Where did the money go?
Where did the money go?
Other urls found in this thread:
In my butt.
$13,200 coffee machines
$200,000 custom sliding doors
hiring B-list hollywood actors to be friends with chris and tell him his hollywood failures were just flukes
up his butt
Budget: $90 million USD
Development team: 80
Development time: 3 years
Budget: $267 million USD + unknown venture capital investors + bank loans
Development team: 450 + outsourcing for animations, voice acting
Development time: 7 years
State: 3+ years remaining until release
>still hating Star Citizen
I can understand if it was released and was shit a la No Man's Sky/Sea of Thieves. But it looks like they're actually taking the time necessary to to the best they can with the resources they have.
See yall in 2023.
My dude. You realize they said this game would release in 2014?
You realize this game is on a shitty cryengine fork and the official website states it will never support more than 16 ships per instance?
Skyrim was Oblivion with a fresh coat of paint and a few upgrades under the hood.
I will laugh if Starfield will be better, than Star Citizen.
>But it looks like they're actually taking the time necessary to to the best they ca=
Uh-huh...how much cash did they sucker out of you?
Skyrim is literally Fallout 3 with different assets, which is Oblivion with different assets, which is Morrowind with different assets.
The combined budgets of all those games together is $130m, substantially less than the budget of Star Citizen.
>it will never support more than 16 ships per instance?
But it can support around 50 ships right now.
Yea Forums BTFO
The marketing budget for Skyrim alone is likely upwards of $50m.
But regardless, what's your point? Of course Bethesda churns out games like no tomorrow when their games are identical. A more apt comparison would be literally any other decent developer, like CDPR or Rockstar and you'd still be making a great point.
your have to be a real fucking idiot to believe this will ever be a good game or possibly even a game at all
Unironically a bigger liar than Chris Roberts.
>My dude. You realize they said this game would release in 2014?
My dude, you do realize how much fewer resources they had when they projected a 2014 release date? Do you not understand that time is money? You can't just keep hiring more developers to get a project done quicker. Artists are a different story.
>You realize this game is on a shitty cryengine fork and the official website states it will never support more than 16 ships per instance?
You don't know what you are talking about. The game already supports 50 ships in an instance.
$45. I thought the game was going to come out and be shit by now. The design decisions they've made and their ability to implement them has been enough to convince me.
I expect most people who talked trash about the game to silently pretend they never had an opinion on it.
You know it will be. Todd can do no wrong.
Honestly though, all machines like that are investments. If they bought a slushie machine it would be about the same price.
>The game already supports 50 ships in an instance.
Go try spawning your galaxy when there are 15 spawned. Lol. Literal paid shill.
Dunning-Kruger effect in action, everyone.
Reminder there are people still giving money to this trash.
Star citizen is literally a cult at this point. It is exactly like scientology. The modus operandi: get people to put A LOT of money into it. After that they irrationally support it no matter what because of the sunk costs effect.
Star citizen fans actually know, deep down, that they have been scammed, but they don't acknowledge that truth in order to protect themselves. Denial is safer.
space games are expensive bro, think of all the polygons it takes to build space and the mocap for the ships...
It'd be hilarious if the people shitting on this game were also playing literally another other modern MMO.
They're all shit.
> But it looks like they're actually taking the time necessary to to the best they can with the resources they have
Did Freelancer taught you nothing?
Star Citizen is not an MMO. Not sure why people keep calling it that. There is nothing massive about 16 ships in an instance.
but star citizen includes people inside the ships and entire planets you can explore, which do need lots of polygons.
something something comes out the same time as half life 3 something something
it's not coming out you retards
They are currently trying to get bugman money for this game, since the western funds are slowing down. You should see the shilling on weibo
Do you have a source on this? You said it was on the website but didn't seem to post it to defend yourself.
Google returns nothing about this subject so I think you're full of shit.
Skyrim is the built on the same frame literally every fucking bethesda game. Thats why they continue to have the same fucking issues every fucking game.
Hey Star Citizen fans, can you do me a favor?
Take a look at these images of procedurally generated solar bodies and tell me which one was made by:
1) the 450 employee company with $247 million US dollars of funding, over the course of five years
2) the 58 year old Russian astronomer, over the course of six months, in his free time away from his job
>Hey user I'm sorry Chris Roberts held your expectations hostage. Come spend the summer in our universe. We're already planning an immense update that will tide you over until SC com- IF SC comes out.
The 16 ship limit is a load of shit and you know it.
Gonna take a stab in the dark and guess left is from star Citizen.
Link the latter plz
Uhh, it actually isn't. There used to be a video of Chris Roberts trying to spawn a ship to demo some feature and he couldn't because the server already had 15 ships spawned. I can't find it now so it's probably been DMCA'd.
what gave it away?!
Space Engine is the one on the right
Years of studying pixels.
looks great
when's it coming out
that crap in VR? is there a way to simmulate the succ of a black hole?
God Space Engine looks so fucking cool but I can't play it without getting a crushing feeling of existential dread.
That's the best part.
Imagine playing it on LSD
>oh, he INSISTS!
>he INSISTS Star Citizen is a scam!
>I just need one more donation from you all and then we'll be gold!
>I need a little Goddamn faith, people!
>Just think of all the ships!
>They release the game in x years
>It's the most p2w garbage ever made
Why are you defending this again?
With a slushy machine you get slushy
With a 13k coffee machine you get... yea
Even just fucking around with the system map in E:D VR spooks me out
NuGamers love p2w. Retail working normies love trading cash to make up for skill they don't have.
Chris's hollywood LARP
What is there motivation to release this game when anyone who would ever buy it already owns it? You have to consider that most of that budget is sales and the longer it takes to develop the less motivation there is to complete it.
It taught me that I really want Freelancer 2
The coffee tastes different. It can brew faster than a normal pot you or I would own too. They got all but 500 people there and even if half drank coffee you'd need a lot of pots.
just like a Space Program was a litteral useless scam, but was a Dream of a Mankind - so is Star Citizen a scam, but dream of a game like done never before.
Its worth just for sake of seeing what can be done with unlimited resources and time
I agree with you user that they have less and less motivation to release as development goes on while they keep getting money for it. But not everyone who's interested owns it, I'm willing to drop more than $100 on a game like this but not unless it sees a feature-complete release and is actually good. I know at least six other people who would also go in for it but not one of us is about to throw money at an unfinished product. Their potential audience is much larger than their current backer pool, but they're never going to see any of that money unless they actually put out a finished product sometime this century.
You mean like this?
rebel galaxy outlaw is out soon
Those are tiny ass lowpoly ships and that's the only reason that worked. Why are star citizen victims so intellectually dishonest?
People who say that's Freelancer 2 don't seem to have played Freelancer. It feels more like an updated privateer.
I want space to be interesting and worth exploring, Rebel Galaxy just looks colorless and static.
Chris is from Hollywood, he's basically a Jew.
rebel galaxy has everything freelancer has, ive finished both
freelancer has the better story but gameplay-wise nothing is missing and outlaw looks even better with its radio stations and stuff
>low poly
Are you retarded? They're higher quality than almost any vehicle in other games.
Why the fuck would you have 50 massive ships on screen at once when it takes 8+ men to man the larger ones?
Why is a business subsidizing the addictions of its employees? Why don't they open a weed dispensary, since it will help with the "creative process"?
They hired Cleve Blakemore to do some coding and he ain't cheap.
So Chris Roberts is the Western Kojimbo?
if by shitty cryengine fork you mean hiring the original cryengine devs to update and rebuild their engine to do exactly what the game needs it to do
At least try to be honest and use footage that isn't 3 years old.
All I want is a Freespace 2 sized game but with modern graphics and slight mprovments
I like how planets are coming along. I honestly wouldn't mind some wild alien coloring like in this goonpost though
>rebel galaxy has everything freelancer has
Except the Y axis.
Because it's what employees want. You try working a difficult job and not wanting coffee. Also, you have no actual evidence that weed makes you creative. You think it does because you're a worthless stoner who thinks he's creative while high. Try writing your dumbass ramblings down some time so you can actually remember them when you sober up.
>people actually think this is going to be released
>after they admitted to running out of money last year and needing a $50million cash injection from outside investors
they are struggling to release a beta by 2020. yall ain't getting shit.
>more denver hipster alt country
spare me
Would be neat, when they eventually add alien planets.
It's fucking Chris Roberts user. Remember that he pulled the same shit over two decades ago with that cool space game you were hyped for, Freelancer. I've always thought of him like an unsuccessful Lucas, he can come up with some great ideas but he needs a strong filter in the development process. When you give the man infinite resources and freedom from oversight you get a clusterfuck that will never even remotely live up to its potential.
>Because it's what employees want
They want unions, too. But shit like a coffee maker is cheaper in the short term.
some of it is going to lawyers. unless crytek and cig can come to terms (unlikely) in one final adr meeeting the case goes to trial next march.
This guy gets it. Placate the cattle and they won't stampede.
Employee morale is a concept.
black hole
>Feature creep dragging out the dev times and creating unnecessary costs
>Elaborate bullshit for CIG's office
>Lining Chris Roberts own pockets
is this the game we've been waiting for?
Rebel Galaxy is a space Western-styled space trading and combat simulation Single-player video game developed and published by two-person studio Double Damage Games.
>epic store exclusive
Pfft, no
But all you need is a blender
I was thinking more like this one
To be fair, Skyrim is pretty much just reused assets from past Bethesda games so its not hard to make. Star Citizen decided to start from scratch
The entire Elder Scrolls and Fallout franchises put together have a lower production budget than Star Citizen
Skyrim alone has a budget of $80m dollars, stop pulling crap outta your ass.
>220157043 $
t-this is fake, r-right?
Skyrim also has the highest budget by far of any of those games.
Fallout 4 definitely had a much larger budget, the time between FO3 and Skyrim is less than the time between Skyrim and FO4, alongside FO4 having more marketing and it was built for "next gen" consoles.
So let's say FO4 is $100m and Skyrim is $80m, that leaves $40m for most other games they've made according to you.
Pretty much like people who fell for the VR meme
wait i thought they're having some kind of a release
and i heard that before christmas
Currently targeting a 2025 alpha
The earliest release is SQ42, the singleplayer spin off which isn't until late 2020 at the earliest.
yes, yes
keep the faith it'll all be better soon enough
cigu roberts provides
Why does a game need 450+ people working on it? That is WELL past "too many cooks" territory. This game is going to be a clusterfuck.
You know major studios have 1,000+ people working on a game? They're also working on two games, so there's that. 200-300 is the standard for an MMORPG that is bog standard (XIV/WoW), 450 really isn't much.
>You know major studios have 1,000+ people working on a game
Literally no major studio has anything close to 1000+ people working on a game. Skyrim was made by 80 dudes. Half Life 2 was made by 60 dudes.
is it really?
Why would you list a game that is mostly recycled and a game that is almost 15 years old as your examples? GTA V had 1,000+ staff , RDR 2 had over 1,000, Ubisoft Montreal has over 3,500 staff split over maybe 6-7 games at a time, there are over 550 people working at CDPR, etc.
Bethesda is the exception, not the rule. There's a reason their games are complete and utter shit, they're not willing to expand their development team so they struggle to take on major projects like revamping their engine.
Scam Citizen is unironically a money laundering scheme and not a game at all.
>GTA V had 1,000+ staff , RDR 2 had over 1,000
No they didn't. Why do you continuously lie? I am not going to talk to you any more. Sit by yourself and reflect on why lying is bad.
>gets called out
>gets butthurt
As expected from a goon cunt.
>They want unions, too. But shit like a coffee maker is cheaper in the short term.
And suddenly, silence.
>Land at GrimHex
>Go see that chick down giving cargo haul missions
>Asks me to go upstairs to grab a box
>And bring it downstairs to another guy
>Paying 7k
I turn off the music and play something different or upbeat when i explore around in Space Engine.
Hookers and blow. Definitely not making a game.
goons are the saltiest faggots i have ever seen
3000 people made RDR 2, this isn't the 90s anymore. Hell even New Super Mario Bros U of all things had over 60 people working on it and that doesn't count QA and localization.
Considering a major coding overhaul caused significant drawbacks for progress, I'm not awfully surprised we're without features at this point.
How could you even spend that much money and not have anything tangible for the game? If I had $300,000,000 spend I'd eventually run out of shit to do and make a video game
25% is further than I expected desu, they have almost no professions in atm and the NPCs don't even work.
i still don't understand what this game is supposed to be about
Completion percentage is so low because the tracker keeps moving the goalposts.
Notice how the tasks are increasing with time instead of being constant.
I went and looked at a star citizen stream last year and it was literally just some Russian doing some superman 64 tier mini game nonstop, have they added anything else
thats what happens when you keep adding in new features mid development
Sounds like you watched a race.
Or some shitty EVA flight when he crashed his ship.
Reminder that the original kickstarter goal was $500,000
Imagine thinking posting this picture with a smirking mutt, laughing in the viewers face while operating a 13k coffee machine is a good idea.
>$13,200 coffee machines
That's what a good coffee machine costs. Ask any bartender.
I like Star Citizen, and I didn't buy into it until October last year.
It's early but what we have is really fucking neat and unique, and I'm excited to shit on retards with the new flight model on ArcCorp coming up.
Ya the fanbase can be culty and the prices are outrageous but it still feels like someone's singular vision and the core mechanics while janks are really fun.
I wish more anons would, at the very least, stop calling it a scam. It's not a scam when they clearly have 500 people working on it and we get consistent updates.
I started out with an Aurora LN, bought a standalone Avenger Stalker, liquidated the Stalker into a Titan, then melded both ships into a Cutlass Black.
What ship do you have?
No, Kojima directed several functioning games.
Yea Forums will never stop being jelly and poor while I'm exploring the galaxy in my $2k cruiser. Get a job losers.
Bought a Cutlass black day one and haven't regretted it, and haven't spent more on the game either.
It's fun, wish there was more player interaction because I feel like itd be a much better experience
It won't be a scam once they release something resembling a game, aka Sq42. Whens THAT now ay?
>anecdotal evidence
How is highschool bro?
I'm exploring your mom with only $10
at this point is the game even going to be any good? like that much backed assets there's no way this shit isn't going to be P2W as fuck.
This is sad. They're trying to trick themselves into believing they haven't been scammed.
The Cutlass is a pretty awesome ship.
they need to get the guy who fixed ffxiv in 2 years to help
Good post!
I feel like it's going to be an EVE situation where it's going to matter who's with you instead of what's with you, if there's a group of 10 people dedicated to shitting on you, your ship is probably just going to get shit on and that's that.
they should've used that money to bribe Musk instead
Someone is attempting to justify their $20 000 spent on virtual spaceships aren't they.
When is Chris Roberts gonna show off his whole new engine rebuild with ray tracing enabled? With +1 year dev time to get it going.
It's not even just a coffee machine. It's a highly specialized espresso machine that only makes espresso. I've worked with something like one of those at work once and you really can't make normal coffee with it.
>faggots unironically defending SC ITT
Why would this team ever stop making this game until the money runs out? They get paid a wage for the whole time and when the most expensive and best game eventually releases they should be in an excellent position to get their next jobs since they will have so much experience developing a game with all the best technologies.
Sunk cost is one hell of a drug.
too bad they're running a video game company, not a fucking bar.
The game looks like boring shit
Why are people still believing SC is scam when in reality its the most transparent game in development I've ever seen?
Been a backer for almost 2 years now (although I'm pretty casual I spend around 200$) and honestly the progress this game made in that time is just stunning. Seeing how everything has evolved, the regular ATV's and probably the best roadmap out there. I don't get where all the negativity is still coming from.
gotta be more subtle
That is normal coffee, whatever dirty water garbage you are used to drink isn't coffee.
>haven't looked at this game in years
>log in
>have a vanguard and aegis waiting for me along with a billion shit from when I backed before the PTU came out
it's not fun right guys? I can skip this right?
It's not an anecdote that consumers prefer to wait for a complete product.
Star Citizen trailers reach millions of views and most comments echo the same idea ;that they will wait for full release before buying the game.
Also having Mark Hamill in a space fighter game is a recipe for success.
Otherwise you can compare Star Citizen accounts with game packages to accounts without one if you want the exact number of their potential buyers.
Its an actual post from the forums.
I like the ship design.
hi Kojima, post more food
how much does this one costs?
Jesus christ.
It's basically as much as whole new SRW game which releases tomorrow and too has spaceships!
Which ship is it?
Doesn't quite match the new Anvil Arrow.
how much does that .webm of it cost
anvil hawk
Yes, Travis shot himself in the foot.
How long can you delay a thing people paid you to do before it goes from delay to scam?
Looks like trash.
Just a too cartoony for me.
>Building myself a scaled physical model with moving parts would cost me less
I don't hate SRT but i prefer piloting my spess ships instead of watching a repetitive cutscene.
It's okay user. It's a niche series for a reason.
Ya your mom
Reminder that anyone defending scam citizen is a literal redditor.
>mocap for the ships...
>the ships have crew
>you have to mocap the people inside the ships
>you have to put mocapped people inside mocapped people
No wonder it's taking so long. They're trying to work on it, but all they end up with is vore.
That's some A+ tier projection bro
>As of 2018-02-16, CIG has a total of 475 staff working on Star Citizen.
2 coffees per worker * 475 = 950 coffees per day.
It seems like a good decision to buy a coffee machine.
Do you regret throwing away thousands of dollars on something that is never releasing, reddit?
But half of the staff is outsorced in china to make call of duty like sp campaign
I mean, that's a good investment, once the scam is over they can open a nice bar
200 million dollar bar
>crowdfunds his first game
>doesn't crowdfund his second game because he actually has money
Fucking based. Tim Gayfer could learn a lot from him.
I completely forgot that this game was still a thing
>I completely forgot that this game is still not a thing
You can't ran out of hookers and cocaine
Still a more conservative release date than ED's space legs
Pretty much Chris Robert's autism makes the progress of the game nearly impossible
>uses cry engine because it looks good
>turns out cry engine won't work really great with his ideas
>has to scrap the whole engine and build a new one
>progress starts to be made
>Chris chimes in because he has to oversee everything of the project hence why every progress slows down
>people just piss about because they need to wait for Chris to give his ok to develop further
I wish I was Chris Roberts, man is living the dream
yup it's especially funny since he only asked for support for his already "halfway" developed game and now he has a whole cult of people following him who'll scream down any negative press about the game
Is that Andrew Yang on the left?
Uhh noo...
What??? You want them to use peasant doors???They are fucking STAR CITIZEN, the best space game of all time, they only deserve the best!
Besides, you can't expect them to use ALL the money on the game! They deserve a few treats for all of their hard work! :)
Spent on making the best cityscape ever
All I wanted was Squadron 42
Any conversation about SC gets flooded by the anti-cult (actually a cult) spergs that do not know about the game other than the state it was in 2013 and will not take any proof that contradicts their culty ideas cause they are propaganda from the cult (whales that only post in the forums).
Truth is that the way development is going and if it doesn't turn into a massive grind most of you fags will end up playing it and I for one can't wait to see all the hypocrisy from anons and some youtubers in the future.
t.never spent a single dime but have followed since the very begining.
Fucking furry traitor
Is it the only city available?
i don't follow closely, where are they now?
lmao hows that sci fi you can clearly see it turns to day in the end, what a shit game with shit devs and retarded fanbase. Ruined for ever.
>Denial is the first of the five stages of grief. It helps us to survive the loss. In this stage, the world becomes meaningless and overwhelming. Life makes no sense. We are in a state of shock and denial. We go numb.
Sci fi doors.
Only big one that is in the MMO/Big online map atm.
Next big update adds in planet cities.
I can't understand how they managed to get away with this.
For the first few months it will be the best game ever. Remember how Yea Forums creamed their pants over Skyrim in 2011?
You can check the what they have done and whats coming soon here robertsspaceindustries.com
The Stanton system is almost complete with the city planet Arcorp.
If they start implementing gameplay loops we could be looking at a soft release but they are taking their sweet time with those.
>code monkey
>difficult job
I'm sure you just UGH without your latté
theres so many things to go through
spoonfeed me, like if i go into the game now can i have some fun (single player)
>slight mprovments
And a better mod support, something on the level of TES or Neverwinter nights
someone post the giant sand worm webm, that shit looks scary
They are about a year from finishing the Single player and about 2 to 3 for the MP part.
You can again check their progress over at their roadmap robertsspaceindustries.com
about 7 years into comfortable life and more to come
i just hope someday i would be able to enjoy my freelancer 2
based on that roadmap q2 2020 for beta storymode, so i guess q2 2021 for release.
There is fun to be had but it also depends on the stuff you like to do, you can do missions or run cargo and exploring the game but I personally think the gameplay loops are really needed if you wanna have fun solo.
Now if you join a corp and join community events there is a lot of fun there.
based depressed user
That's not the only city.On the same planet there's a business district also a mining compound on a planetoid called Delamar.
pic related is Area 18 a Blade Runner inspired city on Arccorp.
Any office work requires a sprint from time to time, just be you don't sweat it doesn't mean the job doesn't strain people. I usually tend to avoid getting a coffee because I hate the idea of being influenced by drugs, but some days I just need one otherwise I don't feel like doing anything, also it tastes good. Actual coffee, not any of that diluted american crap.
I have a friend of mine whose family invested a lot of money in a fancy cafeteria, with butlers and shit. It actually pays off because they don't have to compete with the rest who instead try to outcheap each other, since they have entirely different costumers.
So yeah, it's not a bad idea, specially since your budget came for free from people who can't demand it back.
It's an investment if your business sells the coffee that the machine makes.
It's not an investment if you purchase a depreciating asset as a luxury item.
thats a big butt
>Watching people fall for scam citizen
My friend killed himself just over 3 years ago, I always wondered if him spending $30k of his life savings on Star Citizen had anything to do with it.
Are there any smooth ship designs?
post that 220 million butt
For you
Coffee gives me a headache unless its iced. I prefer tea.
Sounds like he had major problems regardless
Yeah origin jump works, build some nice ships here the 600i
>Machines like that are an investment
>Does the machine make them money?
>Fuck no
It's a luxury, if something you buy doesn't earn you money. It's not an investment, it's a luxury item
Chris you got yourself a buttocks surgery?
well shit better stop buying chairs too then because they offer nothing but comfort and don't generate money
Yeah okay.
a chair is necessary in most cases for productivity
a coffee maker, much less a $13,200 coffee maker, is not
why are you even defending this
>see yall in 2023
But user, I thought 2020 was going to be the year of years for your game?
Uh oh, the "sunk $4000 into the game and desperately doesn't want to hear they bought into a scam" cult is here lmao
I don't touch any MMO, cultist, I'm just here to laugh at the pyramid scheme you fell for, but good luck finding a scapegoat to deflect the fact everyone is laughing at you.
Because they're whales who foolishly consider the game an investment and thus really, really want others to buy into it
Why are frogposters so dumb they don't even know about Scam Citiscam's famous feature creep?
>See yall in 2023.
Yea see you again in 2023
I was one of the original backers, down the hole $150 after a few years.
Got a refund for the whole thing, I don't care even if it came out feature complete tomorrow, its entirely P2W and there is absolutely no confirmation that it wont continue to be P2W post release.
Ill tell you from all the shitshow the CCCP developers did with EvE the thing that killed it entirely was having options to purchase advantages with real money. The moment you do that you break the entire immersion and shatter any risk/reward in fighting.
And regardless of all of that there is absolutely no way in hell they can sustain the number of players and ships they claim they can deliver, it is literally impossible. It has no question to do with engines, features or technology, its entirely a question of latency and global internet infrastructure is not good enough to sustain it period. Maybe if everyone was living in a 1km distance of each other with google fiber it would be fine but that isnt the reality.
At this rate warframe is going to be a better star citizen before SC even releases
>SC gets flooded by the anti-cult (actually a cult)
That's really the best you can do? I almost never come to these threads but literally everyone can tell this game is a scam. So everyone else is the cult and not you? That's definitely a very sane line of thinking.
See for why you are defending a scam feeding you lies and are thus, in fact, a cult member
>You realize they said this game would release in 2014?
based retard
>Completion percentage is so low because Roberts keeps moving the goalposts.
you don't kill a golden goose
Most people who join cults do tend to have mental health issues, yeah
Up this guy's butt
>People ITT unironically supporting P2W
And yet there's still room for more. If you drop a penny in there you can still hear an echo.
Hell they probably will seeing how Star Citizen is just dropping content through a micro dripper.
Can you land anywhere on a planet city and walk into any building ?
Can you purchase a building and make it your official house ?
Pls respond
Yes you are unaware of it but you are part of a cult thinking you are fighting another cult but that other cult only post on their forums, that or you are part of those I mentioned that have no knowledge of the game but you run your mouth anyway.
I have 0 bucks invested in the game and like other people I just want a damn good space game while not being this emotionally attached to this topic as you.
Doesn't proof anything other than "I only paid attention in 2012"
I work in an investment bank and we have €150 coffee machines. If I want a slushie I buy it myself with my salary.
Yep, you can land in any district and walk into most buildings, they have also stated they want to allow player housing and apartments and allow you to place objects and stuff around like Skyrim on crack.
>imagine paying $80 for a dick ship
Alright that's nice. Might buy the game sike, only once it's out
>Open your wallet to win: the "game"
Where did their hair go?
I got the game for free 4 years ago from an AMD promotion, It's fun to check back every once and a while (Even got some free ships from just being a backer that long), totally understand the wait.
I'm fine with people waiting for games, just don't make shit up about it and do you research
That is a demo, it even says it in the post. They didn't buy it.
>Yea Forums creamed their pants over Skyrim in 2011
Todd, it's time for you to stop posting.
Looks cool, but then again all renders do
Here's hoping Sq42 is already around the corner any minute now
>$13,200 coffee machines
>That's what a good coffee machine costs. Ask any bartender.
A great coffee machine costs $3-5K. $13,200 is industry-level, not private, nor company level. Starbucks and other chains who are in the fucking coffee selling business buy coffee machines for 13k+
All the others who fall for that meme are manbun hipster avocado sandwich serving double macha latte salted caramel frappucino fagass hobby barista queers with knife in $30 hamburgers. It's obscence retardation.
/v was shitting its pants when the morrowind theme kicked in
that's not pre-rendered it's in-game
if people like SC so much why not just play Elite Dangerous
I got it when it was discounted a while back and dropped it after an hour.
Look I know basically nothing about Star Citizen apart from the "never ever" memes. Is there some kinda youtube video maybe where someone goes over the whole debacle?
If you A so much why don't you play B?
you sure about this dutch?
Both sides on youtube are extremely biased, the best way to go about it is to watch both side's videos and then check out the game itself in videos to see if you like it.
Kardashian ain’t got nothing on this user
does it still run like shit?
Not really since the new Server tech was put in
The sequel has a Y axis and more radio stations.
Can't walk around. I enjoy exploring and landing on different planets.
I know thread is old as hell and I rarely feel like saying things like this but you sound like an industrial grade asshat.
I enjoy the full delivery boy experience because I'm autistic.
No, because Chris is scamming a bunch of retarded crowdfunders out of millions of dollars. Kojima is scamming SNOY for millions of dollars.
One is a faggot. One is based. YOU DECIDE.
i paid 25 eurobucks for this back in 2015, now i can't even play it because it requires 16 fucking gb or ram. And it stills run like shit
I hope that Star Citizen comes out soon and is the great game everyone wants and everyone has a really fun time playing it.
it just doesn't look like any of those things are going to happen
When planets were added they had to either up the system requirements or add loading screens.I think they made the right decision.
>I've got 8 frames
>me too
post yfw you never fell for this garbage
>>ive alrdy invested around ten grand into the game
unironically kys then
Bought that stupid colonel package
Imagine how many space ships they could've bought their employees for that money instead of vanity junk.
Lol nice framerate retard
Even if this game comes out, it's still going to be a pay2win shitfest. Wouldn't touch thia game with your credit card.
I used to be a barista in college. That's a cheap espresso machine. I worked at a store with a $40k one and it wasnt even like a gourmet coffee shop.
>le scary hole
This is even more cring than le scary killer clowns thing a while back.
there are going to be limitations to how much credit you can buy per month and a lot of inflation to prevent whales from buying every ship in game, the real problem lies in how grindy is gonna be for us "just buy the game" people.
Notice that the framerate tanked when they started firing their weapons.This is a known optimization issue and recently got fixed.
>every noteworthy manufacturer of note
Sure it did Starcuck
>Sure it did Starcuck
Any proof that goes against their "anti-cult" cult is quickly dismissed.
Like clockwork.
It really is such a shame, the game itself has so much promise.
Where was your proof jack shit was fixed? I don't see another massive battle without crap framerate being posted, do you?
Go back to your jpegs fag.
Sure thing overly emotional about a game cultist.
his butt is also my bank.
What game? There is no game, so how can it be promising? The IDEA is has promise.
*sperm bank
>so far in a hole and so mad about being a cultist that after YEARS of abuse, his final solution is to scream "NO U" when people remind him that he wasted thousands of dollars and joined a cult
Lol ok bruh, at least my "cult" was free of charge ;^)
Must be nice.
Didn't one of these whales get divorced and have to file bankruptcy?
O'rly? Do tell.
>spending money on vidya
>Never spent a single dime
>Never joined any cult
Must be hard seeing everything in black and white :^)
>extremely defensive of a kickstarter scam
>I didn't spend any money I swearz!
Sure friend.
>the promise had so much promise
oh really
>But it looks like they're actually taking the time necessary to to the best they can with the resources they have.
>Muh cultist boogieman
Not everyone is a cookie cutter shitposter like you user-kun.
judging by your emotional reactions I think you are the most likely to have spent money on it while I just sit and wait for something substantial to put my 60 bucks in.
ah right, forgot europeans have superior everything
>that literal ONE user that consistently runs damage control in Scam Citizen threads on Yea Forums
>actually claims he didn't invest anything
So what is it then? Autism? I think you ought to go back to the SC reddit board where you can be among other like-minded people.
i swear i see these kind of posts everytime space engine is mentionned
i can't think of something else that angers me more than this
>everyone that likes game iz one person
Except nobody actually likes it here and you have the same style of posting so it's not hard to tell.
Except that is not me you fucking retard.
>but I heard Yea Forums hates all games so I wanna fit in
you are the actual tourist from reddit here.
Food traditions and cultural identity vs rootless least common denominator multiculti larping corporate mass market consumables.
yeah a demonstration of how to use it. you think they would have training for all their workers if they didn't fucking buy the espresso machine?
It has a ton of reused assets though.
Welcome to SRW. Your first game?
No, I just find it silly for anyone to bring up SRW in regards to worth or even calling it whole new when the recent mainline games have been made with as little money and effort as possible for full purchase price.
One is a game, the other isn't.
they better start drinking tapwater then, thats all they would get in my company.
Do you see any other major SRPG series still alive?
That's your answer.
And honestly crossovers are fun. Also even if it's reused assets - those are good reused assets with some new stuff here and there. Fanservice still works.
okay so, does the game actually exist?
i mean, is there an actual software that offers gameplay? all i've seen are bullshots and either prerendered or scripted videos, never actual gameplay. so, is there really a game being developed here?
Last time I tried it you could do some basic spacetrucking and fight other people for no reason.