Do games make you less moral?
Do games make you less moral?
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I guarantee that lawyer sleeps just fine ontop of their giant stack of money.
bottom panel = EPIC gamer moment B)
lawyers don't care about if the defendant is guilty
their job isn't to prove their innocence, just create reasonable doubt which is absolutely ethical
I once was given the task to turn the conviction of a dude that raped and cut to pieces a couple of child sibilings. Never cared, I don't make the Law.
engineers dont have moral conflicts unless they create selfdriving cars, robots which replace humans or weapons
Good lawyers don't care about "ethics" of their clients. If paid by a client for counsel, then they should make a bargain with prosecution if defendant is blatently guilty.
I added a fang to this wojak, I was going to post it last thread but it got pruned.
You can praise me now.
Feels good being in a field where emotional interference from an inferior human mind doesn't change the laws of physics so solutions to problems have to be objectively correct ones otherwise they fail.
Pretty sure engineers have the same sort of ethics that doctors do. You have to take classes and pretty sure there is some sort of ethics review body or something.
>Lawyer worrying if their client is guilty
What a shitty fucking defense attorney. Take it from a defense attorney, no one actually asks themselves this working in law except the prosecution.
Imagine the engineers that fucked up the Challenger
Video games aren't a profession so this image doesn't make any sense
I'm pretty sure doctors and lawyers are too bogged down with the less glamorous parts of their jobs to give a shit.
Is this comic strip seriously trying to make fun of engineers? They are no less important than doctors in our society.
Where's the mathematician furiously working and doing drugs in the last panel?
>engineer: white male
I see a pattern here
If they want to be a licensed P.E., this is true.
I had to watch and write about this, for example
Unless you're a software engineer then it depends on how many medals and upvotes you get on your answers.
Did he get his conviction overturned? Why/why not?
I always figured it was like this. Easier to provide a vigorous defense if you wholly assume they're not guilty yourself, and you're also not fighting your subconscious.
Try not to get too triggered, Erwin.
is the engineer laughing at how many people he's killed?
>what if my client is just guilty
doesn't matter, if the fucking cops cant do their job then the accused shouldn't get convicted based on hearsay bullshit, evidence obtained through shady and completely unethical means, and circumstantial "oh well this COULDVE happened" nonsense. I dont care if it was a nigger that sliced up a trillion babies, if the cops cant be fucked to bring in the knife that sliced up the babies and conclusive proof that he was the baby slicer than he should walk.
I figured the only docs who any pangs of remorse were surgeons and the rest genuinely do not give a fuck. "I got through 7 years of med school, go fuck yourself" mentality.
Lawyer should be stressed about getting results and the fifty billion hopeful idiots, lining up like wolves on their position in the firm if they fuck up.
Engineer should be crying about nogf
>bogged down with the less glamorous parts of their jobs
that's what nurses and paralegals are for.
>Lawyer has a conscience.
Top kek.
You ever worry he might decide to take it out on you if he doesn't get the conviction turned? Break out of prison and take revenge etc..
I don't know, but I'm pretty sure he's still fucked: it was obvious he was guilty, it's just the Gov throwing money away to make sure " Justice" is served (I was working with public gov attorneys and dude was poor). It's your typical anarcho-tyranny. Did my best, because that's "the right thing do".
itt: sociopaths
I can picture it for public defenders, they get paid shit and still do their job with some care
>implying some pajeet is giving a fuck about if he murders someone
>implying some big tittied slut is a lawyer
>should I use this alternative material that is slightly less durable but costs less?
*space shuttle explodes*
>should I present data about these rare extreme conditions in my report? It makes my company look worse
*bridge falls into the ocean*
welcome to the party!
Though I've always wondered how prosecutors feel when the evidence against an accused is weak, the case shouldn't result in a conviction, the higher-up's say to continue prosecuting, and the jury has a brain fart and gives an unsafe conviction contrary to the evidence.
Kek, no. I really did my best anyway, but it's more of a " for Englishmen to see" thing: it's the law and we do it ( the best we can, really) because it's the law and, all in all, people deserve the best defence. Anyway: " iura novit curia".
Well the law, ideally, should be impartial and dispassionate. Same deal with medical practice.
Objectively correct solutions to subjective problems, maybe
Yeah there is a few out there
I can't find Gilbane Gold on a video site right now.
criminal defense attorneys make jack shit, enjoy trying to squeeze money out of a nigger. Even worse if you have him on a payment plan that goes on after a conviction
Challenger wasn't the engineers fault. The engineer knew that the conditions for the challenger launch were atypical and some of the gaskets were probably not going to be working correctly. It was brought up to management that it was dangerous, but management decided to ignore it because postponing the launch would make the company look bad. So they launched and it blew up and killed all the astronauts, but at least they saved face that the launch was on time.
What you really don't get it's that, not only people deserve the best defence they can get, it's really fun to push yourself to do the best (defence) you can against all odds. I alwaya end up laughing when I'm doing defense for an obvious pedophilie rapist: my arguments are right, I just want to do the best I can for my ( obviously guilty) dudes and I know the judges will only cringe and have to make do against me.
Braindead posts
why do they hate white men so much
Pretty much this. It's more for the fun of argumenting and really soing your part in the Justice system.
There's a video by the investigation team that puts it better.
Honestly I don't even have that mindset. The fact of the matter is most people I defend ARE guilty to some degree with what they're being charged, but that should mean nothing to a defense attorney. My job isn't to worry about if someone is innocent or guilty, it's to make certain they're given a fair trial and are defended as vigorously as possible.
Besides, even if they are guilty of, say, owning some cocaine or something, the prosecution will hit them with as many charges as possible. Sure maybe I'm defending someone who was in possession of cocaine, but I'm not going to let them be convicted for other bullshit that's blatantly untrue.
Based engineers optimizing their time use instead of pointlessly worrying about shit that wont actually have any influence on their lives or future decisions.
Because they are the most free and self-suficient. Do you really want to break free from the parasyte. Daddy known as Gov? Give it your money, it knows what is best for you.
No you weren't you filthy larper.
Not him, but what about Apollo 1? Thought to be fair to the engineers, it is hard to think that Velcro is flammable.
hyaha now it's a TRAP LOL
>lawyer having any conscious at all
Pfffffffffffffffffft thats the real punchline here.
>What if my client is just guilty
That's not how it works, though. If the judge said her client is not guilty, then he's not guilty. And if he's not guilty, she did her job clearing him of unjust conviction.
OP doesn't know how law works in any civilized country, probably because he's a fucking retard from a third world shithole that thinks honor killings and beheadings make more sense.
The dude raped a brother and a sister aged less than 13 in bum fuck nowhere country Brasil. After he was finished he cut them to pieces. Was conivicted for our maximum time of 30 years; about 12 years after he asked for Revisão Criminal ( the thing you ask after all apeals go nowhere but there's new evidence). Public attorneys do it freelance ( pay per defence, I guess). I did it. The one I couldn't handle was the one where father fucked his toddler daughter with a screw driver ( or something like that). Toddlers are off limts to me (there were pics).
>Astolfo reference
>Fang has a defined edge against the lip
>he thinks that this is what doctors and lawyers think
Literally every doctor I've ever visited just treated me like a piece of meat to be fixed so he could get paid by my insurance company.
I don't know what happened to Apollo 1. The other shuttle crash I know about was a software engineers fault: the computer that powered the thrusters used some sin calculation to know how to angle thrusters or something, but the value put into the calculation underflowed and turned into 0, so the computer told the thrusters to turn basically upside and the shuttle flew into the ground shortly after takeoff.
Was it a matter of money and time you could not do it without people in it first?
>The one I couldn't handle was the one where father fucked his toddler daughter with a screw driver
Huh, did he ever explain why he did it?
Mate, Indon't even like to remember: I told my buddy toddlers were off limits to me ( he always took care of them for me instead), fucker was asshole enough to let me know what it was about. My friend, but I'll never forget that he did this to me.
defense attorneys don't think about that shit, they defend guilty clients because they get paid
No, I don't sleep, there's always something to do
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you and fuck you. Kys
It's a great one, am I supposed to be mad at this?
Somehow this doesn't sound all that novel to me.
Subhumans are naturally sadists. This can be seen everywhere, from Yea Forums, through brown people beheadings videos, ruskie forests filled with hanging animals, brown and slav schools.
Deriving pleasure from someone's suffering is the second most subhuman trait possible, the first one being literally incapable of comprehension.
We need eugenics. Not to make more money or better robots, but so that people aren't tortured into subhuman vermin, and that those who are now born subhuman vermin don't have subhuman children.
There's nothng subhuman about sadism.
my friend is a defence attorney and he describes his job as not defending people but defending their rights
whatever makes him sleep at night. sounds like a shit job that but someone has to do it
>i'm not a rapist
Yes. You are pretty much on the spot.
Does this thing actually happen or is it a total meme?
I know "certain types" capture every instance of it to blow it out of proportions, but it sounds incredibly rare in nature.
It sounds like the left's equivalent of annoying vegan stereotype - every normaltard knows the memes, but no one can show any examples from their own life, only internet memes.
Games for this feel?
No, it was just an oversight, no one realized it would happen. Software should have been tested better. There was a thing during the gulf war where a scud missile didn't get shot down because the anti-air missile used software that didn't calculate position correctly due to other floating point bullshit, and the missile hit a barracks and killed a couple dozen soldiers. It happens.
Oh, fuck, it's not shit for most people that do it: it's fun to exercise your argumentation and coming up with a defence.
user, we are all people ( himan beings). Some are more fucked up due to all circumstances; remember: if you can feel empathy with a crippled lion abandoned by it's mother you shoud too to feel the same about a fuck up: he'll get convicted and never live a full decent life as any human. being should, but we (defence ) will cut some slack for him ( "parquet" and judges already want to really fuck him up).
It's a bubble
Nothing makes you anything. What you take from your experiences, and how you move forward are what matter. Now you're watching the worst show on television.
>"I got through 7 years of med school, go fuck yourself"
My sister is a doctor, can confirm this.
god shut up you loser
>if you can feel empathy with a crippled lion abandoned by it's mother you shoud too to feel the same about a fuck up
The best sympathy one can show for such a broken being is not wanting to create more of those.
The sadists already breed by sadism. Victims of sadistic behaviors lose their empathy, children raped by priests are more likely to end up rapists in the future, even victims of less horrible abuse become more likely to abuse others.
The best mercy one can show is a mercykill.
I've known too many people to break that cycle. Often times it comes down to access. People without the opportunity to receive help, won't, and will probably only get worse. Obviously, there are exceptions, but an attempt certainly needs to be made.
So you are the problem with BRs
What is a man?
A miserable pile of secrets.
furless furfag, furfags arent people
user, I'm all for Eugenics and assisted suicide, but if it started the process of Life (especially if not having any defense against), and it's living (even without discerning of Will) I will sympathize and defend.
pic related
>does that make his death my fault
letting someone die != killing someone
what a fucking retard someone has to be to not grasp this
I've already bought "The Ego and It's Own", but from what I've read (not only from my unfinished read of the book) Stirner is for people living in harmony with each other, even in (and mostly due) to and egotistical way.
It wears on you man, it really does.
1. you got the wrong translation
2. union of egoists is an entirely rational way of living and people do it all the time without even realizing it. So yeah, through rational decisions what can be considered "western morals" can arise.
It's the idea of nice guys thinking they're owed something, stereotypically like sex. Less typically it's the macho copout of "I could have killed him but I didn't" and more creepily the "I could have taken advantage of her but I didn't". That last one was actually the plot of a trending facebook video that was supposed to be like a romantic comedy, but the romance stems from how much of a gentleman the sober man was for not raping the drunk woman even though he thought about it when he saw her passed out. Had a friend get upset that the waitress he gave tips to and was friendly with didn't rebound with him when she broke up. He was pursuing someone's girlfriend and she's the bad guy. It's a stereotype for sure though because of course not all men are like that.
Don't know any annoying vegans though. Their veganism only comes up when we're deciding what to eat.