Seriously. 6 years later and it's still in top 10 sellers every month.
How does it sell so well?
i bought it for the first time last monday.
it’s a good game
It's pretty garbage.
It's mediocre at best as a singleplayer game and it's probably the worst game in the series otherwise
1. normalfags love GTA
2. it's on 5 different platforms
3. muh graphix
there is literally no other sandbox game on the market
Opposite. Multiplayer is lackluster, single player top notch.
>they finally bring back rampages
>there's only 5
what a joke this game was
>single player top notch.
Most of the missions are turotiral for GTA online
running people over is never unfunny
Its legit top 3.
>3 because it was ground breaking for its time
>san andreas
>GTA 5
>vice city is kinocore but not as good as SA or 3
>4 played like shit
>who the fuck played 1
>chinatown because lol ds
it's fun for a while unmodded and it's good when you mod it.
I need to pick up 4 and see how moddable it is, because 4 had some funny physics.
>online multiplayer
>open world
>progression system
Shit sells itself.
PS4 and Xbox One are still selling and GTA V is one of the first games anyone buys when they get a console.
>add boring ass towing missions
>no vigilante
what the fuck were they thinking? thank god for mods
>be 12 or retarded
>buy the game
>get "mods"
>get banned
>buy the game again
Seriously, only NBA and GTA exist in ghetto black's minds.
>gta 2 that fucking low
london 1969 >>>>> 3=SA>2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 4 >>>>>>>>> 5
GTA 5 is great, fuck off.
jesus christ, now this is contrarian
london 1969 was fucking garbage, and 3 being equal to SA is a complete joke. Both SA and VC are basically just upgrades of 3 with much better atmosphere and open worlds.
its fun
It's such a juggernaut. I don't even think the next GTA will reach the same numbers.
basically a must buy when you upgrade your console so most ps3 people who get a ps4 automatically get gta