Who is your favorite Yandere Simulator Rival?
Some of the girls are pretty good.
Who is your favorite Yandere Simulator Rival?
Some of the girls are pretty good.
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I like Osana because even though her name is autistic, it sounds like a real name, and Osana represents things that The developer hates: Asuka, Tsundere's, and how he is never going to finish this god forsaken game.
Those are ugly character models
An enemy of YandereJewNose is a friend of mine.
They're bought unity assets from chinks who make anime characters.
I can't imagine making an anime character in 3 not ugly because of the godforsaken eyes.
I can barely remember them, the spoiled girl who does theater I guess
>FPS: 59
Did he finally optimize his shit code?
they have all the same face anyway
of course not. this is probably a staged/isolated area. on my PC with only one other model on screen i can get to the mid 60s, but it drops to the 20s if there are more people on screen
Yanderedev's biggest rival is the Update function in unity.
oh yeah her. You actually want to kill her
This game would be better without murder
but with more baked goods, of course.
Is there a compilation of yandev codeletism?
this game would be better if evaxephon died and the curse of bad programming habits would be lifted
This game is shit stop shilling your own product and go finish it.
Well, at least he's not writing a game that desires efficiency.
I mean everything here could be economized in bitwise operation and bitmasking.
Wife material
Bake for me and our babies
>max. 41 evaluations for one if-statement
Modern boolean algebra, everybody.
The real problem is that this big ass if statement isn't really unique. This is the longest one, but there are tons of things that check dozens of conditions when any coherent design to the code would fix this. the code doesn't use any classes, and each student has all the code for each other student, and stuff like this is run every frame for every student.
And when you consider the differences between students and types of students, this really is just not necessary and is going to make fixing anything, especially this god forsaken if statement, nearly impossible.
Who the hell cares about efficiency there, it's most likely not something in a tight loop so it doesn't even matter. However, the code, if it really is written like that (and not something compiler optimized) obfuscates the intent behind it. You don't understand what happens and why.
A cheap codemonkey probably could do way better than this.
>it's another round of shitting on yanderedev
you guys always get the party started when i'm about to sleep >:(
a cheap codemonkey would steal an answer off of stack overflow, but that would still be easier to read than this.
I understand what happens, and you're right, there's no need for efficiency, especially in a game like the one he's making. But imagine the snowballing and ANY OTHER bad programming setups he has, which if he was programming an AAA game, he'd be the reason why it would be able to run 12fps max, because of literally everything else he does being inefficient.
On the other hand, people only ever point out the readability of stuff like this. Readability is an amateur's ONLY observation on why it's bad coding. It's hard to read, but if that's all you can tell why it's bad, then you show yourself up as nothing more than a normie who spends more time at work talking to people at the water cooler than a guy who actually works.
>bitwise operation and bitmasking
A switch would be enough.
It's not like a bunch of manual enum checks matter performance-wise, it's just that it's an unreadable mess.
A proper way would be to OOP this shit and have compiler ensure all the cases are handled.
I am supposed to be wage slaving it now
this is a single 'if' clause how would a switch help?
I'm actually curious, i'm not very well versed with like, practical coding, i've only done it a little in classrooms.
>it's just that it's an unreadable mess.
QED. And my post came before yours. Give me a cookie for winning.
Everyone can understand what happens in that part of code. By "not understanding what happens" I mean that you cannot understand "why" something has happened. You need to be able to easily trace the cause to the effect. Which one of the disjuncts actually triggered the "chameleon" (whatever it is)? Or why is Tough yandere and Spiteful you trigger chameleon? You have no goddamn idea. Make a predicate table or abstract further to make intent clearer.
>people only ever point out the readability of stuff like this
I'm not really a "regular" of these threads and most of the screens I've seen were of small samples in the decompiled code. It's hard to judge actual architecture based on that. You're right that it's most likely a snowball of a bad design, but I don't see it from this one snippet.
>but I don't see it from this one snippet.
Oh boy, this guy is new to YanDev threads...
Well, then, /r/ing most egregious examples of his style.
I posted the first code snippet, but i'm actually also not a yandev thread veteran, so that's the only one i have. Aside from this one photo that details all the possible functions that gets run every frame because it's all the stuff happening in the update function in the student class, but It's not code, so it's really just something that makes him look incompetent for not using classes or inheritance or anything.
>this is a single 'if' clause how would a switch help?
It's a single 'if' on the outside, but you can easily split it into two:
>one that checks Yandere for null
>one for matching Yandere.Persona to triggers
The first one has to be an explicit 'if', but you can extract the first part of every one of those OR-ed conditions. Then you have a switch on Yandere.Persona.
This switch would be very readable compared to this mess and would also only check ~log(n) elements (C# does big switches as if they were dictionaries, not jump tables as in C/C++).
I forgot to mention the picture is too large to be sent through Yea Forums, so here is the imgur link
Have the optimized version and two examples of his code
Where did the comments in the second link come from?
dnspy kills comments was this something he released or a volunteer leaked?
God this game is so fucking ugly
I think the comments are from the one guy, who was hired to fix Eva's spaghetti code.
the artist who did the decent work on the characters on his website also left, so it how has bad 2d art and 3d art.
they all looks the same.