Mechwarrior online is fun and you should play it.
If you have any questions I'll answer them.
Mechwarrior online is fun and you should play it
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Hunchback is cute, but is it viable?
Depends on what you think viable means, it's playable, usable and does well enough in the hands of what would be a good player. The Hunch is it's pro and con at the same time.
How to build the Warhammer IIC Bludgeon
you don't
>shilling basically dead game to hope for new meat to grind
>40k active players is dead
okay retard
also it's free, you might as well shill air, faggot
Are you one of the devs, my fellow black person?
>have to grind as slave to get anywhere
Back when I was playing this game, oh, five or so years ago, I leveled up a bunch of different mechs, from lights up to assault, and the Hunchbacks were some of my favorites to play.
How well can you turn to your side to block your good shoulder.
How do I get into this game? Should I start with lights, mediums or go with 100-tonners from the very beginning? Money is not an issue.
For a brief moment I thought these threads might be paid shilling, but nah, I think /gerg/ is just desperate for people to play with.
Which is better: Gauss rifle or PPC?
I just got into it and having a blast but I feel like im a piece of shit in game, any tips?
You should get a 55-75 ton mech, they're better for new players. The lighest and slowest mechs require the most skill to play.
You shouldn't spend real money unless you know what you're doing.
It depends what else you got, Gauss is good because you can pair it with hotter weapons. PPCs are more for boating, poptarting and need lots of heatsinks.
You should do research on your first mech, as you're typically stuck with it for awhile and some may have some rather fixed builds and others have more variety. There's also two different kind of mechs, Clans and Inner Sphere, both have their own ups and downs.
a lot of players don't use steam client cause it crashes more often.
Is it normal if I call Clan mechs by their IS designation? I'm an IS scrub
Suuuure, let's ad few hundred.
Doesn't change much.
it's not uncommon, and lots of players are boomers or lorefags
>few hundred
Try thousands.
How's the NA player count?
I just re installed. I havent played in 2 years. Im only rank 5 but saved up for a Timberwolf for nostalgia. Its pretty fun to engage with L Lasers at range and LRMs.
I dont understand the skill system they instated since then. A lot to learn.
Poor bastards
Well gotta work those whale fat somehow.
But yeah, I guess I was wrong on a count
You still shilling for a game which doesn't seem to attract new people tho. Eventually all you'll have is same player base with no fresh meat to grind. And fresh meat will be put off by grind and skill difference
And it'll die as all online games. Worthless junk.
Depends the variant. Theres Inner Sphere hunchbacks which mostly have a big gun on their right shoulder, and clan mechs which have a big gun on both shoulders. I stopped playing before clans ruined mwo but if I remember IS HBs are more of bulky brawlers while Clan HBs are more or less glass cannons.
Between the IS HBs I'd reccomend either the 4P or 4SP. 4P makes its big shoulder gun a lot of lasers which allows for a lot of ammoless damage and build variety. 4SP is the one IS HB that drops the one big gun shoulder for a smaller set of missles on each shoulder, which is good if you want a strong reliable brawler or don't want to get too into the Hunchback playstyle. If you are looking for a more fun build try either 4G or 4J. 4G is the classic HB, it will combine forcing you to learn how to play asymmetrical builds while giving you the original thrill of shitting out damage with each AC20 shot you land. 4J is the LRM Hunchback, great for protecting the other LRM mechs on your team and being an LRMnigger yourself. Avoid Grid Iron and 4H, Grid Iron isn't good and 4H is a less cool 4G.
oof, hope you have fun in it, it's considered a nerfed pile of garbage right now but it does have lots of tonnage for firepower
>skill system
you can have a max of 91 skill nodes used
you get skill points by using XP+Cbills for skill points, costs roughly 90k EXP and 4mil Cbills for 91 skill points
you should ALWAYS get 16 points in the left side of the survivability tree as it gives the most efficiency for armor
otherwise everything else is flavor on how to optimize your mech
existent fast queues, you'll get solo QP games quickly without fuss, group queues rely on prime time though and will noticeably get longer group queues as NA sleeps, but the group queue requires mixing lots of groups so that's kinda understandable
I am genuinely interested, but have no idea this game works.
Is the whole online operates ont the same basics ans WoT or War Thunder? (You save currency, buy and upgrade mechas andgo into big map when you have two teams who fight against eachother)
I was this close to installing it tonight for reasons unrelated to this thread, but then said no. Then I decided to install EVE Online
What the fuck is wrong with me
Pretty much, it matches you 12v12. But unlike WoT/WT the game is better in it's grind and free to grind model. There's no tech trees so you buy what you want, play what you want, you get the currency easier and earning currency is based off how well you do.
Unlike WoT, the game has a lot more agency, you can carry whole matches in MWO, when in WoT you could never carry a game if you were on the lower rung of matchmaking because of health values, armor penetration and etc.
>Be Beta
>6 or so Flamers
>Run up on an enemy and shut them down instantly
>Keep them shut down indefinitely while allies kill them
Individually, I was useless, but together, we were a monster. I fucking miss Flamers. Wish they were easier to use effectively. If there's a secret, someone teach me.
A lot of heavy skirmishing will happen at the begining. Some folks will get target blapped. Find a flank in your main group's location and keep your eyes peeled while seeing how they fight. Keep in mind that damage at the end of the game is meaningless if it doesn't amount to components destroyed. When you start getting too particularly blasted in a region, turn your torso the other way to eat damage on a healthier side, but be careful in that your back is usually weaker. Targeting folks, and preferably calling out the target, usually help your group immensely and will help establish some cohesion. Try to take pot shots at folks who aren't paying attention to you but don't go chasing after folks who are by themselves. Also certain weapons are designed for more sustained fights while some are more big bursts.
Flamers are actually sleeper OP right now, disgusting in pubs.
visit /gerg/
keep rear armor to 3-6 depending on weight class
minimize exposure and maximize damage, always go slow when peeking and fast when leaving to minimize acceleration time, if you're peeking into 3 guys you'll take more damage than you dish out
also depends on what you're playing but that's usually the gist, deal more damage to the enemy
The problem is most of the mechs fit 3 cats. Excellent, high weep mount and safe geometry, mediocre and shithouse. The vast majority of IS mechs are shit house. If you're an an excellent player or have cheese strat you can probably make a shit mech mediocre, but it will never compete with the best in each class, which is usually some 12 weep slot monster with 70+ alpha
Goddamn is that satisfying to watch.
If you enjoy number crunching, you could always do theory crafting with different 'mech builds. There's something really fucking satisfying about maxing out all weight, all space, all armor and still having a fun, halfway-decent 'Mech. That Triglavian update looks neat.
>No tech trees
Shouldn't you tell him about the per-'mech ones, before someone prattles on how they think it leads to P2W despite it literally not being so?
I've a HBK-J with 4 Flamers and 2 Snub Nose PPCs I think. He generally tends to do pretty well, but I always feel really sub-optimal, like I could be doing the same thing but better in something like a Firestarter or Flea.
There's nothing "per mech" anymore if you're talking about what I'm thinking about. They removed the old module/tech system in which you were required to play THREE variants of a single mech to "master" it and access modules/skills. This current system is definitely superior as you don't need to either buy/sell mechs, have more mechbays or play shit you don't want to. It could use polish but it's way better than before and way more player friendly.
As I understand, mech body geometry is important. What type of body profile is considered good? Long, narrow ones like Bushwacker/Cauldron Born/Mad Cat?
Mechwarrior Online hasn't been fun since closed beta.
t. Legendary founder (I will prove it if you want. I even have like 7000 posts on the MWO forums and a bunch more on "other" sites)
Not since 2012. And by that I mean, yeah, it's """viable""" because 98% of the players in this game blow dick and quickplay is a fucking joke. Don't bring it to CW or Solaris and you'll be fine. QP is the only place for the hunchie.
Yeah. New system is so much nicer. I really do enjoy it. Gives just the incentive to progress on particular 'mechs.
That's a joke of a build you're running. Flamers themselves shouldn't be stacked unless you're in like a Firestarter, and Flamers are inherently brawling weapons.
HBK-J is the LRM variant. You should be running something like this.
If it's your first mech, it's not a versatile one but it's not bad. It's very much an LRM dedicated mech.
99% of games are quickplay and that's the main attraction, who cares so long as it's fun
This but unironically.
It's still a bad mech sadly.
Don't play it and wait for MW5. Or preorder MW5 and get the marauder IIC pack.
Honestly start with heavier mediums or lighter heavies (50-70tons mechs); should teach you good fundamentals. Lights are the hardest to play well. Assaults are also very hard but in a different way, and too many braindead morons think playing assault is easy.
Or play trial mechs until you find one you like, and then buy it / mirror it / skill it up.
I will give you one tip: It is NOT world of tanks 2.0, and light mechs ARE very useful.
It's just some autist I'm sure.
They're both shit. Gauss is insane tonnage, PPC is insane heat, especially since ghost heat changes. Both are slow dogshit projectiles so you better take projectile speed up perks. Also gauss can blow up and ruin your entire life when it's critted, and PPC is hot and stupid.
t. light PPC user
Press R. Try to build to optimize around a certain range. Try to only engage when in this range. Try to shoot people in rear armor if possible. Let your assaults tank. Hide behind buildings while reloading. Don't die to LRM volleys. Stay with a couple other mechs in your weight class or your lance. Dare I say it, use voice chat.
Or, you can, you know, do what everyone else in the past 6 years have done with this game and not put any modicum of effort towards improving at all.
It's not uncommon, but you should know both. Besides, Timber Wolf sounds much better than Mad Cat.
I am honestly very surprised the numbers are even this high. 1k concurrent?! On steam client? For what it's worth I have never ever used steam client for this, warframe, path of exile, or any other game that has "steam optional"
yea those niggaz changedd so much nothin makes sense n e more
jus startd playin again on solaris 7 launche then had to sell pc and got a new one now so im back in it
*push to talk*
*bong rip*
some variants have quirks for specific weapons
hbk-4g has like 10% or 15% reload speed increase on ac/20 which is hilarious
i liked the 4sp a lot; 4p was fun before ghost heat / laser vom nerfs happened. 4sp is still viable (4mediumlasers + 2srm6)
>Cauldron Born
There's a name I haven't heard of in a good while. Sounds like to me you're a fellow MW3 friend. Generally, if a 'Mech has too big or too wide-out arms with too many hardpoints on them, it makes them big and easy targets to destroy and disable. If hardpoints, namely arms, are too low on the body, it makes peaking over terrain a bit more difficult. Of course, this also means it's a smidgeon better for poking around corners sometimes. Generally higher, more central hardpoints tend to work outbid better on average. If course there's always the exception I would imagine. More narrow 'Mech designs can help, yes, but that also does mean more concentrated fire leading to more damage in an area - the Urban Mech has a very narrow torso and sides, but that also means it'll take damage to all of them from an LBX usually.
> 4p was fun before ghost heat / laser vom nerfs happened.
they gave it a ghost heat quirk, it can fire 8 lasers without ghost heat, the hunch has 6, head has 1, arms have 2, you can forgo the arms or head for more alpha strike now
I prefer the head because you peek with the hunchback the majority of the times instead of laser brawling anyways, 35 peeking alpha is nice
>i can alpha an afk retard in the cockpit
you basically got it
except its 8v8 or 12v12 depending on how devs like it
and light mechs arent useless, biggest difference between wot and mwo is this: a medium laser is a medium laser, and still does 5 damage no matter if its on a 20 ton mech or a 100 ton mech. granted the 100 ton can carry MORE of them, but there is no instance where your "shells" "bounce" because they don't have "penetration" or have the right "angle" or something; you will always be able to do damage, even if it's miniscule in comparison to the targets armor, you can eventually kill an atlas with one small laser, while a leichtrakktor will never kill a tiger-II
thanks for the response:
>Honestly start with heavier mediums or lighter heavies (50-70tons mechs)
It's funny, because it was exactly my favourite weight range in MW 3 & 4. 65-75 tonne mechs - armed, protected and mobile at the same time.
Ah, it was my first 'Mech a long while back. I've already a dedicated missile boat Cyclops so I mostly just dick around with screwy experimental shit on that hunchy. Only reason I keep it is HXP to be proud of. Thanks for the good advice and layouts by the way!
you need help boomer
honestly, the glowing eye cosmetic pisses me the fuck off more than anything
>take something that was free in closed beta
>remove it
>add it back for $5
>Cause can blow up
Nani the fuck? I've read that its ammo doesn't explode, chiefly loading screens. Did that change?
What does this game have in store for the Titanfall or Front Mission fan?
>There's nothing "per mech" anymore if you're talking about what I'm thinking about. They removed the old module/tech system in which you were required to play THREE variants of a single mech to "master" it and access modules/skills. This current system is definitely superior as you don't need to either buy/sell mechs, have more mechbays or play shit you don't want to. It could use polish but it's way better than before and way more player friendly.
yea this is agreed 100%
i hated that shit
its why i stopped playing
took me forever to get 3 cataphracts
then level them all especially the shitty one the 2x or w/e
then finally get one to "master"
then they come out with a mech that made itobsolete
All of these are bad except the bushwacker and that's only because it's 55 tons so it can be used for CW scouting. For quickplay they're all bad. Also call it ebon jaguar if you're gonna type mad cat. At least be consistent with your freebirth naming dogshit
>fellow MW3 friend
I am. Excellent and detailed responses, user, thank you!
Geometry doesn't matter as much, it's all about hitboxes or weapon mounts. But don't let that discourage you.
Mechs like the Bushwacker and Catapults have great hitboxes. The Ebon Jaguar/Cauldron has shit hitboxes, but at the same time it's not a terrible mech because it makes up for it with amazing tonnage and high mounts.
Ammo explodes and then spreads damage to nearby structure. CASE stops this, people like to stick ammo in their legs and head for this reason because they're least likely to go out. Gauss Rifles also explode.
This isn't for you but you can try it.
Dont bother. You retards will get banned in a day because the moderators actively ban people who shittalk in chat.
>Ebon Jaguar is bad
>Bushwacker is only good for CW scouting
It's probably the best IS medium right now.
>Mad Cat
Mad Cat is Timberwolf, brainlet.
so does every game but that doesn't stop people from playing or talking lmao
Laser vommit got nerfed, that's a shame, almost as big of a shame as when LRMs got nerfed. Good taste with 4SP, SP was the first mech I ran the fuck out of though I swapped the SRMs for LRMs, since I don't think quirks were added quite yet.
Yeah, I've learned of ammo crits the hard way and it bites, but I could have sworn I've read Gauss was safe from this somewhere. I need to double check my sources or petition for a change in writing 'cause that rustled my jimjams. Thanks for the clarification.
Most niggers who liked the EBJ/CB played it in mw2 or m4 also you know.
This is exactly why ghost heat is retarded.
Buy a Hellbringer, put two HLL and 4 ERML on it, and have fun.
Gauss *ammo* doesn't explode. The gauss itself does. :)))
Titanfall is a shitty FPS that zoomers think is quick and fast because they never played an AFPS (and yes, quakeworld had grapple, and UT4prealpha has wallrunning, so fuck off). The mechs are more like gundams than anything in MWO. Not to say they are like gundams. But they are closer to gundams than battlemechs.
Front mission is a turn based tactics game. Go play battletech, mechcommander, mission force cyberstorm / cyberstorm 2 corporate wars / etc; do not bother with MWO, there is no "tacitcs" or "strategy" here unless you join an organized unit and even then, you get to just be 1 character rather than execute your shining-force/FFT/tactics-ogre style gameplan.
Unless you're talking about front mission evolved, in which case just go play mechwarrior 2/3/4, earthsiege 1/2/starsiege, heavy gear 1/2, shattered steel, and g-nome. Because front mission evolved was single player.
>The Gauss itself does
What in the actual fuck, lmao. That's wacky. Well now it makes sense.
what is the best first mech for a new player?
I have a soft spot for the Bushwacker since Mechwarrior 3 was the first one I played, is it any good in this game?
best IS medium
X1 is considered the best variant and does pretty much everything but lasers
How do I make it work?
Bushwacker X1 with 2 UAC10s, what a monster
its fun an its comfy, but its not for me to play but a little bit because i havent found matches where i wont absolutely dominate and i hate i cannot have funny names. had to change name twice already, pissed me enough off to quit
Flamers generate enemy heat up to 90% and stop them from dissipating. You can't do this (as easily?) anymore, clan small pulse laser damage was nerfed so they're less alpha and more DPS weapons. You could still set up kills this way with Medium Lasers as they'd have the required damage.
there's plenty of funny names
>Fetus the Fighting Fetus - unit is called WOMB
they can't be offensive though
So many mistakes in word MWLL
That's the thing about this game is there are no particular "best" 'mechs. There are those that do better at others for what they do, and others that do particular roles or tasks exceedingly well. It all boils down to your preferred playstyle, honestly. Lights tend to be the hardest because you're trading all your armor for mobility and your weapons need to be precise. Mediums are pretty darn flexible and have a wide variety of use, with Heavy also being pretty good. Assaults can be difficult because they're generally slow and require knowledge of when to do what and who to focus how. Best answer to really give you is try the trial mechs - your first 25 games will give you an assload of money, so you can oggle different mechs in the store in the meantime as you get a feel for what sort of style you gravitate towards. That said, weapon choice and Inner Spehere also take a big decision. Clan mechs can often swap out limbs like Bionicle parts but can't change other specific details like engines. They run hotter and are more reliant on sustained damage but deal more in the end. Ballistics are heavy as fuck but can deal crazy damage, while missiles and lasers can provide good damage over time in general and specific applications. Hope this gives you an idea, user.
A medium mech or heavy if you are feeling robust. The rest falls under plaustyle preference, generally LRM mechs like Hunchback 4J are easier to get into but if you find the playstyle boring then probably something all around better like a Bushwacker.
MWLL friends, still your game and tell us about it. Only thing holding your game back is player numbers. That's it. Combined arms is fucking spectacular.
Would y'all consider a triple RAC 2 Shadow Hawk, or Urban Mechs in general, new player friendly? I think those are pretty fun, with the latter having a lot to play with and teaching for piecing a Mech together.
Triple rac2 shadowhawk is good, great mounts
Urbanmech I'm not so sure, it's a funny mech and solid but new players might get turned off by it if they can't appreciate it
it just looks like a trashcan with a gun and two legs lmao
It's cute though!!!
Also its ridiculously tanks for it's size/tonnage.
>It's cute though
I can see that. Catapult is cuter IMO, with her rocket ears.
I have a theory, by the way, why Timber Wolf is so popular - with his ears he looks like a Mickey Mouse = subconscious sympathy.
Timberwolf is an old design and classic Battletech icon
I know. These are my thoughts why Timberwolf is this icon, not Mad Dog or Summoner, for example. Psychological background for this choice.
It was also on the box art for Mechwarrior 2. which is where many people started with the franchise.
>high mounts.
Nothing like peaking over and blowing people the fuck out and sliding back down.
Ironically I prefer doing this on low mount dogshit mechs like 2xPPC nova. I like the challenge. lol.
90% explosion rate. :^) :^) :^)
For a while it only could explode while it was "Charged" and not yet fired, then they changed that, and it can just blow up whenever.
Or the ammo does explode as of 10 months ago? Who knows. Bugs are bugs.
Arguably broken and insanely good. Just put two UAC10's on the X1.
Hellbringer still. Bushwacker / Stormcrow if you're interested in 55ton max "Scouting" (4v4) CW.
because it was really fast and agile for a Heavy
Hi, I'm MWO legendary founder who posted here earlier.
I played (and still play) MWLL, I bought crysis warhead just for this mod, it's that good, easily the best mechwarrior game I ever played (yes, better than 2/GBL/mercs, 3/PM, and 4/mercs), the combined arms aspect is really fucking cool, it's like if you had a battlefield game with mechs but shit tons of depth, like C&C renegade or something.
triple rac2 isnt friendly to anyone let alone a new player. way too much time has to be spent out in the open, as opposed to peaking.
Is there any way to downgrade this to run on a toaster?
PIG go home and stop shilling