How does Yea Forums feel about Visual Novels?

How does Yea Forums feel about Visual Novels?

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Dude wtf is this vn

I feel like they'd be infinitely more compelling if they were actual games

do I want to know?

I used to play them a lot when I was younger. There's a few gems but the vast majority of them are poorly written and padded with needless dialog to pad the length.

A bigger scam than point and click adventure. Atleast back in the day the gimmick was tits now its feminizm that and niggers this

read a book or play a vide game fucking faggots

have sex and read an actual book (from a western author)

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Is there a VN where the protagonist does not describe how he is feeling all the time?

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what the fuck am i looking at here

Reject Demon Toko I guess.

Based retard.

Mostly hate them outside of specific cases. Nothing wrong with the stories or anything, but I just greatly dislike the format in which they're presented. Something about just sitting there, clicking to continue dialogue for hours on end is dull to me. You could make the same comparison with a book I suppose, but at least with a book you can skim the more tertiary bits. Whereas a VN you often have to go straight through all text, in which try to "skim" by clicking through could easily move you past something important or even click a choice you can make in the narrative.

Often times the visuals are incredibly stagnant. Again, depends on the case we're talking about, but you can easily find VNs where you'll spend 5-10 minutes staring at a completely still image and background. Some make the effort to mix it up, add some small animations, changes in character expressions, but it's not always the norm.

Just seems boring in most cases. Some get away with adding in small choices or activities (Valhalla with the bartending is neat, and the task inherently lends itself well to a single visual background where you listen to peoples' issues). But most don't, or don't have a narrative that's compelling enough.

not video games

Worst of both worlds - shit game and shit book.

at the same time?

Ryukishi07 VN are good, but beside that it's just full of shit.

up to you bro


Not video games

>buying fake western VNs

please just read something that isn't a 100 page self insert isekai for your own sake

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Wittgenstein: The Visual Novel

Wonderful Everyday aka Subahibi

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reading is for fuckin nerds tho

Everyone talks about the bestiality scene but noone talks about the necrophilia or how disturbing the rape scenes actually are


Scary or mindfuck visual novels are really trashy.

They're books with visuals and music, therefore superior to books. What matters is what kind of book you're actually reading.
Today, when you read a VN, you're reading a cheap Japanese novel. The japanese novel scene is pathetic and there are only few good ones. This is partly due to how weird the Japanese language is, and partly due to how weird the Japanese culture is. They have great potential, and eventually there is going to be a VN explosion. We're not there yet, because the western ones right now are made by degenerate weebs to fantasize about their fetishes and social justice topics. This is entirely due to VNs originating from shitty Japanese culture.

>Often times the visuals are incredibly stagnant. Again, depends on the case we're talking about, but you can easily find VNs where you'll spend 5-10 minutes staring at a completely still image and background. Some make the effort to mix it up, add some small animations, changes in character expressions, but it's not always the norm.
Muv-Luv was great about averting this. There's literally always something happening on screen, and the backgrounds have actual detail to them too, including random background characters that still look like they could be main characters in a different story.

I can only enjoy vanilla+optional drama.

Go on

I thought I was immune to this shit but the rape scenes really disturbed me, this innocent girl getting bullied raped and driven to suicide unsettled me more than any other part of the vn

>this innocent girl getting bullied raped and driven to suicide unsettled me more than any other part of the vn

They're pretty big spoilers on a great eroge, but fine:

>Necrophilia scene
>A character dies early in the story
>One of the MCs is delusional and is fucking his waifu
>His waifu says that she needs to borrow someone's body to maintain a physical form or some shit
>He fucks her
>Afterwards the corpse flashes on the screen and he shrugs it off and goes back inside while feeling slightly uncomfortable
>(This isn't visible in the scene recollection menu though because it's considered as part of the scene after the sex)

>Rape scene #2
>One girl uncovers a secret in one of the routes
>The delusional MC orders his followers that she be raped
>The girl gets raped, stuck on a wooden horse, then crucified onto a concrete pillar
>Then they cut her down by her thighs
>BUT it turns out the 'girl' was a delusion of the delusional MC and the girl was actually a stuffed rabbit
>The game goes over the scene AGAIN and replaces the CG so it shows people cumming on a rabbit / fucking it / crucifying it / cutting it down by it's thighs while stuffing goes everywhere
>The scene is actually now hilarious

>Rape scene #3
>It's actually just a rape scene of one of the most kind girls in the visual novel
>She's in love with the delusional MC and is sort of interested in keeping her purity for him
>She is MERCILESSLY bullied inside and outside school
>She's drugged up, raped, and gasping for air by those same bullies
>The guys are feeding her ice (meth) to keep raping her
>Scene ends as she's lying on the bed covered in semen and barely enough money to pay the room fee
>Horrifying. You also see how she views herself as filth afterwards

>Bestiality scene
>Girl from rape scene #3 deludes herself into believing she's special and secretly a magical girl who was reincarnated
>She meets with some other girls
>One of them reveals she was bullied too into masturbating publicly but they raped her with a dog
>The bestiality part barely lasts a few seconds of dialogue

VNs are not video games in my opinion.

I love Phoenix Wright.

Is he gonna be okay?

Only Katawa Shoujo is good, the rest of VNs are trash.

I only enjoy VN with somewhat high level of interactivity like Ace Attorney or Danganronpa.

That's not necrophilia you fucking idiot.

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A lot of it isn't real. He didn't really fuck a corpse just like he didn't really fuck 2 magical futanari girls on a roof to save the world from evil energy.

You are such an idiot it's funny. Stop reading VNs that are way above your capabilities.

I'll have you know I read a summary of the Tractatus and I'm now an expert on the picture theory of language. Get back to me when you work your way up to complicated VNs like Katawa Shoujo and Hatoful Boyfriend.

This except I've been reading Cao Xueqin and he's pretty good. I seriously don't know any good Japanese authors though.

The best VNs are unironically better written than any western novel.

Isn't "visual novel" just a codeword for "comic book", made for manchildren who get embarrassed by reading comic books in their adult lives?

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Shut the fuck up, EOP. I bet you only read murakami shit and think every japanese novel is like that when in actuality his writing is fucking foreign to even Japanese novel scene.

Yes but in addition they also have really shitty anime "art"

No, it's codeword for "I want to read a book, but can't get into it unless there are pictures of anime girls".

Just finished pic related, pacing was terrible but main girl was cute
Also, I pretty much only read moege

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VNs are generally lazier and recycle the same picture five hundred times. They also sacrifice narrative to circlejerk self-inserts a lot more.
I can't think of a single VN as good as The Invisibles.


I've never seen a voiced comic book

Is there any horror VNs on the level of SnU?

It is ranobe with music and voiceover, and usually with dozens of illustrations. Forced sex scenes and tabula rasa faceless protagonists are the bitch of this medium.

but why will Tsukihime never get a remake though?

wrong board fag, this is for video games

That's Graphic Novel.


ghost trick and undertale are pretty good

here, I was mixing it with GRAPHIC novels.

Did he died?

There is a lot more depraved shit in books desu, so why bother
>Last book I read was about a time traveler that decided to abuse time traveling by going on dates with himself and having sex with his future and past selves.


Not vidya. cool tho

>ur such an idiot u don't unsrtand
>dsoesn't give his "real" version of the story
the safe way of being a cunt

That's a cool way to masturbate

Sanderson wants to talk to you

>waah waaaah! you're a cunt!
Haha, no surer way to spot a fucking idiot like yourself. Cry some more, moron.

>great eroge

That's the logic he used to justify it
He also felt it was wrong on some level.
Not because he was fucking himself like a normal human being would think, but because it meant that he was gay

>The best VNs are unironically better written than any western novel
This is your brain fried from jerking off to AMWF hentai every day.

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How does he get away with writing so many lolis?

>jew shit
no thanks

>from an western author

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Is this the one with the twins split in half and sewed together?

Haha fucking brainlet you are

>Haha fucking brainlet you are

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>dad walks in

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>you can choose your path in comics

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>what is CYOA

not him, who gives a shit if you can "choose your path"
you're watching/reading a premade story

Choices matter cuck
Not a comic book for sure

>missing the point


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>this is what /ss/ fags actually want

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I only play the finest nukige.

I love them

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Dramatical Murder was such a wild ride, but not nearly as wild as Togainu no Chi and Sweet Pool.

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>trying to make a thread during ausie and neet shitposting hours

I love moege. Its what keeps me pushing in life.

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>have sex

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Why are VNs so far ahead of video games in terms of storytelling?

there are a few good ones but most are copy pasted garbage

Is there anything more pseudo-intellectual than a VN snob?
>implying anyone other than NEETs and gooks read VNs

Keep seething idiot.

>Brandon Sanderson
>being this uncultured


Read the VN.


It's a VN with a big circlejerk of philosophy topics so pseud weebs who don't read books think it's deep.

Yeah okay but why did the events of the OP image transpire user

One of the kids that bullies that bullies the protagonist shows up butchered in the hallway for inexplicable 2deep4u reasons that would take a long time to explain here.

It's an interesting experience, that's for sure. Just don't be a huge faggot and act like it's the best kept secret in storytelling if you read it.

>take a long time to explain
I've got time, tell me how.

I don't. Google it or play the game. I don't give a fuck.

The worst VNs are unironically better written than any western novel

What is it

Wonderful Everyday

Haha, you're actually a brainlet. It's not even complex, yet you still failed to grasp the context of that part.

Things don't become true just because you keep repeating them.

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>Something about just sitting there, clicking to continue dialogue for hours on end is dull to me

that's why auto mode exists,

and yes, visual novels are still novels, the image and scenery is there to let your imagination fill the rest of the gaps, as is with the voice and music, the problem is that most of the visual novels are japanese love games, still, there are some gems out there that make you really hook into the plot

there are some Visual Novels that contains heavy gameplay elements enough to consider videogames, Rance games come to mind, Baldr Sky is a fucking blast


I kind of like VN elements in games, had fun with the story mode in BlazBlue. Never played a pure VN, though.

>if i insert random shock varue scenes into my VN it wirr be great!!

trash VN lmao

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>there are some Visual Novels that contains heavy gameplay elements enough to consider videogames, Rance games come to mind, Baldr Sky is a fucking blast

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You're too brainlet to defend your shitty child porn VN instead of roasting me.

There's nothing to defend when it's abundantly clear you're a moron who couldn't understand what was going on. An idiot like you is a complete waste of time.

I loved Zero Escape as a teen, but I think its really hard to have one thats actually engaging in some way and not cringey.

I played Ghost Trick last year, thats the best one but its technically still a game, you still gotta have game elements

>Zero Escape
Read the Infinity trilogy.

>Fifty Shades of Gray is deep guys
>you can't explain the main character's deep motivations?
>obviously you were too brainlet for it!
It's more like I just don't care but ok.

I love it when morons like you go on irrelevant tangents in an effort to prove a point. You're so stupid it's funny.

It's not irrelevant. VNs are on the same level as erotic fan fiction. Just targeted at lonely, brainlet fat guys instead of lonely, brainlet fat girls.

and they're just as touchy and fragile as their erotic fan fic counterparts, apparently.

Is Dostoevsky a western author?

You keep getting dumber with every post.

>muh moe gore porn

I've read maybe two dozen and only enjoyed four or so

Read White Album 2

Doesn't really seem my style, I'm more into the chuuni action stuff

I think they're fine, the ones I've read at least. Don't really know why they trigger Yea Forums so much