Modern men prefer the one on the right

>modern men prefer the one on the right
...what the fuck is wrong with this site?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Right actually has a personality and is in a good game.

have sex you incel redditor

Better character in a better game.

Neither of them are wearing the proper protective equipment required to safely work on an automobile.
Smoking next to a fuel tank? Are you shitting me?
What part of my car is going to be fixed with a 36" crescent wrench?

Wouldn't trust either of these hoes to replace an oil filter.

Is that an offer?

They enjoy the fantasy of fucking an attainable woman.

because the right has a better personality,more chemistry form the cast, and from a better video game


DMCucks eat anything up

I prefer real looking women to soulless anime dolls

Right: Looks like an actual person you'd meet out in the street

Left: Unrealistic nazi incel fantasy about "muh pure white women" who never existed

The chick on the right looks ugly as fuck

Right is a goblina with tattoos. Left is my pure mechanic waifu.

I would even prefer Kingsglaive Luna over ingame one because even tho she is kinda ugly at least she have some personality in her look when ingame model is the most generic looking character ever created.

I like dark haired girls better than blonde bimbos

>who never existed

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Can't I like both?

But I prefer pic

Attached: 10c.jpg (1920x1080, 345K)

do you have two dicks?

Right is DTF

Left would have me running fetch quests all day

I prefer left but I don't cry when right is prefered. You're a whiny bitch.

Just one really long one

cool poem, OP

Americans are attracted to trailer trash

can you bend it?

I understand how you feel. People also defend the goblino Redfield and become huge faggots when someone posts an improved mod. I guess having less attractive women make them seem more achievable.

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The patrician choice right here

This mod was trash. I don't like Claire's new face but I also don't like Ayy Lmao looking characters.

>He doesn't use giant wrenches to change the belts in his fantasy car

Left: Soulless
Right: Soul

>carpet muncher who unironically calls herself the "scrap queen"

Looks a lot better

Attached: 1551143125726.jpg (1920x1080, 209K)

Avril is Trigger's bitch though

>someone else has a preference that isn't mine

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Cant I just hate both? They're both ugly and terrible characters.

When did you all get so anal about what vidya girl someone is or isn't attracted to?

It doesn't. It still looks ugly as all hell. Now she just looks more uncanny and the animations don't match.

Trigger is fucking the Princess
Probably while sky diving or something because they're both adrenaline junkies


>Right: goblina
>Left: Unrealistic nazi incel fantasy about "muh pure white women" who never existed

its about the future of the white race, if we allow young men to jerk off to ugly goblinos then they might impregnate one too

A lot of Cindy porn looks creepy and is hard to fap too.

Meanwhile Nico has a real girl to fap to

>Dyed hair instead of being natural blondes
Sad that you are so blind user

You are insane. I dont see anything wrong with her face. Maybe the animations dont match up, idk since dont have the mod, but she looks much better as a model. I dont see whats wrong

modern men prefer the one on the right

what went so splendidly right?

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Don't you understand how women feel when they have to look at characters more attractive than them? God you are insensitive

Soul v soulless

She gave Trigger a "Queen's custom" and gave his COCKpit a "nice shine", plus Trigger's the only one to experience the dark blue

I doubt many people here will reproduce with anyone user. If you care about that shit just work out and fuck white chicks

Why is "soul" so ugly?

>presented by Nadadekoko

Ah yes. The Japanese obsession "Nata de Coco" in the 90s.

she's cute but as a southerner her accent makes me cringe

its just an enhancement, nothing fake about it

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Girls with tattoos and freckles make my penis become the big penis

Some blondes make their hair a lighter blonde.

You have to remember over 60% of Europeans and american youth are a mix of black, hispanic, muslim and white
It is natural to be attracted to your own people

Is this what /pol/ fags actually believe? I thought they were supposedly smart

Realistic style was a mistake. Only Lady looks decent. Trish is ugly and Nico is meh, thank god they didn't ruin Kyrie. XV might be a bad game but girls are amazing, hope Roy will port them to Honey Select at some point.

But the fact is, gamers think it looks great
They love the great jaws
They love the Donte face on Nero
They love that you can see the saliva glistening on V's lips
They love fattie downie girls

This is the future of Japanese videogames

Middle is clearly the best

Good then maybe there will be less autistic, incel spergs like Evaxephon playing my games.

>Trish is ugly
i think she would look alright with her hair tied back, but for whatever reason they didn't want that.

I mean, game itself looks good even if too dark and gray sometimes. Realistic design on male characters also fine, Dante looks really good for example. But for girls they did a very poor job and as far as waifus go this style isn't very good. With more anime style like pre-7 RE games and CGI movies all girls looked amazing but now it requires much more efforts to tune the model into something attractive and it looks like devs don't really bother with this.
Her face is bad. Huge nose just makes her ugly and her mouth makes her look like some angry hag not some sexy demon girl. I still don't understand how her model made into final game, Itsuno must be hate her or something.

That other guy's stupid "nazi incel fantasy about 'muh pure white women'" aside, none of these beautiful women you're posting are mechanics or mechanical geniuses.

I'd love to, bend over faggot.

Nico is for marriage, Cidney is for pump and dump

Nico has soul, is funny and is in a good game

fan service doll with no personality
unique and cute

>Transbian thread.

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The scrap queen is eating Erusean Princess Pussy every day for dessert after that game's epilogue

I haven't played either game but maybe I can break it down for you.

Left is hotter but looks like a dressed up sex doll whereas right looks like a real girl you might go outside and meet.

This isn't a statement on which is hotter, I'd rather fuck Cidney or whatever her name is, I'm just saying one looks like a final fantasy character and one looks like a hot woman with an unfortunate smile. No I don't like her tattoos and yes she could be hotter, I'm just saying realistically if you got to fuck the one on the right irl it's really not anything to be ashamed of.

It's alright, kid, you'll understand one day.

I get it, you have a thing for crack whore

Do people actually like Nico? She's the worst character in the game.

you dont know?

That adrenaline junkie is fucking every girl he comes across, no girl can resist his moves.
McOnie secret best girl anyway

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>protective equipment
jesus you are such a fucking virgin

that's not lady/trish

Nico is actually endearing even if the accent is too hammy most of the time

Cidney is objectively better and is a more fun character with better dynamic with the other characters, more backstory and personality.

Nico is just bland americam girl like Felicity from Arrow.

Also both of their last makes have "Gold" in them, (Aurum is latin for Gold), but at least Cidney's last name doesn't have "stein" in it.

Attached: Cidney_Aurum_Render_FFXV.jpg (380x846, 55K)

The funny thing is Lady's face capture actress also was in FFXVs movie and her face used as a preset in the character creator for females in Comrades/avatar, and she looks better than Lady actually does.

Attached: final-fantasy-xv-crowe-altius.jpg (853x478, 152K)

Nico is just incarnation of weird fetish of some pervy chink cuckold who fantasizes about being humiliated by mean girl.

Judging by your screenshot, Lady looks better.

I like white trash because it reminds me of my awful druggie mother

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What's your source? Some faggot? Because that's what most of this site's users are.

says the person complaining MUH WOMEN ARENT SHOWING ENOUGH SKIN

Nico is literally Itsuno's fetish

Nico is so garbage I didn't buy the game specifically because she's in it

Left is the clear winner.

literally no fucking difference. go lose your virginity

they aren't

Left is a fuckable braindead bimbo and right is the mentally handicapped inbreed backalley redneck. Pick your poison

Why did he raise such a whore?

Attached: Cid.png (500x295, 210K)

Right is a real looking person

>who never existed.
Maybe in the US.

You keep using that word, but I don't think you know what it means.

Lady looks like a man compared to Crowe.

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>I like white trash because it reminds me of my awful druggie mother
When you say it "reminds" you of your mother, what do you mean by that exactly user?

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This entire thread is bait.
I checked.
You welcome.

Right is for men who have had sex

Mutts prefer a mutt.

>incels prefer the one on the left

Cid's son Mid married a rich woman named Melba from a rich area of keykatritch which later got bombed to fuck by niflheim and now all the remains of the rich area are just brick structures in a desert wastelsnd. Mid and Melba were both killed by Daemons who attacked them when in their car with Cidney in the backseat of the car, and ever since then Cid raised her. Cidney is actually pure and she hides her pain of losing her parents by pouring passionate engineering skills which became a love of making and repairing cars, mechs, machines and others, maybe by repairing the car she's subconsciously hoping to repair her lost parents. It's why she puts on such a pure and positive chipper attitude and acts oblivious when men hit on her by changing the subject to cars or her grandpa, but she is actually really guarded.

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I dunno, i wouldn't fuck my mother, but the accent, general trailer look and the smell of cigarettes make me nostalgic. Pic related is the closest a vidya has game to replicating my mom.

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her thick country accent makes my dick diamonds.

Who would I talk to around with?
Who would I put into an ahegao inducing baby making sex with from dusk till dawn?

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>I dunno, i wouldn't fuck my mother
user. When i asked what did you mean, why did you instantly any sexuel intercourse? And what do you mean by "I dunno"? Most people put that before anything they are not absolute certain about.

Attached: that guy again again.jpg (1280x1244, 282K)


She cute.

I'd fuck 70 percent of my mother

Right looks like an actual woman. Left looks like some weeb shit. Most people don't have a testosterone deficiency, unlike you OP.

2d > 3d

cindy looks like a real perfect woman

nico looks like a real ugly woman

Attached: Final_Fantasy_XV_Cindy.png (1440x809, 1.24M)

> car repair safety is the only concern when simultainiously driving through hell.

Nico looks legit traumatized, its only natural you would want to care for her.

There's something weird about asian girls with southern accents, idk

I don't "prefer" it. But I certainly don't act like I wouldn't fuck that.

Prompto pls

>taking advantage of broken girls with daddy issues

enjoy dealing with a cutter and her calling the police at 2AM because you didn't answer her texts


Left is a soulless fuck doll simply made for rubbing one out.

I'm a modern guy. I'd go 4 rounds with Cindy then do Nico tomorrow.

>White people don't exist!

>trying to act like a tough guy on the internet.

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>modern """men"""

Sure. Show me a man who'd take the trailer trash on the right over the woman on the left.

I bet Nico fucks like a tiger.

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I'd prefer to fuck left but I'd rather hang out with right.

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>Who never existed
True, white people exist only in fairy tails

>left is a fuck toy
>right is a person

We're not retarded like /pol/ is user

What's more pathetic, just claiming you would fuck right or pretending that's because of personality?

Sure you do, cowboy.

So they just made her jaw slightly smaller? Y’all niggas are fucking dumb

>What's more pathetic
You, for caring that much about other people's preferences.

>no u
Hmm, ok, I guess you are the third option then.
What's more pathetic, the claim, the pretense, or that weak ass bitchfaggot?

XV has you playing as a fucking faggot though, so point dismissed

Only makes it easier for some people in this thread to self insert.

Your the redditor here

It's prime shitposting time in Australia.

Don't make me cum on your forehead.

He is just cute. Faggot is your dad.


nico's van is canonically the strongest weapon in existence

only nazi incels prefer the left

>Nico is just bland americam girl like Felicity from Arrow.
didnt play the game I see

>nazi incels
Congratulations user, those are the words of the day!

I bet she's a sheltered jewish girl and the tats are thin-skinned rebellion

For me it's Lady

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incels argue over the most sexist shit, lol

you got that backwards

OP will never recover.

Bruh she even the nose holyshit

dmc is the gayest shit in existence

and dmc has only faggots

all itsuno does on twitter is like and retweet gay actual homo dmc fanart

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Where is the proofs, faggot, PROVE IT. Just one pic retweeted by itsuno.

Not an argument

The one of the right looks like Nigella Lawesome with terrible tattoos and if she had a mastectomy

See trannies btfo