>went 3-15 in a multiplayer game again
How do I get robot NEET reflexes? I'm so sick of this shit.
Went 3-15 in a multiplayer game again
idk, but I fucking love scat
start abusing caffeine or adderall
post more
Lower your dpi to 800 and turn off AA
Cute ned.
Well will that work for chivalry :Medieval warfare?
How can Artoria even compete?
What game OP?
I really really love her color palette, mostly her eyes. Whoever designed her is a based madman
Best purple slut
Chivalry:medieval warfare. Man at arms class.
Nobody can
just git gud bro lol
>/alter/nigger is trash at games
>/fgog/ nigger doesn't even play games
>tfw started to pick up a fighting game for the first time
>a full week of training my hands to do the common motions on the controller
holy shit its like every hour my hands need a rest
just doing shit like 236B, 236B, 41236D consistently is killing me and then there are characters that have 6C charges and delays zzz
Koyama does girls well. At least when he tries and doesn't fuck up the faces, anyway.
Play more, and don't fuck with your control scheme, whether that be key/button mappings or aim sensitivity. You need to build up muscle memory. The difference between most people and these NEETs with nearly inhumane reflexes is that these NEETs have put in enough time that their muscles will react to stimuli on screen faster than those who have to cognitively tell their hands to press certain buttons.
I'm 28. Its over for me.
How so?
I'm 29 and still shitting on zoomers in bf4 and cod.
just set ur sensitivity up and click every 5 seconds
this is a legit strategy in chivalry
You're fine dude. It isn't until your 40s that your reaction time will start slowing down by an appreciable amount.
haha i hope she fucks that dog
turn your sensitivity down and stop panicking whenever you see someone. know the map layout and how everything works so nothing surprises you.
what a fucking shit fetish
lol retard, it is LITERALLY a shit fetish.
It's funny because she brutally trained Cu who is associated with dogs.
That's the joke.
Once you leave the noob servers it's 99.9% autoscripts. If you don't script you won't win.
I know mythology user
Suck dick, semen is a good source of reflex boosting nutrients.
That game is shit though. There's a reason it died.
>only one doujin involve scat
I'm so sick of this shit.
How Swole are you?
I believe I am as big as I can possibly get as a natty. I'm bigger than /fit/ Scooby but smoller than Zyzz (Who isn't a natty.)
Back to /alter/ you mouthbreathing shills.
It's goddamn trash, especially compared to his other shit.
Overrated fetishist trash.
>Bigger than scooby but smaller than zyzz
Dude, what
Scoobs is way bigger than that twink zyzz was
What happened to Reimu?
you dont want to get good, just stop playing videogames while you still can, RUN
I posted this
Why didn't you tell me to go back? Do you like tiddie? I hope so fag.
>needing skills or reflexes
I hope your post is bait
Saber should really have a Welsh or Cornish accent or something.
someone's mad
By posting that picture I assume you have an incredibly low IQ, which is tied to poor reaction times.
They only "play" anything with autoplay
I'm 30 and my reaction time not as good, but still good, just need to practice x1.5 times more than I used to. Some might need to practice more or move to other hobbies ;^)
Keep going, keep playing. Getting good at things takes time. When you die, think about what the other person did right and what you did wrong. Analyze your own play.
>playing Furi
>barely parry some of the enemies' attacks
>Realized I had terrible input lag since my college laptop is so shitte
for a moment thought I was getting rusty
Sad fact is you probably won't ever be good, you can do some stuff like not using a retarded sensitivity and a large mouse pad. But normally you don't need to ask for help to realize you are missing shots because of your sensitivity. Some peope simply suck and will continue to be bottom fraggers for ever and its just because they lost the genetic lottery. The sheer amount of people that, go and copy a csgo pros set up and sens and everything and spend hundreds of hours on aim maps and still are like novas or maybe a bit higher is unreal.
to get better at anything you have to constantly push yourself beyond your current limit. you have to play every game like your life depended on it. no second can be wasted, and you can't turn your brain off and play on auto-pilot, you have to constantly re-evaluate your situation.
think of a goal that you believe you could never possibly accomplish at your current skill level. now play every game like you are trying your hardest to achieve that goal. while you won't reach it, you will likely reach a milestone that is beyond your previous performance.
also, eliminate anger, anxiety, and frustration from your mind when playing, as these are usually the biggest traps. people who get mad at video games only play worse.
Fuck. I should have gone to wal mart or something for physical copy. Fucked up buying digital and now I can't play.
>people who get mad at video games only play worse.
Don't tell me what I do. This isn't even a "I'm totally better when I'm drunk I swear occifer" thing, my non-existent self esteem means often making more optimal choices when pissed off and wanting to annoy people back rather than just rolling over like a bitch.
yikes, spoken like a true shitter
>usually complete trash
>stop paying attention after a few games
>notice I'm doing well
>immediately go to shit again
Every time
Bump mate
Just... let go. Stop thinking. Open your eyes wide and let the zone take you. Concentrate on the sensation of your fingers pressing buttons, rather than playing the game itself.
Just look at the screen and let your reflexes solve it for you.
If you get emotional, you've lost. Calm down and don't think about performing well. Just do.
fucking feet fags
Having kids with Sensei!