So... what's so special about this game? I'm around 8 hours in, and the game just seems like another generic JRPG. The only "different" mechanic to the standard turn-based combat seems to be the orbments, which are just a different type of equipment slot. There's not even any sexy fanservice. What does this game have that others don't?
Trails in the Sky
You won't think it's anything special unless you're the kind of guy who talks to all the NPC's.
It's a comfy sort of adventure game with a nice soundtrack. The story doesn't really change much until the 2nd half of the 2nd game.
Great character writing and a reasonably innovative combat system
Is only the first one on psp?
An extremely autistic fanbase of pseudointellectuals
Legend of hero games ar 80% buildup and recaps and 20% awesome story telling. Crossbell is the best in series but it still suffers from boring padding and recaps. The biggest issue with the series is that they are basically 50 hour episodic games that do very little to actually progress the plots in any meaningful way.
Mechanically? Nothing.
The series takes it's pride in building a coherent believable fantasy world that feels alive combined with above average characters.
Also good OST although FC doesn't really showcase that until the latter half.
FC and SC are on PSP but there's literally no excuse not to play them on PC, you can even mod the voice patch from jp only evo versions in.
Where does cold steel stand on the series ?
It’s the longest continuous game series from a story perspective. There are 9 games that are following what is essentially a single story.
It's a jrpg where you can just wander around and pretend you live in its universe. It has lots of plot and npcs always say something different. It's mainly for fans of jrpgs that play for the story rather than the gameplay. This is why a lot of people, including me, complain about it because they're nothing special since they don't offer anything interesting gameplay wise. This is also why people call them boring or comfy.
the worst by far in every regard. dumbed down combat, dumbed down quartz system, non stop boring as fuck free time segments that just pads your time with meaningless slice of life bullshit. its also 4 fucking games to tell a single story, and the story is not good. people just play it to debate waifus.
Continuity between games. All the games share the same timeframe.
it's a 'comfy' JRPG for retards
I've not played it simply because FC was taken off the GB Playstation Store while SC is still there for some reason. Some stupid licensing bullshit that never got resolved, it's so fucking lame.
Oh hey here come the resident CS haters.
Don't expect the game to make you feel like the average hero who saves the world. It's a comfy journey through a believable world where you have to complete even mundane tasks and help the people as a Bracer.
The game rewards nothing in the short-term.
But you definitely reap the rewards if you immerse yourself for the long-term.
It won't get better, dropped 35 hours in
You know, cutting a story into three games and filling the missing 75% of each game's content with filler doesn't mean you are doing continuity right, they could have made a single great rpg instead, but afaik they had money issues.
It's a boring series just skip it
The 3rd has little to do with the actual story arc of Sky, hence why it's called the 3rd. But how would you know since you dropped it.
I dont think its money issues, i think falcom is just really fucking terrible at writing stories. FC and SC were supposed to be 1 game. Crossbell was supposed to be 1 game. CS 1+2 was supposed to be 1 game. Most likely 3+4 were supposed to be one game as well since they released within a year from eachother.
I love falcom but they really don't know what the heck they are doing with kiseki. Everything becomes super inflated and they cant tell a story for shit.
Why would you recommend CS ?
It has Xseed flavor
Formally Xchuck
>trails in the sky
>you spend 99.99% of your time walking around the continent
>only sky travel is during 1 or 2 cutscenes
it's comfy. If that's not your thing then it's not your thing
You had to have played it like 15 years ago and still find the characters endearing. You're probably too old and jaded now
I think it has to do with the main game design. RPGs like this have a hard time connecting with people in the age of open world 3d environments. The battle mechanics being really trivial also don't help.
I find the experience best by shutting yourself off from the rest of the world and devoting a couple of hours to a session. I play with all my stuff on do not disturb so I can immerse myself into the game in a zen-like state.
1, 2 and 3 are on PSP. Although 3 is only in japanese.
>There's not even any sexy fanservice.
keep playing friend
So everyone who didn't start the series with it?
I'm not even vocally hateful of the game but it was still objectively the worst of the series.
I kept waiting for the game to give me an airship to fly around an open world like a final fantasy would. I was moderately disappointed when I realized that was never going to happen, and the entire game was just going to be a roadtrip around a big lake.