when it's just as standard a sequel as 4 was.

Capcom shills got paid to switch to DMCV instead.

Any Pokémon game

You must not have been paying attention then, because there were about 8 threads about it up at all times

>Only a dipshit zoomer could possibly complain about this standout gem,
What a cute narrative. Like this game, if you don't you are a zoomer.

Has it even been a month? More like lost interest in after two weeks.

Hopefully Capcom are aware of this fact and will make an effort to distance the remakes and new games to come from the action oriented linear gameplay of the rest of the series.

>while also retaining the great controls and enhancements of RE4,

Please get the fuck off this board and never come back.

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>Comparing RE2 to DMCV
It's like comparing a rock and a glass of water

3D > 2D
Free-cam > fixed-cam
open-world > corridor
photorealism > pixel art

>Becca poster

The sign of truly shit taste

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Eh, I get why people like it well enough.
>adds even more depth to the mechanics of multiple playable characters that are already far more complex than the majority of the Character Action genre, and continues adding that depth all the way to the literal end of the game
>is actually a finished game this time
>brings back fan favorite characters
>probably gets kinda-pointless brownie points for coming off the back of DmC and it's shallow combat and unfun, ungoofy story

For the real fans of DMC, I think they're used to the kinds of issues that have always plagued the series, like the bland level design. And that's fine, I'm glad they can focus on the positives, but that doesn't make it perfect (to me).

I enjoyed it, but it definitely wasn't the complete culmination of decades of refinement into a close-to-flawless masterpiece. Also it would've been better with more tiddy.

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>I think they're used to the kinds of issues that have always plagued the series, like the bland level design
It's not just the levels, but the enemies too. I think this is why DMCfags can't understand what makes Kamiya games so superior, it's like their aesthetically blind to anything that's not your character responding to combo-inputs. It's like they think action games are an even more crippled form of e-"sports".

I legitimately can't tell if you hate RE4 or if you think RE2R didn't improve the controls and weapon system.

We'll see.
With RE3 specifically, my concerns largely stem from:
>the setting is an outdoor city environment with arbitrarily blocked-off routes that completely ditches the 10/10 level design of RE1 and RE2 and would seem goofy as fuck when seen with modern graphics
>the weapon upgrade and ammo combining elements were both given to RE2R
>Mr. X's larger presince in RE2R stole Nemesis's thunder
>How the hell do you make fast dodging/parrying, quick turning, and a giant that has a FUCKING ROCKET LAUNCHER not about action, and not silly as all hell to look at with realistic graphics?

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this is an example of the enemy "design".

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Then why don't they remake the real RE3, Code Veronica, instead? Surely that would avoid all your concerns.

>How the hell do you make fast dodging/parrying, quick turning, and a giant stalking not about action, and not silly as all hell to look at with realistic graphics?

RE2make has quick turn, a pseudo dodge that doesn't help much and is there and a stalking giant,
All RE3 needs is someone with godly skills at re-making the racoon city map layout from scratch while retaining the great parts of the claustrophobic enviroments of RE2 but also having the setting feel like a war zone like in RE3.

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>I legitimately can't tell if you hate RE4 or if you think RE2R didn't improve the controls and weapon system.

Both seem reasonable to me.

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Yeah go ahead and remake CV it was a piece of shit anyway, so it's not like they can ruin it.

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this, wth happened? It's been hyped here for years and I didn't notice that it was released

>All RE3 needs is someone with godly skills at re-making the racoon city map layout from scratch while retaining the great parts of the claustrophobic enviroments of RE2 but also having the setting feel like a war zone like in RE3.
Claustrophobia is almost exclusively a property of interior levels. And what you desire is probably that the entire game feels like the journey to the police station in REmake2, which would be boring.

The concept sounds like it would be laughable with current graphics, and the best way of doing it would probably be a free-roam style game like Evil Within, which doesn't take advantage of the Remake improvements. Like the other guy said, it would make much more sense to remake Veronica.

they should finally make a pc port for kh3, maybee people will actually start to care about the game again

They'll just up the ante further to match pace with RE2R. While Mr X was made a constant and invincible, he's still only quick-walked towards you to do punches and grabs. I would imagine RE3R's Nemesis would be faster and more intelligent.

From what I remember, (it's been a while), CV is almost exactly the same brand of linear, they just disguise it a bit better. Plus you get crap like duel-wielding.

... Also, A fucking laser gun, Capcom? Really?

Sorry if I muddied what I was saying, but I was trying to get out is that my point on Nemesis wasn't about just having a stalking giant, it was that there is a world of difference between a guy in a hat who has a slow left hook versus a tentacle monster in a flesh suit who can sprint like a son of a bitch and has a literal rocket launcher.

As far as dodging goes, the quick turn is one thing, and I'll grant you that, but RE3 had that pushing stun move thing + a super fast backward dodge, and that's just too actiony to me, personally.

Lastly, the crazy "holy hell lets get out of this city right now now now they're going to blow it up lets go oh my god there are so many enemies" vibe was totally fine, it was fun, but an open city with lots of zeds isn't an intriquete, claustraphobic maze, nor is it particularly unique and memorable when compared to the Spencer Mansion or RCPD building.

But I was dead wrong about RE2R, so who knows.

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>I would imagine RE3R's Nemesis would be faster and more intelligent.
Right, so you'd logistically need better tools to compensate for that difficulty, no? Imagine playing RE2R, as it currently is, but Mr. X can sprint and takes a bazillion bullets to get down and has ROCKET LAUNCHER.

Not implying it can't be done, but damn if they don't have a rough job ahead of them.

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>every enemy is an empusa
Remember kids, being a kamiyafag rots your brain

Then why don't they do CV instead? It's a better platform. Plus, it will show all the people who didn't have dreamcasts that CV is the best RE game.

I'm going to disagree with you there. Having the weakest couple variants of the many enemy types be bug things isn't really a problem to me. I felt like they constantly introduced new enemies and/or a new hazard and/or a new weapon practically every level. But I won't begrudge you for feeling otherwise.

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I can agree with you on that, because on RE7 I loved the first house part and then for me it was a downward spiral to "okay" levels, at first I thought I was playing the first person version of Remake but, it got really boring at the house full of traps, and boat, and finally mines.
Well, hopefully they manage to make the streets kinda actiony, but have the meat be the lonely halleys and run down ghettos/houses.

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wut? I beat it 6 times on PS4 and 1 more on PC recently

It's a 4 hour long single player game, no shit.

Nemesis needs to be able to enter saferooms, so mny peoples first reation ot MrX was to run to a safe room. the big shock factor of Nemesis this time will be his speed and ability to fuck you over wherever you go

>CV is the best RE game.

Horrible, pacing, lame boss fights and a lto of the worst elements of the story come from CV. I loved Dreamcast, but don't be delusional user.

Or they could just make the game really easy and stupid like they did with REmake of 2.

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>best RE
Is that sarcasm? I'm not trying to be a douche, but with the crazy stuff people say here, I can't tell if you're actually implying it's better than RE1R or RE2R.

That aside, while it is definitely a better setting for an RE game (in my opinion), it still has serious mechanical and structural problems.
>duel wielding is super actiony
>new enemy designs are incredibly stupid, both how they look and to fight against
>it's still incredibly linear for an RE game, even if it has a couple times where it asks you backtrack through the exact same route you just came with little-to-no variation
>they almost couldn't make up their mind on what setting to choose and whenever one place starts to get interesting, they toss you off to a completely different kind of location--- variety is great but that game gives me whiplash

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>then for me it was a downward spiral to "okay" levels,
You just described every single Resident Evil game other than the original/first remake.

I have no clue why they feel the need to shoot you off into comparatively bland (aesthetically and in layout) areas after hours of dynamic, interesting level design.

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All those issues are trivial, especially considering they could just ignore them since it's the black sheep of the series. Whereas all the fanboy retards will complain about every little thing missing from Remake 3 even if those things would otherwise ruin the game.

Why did REmake 2 have so few lickers? There are a couple in RPD and 2 in one room of nest and thats it

>You just described every single Resident Evil game other than the original/first remake.
What about [Resident Evil 4:] Devil May Cry?

>take out the only gameplay additions, the new enemies, the level design, and the majority of the setting
All that leaves is the absolutely bat-shit, Jumping The Shark-tier story.

At that point just make a new game.

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as a matter of fact I was so fucking sad that the Hive got butchered to a few levels when in RE2 it was just as big as the RPD with as much twist and turns as the spencer mansion, thank god the RPD was a joy ride from start to finish and the Sewers weren't as bad as some people say, and even if spiders/crows hit the bucket the G adults were a great recurring mini boss and made me feel like Racoon city was actually fucked since the whole sewer system had corpses filled with G embryos ready to mutate and spread like the black plague. Hopefully my man we get what we deserve in this strange timeline were RE4 got fucked by movies/Gamecube nintendo fuckery and only now we got something to talk about.

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I did everything i wanted original is still better for repeated Playthroughs

Furies invalidate your argument

Far as I know, it's not like that game was finished in its development when they decided it wasn't going to be RE4, so I don't think it's far to compare.

BUT, if we were to pretend it's RE4, then I'd still say that while it's level design doesn't take a nosedive in quality, it also never hits any particular high points. It's just sort of okay the whole way through.

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>At that point just make a new game.
But that's what makes Remake 2 so good, they basically did just that in terms of mechanics.


>So are you guys like boyfriend and girlfriend???

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Best song in the entire series.

Just play the Uncharted games you shitter.

You're speaking my language, user. Speaking it exactly.

Side note: having an instant kill enemy is dumb and stupid and un-fun.
I say that as a person who didn't die to one in my first runs of either scenario. I just heard about it online and instantly felt that it was an artificial kind of difficulty.

If we're talking the realest of talks, I wish they'd just go with a new canon. Fuck it. Why not?

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Uncharted games are unironically closer to classic RE than RE4 and its successors are, since they provide substantial adventure segments in addition to all the action.

It's funny how brainlets refute themselves, so you don't have to.

Kind of? But they kept the story, layout, and most other stuff still based in RE2, they just happened to add many improvements on top of that core game.

That's waaaay different than completely scrapping 75%+ of a games setting, throwing away all it's new enemies, throwing away it's only additions in terms of mechanics, and throwing away the entirely awful story that was the first sign of the series plot turning to complete schlock.

If they wanted to do a Resident Evil with some snow and a plane or whatever, sure, but why even call it Code Veronica at that point?

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wanna hear crazy talk?
Outbreak remade
Now that's never gonna happend.

Also yeah, the Ivy enemy fucked my S+ run when Mr.X punched my face into one and I was being a jew with difensive items since G3 was coming up.

Sure was fun doing 1 hour of sewers and Nest again.

also, since you are a good lad, I'll give you this, I made it for fun just because I felt like it but didn't give it to the CHRIS threads because I didn't think it was THAT funny.

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the only place that doesn't like this game in Yea Forumsintendogaf

Reminder Ada is a complete bitch, even according to Hideki Kamiya

>"The timing of when Leon and Ada kiss was made to be earlier in the remake at the suggestion of Takeuchi, and Kamiya feels that it works out because it makes Ada feel more manipulative of Leon."

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Outbreak was a bit rough but i still loved it.
Except the AI voice spam in the the first

>itt autismo tries to disguise common sense as an epic post


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God she looks terrible.

That.. Is actually a really good idea. If they do it well. Damn, I never thought of that.

>that video
>"not that funny"
user that's fucking genius what are you talking about

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she just escaped a hellish nightmare

I'm gonna marathon it every halloween so joke's on you

Don't mind that guy he's just a seething hater. Every time someone posts Claire he says something like that

I want that 'you are not gonna make me waste my ammo you bitch' part as a solo clip kek

>that look in her eye
she's ready to be a mother, leon

>wanna hear crazy talk?
> Outbreak remade
That's honestly the single greatest thing they could do, considering most innovations in gaming this decade have been multiplayer-related in some way. From everything I've seen of Outbreak I think it was too ambitious and it seems way too janky and like one of the lesser RE games simply due to being ahead of its time. But now in the age of multiplayer polish, and with endless role-models to ape, if they did a "Remeak" that could truly be that would make RE just as groundbreaking as the original was in 1996.

But to remake Outbreak in an industry-shattering way would make the fanboys seething and the backlash would be insane. They would need to be influenced by all trends of this decade: battle royale, fully-destructible environments, survival/crafting with limited resources, force players to work together as factions to survive at all but also incentivise attacking other factions, etc. Racoon City seems like a better scale for it to have, but they'd need to emphasise interiors to keep to the strengths of the series. It really sounds like an impossible concept to realise, but then Capcom already came out with the GOAT wrpg out of nowhere when they released Dragon's Dogma. Maybe they can do the same with PvPvE survival games?

>Eheheheh, we just met!
>*psst shut the FUCK up Sherry!*

The whole point of these games is that they're horror. So:
>"since they provide substantial adventure segments in addition to all the action."

Brings them closer to those games because the more action oriented game play means more freedom and power for your character which makes you less likely to feel fear and helplessness in the situation. This is also coupled with the stupid fucking camera that builds no suspense and allows you to see every detail of the setting and things that the character shouldn't logically be able to see which is counter to horror. The fixed camera had a reason for existing despite what dumb fucks who just want a run and gun experience think. The new controls and camera are better for aiming a gun, but minorly improving the combat, which isn't event hat much better, I mean if you really want a dumb action game why not just go full retard and make it a first person shooter? Milk toast third person just sucks ass and if we aren't going to keep any of the horror elements why keep the viewpoint at all? These changes aren't worth the game losing the spirit of the series. The only brainlets are people who think 4 was the best in the series and that every game after it should just retroactively become a clone of it, even when it doesn't fit the intentions or genre of the setting of the series as a whole. You want the games to be TLOU and 4,5,6 just go play those shitty games and leave the classics alone if they aren't going to keep what made them great at keast a little bit intact.

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Thank you for proving every Kamiya boomer is a delusional hipster.

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Never seen somebody butcher "intricate" this badly.

>Yea Forums pc fags caring about console games

>run claire first
>no problems
>run leon
>constantly run out of ammo upon returning from garage
>have had to restart twice

what the fuck is wrong with me? i can’t seem to conserve ammo for shit. help?

What are some other games where you get to play as a cute, frightened loli?

ITT: cancer

>pc fags dont have consoles
alone the thought of it would be absurd

Pop heads, one shotgun shell per zombie.
This webm has infinite ammo but you get the point. It annihilates zombies. You just gotta make all pellets connect with the head

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Ada did feel like a massive manipulative bitch in the Remake. Don't know why but she felt more genuine in the original game. Guess it was the overall softer attitude and their little lovey dovey moment when she's hurt.

if you're doing leon B then it's probably because you get less ammo overall for the .45
pick your spots and kill only what you need to and use the available knives

But Bayonetta is shit

Bayo is the sexiest bmup game of all time.

Dragon: Marked for Death vanished a week after launch.
Here's to hoping the physical release, new content and unlocked level cap at the end of this month resuscitate it.

That concept sounds insane. Someone should do a tl;dr version and post it to whoever the most active Capcom director on twitter is.

I got 62 hours out of it. I'm pretty happy, easily the best game release so far this year. Probably will replay it whenever I do a replay of most re games

No, it has some of the lamest and forgettable enemy designs I ever seen. All transformers with statue faces lol. Gow enemies were better (excluding the boring variety in the new one), DMC are better.

>GoW shiteater
Opinion disregarded

I have over 100 hours in this game. It's literally the perfect video game.

If you pretend people will discuss a single player game for months after release then you are obviously a zoomer that measures the quality of a game in twitch viewers and doesnt understand the concept of a single player game with a ending, people played the game a couple of times, enjoyed and moved on, not every game is a endless threadmill of a fixed 50% winrate grinding for lootboxes and looking up to new skins and seasons that change nothing about the game and thank god for that.

You remember it enough to dedicate a thread to it.

Im currently playing TW warhammer II, dmc v and hots, its really refreshing to go from the comfy tacticness and slow advancement of TW to the frenetic action of dmc v to the casual mindless fun of hots with friends.

You can hate GoW if you like as a hacker, it's enemy and world design, was impeccable, irrefutable. Some of the most memorable and unique intepretations of Greek gods and creatures in fiction.

Tendies are still mad everyone got to play the better remake.

I downloading for replay as I speak, bruh.

Also, fuck games that were designed to consume as much time from your life as possible. A single game shouldn't be a way of life. You can make a profit even without forcing people to join some shitty integrated fanclub.

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From an aesthetic perspective, sure, but holy fucking hell are they boring to fight against.

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Yeah my only friend who did play it started playing call of duty Blackout instead.

Not him, but Zoomer or not, you have absolute shit taste if you can’t appreciate REmake2

Enough of the treadmill bullshit.
Every game I've enjoyed recently has been a tight single player experience that doesn't overstay it's welcome, and I know I'll lovingly revisit someday.

but also Destiny 2 because i can't get enough of the gunplay and my best friends play it and i got the dope-ass daft punk looking head from bright engrams so i somehow avoided having to worry about all that paid cosmetic shit because i already got what i wanted at random for free right before the season ended

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>zoom zoom
Thanks for proving my point.

LMAO I felt guilty for playing and loving destiny 2 after he posted that

Just want to say.... FUCK V, FUCK THIS PUSSY ASS BITCH MOTHER FUCKER, FUCK HIM. Never cursed so much at a goddamn mother fucking game in life. FUCKING BITCH with his shitty ass dodge. I'm tired of this mother fucker on DmD. I hate this faggot ass little bitch. FUCKING TIRED OF THIS SHIT.

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Why did they try to make her look like that actress Jen Larry from hunger games and mother and silver lining?

>"c'mere ya little bitch"
>"huh, well done Sherry you did it"

Sherry has some of the best lines in the game, goofy little spud.


>the girl
You're wrong buddy, trust me

She looks like uuhhhhhhhh
Jennifer Lawrence that's her name. Jen Larry.

Who cares, Jennifer Lawrence is pretty hot desu. Great nudes too (just like Claire)

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I'd smash, it just irks me when games unnecessarily do that
If the actor/tress is involved then it's fine but when they're not it's just strange to me

I dont think so.

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Now that Jordan is 18 if she had nudes i would fucking die to gaze upon her hard young bare skin.

Almost like a studio wanted to get X but couldn't do they roll with the model anyways.
>It's fine but on first sight I'm kind like

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Claire has a different shaped nose and lips from Jordan McEwen. Sometimes she looks like her and sometimes Jennifer Lawrence, sometimes neither

There are still daily threads about it you fucking nigger

That's Claire on the left. She's a goofy tall girl irl.

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I dunno mang i think she is pretty spot on. They are both very "toothy" when they smile.

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I've played over 125 hours of it already. S+ every scenario and difficulty. Got all trophies and like 95% of in game challenges with the last 5% simply out of my skill range. Seriously fuck Tofu, dammit. I'll for sure play it more later just to dick around but for now I'm playing other stuff. It's more or less what happened back in the day when it first came out. Played the fuck out of it for a month. Over and over and over again enjoying the hell out of it.

stop stopping talking

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Do they really pull faces like this when they are firing?

No, he just makes faces like that when he's really hurt. It's only a coincidence that he was firing at the same time

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Not shocking when the game is trash after over a decade of waiting

He has Arnold schwarzenegger teeth

Attached: A71511FC-25EE-4A6D-9791-4F3B4A883A61.jpg (655x543, 31K)

Leon is based

Attached: 1552993600050.jpg (1912x9708, 3.4M)

Because the replay value, while better than 7's, is still shit. It's also clearly undercooked.

>only two main scenarios instead of 4
>both scenarios are 95% identical
>no real unlockables to speak of
>bonus scenarios are only the one track point a to point b ones with no real variation

Not looking forward to seeing how they're going to butcher 3.

>RE2 commercial success overshadowed by DMC5's commercial success.
>Both Capcom games
>Lmao haha Capcom BTFO haha ononono

>reddit spacing
Opinion discarded. Guaranteed you're 15 and are obsessed with saying that the old games are the best.

>RE2 commercial success overshadowed by DMC5's commercial success

Since when? Source?

When you start, immediately run upstairs and get the keycard for the shotgun. Work your way through the station, boarding up windows along the way and stunning the zombies to get past. Once you get the shotgun, Leon B is easy, just pop the zombie's heads.

>no real unlockables to speak of
>bonus scenarios are only the one track point a to point b ones with no real variation
Unlockables is just false, and the second one is exactly what the bonus scenarios in the original were. How you doing there, Michael?

I'm not here to defend it but your a few hours if that to the end dude.

Would like some proper DLC, survivor mode shit is for autistic speed running spergs

RE2's problem is the lack of replayability.
A mod/DLC that randomizes items, codes and keys would do wonders.

It needs the special modes from REmake, like invisible enemy.

Attached: 2CA64B48-3802-42AF-A0FB-5C0450A7CEAC.jpg (625x626, 44K)

Woolie's playthrough makes me want to kill myself. I'm at loss for how he can bungle this so hard.

actually just finished Leon's side last night, took my sweet time. Just over 10 hours

So is Claires A story literally the same as Leon's? Do I need to pick B to get new content?

>no argument

It was a great game. There just isn't much to talk about regarding it.

I was watching this faggy speedrunning streamer who quit his retail job cause he thought his twitch career was taking off because he was streaming remake speedruns. channels dead now lmao

constant RE threads say otherwise, although a lot of it consists of literal incel waifufags who should unironically kill themselves.

Lurk more.

Imagine there's a Sekiro pic, here

There's no real difference in the scenarios beyond the weapons and the dialogue.

The sewers are pretty different at the start.

Really? What are the B sides then?

If you did Leon A, do Claire B for the most difference. Doing more after that is just if you are having fun and want more.

There's a mod that adds invisible enemies mode:

Claire and Leon's stories are probably ~35% different. They have different weapons, different middle sections with their own playable + NPC side characters, different cutscenes, and different progressions through the RPD. Leon never sees inside the Heart key rooms like the Chief's office or sees the orphanage + all the city stuff on the way over to it. Claire never sees the Club key rooms or sewer gator / Ada areas. They each have their own final bosses, and each have specific scripted events like this webm, which is only for Leon (Claire gets the mirror licker).
B scenarios are just like a faster alternate version of the A scenarios with the .45 caliber handguns and a new final final boss.

Attached: press room event.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Thanks for explaining user, I wouldn't have bothered with it based on what the other said.

I thought the other side would be completely different, like seeing where Claire went after the wreck and etc. So it's still a bit surprising they don't go into that at all