Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite? What causes the divide?
Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite...
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Because game journalists tend to be very disingenuous people. But you already knew that.
>when people who actually play games want the opposite?
I actually play games and don't give two shits if it is done well.
games can and are often political. They're just not always 100% in your face about it so someone focusing on playing the video game may not care or may miss it if they're ignoring subtext or narrative.
Subtext and narrative only matter to a fraction of people and aren't needed to enjoy a game as a game, but for the 'games as art' discussion, then those things may help, but that also only applies to a fraction of the players, and to a fraction of the games.
Only some games are art and only some players care about the message that the small number of games that care about having a message have.
Jim is angry we do not care. Jim is fat and lets other men fuck his wife while pretending to have the freedom to do that himself.
It makes their job easier, plus it lets them talk about their shit opinions and why orange man is bad.
They want to push their ideology wherever it's possible, be it games, movies or music.
And while I don't really care if game has any left/right wing propaganda as long as it's fun, it still feels a bit tasteless.
I love Jim, but I think he definitely missed the mark with his latest video.
Jim Sterling? More like Shit Hurling.
On a serious note, how did this hack become popular? His content is the definition of shitpost.
Jesus what is this gobbledygook language?
>I love Jim
they failed as real journalists
theyre shit at games
the only thing they know how to do is clickbait about what a game did/didnt/should/shouldnt do according to the agendas they want to push
Do you think that doing nothing is actually worse than doing any action, since it supports the status quo?
I like ho Jim is based whenever he shits on things vocal voices on Yea Forums dislike, but then the tide is turned when he dares utter an opinion those voices disagree with.
Sounds like Yea Forums is full of triggered snowflakes about other people's opinions.
A lot of game journalists are failures that resort to gaming in a last ditch effort. They hope that with games becoming more political they can make some snazzy hit pieces and make senpai notice them. Without games being political in nature, they have nothing meaningful to add to the discussion, they know this.
American English
They want to appear woke and think they're making a difference, but don't have the chops to be an actual politician
Fuck Jim Sterling but his complaint is that a Game like the Division, which features the story of two opposing US goverments embroiled in a civil war after the nation got thrown into ruins because of a terrorist plot that exploited american consumerism is, accodrung to Jewbisoft, not political.
You can't make a game like this and then say "ehm ackshually, we're not taking a stance here"
>how did this hack become popular?
totalbiscuit died
he's one of jim's wife's boyfriend
All culture is political
because they're egomaniacs and want the world to revolve around them and what they like/think
the status quo is good most of the time
I don’t think so
Games can have political themes or ideas without being an extension of the developer's politics. People are free to interpret what they want but it's just a video game story not the writer's manifesto. Like when someone sets a game in medieval times that doesn't mean they want to return to monarchy or feudalism or they think badly of monarchy or feudalism, they just want castles and knights and maybe siege weapons.
That sounds like a plausible near-future fantasy dystopia for a Tom Clancy game, not a commentary on us living in a society.
If games become overtly more political they can shove only political opinions that they agree with and stamp out those with ones they don't agree with.
this , just make my game fun
>social media screencaps on Yea Forums
>interface is not in English
Jim is inconsistent to say the least, while his efforts to fight against indie hacks and AAA jews is admirable, he is often way too zealous about it and has a few absurd opinions which really hurt his credibility (i.e. Epic Store is not a good alternative to Steam).
Not to mention his appearance, mannerisms and video style is fucking appalling and disgusting.
And isn't he a literal cuck?
Russian doesn’t have latin letters
The status quo is serviceable, but people who want to change that are allowed to try and if the status quo eventually decides that maybe this change is ok, then it'll become the status quo
They are picking up the worst habits from the westerners
Fuck off, reddit goober larping fuck
Yeah sure, but it is carrying a political message. There's no denying that. Unless you're Ubisoft, i guess.
This isn't the case of some dingbat overanalizing a game to educate us about some underlying message, a game like the division is very overtly political.
>I don't want politics in my game
>that's not politics because it's my politics
really makes you think
Umri stoko retardirana
I'd fuck Jim too but he threatened to stop making videos if I do
Didn't the Divison 2 get pretty political with the lore about Mexico building a wall to stem the tide of American refugees?
Well not to defend him but him being an arrogant fat fuck is a part of his schtick
It makes their job easier when they can write articles about games that already confirm a preconceived notion that the reader has. Plus, gaming journalists don't actually play games so they don't get any normal enjoyment from them. It's not that games can't be political, but journalists just want games to virtue signal to them or to a minority group to be considered useful or practical in society.
he's some epic store shill
fresh off the boat
Its a shooter set in the near future. You can either decide that all near future warfare has to be political, or accept that its just a popular setting for a semi-realistic shooter full of gadgets.
Because if games aren't politically charged, then they can't pretend they're more relevant than timmy noteeth from down the block posting shitty lisp-filled youtube videos about his favorite games.
As is, game journos have no credibility in an overwhelming number of cases, other than their existing pedigree at a website like ign or gamespot or eurogamer or what have you. So they have to stay relevant. How do you stay relevant? Get clicks. How do you get clicks? Say inflammatory shit. What's the most inflammatory shit you can say? Usually political nonsense. Bonus points for chucking religion in there somewhere.
Just go on youtube and make more informed decisions. Seriously. These people offer you nothing, and there's no reason when you can literally seek through an entire video in under 3 seconds, to not look at 4-5 videos if you're actually interested in a game.
I think there is an audiolog in the white house with the president talking to the president of Mexico on the phone and asking him to be "compassionate" with regards to the Americans fleeing south over the border.
It's the least subtle political allegory I've ever seen in a video game.
He's a communist
>get a degree in a field that you have to work hard at to get anywhere when you thought it would be an easy ride
>don't want to put yourself in any danger or do any real work
>reality slaps you in the face
>start making shitty online articles to pay the bills
>start injecting your political beliefs into your work to try and make it seem like your job is more meaningful than it is because you don't truly like what you're doing to begin with
Is this you perhaps?
Oh and the president's name is literally "Waller".
Jimmy became so fucking repetitive and insufferable i don't understand who even watches him at this point. Any user in this thread could rave about microtransactions and AAA industry just as well as that repeititve sperg if not better. A few years back he at the very least had some exclusive materials and was contacted by people within industry like it was with his Deus Ex MD videos but nowadays his videos are just pure garbage.
the title is clickbait and the video explains why. devs make games with literal "LOL FUCK DRUMPF" yet when you interview any of them they pretend there nothing to see there but totally familly friendly neutral entertainment and that it's totally a coincidence they got that idea for the game right in the same year as X or Y event that literally take place at the same place, with the same people. It's hypocrite and manipulative.
Remove Russian
where the fuck did this chud shit come from
They only want games to be political when these games share the same political views as them. Look at how hysterical was their reaction to Far Cry 5 story not being about what they wanted it to be.
So they're saying that walls work?
birth of a new meme
That's not even political though, it just shows that Doomguy is a moralfag
If they want games to be political, or in any other way push their own views onto games then they are not "game journos"
Jim Sterling is not a game journalist.
It's as simple as that.
what does that have to do with politics?
Journos are looking for new financial sources. If games will be politically they would shill not only for Devs but ever for politicians.
probably Chapo
They're the only leftists in the world that have memes that aren't like hbomb references
They need a reason to hate on it for views.
Had no idea Sterling was a virtue signaler. I guess for somewhat as fat as him, I'd probably do the same too.
holy shit you're retarded
Is that a 17 minute Jim video or a 17 minute video about some guy assblasted at Jim?
i only know them from the movie and from hellmoo. i was actually going to put them in my own game as a low-threat enemy but i guess i fucking can't because i'll be dragged into this retardation
it's macedonian dumbasses
>I want politics in games, but only if it aligns with my politics
Remember when SJWs tried to get the publishers of The Last Night to stop publishing the game because the developer said he wasn't a feminist?
Ubisoft has used political imagery for ads in their game for years now, its nothing new.
xenoblade2 is anti refugee, but you'd have to play games to know that.
because politics is like a disease and the infected want everyone to infect as many people as they want, saying things like "everything is political".
They succeeded
Add "?lang=pt-BR" at the end of your Twitter link before taking a screen cap to make it more quality.
His position is a bit more nuanced than that. For example, he pointed to Detroit: Become Human as a game that displayed discrimination that paralleled that of racism in our world, yet the director on the fucking game won't come out and say that theme exists out of fear of being "too political". He also goes into saying that maintaining the status quo is, in itself, a political tool. If you're going against the mainstream narratives, or if you are sticking with it and aren't going to rock the boat, you are still taking a political position.
I can't believe I actually watched that stupid fat fuck for this fucking post. His wrestling cut ins are fucking retarded. Fuck yourself OP.
This. His videos have been getting a bit too political in my taste. Honestly don't care about politics. I'll worry about politics in the real world, right now let me just have fucking fun in my games.
isnt he still making the game but by being financed by donations now ?
I'm surprised he didn't bring up THQ advertising on 8ch with the whole mass shooting and all.
Yeah, he has no publisher, the feminists successes
>I can't believe I actually watched that stupid fat fuck for this fucking post. His wrestling cut ins are fucking retarded. Fuck yourself OP.
what did he mean by this
>another clickbait artist has an opinion on thing which you totally must see!!
oh so a none country then. nevermind
Any time there is a story there will be inherent bias from the creators because of their politics or morality. It depends entirely on how they handle those biases. If they minimize it (IE: Making it just background fluff for the existence of the gameplay) or play around with the ideas (Fallout), it creates an enjoyable experience because then the player can just ignore it or apply their own biases into it to play with the developer's creation. Video games are one of the only mediums that this can be achieved as well.
North Macedonian*
there is a difference between being topical and being political
very few people that speak loudly can identify the difference though, and conflate them
Because without politics there's nothing to sensationalize and therefore no clickbait articles to write. It's business. If a game is just fun and has nothing controversial to say one way or the other Game journos can't make money on it.
>Say all games must be political
>The Division comes out
>Says its the wrong kind of politics and plays to right wing power fantasies (Tom Clancy right, who would've guessed)
Lets be real here a) Journalists don't want politics, what they really want is propaganda pieces that regurgitate their ideas back at them so they can feel validated b) Their hilarious shame complexes demand games be political because then as reviewers their commentary is elevated to political insight instead of hedonistically enjoying childrens toys well into your 40's, which is shameful (well atleast for them)
Why would the obvious theming in Detroit: Become Human even need the director to avoid talking about the obvious theming?
If that is all it was then Jim is right, and Cage is a pussy. The game is almost derailed into something uninteresting because of the shoehorned in revolution happening unrealistically fast.
The second point about maintaining or going against the staus quo isn't vidya. But i guess people can get whatever political message they want out of anything even if it wasn't by the design of the creator.
>Tom clancy means it's not political lol
what a fucking bootlicker moron.
*nobody fucking cares*
all these deadbeat 40-50 year old game bloggers are trying to do is stay relevant in an age where they are getting replaced by twitch streamers and (better) youtubers
in the early 00s jim was an alt-right, anti-feminist, anti-sjw and now he's done a 180. he will do or say whatever will get him the most clicks. he's no different from DSP except instead of playing like a retard for clicks, he says retarded shit for clicks.
I feel like they're trying to push everything to be a political statements so that they can make all of your meaningless actions and thoughts be interpreted as political statements in order to incentivize people to only act and think in specific ways they agree with.
People who think that everything is political seem to interpret every persons action as having some sort of hidden motive to it, when the reality is contrary.
>mario is political because of arranged political marriages
I've never heard anything more retarded in my life.
The political theme in Detroit was done poorly though, the parallel doesn't work because they're literally not humans and there are actual reasons to treat them differently.
I don't have a problem with games being about politics I have a problem with games being about real world politics or allegories thereof unless it's appropriate for the setting.
>you can be an adult, or accept it, stay silent, obedient, and give them money. it's your choice brah, but don't you DARE chose the first ok.
youre either a progressive or a regressive. not being either liberal or conservative is just as regressive as being a conservative.
in cosmic terms its worse. lazy, apathetic chuds have never made history and never will. fuck em.
least I'm not a dicklicker like you are, fagboy.
Tom clancy games are military political dramas.
maybe the gameplay plot doesn't have to do with politics, but the narrative does.
at least he's not a faggot like you
everyone in this thread look up goatse if you want to see a cool pic. Also try reading the following word: Nigger.
I know he himself is an SJW retard and shill, but Mother's Basement actually did a good video on why the civil rights metaphor doesn't work.
what does this mean, user.
Why can't i choose the adult thing
He's right though? You literally have a princess and a king. How is that not political?
80 IQ syntax
>being literally human is relevant
explain this plz
I think he did, a while ago
But the other day he was raging at games on Steam for being """racist""" so by political does he mean games that promote his ideology as the right one?
I don't think you need an eceleb to explain it.
no they're not
Macedonia has far richer history than whatever shit nation you come from.
Our Kingdom once stretched all the way to India and was the number one superpower that rivaled china. America has about 300 years of history, you think that's good? Try over 3000
you mean bulgarian then
You're what's wrong with gaming. Fuck off.
>I want games to be political
>I dont want games that disagree with my political position to exist
he simply demands propaganda.
most games aren't political
Well, you're right, but there were some points I didn't think of straight away that was pointed out by others.
too bad the political themes in Tom Clancy games are either retarded and unoriginal gargabe or incoherent mess
Being a fag is cool
>Macedonia history
>posts a Greek hero
>listening to what "gamers" want
Is it wrong that I have absolutely no idea who this is?
North Macedonian
but that's correct?
ecelebs go in
Its not necessarily that they want them to be political, is that they want them to not say they are political when the game clearly touches on obvious political themes.
The devs who insulted him and stuff. He was the victim for every news channel and the devs qhere stupid enough to play along with it. Before that, subscribing to that slob is a total mystery to me
Only Hellenic Macedonia does have a rich history. The hillbilly slav shithole called FYROM have no history besides being cucked by albozergs.
>Unironically trying to associate Alexander the Great with your Bulgar invaders because you named yourself "Macedonian".
Why the the fuck dont you just say left wing instead if political? Wheres the right wing journos callibg for this? There aint any although as a right wing gaymer id love a shower simulator
How is it political? What is the message?
most games aren't political
>when people who actually play games want the opposite
>except you
>and you
>and you
>I am the only real gamer reee
Fist yourself, Jim
Tried watching Sterling's videos recently. He fucking sucks. Twenty minutes of ranting about something from the most shallow and uninformed position imaginable. Pretty sure he doesn't even do any research when deciding to make a video, let alone fully contemplate a question at hand.
The Division is probably one of the few times where that is a valid complaint though. It's not Waypoint crying about Resident Evil. Or saying how Kingdom Hearts tackles Toxic Masculinity.
>We wuzing this hard
Methinks he would be the first one to screech if game was politically opposed to him
Do you know what a king is? It's a fucking political instrument you imbecile.
Yup remember his halo wars review? Fat fuck cant die soon enough
who are you quoting?
>saying epic is shit is an absurd opinion
whats wrong with him....
Do I even want to ask what he said about Halo Wars?
It's only political if you stretch the definition of "political" to such a degree that it becomes meaningless. Mario doesn't have a message, there is no political theme that even remotely mirrors the real world, Bowser and Peach aren't used to serve a political narrative.
because Mario is about jump on things. viewing a Mario game from a political angle is a little more than autistic.
Viewing other games from a political angle. Not so much. It depends on the video game.
and when people say 'getting political', you know they mean 'commentary on contemporary issues'.
you know that is not what people mean when they say 'getting political'
they are there regardless, Ubisoft is being disingenuous to deny that
Youre fucking retarded when people say political in this context they mean promoting an idealogy. The way many games today idealise fags, niggers and women
>when he says something based people say hes based
>when he sats something un-based people call him un-based
The issue isn't with being political per se - politics is practically unavoidable - but the lack of nuance and the tendency to be forced. That's when politics in video games is completely undesirable. Unfortunately many writers - especially Americans - are both extremely forceful and lacking in nuance insofar as their political writing goes.
lol retard
>there is a king in the game, so the game is political.
What an absolute retard you are.
macedonia is a fucking dessert lmao
Oh yeah, let's move the goalpost. That will totally help you guys not to look like complete retards.
People found out he didnt even finish the campaign it or even play the majority or play any mutiplayer for his review
Because the "journalists" got raped in their childhood
When he said 'Not taking a side means you support the status quo' I cringed
Loads of people don't like to take sides on important issues just because they don't feel qualified or informed well enough, and god knows we don't need every tard in the world weighing in on everything
>that's not politics because it's my politics
really makes you think
It gets them clicks, and they are pathetic people that live for attention. They have no skills, they aren't hard workers, they aren't even smart so they go for the lowest of low hanging fruits. Just look at that fat asshole, tell me you don't want to push him into a locker until he quits being a retard.
so what's the message?
Oh that's what it has to do with politics.
modern "greeks" (helenized armenians) have nothing to do with ancient hellens who were closer to albanians than anything else and sometimes ruled by macedonain elite
A lot of people like politics. But when I think of politics I think of the old Suikoden games, I don't think of the stuff that ubisoft and company try to push. Politics helps keep JRPGs and similar games avoid the saving the world plotline.
I can understand campaign, it was bullshit in some areas and campaigns are rarely the sole focus of RTS games, but multiplayer/skirmish? That's where the real meat is, even with Halo Wars.
maybe, but why would anyone expect Ubisoft not to be disingenuous? like common, it's Ubisoft
Its not moving the goalpost you fucking autist. Having a royal family in itself in a game is not political. If they are all portrayed as benvolent or cruel well then you are portraying a political message on the system of monarchy
Why do we allow a class of people to make a living being professional kafkatrappers
macedonia is a place of worship for most of western civilization, thanks for outing yourself as an uncivilized subhuman
>doesn't work because they're literally not humans and there are actual reasons to treat them differently
But nothings different in that respect.
Look, for all the retards who are saying "but the devision 2 IS political EVERYTHING is political" NO SHIT. What that dev meant by not commiting to a stance when promoting his video game with political themes is NOT WANTING TO HAVE TO MAKE DIRECT COMMENTARY ABOUT TRUMP BLM AND LEFT VS RIGHT IN AMERICA. THEY WANTED A FUCKING SOUND BITE ABOUT CURRENT AFFAIRS. THEY WERE NOT INTERESTED IN TALKING ABOUT THE DIVISION 2. THEY WANTED TO HEAR IF HE WAS A NAZI.
Picture is spot on. Politics can work well in videogames as long as it's not pushy, obnoxious or written just for cheap points.
>pretending to be retarded this hard
do you seriously not understand the discussion?
>golema makedonija
Of course a Balkan shithole would try to steal everyone else's history and try to create a "greater nation" by taking land that was never theirs.
also supporting the status quo is good
nope, because it's not politics.
get cancer
No one living in Western Civilization gives a fuck about your post-yugoslav shithole. It's irrelevant, you fucking turd.
>Dere's a king in game that mean it political
Is the new vampire masquerade going to be good? They have an ARG going on right now.
actually based
>and god knows we don't need every tard in the world weighing in on everything
Uh yes we do and we also need them to vote in US elections
Let's start listing political games that uses politics to lift up the game instead of just being a hot take of current year:
Deus Ex
>monarchies are not political
>Jim says all games are political
>Jim wants to censor games that he views are obscene
>Jim wants to censor political expression
So does this make him a fascist?
macedonia is irrelevant? hahahahaha, yeah that's why to this day our philosophers are quoted in all the best schools and universities
Hes the closest to TB there is though he isnt as good. When jim said transwomen are real women i knew there was something wrong with the guy.
So, what's the message?
>moving the goalpost
>the fifth time in a row
Ok, sure, yeah, ya got me.
Kings and Queens are political figures.
Wow, sure showed me.
What does that have to do with that not being what people mean when they say 'getting political'? and that what they mean is 'commentary on contemporary issues', and that Mario doesn't do that even a little even though it's SO FUCKING POLITICAL because someone has a funny crown on.
Metal Gear Solid series
is this irrelevant to you?
depends on how the king is portrayed
Why is it so hard to fathom that you can make a story with heavy political themes without making the entire game a vehicle to push your own real world political views?
He's totalitarian for sure
Morality is not politics. It's political sometimes, but it's not politics
They're talking about King Koopa
why is there a /pol/ thread on Yea Forums?
Jim Sterling: Don't use the US-shutdown to advertise your game
Also Jim Sterling: please more politics
Just Jim being Jim, I guess.
>if it is done well
and 98% of the time it isn't done well, at all.
I've been using the word Chud since forever and now one of my favourite insults has this political bullshit chained to it
So you are a cuckold then too ,huh?
he's right about mgs and ff7 though. even japanese devs don't have balls to go there anymore. they're even censoring sexy stuff to appeal to western sjws. and division is just a bad fanfiction, even if ubi said it was about trump nobody would take them seriously because it's shit.
>Still pretending Greece was actually Macedonia
Just accept that you're shitty Bulgars that Serbs brainwashed into thinking they're a real nationality so they can expand Yugoslavia.
lol you chud.
It's Yea Forums, moron
the old vtmb took lazy political potshots at everyone but I don't think that sort of lightheartedness is even possible anymore, simply the depiction of something political will make one or the other side see red no matter how evenhanded it is
Fallout New Vegas
>t.""""greek"""" (turkish rapebaby)
>we wuz philosophaz and shiet
Those are greek philosophers, not bulgarian ones, retard. Also, albanian cocks won't suck themselves, fag. It's time.
The authoritarianism = fascism meme just needs to fucking end.
Not that there is anything good with either of them, it just gets annoying when words have clear definitions and people still insist in going "umm, actually the SJWs are the actual fascist".
I know it wont because some people really love to create confusion.
Skyrim is unironically the most stealth redpilled game of the decade
what's /pol/ about this thread?
>you can't make that not political
>unless you're ubisoft, because they did and I hate it
>Those are greek philosophers
modern """greeks""" are not ancient hellens
get cancer
Is a game political if it lets you pick fully what you do and doesn't paint anyone as being textbook right or wrong, letting you decide for your self what to do? Or is it only political when you're forced to do things a specific way and anything aside from that, is a big no no?
That's actually very on topic, congrats user. I don't know if that was on purpose but it was kinda genious.
Jim Sterling is a twat but if you actually watch his video you'll see that his point is that the Division's entire plot is political but the devs are pretending it's not because they're afraid of backlash given the current climate.
Turkish rapebabies are still closer to ancient Hellens than Bulgars are.
Sterling was talking about the new Division game and how the Dev of it was saying the game about fighting a civil war in the US had nothing to do with politics.
This. Only good russian is dead russian.
>modern """greeks""" are not ancient hellens
well neither are bulgar hillbillies like you
if you read the interview, the dev gives a bunch of non-answers and jumps around questions about the politics in the game. So, they're obviously in there, it is just that Ubisoft is trying not to lose money by saying what the message in the game is.
stay mad, khokhole
>Jim Sterling is a twat but if you actually watch his video
Eat shit, Jim. Blocked your channel ages ago.
And there's nothing wrong with that. Just because the game has politics doesn't mean the business mad the game political to reflect their political stance.
I mean, you're right, but political censorship is an aspect of fascism although not exclusive to it.
>blocking someone you disagree with instead of listening and refuting their points.
For a second, I had to check my url. I thought I was in 4*2 chan that post was so dumb
Why would the devs have to say its political? Their work should do all the talking for them.
>all games are political
Where does Dark Souls stand on the spectrum?
>gamings fatest fence sitter mad at others not taking sides
someone's personal politics will reflect their art if their art has something to do with a society.
Dark Souls is not accessible to everyone so it is ableist
>hurr durr, hear Adolf Hitler out
He's had his listen. He does not like what he hears.
Itt: /pol/tards act like morons about a video they did not even watch.
ah yes thank you based godwin's law
>watching Jim Sterling
>fat fuck
No, stop being a fat piece of lard first. I only argue with humans.
wtf is macedonian
>listening and refuting their points
In the case of Jim Sterling, that would involve supporting his business so why would I do that?
Frampt is an anti-semitic caricature
a self-hating bulgarian
No, user there is saying that Jim's wrong about Epic not being shit. The guy's been sucking it's dick like he's been paid off.
But is there really a political message in Division 2?
I mean, the only clear one Division 2 is showing is the premise about consumerism, but after that, the two sides aren't portrayed as better than the other.
Fuck trannies and fuck fat "people".
how exactly?
Don't have sex with either of those.
>tfw you realise all art is propaganda
Jim isn't saying "games should be political", he's saying "The Division 2 is the most political game ever but it's developers are saying in interviews that it's not, so they don't alienate anyone who is against their politics and therefore can't make all the money off of them"
I doubt Epic paid him, he just has a serious hateboner for Steam so he'd do it for free.
Yeah, who wants to know what they are talking about.
A South Slavic language codified in 1940 and implemented as an official language of the Socialist Republic of Macedonia in 1945 with the creation of the Socialist Federal State of Yugoslavia.
Mostly interlegible with Bulgarian.
In Dark Souls, most of the gods have left the world to rot as it is going into the shitter. There is one god left, who gives the people the illusion that everything is fine, despite the world being overrun with undead and everyone else is dead.
You are given the choice of joining the charade and serving a false sun and a lieing god to keep the order. Or you can be a selfish dickweed and turn off the lights for everyone, making the oppressed humanity become in charge of a dark abyss.
Freedom vs Control, user.
I thought Macedonia was just kids' tales
>we need them to
No we fucking don't. We need to remove the right to vote from 99+% of the population. The world is too complex now.
He only has sex with his fat ass
excuse us for not wanting to exist in an echo chamber.
>hes curently having severe coughing fits and bronchitis
tick tock jim, totalbiscuit is eagerly waiting for you down in hell.
Because many games journalists are hacks that don't really like games who want to force their views on others, failing to realising that many (if not most) gamers do not agree with them. Jim Sterling tries to present himself as a consumer activist, but he constantly shills for the Epic Games Store (an anti-consumer platform), and contributed to the smearing of #GamerGate, which was/is a consumer revolt against bad journalistic practices. He also frequently serves as an apologist for censorship. See here for details:
because the people who actually play games don't give a fuck about gaming journalists, but political nutjobs on both sides do
politics is just the current iteration of clickbait. pull the most minor and obscure bit of fluff you can from something popular and spin it as an attack to stir up outrage, and then rake in the money as both sides are constantly reading, sharing, and interacting with the article you wrote while you get paid. the media only exists to profit off of you, and this is just another example of that.
I went on vacation there twice because of family. It indeed sucks dog turd.
I wish we had webms with sound
> posting clickbait
You are part of the problem, OP.
This. Imagine making the Assassin's Creed Series and then turn around and say thise games are not about politics.
Inb4 he outlives all the retarded frog posters
you do it's called /gif/ and /wsg/ so fuck off to them
>Though they are generally just reporting what the people want to hear
>Yea Forums is shilling e-celebs
>almost as bad as the fucking wojiack spam
What went wrong?
kill yourself
saying 'based Godwin's law' does not make the hyperbolic comparison bad.
They are under no obligation to listen to Jim about anything if they don't want to.
The frog poster who started this discussion isn't even participating in the discussion OP posted, he is only frog posting.
I feel like stuff like this is where someone's scope of what they feel like is a 'political' message matters. I read that and thought 'well, that's not really political'. But I thought a little bit more and was like 'well it also totally is because philosophy and stuff have a pretty strong political camp and this stuff matters there too.'
I associate politics with contemporaneous events rather than with like the 'big ideas' that the political positions are based on, and this could easily lead me to label something as 'not really that political' when another might see it as very very political, even though we both got more or less the same experience.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters
>I don't live in an echo chamber because I watch Jim Sterling
imagine unironically thinking like that
When will that fatfuck die?
It seems you think you have no obligation to use your brain
>"umm, actually the SJWs are the actual fascist".
They wouldn't have started saying that if SJWs weren't themselves using it incorrectly
The game takes place in a country = country has a government = game is political even has nothing to do with society at large (like a cooking game or something)
Is that how you think?
What's that saying, the one about the best way to destroy a stupid argument is to allow people to hear it?
I mean, it's not really an echo chamber when people here are arguing on both sides.
Pretty much this.
No, this is the answer to OP question
The working man mario doesn't care what the old style authority says. Even if Kings usually get their way in old feudal systems. Modern day our values tend to be about giving power to the people (or at least the ones with the most coins)
Never. Deal with it
it's good video
what do you mean by posting a picture of a welder?
fuck off Jim
Your answer to OP question is stuff about how much you love man ass
This is a conversation about one guy who doesn't want to watch videos. This is not about censorship or people not engaging with the ideas he's presenting.
One person doesn't want to watch the video of a certain content creator. Your comments make no goddamn sense when there are tons of other people to argue this about, and you could simply explain the argument to the guy, and then you get to argue with him AND he doesn't have to watch the video.
wow. great stuff, right? everyone's happy in that last one.
>You should watch Jim sterling, wouldn't want to live in an echo chamber now would you?
>Ew stop posting people refuting Jim you shill!
Lmaoing at your life right now, tranny.
keep up the good work, user.
fuck off redit
I sincerely think that the ideology gripping game journalists is just a result of them feeling guilty about their profession. It's the definition of a shitty bourgeious non-job, these people fucking suck at videogames, and they fucking suck at reviewing them too, so they convince themselves they are a force for social good by constantly trying to rant and whine about intersectionalist politics in a medium designed for the enjoyment of children and young adults. The entire games journalism industry is a hive of neuroticisim, I wish they'd all just fuck off and learn a trade.
I dunno. It's kinda hard to ignore it in games sometimes, and if it's extra pontificating, then it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
He's right. Go back to Resetera, Moviebob.
The division 2 is political, they just don't want to say it openly because it hurts business.
That is what Jim is complaining about.
This is an advert Division 2 put on twitter.
He's not a "working man" unless you go by Americanized Brooklyn Mario. He doesn't even oppose monarchy, he's protecting the Mushroom Kingdom. He doesn't "give power to the people" either.
>I love Jim
Stopped reading there
>i love Jim
aaand cringe
Gamergate stopped being about ethics in journalism like a month in.
yikes and bluepilled
Because political games = fighting on both sides = clicks + attention + money.
There is political messages being woven into the narrative, given context by the player character, their life, their history and journey they take through the game. Done well it can even be a source of contention among players, where players all arrive at different conclusions based on how they handle the story, what options they choose, based on their own beliefs.
Then their is (for inclusivity and diversity) 'The main character in the remake is now a black trans lesbian, who's xefriend died from [insert tragedy] and the plot is go kill vaguely written bad man who is tenuously linked to said tragedy despite having no motivation to be'
wew such a political statement about the empowerment of women and the emancipation of blacks. LOOK AT IT. LOOK AT THE MESSAGE ITS ON THE COVER ART LOOK AT IT. (The game we made isn't intended to be political).
Ya know what. You might've hit the nail on the head with some of these armchair revolutionaries.
Maybe red shirt guy was kinda rude, and maybe Mobile Diablo has the chance to be fun, but the fact that all these games journos can't be sympathetic to the feelings of the people they're supposed to be writing for and in the same breath bootlick for blizzard when they'd call gamers bootlickers any other day of the week is fascinating.
He's two-faced for sure, but he does just enough "good" stuff that many people will turn a blind eye to shit like this.
because gaming journalists dont like games
they only became gaming journalists because they failed to do anything else
>I love Jim
I stopped reading right there and I stopped giving a shit what comes after that.
One of the only benevolent dictators, he did a great job keeping Serbian autism at bay and keeping yugoslavia together. A great leader.
If a group of people were systematically exterminating all birds in the US, don't you think Yea Forums would be talking about it, political or not?
not him but, Sargon is literally a retard though who wanted to start gamergate 2.0 for some bizarre reason?
I don't like Jim Sterling at all, but that doesn't mean I'm going to listen to a different retard who failed miserably when he tried to get into big boy politics.
>and maybe Mobile Diablo has the chance to be fun,
c'mon, bud
be serious now
That's only what faggots want you to think.
jim's ilk want control of a million dollar industry. Complaining that games aren't political enough is their way to the top.
>sargon of applebee's
Why are naziboos such insecure beta sociopaths?
>buh muh strength
>muh dik
>Iz gun taek no shit frum nuhbody!!
Violent people tend to be weak as shit.
I mean ok, but who can take that bullshit seriously? Does anyone actually believe that if US were destabilized and fell apart, Mexico would not immediately follow them next? It's just dumb.
Yeah, gamergate was never about ethics in journalism
We need an archive version
unlikely, but possible.
But yeah, it'll probably be a trainwreck.
BUT, there's always a chance.
I agree, but that's not the point. Jim defense force keep trying to get people to watch his shit but won't watch his critics.
That was because the people who were attacking it made it about feminism, etc. It was inevitable. It also led to the creation of Deepfreeze.it, which serves as a record of many game journo's dirty laundry.
The game's plenty political.
Or when they mean political, they mean "Pick a side! And by that I mean pick my side. OR ELSE"
Because Games with politics that don't pick a side are fascinating yet are derided and bood by journalists.
did you mean to reply to me?
>Mobile Diablo has the chance to be fun
They can't possibly be paying you enough for this shit.
I can't even imagine being that stupid.
>muh both sides
Only SJWs have real influence in video games
You don't have to imagine seeing how you are stupid.
kys fence shitter
with us or against us
I honestly don't see what Jim hopes to achieve by selling out to Epic. I can only assume that he is getting kickbacks of some kind.
Every single yet-to-be-released video game has the chance to be fun.
Even if all the odds are against it, it is still a possibility, because it is one of the two available options.
Political/game journalists are disingenuous and useless, neither can comprehend the idea of something doing it's job without an ulterior motive.
Said the dumbass
He's baiting you, user.
Fuck off back to /pol/ with this shit, how dare you call eggboy weak
FIRST: He wasn't expecting the punch, how is that fair?
SECOND: He's half the size of the guy who tackled him
Go fuck yourself nazi!
>say a stupid
>get click
took you long enough to notice
Your stupid face is baiting.
Name one major title to come out in the last five years that was influenced by right wing politics. I'm genuinely curious.
still seething
I know that it's clickbait, user. But surely this will have a negative impact on his core viewer base?
They're most of the journos, and journos have more clout than assholes on youtube.
Most developers are busy making the video game, it's not their sphere to care about politics, just to listen to whatever their boss says, which is likely to side with the journos.
I feel like you're confused.
>brainlet that created a non-functional pseudo-federation with retarded political system, economic bubble ready to burst at any moment for an economy and a completely inept political class, unable to fix internal divisions
He was a fucking deluscional retard that created a ponzi scheme instead a proper country. His entire legacy is literally one giant failure after another. You have to be a complete fucking retard to actually think that he was in any way benevolent.
If he had actually done anything substantial to keep yugoslavia together it wouldn't have fallen apart immediately after his death.
Considering he's been doing it for what, 5 years now, that is his "core viewer base"
>>I love Jim
>>when he says something based people say hes based
>>when he sats something un-based people call him un-based
Welp, unless there are only like 3 people in here then people who support what he says will say he is based and people who don't like what he says will say he is not. People don't need to all think alike and they have different often clashing opinions.
That should explain imo, rather simple.
I wonder if he will have anything to say once Doom Eternal comes out.
Anything with Tom Clancy's name on it.
>people who actually play games want the opposite
I thought you guys were shoving copies of Deus Ex and MGS2 up your ass because you love all that "government bad" plot?
It's unfortunate that more of his audience don't question his takes on these topics.
>Can't even tell if these are genuine resetERA posters or false flaggers anymore
I half wonder if someone on /pol/ was on the writing staff for Wildlands, the story is goddamn hilarious.
I don't care what you meant by that, don't write a sentence that can be interpreted as me watching that fat cunt.
It's a game, they should not of tweeted it.
Fair enough, but that is more to do with the author. What about original works. Again, I would like to check these games out if there are any.
>Yea Forums
>playing video games
pick one
Died in 1980
Country set itself on fire in 1991
>immediately after his death
good to know, thanks for the heads up
>shit on mentally ill retard that ruined his shitty political career by punching a kid
I mean that I wish more of his"loyal viewers" didn't just eat up his opinions as if they are gospel.
There are like 3 games that do it well
Well shit, or maybe it's because the plots of Deus Ex and MGS2 are little bit more complex than just "government bad"?
They want things to "review" besides the gameplay because they're shit reviewers who can't cohesively focus on gameplay mechanics and explain why they're good.
>On 4 May 1980, Tito's death was announced through state broadcasts across Yugoslavia. His death removed what many international political observers saw as Yugoslavia's main unifying force, and subsequently ethnic tension started to grow in Yugoslavia.
Because non political games would require them to have some sort of technical or business acumen to comment on anything more than sheer surface/experience elements. You can't clickbait as much.
What's wrong with punching kids? It's BASED as fuck.
>Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically when people who actually play games want the opposite? What causes the divide?
Politics by definition is the subject where casuals are allowed to shout out their views regardless of whether they have any expertise or not.
So if a journalist does not have any expertise in vidya itself, it would make sense for them to demand games become more political and thereby easier for them to write about (lacking the skill to do so in depth already).
Politics is cancer.
This echoes my feeling as well. I'm glad he's speaking up about the industry and how predatory it is, but all that everything else I could do without
Traditional journalism, especially hobby based journalism, is dying because of social media and the internet. They need clickbait to survive.
Shit literally started falling apart once he died, learn some Yugoslav history first.
My dad lived there until 1984. It absolutely started early on.
That's not what the posters are saying though
>Violent people tend to be weak as fuck
>Posts image of someone who smashed an egg over someone's head and then immediately got his ass kicked (unfairly)
He was obviously a /pol/ cunt
>when people who actually play games want the opposite?
yeah everyone on Yea Forums hates the MGS series because of all it's politics right?
Except that Mobile Diablo was already released with some different art assets before it was even announced, meaning it never had a chance to be good.
>society breaks down
>instead of solidarity and effort to rebuild the nation, americans gun down others and begin burning down all buildings
well go back
Jim and all progressives only want political games with Ayn Rand tier garbage writing where the game only serves to validate their preconceived ideology with black and white sides with no nuance. Anything straying from that is fence sitting according to them and doesn't "add to the conversation."
remind that this guy is making more than 99% of you neet fags
Way to completely miss the point of his latest video. He wasn't calling for games to get political. He was calling out companies for trying to play stupid with the "Well this game isn't political. Everyone please buy our game." stance while thier game clearly deals with modern politics.
Division 2 is a perfect example of this. It's a god damn game where you're a government agent holed up in the White House trying to defend what's left of the government from groups of other American citizens who are trying to destroy it. The premise in itself is GOING to get political. So why can't Ubisoft just own up to it? Tom Clancy's rolling in his grave.
>Go fuck yourself nazi!
That one's definitely bait
Red shirt guy was completely justified in his actions. Blizzard hyped up a big Diablo announcement and everyone there was there for Diablo and then at the end of the conference they announce a fucking mobile game. You can clearly hear from the reactions of the crowd that people were fucking pissed.
Who in their right mind thought making the big announcement for your huge franchise to your almost exclusively PC crowd be about a mobile game and thought that would go over well?
Ae ne seri leba ti
Maybe Ubisoft just has a different definition of "political"?
These two pretty much sum it up:
They want to not get laughed out of the room by actual reviewers, so they make a push to politicize the genre. Also they want to feel smart
Mutts have been conditioned into hating everyone including themselves and their fellow burgers so it really wouldn't surprise me.
What? Retard.
fuck off, slav
there's an recentish panel interview with Ken Levine where he talks about game dev, and he brings up Rod Serling did politics, but weren't "overtly" preachy about it, he also acknowledge he didn't do a great job with infinite in that regard, but that the twilight zone method is the best, if you're a preachy bastard you're not going to win over any hearts or minds.
but JIM STERLING on the other hand just wants an everflowing stream of new media that he can bash over the head with it's OH SO SUBTLE narrative, week in and week out to all the bad thinkers out there
>His videos have been getting a bit too political in my taste
That boat sailed near the time he left the Escapist. Since then he prioritizes partizan ideology rather than being the voice of the consumer.
That one game that the devs made a big deal about having no blacks because "realism" then for some dumb reason added stuff like magic potions. I forgot the name.
How is he so confident?
there literally is no way for it to be done well
>hur dur what's a fictional scenario using fictional politics
you definitely can make a game like this and not be political about it, it's been done hundreds of times in gaming history
the politics are literally only a device for storytelling
>Yea Forums now actively wants politics in its videogames after spending YEARS screeching at muh /pol/ boogeyman claiming they didn't want politics in their videogames
you were lying sniveling partisans all along weren't you?
I think their definition of political is:
>We want to get virtue signalling points for tackling controversial subjects but don't want to face negative consequences from the backlash it's going to create.
He's also 99% heavier
Maybe Ubisoft meant they aren't "political" in the sense of commenting on current real-world politics, even if their setting obviously is political.
Fuck off back to /pol/ right now, fucking nazi
>I like the other retarded faggots of the thread did not find out what is being said in the video but will talk about it anyway
that seems like a false equivalency, you could probably attack that dev for a hundred different reasons "so you won't have blacks, but you allow loading/saving/pause menus and game mechanics that aren't realistic" why that's absurd, if you add magic potions you must add blacks, otherwise you're a hack
I'm not even Slavic, cunt.
Jim found a new gravy train called epic store and furiously sucking its dick, while shitting on steam. Why would i listen to this shill.
calling someone a nazi is not an argument
yeah, wasn't them making a big deal about it
>magic potion
you mean the save function?
What politics were those? Nukes are bad?
Most of the people that hated MGS2 on release were mad that you didn't play as Snake, and that the plot went fucking bonkers
It just seems cowardly as fuck to me to invoke certain to make your game seems more deep than it is and then go b.but I'm not saying anything just to try to avoid controversy.
David Cage is the worst example of this. That fucker has been trying to make 2deep4u shit his entire career, he invoked a ton of actual civil rights shit and had the nerve to say that he wasn't trying to say anything.
Either have your game be political or don't, it just irks me when developers try to have their cake and eat it too.
those are fictional politics used as a storytelling device for the sake of entertainment, completely different
That's because arguing with Nazis is pointless.
then go back to your not even slavic country
no one cares, fuck off shill
>supports chinks that lets you censor user reviews
>gets mad when game doesn't tell you how to think politically
it sucks that he went down the sjw commie path
>virgin centrists and fencesitters absolutely BTFO
ofc Yea Forums is pissed bunch of pissbabies
so then you've introduced the sword when you could have had the pen, good job you violent zealot
They don't want just any political themes. They want contemporary politics
Not really seeing how D&D magic stuff does not mesh well with true to the times shit the devs claiming the game will have. The devs just lacked the balls to say they don't want blacks in their dumb game
if you portray sentient lifeforms in your video game you are political, if you don't portray sentient lifeforms in your video game you are political
>Why do game journos desperately want games to be politically
Easier to write clickbait about it
>ofc Yea Forums is pissed bunch of pissbabies
gotta say 8/10, pretty good
Games do have the potential to handle heavy political/social themes well. For example, Halo 2 is about the dangers of religious extremism and knowing when to question authority. It does it in a way that is not partisan and leaves a lasting impression on the audience.
I didn't realize every universe with magic potions also were racially diverse. Hmm, I wonder why that is? Could it be the real world infecting game worlds?
>Halo 2 is about the dangers of religious extremism and knowing when to question authority. It does it in a way that is not partisan and leaves a lasting impression on the audience
yes but this is allegory and modern political partisans dont want that, they want it to be completely unambiguous and partisan
says you, alchemy is top tier time appropriate.
come one think of something more than the "magic" potions, there must be more or is this the exchange, add the magic bottles and you must add in more blacks, which the dev did
Fuck off ResetEra tranny, the only even slightly fantasy thing in Kingdom Come was the save function.
He made separate video on it.
Unsurprisingly it was 30 minutes of "Why don't you let Google decide what is moral?"
Because game journos aren’t gamers and often don’t even like games and only became game journos because they wanted regular journos for CNN and stuff like that but failed because they too big of hacks even for CNN. So they live in anger and spite because they got stuck reporting on some nerd hobby they hate or at the very least don’t give 2 shots about.
I mean potions you would see in Skyrim. Stuff like you see in the dark
Well first, how are you even going to prove that your position is better than that of a nazi if you're not even willing to argue with him? And second, how do you actually know that he's a nazi? You don't know his identity and you clearly don't know his position. You're basically attributing an intent to him and then put labels on him and then claim you don't have to defend your position because of said labels. It's just ridiculous, that doesn't prove him wrong, it only makes you look bad.
You are a colossal fucking retard.
Piece of media uses longstanding government/national political elements ingrained into society != The author specifically pushing their ideology and using the media as a mouthpiece
Do you know why everybody hates New Vegas' Lonesome Road? Because Ulysses was nothing but a mouth piece for Sawyer.
Russian troll
that seems obtuse, Warner Brothers is a long time game developer since like the fucking 1970's, WB owns and operates CNN, if they wanted a shoe in maybe they should have started actually enjoying vidya
>admitting to being WILLINGLY misinformed
way to make your argument any more valid
sterling isn't even a journo.
it's macedonian, you uneducated inbred white trash
>play a cooking game
>game takes place in a country
>countries have governments
>this is political and i'm le enlightened political deconstructionist for pointing it out and not just a douchebag trying to crowbar his opinions into shit
Crusader Kings would be a more political game with kings......Super Mario World is just fucking Mario, you fat idiot.
Because they hope that if games become political they can crawl their way back to mainstream media journalism which is all about politics and get big bucks and influence. As it is vidya journalism is for hobbyists (a minority) and loser dropouts and wannabes.
his actual position has already been talked about in the thread, brainlet
You care enough to make a retarded reply.
Yes, we can see you are dumb as fuck.
Maybe the devs can add some brains to your head.
Good job showing that /pol/tards don't play video games you stupid faggot
Ah, I see. So how is it Macedonia now?
>I love Jim
Best post ignored
>resetera tranny still mad
Seeing how much they attacked KC:D because the head of the studio didn't bend the knee to them, it's very clear that their push for politics in video games is extremely disingenuous. "Political" games that go against their values are not allowed to exist for them.
As someone who isn't interested in modern politics in any way or form, I just can't take people like that seriously.
head seems fine, dev added a black person because of pressure, it's in the game, but that's not enough because alchemy was apparently not a thing, come on think of more things that he didn't do realistically enough, thus granting even more equivalent exchange of melanin to non-realism
>I post wojaks
It wasn't for being "racist", it was for selling rape porn on a platform that kids use.
He wants steam to be something like ps store, with quality control norms. Because if goverments, or "concerned parents" see this shit, it could brind more trouble and regulations.
I have no clue, I haven't visited in 12 years. I was also in a rural part, so I can't speak about any major cities.
>Retarded /pol/ faggot is still retarded
Go make a smelly oof in your pants somewhere else.
Or rather than talking about "realism" a lot the devs could just said they don't want black in their stupid game.
Why is Jim so obsessed with trannies?
Trannies are mentally ill fetishists, and do not deserve the attention of the united states president.
His "Too cowardly to even take a stance" meme is pathetic.
It clearly infuriates him when Ubisoft comes out and says "I don't really care, we're just making video games, read into it what you will." so it can't be that cowardly. Valve's stance on publishing is far more brave than Epic's communist party approved only method.
This person hasn't clearly seen the video. Sterling just says that you can't say your game isn't political when it has clear political messages and overtones.
Maybe you should watch the video you dumbass.
>this is political and i'm le enlightened political deconstructionist for pointing it out and not just a douchebag trying to crowbar his opinions into shit
this, it's so fucking infuriating, especially because they then turn around and try to use it as an excuse to start pushing thier own partisan politics right after, that's their entire motivation for even arguing games are political
but he stated reasons why he didn't want blacks in the game, and that was realism, and now he has added blacks to the game, you really want it to be a blanket fucking statement
>devs could just said they don't want black in their stupid game.
as if you want them to be racist, when they are not, and you're whole argument is agruing against his realism argument, this compromising his vision and now he had added blacks, because you NEEDED blacks in his video game.
and you talk about people having something wrong with their heads
It's all a desperate attempt to make their chosen medium, and thus career, to appear like it has any merit beyond BING BING YAHOO! It's why critics always try to push for the next Citizane Last of Kane.
I think the reason for Jim's video was about how corporations are afraid to declare their beliefs or ideas out of fear of alienating potential customers despite the subject matter being political in nature.
I mean I guess it's better to declare what you stand for before other people decide for you.
I just want to play video games.
Dude, MGS2 is as preachy as it gets, characters are constantly monologueing about political ideology, especially near the end
I'm okay with games being political, what I don't want is fucking identity politics games that can only say TRANNIES AND NIGGERS GOOD, WHITE MAN BAD.
>resetera tranny is in full damage control
i doubt that
>I love Jim
>praising his own post
Don't do this.
Maybe you should stop suckin tranny cock, Jim?
>I want games to be political!
Week ago
Fuck off Jim
that's japanese melodrama
>characters are constantly monologueing about political ideology
fictional ideology in a fictional world that has robot ai bilderberger the likes of which only described by alex jones
I hope Sterling fully endorses all those pro-Trump games on steam. I mean they TOOK A STAND after all.
I don’t care about video games being political. I just don’t want them to be a vehicle for some guy’s personal greivences.
The realism reason was a damn lie. You can't make a huge deal about how your stupid game true to the times then right out the gate have magic stuff like it's Skyrim.
They speak Russian in Macedon? I thought they spoke Greek.
>Implying Yea Forums actually plays games
This. Trannies are a social construct, and thus can be disregarded (or paid attention to if that's what you're into) at will.
>/pol/tard is still being a drooling retard.
Your face is yikes
Maybe you should stop projecting, faggot
>I still have not watched the video I am whining about
I see, all fictional. Nothing about real world politics here
Your stupid ass is social construct and can be disregarded at will
Jim's mentioned DRUUUMPFH and trans delusions in his past 4 or so Jimquisitions, including this one, you daft cunt.
Which is a shame, since the example that the other user mentioned is a particularly good way of doing this sort of thing.
and it also has the worst pacing I've ever seen
it's by no means an example of good storytelling
You acted like retard in all your posts
>resetera tranny is keeps being a mentally ill brainlet
You're still crying despite being proven wrong like a dozen times already, retard? I think it's time for you to stop posting and take your meds, sweetie.
>/pol/tard now does some projecting and keeps being stupid
I mean in most Mario games the monarch is portrayed as evil or incompetent so there's obviously some sort of bias going on.
People seem to think that "political" means fucking 1984 or something.
>What politics were those? Nukes are bad?
Halo 2 really did a fantastic job with its themes and story. I hate to think about how they may have screwed it up if the story was written today.
>I have been called out and am seething.
Trannies deserve no special treatment and do not matter. Take your crossdressing fetish to therapy.
Oh, okay, I see how it is, Yea Forums. When video game devs want to shove ass and tiddies into everything just to pander with no regard for taste or proper storytelling, no one should complain and it's the dev's artistic freedom. But if someone wants to shove politics in a game just to pander with no regard for taste or proper storytelling, that's wrong.
Armstrong isn't political, he's just fucking right.
a parallel used for storytelling purposes is not an explicit replication for the sake of political pandering
>Yes you can.
Well, you can, but it'd be extremely disingenuous and transparently false. Of course that doesn't stop Yea Forums but other people do value good faith in a discussion.
Yes yes, you are retarded and like to eat old man shorts
That is exactly what an ideologue would say.
Has Jim given his opinion on the original Deus Ex? That's a game that came out 19 years ago and is innately political, although my guess is that it wouldn't align with his politics.
Who cares what this fat faggot thinks
>He fell for the journos smear and misdirection strategy.
shiggy diggy
Nito is still doing his thing.
Of course they would align in his insane mind.
All you need to know that corporations=bad=republicans=nazis and whoever opposes them is progress=good=socialism=unicorns&rainbows.
With this understanding he would approve of DX.
apparently 182-1 posters this thread reaching bump limit
There's nothing disingenuous about taking a hypothetical scenario like the one presented in The Division, and saying that it doesn't make a statement about real life politics because it being a work of fiction the material doesn't necessarily translate into something that can form a coherent discussion about real life situations.
This guy gets it.
Doesn't help the janny on call is advertising for him here.
Yeah, in his retarded ass
>I post wojaks
I can't fault that statement
Jim is not angry that the player doesn't care. He is angry because the devs/publishers want to market towards anyone and are trying to spin them as "games cannot be political" and "games are not a good tool to discuss political issue" so that they can market them to as many people as they can. Which is devaluing what a game can be. He also is angry that those devs/publishers are saying that while the games clearly push political issues.
>What causes the divide
You mean what causes The Division 2™
is this the mr metokur guy
Except you obviously can. You can't say "it doesn't make a statement" when people can plainly see that it does.
I didn't realize that Anita and games media hacks browsed Yea Forums. How do you do?
No, it's Jim Sterling, a British gaming YouTuber.
More like a month before it officially started.
Take your mom's dick out of your mouth before posting, stupid
GTA games are deeply political yet are beloved by all regardless of views and only superficially mentioned when discussing politics in gaming. Leftist media shills confuse political with pushing the neo liberal, identity game victimhood agenda they agree with. They're so unbelievably stupid. Meanwhile if mgs 2 or deus ex came out today they'd be labeled far right games.
Or it is you that is unbelievably stupid.
Good post.
He's a US citizen now.
Who really is even surprised by Ubisoft doing lame shit to make money in current year? Is this fat faggot really reduced to just repeating the same outrage from 5 years ago?
Yeah, that's Mister Metokur on the right.
>Meanwhile if mgs 2 or deus ex came out today they'd be labeled far right games.
You know the reason that people don't bitch about GTA being political? It doesn't deny it. It wears its satire on its sleeve. Same for MGS2 and Deus Ex. And for every "SJW" game Yea Forums bitches about because it happens to disagree with their politics. They're all honest about what they are. Ubisoft's turds use politics as heavy-handed set dressing while pretending to be oblivious about the messages they're sending while doing so and acting like simply denying them makes it so they're not there.
Great counter argument you changed my mind
>bitches about because it happens to disagree with their politics
Good. Now go change your diaper.
Indeed, Sigint talking about him being denied work for being black is completely fictional. No politics here. All is well.
So, what games are non politic? Given that mario and sonic are politic games, only tetris and pong are non politic
Yeah, that's right. Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about heavy-handed political pandering when it triggers the libs.
Let's imagine our universe but with magic. You really think we'd still be racially diverse in the West?
Jim and (you) are angry because Ubisoft baits you with political commentary and when you pull your pants down ready to FUCK DRUMPF, you are met with milktoast side skipping.
Literally political rage blueballing.
What a fucking shit thread and the mental gymnastic here from people that haven't read/watched either just to spite the fat sjw cuck man are amazing.
All he said in his video is that Massive Entertaiment is a bunch of faggots for dodging and outright denying their game is political when it clearly is, atleast he could have said, yes war is bad.
That's it, I don't know why it takes him 10 minutes to say that but that's it.
On the otherhand this article feels like it comes from some cocksucking actual journo defending his Ubisoft overlords.
So in actuality, this thread shouldn't be about some fat fuck but about these cocksuckers that will call gamers entitled again and again just to get their review copies early.
>tranny brainlet keeps screeches about projecting because he has no arguments left
Just don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining you shithead, that's all
>how to spot a tranny
Tetris is actually a commentary on life in the soviet union and how every laborer, despite being different, has to fall in line to create a unified state. Nah, I don't know.
Fuck gamers t b h
If this thread is supposed to be representative then send all gamers to the guillotine
>not milksteak
I think we may be able to cure your stupidity in that universe
/pol/tard still acts like drool retard
It must be a day that end y.
Good job finding youself
nigger stop jousting for the last word and crack open a dictionary, that was fucking embarrassing
Alright, that's enough (yous) for you. Off to bed now.
>when it clearly is
but it's not and anyone say it is is projecting their own meaning onto it
I'm not watching your video you fat fuck.
This isn't the first time that Jim has talked politics, user.
Not sure what you're so upset about. I just wanted to make an Always Sunny reference. Maybe you confused me for that faggot you were arguing with.
it's like people have forgotten that videogames are supposed to be fun, politics are the antithesis to fun
Fuck off, we're not blind, your gaslighting bullshit won't work.
Because they want to think their existence is meaningful.They can't just report an opinion with the "I liked this, I didn't like that" format. They have to be someone with a revolutionary opinion that changes the way we think about video games. If they don't convince themselves their work means anything, they get to come home and sleep at night thinking about their little nothing existence. They are the journalist equivalent of a wacky inflatable arm waving tube man outside a car dealership. "Maybe if I do something crazy people will look at me. Maybe if I do my retard flailing like THIS, today someone will take notice." These people don't even play video games. They go around tasting games and dropping them, so they can give their never heard of eye opening opinion on them and go to the next one. "I'm a gaming a journalist, but I like to think of myself as an activist. I change how people look at the culture surrounding gamers. My voice resonates with a lot of people, so it's fulfilling work." They serious to god think they matter to anyone. The person they think they're reaching is gonna look at the article title and thumbnail on their facebook newsfeed and maybe share it, but not click on it, and they're gonna forget about it and probably go self harm because they likely have some sort of mental illness or personality disorder. That's what's gonna happen. Thanks Jim!
>your gaslighting bullshit
right so you're a partisan zealot more concerned with politics than the intrinsic merit of the medium ok
Your face got enough (you)s
Fair enough
The moment you have a game about war, constitution and terrorism it's fucking political and I mean actually political and not the petty tug of war between retards about trannies and niggers.
No, again, I'm just not blind. What does the "intrinsic" merit of the medium have to do with this? You tell a political story whilst saying it's not political, that's just bullshit.