Handsome Vidya Men

Post your Vidya husbands.

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Is that how Ryu looks now?

How do I achieve a body like that Yea Forumsros/?

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R8 my favorite bois

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be a gorilla

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supremely good taste

although i'm much more partial to pic related

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Really good choice

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I want that fat turtle cock in my ass.

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claiming my underrated russian husband

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fuck, animations soon

>9S makes me drool

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Im going to kiss that troll

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Rpg with cute men when?? Ifan Ben-Mezd was cute but to both sexes I want cute man who likes other men!!!

how big is her cock?

>Rpg with cute men when?

When you decide to make one.

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I'm actually making one but it has furries


Fine with me.

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>RE4 Leon
Would be friends with.
Heh heh...I'm gonna miss that voice.

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12 inches hard, 8 inches soft


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not sure if I would fuck a homeless man

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What are some games that lets me go on adventures with a group of tough men and explore the wilderness and dangerous dungeons?

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Oddly enough, the only vidya boy I've ever felt anything for is Emil.

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Jesus imagine his dick. Must be huge by default.

>no troll bf

Protein mixed with heavy workouts it is easy

time, effort, proteins, lifting and workout.

he cute

just be yourself bro

The most handsome man to ever grace vidya.

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There are some really tall dicklets out there user
The correlation between height and dicksize is very weak

>Post your Vidya husbands.

very nice

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No homo but this is my husbando.

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All good choices but I don’t recognise the top center.

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2 inches and limp, traps are all dicklets

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>tfw you will never be Noctis’ paypig and massage his feet

Tekken has plenty of great men and Lee along eith Kazuya was always my favorite.
Now that I think about it, playing Tekken so much in my teenage years definitely affected me in that regard.

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>he says as he posts Astolfo

Astolfo is confirmed to be hung.

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What game is this?

>traps are all dicklets

Astolfo is a canon chad and most certainly hung

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Such a shame that brotherhood and the celebration of the masculine (Machismo) was taken over by faggots and furries, which they deserve to hang.

Abstract feel.

They made Leon too hot and it's not fair. Especially Noir Leon.

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Don’t have a vidya husband, but Leomon sure is handsome.

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Astolfo is confirmed be very weak, i bet he can't even get his little Astolfo hard at all

i have no idea who this character is, but must not be a real trap

traps have feminine faces, feminine bodies and feminine dicks

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Pathfinder Kingmaker

>Astolfo is confirmed be very weak, i bet he can't even get his little Astolfo hard at all
He's a canonical grail war winner, stronger than 99% of heroic spirits

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Monstrous Strength C-

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*put fingers to side of head as if increasing my psychic energies* i can tell from this post that you have a vagina but do not identify as female

astolfo is absolutely a toned chad and it's disgusting to see people in denial. cute stolf also.

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>astolfo fucking astolfo

That doujin was kinda lame to be honest

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it's pretty obvious he wasn't talking about absolute physical strength there, but how he sees himself, how he truly feels

Astolfo is very weak, made to be princesscarried

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I want Astolfo to princess carry me though


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i'll princess carry Astolfo, then he'll princess carry both of you

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For me, it's Asha.

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superior trap

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chrome from fire emblem


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No he's just a gaint fujo bait

Post more muscle men to drown out the traps please

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It's better if they have more boyish voices anyway.

>short hair

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Is that Kishan from WOW?

I love guys who have soft effeminate cute (but still discernibly male) voices IRL. I feel like it must be an evolutionary perk to get more attention from bifags or something.

No he's literally voiced by a woman. Though she does do it better.

Whoo boy, do I have a picture for you

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too bad the characters of Overwatch have more personality than the game itself

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sounds more male than astolfo's at least.


Quote two characters from the game right now. No ult quotes and no using google.

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Yeah you're right about that

Here you go, user.

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>"whatever you say"
>"it's in the refrigerator"
>"you're a chancer"
First ones that got in the head

where's the beef, user

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ugh those quotes are so generic

What is Overwatch's best quote even?

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A-MEI-ZING without any questions

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Ya'll the realest niggas in here

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You posted the wrong picture user lemme fix that for you

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old and busted
new hotness

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Well what's the name?


my pp confused

Hey, keep this nice thread bumped, buddies. I wanna participate, but I can't right now, and I will be here soon again.

Anyway, your daily tenth reminder that the tootie cutie Rotes is my husbando. Thank you for hearing me out.

Attached: the flauting giant walrus of love demonstrates his mass of passion and muscle to you, the boyfriend (437x449, 259K)

I don't mind if it will have plenty of big muscular men. I ended up dating Red Prince in my first playthrough for crying outloud.

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>You are smoll Astolfo is swoll . jpg

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>that benin vein

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In my experience, skinny twinks have big dicks


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>maskless roadhog
this should be a criminal offense

"""She""" probably has a dick so it counts.

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Is slap city dead?

>mfw i found the Skies of Arcadia doujins

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what happened to this game?

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