Play Dota 2.
I did.
Probe is the best.
Moved on.
>Play Dota for retards for retards
I'll pass
How dead is hots after they pulled the plug on the esports scene? Are queues noticeably longer? No difference? Asking out of curiosity since it really did seem like they were the last team at blizzard that actually cared.
This game is deader than your Hopes and Aspirations. Not only are you playing a MOBA you are playing fucking HOTS.
Do you enjoy being this much of a failure OP?
Uninstalled it and never looked back
I think it lost like half the player base
does yrel have a slut skin yet?
HotS has the best women of all the MOBA games.
Only things it is missing are a hot goblin/orc woman and a monster woman of some kind. Kerrigan doesn't count. Too human.
i did for a while then i got bored and stopped
it's nice when you just want to turn your brain mostly off and casually fuck around with some friends for a while
especially if the skill difference is way too large to play dota without somebody ruining somebody else's day
that's suprising
hots esports is so terrible and boring i wouldn't have expected anywhere near half the playerbase to care about it
this is extremely retarded
people whose dicks get hard looking at warcraft shoulderpads are just about on the same level as the furries who jerk off to disney's robin hood
I never said it was a good game or that I play it.
It just has good looking women in it.
I thought this game was cancelled.
No, Yea Forums memed that but that's not what actually happened. They just canned its esports scene and moved some employees from it to other projects.
Not just some employees, it was about 75% of the development team.
There's a skeleton crew left.
Skeleton game, skeleton crew.
Unironically dead game but it was fun while it lasted
It's not just esports, Blizzard pulled most of the staff from hots to """other projects"""
I actually liked HOTS when the stealth characters were actually cloaked, not HIGHLIGHTED.
So many tears as Nova, then Zeratul, then the rogue girl.
Split pushing as Azmodan worked till Diamond, lol. Not that I give any shits about ranked.
Welcome to my filter!
tried going from league to hots and the game felt like hot garbage
league's live design team is full of people (if you even want to call them that) who should be fired permanently but god damn did hots suck in comparison
I did but then I realised the only reason I played was because of Alexstrasza
Esports would not affect people playin the game, que times are the same as always quick.
It's the only good moba with characters worth a damn and no items or farming phase
>it's the only good one because they dumbed it down for literal retards who hate variety and having to think
>no items
are you playing a moba or are you playing tdm with a moba pov
i stopped playing really because all the bullshit coming out of blizzard didnt really deserve to be supported
Here's the thing, after 1k autistic hours in DotA I just don't have the willpower to deal with all the bullshit anymore.
Is it a better game? Obviously.
The DotA esports scene is still THE ONLY one with any amount of soul to it, everything else in the genre and adjacent to it (COUGH overshit COUGH) is corporate garbage propped up by clueless investors and manufactured player interest.
So I go to my HotS retirement home to sit down for 20 minutes and mash away with easy to understand abilities and characters I grew up with.
>make moba
>remove the only fun features that mobas have
>apply the same bland cartoony style you've been using for the last fourteen years
>expect an esports scene to emerge from it
They specifically pitched it as a casual pick up and play take on the genre so I have no clue why the fuck they tried to force an esports scene onto it
Is that why wow and overwtach is noticibly worse? LOL
why play a dead game when even fucking Smite is doing better
I'd play this if it didn't force me to install a "patcher service" that always running in the tray even when I don't have the game or launcher open and restarts itself any time I close it
I switched from HoTS to DoTA 2. Holy shit I regret wasting my time on HoTS. DoTA is way more fun and less aggravating. HoTS ranked is full of unholy dumbfucks and the objective based maps are asinine garbage that rob the game of any individual play.
>played 5k hours of dota 2
>quit it for a year
>play hots with friends
>everything hurts
>why did I just lose the match upon loading in because the game didnt give our team any front line heroes and 3/5 of my team is hard countered by their heroes
>why do none of these heroes have any depth
>what is even the point of laning stage. this is so awkward. why is that guy dying in a 1v3 lane when he doesn't even need to get last hits and just needs to stand still to collect xp
>okay cool we pushed all their keeps and got some kills
>wait why are we the same level
>at least a new hero comes out soon
>15,000g to purchase them
>go back to dota
my god what a garbage game
Dota 2 and HotS are the only mobas anyone should play
Dota 2 is an actual moba with good and deep mechanics, it'll take a while to finish a game but due to the depth of the mechanics it'll be satisfactory
HotS is the perfect casual moba, no deep mechanics, short games, lots of different map objectives. Great for just some short casual fun where you don't have to stress too much.
LoL and basically all other mobas I've seen combine the worst of both, mechanics as deep as a puddle and game duration that matches Dota's.
Of course my knowledge of anything moba related is years old, and no one should be touching that pile of shit genre anymore, but that's how I saw it.
Dead Game
I played HotS only to play as Abathur, fun as fuck hero. Really wish he wasn't stuck in a game that also has annoying shit like Garrosh, Tracer and Genji
I do agree, but the thing is that at one point hots tried to become a SERIOUS BUSINESS NO FUN ALLOWED ESPORTS TRYHARD GAME, i think somewhere around Tracer's release and everything went to shit
It's probably then the game started actually dying
keeps your garbage out of lolg thanks
can this thread reach bump limit?
>retards shilling dota 2
lmao this game is a pile of shit with the worst community ive ever seen in a video game
Both Garrosh and Tracer were nerfed, they aren't that strong anymore. Genji requires you to have a lot of skill to dish out his damage now.
It's objectively the best game in the genre and once you get out of the retard beginner matchmaking pools people aren't douchenozzles because those people are all stuck in low prio
Convince me why I should have a bad time on purpose?
and how are you supposed to get out of that retard beginner pool when this pool is only smurfs and retarded russians who will yell in the mic and leave the match because retarded russian #2 didnt put a ward where he wanted
With the mute button
i'm suprised actiblizz's retard management didn't try to force an esports scene into diablo 3 to be honest
garrosh was one of the only fun tanks in the game
probably because he was the only one with abilities more impactful than "stun a single target for less time than it takes to blink" or "slow some people by literallynothing% in a tiny area"
Dota 2 is shit though
correct opinion
are they gonna rework the lost vikings
guess i'll reinstall the game to grind the new loli hero and buy this semen demon skin
Just started DoTA ranked this month.
Most of my games are pleasant. Blazed from Herald 7 to Guardian 5. Should be out of Guardian soon. How the hell do you have problem climbing?
more mommies please
I want to marry and impregnate Alexstrasza
I would if they'd add allchat.
she looks like she fucks green guys
I'm not playing this game ever again unless they add back KTZ's ability to chain on structures
Play dota auto chess.
Did they get rid of Abathur yet? No? Then no thanks.
Stealth is a mistake in MOBAs, it just leads to a bunch of problems, always.
I'd rather look at a bot play Runescape
Same level of player interactivity
The pain won't go away. Why the fuck do I feel this way. It's just a fucking video game. Why do I feel like a member of my family died
The game literally still exists and they're still releasing updates for it, another event is currently up on the PTR and coming to live soon. You can still play and I doubt blizz is gonna end service anytime soon.
The only thing that died is the tacked on esports, which is good riddance anyway.
I love my Draenei wife!
new event
Mabey, probably not.
On one hand I miss the complexity of Dotas items and heros in comparison. On the other hand I like HotS different maps and style of gameplay.
Dota 2 also has a lot more engaged player base in games, more willy to talk about and work in strategys. On the other hand its way more quick to turn "toxic" with team mates being at eachothers throats even in winning games.
HotS also is pretty compelling because it has Abathar. Then again Dota has Phantom Lancer and Invoker.
i'll play my fiddle and you can dance to the tune
Orc Johanna is pretty hot, it's just a skin and not a dedicated orc character though.
Well you have to remember the announcement also came with the announcement they will be "changing the cadence of updates", basically stating the game is going to maint mode like Diablo 3
wtf is the theme supposed to be, anime event?
>moba so dumbed down that the fight game niggers and spics on Yea Forums can play it
Lazy bait try harder.
dota is based and ricardopilled
kys nigger
I know what you're going through, I've also suffered with nerfs, but no matter how hard it is we have to move on.
i thought blizzard abandoned it already
basically in life support now
oh so kerrigans too human?
can't get your dick hard for zagara?
fuck you.
Looks like Neo-Tokyo
No after how they fucked up Imperius.
It essentially is. Whether or not you think its good or retarded eSports is a big way to gain players for a MOBA. Blizzard pulling the rug out from underneath the scene was a dick move and them saying it's basically on life support killed any growth the game could have anymore. Since the Christmas event where that shit was announced there's been a hero and 3 skins added in 3 months.
It's dead, Jim.
>Esports would not affect people playin the game
Untrue, for some reason people actually care quite a bit because it looks like the company is dropping support for the game.
Best part of SC2: HotS. In fact, the only good part.
play hots!
>skeleton crew meme, while 5-6 people out of a ~100 actually got moved
>people complaining about their past experiences in Quick Match, which translates to "random map random comp random random", and expect it to be good. Play shit mode, get shit experience. If you wanted some balance you'd go with unranked draft.
>why play a ded game with ded characters with ded franchises of ded? the majority said it's ded so it must be ded ded ded
>People overreacting to a ass-pulled dick move blogpost about discontinuation of Hots e-sports, which resulted in ded game bandwagon
>muh last hitting and buying items for first 20 min makes me smarter than soaking exp/doing camps/ganking between timed objectives because hots uses talent system
What's funnier is that due to that one blogpost, most of those who streamed mainly hots, jumped ship to other games and now are litereal nobodies with almost no views, with a few exceptions. If they stayed they could've had a loyal viewerbase but nah, let's throw all that into the trash can, surely i'll do better in lol!
Just yesterday after unusually long silence(2 months, that's what it takes for modern players to become super impatient, and then jump ship apparently), PTR hit with Ranked mode changes, new role system (no specialist autist role), announced on blog 3 skins, while we actually got 5~7 (one is a tint for an older skin), and 2 quite large character reworks (Chromie and Lucio). It's better to see everything for yourself, than being spoonfed. And by see i mean in-game since links below are just walls of text.
what they did with imperious?
>>skeleton crew meme, while 5-6 people out of a ~100 actually got moved
Only thing that was bad about him were his wings in ptr which were laughably small compared to other angels, but after ptr/1st live week they changed them to match the size of other angels, making Imperius look 10 times better. Only other shit thing about him is his waveclear, but he was designed as more of a duelist anyway.
Back at you about 75% staff being moved.
Source: My ass
Blizzard got esports success with Hearthstone so they tried to cram esports elements into every game they made after, which ruined Overwatch, HotS and WoW dungeons
I don't get why they're trying to make an esport out of wow, world first races already exist and they're much more exciting than fucking dungeons
We here at Activision Blizzard really value our valued customers. That's why we felt the need to pull the plug from the loveletter game of Blizzards beloved and valued franchises. You see, through the magic of marketing research we realized what people really want isn't games like Hots but Fortnite. That's why we asked our valued developers to create a totally new experience. So we are proud to present our newest game "Heroes of the Battle Royale". 100 Waifubaits will fight against eachother in thrilling skin duels where the person with the most expensive skin wins. Not only that but we also decided to wait with the release for at least another 3 years, to fully profit from the current BR hype.
>Back at you about 75% staff being moved.
>Source: My ass
I never made any claims ITT
Challenge Modes/Mythic+ is a good idea. The implementation of them is fucking terrible and only 4 autists actually watch the tournament they have, not sure why they have one.
>its just the esports
Why do people keep pretending like the dev team wasnt massively stripped down?
>>people complaining about their past experiences in Quick Match, which translates to "random map random comp random random", and expect it to be good. Play shit mode, get shit experience. If you wanted some balance you'd go with unranked draft.
the problem with unranked draft is that it's for people who want to play the game as a whole and not specific characters they find fun. There are only a few characters I actually enjoy playing, so I need to pick between playing one of them and maybe queuing into a game that's lost in matchmaking, or having a better choice of team comps but probably not being able to play what I like. It's impossible to win
mythic+ was good in Legion, but you can tell most of the dungeons in BFA are designed to be a spectacle in the MDI, not to be enjoyable experiences
Here Here!
After they announced the layoffs the game's death became a self-fulfilling prophecy
Because it wasn't? We got like 5 or 6 posts from specifc devs themselves about being moved, and only 1 of them was actually relevant. Community grill, esport fags, and 1 guy from art team.
>the problem with unranked draft is that it's for people who want to play the game as a whole and not specific characters they find fun. There are only a few characters I actually enjoy playing, so I need to pick between playing one of them and maybe queuing into a game that's lost in matchmaking, or having a better choice of team comps but probably not being able to play what I like. It's impossible to win
I get what you feel, but it's a multiplayer team-focused game after all. It's what you sign for by default, lone-wolf attitude doesn't work here. Recently due to quickbabies cries, they tried to put forced comps into Quick Match (1 tank, 1 healer and 1 ranged assasin guranteed), but assassin/anything that isn't healer/tank babies were crying "waaah why finding a match in mode with forced tank+healer comp, where everyone wants to play assasins, but tanks and healers are VERY scarce takes so long?". They tried to fix this by adding +100% exp for all healers and tanks but that still didn't help, so they made a middle ground solution: for first 30 secs it will try to get that desired comp, after that you get your usual aram assassin fiesta. Bonus exp for playing desired roles actually stayed as a feature called "Call of the Nexus".
Picking whatever you want would usually work in an FPS like TF2, as long as you're good with it, but not in mobas. Well, maybe in lol/dota where there is no real obj and can just farm yourself on your own.
Please don't scare me like that
By definition of dead, hots isn't dead (for maybe 2 years when activision decides it's time for a shitty out of touch reboot like ), unless by dead we mean "it's not mainstream/has big view counts on zoomer streaming platform".
too generous, HOTS devs
I might've spent money on that nonsense
By dead I mean people are spooking eachother/themselves into thinking it's dead therefore quitting, eventually it's gonna get to the point where the game is actually dead because of this
Game has a generous system overall, only thing you'd actually buy with money now are skins you don't have time to "farm" for, or Boosts giving +100% exp and +150% gold from matches, which also gives all other players stacking +5%exp (example: if all 10 players have a boost active, everyone recives a +45% exp bonus.) just because you have a boost. Now in ptr you'll be able to buy rare chests for gold, along with shards (used to craft skins, sprays, etc). Also all skins that were previously locked behind hero release gem only bundles are also avaiable for purchuase with either gems or shards.
>Picking whatever you want would usually work in an FPS like TF2, as long as you're good with it, but not in mobas.
which is why I quit the game ages ago. It's too hard to actually have fun with the few good characters because you're gimping your team by playing anything that's not in the top 10 for winrate, outside of a few match ups. That and the power creep just go too high with the shitty mechanic breaking Overwatch characters
I truly commend nuBlizzard for managing to make a game that:
>feels clunky as hell
>has no esports scene
>has an embarrassingly bad UI compared to League and DotA
>was years late to a genre it created through the custom game scene
>destroyed custom game scene to capitalize on it
>only get people to play by forcing Overwatch players to play to get loot during events, which frustrates long-term players (Blizz employees and people with no self-respect) because the servers are flooded with idiots on both teams
>having to put up with nuBlizzard balancing
HotS deserves as much criticism and distain as TORtanic. What a joke of a game, no wonder Blizzard has it on life support (Meanwhile League rakes in $2 billion a year).
i was rank one at hots.
its shit lol
good reasons here
Forgot to mention Twitch. Right now:
>League 145k
>DotA 2 138k
>HotS 3.6k
HotS has 1.25% of the market.
The worst part is they continued to casualise the game with every update while still pushing eSports. The end result is that we get this blob of a game where every hero feels the same with zero personality. The breaking point for me was when they 'updated' Azmo. Instead of being a monster split pusher who when played correctly can deal a shit load of dmg in late game team fights, we got a generic assassin whos decent in early game and thats it. Same thing happened with xul
it used to be more popular and had an esports scene until blizzard killed it
I have never wanted to fuck a dragon loli more
hots is a game for people that think league is too hard
Play League. Riot does regular incremental balancing and only does major reworks to old as fuck characters that are out of place in the current game.
>you're gimping your team by playing anything that's not in the top 10 for winrate
Not really the case since all the "if you aren't playing this character with this very specific talent build like all the pros do, you're throwing therefore gg afk" brainlets left with that surprise letter from activision. Only overwatch character that can pose a serious problem is ana because of -100% heal grenades and lvl 1 talents that's as strong as a lvl 16 one. She's full grenade build now cuz they fucked with her recent talent tweak/smaller rework. Otherwise (like all overwatch chars currently), she'd be a balanced, but annoying as fuck character. Very few characters are now concidered "you're throwing, aren't you?" tier, here's my list:
The Lost Vikings, op at launch, garbage for years now
Murky, annoying shit that's either sieging like crazy AND participating in teamfights like he was an actual player, or a useless lanesoaking quest farm for enemies.
Gazlowe, but it's really more of his niche specialist stigma than actually being bad, he can do some very nice 5+ second stunlocks.
Nova, an assassin that specializes in picking low health/weak & unaware targets. She's god in QM cuz people can't play, and bad in rankeds cuz most nova "mains" are those qm babs who think they're still invisible, therefore uncounterable and all losses are to be blamed on teammates., is just a piece of shit. Only meaningful ability is self-destruct ZONING, not damage.
Probius is a very siege focused hero, with potential for replacing a mage, giving that the user is a god at placing rifts.
Tassadar on the other hand, is just an example of actual shitty hero. His kit is useless, unless you have some Illidan-tier auto attack hero that can carry the game for you.
And lastly, Chen: He's just underpowered, and his main survivalbility ability gets easily interrupted.
All other "worse" characters i didn't mention can get away with their picks, because they can offer something good in return.
Hots is such a great game, I cant believe Blizzard pulled the plug on this one. Instead of getting a new hero every month, we get one every three to four months now and some shitty reworks as a compensation.
I tried. It refused to recognize my Battlenet information, and wouldn't let me past the initial loading screen.
>Only overwatch character that can pose a serious problem is ana because of -100% heal grenades and lvl 1 talents that's as strong as a lvl 16 one.
the problem with Overwatch characters isn't that they have OP abilities, it's that being able to attack while moving is inherently broken in a game where 90% of characters can't. It's impossible to ever balance Tracer, Lucio and because they can only be OP or nerfed to shit
but friend, i have around 500 matches in unranked draft and it's just as random and shit as quick match! your straw man falls apart right there!
>feels clunky as hell
>has no esports scene
it had a small one, but now it doesn't due to activision's letter. At least it made "play this """meta""" char exactly like pros or reported" brainlets leave
>has an embarrassingly bad UI compared to League and DotA
Don't see what's wrong with it, elaborate?
>was years late to a genre it created through the custom game scene
They did fuck up with that one, terrible launch didn't help
>only get people to play by forcing Overwatch players to play to get loot during events, which frustrates long-term players (Blizz employees and people with no self-respect) because the servers are flooded with idiots on both teams
The same loot they put year later in "classic" loot pool in overwatch. I can agree that this was a shit cross-promotion attempt.
>having to put up with nuBlizzard balancing
>implying any company can balance their games properly
1.0 release experience means nothing. Current hots is a completely new game in comparison.
"ded gaem" bandwagons do that sometimes
>me last hit for gold and buy items with numbres, me smarter than dynamic soak/camp/gank/siege micro gameplay between timed crucial objectives that can only be won in teamfights!
If you're launching straight from specific exe file: Update the game via bnet
If it shits itself while launching via bnet: Try the repair option or reinstall.
If you can't even get into bnet: Make another account
What was the last time you played? Current """tierlist""" regarding ow characters based on my time playing with/versus them is:
>Good, a bit too good
Ana: baseline -100% heal grenade always hurts, what's worse is she has a build for that
>Good in right hands, shit or mediocre otherwise
Genji and Hanzo
>Balanced, but annoying little shits:
Zarya: Kinda niche even right now, not many people pick her, unstoppable shields (similar to johanna trait)late game, gravitron surge exists.
Tracer: AA while moving, ult from lvl 1, blinks and rewinds
Junkrat: Infinite stalling poke, traps and displacing mines
>Just bad, please don't play this, entirely useless. If you(r team) lose to this i have bad news for you. Only good thing she does is self-destruct zoning, not even damage since everyone will just walk away.
I'd put lucio in seperate "decently good, but annoying" separate category, but in a week his ptr rework (along with event, links somewhere above) hits live and i don't play him, so he's in a kind of waiting room right now.
But even at low-gold/silver people have a common sense of drafting at least 1 beefy frontline and a healer? You're either at a level where any type of human speach is incoherent, or sit afk through draft to later complain about picks. Or you know, comparing controlled madness to random madness? Nobody said there were any gurantees, even in ranked modes you'll have babies throwing fits because they can't play their epic 48% winrate assasin cuz team already has them, and team needs a healer, so he just picks his assassin to "show them". Just like in every multiplayer "class"-based online game.
>What was the last time you played?
I quit around the time Garrosh came out. I've played a few times since then but only for a few matches because they force you into the special ed queue if you don't play for too long
Imagine shilling a dead game for free
Imagine playing a game that's worse than a "dead" game
The "ree mobility creep" was still strong around that time, but now it's pretty much dead/watered down to accepting that overwatch exists, and cc'ing the shit out of overwatch characters. Don't even need to cc them because very few people play them, with exception of lucio and ana which are pretty good healer picks.
>tfw no sally wife
I hate MOBAS but like the character designs
Is there a viable single player mode I can fuck around in?
depends what you mean by viable single player mode
you can make a private custom game with bots
>single player in moba
In terms of that, hots only has custom games/vs ai with ai teammates. Try mode also kinda counts since it gives some tools like in pic related, to try specific parts of a hero on demand
I mainly play HotS on f-list tbdesu
Queue times have actually been faster for some reason in quick play at least
Please dont let this game die guys, it's one of the only online games I actually really like
I cant be the only one who feels this way
>How dead is hots after they pulled the plug on the esports scene?
Not dead, your usual players are still playing as if nothing happened, but most of esport autists and half-brained streamers jumped ship to degrade themselves from hots "somebodies" to lol/dota/whatever streamer bait game is currently popular "nobodies".
Regarding queue times: QM is same as before, In ranked there was a shift where HL is the "ded" mode, and TL is the one with really short queue times. Both get merged next week anyway, so ranked queues will be short overall, sometimes shorter than qm.
Games don't die as long as there is strong community behind it, look at tf2. I don't play it anymore, but whenever i do it's still as good as ever, even if it takes them 2 years to get a bigger update because of retarded valve policies. Community is also eternal, some people leaving only because they become adults with families/time consuming jobs.
Games die only when: Their player count is next to none (see: artifact, battleborn, etc.), or dev gives zero fucks and outright shuts down the server. Neither of these seem possible for at least 2 years before actijew notices that hots is the most generous game they have and that it isn't milking players out of money for every minor thing
hots is probably the most generous f2p game period
This. I enjoyed playing HotS because no one took the game so seriously, so the matches were pretty chill. LoL on the other hand has matches that show the worst of every person.
I mean if you divide f2p games into two groups: one that does sell heroes and one that doesn't maybe its the most generous of the former group but thats a peak of shit mountain type of deal.
That Chromie skin will be mine. I am also looking forward to her rework making her less cancer and more a regular mage.
I joined because a friend and I really enjoyed the time I spent playing it. Then I quit for a simple reason; heroes are really boring. I mean from their mechanics to the way they (and their abilities) look. Everything is cartoony and really underwhelming. I remember trying Diablo because I thought his abilities would be flashy and reflect his powers. But no, you have a throw, some fire and that's it for the Lord of Terror.
I have more examples like that, but I don't want to write.
don't some dota skins literally cost $20k?
Heroes of Newerth survived for years after DotA2 came out and absolutely decimated the playerbase. Granted, it was never gigantic to begin with, but they only just pulled the plug on the game this January. HotS will probably only get 4-6 new heroes each year from now on, but the game isn't going to be shutting down any time soon.
t. faggot irelia player
I quit when I lost everything when season or whatever restarted.
>nuBlizzard balancing
Blizzard has always been shit tier at game balance.
The only reason DotA has all of the heroes free is because no one would've switched from WC3.
>HotS deserves as much criticism and distain as TORtanic.
There's hyperbole, and then there's you sounding like a retard.
You have one minute to explain why you don't main best girl
because her playstyle is shitty and boring and the only way to have fun as her is baiting people with the meme hearthstone talent
its not shitty. she's just super easy to play around as you just have to zigzag a little more than usual
>But no, you have a throw, some fire and that's it for the Lord of Terror
You know he can delete squishy mages/assassins now? If you can pin people to walls of course. When was the last time you played?
There was a ranked reset because golds were getting into diamond, silvers into plat etc. A poor excuse, but to each their own. This:>meme hearthstone talent
Checked her rework? It gets removed from live next week.
When the fuck are we going to get Blackthorne as a playable hero?
cause she bad
a month after they add Terokk
Because she's very hit or miss: either ultra op cancer that melts all your hp bars
useless piece of shit that can't hit any skillshot to save her life, that people use her to farm hero quests on
Hell yeah
HotS team is full of weebs and such, wish they worked on something that isn't a MOBA tho.
And yet it's far and away the best thing nu-Blizz has come up with, ironically, because it most resembles the kind of game they used to make.
They pulled the plug on eSports because it's not profitable. They thought if they just dumped money into eSports and advertising it would magically became a big hit (it worked for LoL) but quarter after quarter this failed to generate the returns they wanted so they finally gave up.
I hope it continues to get the occasional update to keep people coming back because it'd be really sad if it died from a single blog post telling people that the eSports scene was done and the dev team was shrinking.
she literally just got gutted
Losing the e-sport thing likely didn’t hurt the game as much as announcing the development team was also taking a hit
>She lost her "get out of jail free card" and so she is now shit
her q hits minions now
I think he meant by the fact that:
Her Q can hit minions, stops after 1st hit
Her W isn't a single are nuke, now drops 3 smaller nukes in line instead. Also no warning circles for that.
Her Time Trap has to be detonated manually, and can also stop allies's tits and ass being so nicely modeled is the reason why I never use an alternate skin for her. Why would I use her master skin which puts armor over her boobs?
>twitch viewers define the marketshare
I mean, he isn't wrong. It has 1.25% of the zoomer market, while everyone else is playing the game as intended. Games are for playing, nor for watching.
>feels clunky as hell
Not at all, feels A LOT better to play than LoL
>has no esports scene
Who the fuck cares
>has an embarrassingly bad UI compared to League and DotA
Again opinions, information wise is pretty much the same if not better and I personally hate the LoL ARCANE CRYSTALS look for everything
>was years late to a genre it created through the custom game scene
Again who gives a fuck, it doesnt make the game worse or better
>destroyed custom game scene to capitalize on it
Fair point
>only get people to play by forcing Overwatch players to play to get loot during events, which frustrates long-term players (Blizz employees and people with no self-respect) because the servers are flooded with idiots on both teams
That happened like two times and its 2 weeks at most of """frustration"""
>having to put up with nuBlizzard balancing
Same complain in every ASSFAGGOTS
I played League for thousand of hours, got to platinum and quit, now I play it almost every day, mostly ranked but very casually, I play with the gf and I dont really care about winning or losing, ASSFAGGOTS are designed to be endless threadmills to monetize with lootboxes and skins, if you take them seriously and pretend to be le epic gamer girl esports pro its entirely your fault.
I play every day and don't use twitch at all.
I mean, if you consider farming minions for 20 minutes so you can buy the build of the month and hopefully win 2 of the 3 teamfights in the entire match hard...
sure is hotsg in here. go back to your own board
Yea Forumsbabs S E E T H I N G
Good for you, stay away from MONKAS PEPEHANDS AYAYA [region] LUL XDD shitshow that is twitch
I'm not sure which is worse. That, or hots new model where everything before the level 20 fight doesn't matter.
If we assume that "everything doesn't matter before 20" is on the same scale of "badness" as "farming for 20 min for build of the month", then hots still comes on top since 20 min is the avereage time of hots' entire match, while in lol it's just the beginning, there is still 10-20 min to go.
TL:DR: Hots at least saves time
Did Orphea get lewd skins yet?
Just the schoolgirl skins. Nothing super lewd yet.
Isn't that why they introduced the XP and cannon changes to forts?
Yeah, now if you're 3 lvls or more behind then that means you were shit to begin with.
Based And Redpilled