How would you save this game franchise Yea Forums?
Hard mode: no botw comparison
How would you save this game franchise Yea Forums?
Have Monolith & HAL Labratory Co-Develop the games while Game Freak oversees them & designs the characters
Just put a hard/expert mode so the manchildren that play it stfu.
Other than that its a perfectly fine kid's game
Make another Pokemon colosseum sequel
Or a Pokemon stadium with various mini games to play online. Or another Pokemon channel game for switch. Man i fucking miss old pkm games
The way Nintendo and the Pokémon company sweep gale of darkness and colosseum under the rug like they never happened is criminal
We can't even have gale of darkness threads
Just give the game to someone other than gamefreak
Gamefreak is too comfortable doing the same shit over and over because people will eat anything up with the pokemon label.
I don't think their town game is going to be good
I genuinely think they're hack devs who got lucky.
>Hard mode
The answer was right there in your post, user. Allow series veteran to pick a hard mode from the start. Hard mode skips all tutorials and raises AI levels, difficulty, team composition, etc.
Also, in general, make it so cutscenes can be skipped and fastforwarded, like Ys 8, and make it so the Exp Share can be toggled for each slot in your party, instead of being all or nothing.
Even if they don't change anything else, a simple hard mode would make me like the new game.
Gamefreak refuses to admit that their demographic grew up with their game, they're not only selling to literal kids anymore.
Theres a graph somewhere that shows b/w demographics, and the highest sections were 14-22 or so
They have to know this shit but they keep pushing safe babygames
Just let Monolith Soft make a Xenoblade 2-like spinoff.
I still dream of a centralized Pokémon game, that is a fullfledged main game adventure but with a ton of side activities that are in themselves game modes previously reserved to spin-offs, like a Safari Zone that's an actual Safari and is, in fact, just Pokémon Snap 2, a side Pokémon Puzzle League you can compete in, the casino is replaced with tables where you can play the TCG with NPCs or people online, etc.
Make a more mature Pokémon game. Where shit is real like in Pokémon manga + sexual mentions(for example we finally get awnser it is acceptable to fuck own Pokémon). And of course no more friendly rivals, rival must be the big asshole with big EGO, so I will have a big satisfaction by owning him and breaking his big EGO.
Ur frickin gay dude
Mmo. But more like pso.
how about
>genuine freedom
>button to skip cutscenes
>mode that turns off all the babby shit
>new 'mons that aren't complete dogshit.
Seriously WHAT the FUCK are they doing? Fucking /vp/ came up with better pokedex for Sage than anything in the last two official gens. I'd have Loneleaf or Aguanaut on my team any day of the week.
The only answer is to replace gamefreak, they're hacks and someone else should be in charge of making the mainline games.
>give it to hal or alpha dream
>invisible stats thrown out the fucking window
>completely do away with that trainer dogs shit
>Make mystery dungeon the main series
>centralized story wtih weird locals and extra dimensional shit.
>world actually feels dangerous
>expanding civilization outward and making pokemon in the world less feral.
>have it be a a true action rpg with mechanics similar to that of mana or musashi
gen 4 remake, but go back to hd 2.5D graphics
Another Pokemon Snap using the Switch as the camera.
A survival horror game where you're trapped in some haunted building.
Let atlus make a Pokémon game
Crossover with SMT
Difficulty settings?
Postgame or NG+?
A wide world to explore with plenty of sidequests?
>for example we finally get awnser it is acceptable to fuck own Pokémon
Thread is done, never leave the choice to fans
another gen 1 remake but with even more cute girls
Every other $60 Switch game has more content than the garbage Gamefreak puts out.
Kill masuda and ohmori
There needs to be more gen1 callbacks
Make games with soul like gen1-3 not soulless cinematic games for zoomers
Large expansive region. Some towns have story significance with no gyms.
One gym per type, meaning we have 14 gyms. Elite Four and Champion use fully fleshed out teams leaning towards specialized strategies rather than a type.
Entire Pokedex available, obviously since this is Pokemon, there are two versions of the game with some trading needed, but the entire thing is there. All 800+ monsters able to be caught, bred or received in a single game with no event items.
The sheer amount of legendary Pokemon available will allow for some insane post-game story content.
The PC system allows you to auto-sort your Pokemon by pokedex number, type, etc. Marking your Pokemon will allow you to keep your favorites in one place.
Day care lets you store six Pokemon at once: you can breed three Pokemon at a time.
All Pokemon stats are visible to the player. A good amount of underwhelming Pokemon have stats reworked to allow for more options. Move pools are expanded a bit for some Pokemon.
Keep the special field moves from Let's Go as the replacement for HMs. The player may receive items like a flashlight for replacements like Flash. Most Pokemon can use all of the special moves.
250+ TMs. All of them are hidden throughout the game world, given to the player by an NPC or purchasable from shops.
The story actually plays on the fact that the whole Pokedex is available in a single game. A large amount of legendary Pokemon are being sought out by the evil team for [INSERT PLAN HERE].
All NPC trainers will have at least 4 Pokemon after the beginning town in order to allow for TWO-PLAYER DROP IN/OUT CO-OP FEATURING DOUBLE BATTLES. The entire game can be played co-op after a specific story point, except for gym battles where each player battles the leader separately.
Difficulty settings. More trainers have better teams with better type and move distribution.
Trainer rematch functions.
Robust online features for trading, battling and Hoenn style contests.
Romance monmons
Jokes on you, Open-Worlding Pokemon would just kill it faster.
Solution is to go with a semi non-linear design where you have linear sections that are complimented by non-linear sections allowing players who are fans of the story of Gen 5 (and 7 if they're mentally deranged) and fans who like the old games non-linearity to be satisfied. The franchise also would benefit from diversifying its gameplay so 99% of the content isn't bland Single Battles with minimal difficulty, throw in some Double, Triple, Rotation & Inverse Battles to test the player under different battle conditions and include overworld puzzles with greater predominance than before both as a way of expanding on the functionality of the HMs and/or their equivalents and also to break up the monotony of battling. Also as just a general thing, don't throw the baby out with the bath water on every new idea, if they just fucking iterated on some of the concepts they introduced instead of jumping ship for a new idea they'd be able to develop a really solid set of side features; Difficulty, VS Seeker, DexNav, Safari Zone, Battle Frontier, all solid concepts that only require minor tweaks and should be main stays. Ones that could use improvement but work in the long run; Pokemon Contests, PokeStar Studios, Gym Leader Rematches, Mega Evolution, Methods of Evolution.
Lmao xennial spotted
Get over your childhood
Have Atlus do the combat system,
romhacks already do that and they're shit
play Crystal Clear, it's the format that Pokemon should use from now on
no HMs required, fight gyms in any order (and they scale based on number of badges), choose whether to start in Kanto or Johto, tons of other QoL features
this might be the best pokemon game this year
> Gen 1
> Gen 3
> Soul
Yeah nah, Gen 1 was generic as fuck and is more so the base that future generations built on, there is very little in the way of character to Gen 1 with only a few exceptions like Lavender Town. Gen 3 is also a base although one for Gen 4 and 5 which were able to build on the concept of the storyline skeleton that Gen 3 laid out, Gen 3 has more soul than Gen 1 but not as much as Gens 2, 4 or 5, characters are very basic and straightforward there aren't any folds in the characters' personalities and Wally is wasted potential in both the originals and the remakes since you barely see him.
Gen 6 and 7 were tryhards, they lack soul for trying to make every area stand out and every character stand out but all you're left with when you mix all the colours together is a muddy brown sludge, and that's what you get from Gen 6 and 7, a macro unremarkable set of games with potential for micro remarkable locations and characters which is incredibly underwhelming for Pokemon.
>fire whichever nigger is designing the bubble-headed, noodle-limped shit pokémons we have been getting since g6
>give a raise to whoever designs the characters and let him keep up with that good shit
>redesign/fix the 3d models that don't work (most of the bird pokémons look like trash)
>stop taking the players for drooling retards, even the kids playing this shit must feel utterly retarded when going through a pokémon "adventure" (aka tour), making so many cutscenes and so much linear shit kills everything pokémon is about, let the players explore and branch out more as in older gens.
>stop with dumb gimmicks @islands thing, make online easy to access and not clunky and shit like in gen 7
>balance difficulty of the games on par with gen 2/Emerald
>to keep things fresh, experiment a bit with the classic formula, what this user said, make puzzles, hidden areas,...
And for the rest, do exactly the same as the older gens did. There, fucking fixed. I don't know how it got so shitty in the first place when they did half the gens really well, it's baffling.
I like you sir.
Just go back to the design philosophy of Black/White and be willing to tell the oldfags to stop clutching their nostalgia pearls and embrace the new material.
This but also throw in a little bit of spice from Gen 2, Generation 2 started what could've been sidequests in Pokemon, we saw very minor stuff with things like the Shuckle of Cianwood Island and the Delivery Spearow outside of Goldenrod, if those had continued to be expanded upon with sidequests complimenting the main quest and the themes of the game's overarching plot I think would've benefited Game Freak immensely instead of relying solely on the main quest to do the heavy lifting especially when after three generations of constant refinement, they hit Gen 6 and it all came crashing down.
The BW design philosophy was about 60% Kanto retreads
If anything, those were more like upgrades or even cheeky shots from the design team at Kanto mons with little thought put into them. The Klink line alone feels like a shot at Magnemite and Dugtrio's boring evolutions.
>>fire whichever nigger is designing the bubble-headed, noodle-limped shit pokémons we have been getting since g6
You mean gen 2. Or 3. Either way you're wrong.
What the fuck does "look like trash" even mean. And why would they balance it "on par" with the easiest gen, the one with a fucking lv30 gym 7? That's fucking retarded.
Like Platinum then, for the difficulty? I remember Emerald having a decent difficulty too. Maybe I was wrong with gen 2.
Yes, even if there's good designs here and there, newer pokémons all have weird noodle limbs, overly round forms and shitty proportions, and I hate it.
Recipe for the best game:
>balancing from RBY
>level scaling from GSC
>water routes from RSE
>travel speed from DPP
>linearity from BW
>story pacing from USUM
Revert back to 2D. It’s so simple.
The B/W point is the only one that works because their definition of "linearity" gave you fuckhuge routes to play with and a pretty engaging story.
More cute feet.
Rapidly speed up the flow of the game. I want to be able to physically see the Pokemon, encounter it, and engage in a battle in less than 5 seconds. You can still easily do this with a turn-based system with no problem. I’m tired of going through prompt over prompt when they could just display in quicker intervals.
> Level Scaling
I hope you mean the flow of the levels and not the actual levels themselves, high-levels is a sign that Game Freak is being lazy with their bosses, if they can't design a good boss they default to making it high levelled so that people who are on the Orange Line of levelling feel like they're still being challenged but anyone on the Yellow Line of Levelling or above finds it a joke.
That's level desgin. Linearity is only being able to go to one specific town after hitting one specific story point and having that repeat until postgame.
actually difficult gym fights. They're not even bosses at this point, just get a pokemon with a type advantage and it's piss easy
> 5 seconds
That'd be a bit too fast I think, goldilocks zone it I think, If you don't fuck around with stupidly long openings you should be able to get to your first battle in about 5 minutes, the game with the fastest opening to battle is Gen 5 although the fastest from opening to wild battle are Gen 2 and 3.
The battle system should be faster though, less stuffing around with stupid flashy text crap and more time spent on getting the battle rolling, this also applies to the move performances themselves, I turn off battle animations for Gen 6 and 7 because they take too long, Gens 1-3 were fast and snappy, Gens 4 and 5 slowed it down but were still acceptable.
Sprite-based. More fire types. Get better designers. Mixing up the starter triangle rather than grass/water/fire.
2D pixel pokemon back. 3D looks ugly as sin. More challenges, more side activities, more dungeon. Fucking anything other than go straight to the next gym
Yes, Platinum or BW2 is fine. Outside Pokemon number SM and USUM difficulty is completely fine too.
You hate it but that "newer Pokemon" flaw has been around since gen 2 was introduced, so it's not a new thing, if anything it has been the standard since 1999. Ledian is a prime example and he's one of the first gen 2 mons as well.
>Mixing up the starter triangle rather than grass/water/fire.
That's fucking retarded.
>2D pixel pokemon back.
no please. except generation 2 2d pokemon looks atrocious, their 3d is just very mediocre, but not "atrocious". ironically enough their last 2d game(that barely was 2d anyway) had some of the best 3D models on the system
>go back to 2d
>choice between becoming part of the evil team or defeating the evil team
>B2W2 quality post-game
>5 (at minimum) save files
>no gimmicky bullshit like Z moves or mega-Evos
>either make the game (static) as difficult as DP or have a hard mode to chose from the start
>EXP changed back to pre-gen 6 state
>singular region as big as Kanto + Johto combined
>story as compelling as BW/B2W2 (with twists that deviate from the usual 1-8 gyms then champion)
there, I just revived Pokemon, you're welcome
exp share changed, rather, my apologies***
meme or not:
Pokémon MMo
I don't even care whether it's 2d or 3d
Beedrill was also that way, Golbat too,... There's probably more I'm missing.
Maybe I'm exaggerating user. But it does feel like for every good looking pokémon in a new gen, there's a ton more Helioptile or Aurorus. Too soft, too cute, too friendly.
remove pokemon forms too, that's just gimmicky bullshit
No it isn’t. There’s three perfect type triangles that are workable. I’m sure there are more that could be done.
Could've gone a bit more non-linear but having the game jump between linear sequences and non-linear sequences I think would be the best move they could make.
- G = Gyms
- S = Story Beats
- D = Dungeons
- M = Minigames (e.g. Safari Zone, Contests, etc.)
pokemon forms are good if they fit the region and the environment (like shellos west and east for example) More stuff like that would actually make finding pokemon feel more interesting
Best can come up with:
>Less linear progression through world (more areas open from the start)
>Need 8 badges to challenge Elite Four + Champ
>Not THE 8 badges, any 8 from around 12-16 Gyms dotted round the world
>Both the Gyms and Elite 4 are graded, haveto choose before entering from Bronze (max lvl 30 'Mon), Silver (max lvl 55 'Mon), Gold (max lvl 80 'Mon) and Platinum (no lvl cap, all out Legendarys being brought out, SHIT NIGGA IT ON mode) Get a badge of appropriate rank if you win
>Gyms are endurance tests, cant leave to rest up after beating the trash trainers inside or switch out 'Mon
Problem with a more open world is how do you scale the levels to either not get people stomped in every fight or facing lvl 4 Pidgeys in every area?
>Maybe have a hybrid of both traditional battles and Lets Go catching. When encounter a 'Mon, can choose to Catch (upgraded Lets Go catching with baiting and other mechanics, but no XP for catching) or Battle (usual fare, but catching is far harder to do during that in original games but get xp if make them faint)
>Maybe have "Catching regions" where low level 'Mon appear to swell your Boxes and "Battle plains" enclosed areas with high level 'Mon but little to no chance to catch them, also have a list of "Goals" in each BP and potions/evolution items/rarer themed 'Mon as rewards: Defeat 100 'Mon, Find the 10 plaques, Solve the disruption at the centre of the Volcano (as story elements, Team Magma is back or a Legendary that runs when beaten and appears to fight & catch from then on)
Also forgot to add
>Elite 4 will be randomised from the previous games Elite 4 so no idea what types you will be fighting so need a balanced team rather than 4 'Mon good against the Elite 4 types you always face like previous games
1. Put in a hard mode.
2. ONLY new mons in the region until post game.
3. Have a massive, massive post game.
4. Make a lot more Pokemon moves have overworld applications.
5. Show fucking real-time Pokemon attacks, not just cutting from 1 scene to the next.
And for every Kabutops and Rhydon there was a Wigglytuff and Chansey. Gen 1 is the only """""""wild"""""" one yet not even fully, every other gen looks identical to gen 2.
Not him but that's not true. Only Fighting > Rock > Flying works and that's also dumb as a starter type. Not mentioning that 1. you find those types usually super early in a game, no reason to have it as your starter, while fire is rare and not-status grass is certainly not common and 2.there's no reason for them to be those types because USUAL STARTER TYPES GET A SECOND TYPING WHILE EVOLVING. Never understood the "dark psychic fighting starters" brigade when we got dark, psychic fighting starters 2 gens ago.
Fairy - Steel - Fighting
this is the pleb opinion which has ruined and dumbed down pokemon
Not only that is completely idiotic to show to a newbie, but Fighting doesn't even resist Steel.
bring back rotation battles
bring back triple battles
bring the difficulty settings, NOT locked behind connecting versions
make the 3D model animations more interesting
just add 90 new pokemon
>large, beautiful and fascinating world like Xenoblade, Pokemon are essential for navigation
>Pokemon animations that are full of character like Dragon Quest XI
>complete overhaul of battle system and balance while still maintaining the feel of the classic games
>complete overhaul of Pokemon hunting and capture to be more engaging, have more fleshed out Pokemon ecosystems
>overhaul Pokemon raising to be more variable and engaging
>make it feel more like a modern JRPG, a massive adventure rather than a walk through a theme park
In short, I want them to go back to the drawing board and make the game Tajiri and his team would have made if they had the technology and budget available to the series now.
This does NOT mean open world shit that dumb 25 year olds ask for, or moving away from the JRPG-ness of the series. They should embrace the JRPG roots and become at least on par with their modern peers.
A first person shooter.
Overwatch style.
Better idea, improve the HMs, give them more functional usage outside of their previously single usage in the games, Cut should be basic, make it so it's not limited to just cutting very specific small trees, let the player be able to cut down vines to create new pathways or cut through steel fences to access new areas.
Fly should just be soaring nowadays. Fly should also only be given out after all other HMs since it neuters the purpose of the other HMs through existing.
Surf should not only be just a general water transport, there should be some element of waves in Surfing that if the player can master the HM allows them to almost fly across the water, in addition having Surf be able to move across deep sand without bogging the player down would be cool if a bit too fantastical for Pokemon.
Strength should be the same as Cut, be able to be used on more than just large boulders, be able to knock over old trees to create bridges, be able to push large objects around to solve puzzles to do with machines and what not.
Waterfall, keep the cinematic emphasis of climbing the waterfall to the league, it was such a huge fuck up of Gen 7 not to include that. In addition give Waterfall bonus abilities that compound with Surf, maybe it increases the swimming speed, otherwise have Waterfall provide the same functions as Surf in addition to its own functions that way you're not having to use two moveslots to perform one function.
Rock Smash should return as an optional HM, have it retain its boulder breaking function but also have it be used for an Underground style mini-game that you can use on special cliffsides across the region (similar to how Headbutt trees were unique in Gen 2) that allows you to unearth various inorganic items (and also some organic ones like Big Roots).
Rock Climb should return as a mainstay HM, make rock-climbing be done in both the X and Y Planes.
I don't agree with the previous posters choices but you can just alter the type matchups to fit
either this, or let people create fangames
the core gameplay of pokemon is solid, simple with possibilities, but it's a damned stupid shame that they keep chugging out versions to powercreep, and each version requires you to go through the infantilized easy game if you want to go multiplaying
honestly, I want the HM necessity of gen 4, it actually made the world feel difficult to travel through and allowed for a bunch of options for secret areas and items. There should be more interesting and secret ways of using your HM's that you have to discover yourself by thinking for yourself
Dark Souls but with Pokemon.
you wouldn't have accepted 90 as a reasonable number right after Gen 5 came out, 90 is too low. 100 should be the bare minimum with up to 200, I don't care if in reality it's 75 New Pokemon and 25 Evolutions to Old Pokemon like Gens 2 and 4 did as long as they're actually new Pokemon and give us a good number of new reps for each type, not fucking 2 ICE TYPES.
"Just completely change type matchups because people want their dumb nonsensical change"? Why?
I ran out of space but yeah I would like to see some new HMs with overworld functionality, I think having a mix of Optional and Mandatory is important though, you don't want to be running through the game with either 2-3 HM Slaves or constantly swapping between Pokemon, I think 6 Mandatory is probably a good maximum, if Cut doesn't get a damage buff I'd say replace it with something better but Surf, Strength, Waterfall & Rock Climb all work fine as HMs imo. Add in two new HMs maybe a Fire-Type HM and an Electric-Type HM and you'd be set.
Bring back the people who made Platinum, HG/SS and Black 2/White 2
Masuda sticks to making music and his protege Ohmori stays the fuck away from making Pokemon games, he should stick to making Pokemon models
Stop. I'm being serious.
If you took Overwatch and replaced all the heroes with Pokemon, it could definitely work. The material is there. Give each Pokemon two or three attacks, and one special move for an ultimate.
Easy money and I'd definitely play it.
Because Game Freak's already willing to change type matchups, Steel lost 2 Resistances in Gen 6 and Fairy-Type's addition completely reworked the dynamic of many types. Doesn't need to be a complete overhaul but a few changes here and there wouldn't kill things.
absolutely based
>BW/B2W2 story
>Emerald aesthetics
>Platinum soundtrack
>B2W2 post-game
>HGSS sized content
this is how you fix pokemon
what if moira was lucario haha
Changing types and matchups when introducing a new type makes sense. Changing it because you want starters of other types for no reason doesn't.
Fair enough in broadening the reach of the HMs and them being used as a gating mechanic for areas, but I just want them as an ability 'Mon have to learn as annoying and leads to HM Slaves clogging up your team.
Player finishes a quest chain....give them a machete or such that works the same as Cut.
A little dingy to act as Surf, and upgrade it to go up Waterfalls or become a submersible to Dive.
Strength and Rock Smash...some kind of pickaxe or mining tool (you dislodging the boulder or chipping the rock and pushing it aside).
Fly...give the player and option on their Pokenav or Pokegear that lets them call a Poke-taxi that appears and brings them to the spot they want. Could even choose to customise what appear (Pikachu in their little balloon chair, Charizard with a saddle on their back etc etc)
TLDR; keep the mechanics but drop the ability slot requirement.
All this people are still working on the games. Did you know that the Coliseum and Gale of Darkness team are also working on the 3d games?
>Problem with a more open world is how do you scale the levels to either not get people stomped in every fight or facing lvl 4 Pidgeys in every area?
Set it scaled to how many badges you have
Nobody wants to carry around an entire pokemon just be able to surf/waterfall/dive
I think the HMs need buffs to their power, originally when they were released Surf was a genuinely good Water-Type move with only Hydro Pump really outpowering it, ever since about Gen 3 there have been more and more moves that have encroached on their power level.
There are two things that I think need to happen;
1) Reduce the Mean Base Damage of all damaging moves across the series down to about 55, yeah that means making moves weaker but personally I believe a low level set of bosses means that there is no excuse for a boss to be poorly designed so making the moves fit that low level seems like it'd work in tandem.
2) Boost the weaker HMs and make the non-damaging ones Optional, Cut and Rock Smash should be buffed or made optional, Fly should always be optional and last, Surf and Waterfall should be made more to be complimentary to one another and either Strength, Rock Climb or both would benefit from a Type Change I think.
Seek help
Too much work. Just make 40 and put in 20 new forms of old pokemon.
Maybe. Could have evolved Safari zones that will allow you to choose the level ranges of 'Mon you encounter based on your combined badge rank (maybe a value for each type of badge like 3 per Bronze, 5 per silver) and it fleshes out as you go up in rank, with new wings and rarer 'Mon appearing as you get higher and higher ranked.
Yeah give a kid a fucking machete, that makes sense. Not "make so that Pokemon can use the abilities naturally if they can learn it" so you make Pokemon useful outside battle, no, give a kid a pickaxe and a fucking machete.
drop nintendo exclusivity.
Release pokebank and the older games on phones.
that would still require you to clog up your team with slaves.
Miss me with that gay shit
Option to hard cap what level your pokemon can level to based off how many badges you have so you cant out level the next gym. Make the game harder.
>Pokemon persona game
I'm okay with this
Most fun I ever had with anything Pokémon related was playing on pixelmon servers back when it was big. I'm sure Mojang would agree to a legitimate partnership if asked
Persona 5's UI is a fucking eyesore
Then surely there's no better option than the Ride Pokemon from gen 7 minus the retarded protection gear.
Make more games like Colosseum or Gale of Darkness and give it to anybody ANYONE other than Game Freak.
>half of the mons are furrybait-tier garbage
>some are actually decent
in my opinion, there's just, too many.
they should just have flying types know Fly, water types know Surf/Dive, bug and steel types Cut, and fighting/ground/rock know Strength/Rock Smash/Rock Climb
and grass/psychic/fire/electric know Flash after the corresponding gym
> Hard Cap
Look I agree with making the game harder but this is not the way to go, it's still a kid's game, there are ways to incur difficulty without having to force people to remain on the Yellow Line of Levelling or lower.
- Moves
- Abilities
- Stat IVs and EVs
- Held Items
- Team Strategies
These are the things Game Freak needs to consider when making their Bosses in Pokemon, have teams whose members flow well together and show the player different strategies, it doesn't have to be some optimal top level, give worlds a run for its money strategy but at least test the player on stuff like;
- Status Conditions
- Physical & Special Stats
- Buffs & Debuffs
- Weather & Terrain
- Move Priority
- Held Items
- Rooms, Guards & Barriers
- Two-Turn Moves
Nothing past the first Gym should actually be testing the player on whether they're able to level their Pokemon or know basic type matchups, at that point in the game you should already be exposed to nearly half of the types and should be able to get the Type Matchups in your head on your own, kids could do that in the 90s and they can still do it today.
Got way off track there, point is supposed to be, hard cap would do more harm than good, let bad players go Green or Blue Lines of levelling but still provide challenge through means other than forcing level parity.
they should do what Crystal Clear did and scale the trainers to your badge count and have smogon autists design their movesets
>t. pleb
Yearly releases with half the content and the other half as DLC
I'm serious
It works - people will buy that shit
That could be pretty neat (but with caveats such as Taillows or Pidgeys cant Fly as they are so small/light). but still the problem of having to have a particular setup of 'Mon to have the right types to progress through an area.
Ah yeah giving them a machete would be bad...but hand a 10 year old a creature that can breathe fire like a flamethrower or electrocute people, plant parasitic spores or later generate localized earthquakes is fine!
Plus arent most protagonists around 14-16 anyways?
Today I will remind them.
holy shit just give me a difficulty setting, it must be the absolute easiest sort of game to balance like that
Forcibly disband Game Freak as a developer and give sole game development rights of the Pokemon franchise to Nintendo.
at the very least make choices matter, allow the option to skip tutorials, and skip cutscenes. fucking X and Y drove me up the wall with the handholding, like when the aides literally won't let you go pass them without them taking you to the pokemon lab. They even give you a yes or no question and just stay there waiting if you say no
Modern Game Freak seem to be absolutely terrified of someone even getting slightly stuck as to where to go, as if being a little bit lost is a bad thing. You saw this dialed up to 11 in SM where they had Rotom-Dex constantly screeching at you telling you what to do, as if it wasn't obvious already considering you had road blocks and unskippable cutscenes every 2 minutes.
The idea of Game Freak not conforming to absolute linearity is laughable to me.
Easy as fuck user. Get lgpe style graphics. Make the textures better and add real lightning, day night cylcles, give 3d models better idle animations.
For game mechanics:
>add drag n drop breeding system, with the ability of foreshadowing
>add trainer that will change the nature of your mon, for 50k pokedollars. Postgame only
>add more regional variants
>add some mega evolutions
>online is now a splatoon like hub, where you have battle facilities. You can play ranked, there are tournaments. Basically a huge themepark with different shit to do like stadium
Basically that‘s it. I don‘t want anything else.
No random battles. Should be seamless experience between walking around and fighting/capturing.
More friendly interaction with your or other's Pokémon. Think of a simplified mode of Nintendogs.
Maybe use the celshading to stay as close possible to the anime.
Gen 2 had a bit of a fucked up level curve, wild pokemon in the area would be way lower than gyms so grinding to get your pokemon up to the gym leaders level was both chore and necessary at points.
Gen 6 was way too easy because of the reworked exp share mechanic. I don't think the reworked mechanic was necessarily bad, since it could encourage you to swap new pokemon in and out of your team as you want along, but in gen 6 you ended up way too overlevelled.
Gen 7 seemed a bit better. Still a little on the wrong side of easy for my liking, but the level curve felt like it was designed with the new exp sharing in mind.
Could you imagine typing this out? Fuck bro, get help
You need to be at least 18 to post here.
All those cucks posting that you are edgy and immature, deep down would WISH to play such a game. Who doesnt love a power fantasy with a mature context? It's the main reason GOT is popular. It's literally what someone did to Tolkien's LOTR like this poster did to pokemon.
I know this is bait but don’t compare LotR with that pile of human excrement.
this is a furry's dream come true, jesus christ
t. never actually played the game
Pokemon Hunter
Monster Hunter game but you hunt Pokemon
retcon out all the gay shit that began to occur when the series jumped the shark.
>no more mega evos
>no more ultra beasts
>no z moves
>no alolan mons
>fuck it, let's scrap formes too while we're at it, it was (yet another) good idea that never got given the attention it needed to make a difference
Then maybe their team can get thinking on a less braindead battle system, AI, overworld - ANYTHING
Difference being everyone catches Pokemon and they are natural things(or not but still). No normal person carries around a pickaxe and a goddamn machete unless they're murderers or they work near a cave near a forest.
>Still a little on the wrong side of easy for my liking, but the level curve felt like it was designed with the new exp sharing in mind.
But it was harder than gen 1, 2,3 and half of 4 and 5.
To add to my post, take out all the Pokemon after 151.
hand it off to a studio that cares about it
Make a Battle Royale game
seriously WTF were they thinking
Make a game with the limitiations of the gameboy or nes in mind. Same graphics, simplicity, and music of the originals and if graphics are an issue they can be improved upon instead of ruining the rest of the game.
Crystal Clear is great. I would love it even more if it had Gen 3 or 4 graphics
It feels too aimless. Sure you can go anywhere but there is no reason to go anywhere.
Give a Lot more freedom in you making custom characters, like, thps4 style, i dont want to play only like a shitty happy go lucky boyscout.
And how about using pokken battle gameplay with four skills to use.
Or giving the player an option to enlist to evil corporation and make an evil multiplayer area domination that gives influence on which evil corporate you play against in single player mode.
I think that should be a good start.
Remove forced tutorials.
Better AI,interesting tricky movesets on the gyms and better puzzles and stuff on the team grunt and dungeons.
>No IV's
why? never affects normal players at all and competitive fags dont really care.
Make the villain team SJWs
>All typings explored through the introduction of new pokemon
>Removal of HMs, replaced with USUM gimmick
>Pre-Gen6 EXP.Share
>Rival's party scales with your own, so if you try and solofag your rival will too and have a tougher mon as a result
>No more dress up/ photoshoot gimmick shit, just a robust character customization that is supported by post game and competitive play (They host an official tourney and you get a t-shirt to wear as a result of participating)
>2 Regions
You can't put that level of racism in a kid's game.
Sequel to gale of darkness