At what age do you think you're going to stop playing video games, user?

At what age do you think you're going to stop playing video games, user?

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When I am physically incapable

Boobs are not soft, they feel like a balloon full of rocks

Probably right when I die at age 27

I stopped playing video games 2 years ago, so 21

I'm not any more or less attached to videogames than I am any other medium.

you mean bag of salty coins

Like you would know.

Attached: 1552907332651m.jpg (1024x1024, 87K)

Are you even aware of what the "Salty coins and milk" came from or are you just parroting other people?

>balloon full of rocks
No they don't, the fuck kind of boob have you been grabbing?

never unless i feel the need to conform to societal expectations

Gamers are so oppressed


wtf? youve been fucking trannies man

I'm 30 now and playing more than ever, so probably only when I become physically/mentally incapable.

Good answer.

I'm going to play vidya until I either literally kill myself or i'm physically unable to anymore so then I can kill myself after.

Attached: broly dance.gif (360x360, 2.58M)

I've thought about that. I honestly don't see myself getting another hobby at any point in my life. So to answer I'd say never. Now I could see myself playing less and less as games steadily get worse.


Never too late to start lifting.

they've got a rubbery outer layer and a milky inner layer and somewhere between the two is the urge to say honk, honk when you squeeze them

Attached: img_789.png (372x388, 89K)

The day I quit drinking.

The last time i saw my dad playing video games was 12 years ago i think, he was 43 and playing RE4. So around that age

I guess in 3 or so years from now when I kill myself

They are literally bags of fat like your head you dumb piece of shit.