DMCV bloody palace

Playable bloody palace had been found out in the game file.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>haha lol DMC THREAD LOL
>HAHA HOPE'S????? +??? DREAMS????????????



>timed again
If you can't disable it them I'm not going to bother. Adding a timer was the most retarded decision they've made

jesus, looking at bilibili, what the fuck happened to niconico

Get better at the game, you can cheese every encounter with trickster + guns, BP won't let you do that


So how do we play it on pc

>not stylish enough to get extra time

>That fucking ending
It's beautiful.

Attached: Mega Cool.png (455x396, 291K)

Faust does much higher dps than anything else in the game
unless it's banned in BP you will cheese it easily

stay mad and seething nigger

Is this gonna be like REV where they say "guise we totes aren't give you a file just to unlock what's on the disc, we swear you're downloading all the multiplayer data!"
When you're downloading a 100kb file ot unlock what you bought already

You know it's free, right?

Doubt it - Capcom are still pretty much greedy

A smaller arena won't let you run away as easily, and I'm pretty sure you won't have the red orbs to clear all 100 floors

>that ending

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Are you maybe retarded?



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just buy some orb dlc lol

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I'm glad because this means people who use Denuvo free executable will be able to play it no problem. If it required an update, it'd require us to go back to the Denuvo exe

Hope this dude lets us know how to do it.

Attached: denuvo.jpg (620x320, 61K)

Will bloody palace have co op?

capcom will likely patch out the denuvo in a couple months anyways

You can make 1,000,000 red orbs in like 10 minutes, and you'll run through it using Faust 4 in like 20 floors. Even if someone was retarded enough to use the micro transactions, they aren't at all viable to use with Faust, they're there for retarded people to unlock all the skills.

Yes, there's code referencing lobbies for BP.

>bloody palace found in game files
>they still release a fucking DLC for it
>all you cucks will happily buy the DLC and reward shitty practices like this

fucking corporate ballwashers itt

Great job user.

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20% of games get removals. 80% don't. The odds aren't in our favor.

And I'd rather not wait for a 15-20% increase in performance/faster load times.

It's free, you moron.

>>all you cucks will happily buy the DLC and reward shitty practices like this

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>paid $60 for a game

who's the moron now?


Bloody Palace is a free update tho-
Oh wait its bait....
and i just replied to it. Fuck me

I hope you're pretending and not actually this retarded.
I'm on Yea Forums, though, what did I expect.

Swing and a miss

fuck that ching chong website

>You can make 1,000,000 red orbs in like 10 minutes
how? I want the taunts


I hate all you fucking idiots who have no idea how game development works.

Just because something exists within the code, doesn't mean it's actually totally finished and ready to be released. DLC gets worked on before the main game is done, but that doesn't mean it's actually ready when the game comes out. Just because it's playable doesn't mean there can't be game breaking bugs and shit like that.

Making video games takes a long-ass time, you don't just suddenly decide the day after release that "OH WOW WOULDN'T IT BE COOL IF WE MADE SOME MORE CONTENT FOR THE GAME?"

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they literally said it was free in fucking december. you're an idiot. stop posting and kill yourself.

>tfw want to buy the blue orb dlc because it's cheap and am too lazy to find and do all the secret missions

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guess what retard? the blue orbs it gives you are from the in-game store so you still have to find those

The fuck is this

>thought you'd like it!

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did you somehow miss the fucking link in the OP you stupid faggot? shut the fuck up

so will Dante be Floor 101 boss as Vergil?

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>Dante's Vergil hair is better than Vergil's Vergil hair
Vergil BTFO again

Calm down.


It will be free right? They won't charge you anything for something that's already on the disc I hope?

Go to mission 13 as Dante with fully upgraded faust and spam hat trick on the bottom floor.

they have advertised it as a free update since december 6th. where have you been

I dont get this compaint. I literally never got even close to running out of time after getting time bonuses from first dozen stages, what’s the problem people have with timer?

OK just watched it and it's completely lazy generic shit so I assume they won't bes tupid enough to charge you anything anyawy

It's free.

The version already in the game's code is probably also not 100% playtested and finished.

It doesn’t need to be there.

>mods ban the antichink mantra for "foreign language spam"
>in a fucking ESL chink thread linking to a chinese website
fucking retards.

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yup its just """we are making new content"""

real life

Why the fuck are Capcom dragging their feet on Bloody Palace anyways? They did the same thing with DmC and folks rightly called them out for that shit.
Just give us a normal BP on release, then hype up a multiplayer version for DLC.
I'm half way through SoS and I'm already tired of this awful campaign.

No it'll be 6 of these guys

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So his hair was not a mod after all.

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Dante isn't programmed as a boss in this game.

So Vante.

>Why the fuck are Capcom dragging their feet on Bloody Palace anyways?
So people keep their copies and don't trade them in yet.

no point delaying the game for it

releasing it later allows people to go back to the game after they've stopped playing it


>not having 45 spare minutes at the end of 101 floor

Come on now, why you so bad.

Mission 13, after the divinity statue, on easy or you will lose shit amount of orb on normal.

Is that enough of a reason to not bother with the mode?

I don’t get it either.

They should have just put it in the release. I’m not enjoying going through the missions again. Just give me bloody palace already.

>people from here unironically got to saw the nidhogg transformation on DMD
why are some of you guys so bad at this game? how the fuck do you complain about V on that mission, he's still easy if you have a brain.

>Why the fuck are Capcom dragging their feet on Bloody Palace anyways? They did the same thing with DmC and folks rightly called them out for that shit.

To keep interest and discussion up for longer, if people know there's more content coming in a month they'll talk and play the game more instead of moving on to something else; and also to stop people from trading in the game after beating it.

I get hit too much for that to work

Just like Vergil had Dergil boss in 3SE?


What transformation?

>Swept back hair gets unlocked for Dante after beating BP

Please god be true.

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Vergil DLC will be coming in half a year with Dante boss anyway

he apparently transforms all of those heads to be just like the main body

His tentacles disappear and two more main bodies show up. If you burst him down fast enough he doesn't have time to enter this phase.

People who complain about V just don't know how to play as him. Fighting Nidhogg, for example, it's a really bad idea to ride on Nightmare, because that will make your DT gauge disappear in a few seconds. People who hate V usually do so from a position where they misunderstood certain mechanics.

Took FUCKING forever to find a way to donwload this shit. Fucking chinks. I'm going to sleep.

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Riding on Nightmare is a bad idea in any fight. V is just boring as shit, there's no ifs or buts, he's a snorefest to play and I'd rather play his levels as Nero or Dante.

>Fighting Nidhogg
I meant to say Geryon. Ah well, for a good bit of Nidhogg the same also applies.

play video in full screen while recording your screen? doesn't sound very difficult

Could you give me directions for the download?

>double the compression
No thanks.
Ended up somehow finding this, and it literally just works.


I just hope the coop leak is legit. Mission 13 with a mate was too kino when we found out it was actually real time and not ghost data. You can't give us something so cool and then not do anything with it. Capcom I beg you don't let me down.

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>confusing japanese people with chinese people

Reminder to PCfags to use Reshade with Lumasharpen to counter the TAA blur.

Speaking of, have people figured out a way to put all the cutscene shaders in-game yet? Like, the subsurface scattering, actual AA, per object motion blur, etc.

Do you know where you are?

From what people have gathered, there's the normal timed BP, a coop BP, and a "Practice BP" which has no timer.

>a "Practice BP"
Is that what Divergence is?

As in the blue orbs you can buy with real money are just the blue orbs you can buy from Nico with red orbs, not any of the fragments.

After all the Chaos's die, just reload the checkpoint.

I read this to the tune of devil trigger

Here's your coop buddy, user

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People are guessing "Divergence" is playing any mission as anyone

Pretty sure divergence is playing any character on any mission, though im not sure how that would work with Nero grapple shit.

>Mission 7 on DMD


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There's only a few missions where it's absolutely necessary, right (Like mission 4)? They could edit the levels to accommodate V and Dante.

it's not about beating it... it's about chilling and playing. nobody chills with a timer cunt. kys.

mission 03 and 08 have those

So do the one without the timer

Games as a service. Basically releasing free updates like this extends the time the game spends on the limelight.
They did the same with MonHun and RE 7 and 2.

>V standing on mission 7 DMD
nice shop bro

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What am i looking at? Why is Dante combing his hair back?

They just want people to finish the game and buy all the skills. Then everyone will jump into BP coop and you'll have a lot of people to play it with and they all will be at least semi-skilled and leveled up. Imagine the frustration if BP was available day one
>that fucking Nero player didn't even have DT unlocked!
>retarded V fucker just kept dying!
>fucking Dante just spamming rainstorms endlessly!
>guy died at floor 7, thanks a lot, faggot!

I mean Vergil did the same thing to him back in the day though dante was unconcious at the time

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Does this actually happen every time? I thought maybe it was a co-op mission and the player just sucked and waited for me to clean up the scraps instead of wasting a gold orb or something.

>Fighting Nidhogg
How is this a good fight for V though? There's so few space for you to dodge and attacks are poorly telegraphed. V also lacks any damage tools, Nightmare is too clumsy and inconsistent and most of the time you save him for quick summon revive not as damage dealer. Fighting angelos is extremely tedious as V especially if you miss the small instakill window.

If you’re tired with the campaign, BP isn’t going to fix anything

Not DMD, I'm clearing Human difficulty for cheevos, but even on DMD I never saw even AI V being useless and human
If there's no sign STARRING in that fight, it's AI

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It will happen 100% if it's an AI, don't know about co-op since no one ever show up there

why did they remove Dante's Darkslayer style?

Because he doesn't have Yamato, genius

Mission 7 on DMD is awful because the ally V will probably die before any of the Scuto angelos are dead, leaving you to deal with a buffed up Proto Angelo that has more health than a boss

Because Vergil

>Mission 7 DMD
>you get coop
>fast and fight crazy fight
>you get AI
>a fucking boring slog

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I figure it was always going to say Starring: but if it says something like "the DMC Crew" it's AI. Also I've gotten Starring: My own fucking name before.

t. Seething Gold Orber

My AIV instant killed Nelo Angelo on DMD. Don't know how he did that

>And that... is what you lack!
Chink here with the translation.

I liked the vocaroo version better

also he says it in english anyways, nice try mick

It's optimistic of you to think that won't still happen. In any co-op game if you're playing with randoms go into it expecting to carry or you're going to be disappointed the vast majority of the time.

I've gotten that too, wonder what was up. It was on my second playthrough, is it possible it recorded your gameplay and replayed it for future playthroughs when it can't find a real partner?

Yeah, it says Starring in every cameo fight/moment, but that exact last fight in mission 7 doesn't if you're playing with AI
I knew I wasn't crazy

Fuck, second line meant for

So whats actually confirmed to be in with BP, I can't be assed to read this thread or open the stream. spoonfeed me.

No point to it when they're going to make Vergil playable anyway. I appreciate not having it because I can go back to switching before inputting which is more comfortable without having to revert back to a default style every time to avoid accidentally triggering darkslayer.

Then you can fuck off and kill yourself.

Just BP, but from datamined files, it's assumed there's a coop mode using the same system sort of used in the main game, a practice mode without a timer, the ability to play any mission as whoever and hopefuls betting on playable Vergil.

what a cuck

Thanks m8, appreciated
Get fucked lmao

why does everyone keep telling me to play dmc 1? its fucking shit.

kill yourself redditnigger

Shut the fuck up cockmongler

Wait is this confirmation that Lucifer is back?

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that's just DSD ya Dead Weight

it's just his summoned swords you silly billy

Tell me my gullible friend: are you running integrated graphics and/or running at 480i?

If the answer is no then cpu is not your bottleneck and denuvo has no hit to fps

In b4 some dumbass thinks there's such a thing as a flat performance decrease from cpu utilization

What did Nico mean by this

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How old is Nico?

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Don't listen to regards saying you'll get to play any mission as any character there's absolutely nothing to indicate that at all divergence could mean anything

I wonder how'd they remove the stupid grim grip shit from nero's stage anyway

>You mock me!

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The Game Awards trailer literally shows Dante on the bridge in Nero's mission 01.

DMC5 has way less Grim grip shit than DMC4. They'll most likely just put out bridges you can walk over.

>tfw regard

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>nidhogg transformation
wait, what?

i just put shadow on autopilot while charging blockade and reading poetry, ive never had problems with any of V's bossfights and i fucking suck at him

Gimme webm of this ending, now!

>play first 9 missions of DMC5 on DMD
>go between A and S ranks each on first attempts
>get to mission 10, 11 and 12
>D ranks for all three

Jesus Christ, this difficulty spike has been insane. I've never gotten D ranks before in this game. Also, is it just me or is M12 Urizen unique among DMD bosses in that he casts his spells at a way faster rate compared to lower difficulties? None of the other DMD bosses got this significant of an aggression boost. I must have died to him like 8 times.

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shes younger than nero IIRC

In the book Nero said she is about the same age as him, so 24-25

Yeah I noticed this on SoS mode.
Shit tanks when you get to Dante.
I can only imagine how much of a bitch DMD will be.

>Have to beat human and Heaven or Hell

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Every single Dante mission has at least one Fury encounter. Every mission also has at least one Judecca. That's the shit that tanks my ranking mainly, aside from deaths to bosses.

>didn't get my achievement for finishing Devil Hunter
I don't really care that much but it's kinda weird

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imagine being this much of a seething faggot over people having fun

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Human is good for collecting your missed orbs and secret missions.
Heaven and Human is something I always considered a fun distraction.

I think it's funny I consider Dante the character I'm best with but he has the toughest missions as well and hardest boss fights.

But I've unlocked all that shit already

Needs Tomboy active for maximum UNGA.

Sucks to be you then lmao


Not him, but I have got a 1070, 16gb RAM, and an SSD, but an i5. If I don't set the CPU Priority to "High" for DMC5, I get stutters and drops out the ass, even WITH the no Denuvo Exe.(though it is still playable without the No-Denuvo exe, if I set CPU Priority to High). MHW has a similar issus. A crap CPU can bottleneck you hard.

>Engine can pull this off after all
>They don't do this in M19 for Vergil
I'm kind of mad.

Can't wait

I'm sure one shows V fighting goliath in the actual mission with the church etc too.

You think they'd slightly change Vergil's look for when he becomes playable?
Think Tanya in MKX.

They'll tweak his animations at most.

I like V so get ready

can't wait for the mod that replaces Vergil's head with THIS

Why couldn't they give vergil that hair? It looks more slick

>200mb patch
>literally readded denuvo.exe
>ruined a bunch of fixes and cheat engine mods (character swap, fov, turbo mode)
Nice job.

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>tfw Nico is about your age

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That's what Vergil does after he beats Dante in DMC3.

Dante is mocking Vergil by aping him after beating him.


when i did m7 DMD i just spent the entire time juggling scudos in the air instead of dealing with the proto
by the time i killed the last scudo the V AI somehow solo'd the proto

Attached: 1550007790098.jpg (305x748, 166K)
>1050460/maxsize: 4174344863 (3.89 GiB)
>Almost 4gb of data for Bloody Palace

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>yfw you realize Mission 13 is a Bloody Palace beta test

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where is this from?

user, please don't be retarded.

now you imagine those people being obnoxious morons who can't use the fucking catalog and make dozens of threads about the stupidest shit daily, flooding the entire board

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>the entirety of DMC's co-op system is a Dragon's Dogma 2 co-op beta test

play the game before posting again

I haven't been here in a while, user, I don't know

>styles in DMC3 was a real-time style switching beta test

Attached: Whoa.gif (307x244, 1.18M)

Fucking shit

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thanks for beta testing missionfags

Check OPs link then

user, PLEASE don't be retarded.

Are you a janitor? No? Then why waste your life giving a single shit as to how clean fucking Yea Forums is. I hope you're shitposting and I'm falling for bait because its sad

I had not watched it until the end, my bad

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Get good at hattricking
gunslinger circle is the standard
but you can r1+forward+circle to make it more precise and single out one or two unhatted enemy

air taunt every other hattrick= SSS= more orbs

ez 600k red orbs per M13 divinity statue checkpoint run

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If it ends up using RE Engine, but MT is still a thing so maybe MHW was the real beta test.

You can hat trick from the air.
>hat trick
>failed? jump
>hat trick
>don't get hit

Personally I'd love to see some of the previous games weapons return if nothing else than at least for use in bloody palace mode.

Lucifer, Agni and Rudra, Nevan, etc.

Problem is that Dante sells all his old weapons to actually make money. Thats the canon reason, because most of the jobs he takes, he does for free because he's a nice guy.

Anyone got any touch of death combos for Dante when he has to deal with Judeccas and Lusachias?

Thought itd been mentioned he does keep some of them around.
He loses Cerberus fighting Balrog in the dmc5 prequel, and Gilgamesh from dmc4 and Artemis from dmc3 were both used to make artificial demons.

Wouldnt surprise me if Alastor, Nevan, and Lucifer weren't still in his arsenal

One way I can see them coming back is if they want a rematch, in the off chance that the sold weapon is in the same place as him.

you’re probably the same kind of fag that makes threads like “why isn’t anyone talking about x game anymore?” to try and shit on it. shut the fuck and let people discuss videos games.

do we have the sales report yet? I'm curious to how many it sold

this is the first time Yea Forums has been positive in years
go fuck yourself.

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That's what they spent the extra time developing.

Gilgamesh probably isn't from 4

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dante - trickster
V - fly on bird


Allegedly 7 million but I haven't actually read the links that people post when they claim those numbers.

Whats a good button lay out for post game nero? I have exceed on l1 and knuckle on r2 atm but its not the most comfortable

If they haven’t announced it yet, it’s because it’s either below expectations or hit their exact quota. Capcom likes to announce when their games surpass their expected sales numbers (see RE2 or MH World)

Do v's and Nero's ending scene have something different than dante's?

spoilers: it’s not true, those “”””””””sources””””””” want people to believe it sold 3 million on PC alone and 4 million combined on consoles, which is impossible

I have DT on L1 and blue rose on r1 with break away on dpad but I'm sure that's not the best for trying to do exceeds.

>There's so few space for you to dodge
A single jump can evade every single attack. The multi tentacle attack can be evaded by staying on the side
>attacks are poorly telegraphed
they aren't. All attacks have insanely long telegraphs that last an eternity
Also you can keep the tentacles perma staggered as long as you keep attacking them
>Nightmare is too clumsy and inconsistent
The fucking loading screen even tells you that you should just summon Nightmare to wail on one tentacle while you focus on the others.
>most of the time you save him for quick summon revive not as damage dealer
manage your DT better then because if you do it right you can basically keep Nightmare always on while the tentacles are active

Blue Rose on L2
Exceed on L1
Devil Breaker on R2
Break Away on D-Pad
Devil Trigger on Square
Devil Bringer on Circle

>Nero's ending will finally show Kyrie

Capcom please

>after nero wins he forces vergil to go meet kyrie

Between Wire Snatch 3 and Bringer's snatch, which one has the most range?

For me AI V managed to stay alive on DMD until only one Scuto and Proto remained.
I guess he managed to stay alive because I was always next to him staggering all the enemies

They are exactly the same except Snatch can grab two targets in DT and Wire Snatch can get buffed by Rawhide.

there's still a 3.89GB patch coming out on the 1st April

>at least one Fury encounter
Dante's got no issue in dealing with Furies thanks to Ice Age and spin2win

>can get buffed by rawhide

I'm used to carrying dead weights

If it sold well Capcom would've announced it already.

I mean, they removed it from RE7

Exceed L2
Gun L1 for CS3
Breaker R2 for easy breakage charging
Bringer B
Breakaway X for iframes
DT Dpad

if you use rawhide for snatch, you can pull stunned heavier targets who can't normally be snatched

and not from RE2 or MHW

literally my exact setu-
>breakaway x

Obviously you can disable it you moron, these people hacked the game and got early access to DLC.

Consolefags are so stupid.

L1 - blue rose
R1 - lock-on
L2 - exceed
R2 - devil breaker
square - devil trigger
triangle - red queen
circle - devil buster
cross - jump
D-pad - break away

nevermind i thought you were on ps4 layout

well, no shit, they removed it from RE7 around launch week for REmake 2

>literally no mention of consoles in any shape or form
calm down fag, were in a dmc thread. cut the fucking shit


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>salty consolefag
Don't worry you'll get to play BP next month lmao

>instant S
nice tidbit considering it's a trash mob

Literally my exact setup. I've got Dante and V set up similarly, so any shared inputs, e.g. devil trigger or shooting, use the same button.

I assume the bloody palace in game right now will not be quite as fully featured as in the final release. Hopefully the full BP will have coop

3.89GB of Vergil moves, obviously.

Im trying to decide whether i want my breaker on R2 or the buster. R2 Gerbera is god tier but I hold out hope some day I'll be able to time the buster fisting alongside exceed


have sex

I have breaker on the trigger simply due to it being easier to charge whilst in the midst of combat, whereas buster is typically just a button press

this mad

Reminder that the buster breaker does a FUCKLOAD of damage. If you use the break age and DT sword hit with it you will wreck his HP.
Also Gerbera is great for parrying

>Dante is a devilarms dealer

I remember when capcom did this with resident evil 5, dlc already on disc but charged anyway. At least this one is free.
Things were so much simpler back then.

Save buster punches for max act attacks or attacks that knock enemies away like streak or ccalibur or with long animations. With a max act streak you van knock out like 4 punches through its whole animation.

The only thing that sucks about making breakers R2 is Showdown and Max Bet being Triangle+R2

they should give Trish (assuming she's ever made playable in some capacity) Alastor, given she doesn't have Sparda anymore, and it would fit with her powers

Attached: Alastor.png (450x475, 103K)

Is there any way to tell when you wont be accidentally cancelling into a grab? Because thats what always fucks me up

>Crazy demon lady shoots lightning from her fingers
>Give her a sword that also spits out lightning
Electrifying idea.

>Also Gerbera is great for parrying
Wait you can parry with gerbera? That arm is so loaded i swear.

On anothrr note, does nero have any good applications for jump canceling?

Capcom announced it's their second best selling PC game after MHW so it's atleast over 3mil on PC to top RE2

calibur jc spam

Wtf tomboy also buffs grabs. Holy shit there's so much to this game that you discover something new every day

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RE2 sold 3 millions on all platforms, friendo, not just PC. Those are combined sales.

GP01 neutral is the best parry in the game. Its fast, launches you straight up so if you botch it youre ssfe, and if you succeed you can immediately launch back down for a combo or if you're close enough it'll launch the parried enemy. Its nuts

Looks like tomboys gonna be crazy for style. One grab gets you to S? Goddamn

this poor
remove your faggotry from DMC threads and quit spending your day thinking about consoles if they suck so much

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As long as the animation is going you won't cancel into a grab. That's whuy I recommended ones with the long animations because they don't cancel and it's easy to tell when to stop mashing buster. It's only regular quick attacks I've only ever had a problem of messing up on and acccidentally bustering.

>3.89GB patch
Now that's a lot for just BP, guess Online BP and divergence with playable Vergil

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never tried parrying with gp01, thought it counted as a dodge only

She needs Alastor and Nevan.

>t. smashbaby

Shit I thought all the dlc breakers were memes so I deleted them

Heres a quick showcase. I did a grab because whatever but after that launch you could do whatever you want

Attached: gp01-2.webm (640x360, 2.46M)

Yeah i spent a dollar to get the last one and all that happened was i lost a dollar
Ended up getting the fragments myself

Reminder you can:
>breakage overture
>lv3 charge shot
>breakage buster
>immediately DT
>all those grabs, smol explosion and BIG explosion all get their damage buffed by DT

why does this looks better than vergil hair?

Cant you stack 3 breakage overtures?

>That taunt after bringer move

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Gibe ragtime and rawhide tech pls

So CO-OP Palace ye or no

I saw some video doing it, you have to be quick though
>vergil stunned
>hold breaker
>release, you get launched back= r1+forward triangle
>repeat 3 times then breakage buster for the last
It's like above 1/3 of DMD Vergil's health

People are saying code related to it has been found in the files.
I'd be excited to see the combos an organised pair could execute.

I just punch with balrog until the fucker comes at me and gets blocked, am I doing this wrong?

nice, thanks

>You can make 1,000,000 red orbs in like 10 minutes, and you'll run through it using Faust 4 in like 20 floors.
This,they put a weapon designed to farm red orbs quickly just to make the microtransactions even more irrelevant, gotta love Itsuno

anybody know what the fuck was in today's steam patch?
all i can see is my performance fucking dropping and the music starting to sperg out

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would be really neat, but I'm not getting my hopes up, the most I'm expecting is randomly matchmade sections akin to the campaign, anything more than that is a bonus

Denuvo aka Virus

not only that, but you're given Faust at the start of the mission which is most optimum for farming for farming red orbs

it changed the .exe

I don’t know, but there were two lines added to the credits

Rawhide is too simple, but you can use it as a continuous parry ala ice age vs more annoying enemies (furies in particular just eat shit with rawhide spam and can't do anything to you, unfortunately the same applies to you because furies getting hit go invisible faster)
Ragtime sucks balls except for the break age, unfortunately

Does the denuvo free exe no longer work? Whats the fucking point re adding it when its already in the wild? Fucking gooks


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I'm not technically proficient enough to know the answer, but maybe the BP update won't run with the other accidental .exe by design?

I'm not sure if I prefer the intro screen for 4 of 5
>5 - Cool rendition of the Capcom jingle, looks cool and changes through the course of the game, also has alt announcer voices for the DEVIL MAY CRY
>4 - something about how it all sounds just makes me hype every time I boot it up, even though it's a bit barebones

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Reminder you can cheese furies to the point they cannot teleport again with ANY move that slams them to the ground and makes them airborne abit.
>ground overture on downed fury
>payline? the hold triangle ground for nero
I'm sure i'm missing a lot of shit

fucking retarded nigger monkeys why the fuck would you readd the fucking denigguvo exe when the fixed exe is already out there and cracked the fucking game
they're only fucking shit up for paying customers

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>I got the game to launch again with the Denuvo-free version by removing re_chunk_000.pak.patch_002.pak from the file directory.
Found this on steam forum

Do you get the cheevoes in co-op bp? I want to get em, but I don't really wanna do bp solo, it's never really been fun, but it definitely would be with ping pong co op.

>200mb update in steam
What's this?

literally look up a few posts

The best way to deal with furies as Nero is to just dodge their shit, once they do the final blow they're vulnerable and you just juggle them in the air and hit them with a level 3 charged shot. They pop really quickly to that, and also using the buster breaker is a good approach as always.
In general I advise people to always carry a lot of buster breakers in DMD, you're gonna fucking need them vs behemoths and proto angelos

Read the thread, it's denuvo and a slight nerf to faust hat farming according to steam forum

That's enough of Yea Forums for you.

sooo if I just install the update and slap the denuvo free exe on top of the new exe like before, it won't work?

the gerbera gundam reference arm is my fav, wish it was usable in bloody palace.

take anything datamined with a grain of sand, as far as we know, there's no co-op; REmake 2 had a bunch of shit supposedly datamined and only some of it has materialised and the rest is nowhere to be seen

It will work if you remove the file or move it away from the game directory.

did they remove it?

The lines are:



This, i cannot fathom the minds of people who put Buster breaker on very low tier because of
>m-muh bringer after one playthrough!?
Shit's cash, i always carry at least 2 alternating between some overture and gerbs.

Will it not be? Wtf

>tfw finally figured out how to reliably JC
Now I just need to figure out what to do with it. So far the only things I came up with is using the extra air time from the air taunt to keep up with the enemy after Roulette Spin and also to repeatedly use Calibur on the air by JCing and shooting in quick succession. Haven't toyed around with Dante yet, though I feels he's easier to use than Nero. Also

>you can use the Bringer Knuckle to keep the enemies from being sent back by Streak, Split and even the regular ground combo
This changes everything.

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Hey guys, want to never struggle with a Fury again? Go into the Void and fight one with V, cane only.

Fuck my life. I assume the denuvo free exe no longer works?

it does with some tweaking, but it's bound to cause your game to be broken unless you revert the tweaks come the BP update next month

read the fucking thread

Aren't we still getting RE content? I know the arrange mode, fixed camera mode and a few other things didn't make it in yet including Chris Redfeild. But what else big haven't we gotten that was already datamined?

Plus co-op BP is already guaranteed.
all dlc weapons can't be used in BP for no real reason.

>tfw discovering that enemy step + summoned swords can let you do quadruple jump as Dante


>all dlc weapons can't be used in BP for no real reason.
there's still a 4GB patch coming on the 1st, so who knows how BP will actually work, we can hardly base anything on it in its current state

>game now hangs when it links to someone else mid mission
wow thanks capcom I really needed this fucking useless feature to ruin my enjoyment

What in the name of fuck is Capcom's problem with the denuvo shit? Fucking idiots

it worked, thanks user
fucking denigguvo was tripling the time i spend in fucking load screens

>playing on a toaster and actually noticing denuvo in video games
poorfags, poorfags everywhere

You can count the fixed cameras as remnants of old development. They said they scrapped fixed cameras because it didnt work. As for arrange and such, I'm hoping itll come but Im starting to think the "ghost survivors is 3 volumes" statement was a mistranslation

sometimes my game freezes but like only one time in an hour session with denuvo

>because it didnt work
literally happens in dmc theyre just lying

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

as in it didn't work for what they wanted of the game, not from a technical point of view

DMC isnt a shooter with dismemberment

Fucking hell there goes my performance.

Here's the original .exe without denuvo if anyone wants to downgrade

>am I doing this wrong?
Nah, that's a viable tactic too.

It says on the steam page for the dlc shit that you can't use the weapons in bp. If it changes I will buy gerbera, but if it doesn't I won't. Shame too, thing is STYLISH.
I think 3 volumes referred to the 3 separate scenarios you can play. Outside of fixed camera and arrange what else ahsn't been announced? I heard there's more dlc coming too that we don't knwo about
>fixed camera angles don't work
I was skeptical of that until they said that and I saw the game in motion. Then I was sure when I played the game and saw the fixed camera mods. It really doesn't work with the camera like that, combat would have to be significantly changed for it to be work.

if anyone's changing their game files to get the DRM free .exe to work, be sure to backup the couple of files that you remove including the latest .exe, as the game won't run come the 1st with these edits

I just put devil bringer on L1 so I can keep an enemy as a shield for the entire duration of the fight. The only problem with holding L1 all the time and R1 for locking is that you're going to need to use your middle finger for the triggers.

Pretty sure the opposite was said, and they stated theres no major DLC planned

DMCV doesn't use fixed camera angles man, not unless you check certain options, and it's a pain when it does. Besides you still have a wide FOV and that doesn't lend itself well to the horror genre.

You're looking at atmosphere and tension to be created like in a movie, you aren't going to get that in DMCV or RE2 with how the games are played and how they're designed, too many sacrifices would have to be made to get it to work.

they stated the opposite, and said Ghost Survivors was the only thing they had planned for the game post-launch.

>play BP
>co-op partner jumps in
>Starring: donguri
Post yfw

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Everybody tweet matt walker about gp01. Fuck all the other arms, I just want to use it FUUUUCK

>>play BP
>>co-op partner jumps in
>>Starring: deadweight

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Attached: 1550521530689.png (265x190, 75K)

>Starring: donguri
>Do every possible thing to ruin his experience

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Damn. Colonel Sanders would like to get his hands on that bird.

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Maybe Nero gets preset breakers every floor? Thatd be neat

sounds kinda repetitive when doing multiple runs

nope, there are floors with lots of devil breakers to grab

So do you start with nothing?

Just finished DH would you guys recommend just doing Human to get extra shit before moving to SoS. I just feel like Human will be kind of boring after DH.



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Maybe with your preset, then you reach some floors that give you breakers and something something choose carefully

Look at this fat mess getting mad

Anybody have any clue if there will be chat for co-op?

at the least he could be another one of the same species, kinda like the Greyron in 5.

imagine if theres ingame banter like mission 13

Thatd be great if i werent locked out of using gp01 for no reason

SoS can be done without it, but I'd recommend getting it before DMD

Gilgamesh isn't a demon, it's a demonic metal

I still want this to be a thing though.
>I swear to god if you divebomb that goddamn bird one more time.

Fuck off newfag.

why are you taking datamined information as hard fact, user? Why would you potentially set yourself up for disappointment like this?

>No Lock n Load remix for 5

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Now just give that fucking face and hair to Vergil, you dumb fuck, Itsuno.

Vergil's Dante hair also looks better than Dante's Dante hair. Legit looks like hi-res DMC2 Dante.

I didn't know there was in mission 13.

>datamine message proves the "the legend continues message"
>exe with the room stuff
There is enough stuff to belive it, including the fact BP is delayed 1 month although the achievments are in.

Fuck off you and everyone knows anything no co-op BP in this game would be the most retarded negligence anyone would see this year.

exceed L2
gun R2
lock-on R1
sword Triangle
wire O
Buster Square
Jump X
Taunt on R3/L3
Breaker Break on Dpad

won't work with new files sweaty

>consider Lady being held against a heterochromatic floor, that's the same color of her fucking beautiful eyes who impersonates MILFs because she's literally a holy angel with dignity, while at the same time the smart woman who cucked Arkham's small blue tentacle cocks and had so much splooge-stained Nico pussy on her hair, it got dyed red, is being spoonfed with strawberry sundaes in her t.A.T.u.-2000 short shorts sowed together, so soft the term 'dont come a knockin baby' gets a new meaning, and with her last pure, virgin breaths she coughs up the wet, pussy-juice out her PC-raytraced orifice, filling her dark heart with light, yet her womb empty

Attached: Untitled.png (263x265, 93K)

Got my first D in Mission 11 DMD, and the problem isn't even Cavaliere

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Goddamn I can't wait to play this when I get back home tonight. I've only beaten Devil Hunter. I gotta get all those upgrades before I do the next difficulty.

So it is written.

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so this is just a slower bayonetta right?

Is it the Fury? Ice Age his ass

go back to your thread

i don't browse bayonetta threads sorry i just keep seeing people say it


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It doesnt count as a taunt, but it is awsome.

you can only get D if you revive three times, did you do it user?

I did. Angelo+Nobodies are a mighty pairing.

I'm redoing it right now

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>half of BP co-op players will be named 'donguri'

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sure it is a slower verison or sure you don't browse bayonetta threads

Do human instead of farming, might as well to get the achievement and some extra orbs.

Forma Del Seething

The "beta" in beta tester doesn't refer to the build of the game but the social standing of the tester

Don't reply to bait, jackasses

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>Hold L1
>Hold L2
there you go

I cant beat SoS Cerberus. Maybe i shouldn't play drunk

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it's not bait genuine question

So how is BP COOP gonna work? Do you both start at the beginning or at random levels?

Use big laser from GS Karina-Ann when he goes thunder or fire form (bit riskier if you're not far away enough). Big damage and big rank.

it will have a room system so I guess like Mercenaries in RE
Pick a character and then just play together

its gonna be great
>that nero snatching your shit away before you get to style on the nigga
>clusterfuck of explosions and lightning from V
>hearing WOOOHOOO and YEAAAAAAH cavalier dantes
>fuckers using the 3 billion red orb taunt not doing jack shit

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Nigga just air trick hahahaha

Of course it is, Demons aren't necessarily unique individuals. They can be from a species. Gilgamesh's ability in 5 is pretty much what his Devil Arm's description says.

use Balrog and pummel that pupper
pure poetry

i kept eating a lot of the fire form attacks this time around. maybe i shouldn't have taken a break forever doing human mode for completion.
Is ice mode just run away forever until he switches? i never seem to find a good time to attack him during that phase

Attached: 3197fbaf-431b-4d00-ad0b-fa55eb11d28d.jpg (500x750, 61K) the guy talking is a supposed huge dmc fan and he calls it a slower bayonetta

always stand in front of him and RG all of his attacks

Sounds like it's gonna be just as fun as DMC threads on Yea Forums

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I'd sooner have this entire board be escaped general threads rather than the virtiol and dumb fucking /pol/ posting that's taken over this place in the last few years. In fact, /vg/ should just be deleted so Yea Forums can be about fucking VIDEO GAMES again.

>get the faust hat
>using red orbs to attack sounds dumb
>see video on jewtube
>dude just stand and throw the around and you'll make 500k in minutes
>doh well worth a try
>try it in mission 13
>all i can do is shoot orbs from my hands
>that uses orbs, doesn't make them
>enemies laugh and slap my ass
It is a certain skill you need to unlock?

I hope BP co-op has voice chat

i'm honestly more stoked to play with Yea Forums with multiplayer BP. i still go back and do mission 13 for coop fun but it just isn't enough.
i'm more hyped for BP than sekiro.

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I need more pictures of Vergil

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use gunslinger hat tricks that swirl the hat around you. also Dr faust 4 is 500,000 red orbs but you get max orbs from enemies.
maybe your gunslinger isn't leveled all the way

I doubt that will happen

just redid it and got an A. Need practice but its better than a D

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as a reminder if anyone has access to the qa_master_tu2 branch it will continue to update without denuvo
so you better hope someone does it

the hell summoner dudes and the circular room right after are probably the toughest parts.

Hat Trick, the one where you hold X or Square after catching the hat, is what generates most of the orbs and stunlocks the enemies. Can just use Gunslinger attack, or R1+Forward+Shoot. then Hat Trick to pull enemies into you and stun them for a bit

Was using royal guard at the moment, will try with gunslinger like a normal person.

I need a modelswap for Vergil to have this face and hair minus the stubble.

*removes belt*
*drops pants*
Thought you'd like it

holy fuck you people are dumb

the faust hat is so fucking stupid but cool at the same time. i want to use it a lot but i still need to save up orbs for the taunts.

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>including the fact BP is delayed 1 month although the achievments are in
that doesn't prove anything; Ghost Survivors was also a month later and had its achievements visible before the DLC itself had launched. Seems like this is just a new Capcom tactic to get goodwill for free post-launch content and to keep hype going for longer than just the launch period.

I have literally bought the game 5 times across multiple platforms lads. Are you doing your part?

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I bought the deluxe once, because I don't have the autism

Well done user, That's 50% of the total sales figures accounted for

my new computer comes in this week. might buy it to play with PC bros later. hope it goes on sale in a month

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>tfw I'm that Nero who snatches guys from you mid combo in mission 13
I usually hit them back, but only one Dante so far figured out what I was doing and actually did the swordmaster bike spin in the air as I did it.

I got parts coming in today, already bought it on PS4 and PC, but got another copy for my wife with my video card so that was nice.

I stole my copy.

>asmus Nero
I can't wait for it fuuuuuuck

Attached: Nero5091.jpg (1181x1772, 413K)

Swept back hair for Dante, Hood always up for Nero. Permanent white hair for V. All 3 unlocks Vergil. This would be our best timeline.

If you use it right you'll make back ten times whatever you spend.

>Seems like this is just a new Capcom tactic to get goodwill for free post-launch content and to keep hype going for longer than just the launch period.
Honestly no since most of it wasn't finished, they're probably still workign out things liek the lobbies, keeping connectiosn stable, not kicking you out when you've paused, and also Vergil since he's half finished.

I’ve never used Royal Guard even once.

> he doesn't know the wonders of getting an S after a perfect guard

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Fuck Cav was the issue for me. DMD Cav is like a whole knew boss fight that has actual defensive mechanics. Even on SoS all you have to do in order to break his guard is mash jumping light all day to clash him 2-3 times into being broken.

On DMD he will block into lightning cancel and he does the 3x teleport shit and 2x swings into overhead on occasion to make sure you don't get greedy unless you're good at RG. What a awesome fight I was just fucking mad I had to keep replaying the level.

I revived twice during the DMD Urizen 2 fight on mission 12 though. I didn't wanna replay the chapter and I was getting super frustrated. What I should've done is build Sin DT each time the crystal went up by I tried to setup a Balrog dp and kept getting taken for like half life.

I got a B on that and its my one mission with revives and im up to mission 16 on DMD now. But i feel like i have to go redo it using 2 checkpoints each try on him if i have to. I wanna beat each boss on DMD with no revives that is the goal.


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i got time to kill so maybe ill do mission 13 with dante and learn how to farm some orbs that way on devil hunter

I try but it's not fun.

>He used two orbs on the Nero Vergil DH infinite DT fight
>I cannot even move
>Every time he left stun you saw him attempted to mash a attack instead of jump or roll away.

DSP keeps getting funnier its so sad.


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>tfw I managed to thank him for TW101 before he got all angry and started blocking everybody

Attached: royalguard.jpg (1242x1788, 235K)

you could tell he hated the game right off the bat by spewing shit how hes burnt out after 2 hours of playing and bitching about no tips

What should the final boss of Bloody Palace be?

was he right, Yea Forums?

Attached: basedd.png (412x154, 13K)

we already know it's vergil

Is Kamiya really this much of a dick?

all the bosses in one arena

>play the game for the first time
>get to mission 3
>Vs cane is right next to the name
Fucking cunt.

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Dante from another universe

Attached: donte concept.jpg (600x900, 29K)

i love this guy.

based fucking reuben

unironically based and redpilled

according to carcinogen he's really nice in person

Attached: kamiyablocked.png (574x326, 27K)

Which article is he talking about?


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He's trolling. This is hilarious.

Its crazy how shit and casual he is. DMC5 especially as I started to hit SoS has been some of the most revitalizing gameplay I've experienced in awhile.


He just hates all of his non-japanese fans and Yea Forums gives him a pass despite the fact that 70% of this board is complaining about people hating on whites 24/7.




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Definitely. He one and doned it but really the game begins on SoS. New enemy placements and post game nero is the most fun shit i've had with a game in a long time. i took a break from SoS up until mission 15 to finish up human side and going back to SoS kicks my ass but having fun trying and succeeding.

i used to google translate him shitty japanese with intentionally confusing messages but I can't be arsed anymore.

Like what is there even to talk about? Granblue? Nope. Scalebound? Nope. Babylon's Fall ain't got any information on it and that shit's supposed to be releasing this year. Bayo 3 is TBD forever. Astral Chain looks neat and I'm lookin forward to it but I hope it's good.

I was also looking forward to Lost Order since that had Matsuno writing and Akihiko Yoshida drawing but that seems to be lost in Mobage hell forever.


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S-ranked and redorbed

Keep in mind that this is one of the riskier grabs because of how long it is. Plus, it's less effective without tomboy, and if you get hit during the grab, tomboy's history.

>Willem DeFoe as Dante

>Game crashed just as the save icon popped up
First time after 46 hours of playing. I was so worried my data would be corrupted but it wasn't.

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If you use Faust Hat with Gunslinger's action command, you can hit an enemy to put them in a red state that dispenses shitloads of red orbs when you attack them
Just keep in mind that you lose orbs when taking damage

the final fight is literally in the OP of this thread user

The whole "choose your character" thing is pretty weird since it's just 2 missions and Mission 7 is like 85% the same level while 13 is 100% the same level depending on who you pick.

I refuse to believe there are games being made post-2010 that don't keep the previous save in a backup file until they confirm that the new save has been saved correctly. Implementing that takes 5 minutes of work.

It was a beta test for Divergence

kek get fucked pc fatsos

This would be too good

you have to be joking, really?

>one tomboy grab = instant S
my friend is about to love me

anyone got the dante edit?

Attached: harvey.jpg (540x440, 23K)

>Divergence let's you co-op through all non stage 6 missions
Wouldn't that be so fucking cool.

>vergil with long beautiful white hair

I dont have the pic, did anyone save vergil with trish's hair painted white?

>Permanent white hair for V.

>not vergil in V's tanktop

Will she be playable in the next game?

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That legit looks better than a mechanical buster arm grab, slightly less damage, more style, and more utility.
Can Tomboy's literally not stop being perfect?

that's almos 3k damage
wouldnt the mob have died before it ended outside of void?

No. Why would anyone think this?

You can also charge shots to level 3 and do it

Oddly enough there are. I've had my save corrupt in some relatively modern games. And yeah it's ridiculously easy to code it so worst case scenario is your newest data is fucked but the one before that is fine.

based krillin


I played it as V the last time and Nero was fucking going APESHIT on the enemies. I don't remember V being anywhere near that good as an ally so maybe it's preferable to beat the mission as V even if earlier parts would be more difficult.

ok, but getting hit during that would instantly break tomboy, right?

yeah, unless you use the break age

Buster arm breakage
Buster Arm Breakage
Buster Arm Breakage


Attached: 1490147986696.gif (343x284, 933K)

at least that counts as a copy

bug fixes

He's just a big fucking cunt, he's not "based," he just directs fun games and is a xenophobic dickass on twitter.

>bug fixes
>my game breaking bug is still present
I was hopeful for a whole minute there.

Attached: no point.gif (160x160, 86K)

So how many copies do you think dmc5 has sold?
is it flopping?