>its a Scout wearing lime green Tossle Cap and Fast Learner episode
I'm sick of seeing this re-run. These faggots running the show should get some originality.
Its a Scout wearing lime green Tossle Cap and Fast Learner episode
>it's a tf2fag thinks his lootbox p2w garbage is still relevant episode
I'm sick of seeing this re-run.
>it’s another demoman with an Aussie and a lime rasta cap with a pink floating hearts medic gf glued to his ass episode
>do this along with lenny binds, schadenfreude after every kill, and a strange scattergun named after a meme
>retards always get tilted no matter what
>play pyro
>people get mad when i kill them
every time
>it's a "soldier who jumps up and down while spamming rockets wonders how he got killed" episide
>pyroniggers reflecting my direct hit point blank every time
I know you are scripting, faggot
You're just too predictible
T. Never missed a reflect
The puff lasts a short moment so it's not hard, you just have to not shoot him with the rockets. You have exactly one class that can be considered a counter to soldier and they're generally regarded as one of the worst, don't complain.
People who main scouts with the lime loadout and Demomen/Soldiers/Heavies with pocket medics are hot fucking garbage. Imagine being this bad at the game.
>play demoknight
>slash at pyro
>pyro burns me
>keeps burning me but I outlive him because I have burn protection
>cut his head off
It's funny when you got a panicking pyro that forgets he has airblast.
>tfw lime scouts are easier to track and kill
El jefe is a god tier scout hat
absolute top tier taste
> 2 ref keys are never coming back
just kill me now
Why would they, the supply of refined metal keeps increasing. So inflation.
If keys went down then so would each hat, part and special weapon.
The metal market is a case study in hyperinflation and basing the economy on a good with increasing supply
how much they cost now?
Your rockets are not hitscan
44 refined my friend
Are there any good tf2 youtubers
Yes, lol no
literally everyone except gmodders and maybe lazypurple
fug this is me
Seconding this mostly, but what's wrong with FUNKe? He seems alright
>Laughs in Texan
>play piss sniper
>piss people off
best feeling
Hey anons I have 20 usd left over on steam after refunding a shit game. What should I spend it on? I know I need the laughing taunt at least.
Basically wanting tf2 to be more on the competitive side
based and bodyshotpilled
Though I probably shouldn't have put him on the same wavelength as Sound "LET ME RAISE THE COSMETIC PRICE BY SPEAKING ABOUT IT" Smith and Stary "I PLAY IRONIC WEEB SPY AND DRAW FUTA FURRY PICS" Krow.
Strange killstreak weapons for the classes you play the most, and maybe some hats
Yaboi Slender is good. Mr Swipez is a good spy, and fun to watch his videos. Would definitely recommend his Casual Cheating Spy II video, it's hilarious.
Lazypurple is eh.
Soundsmith is annoying and jerks himself off to Soldier mains and spergs out about the Deadringer. What I wouldn't give for the DR get taken back to pre nerf, just to watch Soundsmith shit his pants over Spy.
>Mr Swipez
I got fucking tired of him when he added too many fucking memes to his videos
You're not Doctor Lalve, stop trying to be Doctor Lalve
eh, I guess you're right. I just like to watch him trickstab people, especially when he telegraphs it so obviously and they still fall for it.
I like FUNKe but not because he plays TF2, he just seems chill and he regardless he cares a shit ton about TF2
But one key can get you like 20-30 decent cosmetics. Do you really want to throw that away?
>Rifleman's Regalia was at about 22 ref.
>released a video in on 9 March and praised it
>it's now almost 1.9 keys to buy
> I only realized this when I went to buy it
I spent the money on crates. I got a strange worth over 10 usd which is nice but it looks like shit. No capper since I have the lugamorph.
strange huntsman
>Spam huntsman arrows in the general direction of the enemies
>Get constant headshots
Is there a better weapon for making shitters rage?
I don't really care about TF2 competitive nor about competitive modes in general, but I don't really think that we should avoid or chastise TF2 youtubers for wanting to make it more popular. All they want to do is to just bring more attention to the game and make the mode a little less of a joke. TF2 isn't the brand new, shiny game it used to be so it's understandable that they just want to breathe new life into the game.
Anyone wanna play Roblox TF2 right here, right now?
gtfo underage
>not playing roblox
I think the problem is that good spies are a much rarer breed than, say, good soldiers or scouts. I know how to move against them, I have no idea what to do against an actually proficient spy (except holding S and shooting, but sometimes you need to just kill that son of a bitch). I meet them only about once in a month and I just get dominated because I literally have no experience.
targe is so fuckin based
>I tilt people by being obnoxious
As much as it hurts to say this, Spy might be the hardest class. Not because he's very skill demanding, but because he gets countered by simple things such as looking behind or firing at allies (which has no downsides because there is no friendly fire).
I'm not talking about trickstabs though. That shit can be learned in two minutes and, while fancy, it accomplishes nothing but getting footage for your anime spy montage #45.
Your usual run of the mill "trickstab" spy may be annoying, but actual spy mains are a fucking nightmare.
>Your usual run of the mill "trickstab" spy may be annoying
>mfw when one of them attempts yet another starstab
Please, stop, it works only with retards.
>is another episode of enemy spy accousing for hax because i hear his footsteps or see his water dripping while """invisible"""
it's all so tiresome. can you frogs at least try to be fucking stealthy for once?
Spy sappin mah post
>never use DR
>only use stock clock and backstab lone targets
>use revolver more often than the knife
What kind of Spy playstyle is this? And should I go the path of le epic trickstab and Ambassador headshot?
The actual playstyle spy was designed for.
>should I go for trickstab amby spy
This might work against anyone with less than 2h of TF2 (aka 90% of the playerbase), but people who actually know how to play won't fall for this shit. And it'll make you look like a retard.
it has its benefits
just buy one (1) key and you have the metal to make several fresh loadouts.
a good time for hat crafting addicts like me as well
I use bonk'd scout as a discount spy.
>get to the back of the enemy unless they got sentry in a really fucky position
>distract sentries so that the team may destroy them
Guess I've been playing spy the right way then. I don't even bother with disguises unless there's a sentry. And people ALWAYS underestimate the revolver.
>play piss sniper
>focus the heavy with a medic gf
>laugh as he just gets blown up by minicrits for the rest of the match
piss sniper is fun
People underestimate stock spy, period. Spies have abused DR/Amby/Spycicle so much people think it's norm.
>Stock knife has no drawbacks
>Stock watch is the most silent when decloacking, can pick up ammo while invisible
>revolver does reliable damage, no one expects suddenly getting shot in the ass when low.
>your mere existence will disorganized the enemy team out of paranoia
>the good feeling of not using crutches.
Nothing more amusing then making other Sniper mains mad or just the entire enemy team mad.
Also, the shock, awe, and disgust of people seeing 7500 kills on a strange one.
>Sniper is the most powerful class
Change my mind
Medic is.
>blu spy
>red demoman spots me trying to scout ahead and charges at me with critboost
>brace myself for death for it is inev-
>demoman blows himself up with a grenade while I live with 25 HP
Unintentional comedy is what I live for in TF2
>sold my big kill and strange invis watch
Probably for the best but I still miss them
If we assume that every player on every class has perfect skill then a team full of snipers wins.
t. thinks random crits should be removed
>chase a spy as pyro
>he runs to some stairs
>as he goes up the stairs, I just back up and stand back
>he jumps and tries to do a trick stab but realizes I'm not not there
>burn him and and taunt
Why do spies try to do this on non f2p players?
because they aren't smart
TF2 threads are cringy as fuck.
>implying that Sekiro thread number 825, DMC5 thread number 28515 and "Ebic Gaem store bad" thread number 62 aren't
Better than the autistic circlejerk that TF2 threads are.
Why does he has this fixation on Strange Weapons with latin names, did someone dominated him with a "Memento Mori" sniper rifle and he now has some kind of PTSD from it?
I fucking hate soundsmith and his stupid, whiney passive aggressive """humor"""
Might aswell try if you're about to die anyway.
because they're the epitome of tryhard to him and nope can't have that
How to counter trickstabs
>Don't track
>Go wide around corners
>Don't follow spies up ANY incline
>Don't follow spies off cliffs
>Jump when they jump
>Avoid melee fights if possible
>Check your back constantly
>Always check the scoreboard after you kill one to see if he is dead ringing