Oculus Quest at GDC

>resolution as high as the vive Pro
>inside-out tracking is flawless
>more comfortable to wear than the rift
>beat saber as a launch title
>cheaper entrypoint to VR than PS or PCVR
reminder facebook won

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For the normie market, sure. I'm waiting for a next generation PCVR solution.

>trash hardware which won't run decent games at even 14 fps


Based on the fact that if it's streaming wirelessly, you'll have a massive input lag, which will make VR horrible.
It'll literally be a Beat Saber machine.

>Streaming wirelessly

It's not connected to a PC at all, it has a mobile chipset within the HMD, it's basically the Game Boy of VR headsets.

Yeah, like I said. Baseless.

name one VR game that couldn‘t be ported to mobile hardware with some effort

>i'm a fucking retard please give me attention
>i'm going to go on the internet and act like a retard and make bold claims without any evidence

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Exactly. Everything has to be processed directly inside the little shit. That's why you know it won't be able to handle decent games.
Are you mentally handicapped?

Pretty much all of them, if you want to retain 90hz and Vive Pro resolution?

>without evidence
It's been anounced a long time ago, user. Do you even know what the Oculus Quest is?

Beat saber has sold over 1 million copies

>no knuckles
I sleep


>That's why you know it won't be able to handle decent games.
Literally everyone knows it isn't going to have ultra powerful hardware, you're just an idiot

Nigger, it's a standalone device. There is no wireless streaming, it's all in the fucking headset. And nothing's going to run at 14 fps because it wouldn't pass compliance due to making people fucking sick.

I think you underestimating how much computing power can go into small devices these days. The only reason desktops are still so big is room for user end accessibly, range of parts and airflow.

Instead of improving the technology they went for crowd appeal and normie market.
Fuck this gay earth.

>say it's going to be weak
>Wher's the proofs?!??!1
>It's right there
>Literally everyone knows that! >:(
Okay, little shill

Consider the price point and weight, you drooling retards. This thing isn't going to come loaded with a RTX and an i7.
It will be garbage, and putting your phone in google cardboard will just be one step away from the same experience.

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Day 1 pickup if I can play Sprint Vector and it's ~$300. The Oculus Go is $250 though so I'm not getting my hopes up.

>Keeps improving hardware
>Still no "killer" game to make everyone buy into VR
What's the point?

>capable of playing some of the biggest VR titles
>"it's going to be complete garbage and completely worthless!!"

I am in absolute awe at your delusion. No one thinks it's going to be as good as top of the line PC VR. What it's going to be is a strong middle ground between that and Google Cardboard. There are actual games for the thing, for Christ's sake, what the fuck else do you want from it?

It's gonna be $400. Who knows about Sprint Vector though.

The PSVR 2 head set is going to be wireless

Attached: Wireless-PSVR-Patent-768x438.jpg (768x438, 44K)

It's Mobile trash weaker than your latest Android phone. Need dedicated hardware to run actually good VR games.

If you're going into mobile versions then just make an AR headset. I want to watch movies while going back home from work on foot on my bike.

>It's Mobile trash weaker than your latest Android phone
It's an overclocked, fancooled snapdragon 835. Carmack says it's on par to last gen consoles in processing power, similair to a nintendo switch.
Sure games need to be ported and to get a game running at the resolution required for VR means a downgrade from last gen graphics, but it can still give you full on VR experience.

Here is ultrawings running on a less powerful Gear VR, that is neither overclocked and fancooled youtu.be/jRv9h-b3mkw

Attached: oculus go.png (1111x600, 713K)

It pretty much is a GearVR, you just can't replace the Mobile phone with a stronger one once a new mobile phone comes out.

>all these people that assume but know nothing

I'll be buying it day 1. Go was awesome but I returned mine when they announced this. I'm hoping for it to release this month but I'm not holding my breath.

There is likely no way you are getting custom Beat Saber tracks on this

wrong. It's dedicated hardware with smartphone architecture. All the processing goes to the VR unlike in mobile phones where many other things are running in the background.

Probably the worst part about it desu. Maybe they'll implement some sort of library.

Except it still runs Android.

your point?

With no other applications running in the background

Sairento VR is being ported and if that ends up decent anything worthwhile can

The only thing facebook as won is a slow death under the feet of the march of time.

>No porn
It's trash

A nintendo switch with the overhead of running VR stuff, yup it's trash.

There's porn. You're trash.

Such a crying shame the Carmack is working on this mobile garbage, and not fully fledged vr.

>Re-releases on a single VR device
We need less exclusivity and more open VR releases.

there is no money in even more advanced headsets.
You either lower the price of VR overall or it will never get games

Fuck the quest

i'd much rather a brand new PCVR solution that expands on what we currently have

>anything but dead

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You're wrong, but ok

The main problem is still the same as my standard Oculus. There's nothing worth playing for an extended period of time. Robo Recall was fun, but I finished it in about 10 hours and then I was done forever.

But I can get a F2P game on steam and dump hundreds of hours into it without hundreds and hundreds of dollars worth of hardware, so why bother

no I‘m not
PSVR outsold both Vive and Rift 4-5 times
same for oculus go


enjoy rebuying all your games in mobile edition
>unironically wanting Facebook to win
fucking zoomers

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better than htc

So how long after release will we hear about the first quest-related death?

>2-3 times cheaper headsets sell 10 times better
>HTC keeps making super expensive headsets that nobody buys
Really makes you think.

Heres a better question... who cares?

All I know is that cancerous trannies actually cheering for underpowered mobileshit to take over is laughable. Like holy shit, what is wrong with you people?
Facebook doesn't make money moving hardware in fact they're probably eating a loss, we'll see how their little closed garden attempt to consolify VR works. If we're lucky they'll carve out a niche with normalfag fanboys and abandon PCVR entirely to Valve and WMR.

Watch out for traffic bro, also try not to step in any gopher holes

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If you're dumb enough to be doing this kind of shit, you shouldn't be using it in the first place. Progress should not be held up because of these kind of people.

I'm still going to enjoy the news reports and screencap them for VR threads

Your gif needs spoilering. It scared me, user.

Face your fears

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still scary, but im getting more of a chill vibe from this one