At what age do you think you're going to stop playing video games, user?
At what age do you think you're going to stop playing video games, user?
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When I am physically incapable
Boobs are not soft, they feel like a balloon full of rocks
Probably right when I die at age 27
I stopped playing video games 2 years ago, so 21
I'm not any more or less attached to videogames than I am any other medium.
you mean bag of salty coins
Like you would know.
Are you even aware of what the "Salty coins and milk" came from or are you just parroting other people?
>balloon full of rocks
No they don't, the fuck kind of boob have you been grabbing?
never unless i feel the need to conform to societal expectations
Gamers are so oppressed
wtf? youve been fucking trannies man
I'm 30 now and playing more than ever, so probably only when I become physically/mentally incapable.
Good answer.
I'm going to play vidya until I either literally kill myself or i'm physically unable to anymore so then I can kill myself after.
I've thought about that. I honestly don't see myself getting another hobby at any point in my life. So to answer I'd say never. Now I could see myself playing less and less as games steadily get worse.
Never too late to start lifting.
they've got a rubbery outer layer and a milky inner layer and somewhere between the two is the urge to say honk, honk when you squeeze them
The day I quit drinking.
The last time i saw my dad playing video games was 12 years ago i think, he was 43 and playing RE4. So around that age
I guess in 3 or so years from now when I kill myself
They are literally bags of fat like your head you dumb piece of shit.