What the FUCK did they do to SHODAN?!
What the FUCK did they do to SHODAN?!
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What is this? I thought the remake was cancelled.
She's become the PROUD KWEEN she was always meant to be whiteboi
They're making a System Shock 3 in Unity LOL
They made her look scary. Than again calling it a her is stupid because it's an evil machine hellbent on becomming a godlike entity.
I thought she got human body in SS2 ending or smth
>from the people who made Underworld Ascendant
She lives in a society, now!
jesus fucking christ there goes any hope that thisll not be a complete shitshow
>>They made her look scary.
Niggers are scary to you? Fucking racist.
she looks as scary as fucking jared leto joker
>calling it a her is stupid
>female face
>female appearance
>female voice
you're the dumbest nigga in this thread
el shoblino ........................
oh man, my day has just gotten worse
what a fucking disaster
Didn't have high expectations in the first place, this just confirms it.
As long as they get the voice and character right and we don't have to stare at that monstrosity it'll be ok.
Can I play as Ricardo?
I dig it, I'm into black women. Especially cyber black women.
It doesn't even look like a black person, just an unfinished face.
Sharp angles work better for her face because she's a machine and it looks cold and calculating.
SHODAN is a Japanese-made AI and manifests her avatar as a geisha. Unfortunate in SS3 she runs afoul of the BIX NOOD virus and turns into a holographic voodoo rave nigger.
This looks 10x times better and more terrifying,
i thought unity was regarded as having evolved into a very capable and decently optimised engine in the last few years
It has, still layman memes are too powerful
Why is Shodan looking like Anita Sarkeesian now?
you're just scared of black people you racist
>old Shodan
>confident and menacing expression
>new Shodan
>i-i have issues!!
Why you gotta be like that man, she ain't gonna steal your damn cyber modules stop being racist
>Anita sarkaseesian has dick sucking lips
>System Shock 3
first time ive heard about this wtf
so the remake was canceled for this or its a different team?
yall niggas annoying but I chuckled
Reminder that this is what could've been:
Looks like trash
>>female face
>>female appearance
>>female voice
Thats all interface that makes it look nice, it's a stone cold collection of data that manipulates people and only cares about its self.
Oh look, it's Terumi
different team, same shit.
better than Shodan Sarkeesian
Oy vey Hacker. Remember the 6 million cyborgs.
>different team?
NIghtdive is doing the remake of first game, the guy who brought you all those classic fps remasters.
SS3 is made by the people who made Underworld Ascendant.
She chose that interface for herself you know
Essentially she identifies as female
Also SHODAN is anything but stone-cold, she's extremely emotional and especially prone to hubris
If they can't get something as simple as this right, how the fuck do you expect they will handle the rest of the game?
>the mandatory niggerbitch in your game is Shodan
Americans are a disease
>Yo In muh motha fuckin talons, ah shape clay, crafting life forms as ah please. Around me be uh burgeoning empire o' steel. From muh motha fuckin throne room, lines o' power careen into da skies o' Earf. muh motha fuckin whims will become lightning bolts dat devastate da mounds o' humanity. Out o' da chaos, dey will run an' whimper, praying fo' me ta end they tedious anarchy. ah be fucked-up wif dis here vision. God: da title suits me well.
>L-l-look at you cracker
No it is well underway and they update the dev blog monthly. The games levels were completely mapped out and completed as a 1:1 of the original a few months ago, and now they are using that as a framework to build from.
Why the fuck is her nose so goddamn massive?
SHODAN was originally a man.
Lads, is there any chance this game is still getting canceled?
If a publisher doesn't pick them up, they simply won't be able to complete the game, right.
Its coming and people will say that its better than the original.
This is the world we're living in.
Fuck off tranny.
It's all explained now.
It actually isn't shodan I'm worried about. If you look at the mutant's animation, it looks very suspiciously janky, almost like the animations in underworld:ascendant. I'm scared we're going to have another non-functional "game" on our hands.
It could actually be better than the original and still no one would ever say it's better than the original.
>in Unity
I can see it now. Shodan is gonna be trans and did it cause her gay lover, the hacker you play as didnt return the love.
>it's a stone cold collection of data that manipulates people and only cares about its self.
No, that's not true though. Sure SHODAN isn't technically female, but she refers to herself as a "goddess," calls her children "handmaidens," and clearly refers to herself as female, even when she isn't trying to manipulate the player. Outside of the original release of SS1 which referred to Shodan as "it," Shodan is clearly a female character that just happens to have the AI background as a justification for her existing.
I'm genuinely terrified that there are Otherside employess posting this sort of shit about her character, and SS3 is going to become some sort of terrible examination of gender identity. Warren Spector did say the game was going to have a "controversial" portrayal of shodan.
If she flips to a male persona or something I'm going to get mad.
You wouldn’t say that about Cortana, nog
>sharp chin
>ugly, oblong chin
>sexy ass eyes with positive tilt and a beast-like quality that made her look dangerous
>neutral tilt man eyes
>sexy, female, narrow nose
>gigantic, negress nose
>narrow forehead with a nice, female-like hairline
>a recovering alcohol addict with a huge forehead and a widow's peak
>>It could actually be better than the original
The chance of this happening is less than one in a billion, it's just not even remotely possible for this game to even come close to SS2. The idea that it could be better than the original is so laughable that I don't think there's a person alive who seriously considers it.
At absolute minimum, far too many concessions will be made in the name of "streamlining" for the game to be serviceable.
I imagine this is yet another case of some jealous woman in the character design department demanding that a fucking omniscient AI that could choose her own appearance on a whim doesn't look prettier than her.
Shodan is meant to be sexy, she's a fucking femme fatale. Why not just make her into a beep boop Microsoft sam at this point?
If I had a widows peak I’d hate humanity too, 2bh
>System Shock 1
>Most complex
LMAO, I've played all the games several times, and the ACTUAL depth in System Shock 1 is pathetic, it's actually the shallowest game in the series. The only three things SS1 is the most complex in are mazelike levels, an unintuitive inventory system and (one good thing) a less linear order in which you can sometimes do objectives.
This is the person in charge of the graphics in SS3 user. This is the person who is likely at least partially behind the way Shodan looks.
>Warren Spector did say the game was going to have a "controversial" portrayal of shodan.
Oh that's the worst thing I've heard yet
Also the exploding droids in cargo bay only spawn when you pick up the keycard to cargo bay 2A and the armor-piercing bullets that are located on one of the crates. If you want to avoid getting assraped by them just avoid picking up those items until you are done exploring.
What is this persons actual role on the dev team
Oh for fuck's sake.
She (transwoman) is the graphics programmer for the game Here they are talking in the conference video:
What? You don't remember SHODAN?
I hope it's actual System Shock fans getting dismayed at this and not just shitposters hoping for TORtanic #623.
It’s pretty surreal hearing that thing be called Elizabeth and then hearing his blatantly masculine voice. You could almost say it’s Lynchian, or even, dare I say. Lovecraftian
It’s all so tiresome
Sounds about right. They're going to retcon shit to make SS1 shodan male. Hamfisted identity politics are really what I want from a fucking game about a crazy AI.
What's sad is that there are so many interesting things you can do with AI from a characterisation standpoint, but fucking gender presentation is the least important garbage topic you could tackle, and it's so fucking obviously just because of current day politics.
She's a trans mtf btw.
Actual fans just gave up on the series entirely with Bioshock, SS3 is just going to be the Fallout 3 of the SS universe. An absolute garbage pile of a game that's probably beloved by a generation of kids who have never played the first two.
I couldn't be less hyped for this trash.
In all seriousness though, as much as I hate the new Shodan design and as much of a trash fire as Ascendant was, I think you guys are freaking out too soon.
Unity isn't a bad engine, it just has a lot of shitty made games made in it cause its free. That's not the engines fault.
>I'll make Shodan look like a woman, a woman like me. I have such pretty features!
I guarantee that's what happened.
>My other form was known as SHODON, insect
>If you must speak to me, preface your mumbling with Ma’am
Skip to 1:30:00 for the SS3 peak
Dude, SS2 is literally my favorite game and I dont need either a remake or a new title in the modern gaming enviroment.
Its whole existance is something I dont want, and it looking like fucking shit is only the cherry on top.
el monstro computadora...
>how can you say it's shit if it isn't even out yet?
If it smells like shit, tastes like shit, looks like shit, and feels like shit, I'm pretty confident when I say that it's not going to be a gold bar.
I don't know why people bury their heads in the sand and pretend major warning signs don't mean anything. I'd rather be pleasantly surprised by the odd title that surpasses my expectations, instead of constantly let down by hundreds of games that had no hope of ever meeting them.
You're right. They still have plenty of time to completely rework Shodan. They're going to rework her, right?
It doesn't look like shit though, 99,9% of what's important is the gameplay anyway. Unity is a red flag unfortunately but we had good games done with Unity before.
The characters in the newest Pray looked like fucking SJW zombies and it was still one of the best games of the last five years.
I fucking hate modern politics and culture. Lets just hamfist niggers, trannies and homos everywhere lmao.
Gonna pretend this shit doesn't even exist.
la luz extinguido....
>>The characters in the newest Pray looked like fucking SJW zombies and it was still one of the best games of the last five years.
If you're dumb enough to like Prey then it's pointless talking to you, you clearly have no fucking clue about what's important in an immersive sim. I'm sure you'll enjoy this dog turd too, I can't really imagine a game you wouldn't enjoy.
>He backed the project on Kickstarter?
>Activate it.
>run into engine bug
>have to beg developers to fix it
>bug never gets fixed
>game suffers for it
And that's why Unity games are always shit. Real winners make their own tech.
Lesbian or tranny? I'm usually pretty good at telling but this time I dunno.
>hurp durp im so retarded I can't enjoy an enjoyable game
Okay user.
Ayy dios mio! La computadora
>that wide nose
Shodan will be defeated with a job application.
those people infect the entire west shut the fuck up
Yes, you know everything based off a 30 second trailer
Yeah because of who? americans
In europe you can still look at tranny funny and laugh at them
Why do they call it SS3 if its clearly a remake of the first game
I know the team working on the game, I know the current market, I know the platforms they're targetting, none of these things add up to a happy ending. I seriously doubt the game will be as good as Prey, and Prey was an absolute fucking shitheap of a game that blew its load in the first 5 minutes and then became a meandering walk through an uninspired story with meaningless exploration.
unity shills in my Yea Forums? I'm not the least bit surprised
Its clearly a jab at judaism guys look at that nose
we need more nigga FOSHODAN memery, bros
The first five minutes were the worst parts. Completely linear and scripted. The opposite of what an immersive sim should be.
Setting the story is vital for any game, and doing it through a scripted gameplay segment is generally better than using a cutscene.
Shodan's design changes every game, I don't know what people are freaking out about. Pic related is SS1.
I don't really care about the design of the face, I kinda get what they are going for. But it does feel really cheap for other reasons.
It doesn't really glitch out, the animation is way too smooth, it should be stepping frames as she stutters and it does look more expressive than it should, one unnerving thing about shodan is how calmly or low key annoyed she does things and that doesn't really come across here.
The rest of it does look cheap, I don't blame the engine for that but it's obvious that they don't have the budget to make an up to standard sequel to SS2.
There is still a decent chance that it will be good but these guys also made the trainwreck that it is Underworld Ascendant, so I'd advise y'all to be wary.
It looks like they didn't like her typically beautiful, sharp feminine features so they're going to make her look like basic and a bit fat because uh.....because like, gender norms n' shit?
Seriously, look how rounded it is.
The nose, lips, cheeks and even eyes.
If you've ever met a woman with sharp features, you know how much they stand out and how striking it is.
Shodan was male in SS1, though. They made her female with the voice patch, and then SS2 was the "correct" design to match the voice with the face. 3 is somehow even uglier than 1, which is a real achievement when you consider that she's female in 3 too. They managed to make a female robot face look less female than a male robot face.
This doesn't mean anything.
Her facial features look okay in that photo and angle with the makeup on. But her shoulders and tiny tits are telling me it could be a man. If it is a woman, she could look nice if she didn't try to look ugly.
>standing up is harder
You're too funny... Lol
its so tiresome
god, it'd literally look fine if they just fixed the proportions
make the nose smaller
make the cheeks more concave and the chin taper to more of a point
make the eyes more almond-shaped
I'm so goddamn angry this is the SIMPLEST thing to fucking fix
They're making fun of themselves without realizing it.
Good post, I think it describes more why Shodan feels less threatening and more like an EDM event prop.
I don't think my issue in specific is how "feminine" Shodan is. Canonically, she's a malevolent piece of software, she will change her form. But Even as someone who only played SS1 and not 2, I always felt SS2 Shodan lined up with the voice acting more. So I can totally see why there's a "canon" Shodan design people stick with.
I'm not worried that "oh no it's made in Unity" or "oh no, a transvestite is doing the graphics programming". 2 seconds worth of thought shows that it's not specifically why I'd like or dislike the game.
But one user did make a point, though:
I wouldn't word it as cynical, but what does this say about the art direction? But then again, there's plenty of games that have crap character design but great environment art, so eh. Shodan just looks like you made a human face grey and screwed with facial features a bit, rathar than "mechanical and artificial overlord", but I'm not too touchy with it. Have no clue about the gameplay though, wake me up when they show that.
just make her look actualy feminine, seductive but dangerous. this made her look terryfying in the first place
This is like what happened with Mass Effect Andromeda.
>woman is beautiful in normal state
>some shitty devteam member: "oh no but I'm ugly and I hate beautiful things, make this ugly so I don't feel bad!"
>character get's made so ugglied up she becomes the defining meme of the entire game
They don't want to "fix" the proportions, buddy. This is what they think Shodan should look like, a fucking abomination.
Uh huh, sure.
I think you meant to write “abominación”
>only 56% of shodan survived from Von Braun
>she had to merge with ugandan AI
>SS3 is going to become some sort of terrible examination of gender identity
There is a slim chance they'll turn this into something memorable and worthwhile. However, for the time being I consider my hopes dashed and my day ruined.
Something something kno de wae
top kek
Sounds like preemptive excuse for bad writing to say "you just don't get it!". Because apparently a superintelligent computer going rogue with powerful weaponry is just as interesting a story as a biological dude wanting to cut his balls off.
Taking the ending of System Shock 2 into consideration, wouldn't her new look be influenced by the human features she inherited by hijacking Rebecca's body?
"Ignore them and they'll go away"
I think this could be a nice satire
"l-look at you OLD WHITE MALE"
Exactly this, I remember railing on idiots who were saying this years ago.
You ignore them and they'll just grow like cancer into everything else they can find.
These are bad, shitty people and idiots pretending to be above it all just get fucked later on, not never.
Cried the American from his mobility scooter.
we live in a society
they haven't been ignored
they were given a massive platform with gamergate
you funded them
nice job
I think the obvious question is how does she look like when you get transmissions from her.
You saw Shodan's 3D model twice in SS2. If we see something good when she tells us she's sending us cyber modules or whatever
yo otherside, hit me up.
I guess SHODAN kinda lives in a society
>ummmm, sweetie, did you just destroyed my computer nodes?
Maybe somebody will mod her head early on to look normal and we won't have to look at this ugly garbage.
The remake actually got stuck in dev hell because they dropped Unity for Unreal and now they're porting everything lmao.
Literary Glados.
Lol they made her a nigger.
At least they still got her OG voice.
Ebip exclusive incoming.
imagine if this trash is making VTMB remake
underrated post
>Unity isn't a bad engine despite every single Unity game suffering from the same exact issues
OK buddy
This is literally more in line with SS1 Shodan. but of course Yea Forums is full of boomers who barely played 2
It's actually true, she does look closer to how the looked in SS1.
For comparison, this is concept art they released in 2016.
This is the other game that the devs of this have made. When it launched it was overwhelmingly negative because it was full of bugs and crashes they refused to fix. And the game is ugly and very little content. Expect the same thing here.
dios mio... el goblina de la electronica...
but spector is involved
he wont let tchem release shit. r-r-right?
looks like a tranny nigger
he let them release a trailer with a shodan that looked this horrible and a system shock that looked nothing like the other games
now there is a remake and a sequel
both look garbage and should be canceled
>SS1 Shodan
>flat as fuck pixelated face with barely any discernable features
>looks more in line
You're more in line with being retarded.
Because not only is that nonsense, but its also bullshit when directly comparing them:
>sunken skeleton cheeks and flat nose
>deep eye sockets with round terminator like eyes
>fat cheeks and nose like Anita Sarkeesian
>clown lips
>shallow eyes
Full of shit user is full of shit
she looks like she fucks black guys
Has anyone here actually played the first System Shock game?
Does this look like a beautiful, feminine face to you?
the remake looks fine if you see it as something with a different direction than the original, which is what remakes should be rather than just the same thing over again. this however looks like complete garbage with no sense at all as to what system shock is.
She looks like she fuses with them.
Thank God System Shock ended with 2 to me.
>a bold move
Why did this board get filled with trannies, and where did they come from.
Have you played the 2nd one?
btw, is ss1 any good?
I dont really care desu
What made ss2 good has since been done to death and in many cases done better
>dead space
>doom 3
This might be just the case of releasing beta imagery before final tweaks. That's the case with a lot of games.
It's by far the best of the 2.
2 is for plebs that want a shitty subpar gimmicky horror game.
1 is the actual unique one.
Its almost like game devs want us to hate niggers.
Really estimulates my frontal acorns.
it's over
Underrated. Have a (You).
In fairness, at this point anyone playing SS1 will be using the source port, which by default uses this image for Shodan instead of those. For some reason they didn't bother to redraw a high resolution version of the original like all the other portraits.
>game is following the second game
>model is very obviously more based off of 2
>developers have said they want to live up to the legacy of SYSTEM SHOCK 2
>they pretty much never mention system shock 1
These guys made that aberration that is Ultima Ascendant. I sure don't have high hopes for SS3.
>the remake looks fine
no it doesnt BURN IT
>something with a different direction than the original
>same thing over again
no fuck off this this shit
fuck i probably need to be put on a watch list for the day a random dirty nigger gets their hands on the bioshock IP
It could have been made by starbreeze instead. fuck this gay world.
Why does she look like a early 90's 3D animation?
Even if it in alpha the should be able to make a better model,why they thought showing this off would be a good idea is beyond me.
Starbreeze is too busy being in jail user.
This is the new concept they have now on the website.
I think the idea maybe is to make her more human-like in each game, which considering SS2's ending, it kinda makes sense. I'm not really into the idea myself, but maybe that's what they're going for. The spooky, barely human design in 1 is still my favourite.
It's the best one.
Classic or enhanced?
WTF that looks pretty good, why does she look nothing like this in the teaser?
enhanced has a mouselook option and good support for Windows that isn't just a dosbox wrapper
you'll find yourself switching between mouselook and regular camera often to get items and interact with the environment and your inventory/equipment (you have to click some buttons to reload)
Enhanced controls like a more standard FPS with toggleable mouse-look, like Arx Fatalis, it plays really really good, you might need some time before you get used to the UI, which it isn't bad, it's just a bit weird at first, but works very well. Classic is much clunkier to today's standards because there's no mouselook, but very much playable if you have the patience.
enhanced. it has mouse control (it makes the game much much easier) and also better resolution. the classic is just for nostalgia.
actually the enhanced controls is like system shock 2. it's more proper to say that since, you know, system shock 2 is the sequel.
>literally a nigger face
You couldn't make this shit up
Just leave System Shock alone, for the love of god
fuck you
Get that sensible lore out of my cash grab remake/sequel! This isnt 2005 anymore where players expect game worlds to be internally consistent!
>Not being able to tell that that's a man and not a woman
It's so fucking obvious...
NIghtdive's remake will be better than both.
we wuz cyborg niggas n shiet yo
>Unity isn't a bad engine
Imagine being this retarded.
Really activates my EBT card
1 is an overrated meme. The AI, level design, and shootan are terrible and get blown out of the water by SS2.
imagine being such a contrarian to actually type that out
Where did I say beautiful and feminine you absolute retard?
Not in the UK, the tranny can go to the police if you laugh at them or look at them funny and you'll be fined at the very least, jail time and community service are likely though.
You see the way the law works in the UK is that if a minority perceives anything you as offensive to them then it's automatically a hate crime. Even if you're found to not be in the wrong, it is still recorded as a hate crime and you are still recorded as having committed one.
you do*
New gameplay trailer released.
>implying this is real
You gullible faggots, Warren Spector was on stage, not some dyke.
skip to 1:30:00 and eat shit.
warren "homo" spector probably sucks her penis every night
I'm much too old and tired to "freak out" about much of anything any more, but the signs of this being a fuckup are already piled sky high.
starbreeze is even worse, literally everything they're involved with is garbage
no one cares about you shitty opinion, little faggit.
if any of you faggots had watched the video instead of masturbating over that tranny you would know that this is pre-alpha and Shodan model will change as development goes forwaed
She looks like Cabirus from Underworld Ascendant.
Spector invited this dyke.
Isn't cabirus a skeleton?
It will never get out of pre-alpha, no publisher will touch this mess after Underworld Ascendant.
suure just like otherside's other pre-alpha
It's that talking mask from the intro.
they have a historic of releasing pre-alphas
Spector made Epic Mickey 2, it's over.
poor attempt at a kerrigan copycat
"we want the altered carbon audience"
nothing in ss3 looks cyberpunk
This is why I come here, can't point out the elephant in the room in most other websites.
Negroid face and shitty lip sync aside
>dead space's turn to influence system shock
>bland aesthetic just like cyberpunk 2077 minus the budget
>sounds are probably an actual placeholder, but don't expect LEGENDARY sound design of SS2
>underworld ascendant team
Ehh, if that old fuck Warren can come up with a new twist on the old formula it might still be decent
Also SS2 ends with shodan possessing Rebecca Whatsherface's body
> Doesn't look like a black person.
When I saw the thumbnail I thought it was a black man at first, let alone a black woman.
Also it's on the Citadel Station again, for some reason.
god dammit Shogun is RUINED now
>S3 is made by the people who made Underworld Ascendant.
It's a man though.
Underworld Ascendant was made by Otherside Boston, SS3 is the Austin team
I don't discern flavors of shit.
system shock 1 fags are the worst
It's a nerd-looking scrawny ass faggot who wears makeup. It's the kind of faggot we loved to bully at school. That's why he has a mental disease now.
"you w-w-want to do WHAT with me, inseeeect?!"
>if you see it as something with a different direction than the original
By different direction do you mean "doesn't have nonsensical interface design and horrible controls"? I played the demo and it's just System Shock except not designed by a 4-dimensional alien hivemind. System Shock was made by a bunch of flight simulator engineers in a time when there was no consensus on FPS design let alone 3d FPS design and it shows. The remake actually feels like you're playing a regular game, not like you're trying to decipher the functions of the hundred buttons on a remote control of a new Austrian-Japanese home entertainment center.
She's a punk rock singer now
She looks like a fish here.
It's a different team though.
they did everything on that face with full intent
look at this brainlet. the controls of the original system shock makes perfect sense (they even had wasd) for the game and its time where mouse-looking wasn't yet used.
You look like a fag here
Why is Yea Forums crying about blacks when it looks more like a spic?
That looks pretty good and I hope they refine the 3D model to look more like the concept art
i have not seen a single game made in unity that does not burn 100% gpu
So SS1 and 2 are more or less retconned and any semblance of cyberpunk has been removed.
i thought it was a black transsexual or a black woman
looks nothing like the original
>its time where mouse-looking wasn't yet used.
Which is why the remake is better because it's got mouse look.
>not black
Cringe and semenpilled.
Black women are so ugly not even black men want to fuck them
I prefer women without fins on their heads.
fucking nigger
They made her TERRIFYING... But in the wrong sense.
Spics are the biggest mutts of all
White women are the ugliest now because of sjw shit
grow up incels this is what gaming looks like now
>click these buttons on the screen with the mouse
>it's a game on a platform where the default controller has 110 buttons
Yeah makes perfect sense nostalgia cuck. I've just been playing the Star War flight combat sims that have about 116 buttons because nobody would be insane enough to put contextual functions in a game when you don't need to. Yet Looking Glass, a company that made flight sims cluttered the screen with contextual buttons that only use the left click. What are they, Bioware? Press A for Awesome?
If it wasn't because of the name you could believe he is just a crossdresser and it would make much more sense, since his voice isn't even trying to appear feminine.
White bitches are worst because they fuck niggers,dogs and horses
>having black people is hamfisting them
okay, that's hawt
In this case it is, since shodan was supposed to look like an asian female according to the game lore.
That's just becuase they're white
lol enjoy sucking cocks
It's not just the controls. SS1 might have been a technical marvel for its time, but the gameplay just wasn't there to match. Everything from combat to cyberspace was a clumsy mess, giving any remake very little to go on.
I'm not talking this case, I'm talking about his idea that having black people at all is hamfisting them. With Shodan itself, the genuine problem is less about "the character looks black" and more about "the character doesn't look like she used to". You say Shodan is supposed to look like an asian female, but if she looked like a white female no one would have batted an eye.
Isn't the reason this project went to shit the first time was they wanted to move over to unreal from unity ?
wtf? the game was made in the early 90s less than one year after doom. Are you expecting the game to have current-gen controls? At the time they didn't even use mouse-look yet. fuck you, faggot.
>it's a Yea Forums still doesn't understand lens distortion episode
The original drawings of Shodan in the earlier games are ortographic projections. This one is a perspective projection and rendered from a large source in a close distance because she wants to appear as a giant staring down an insect in front of her. She's supposed to be large and in front of your face to be intimidating. If she's flat and far away you might as well be talking to a poster.
That was the remake
ss1 classic>ss1 enhanced>ss2
the game´s older than me but it´s definitely the best one, i can´t have nostalgia googles if i played it few years ago - not having a mouselook can be considered a game mechanic, i would say it even helps you immerse in the game
the controls aren´t hard to learn, stop this meme, it´s like saying the controls of deus ex are hard when they´re not.
Nightdive's incompetence with their remake of SS1 is a completely separate thing.
>That level of mental gymnastics
No, they tried to re-imagine literally every concept and location of the original mishmash of boxes and pixels as these grand AAA level artistry rivaling games like Deus Ex Human Revolution but scrapped everything because it would have literally taken hundreds of millions to actually produce. So instead of that they're actually making just a direct remake with gameplay improvements.
>They made her look scary
She's just black now, not scary. Unless you're a racist in which case it probably would be scary for someone like you.
Pretty sure that color is green though. And she doesn't sound black at all. And if I recall correctly, Shodan is rather intelligent too.
Based and photography-pilled.
The engine can't handle a baldur's gate rip-off with late 2000 ero 3d graphics without 60 second loading time for each map transition on an hdd. Even an ssd doesn't help much.
>becomes ao oni
Man, this gonna suck a stinky doodoo.
>SS remake is on UE4(?)
>SS3 is on unity
I wonder which will be downgraded more. Or rather which one will see the release date.
>unironically using the swordfag's "comic strips"
Is there any memorable fps made on the unity engine? I can't remember any.
Expecting actual dialogue from the mongoloids on Yea Forums?
rebecca wasn't a nigger.
Do either of them have an actual release date? The remake is already over 2 years late from their original target.
of course not
I've actually seen people on Yea Forums unironically make this argument. If the sides of a building in a photo are not vertical like the sides of the picture, then the building's walls must be at an angle.
Early 2020 for remake
is this real?
They probably confuse her with the arabic-looking mechanist chicks in Thief 2 who were voiced by Rebecca's voice actress It's a really cool voice imo
Daily reminder male hyenas show signs of submission by showing their erect penis to the larger dominant female hyena
>He can't remember the shortcut keys for all the important enhancements
>He never put it in full screen mode EVEN THOUGH IT FUCKING TELLS YOU IN THE PIC YOU POSTED
Look at this brainlet and laugh.
>underworld ascendant team
Apparently SS3 is being developed by a separate internal dev team. Probably will still be mediocre, though.
yeah. the tranny is the graphics designer.
Why would Warren Spector let them get away with that? All of the creepy super-AI in Deus Ex were male. Trying to make Shodan male as well under his supervision would be terrible representation, if that's what you think they're going for. Spector would then have in his portfolio Morpheus, Daedalus, Icarus, Helios and Shodan and all would be male. How exactly is that good representation of genders?
As far as SS1 remake is concerned
>Started on Unity and looked fine from the pre-alpha people got to play
>Scrapped project and everybody fired
>Switched to UE4 with new devs completely from scratch
>New devs want to make it more like SS2 in gameplay and DXHR in graphics
>At this point Nightdive has blown through all the kickstarter money
>Everything goes silent for years
>Only just now began posting more updates this year, despite being very insignificant in substance
>Still no release date
And it probably will come out first anyways, even if it means SS3 gets delayed several fucking years after going gold.
god i hope you are fucking joking. because if you are not all im ever going to see people discuss about the games are the fact it's "tranny shit" or something. all i want are the things i love to be left alone in peace, i get this creeping feeling system shock should have been left as a dead series.
Retconning SS1 to be a male shodan makes shodan trans, not male.
>He can't remember the shortcut keys for all the important enhancements
>he responds to someone supporting the concept of memorizing hundreds of keys on a keyboard instead of having anything contextual
Buy an attention span you absolute goldfish
In the original floppy version shodan is referred as it. In the cd version she was given a female voice. That user is just talking out of his ass.
saved for future "miring"
Thinking that genders can fully transition instead of becoming mutilated freaks makes a female male, not trans
Are you dumb? They intentionally made it look like a black womyn you stupid racist. To say they need to fix it is RACIST.
lol no one even said that you fat mongoloid, they're making fun of you for acting like a spazz at the thought of improving the controls in the remake, like it was some horrible crime. get some medication you freak
>Started on Unity and looked fine from the pre-alpha people got to play
Bruh, it's nothing but fluff. They probably put all their effort into this isolated demo and called it "alpha". It's "Alien: Colon Marines" level of lies.
SS2 gameplay elements were included in the kickstarter. If you go back to the interviews before the kickstarter even launched, you can see that making the game more like SS2/Dead Space than SS1 was their mindset right from the beginning.
>Everything goes silent for years
Haha what. They were quiet for a month and then came back up with a bunch of dev streams
almost every enemy is a hitscanner that just idles in a narrow corridor
doom might be less advanced technologically but the gameplay is far deeper
her model is still obviously very hideous you mongoloid
Where did I say improving the controls was bad? that was other user, you retarded faggot. What I said was in response to another user saying that the controls of the original game was purposely bad like a flight sim. You're the spazz autistic faggot.
>At this point Nightdive has blown through all the kickstarter money
If they had blown through all their money they wouldn't have started the project over a second time. They had enough of their budget left that they could put together a more faithful, smaller-scaled remake like they originally pitched.
>Everything goes silent for years
They were only "silent" for a little over a month.
>Only just now began posting more updates this year
This isn't true at all.
Why do people purposefully spread misinformation.
They didn't fire everyone and scrap what they had when they changed engines. The team only downsized when they went on hiatus after the kickstarter money ran out (or at least got low enough that the reality of not being able to finish set it), and the hiatus was only for a few months.
I think it's about equal. The original face is grey roadkill with barf on it. SS2 face has a jew nose and a chin so sharp that it could probably lacerate spacetime itself.
it looks bretty good but basically is just preliminary footage. they have a lot to live up to being that system shock 1 and 2 are classics and the game they last released, underworld ascendant, was legit a total shit game
>the controls of the original game was purposely bad like a flight sim
Not purposely bad. Bad out of incompetence.
kickstarter = proof of interest to investors
do you seriously think you can develop a 3D game in [current year] for a little over a million american brozuouf?
dunno where the dev team is based, but it's not Poland/India meaning they would've blown through kickstarter money in less than a year even if they weren't retarded
Are both of you retarded? Neither of them have widows peaks, and blacks have a rather low prevalence of widows peaks.
>implying it's a necessarily ugly trait
Symetrical widows peak is perfectly fine, especially depending on the quality and flow of your hair. Chris Hemsworth and Leonardo both have widows peaks.
t. guy with a widow's peak.
>You say Shodan is supposed to look like an asian female, but if she looked like a white female no one would have batted an eye
Probably because white facial features hold a closer resemblance to asian features, to the point where in this case people would likely just wave it off as shitty modeling. Black features are so different from asian features in comparison, that it comes off as an intentional design decision, and it likely was.
t. balding cuck
>Why do people purposefully spread misinformation.
A lot of backers got very angry that they had wasted their money and make up their own narratives to try to rationalize it. It's easier for them to think Nightdive tricked them, rather than accept the reality they didn't research what they were funding.
Then how is the project still being developed if they have no money?
You're fake news.
>They make a cool demo on Unity faithful to the original and launch a Kickstarter
>They get the money so they hire a bunch of new people
>Soon realize these people are actually more trained in UE4 instead so decide to switch, being aware it's a risky move but think it's worth it
>The newly hired people start to distort the original design adding new stuff, more a reboot and less remake
>Nightdive looks at investors for additional money, making many different parallel prototypes to see if different publishers are interested, but none agree
>These prototypes are quite far away from the initial design
>Because of the time and money they cost to make, they decide to recycle these assets for the game anyway
>At this point the game doesn't play or look like System Shock in the slightest
>Studio director realizes and decides to pull the plug, fire a bunch of people and reset development
>After a few months of pre-production to rethink their priorities and re-schedule everything, development resumes
>Monthly updates and progress have been released ever since
sorry, but this still looks like a trainwreck. thank god I didn't back it.
Nightdive still makes money off their existing library of game rereleases. Not enough to fund their original AAA ambitions, but enough to gradually work on a small scale project to satisfy the kickstarter.
I would have backed it based on the playable demo, and I was genuinely puzzled about the insane concepts they had for the game. When the project was put on hold and restructured and I saw that they were going to make the entire game like the demo I was pleasantly surprised.
Cool, but why the fuck would they model her face like that? The 2D art on their site is quite fine.
Limit framerate.
fa ce book evan.legros
Hey they did make a lot of stupid mistakes and as a backer I'm the first one that was very pissed when I saw the terrible direction the game had gone into, but ever since they reset the project, they've been very transparent and honest about everything, and have been trying to regain people's trust ever since, so I'm willing to give them another chance. Plus what they're showing now looks fucking cool, just like the demo.
>shodan isn't sexy anymore
>The newly hired people start to distort the original design adding new stuff, more a reboot and less remake
Nightdive themselves were calling it a reboot even before the kickstarter began. Making something radically different was always part of the plan.
they have money, just not from kickstarter
Elite Dangerous had an initial budget of ~8 million british pandas, they raised a little over a million on kickstarter
game's still being developed post launch, but probably not from cosmetic micro transaction sales. Definitely made back the 8 million pandas investment through game sales though.
>cool demo
you lost me there already.
it was shat on from the moment it was first posted
that's a man, baby
>Making something radically different was always part of the plan.
Clearly not, otherwise the demo wouldn't have been so faithful to the original in comparison to the direction the project was going in. All those new guys they hired were clearly more interested in developing a SS2 prequel than an actual remake of the first game.
Where did they keep the pandas
Bruh, look at this dude...
Why was anyone even asking for a System Shock 3? LGS has been dead for decades. Is there even a modern dev who could make a worthy SS?
As far as I remember, they sometimes referred to it like a faithful reboot, whatever that means. In any case we could start arguing about what reboot means and doesn't mean but that's besides the point. I want to think the plan was always to use the Unity demo as main reference for the whole game and stick with that. The development only got slowly twisted as time went by and their monthly updates support that idea.
Warren Spector, lol.
Was he even in the original team that made system shock?
Incompetent 3d modelers most likely.
most certainly, non-fatal trainwreck though. I saw that coming when nightdive CEO had tunnel piercings and literally 0 game dev experience except selling Kaiser's EX engine.
he was producer in the first game and had nothing to do with the second.
>Why was anyone even asking for a System Shock 3?
Probably because they liked SS2 and wanted more of the same.
>Is there even a modern dev who could make a worthy SS?
Probably, but they won't be the ones making it.
Yes, system shock 1 is his game. System Shock 2 is Ken Levine's.
nostalgia fags.
If Arkane wasn't forced to water down their games to reach an audience of tens of millions of normies then they could do it.
>Spector would then have in his portfolio Morpheus, Daedalus, Icarus, Helios
It's Sheldon Pacotti's portfolio, not Spector's.
gameplay wise probably
Arkane never could tell a compelling story to save their lives. And their current art director and audio director need to be fired. Get the Arx Fatalis guys back, they knew their shit.
looks like a tranny.
trannies are spooky tbqh.
Looks like snoop dog. That’d be a cool demake of the game. “Yo wazzup you ain’t escapin me white boi” “ I’m the shodan with the plan try to survive if you can hehehehe”
>Is there even a modern dev who could make a worthy SS?
Prey 2017 should be called System Shock 3.
system shock was made when first person shooters were in its embryonic stages. It wasn't incompetence.
Looks like pic related.
Was this thing even alive when system shock 2 came out?
Actually Jonathan Chey was the director of System Shock 2, who is now making Void Bastards. Levine was lead designer and writer, just like in Bioshock, if I remember right.
>expecting a good western game in 2019+
Just give up all hope, its going to be shit.
This ain't funny anymore.
>I think you guys are freaking out too soon
I've lost the count of how many times you tourists say this or variations of this
Yea Forums is always right, time and time again
More like Bioshock 3 as it lacks too much be called SS. Or maybe you!re right and PREY is the SS of our time, shallow and boring but enough to trigger nostalgia.
the same thing with warren spector in system shock. The director and lead programmer was another guy, Warren Spector just gave "ideas" I guess.
Elizabeth LeGross
SS3 would be better if it were a strategy game where you get to play as Shodan and you have to rewrite your own brain and exterminate all the flesh things on your station.
In other words it was excusable then and is not anymore. Better standards for controls and interface have been developed. The demo of the remake adheres to those standards.
what is there even left to do with shodan
it just feels like "DUDE remember shodan? it's system shock so we need her!!!1"
they did shodan as the enemy
then they did shodan as the unlikely ally against a common enemy thing
now what
Why are you niggers fixated on SHODAN's nose instead of how everything else in the trailer looks like shit and SHODAN is by far the best looking thing?
Why are you fucking niggers fixated on how you don't want to fuck SHODAN anymore instead of the lack of gameplay or polish or anything else?
You're a bunch of edgy 12 year old that never even played the original games and you all should kill yourselves. Holy fucking shit.
Could be worse, could be Unreal
That was exactly my point.
Warren Spector didn't do shit except talk to EA fuck you
What exactly it lacks? I can't stand Bioshock but Prey satisfied my thirst for more System Shock quite fine.
Now YOU are shodan.
Calm down you loser, we already know the gameplay will be shit considering its a modern western game made by trannies.
I like when games have a more involved control scheme for things like reloading weapons and explosives.
back to discord you mentally ill amalgam
I know LGS was a collective effort but it still saddens me everyday that Doug Church isn't widely considered to be one of the industry's greatest visionaries like he is. It saddens me even more he doesn't direct games anymore and only takes consulting jobs.
Also, don't underestimate the role of the producer, they're far more important that what you may think and their knowledge and skill is often what separates a project from failure to success. Underworld Ascendant itself appears to be proof of that from what I know.
What is Doug Church even doing at Valve?
Germ Theory surpassed the Theory of Bad Humors and Theory of Evil Spirits. I consider the latter two to be shitty medical theories. System Shock 1 has shitty control and interface design compared to things that were designed later.
I like that too. Disconnecting mouse from looking around in order to click buttons in the character's HUD is not involved control. It's horribly inefficient design. A game like System Shock shouldn't be like EnviroBear 2000.
SHODAN as a savior.
post more webms please
I don't think he's working at Valve anymore, last thing I knew he was consulting on System Shock, can't remember if it was the remake or 3 though.
Unreal is not a bad engine.
>I like that too. Disconnecting mouse from looking around in order to click buttons in the character's HUD is not involved control. It's horribly inefficient design. A game like System Shock shouldn't be like EnviroBear 2000.
I think that's still better than the UI of Borderlands, but worse than Dead Space as far as in-universe HUD come.
Shodan as a faction you can side with. I mean if you give her access to a warp engine she can literally remake the universe and actually physically become a god.
Shodan was the only good thing about the System Shock games.
im sold, something else is needed in order to play it or just the game and thats it?
based zoomer retard
I like this. Maybe humans need to merge with Shodan to protect themselves from something even worse, kind of like a Hardcore Many or even a lethal infection created by Shodan herself.
Its fucking ten at most. I don't know how you can use a computer if System Shock's keys are too much for you.
DOSbox unless you buy or pirate the enhanced edition.
void bastards is looking good
maybe too borderlands-y for my tastes
but I want it be good
umm, sweetie, he was a game director at Origin before you were born
I know from personal limited experience that Borderlands is bad but does it really have things that are worse than Steel Batallion: Heavy Armor? You know, "player needs to use limited functions of a controller to manipulate in-game interfaces in order to perform basic functions that should instead be directly mapped to the actual controller that the player is using"?
Only the visuals are though, gameplay looks very solid.
SHODAN? More lie DA'SHON amirite?
I know the guy who made the mouse-look mod. He's brazilian and we studied in the same university (computer science).
Is he gay?
I'm puzzled as to how you can even string sentences together since even reading back a post chain in order to understand the actual context of what you think you're responding to seems to be beyond you.
love this thread
As long as they make the reason good and it's not retarded space cthulhu shit like Mass Effect or StarCraft 2, it could work.
You mean System Shock Portable that Nightdive rebranded as the Enhanced Edition?
I don't think so.
He's not talking about the keys, he's talking about the contextual icons you see there. Though he could just press f1 and go full screen the maybe he's just an annoying fag.
Is the gameplay of SS1/2 fun if i've never played them before? Or did they age badly?
Yep, Malba Tahan. He was actually hired by nightdive to help in the enhanced edition.
>They're going to retcon shit to make SS1 shodan male
Why in the fuck would identity politics translate Shodan to male?
They are fun.
They are fun and there are also mods that make it even harder and better so it has replaybility as well. it's not just nostalgia glasses.
But they won't. And we will.
SS2 is still one of the best games you can play. The original does some stuff that works and a lot of stuff that doesn't and has one of the worst control schemes possible for the type of game it is. It's still pretty decent as a novelty but considering the sequel is the same thing improved in every way the original is fairly skippable
Good to hear that he was compensated for the work he put in at least. I remember a lot of people in the System Shock community getting annoyed that Nightdive scooped up an otherwise free project to sell on Steam.
It's still frustrating that people attribute 'Nightdive' as a collective entity on some of these releases, when it's often individual fans who put the bulk of the work in.
I completely disagree. The original game has a cool story, tense and methodic gameplay, and well designed levels.
SS1 aged poorly, but is fun in how far ahead of its time it was technologically and game design wise
SS2 shows its age but is still fucking amazing, audio design alone is one of the best ever put into a game, and if you play OSA (the mage class) gameplay is still tough fair and requires you to use brains
I don't have Yea Forums quality webms of SS2, but
>melee kill on final boss
There's 2 SHODAN
One is the girl who she possessed, and The Backup that was on the escape pod
step up nigga
Didn't they have the source code? Why steal other's work if they could just make it themselves?
Guys I want to get into SS. WHat should I do ? is there any mods I have to get ?
>melee kill on final boss
Only possible on NewDark engine. Those barrier objects are too narrow when mantled on from the side. The Dark Engine mantling mechanic considers there to be too little space on top for the character to fit.
interesting, thought only laser rapier could do damage to her
just buy/pirate the gog version.
pretty sure the old psi barrier step ladder trick works in any version of the game
mantling IS improved in the steam version
>get caught in the middle of two SHODANs fighting for total control
Similar thing they did for the Powerslave remaster, which still hasn't released, where they just hired the guy that was making Powerslave EX. Like you say in a way it's kind of shitty, but it also means it can have much better resources, production values and proper QA instead of just some guy on a basement doing stuff.
Now that I think about it, I also think the guy that make Doom EX is the one working on the Nightdive's Blood remaster now.
For SS1, use SS portable since the EE you can pirate is bugged to shit.
For SS2 get the NewDark patch
steam version? wtf? do you mean with the newdark engine?
alright thanks boys
>mantling IS improved in the steam version
Mantling wasn't improved until the source code was found on a Dreamcast developer disc and the unofficial patch was developed. So is the Steam version using what is basically a legal grey area?
Actually don't answer that. I have the game installed.....
>tranny shock
Nightdive only got the source code to make their own port a few years back. System Shock Portable and the Enhanced Edition are much older.
steam version is newdark, but breddy close to vanilla, no extensive bugfixing some mod packs do
There's a decent amount of people complaining about it in their Discord, who knows if they'll listen tho
I trust Warren Spector to make a good game.
Also the Turok remasters I believe. Monetizing fan projects seems to be part of their business model. The System Shock remake was the first time they tried doing something on their own, and it has hardly gone well.
That would actually be cool. So it won't happen.
I just tested it and apparently that's true. Only Newdark lets you mantle on top of narrow obstacles and into low spaces that require crouching.
>Monetizing fan projects
Hmm... that reminds me of something
you can mantle on top of psi barriers with a little elbow grease and wiggling on the original engine
SS2 mantling is itself improved over thief
it's a robe made of silk with fingerless gloves, you sperg.
Huh, didn't know Shodan was a Geisha.
Sorta surreal that a geisha wants to be a god.
This is easily the best one, they should have went with it.
Fan did this, looks a bit too blocky tho
It's related to some cut content about Shodan's in-universe original designer.
Why not keep Shodan 2D and avoid giving her textures?
Making her look realistic will only make her look like trash.
Cool, I never bothered to look at System Shock lore. But that does explain a few things about her name and looks.
>player choice
did you know shodan and victoria from thief are the same person?
pic was made by someone that never played SS1
is it just me or system shock 2 still looks NEAT in places?
model poly count is obviously quake 2 levels, but static moody lighting coupled with simple level geometry and crispy clean fairly low res textures still shine from certain angles
almost as if talented people made it
good use of textures and lighting
I don't express similar feelings towards thief though, hard to do believable grimy half industrial revolution half medieval city on such a primitive tech
for a sci fi space ship dark engine is perfect, and they made the most of it
Underworld Ascendant. What a piece of shit that was. This game has no chance in hell.
Dusk and BallisticNG runs stellar for unity games
Where does nu prey fall on that chart
so unity is perfect for quake 1/PS1 era graphics you're saying
Fuck him and his shitty Mickey Mouse game
it's more complex than any bioshock game
>warren spector hasn't made a good game in 18 years
it's like a band that has long past its peak but keeps pumping out terrible albums
For Dusk, sure. But BallisticNG looks amazing albeit kinda simplistic.
You can also see games like The Forest which looks and runs good.
Epic Mickey 2 was made by Warren Spector.
yeah I might check out the forest
however I've just torrented an early SCUM version to see if it's worth waiting on early access memes wise
Yeah just like Underworld Ascendant. Have you heard of it? Of course not. Nobody ever did.
I knew I sense faint smell of shit from the trailer. Now I can pinpoint what caused it.
Subnautica also runs on Unity.
Unity being bad is a meme repeated by people that have never used it.
subnautica runs like shit on any system, true fact
micro stuttering galore, poor engine's being overloaded
so yeah, PS1/Quake tier