He can't keep getting away with it

he can't keep getting away with it

Attached: Ceo EPIC.jpg (806x850, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Epic vs Steam

you know what they say pride comes before the fall.

He's not going to be happy with the developers' decision then...

Tim Sweeney is a hypocritical faggot

>Epic Boss
I wonder if he has mini bosses.

How will you operate a store without customers?

He's upset that his new store isn't going to be as successful as Fortnite was in vacuuming up children's money.

no, see, he is the Epic Boss form. has to be unlocked in new game +

>Devs will decide
>Dude guys nothing Epic is doing is anti-consumer
I don't even care if this is real or not. It's like pottery.

Tim is the new Gabe, remember that name well Yea Forums.

What if developers start demanding bigger cuts from Epic for exclusivity? They can always cite Fortnite being super successful, and Epic might be pressured into doing it. They don't really have any cards on the table here other than their money stores.

is this real because I really don't think that was a smart thing to say

He looks really sleazy.

>implying he isn't available to purchase through microtransactions

>Epic pays for exclusivity
>Devs sell only 20-30% they would normally sell on other platforms
>Consumers tell them to go fuck themselves and pirate the games

Attached: super-retard.jpg (499x376, 29K)

By this point, you'd think devs would catch on that joining the Epic Store means losing customers across ALL platforms.

It'd be nice to see Epic bankrupt itself to keep up paying for exclusive rights. Or maybe actually try and compete rather than actively attack another store via exclusives.

He's not wrong. Consumers are braindead sheeple who will go wherever marketing tells them to go. devs will buy into epic for as long as the fortnite gravy train keeps them able to grease palms, and so far it's not looking like it's going to suffer a significant drop any time soon, instead facing a slow decline over years like league of legends.

If that's the case, the epic game store will probably be well established by that point.

>customers have the best experience
yes i really fucking love having to install 10 different storefronts to play my videogames because you faggots insist on exclusivity

Monopolize things to the point we have no choice but to buy from them no matter how shitty their service. I was happy Steam was getting some competition, but Epic seems like it's going to be even worse for us if it's allowed to thrive, i'm going to avoid them for now. Worse thing is Steam seems to be trying to compete by giving in to the same bad practices for us, good for developers. So in the end we might be fucked either way.

No, he is just Mid Boss.

I already reported Epic / Epic store to all local, state wide of my country and EU regarding consumer protection and GDPR.

Everyone else should do so too.

Just google consumer protection / GDPR web forms of your state / country and EU. At least most consumer protection offer this.

Describe everything wrong with Epic from privacy with links to discussions/news, but also wrongdoing and questionable practices as in "forced" exclusivity and market-distorting practices and refund problems ect..

Let them feel our Nerdrage for real this time. Don't let us accept this shady practices, we are already sick enough of the current state of this shithole industry. Don't let Epic slide with this shit and make it a new acceptable standard!


Epic are paying the devs for any sales that they DON'T make on the store. They have promised the devs a certain amount of sales and will pay them if there's a difference.

what's wrong with steam again

my only issue with it is that they claim to have no quality control but randomly take down shit anyway

>steals your data

It's for consumer good, right?

Chink bucks will only get them so far. The money will run out eventually if Epic is having to shell out for 90% of projected sales.

just don't give them money, it is that simple, if there are faggot games that is "exclusive" to them, just get it off piratebay

Steam does it, actiblizz does it, ea does it.
You can literally sniff the packets yourself, it's never sent anywhere unless you explicitly agree, it's just scraped pre-emptively.

Being a retail distributor is a two-way street. All the consumer advantages in the world mean nothing if no one wants to sell in your store. Exclusivity contracts or not, the only reason EGS has any traction at all is because developers are unhappy with Steam.

Sweeney is banking on exclusives being enough to sway customers, and if the console market is anything to go by, he's probably right about that. Features and price are second place to software. Consoles sell on the strength of their exclusives and not much else. People are making a lot of noise about how much they hate the Epic store but it will be interesting to see if the simple desire for games wins out when push comes to shove. Boycotts almost never work.

isn't that the same faggot who was in microsoft's hololens conference saying how he supports open eco systems or something?

Just install the program and stop complaining. It's not even a big filesize. New account and Bam, a good store with metro as an exclusive

>You can literally sniff the packets yourself, it's never sent anywhere unless you explicitly agree, it's just scraped pre-emptively.
hehe sure epic

Also don't forget to spread the word!

The ebic boss

This. All these faggots haven't gotten the real ending where Tencent appears and tosses his body aside.

Okay, Cheng, US is bad because they beat blacks here.

havent pirated a game in almost a decade, looks like its time to start again

Hey we got a comedian here.

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steam doesnt do it

Not until they prove that they put the customer first. That means I want to buy their games without installing a single launcher, ala GOG. If you can't do that, you are worthless to me.

the incels on here would rather drown in "indie" shit that gets flamed on steam than install a quality storefront

Just take that dick up to your ass and stop complaining.

Exclusives don't just exist in a vacuum though. Sony and Nintendo spend money to make games for their systems. If Epic wants to go the Exclusive route they need to start making games themselves, not expect freelance devs to do it for them. Otherwise you'll end up like the Xbox 360 buying a bunch of Japanese IPs without them gaining any traction.

>Monopolize things to the point we have no choice but to buy from them no matter how shitty their service
If that happens I’ll just go back to torrenting all my PC games. China can kiss my ass.

Gaben at least pretended to be on our side before we got here.

Tiananmen Square 1989


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why that's how console exclusives work right. that's how competitors fight by selling exclusive products


This doesn't work you know?

but it's a funny meme

Okay but what does that have to do with epic store.

In an interview a few days ago (forgot source), devs already paid by Epic to make sure they barely stay alive even if their game didn't sell.


The only reason this exists on consoles is because Sony and Microsoft are trying to sell consoles. Installs of a launcher don't give a company money unless they are selling your data. Which you can bet your ass Epic with their chinese investor overlords are definitely making some money off your data.

How the fuck are you zombies able to function.
What about the epic store is so good?

suck my dick and choke on it.

It just makes you look butthurt senpai

Implying he is not just a distraction boss, while true kabal of evil puppeters are behind the scenes

Someone forgot how easy and accesdible piracy is on PC.

please spoonfeed

Which is just about the dumbest idea imaginable. I look forward to them going bankrupt once the chinks funding them realize they aren't getting enough personal information for it to be worth the cost.


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>developers + consumers = market
>consumers - developers = demand
>developers - consumers = best choice, please come shop here our workers think we're great
is this their line of thinking?

I know they are paying the devs, but the question is: is EPIC going to get their money back from store sales? I think they wont.

nah fuck you
china and epic is cancer but at least I'm not butthurt

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They don't need to, they are probably getting enough Fortnite money to make up the difference

>le epic xD boss

Kill yourself

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lol okay, let me humor you kid: it has good exclusive games
>metro: exodus
>the division 2
>phoenix point
>super meat boy: forever
>hello neighbour: hide and seek


Attached: you_have_no_privacy_in_china.jpg (1280x720, 123K)

>Those are good games
>You have shit taste

And if these were on steam, you'd call them pixelshit and shovelware. FFS super Meat Boy Forever is a mobile game on par with Shower With Your Dad Simulator.

>the division 2

Epic do make games last time I checked. And it's not like they are holding devs at gunpoint forcing them to sign up for exclusivity or else.

I thought piracy helped sales, or at worst didn't hurt them. Isn't that the narrative that pirates push on Yea Forums?

EPIC started the store to get new income because they know the income from Fortnite will start to drop soon. If the store makes them no money or even makes them lose money then the only thing they accomplished was pissing of gamers.


It bought those faggot. Meaning they would have come to steam as well giving customers more choice. Those exclusives are a negative.
Try again

>mad as fuck because of insects

Oh wow.

Attached: it's fucking nothing.png (566x800, 393K)

I can't believe he'd really be stupid enough to say that. It's such an own goal to shit on customers, even if what he says it true.

>The relationship between Epic and Devs will win the war
>when everybody who has exclusives on Epic are getting major backlash
lol no. Try actually having some worthwhile games Sweener. The games on your store are literally not even worth pirating.

lmao imagine caring about any of these

cute girl(?)

Daily reminder that Tim Sweeney is a hypocritical cunt.

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>major backlash
>when they've been breaking sales records

oh no no no

>One, maybe two games anyone cares about.
>one game by people who turned their back against people who got them this far

Why not? He's not wrong. Most gamers will ever give a shit. No matter how many times they get burned by EA or Ubisoft, they'll just keep opening their wallets for them. Game devs and store owners know this.

They don't give a shit about you because you don't give them a reason to.

He's not wrong though. People as a whole cannot and will not hold off on buying things just because it's on a different platform. If some company makes the games they want then people will download whatever client it takes to get it. Remember all those successful video game related boycotts? Of course you don't, they never happened.


Get real, the customers will flock to it if the games are on it.
Only Valve faggots are making a shitstorm out of it.

Not on PC.

Attached: Capture.png (742x144, 15K)

You realize that Epic are the rights holders for the single most popular game engine in the entire industry, right? They have more than just Fortnite. They get 5% of the revenue for every game made with Unreal. The Epic Store could crash and burn for 5 years and they wouldn't even feel it.


I'll pirate every single game that goes epic exclusive.

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Pretty sure this article is fake. But regardless their actions of buying exclusives and not allowing user reviews implies that epic doesn't think think too differently from what the article claims

If people stops buying shit the developers and the store die, how to hell does he think their shitty story will make money?

Proof, where is it?

>all this cope by Valve drones
Get real faggots, the vast majority of people don't give a fuck about your bullshit, they see a game exclusive to the Epic store and they go buy it there. If they turn 10% of Fortnite players into Epic store customers, they've already won.

>FUCK the consumers
why is vidya the only field where this is acceptable behavior?

I think the decision is already backfiring on the merit of the devs. This guy is completely fucking delusional or he's a massive jew

he's right though

point being, it's all on the devs whether they want to take exclusivity bribes or not

>phoenix point
Only game I'm genuinely sad about being there.

>cuck platform
its good to be a pirate

I just did a google search, and several sites are saying that it's real.

>they've been breaking sales records

M-Mid Boss? Unforgivable! That's unforgivable!

It's a damn shame to see retarded people get manipulated by big companies.

if that's the case epic will just die eventually anyway so what's the fuss

>Sweeney is banking on exclusives being enough to sway customers, and if the console market is anything to go by, he's probably right about that.
Why do you fucking retards still think people buy consoles for exclusives?
Xbone is still selling pretty well.
>Only Valve faggots are making a shitstorm out of it.
kiss more chinese ass you fucking retard

I'll sooner buy the Witcher 3 from GoG.

To be fair the average consumer can eat shit. I'm so glad I work at a place where I regularly get to tell customers they're not the center of the universe and even deny them service, and it's the company policy to boot

Because gamers by and large have no principles. To give a comparison, if gamers treated Gillette like they treat video games, then they would have been upset at the ad, audibly bitching to their friends about it as they were purchasing new Fusion cartridges. Then some would actually try stealing the Fusion carts, thinking that will show Gillette. But almost nobody would go and pick up a Schick, a Dollar Shave Club subscription, a safety razor, or an electric razor.

>ebin trying to force exclusivity shit on PC
>majority of the biggest seller on consoles sans nintendo are fucking multiplat

10/10 Tim

>super meat boy: forever
>hello neighbour: hide and seek
Games nobody cares
>phoenix point
dead on arrival thanks to it's developer
>the division 2
Not exclusive
>metro: exodus
What game?

Ok how does that stop me from pirating?

>all this cope by Valve drones
try harder you brain damaged retard

>just like
>turn your brain off man
>just like
>install the chinese spyware
>its not even _that_ big guys
>just like install it man

You can't pirate the razors and if anything it was one add but sadly the videogame industry has been mocking or plainly ignoring it's costumers for some time now, sooner or later this will explode and it will be sad for the devs and companies that did this shit.

>sales records
>epic too scared to actually release any numbers
its dead

Is Epic Boss what they call the Boss who surpasses Big Boss?

Because they are just that consumers not customers. They swallow any shit that's given to them. Fortnite is built like a mobile game and is the most popular game in the world atm. Gaming has become casual as fuck

what industry is that?

Fuck you chinigger you think I can be swayed by new releases? I will replay Deus Ex 50 times before I cave into your pressure. I have not even emulated N64 yet. I can do this for 100 years.

Holy fucking shit who the fuck gives a SHIT about random online game providers?

Yea Forums is fucking cucked.

>a decade ago Gabe convinced me to stop pirating games
>now some chink owned dipshits try their best to bring piracy back in style
At least I'll have some spare cash lying around.

Attached: 1539783884312.jpg (1906x1072, 3.9M)

>le ebin pretending to be an obvious shill meme
>laughs manically to himself after posting it
>"man i'm so contrarian everyone on Yea Forums will get mad and feed me (you)s"
people like you are the biggest faggots on this board

Publishers love Epic, they don't even need their annoying entitled customers since they get V-buks even if 100% goes pirate. Wallet voting is bypassed, zero risk and gamers have the memory of gold fish anyway when the 12 month deal is over. It's brute force market share tactics like the first Xbox.

Because the razor doesn't have spyware that tries to watch me while I jack off.

>Fortnite is built like a mobile game
FN is completely free you fucking retard, you only buy cosmetics you fucking retard

Considering that Epic will pay developers money in case they don't sell good enough, they basically paid for your pirate copy.

Phoenix Point developer backs that up, saying that'd make a profit even if every single backer asked for a refund.

Epic is finally relevant after they got children to steal their parents wallets for a f2p fotm game.
I guess it got to Sweeney's head and now he makes groundless claims on the internet daily.
I don't know if he's trying to get attention, thinks he's actually giving insight or just wants to act tough.

Epic already pays devs in advance.
No need to feel guilty to pirate.


>paycucks will defend this

I'll always pirate and shit on all of you FOOLS

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>annoying entitled customer
All of the backlashes where because of backdoor deals and devs going back on promises. No one gives a fuck about the other games on the platform aside from Exodus and Pheonix, merely because they promised a Steam and or GoG release and went back on it.

>You can't pirate the razors.
I'm aware, which is why I said steal. It's not a perfect metaphor, but in both scenarios, you wind up with a product that you didn't pay for.

>sadly the videogame industry has been mocking or plainly ignoring it's costumers for some time now, sooner or later this will explode and it will be sad for the devs and companies that did this shit.
I see no evidence of that happening. The closest anything came to that is loot boxes, where they literally treated their customers like cash cows to be milked. But even that reaction was mild at best. I mean, loot boxes are still around. I'm not sure how they could treat you any worse than that without coming to your house and spitting in your mouth.

I think there's a reason Epic hasn't snared a single notable game for exclusivity

Platformwars are stupid. You PCfags gonna keep on doing this shit?

Yeah, and most people here use Windows 10. So privacy isn't a real concern to the mass majority of gamers.

He's right. Steam's service isn't worth 30% of a developer's revenue. Tick tock Gaben.

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Mobile games are free too but you can buy microtransactions for them, which normalfags do in droves. FTP games are fucking cancer designed to take money from children and the stupid! Which one are you??

>I think there's a reason Epic hasn't snared a single notable game for exclusivity
because all the AAA games have their own platforms so they only get indieshit

The consensus is that Epic sucks and that you either just pirate or get it on steam. I genuinely don't understand how anyone can support such an insidious company.

>j-just shoot yourself twice!
Nice try schlomo.

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why are you pasting these pathetic baits you pathetic autist?
mobile games are build to be pay to win/grind, FN is 100% free to play

>amazon becomes one of the biggest companies on earth by bending over backwards for customers and giving them as much value as possible without hurting their profits
>this retard thinks devs are more important than consumers

ok, I hope the devs have deep wallets to buy up each others games because I'm not buying shit on epic, I was entertaining the idea before but not anymore

Legit looks like a Downy.

I was upset until it turned out the lead dev was the one who went to Epic, not the other way around and acted like a smug cunt about it.

Easy pirate though because Epic gives them money for lost sales, aka Epic paid for my pirated copy of it.

>Nice try schlomo.
I never said that you should or shouldn't buy on that store. I'm saying that gamers as a whole aren't gonna give a shit. Most PC gamers play games on W10. Most people using W10 browse with Chrome. Most people don't even bother using uMatrix on chrome to limit scripts and tracking. YOU may be an exception (I most certainly am), but that doesn't change the fact that the people who make up the exceptions are insignificant in number when compared to the people willing to swallow whatever they need to in order to get what they think they want.

I know this is a rare thing on this board but that's my actual opinion. Cry more you silly steam orbiter. Being "loyal" to a store front or another is fucking retarded.

You sound like a consolefag who pays $60 a year to play with peer to peer connections and for 'free' games. It's your business to care you fucking moron.

Does this man have any training on how to run a business? Because if he does anyone who went to school with him should demand a refund.

you have the opinion of cockgobbling twink.



Almost as shocking as him thinking Steam still only carries Valve's own games.

Dude has his head so far up his own ass he can see what he had for breakfast.

Attached: NowThisIsEpic.png (538x303, 68K)

>Epic do make games last time I checked
Paragon = canceled
Unreal tournament 4 = basically canceled
All they have is fortnite.

Nigga's using chinese business strategy

Not really. People who don't want to have any more extra game launchers don't like yet another launcher. It has nothing to do with Valve.

He won't, now that Valve have real competition they are going to have to make real games again.

I hope for your sake you're being paid to type this retarded shit. Saying it's cosmetics only makes fuck all difference, the game dangles microtransactions in front of you constantly. It's built to extract money out of you over time just like mobile games are

>grrr we'll show you, Epic. You'll regret pissing off us customers!
lmao, what are the customers gonna do? Dislike some youtube videos? In case you haven't noticed the entire industry has been shitting on customers for over a decade and in almost every case the customers just rolled over and accepted it in the end.

Remember when Day 1 DLC was the most disgusting thing imaginable? Now every big game has microtransactions on release. Remember when Early Access heralded the doom of all gaming? Now it's just a fact of life, people don't even complain about it anymore. Patrons of the gaming industry have no standards, no convictions, and no memory. The people who get up in arms about shit and care enough to have principles are a fraction of a fraction of the total market. Gamers literally had to appeal to governments to make lootboxes illegal because there was simply no way customers would stop buying them just out of good ethics.

All Epic has done is made the correct assertion that customers don't care which way you fuck them, as long as the games keep coming.


SMB: Forever is on steam what the fuck are you talking about?

>the west doesnt do this.

You seem to forget that normalfags that follow that trend stick to consoles, and the normalfags on PC stick to shit like counterstrike. The people who are in the know about this stuff actually give a shit, and games like Pheonix or Exodus are just a tip outside of the normalfag's range.

What a retard.

Maybe in Europistan. Do you have proofs?

Attached: 1549848647667.jpg (510x624, 208K)

Only in britbongistan.

30% is the industry standard, why is Steam the only one getting blasted for it? And why aren't you guys supporting Discord store and itch.io which give even bigger cuts to developers than Epic does?

I won't ask about consoles because I know Tim Sweeney wouldn't dare say a bad word about them since 90% of Fortnite's sales come from console and mobile players.

you are a fucking retard, has nothing to do with loyalty you brain fucked autist
>Saying it's cosmetics only makes fuck all difference
you are a fucking retard

Of course the forget that they aren't fighting against just Steam, they have to beat piracy too.

Everyone. Do it.

If anything, Tim Sweeney's minimum sales guarantee is just making piracy and even bigger and more moral option since they literally won't lose any sales from it.

Never said that. I said that it's not gonna make a difference, because the principled people who play video games are not significant enough in number to bother the store. Literally anything publishers do to their customers doesn't impact sales enough for them to change the model. Lootboxes are still a thing, despite the outrage (which, while mild, was one of the more significant outrages that gamers have had). The lootboxes weren't stopped, just refined. And people still buy them.

You won't catch me buying anything on Epic, but just like I don't buy any EA titles after Mass Effect 3, it doesn't slow EA down at all. People still picked up Dead Planet. People still picked up Battlefield. People still picked up Anthem, or whatever else they shat out since then, despite the fact that none of it offers anything that you can't get elsewhere.

Ok, this is Epic.

You can't shit on shitters.

look at the bright side
devs already been paid, you won't feel the guilt of pirating plus no money wasted

>Monopolize things to the point we have no choice but to buy from them no matter how shitty their service.
You don't have to buy any of the games being released on the Epic store. You don't even have to care about them.

They're not competing yet though, they're just pissing away millions into a black hole with zero return. It's an obviously manufactured narrative since day 1 before they had even secured Metro.

kind of reminds me of CliffyB

>Never said that. I said that it's not gonna make a difference,
Then why are you in this thread, shaming people who don't like these practices? Everyone knows how the slippery slope allowed horse armor to become DLC and microtransactions, but that doesn't magically mean they're gonna buy them up en masse. Maybe the retarded masses will, but don't expect that here.

Is this moron aware this is PC? We can just pirate shit if we don't want to bother with the distribution chains. The only way Steam and GoG function is by providing a service more convenient than pirating. Uplay and Origin can't get on the same level precisely because they suck and consumers don't want to bother.

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It's exclusively sold on Epic but I can get a free copy elsewhere.

Do you seriously think the epic store can be compared to something as universal as day one DLC? The entire point of the epic store is to get people to buy games but there's barely anything there worth buying.

Hyped for RE2, DMC5, Ace Combat 7? Too bad none of them are on the epic store, but you can buy some shitty indie games and the division 2. Instead of imagining the store as a bunch of games imagine it as a console, how are they supposed to get people to use their console if the exclusives suck? People will just keep using their other consoles because epic has no leverage.

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>why is Steam the only one getting blasted for it?
it's a bait, they're trying to rile you up, they have no argument whatsoever but shitposting

nothings wrong with steam ppl just want it to die for some reason

Not shaming anyone. I was answering a question. Specifically, "How to tell does he think their shitty story will make money?" as seen here: I'm explaining how he thinks their shitty store will make money. And, looking at the history of things, "Epic Boss" isn't without logic.

This. It is so simple.

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Epic barely has the Division 2, everyone just went and got it off the Uplay store when it got pulled from Steam.

Why Does Every Word Starts With A Capital?

If installing the client is too much effort to just play a game on the service then you've fucked up. Steam is a must have on any of my gaming machines due to the vast amount of content it has. Like Origin or Uplay, I sometimes want to play something like Battlefield but can't be fucked to install origin so I just don't bother.

Because the paid shills have no argument so they have to lie by omission to create something resembling a point.

tinfoil hat time but i think the nsa has a hand in developing facial recognition tech with companies like snapchat. i also think that 10 year challenge meme was a way to test the software too.

To be fair Origin offers a gameflix subscription and there's gonna be a market for that. It is at least a unique service that other storefronts don't offer.

And he is right, vidya consumers are one of the most retarded groups out there, lokk at dlcs, season passes, microtransactions and so on.

Attached: short yellow bus.png (600x437, 459K)

Because That's The Proper Way To Write A Headline You Dope

No it's not.

Some feel it's gotten too big for comfort with all these "censorship", anti-consumer/developer - pandering issues and all that.

I have Metro on Steam, tho.

You do realize Division 2 on Epic Games Store just installs an instance of Uplay to play/install Division 2?
I love how their launcher just says "oh it's a 10mb download :)"
There's zero reason to have it for Division 2
Just fucking install it directly from Uplay

So it's like insulting your consumers?

>indie shit

Attached: 1539964787915.webm (240x200, 137K)

>using epic chinkware
>not just pirating

epic store is literally mostly indie shit right now
what point are you trying to make

>Do you have proofs?

Attached: 1526379239514.png (190x266, 5K)

If anything they are enabling what would be normal buyfags to pirate.

That's why valve wanted to push linux as a gaming platform, so they are not cucked by macrohard decissions.

They are indie alight, Independent from anything good. lmao.

Because steam has no real competition and has been abusing this position for years. They got so complacent they even stopped making games. Yet they have thousands of braindead drones defending everything they do and these fanboys are fun to tease.

>And why aren't you guys supporting Discord store and itch.io which give even bigger cuts to developers than Epic does?
Because that's not the subject of the current conversation. But yeah itch and GOG (even with their 30% robbery) are objectively better since they don't ship games with DRMs.

>provide claim
>got anything to back it up?
>hurr retard
I thought this was a discussion based image board.

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This is the asshole who keeps pulling games out of steam?
Fuck him, i´ll use unity to make my games, not unreal.

Steam has had competition for years. I wouldn't even call epic real competition because they're just making a walled off garden of games. You either by the hand there or you don't get them.

Did you write your papers/assignments title with lowercase, dumb dumb?

>my only issue with it is that they claim to have no quality control but randomly take down shit anyway
this is true. I love the idea that Steam is a wild west that allows complete creative freedom for games, but for some reason Valve hasn't really stuck to this philosophy.

So what you gonna do tough guy?

>Because steam has no real competition
Stop right there. What's real competition? What makes GFWL, GOG, Origin, Uplay, Battlenet, Microsoft Store, etc. not real competition? They're all competing to sell games so why aren't they considered competition? A game sold outside of steam gives valve no money.

You talk about complacency but steam constantly adds and changes their client and store even if its for the worse, doesn't seem like complacency to me. Meanwhile you're shilling for a store that doesn't even have a search function or a basket, buying all 20 games on the epic store one by one must be the complete opposite of complacency I suppose.

Shit like this is why I'm going back to consoles.

Even disregarding the current state of the digital market what about the physical market? Why haven't devs told valve the fuck off and make phyisical copies of PC games? If they're so horrible and unreasonable then why haven't they moved to things like the discord store and itch.io? Disregarding competition by calling it poor and saying there's no competition at all is just retarded. Maybe you should've supported the other platforms if steam is so god awful.

You know, thanks to Steam, his convenience and easy to use software, I began to pirate less and less many years ago, sometimes even buying shit at full price.
Now this dude made me realize the state of this industry when devs and companies are even pushing for store exclusivity on PC, so I'm back to square one, pirating EVERYTHING.
Screencap this, piracy is going to be bigger than ever if this piece of shit get along his way.

>I thought this was a discussion based image board.

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Does this retard not realize MCC just got announced for Steam a few days ago? It's fucking over.

>they're just making a walled off garden of games.
Which is exactly what Steam is, buddy.

it's a shitposting based site

>retro games no one gives a shit about anymore
Wow, surely this will stop steam's death spiral

So PC gamers get console wars in the form of launcher wars. I left consoles so I didn't have to deal with this shit

So how is epic any better than steam? If all of steam's faults are applicable then what about epics? what about the spyware? the anticonsumer practices? why is it fair to claim that steam has the same problems that epic has without acknowledging it's benefits?

The devs that are confident in their games won't choose epic store because they have more to gain from raw sales
The devs who think their game will flop will go to epic store and let epic eat the lost sales

Except games exclusive to steam are like that by choice, not because valve throws money away then to make them not release elsewhere. They can stop being exclusive anyone they want.

>chinks are bad

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Why do valve drones get so rabidly angry at the mere thought of an alternative storefront existing?

How is steam walled off? For most steam games I can do this, find the cheapest key and buy it there
For EGS the only choice is epic.

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maybe like journalism sites?

>the anticonsumer practices?
Friendly reminder that steam is responsible for pushing DRMs down everyone's throats and made them the norm.



It's incredible how fast Tim Sweeney became a hypocritical fuck after saying exclusivity is bad a few years ago.

>implying half the steam fanboys on this board are old enough to remember the time before steam DRM was ubiquitous and everyone hated steam

It isn't. It's fair to claim because flaws are flaws regardless of benefits. It's fair to criticize Steam for what it does wrong even if we ignore the Epic Store.

Steam has turned the PC market into a console, and the complete vitriol that happens whenever a company decides to stop getting cucked by Valve and instead make their own digital distribution client is evidence of that. It's literally console war bullshit. Funny how Steam and the whole "PC master race" meme has turned you into exactly what you mocked.

>Except games exclusive to steam are like that by choice, not because valve throws money away then to make them not release elsewhere.
You're deflecting. This is about Steam being a walled garden, not exclusives.

>How is steam walled off? For most steam games I can do this, find the cheapest key and buy it there
Which you then activate on Steam, and nowhere else. You're purchasing a key elsewhere only to bring it to the walled garden.

>the division 2
Not exclusive, you'd be retarded to buy that game anywhere but Uplay.

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also Yea Forums:
Holy fuck you retards are the reason why the vidya market is shit. You demand one thing than shoot yourself in the foot and go and do something that just makes things worse. You guys don't care when a game is a steam exclusive yet when epicstore does it, its all of a sudden a crime against humanity.

Steam demands 30% for their platform when they can't be bothered to make their platform better
Valve has grown fat and dumb and can't even make games anymore because its more profitable to let all their devs go and scratch their balls while they print money.
Steam only updates their product once every several years and its the bare minimum.
Steam only listens to their users when enough of them get angry and then its always the bare fucking minimum.

Is epic store perfect? Fuck no. Its product is currently worse than steam. But if you fuckers keep boycotting for no other reason than you are to busy choking on gaben's dick then we will never have a good competitor against steam.

But go ahead and call me a chink shill. Here I'll go ahead and get the circlejerk start for you retards:
Tiananmen Square 1989

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You pic is stating exactly that.

no it's not, steam isn't forcing, or making "an offer that you cannot refuse" to anyone
you're free to publish your game anywhere outside of steam
take FFXV for example, Square hyped it PC release, available on both Steam and Origin, next square games are only on steam
could it be valve paid them for exclusivity, or maybe, just a thought, because it wasn't successful on origin or worth the hassle?

>Steam has turned the PC market into a console, and the complete vitriol that happens whenever a company decides to stop getting cucked by Valve and instead make their own digital distribution client is evidence of that. It's literally console war bullshit. Funny how Steam and the whole "PC master race" meme has turned you into exactly what you mocked.
Fucking this

securom? games requiring a dvd/cd to even start? password books? steam didn't invent DRM, it just provided an actual compensation for having it.
and again, how is it any worse than what epic is doing? to me it just seems like they're two sides of the same coin, except epic has no games and the owner is a massive faggot.

steam has done a lot for PC gaming as a whole. The popularization of porting games to linux as well as the proton support is huge, and with it all being open source to boot has won my sale. epic has done nothing of the sort except bring over console-like exclusive buyouts instead of actually making a better product.

Yeah, we wanted a competitor that didn't data-mine your information and literally just bought out developers.

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Muhammad go fuck your goat, everyone wants you dead.

Nice of you to post that image since it tells all I need to know.

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Sorry, but I'd prefer a competitor that wasn't directly funded by and scraping my data for the Chinese Communist Party, quite literally the most evil entity on Earth.

Epic isn't a competitor though, it's a joke.



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I'm going to happily keep using everything but epic's shitty fucking spyware store and uplay and your little tears can't save you from being forced to walk the escalator because you don't convince enough people.

>Friendly reminder that epic is responsible for pushing spyware down everyone's throats and made them the norm.

Back over the wall, Paco.

No one said they wanted competitors because we already had them. We wanted devs to move over to GoG or something, not move over to the chinese spyware.
You're also forgetting the massive amount of tools the SteamSDK provides, and the constant updates it does get. What does it need to improve? It's literally the most featureful game client on PC.

OHAI /g/

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>murdering is good
Get real, guys.

Epic Store is a psyops by Gabe so that people stop moaning about his store by giving them an even worse alternative.

this song gives me nostalgia flashbacks

That stance surely worked out great for BFV

Can anybody tell me what steam has actually done bad?

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You still aren't understanding what exactly "walled garden" means. This isn't a difficult concept and was one posters on Yea Forums not even two years ago could have understood. Take your head out of your ass and think for a second.

You're still ignoring all of the negative things that Steam has caused. Acceptance of DRM because it happens to be "convenient" and provides "sales," thus consolidating consumers into a single digital storefront that they foolishly defend even when all of the signs point to needing to criticize because of sunken costs, the push for paid mods alongside Bethesda, the implementation of microtransactions for cosmetics and loot boxes, the outright refusal to implement a refund system until they were legally required to by the European Union, etc.

For every "good" thing Valve has done with Steam, there is a negative that heavily outweighs them.

Not paid for shills among the gaming press for TOO LONG


Didn't pay Chang Smoll Dong to shill it, it upset him very much.

>steam is bad because it pushes DRM
>GOG is bad because it doesn't push DRM

You epic shills are never happy.

You either defend your way of life or someone else takes it from you. Welcome to the real world.

its more like inactivity on valves part honestly

not to mention all the fuck ups

Why even ironically defend this thing? It's not even worth that much.

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>They have promised the devs a certain amount of sales and will pay them if there's a difference.
>the devs agreeing to EA exclusivity aren't confident that their game is good enough to sell on its own, and take the worse store with a minor guaranteed profit over giving their game the opportunity to reach the larger playerbase
EA exclusives are shovelware, gotcha.

Theres too many different devs and not enough people interested in their trash. Not surprising, the entry barrier is the lowest it's ever been.

All of the negatives of steam are also present in epic. why should I "switch"? It just seems like a worse off version of steam at this point.

But they fixed those fuckups for the most part.

You can argue that they're stagnating or making questionable decisions however even with that they're still better than any of the other stores.
Besides they still do some good shit now and then. Somebody just needs to kick Gabe in the nuts to fucking wake him up and take charge of the company or at least leave it to someone that cares.

>even his elbow pits have sweat stains
jesus christ this guy must be spraying sweat everywhere with each clap

>the push for paid mods
>literally removed after 4 days 4 years ago
>blaming Valve for MTs and loot boxes when MS was pitching the idea to companies in the early 2000s to make more money
>refusal to refund when it wasn't a standard at the time

>Epic has turned the PC market into a console


It's worth a paycheck to some. Fortnite Vbucks paid for every defence in this thread.

>epic shill calling other people NPC's

its learning....

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Imagine the smell

Are you too retarded to understand what's being said here? I'm not telling you to switch to the Epic Store, you moron. I'm criticizing Steam for things it should rightly be criticized for. Jesus Christ, learn how to fucking read and follow a conversation.

>the push for paid mods
>literally removed after 4 days 4 years ago
"Actually money is how the community steers work."
-Gabe Newell

>blaming Valve for MTs and loot boxes when MS was pitching the idea to companies in the early 2000s to make more money
Yet Valve implemented them first and they are now a staple in modern gaming.

>refusal to refund when it wasn't a standard at the time
Origin had refunds. When are you going to stop sucking Valve's cock and wake up?

>uses wojaks

Nah. You're giving em too much credit.

Epic will get bored with its failing store and leave you with a license to nothing and EXEs that require scene cracks like Microsoft did. Steam will still be here in a few years.
I'm pissed that Satisfactory took the deal with the devil as that was the only game this year that I actually wanted. I'm not throwing my money away on Epic's store, so I hope the devs got paid a lot for doing that.

Yeah, I had to chose between buying steam or buying epic, fucking sucks man.

Epic's exclusive catalog is literally made up of self published indie titles featuring Zoe Quinn's game. The only genuine competitive title they got is Metro Exodus and that is for a year. They couldn't secure Cyberpunk 2077.

>how do you do fellow snowflakes

Attached: fellowshills.jpg (900x720, 115K)

Just pirate the game since Epic paid for your copy already.

>I'm criticizing Steam for things it should rightly be criticized for.
You're criticizing them for something that everyone does, but you literally say, and I quote, "it's only bad when steam does it." The 30% cut for example.

Anyone loyal to either Epic or Steam is an ultra NPC. If you aren't just looking at who gives a better deal you should kill yourself. This outrage over Steam getting some competition is just embarrassing. I can't believe so many of you faggots want a literal monopoly. I prefer Steam over Epic but I'm in no way loyal to Steam. Competition can only be good for the consumer.

Steam just needs to pull it's finger out and remove all the obvious shovelware games it has and it's halfway back to normal.

Why are you bothered by shovelware, are you being forced to buy it?

>the division 2
Uplay has it, and everyone who played any Ubisoft games in the last 10 yrs or so has Uplay anyways. You can even get it at -20% there.

Epic has got you covered bro. These devs signed contracts that if their games don't sell below agreed sales expectations, Epic will pay them the difference. Don't worry about devs losing out on money. Epic got your back!

Chinks aren't human, and neither is linus

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There's some censorship drama going around right now, doesn't really change anything if you just play vidya and don't care about ''gaming journalists''.

Customers come where the games are

Supporting any DRM makes you an NPC. You are never allowed to say that epic is good simply because they force the launcher on you and take your games if they don't like you, or you commit wrongthink. If that means criticizing steam for the same reason, that's a sacrifice that I'm willing to make. GOG doesn't do it, and that's the important part.

This. It's justified, the devs don't lose anything.

This is what we get for having stupidly unfair and exploitable copyright laws that let businesses control everything.

When you make something you should get the copyright but should then have to set a price for the license to sell/use that IP and anyone can then buy that license. THAT Is how intellectual property laws should work in a healthy and truly free market rather than a manipulated one.

>You're criticizing them for something that everyone does

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>f you aren't just looking at who gives a better deal
So.... never epic?

fuck loyalty
how about not wanting a store thats worse than launch day Origin bribing devs/pubs for exclusivity? Why do you fuckwits act like Steam is the only one that will hurt from this? Kys.

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>what is physical
Based retard.

Okay, but epic hasn't fixed the problem. it just made it worse.
stop shilling you chink fuck.

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>steam was the first one to ask for a 30% cut

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

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For the same reason I don't want to live in a neighborhood with shitty people, even though I'm not living in their houses.

Don't even bother with the pseudo intellectual "is anybody forcing you" garbage, the market has literally already moving in the direction that this shit is not approved, please sniff your farts somewhere else.

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He is right you know, I mean aren´t "gamers" the most spineless consumer base? Not even Applesheeples stayed when they stagnated and the consumer base switched over to chink Apple.

>Steam is responsible for a bunch of anti-consumer bullshit in gaming
>lets support a storefront that is completely anti-consumer from the get go, and is only getting worse


Yes they did, they lowered the cut and give minimum sale guarantees you dumb count. What does steam have to offer?

Let's be real for just one second here. Having an extra 20MB program installed on your computer isn't the important factor if the platform has good games to attract people. Gaymers are just loyal to Steam because it's been the norm for 15 years. Back when Steam was new and Half Life 2 required you to have it, people were up in arms, complaining how they don't want some launcher thing on their PC just to play a game. Oh how times change. And they will change again, Steam won't remain as dominant as it is right now forever.

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Or you could intentionally ignore the devs that do this, to the point where they die off, the developers that thrive are decided by the consumers, so if they decide who wins, they will probably want to make sure it's who pleases the consumer ... if they don't want to risk losing profits, or just flat out going bankrupt if the negative backlash is huge enough.

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features for me, the customer

> Not even Applesheeples stayed when they stagnated and the consumer base switched over to chink Apple.
At least say something that's slightly true when you try to bait my dude.

>yes they did, they bribed developers

Try again

Well, it does have a point. Maybe this will make them rethink their policies and try to br for the gamer again.

>they lowered the cut
And I pay more as a result. Sure entices me to join their botnet.

I never expected PC gamers to get worked up over digital storefronts like this.

It's really kinda sad

>pseudo intellectual

Nothing pseudo or intellectual about it, faggot. You don't want to live in a neighborhood with shitty people because they're loud, obnoxious or likely to rob you. Those are things that actually impact you directly. A platform having a bunch of games that you're not interested in doesn't impact you in any way so you're just being an autistic retard fuck.

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Holy fuck you're actually stupid. Next time don't spazz out like a autist.

It's like going into walmart and seething that they sell a brand of soda you don't like.
I don't get it.

>a usuable interface
>community features, regardless if the devs want them
>the steam SDK
>the ability to not be blacklisted from the consumerbase for being on epic
all of the problems consumer-side are still present on epic's platform. devs will go where the money is, and once epic's bribe money goes out then there'll be no reason to be on their platform.

Games are $10 cheaper on Epic, what the fuck are you talking about you double nigger

Steam hasn't done anything valve just got lazy after the found the way to print money.

I'd probably do the same if I were in their shoes.

>t. NPC

But he has to download another exe and sign up for another account
What a hassle!

>regional pricing

Yeah nah.

>ignores the fact that it's only in the US
>also ignores websites like GMG
don't post again moron

Chang, at least read the full manual before you start posting. You're supposed to go on about how non-americans don't matter, not pretend to be retarded.

>>the steam SDK

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When the competition is so utter shit we are allowed to say it's shit, and even worse with all these data-mining incidents and lack of account security. Competition is welcomed, but Epic bringing console like exclusivity and devs breaking promises made beforehand must be rejected

>iOS faggots exist
One simple google sheep


I'm Yang, son of a bitch pig

what do they _need_ to do?

and give up my personal data to another security hole, but this time it's an actual chinese botnet.

yeah. For multiplayer games and such. a feature, correct me if I'm wrong, the epic store hasn't integrated yet. I think it's present in ForkKnife and the Division 2 relies on Uplay.

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That's just like, your opinion man

Just like me never buying DLC never impacted me right?

>no u

typical NPC stock response

Yeah, but Epic doesn't even try to offer anything unique.
Buying exclusivity is admittedly their only strategy.

My humble apologies my slanty eyed compatriot, please inform your bosses the fault was mine and you are not yet due for the big escalator in the sky.

God I hate EU faggots. They can't even write proper english so I have to do some forensic analysis to try and make out what the fuck they're trying to say.

I wonder what will happen if Valve decided to just fuck it, 10% cut for ever for everyone.
Will they got sued for being anti-competitive?

I can't even begin to imagine being so retarded that this analogy somehow makes sense to me. Holy shit, my guy.

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>can't understand simple logic
>posts a fucking viper meme
retard poster is retarded, more at 11!

Didn't he say in his manifesto that he thinks China's ideology is good?

>be retarded
>think your retardation makes logical sense

Yeah, everything checks out lol

the real question is:
will enough people even care?

The only people that will really win here is pirates. For once I'm on the right side of history

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>the trends of a market don't happen if you personally ignore them!
>literally cannot connect these dots
You should swallow a bullet and do your welfare officer a favor. Better yet, kill your family first because they let your dumbass live this long.

I hate this mentality.
>hurr no one else cares so why should I
A hivemind works both ways

this and

Ask for a realistic cut that less them fully support their storefront instead of taking a "smaller cut" but jewing the consumers for the difference because 12% is not enough to make the storefront profitable.

I would say go back to making vidya but I honestly don't see hl3 or l4d3 be any good after the blunder that was artifact.

he knows that fortnite level idiots follow their streamers favorite games, and therefore he is right

The impact of DLC on games is quite clear and needs no explanation. You're still failing to actually explain how the inclusion of games you dislike on Steam impacts your experience in any way other than triggering your autism. All you've managed to do so far is make analogies that don't actually serve as a good comparison. It's almost as if you don't have a single argument and are just being an autist.

This. All my friends are decidedly pro valve and every game can be pirated. Best of both worlds.

How about 13%?

We are always in the right side, dude. For every game exclusive to Epic but I want to play, I will pirate it and put the money into a mutual fund.
The key word is "want" however.

>trends of a market

Tell me, oh great one, what will happen to Steam because of shovelware? Are you going to pretend it hasn't been a part of Steam for ages now? And what has been the impact of it? Go on, I can't wait to hear your genius analysis.

learn to read, i never said that i dont.
i never once said that i wont care since others wont care.

You faggots can't even read what I replied to holy shit. Seriously, kill yourselves. Right now. fucking kill yourselves you retarded inbred mouth breathing neet knuckle dragging chimpanzees. fucking do it

For anyone that's not these two brain dead mongoloids, idiots buying shit games will make studios produce more of those shit games and less good games. It's that fucking simple. I REPEAT KILL YOURSELVES YOU ILLITERATE FUCKS

i bet that was ubi actually doing a smart move for once
>slap it on epic
>nobody likes epic so they buy it off uplay
>get 100% of the money instead



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So basically, 0 arguments, just brainlet analogies that only make sense to your peanut brain. You can't actually rationalize your retarded opinion. What a fucking shocker

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>idiots buying shit games will make studios produce more of those shit games

This is where you're wrong. Shovelware won't suddenly make talented, high budget studios start making shovelware. Low budget studios will keep making low budget games because that's all they can do. Do you literally think big AAA studios will look at the sales of shovelware and think "wow, not that's a market we need to get into"?

The cut doesnt matter and was just a somewhat morally acceptable reason for people to swallow.
The real deal is the minimal sale guarrentee that Pheonix point dev's accidently blabbed about, wherin epic will pay for a minimum amount of copies if the game doesnt sell well, to the point that literally everyone could refund and they would still be in the black.
If epic paid that much for a niche game like pheonix point, who are the ones that approached epic in the first place no less, imagine what they would pay for more mainstream games.
This is even MORE unsustainable, and 99% justifies piracy since they are literally paying for your copy, with the final 1% being that it's against a couple laws and/or user agreements if you squint a bit.
Literally all valve has to do is wait and epic would kill itself due to money drain, especially once "Epic is paying for your copy" becomes common knowledge.

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God just look at that fucking face, I want to stab him in the eye

He is right. The average video game consumer is a brain dead retard who buys literally anything anyway.


He really overestimates how important games are. There are 1000s of titles released every year. People will have no problem skipping survival-crafting shooter #231, Factario clone #37, or XCom Clone #112

Is this even legal? It sounds like bribing devs to get a monopoly position.

The optimal number of platforms is four.

Battle.net -- come on now, who did you think would be here?

>is having a good relationship with people who make products that you sell in your store illegal?

No. And they are far, far away from a monopoly. The only thing that has come close to a monopoly on the PC market is Steam. This competition will ultimately be good for the market because it'll force Steam to be better. I unironically think great times are coming for the PC.

>To be fair the average consumer can eat shit. I'm so glad I work at a place where I regularly get to tell customers they're not the center of the universe and even deny them service, and it's the company policy to boot
The opposite of this being most corporate policies is why I'm glad I will never work retail again. Fat black women hollering at you "DEM JEANS IS 99 CENTS!" for 6 hours at a time is enough trauma, thanks.

>Because they are just that consumers not customers.
This is the key. They don't care about 99% of the people on their platforms. The whales matter, but literally nobody else does.

Fuckoff newfag

How old are you? Shovelware has been around for ages. I remember when I was a kid my mom would take me to different stores to go shopping for clothes or utensils and I'd see shelves and bins full of shovelware PC games.

Anyway the point is these things will exist even if they're not successful, people will make shit games just because they can. Besides most of the shovelware on steam is made by one man teams not big studios, they don't have shit to lose but their time.

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>windows isn't a monopoly, even though it has almost 99% marketshare, which is why we refuse to support linux
>but steam is definitely a monopoly

Sasuga epic.

He's just autistic, user. Merely seeing low budget games on Steam triggers his autism because he can't bare to see such products on the high-end exclusive platform that is the mighty Steam. This is literally all he's managed to argue in a dozen posts.

>great time are coming
overpriced exclusives, a wave of incoming drm, online game lack through sudden updates

does epic games even have a offline mode function?

>99% marketshare

That's bullshit. But besides that, do you know the definition of a monopoly? If you did, you'd know what Microsoft/Windows don't have a monopoly because they aren't the only suppliers of anything.

stop that hive mentality.
if you want to upvote each others opinion for the sake of being right through masses and shittalking people, please try to consider reddit instead.

It doesn't work like that, otherwise the industry wouldn't be so shit right now. Most people don't care about politics, they just want to entertain themselves with videogames in the cheapest/easiest way as possible.
If Epic manages to get more big franchises in its store than Steam, it will win, end of the story. That's what the Epic boss was implying, and he's probably right in this statement. Muh epic gaymers won't change anything by themselves.

>If you did, you'd know what Microsoft/Windows don't have a monopoly because they aren't the only suppliers of anything.
That's good to hear. I guess steam isn't a monopoly either because they're not the only supplier of pc games.

How will bein forced to buy a game on EGS be good for consumers? It's extremely anti-consumer as consumers are forced to buy where the devs want them to. That's why I think it's illegal shit as the capitalist market and competition is all about protecting the consumer, but it's not a major of mine.
It would be actual competition if EGS was trying to actually improve their service, but they don't. They just try to steal devs.
And they aren't even "thinking of the devs", because if that' was the case they would give devs the same deal while STILL allowing them to cross-sell their games on steam as well. THEN you would have actual competition. Now the consumer could deccide what to do: buy on steam bevause convenience/loyalty/better service/whatever or buy EGS because better dev support/loyalty/etc.

>This competition will ultimately be good for the market because it'll force Steam to be better. I unironically think great times are coming for the PC.
you are fucking retarded
it's only going to make things worse for everyone
look at consoles
microsoft started doing paid online and now everyone is doing it

this is only going to lead to anti-consumer shit becoming more widespread and accepted

You're correct. You're saying that as if I called Steam a monopoly, which I did not.

>buy game at store
>put disc in PC
>start installation
>whoops, it requires Steam

Yeah man, getting games from sources other than Steam sure works out great

Please explain this to Mudslimes first, they initiated it.

People shouldn't believe in this, as it's the people that hold power in these situations, you are the consumer that make the wheels turn, a market without customer is a dead market, i don't get how such a fucking basedface can believe this

>pc finally gets console war autism

>Murder - the unlawful killing of another human without justification or valid excuse

It's worth knowing the definition of words before you use them.

>it'll force Steam to be better
That's an assumption. Is Steam better if they also buy 3rd party exclusives to compete?

Steamfags are in damage control because they know that in 5 years Epic is going to dominate the digital distribution market. I hope you guys are getting paid doing PR for a company who loves nickel and diming developers and never offering any decent sales to consumers.

>buy game from GOG
>doesn't require steam

>buying ubisoft game outside of their own storefront
It's retarded since all of their games need uplay anyway and they offer better price there.

>PC store wars
>privacy concerns
>consumer vs creator empowerment debates
>discussion about morally ambiguous deals

>Console wars
>le zoy!
>only nigs/mexicans/manchildren like that console xD!
>my gimped computer with hardware DRM has the second best graphics in the market, and the number 1 doesn't count cuz it's like, expensive n stuff!!
PChads are based.

elaborate on what steam should improve


have you tried playing games that don't require steam

Did the definition of improve change while I wasn't looking.

Attached: 1511325612789.jpg (552x505, 63K)

None of this matters to consumer, sucking dev cock doesn't translate to a better consumer experience

Piracy only doesn’t effect a game’s sales in a vacuum. There’s a set group of people who pirate and they never plan on buying more than maybe a handful of games each year if any at all. When you add in something like a dev or platform being a complete dick head, you turn away customers who won’t buy your game on a moral standing. There’s people who want to ignore these issues and buy the game anyway, they can be swayed to piracy and that’s where the lost sales are. I don’t know what the loudest people on Yea Forums push about piracy, but I don’t think my take on it is too outlandish.

Yikes, shoo shoo shill.



AHAHA what a retard. I am the one with the money. I am the one who has enough games to last a lifetime.
>TV is a thing
>Books are a thing
If i want i can fill my free time with any type of media i like. The only thing that locking a game to Epic does is ensuring that i never buy it. Should i buy Throne Breaker? I am not a fan of Gwent but i hear that the story and the characters are nice.

Attached: gog.jpg (1333x598, 130K)

What's your point? I know games that don't require Steam exist, but so do games that require it. That user was talking about buying games from other game suppliers, but what's the point when many of them will require Steam anyway? That's monopolistic from Steam.

Off topic, but do you guys actually watch TV? I literally can't remember the last time I sat down and went through the channels, it's so fucking filled with boring shit. I literally just use my TV as a third monitor.

GOG is a thing you know.

>take a lower cut than epic
even Epic said their cut is not viable.
>make user reviews opt-in to avoid toxicity and review bombing
steam already offers a tool to filter them out
>buy exclusives to incentivize people to use their store
the incentive is that steam is outright more convenient than piracy.

weak bait 2/10

Attached: steamgraph.png (613x379, 15K)

>Microsoft/Windows don't have a monopoly because they aren't the only suppliers of anything.
>steam isn't the only supplier of games, but they're still a monopoly

more like
>give devs a better deal
>they pocket the extra money and fuck you, pay full price like before

Why would devs pass savings onto consumers if they get more money?

That's the point of jumping to ebin: more money upfront instead praying your game is ok and that people buy it.

Literally stopped watching TV around 2006 or 2007. I haven't even owned a TV in a decade.

A thing with a limited offering of games. There are a lot of very big games that you will simply HAVE to have Steam for, no matter where you buy them. Steam has had this exclusivity for ages now, people just ignored it because it was the norm. Now a new player shows up on the block and everyone is outraged over their exclusives. What fucking sheep

>thinking boycotting actually works
>thinking anyone cares what you do
oh, my sweet summer child

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Yeah, i recently saw.
It was great, all of it. I hope they make a second season/compilation anthology.

Attached: love death and robots.jpg (1382x2048, 3.23M)

I didn't say they were a monopoly, autismo. I'm saying many things they do are monopolistic, they just haven't managed to establish a full on monopoly, and neither has Microsoft. Both of these companies would absolutely love to be monopolies.

>windows can never be a monopoly even if they buy up developers and push other OS's out of the market
>steam is already a monopoly if they have a large market share

Attached: Untitled.png (416x352, 190K)

>no u
Quiet, NPC

Can you even make a SINGLE post without just strawmanning? Can you quite literally not read? Fuck off retard.

No linux client. Humble, GOG and (((Steam))) are better providers

Grow up. GOG has enough good games to last you forever. Also...
>Pathfinder:Kingmaker on GOG
>Divinity:Original Sin 2 on GOG
I just finished Divinity after 250 hours and now i am on Pathfinder. I have like 100 other games on my backlog. Tell me of those big games that i need steam for?
It works for me. I feel better from it. So i will keep doing it. My GOG library only grows bigger while Steam and Epic will never see my money.

>people do shifty shit and people receives consumer ire
What a shock.


>it has lots of games tho!!!
>who cares if it doesn't have the games you want to play, just settle for other games!!!

Wow, fantastic argument

>Epic Store

Attached: Steam_2019-03-19_13-07-22.jpg (952x568, 251K)

>who cares if it doesn't have the games you want to play, just settle for other games!!!
>who cares if Epic doesn't have DMC and Sekiro? Just settle for the games we already have


sucks for you, just pirate or buy a console

>top tag

>game store wars

If epic does customer support better than valve then they might have a chance.

I couldn't care less for the garbage that you want to play. The important thing for me is that GOG has all the games i could ever ask for. Each year their library expands. I can wait. I am in no rush. I waited long enough for Blizzard to start releasing their games on GOG.
>Warcraft 2 will be coming on GOG soon
HA! Can't wait for that sweet sweet DRM free version. Not that i will get it right away. Just remade my character in Kingmaker and started from the beginning. So i'm busy for the next moth or so.

out of curiosity, what support have you ever needed? I've had my Steam account for eleven years and I've never once contacted customer support for anything

Do you know how many games there are in existence that I could play until said game is either cracked or cheaper on another platform?

We want the fortnite audience.

If apex legends ends up destroying fortnite watch the Devs start flocking to fucking origin

I wish valve's store took amazon's approach to customer service

Imagine having your head so far up your ass you do a middle finger and disregard the hand that is feeding you
The worst part is that there are so many idiots out there that there is a chance he can get away with it

devs aren't flocking to Epic's store simply on account of Fortnite's success; Epic are literally paying them for exclusivity contracts and insurances that if they don't meet X sales, Epic will pay their losses

I already do, I just find this defense of Steam and criticize of Epic laughable. People are such complete brainlets to defend one mega corporation over another

>I couldn't care less for the garbage that you want to play

Then don't reply to me you fucking mongoloid. Holy shit what a complete retard lmao

Not that user, but once I need to contact steam support in behalf of my dumb friend because he forgot his password and lost his fucking phone. And his dumb ass forgot his phone number. Unbelievable. I managed to convince steam CS because he borrowed my card once for buying dota compendium or some shit. It ain't that bad. It's pretty good actually. The reply is in hours instead of weeks.

I've needed to refund a game that I had more than 2 hours for, I gave them a small blurb of how I bought it to play with friends and spent all this time working to make it work on my machine and it never did, so they refunded it.

Also one time, recurring sub fucked me and I had to cancel in like 2 places for it to actually stop, they gave me my money back the next day.

>calls me mongoloid
>didn't list a single game he wants to play

Attached: what.jpg (768x719, 153K)

Why would I list them if you just said don't care you absolute fucking brain dead retard? This "debate" is worthless because in the middle of discussing the availability of games we like on certain platforms you go "lol I don't care if the games you like are available on MY platform of choice!!!" So, you're just a mongoloid that doesn't seem to even understand what he's discussing.

better than muslims is not equivalent to good.

>he is still silent on those games
Do you even play games?
>i post a screenshot
>i name two games
>he does nothing
There's something fishy about you. Go and take a shower, you smell.


Are you even reading your own posts, you retard? Holy shit the sheer fucking cognitive dissonance is astonishing

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lmao, people are fucking braindead sheep. they may not install epic launcher for some fuck game they maybe would've checked out on steam but don't really care about overall, but as soon as a game they actually wanna play is an exclusive on that store and they can't find an easy way to pirate it, they'll engage maximum braindead sheep machine and install that launcher in a heartbeat.



I'm sorry, I live in America where consumer protection is called communism.

>Be Tim Sweeney
>Pose for photo
>Look at how confident, cool, and laid back i am
>Goes on stage for presentation or interview
>Instantly a quivering shambles
>Can't get a coherent sentence out
>Face covered in sweat

Attached: 1528469455801s.jpg (125x120, 3K)

At least Gabe can talk on camera or stage without having a nervous breakdown.

Why is Yea Forums such a stupid fucking board? I have legitimately had better more coherent debates with fucking flat earthers on /x/


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I mean, that's kind of true.

Same reason why not all movies get to all theaters

Unfortunately that really is the war that Epic's trying to pick. They don't give a fuck about winning over consumers, long-term their plan is to leave consumers without another viable option.

>one of the theaters allows you to record and take the movie home with you(GOG)
I know in which theater i'll be going from now on.

Maybe it's the white unevenly lit background and the orange shirt, but he really looks like a pedophile getting his mugshot taken in that photo

Epic can get fucked and die.

You're the stupid one. Everybody on this board is just pretending to have whatever opinion they're expressing. It's all falseflagging shitposts, every single one.
Nobody here is a real person, we're all strawmen who turn on a dime.

>It's like going into walmart and seething that they sell a brand of soda you don't like.
It'd only be a problem if the shit brands were piled up with the good brands in a large bin.
Everything's categorically shelved in easily searchable aisles though, so why even acknowledge the shovelware's existence?


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If you pretend to be a retard long enough you become indistinguishable from an actual retard.

>It's all falseflagging shitposts, every single one.
Nobody here is a real person, we're all strawmen who turn on a dime.

Speak for yourself, faggot.

steam is too much of a standard for people to flock to epic

anything other than steam will always be secondary to it because steam has been the big kid on the block for too long, it doesn't matter how many games are on epic

Sure, you're not wrong, this board is a hellhole, but you're an idiot if you try to have a serious debate with a sea of people trying their hardest to pretend to be retarded.


Speak for yourself, faggot

>a sea of people trying their hardest to pretend to be retarded.
Occam's razor and basic IQ stats dictate that a lot of these people aren't actually pretending, user.

three for me. shit like twitch or origin are too many on top of Steam, GOG, and B.Net

fuck off niggers

Attached: beethoven_quote.png (500x312, 319K)


That's gonna be a cringe from me, dog

Developers have hated their customers for a very long time, and they absolutely hate policies that benefit consumers, such as returns. The ones signing exclusivity with Epic is for part free fortnite skekels, part getting back at their consumers for being "too bitchy"

Regardless, my point is that any debate you could possibly have here starts on a foundation of bad faith. You have to assume every opinion anybody expresses is bait because it probably is.

rent free

Fact is nobody but us autistic folks care. Nothing will happen, your boycott will be useless.

I for one, hail our new chinese overlords.

Attached: rtr3q420-542x340.jpg (542x340, 46K)

this fail has more to do with consumers (mostly the naive underage gaymer crowd) being retarded, and doing a shitstorm and boycott because they have to click on another icon to launch the exact same game that plays the exact same way

the only reason of buying games instead of just pirating them is to pay off the work of the devs, because they deserve payment, and in case of a really good product they deserve success too. Stores don't deserve getting 1/3 of their money just because they spend around a single percent of that revenue on the maintenance of their digital store.

if you seriously don't give a fuck about giving payment to the devs then you should just pirate games. Getting a friend list app doesn't worth spending 1000+ $ on stores down the line.

He's not getting away with anything, they're just pissing away money on a project that isn't going to go anywhere.

What's with this "muh china" bullshit? That guy doesn't look very chinese to me at all

He's just the apetizer fake boss prior to facing Xi Jinping.

Chinese company owns Epic

The "autistic folks" are the early adopters you need to get on board in order to gain mainstream attention to begin with. No body is buying games from the Epic store, it has no customer base whatsoever. Even releasing a game into Steam's cluttered mess of a market will get you more attention than putting it on Epic's store.

Chinese man skinned some poor fella and wears his skin as a suit. They're shifty lads.


Incorrect. Next.

>Saying it's cosmetics only makes fuck all difference
>asking money for skins is like p2w garbage
dont even play fortnite but you're retarded

Any smart publisher knows the best way is to release it in as many stores as possible within reason to maximize consumer convenience and exposure, sadly Epic disallows this and is trying to force consoleshit exclusivity cancer.

Except when all the consumers aren't buying the products on your platform and just wait for the stream release like is inevitably going to happen.

No they don't. A Chinese company hold some amount of shares and has 2 people on the board. But they in no way control Epic.

Well, not entirely

Attached: file.png (245x45, 1K)

Meanwhile steam have DMC5, RE2 and HALO masterchief collection

>some amount of shares

>he thinks he can ignore the chinese market

Attached: 1330059446609.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

Exactly. So much of this China bullshit is based on a lie/misrepresentation, but much of this boards has bought it. They aren't even the majority shareholders, let alone wholly owning the company. Sweeny personally owns more than 50% of it. You wanna know another company whose founder has 50% ownership of it? Steam

I got that reference

Only faggots push that narrative, everyone else doesn't give a fuck.

Attached: yeah.jpg (470x1080, 198K)


Attached: Steam Monopol.png (1268x1257, 268K)

>"we want the insect audience"

like what?

That might as well be a majority share since Tencent will only acquire more and Sweeney can only sell his shares since Tencent is the one with capital not locked in stocks, Sweeney can't buy out Tencent's shares whereas Epic sure af can buy out Sweeney. There's no way Sweeney is in control of Epic now, all the lies are just damage control since he has no recourse any longer.

Nice thumbnail faggot.
Also whoever made this has no idea about what they're doing, it's actually pretty hilarious.
Reminded me of this youtube.com/watch?v=SXmv8quf_xM

Valve and Steam are privately owned companies, your comparison is completely baseless.

Sweeny owns more than 50% and he will be holding onto it. Why would he ever give up his majority shareholder position?
My guy, Epic is also a privately owned company.

this pic was already debunked in previous threads.

You think you are playing le 4D chess by supporting a competitor that will lead to better services and prices to everyone even if they're annoying in their methods but in reality this Epic cancer is only setting a precedent of exclusivity warring that ruined consoles and other services like streaming Yea Forums, Steam already has plenty of actually good competition like GOG and such.