So do you play videogames?

>So do you play videogames?
>Yes, but not the new generation of games for babies, i like the classics such as Final Fantasy 7, Pokemon (Gen 1-3), COD MW2, Halo 3, Smash Bros and Resident Evil

Attached: yeet.jpg (480x360, 27K)

>Not using those as a jump off point to show more niche, but related stuff
Get a load of this socially inept faggot

Nobody ever said that. Fuck of OP

What's with this board thinking OBSCURE GAME GOOD? 3x3 threads are insufferable because of how hard people try to strike that middle ground of "cool hipster" but with picks still jerked off enough here to fit in.

It's every thematic board, not just Yea Forums.

>More niche, but related stuff
I'm not the OP who's being a retard because of the "POPULAR GAME BAD" mindset. I'm saying if those game choices really bother you and you're interested in this person, it's up to you to help them or introduce them to something new. Don't you WANT more people to play a game you like?

I'm sorry to bring you the bad news, but people like you are cringe as fuck

>He doesn't have friends to share his interests with, so an anomaly in his thought process is categorized as "cringe"
I'm sorry, user.

remember the manthra:
new bad, old good
popular bad, niche good
western bad, jap good

why have an opinion when Yea Forums can dictate that for you?

Because Yea Forums is mainly full of tryhards

some time new is good (botw>every other zelda)
sometime old is good (melee>every other smash)
sometime popular is good (minecraft is 10/10 game)
sometime niche is good (minecraft was way better in alpha)
sometime western is good (Halo3 xbox360 version with split screen is a 10/10 game)
sometime jap is good (nintendo)

Just because people dont agree with you, you need a few lines to gatekeep.
Reality is you are an NPC with no soul/individuality.
Have a nice day.

The mantra that old games are better than new ones is simply not true. There's a higher volume of high-quality games and higher bar for high-quality games then there's ever been. Most videogame series' latest games are the best entry and I really don't think arguing otherwise is motivated by anything but nostalgia and a need to fit in by circlejerking overvalued 'classics'.

Why would anyone argue with you to the contrary when you've already labelled all opposition under the blanket of nostalgia? You've made sure that you'll always be validated by your perception alone.

Zoom zoom zoom

the absolute irony of someone who uses the newfaggiest meme and thinks he's an independant thinker
by the way you sound like a virgin who takes games too seriously. at least call me a sheep. ffs don't ever use "NPC" irl

no I don't seek validation from others. in fact when people I don't like say they like something I do it makes me like that thing less. I try to avoid ever mentioning things I like.

it's an attempt to demonstrate value and to fuel one of various complexes the poster has.


>minecraft was way better in alpha

>t. asshurt hunger autist
the game is literally entering a second golden age imo

>Bitches at me for autistic hipster nonsense that wasn't even implied
>Actually acts like an autistic hipster when it comes to their tastes
I can't imagine being so miserable. Jesus.

Just, because you disagree with it for some stupid reason doesn't make it less true. Everything you listed is true in 90% of the cases besides maybe the thing about niche games.

>botw>every other zelda
What retarded opinion.
Nevermind. You're actually retarded.

Because I know that the people that disagree with me aren't going to be persuaded even a little by a random anonymous message and will just "label all opposition and validate themselves by perception alone" much like the post below your's, so I may as well do it preemptively.
I mean, really though. Whenever you see someone making a post about their disdain for a popular old game, ESPECIALLY if it's about bad controls, level design or visuals, you'll see dozens of posts defending it with the same old tired excuses that all fall under the bracket of; "It was good for the time.". That's a clear-cut case of nostalgia influencing user's opinions if I ever saw it.

>do i fit in yet?

>knowing internal validation is better than external validation is hipster
lmao. I bet you subscribe to twitch streamers to hear them read you name ahaha

>creating a strawman to feel good about being an incel

Miserable cunt

What are you talking about? You're the one who's enjoyment of a piece of media is lessened by other people's enjoyment of it. Internal validation is one thing, but being so hipster that you have to dislike something just cause some rando does is fucking stupid and fickle. People grow out of that "It's mine and only mine!" mentality in grade school, you fucking retard.

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>ESPECIALLY if it's about bad controls, level design or visuals, you'll see dozens of posts defending it with the same old tired excuses that all fall under the bracket of; "It was good for the time."
What if you have it wrong though? Take one of my favorite games ever for example, DKC2. A lot of people these days knock DKC2's visuals, and it's very true that they look like rancid dogshit played at non-native resolution on an LCD, but if you view them on a CRT as the game was meant to be played it looks gorgeous and it was clearly a cut above other games of its time by using prerendered visuals and clever shading techniques to give the image depth.

To use another example, consider classic Resident Evil and how much people hate tank controls. Tank controls weren't "good for their time", they were good for the camera style of Resident Evil. Up always moved you forward, left would always turn you left, right always turned you right and down would always make you walk backwards. That never changed regardless of your camera orientation so navigation was actually made easier. The fixed cameras themselves were more than just a limitation like some people think, they allowed devs to frame each shot of the game in very specific ways to do stuff like highlight parts of a room, give a hint to a puzzle, obscure enemies, or lead a scene to create tension.

Stuff like this can't always be written off as nostalgia or apologetics.

>Tank controls weren't "good for their time", they were good for the camera style of Resident Evil
bullshit, free movement works fine with fixed camera. DMC for instance

>defending the pathetic state modern gaming industry is in
Embarrassing. Enjoy your unfinished games, glorified tech demos, kickstarter scams and mediocre first person shooters I guess.

DMC had a panning camera and there are still screens where the perspective will change and you'll swivel into a hazard because of the controls. Apart from that though, if you play REmake with the new alternate controls it completely demolishes the game difficulty

>do i fit in yet?

sheep and npc bring the same meaning to the conversation, my vocabulary changes based on where I am to convey my messages as fastest as possible. We both understand npc, so I used that.
Also nice projecting, Im in a relationship bound to be married soon and own my own company, but say whatever makes you sleep.

I dont dislike hunger at all, nice projecting.
I just liked the alpha mood and feeling of mistery mood more.
I didnt play minecraft in a long time, you could be correct about its second golden age and I simply not know about it.

Objectively wrong. Stupid person.

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>phoneposter has a retarded opinion
Imagine my shock.