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Is there any online card game left that's actually good?
I just want to play some card game which is fun enough in which I don't have to spend more than 15 bucks a month.
Deez nuts
Why did Artifact fail? Was it just because it was the game people didn't want? Or is it just 3rd worlders who didn't want to pay for a game?
>pay for game
>has to continue to pay to get cards
Nah it's valve outjewing themselves
MTG Arena
>Why did a bottom-barrel money generator with no mobile-focus being sold for $20 fail?
Because it was cheap. It was Valve being a pack of cheapskates, going for a lowest-hanging-fruit genre and it blew up in their face.
those yugioh simulators like dueling book and ygo pro or whatever
Got him
Massive paywall just to get in or even try the game at all.
There are a lot of people (myself included) that were probably genuinely interested in giving the game a shot. But the fact you have to pay for the base game, only to have to pay to get the cards to actually play it; was a huge turn off and a deal breaker. I'm sure hearthstone would have bombed if they made you pay for the base game as well. Its just a terrible business model for a card game, I have no idea what they were even thinking.
geez what the fuck is up with valve? I understand if they didn't wanna make games anymore and just focus on PC market but then buying up that studio and making this for years raises questions if they're even competent at all if everyone with some talent keeps leaving
>if they're competent
they haven't been competent for over a decade
As someone who actually enjoyed it, but bailed out, sold everything and sort of made profit:
A) buy in was a mistake. no wide audience that way. It was never particularly big.
B) completely incomprehensible to a non-player, making streaming kinda shitty.
C) Games took really fucking long.
D) RNG was inherent in the game, but certain cards made it entirely unbearable.
E) Heroes were poorly balanced "On purpose," but it was still a fucking stupid decision
F) no ladder or anything earnable early on. Literally nothing to work towards. The only thing you played for was the fun of playing. Honestly stupid. Even Single player games reward players for playing with unlockables and such.
All in all it was a fresh idea and coulda maybe worked out, but there were some fundamental flaws with the game, and some completely asinine decisions that made sure the game never had a chance.
Dota aesthetics
>learn nothing from heartstone
>learn nothing from their own game that is dota 2
>learn nothing from the raw reaction when it was announced
Valve is out of touch and greedy
>geez what the fuck is up with valve?
They're super libertarian and free form internally.
It's flat management and general interest of workers governs the attention and money behind products, but the power is still centralized behind old school tech wizards like Gabe.
All of the young video game faggots coming out of blue hair marxist schools hate it, so they're low and actualy manpower to make games as well as internal political division causes slowdown in product design and management.
Gabe says Half Life VR will release some time in the next 5 years.
if you have realfriends you want to play with just use one of those pirate mtg clients that just simulate the game without any of the "pay real money for lootboxes full of jaypegs of cards" stuff
It's unironically a fun game and much better than artifact.
>young video game faggots coming out of blue hair marxist schools
valve doesn't have anyone young in it
they only hire people who've already done actual work in the industry
Because it was designed like something you would play once a week on a Saturday at the local card shop, Valve was stupid enough to let Garfield make a vanity project instead of a proper card game, i mean seriously no ladder in 2019?
>valve doesn't have anyone young in it
They have plenty of young people.
They pay their junior members shit money.
They've always sniped inexperienced people who work in mod communities and independent projects and given them a shot.
online card games are a dime a dozen, and in an enviorment where most contenders are well entrenched, being mediocre is just not good enough.
No. Hearthstone, MTGArena, Artifact, they're all shit.
>hey we're making a digital TCG that's just like a physical TCG
How do retards like you function? Do you just leech welfare? Is that why you're like this?
>They've always sniped inexperienced people who work in mod communities and independent projects and given them a shot.
except when they stopped making games like 8 years ago
they were retarded about it
even shadowverse prints money
all they had to do was make their game f2p and launch it with a mobile app but noooo mr gaben had to be a special jewish snowflake about it
there was a ranked mode but you had to pay $2.50 per entrance and you'd get card packs or some shit based on how well you did
>hire people who make mods, not games
>this continues for years
>eventually end up with nobody who can actually make a videogame and just a bunch of modders
They still do.
>hey we're making a digital TCG that's just like a physical TCG
you know starter decks are free right? I don't know if you're shitposting or not but starter decks (in paper, mind you) have been free for ages because no one's going to spend money on a bunch of cardboard they might not even enjoy
giving the game a $20 price tag was a shotgun to the head and I don't know how anyone at valve couldn't understand that
the game is shit, too
i would have bought it if it was 20bux WITHOUT the card pack microtransactions
If you walk into an LGS and tell them you're new to magic and want to try playing it they'll hand you a free starter deck
This barely counts as a game and portal 2 was what, 2011?
>Gabe says Half Life VR will release some time in the next 5 years
That was fake
what do you mean making people pay for a mediocre digital card game when the prevailing model is free is a bad idea? Start charging people for cups of water at a restaurant, see how fast it goes under.
If you’re going to make a digital card game that works exactly like the real world cards, WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYONE WANT TO DO THAT??
Is this the part where we rationize the “benifits” of digital vs physical copies?
They're stilll working on 3 VR projects currently
I'll believe it when I see it.
Why was Garfield's inclusion such a big deal when he's made about 30 games, and only 3 of them are any good?
>walk in and get a free deck
You get something that isn't even playable and is 100% bulk.
I'd rather be able to get the cards I fucking want instead of grinding for what I want.
Because free-model card games require you to grind and that shit is cancer. I'm not going to waste hours grinding so I can test a deck.
because when you literally invented a genre of game people tend to pay attention if they namedrop you
it failed because it looks worse than hearthstone and ain't nobody paying $20 to confirm that it is in fact worse than hearthstone
Dota. The card game market is already small. The people that wanted a fucking Dota card game was a fraction of that.
>You get something that isn't even playable and is 100% bulk.
Wow so just like a starter deck that you pay for
Will be canned, the VR fad is over
Sony & Facebook did a good job killing it by hoarding the good VR games, exclusives in a niche market denies it any growth, makes headsets like the Vive useless & makes people hate VR
>You get something that isn't even playable and is 100% bulk.
so in magic you get bad cards for free because they're bad, but in artifact you pay for bad cards because...?
Wow, it's almost like the standards for physical goods are different from the standards of digital goods.
Shouldn't the standards for a digital product be higher? Why are they so much lower?
Right, to be more specific, they're even lower. Which is why paying for a digital version of something you could get a physical version of for free isn't appealing
>Wow so just like a starter deck that you pay for
>$30 challenger decks coming soon that contain actual good cards and are a few upgrades away from being tier 1 builds
>this was done for last standard too
Retard alert.
You're also paying for the software platform and the ability to actually trade the damn cards instead of being stuck with trash you don't want. Also, let's not forget that the shit you get for mtg still isn't playable out of the box.
I wish chess based cardgames caught on
>Also, let's not forget that the shit you get for mtg still isn't playable out of the box.
The free decks you get are literally playable.
>You're also paying for the software platform and the ability to actually trade the damn cards instead of being stuck with trash you don't want.
Which are all worth the same amount as the cards that you didn't pay for
seriously why are you pretending to be a shill? what good comes of it? the game is dead and there's zero chance of it coming back, why facetiously advertise something that can't be advertised?
You pay for the software platform with the 40% cut Valve takes out of every card you trade. Why should you pay another $20 for the game itself when that's already the cost, just because you get an unplayable deck
>challenger decks
So you admit that Artifact's monetization scheme is worse than MTG's?
it was a game that belonged in 1997 being made in 2018.
>The free decks you get are literally playable
>30 card welcome decks
>Which are all worth the same amount as the cards that you didn't pay for
I don't care. It's a better system than all of the freemium shit games even if the game itself blows.
>buh buh buh shill
>So you admit that Artifact's monetization scheme is worse than MTG's?
Yes. But it isn't worse than Arena's or Hearthstone's.
pay2play and pay2win when other card games are free
and it's shit
>I don't care. It's a better system than all of the freemium shit games even if the game itself blows.
So paying $20 for bad cards is good because reasons but
>But it isn't worse than Arena's
paying $0 for lots of actually good decks is bad?
>But it isn't worse than Arena's
Why not, when you can get a fully playable deck in Arena in a couple of weeks? Arena also matches based on your deck's powerlevel, unlike shartifact. Its only flaw is being Standard only.
>All that VA Work Valve paid to produce
Good move there Gabe.
>even implying that any of the precon decks on Arena are even close to good
>get a fully playable deck in Arena in a couple of weeks?
Same could be said of Artifact except I wouldn't be forced to fucking grind like a schmuck.
A card game was the stupidest choice to go with for their next game. A fighting game would have been a better decision.
>>even implying that any of the precon decks on Arena are even close to good
They aren't T1 decks but they're by far the best free deck wotc has ever put out, and they're better than their paper bait decks too.
>I wouldn't be forced to grind like a shmuck
Right, it's much better to pay $50 for a deck than to spend 1 hour a day 3 or 4 days per week on one.
It pricing was a issue, the 40k people playing day one would still be playing. Specially now when the full game + full collection costs like 65 dollars.
The real reason it failed is because the game is simply not fun
The game has too little control. It feels static. The balance is terrible (on purpose). Also it looks like shit
Artifact screams hubris, greed and corporate dick sucking
Behold! The only good electronic trading card game.
I've watched a bunch of videos from pro players coming from other card games criticizing the game mechanics itself. Everyone seemed to agreed upon that the RNG was too severe.
>they're by far the best free deck wotc has ever put out
That doesn't make them not shit, fucker. Anything constructed by WotC short of these recent lines of challenger decks and their commander precons are pure shit and even then there's always a stinker like the izzet deck they're squatting out.
Time is worth more than money. I can make more money but I can't make more time.
There's also guild kits, but we're miles past the point of deniability.
I wanted to continue this argument but you're not putting any effort into it.
>tried to translate a paper ccg into a digital one
It never works. Did Garfield fucking forget WotC had to bind themselves in a contract that forbids them to re-release certain cards? That's how Black Lotus and the Power Nine got to ridiculous prices.
Why do retards think the reserved list is legally binding?
Why do retards not even know why the reserved list exists in the first place?
>WotC had to bind themselves in a contract that forbids them to re-release certain cards? That's how Black Lotus and the Power Nine got to ridiculous prices.
Woah really? Whats the story behind that?
The reserved list is in a legal grey area. It's not specifically legally binding, but it also is not. Considering WOTC has outright stated that the reserved list was a mistake they would go back in time to fix if they could, I doubt they think it's worth the legal trouble to abolish.
He's bullshitting, there's a set of cards (mostly just from 1993 to like 1995 or something) that they've said they aren't going to reprint because of autistic stock market junkies who existed back in the 90s.
This was never legally binding, it was never even CLOSE to legally binding, it's literally just "We're saying we won't do this as to not upset you".
There's even the fact that they they broke that promise and printed them as promo cards, but then they rose a stink about it and so they said no reprints ever.
It's as legally binding as a fucking pinky swear is and it infuriates me that people think it's legitimate.
>Considering WOTC has outright stated that the reserved list was a mistake they would go back in time to fix if they could, I doubt they think it's worth the legal trouble to abolish.
Maro and other members of wotc are and have been proponents of getting rid of the reserved list, but they are not the entirety of wotc.
Actual lawyers with no affiliation with either side have been consulted and specifically said that there's no precedent for it, so a case could be made against WOTC if they violated it.
>There's also guild kits
What about them. They're constructed like shit and are only worth it for a couple of money cards and some guild shit.
>I wanted to continue this argument but you're not putting any effort into it
Looks like you've got this backwards, bud. You're giving up. That's fine but don't push it on me because you're tired of being wrong.
>Why do retards think the reserved list is legally binding?
Because it is. It's a written agreement that allows owners of those cards to sue Wizards if they reprint those cards and they lose value.
>It's a written agreement that allows owners of those cards to sue Wizards if they reprint those cards and they lose value.
then why didn't they get sued into the ground when they broke the reserved list? GUESS WHAT BECAUSE IT DOESN'T FUCKING EXIST
Oh man, one of the few things Maron is right about. Can't wait to see what happen after the shitshow that is going to be WAR
Are they still trying to get a movie or that idea just died?
You see these autists talking about Magic? That's something Artifact hoped to achieve but never will.
if only the free games had a way to purchase the cards you want somehow, perhaps some kind of exchange system
It's not explicitly a written agreement, because the reserved list itself was printed in a magazine of WOTC's initiative without consulting any other parties, making it not explicitly a contract (since a contract is an agreement between multiple parties). However it is a legal grey area and regardless of whether they won or not, WOTC would have a lot of legal fees on their hands.
>then why didn't they get sued into the ground when they broke the reserved list?
They did. That's what happened when they reprinted that promo. It's why they haven't tried again since.
I don't know exactly when it was cancelled but it's definitely cancelled, someone brought it up in a list of "things to blame mark rosewater for"
Gwent's pretty chill
The ones based on RL card games are good. MTG Arena, Pokemon
>They did. That's what happened when they reprinted that promo.
[Citation Needed]
Yeah, that'd be great. Instead you can sink a bunch of money into an uneven amount of in-game currency for a bunch of packs that don't guarantee jack shit.
>Oh man, one of the few things Maron is right about.
I'm far from a staunch defender of every decision made and opinion held by him, but like 90% of them are usually good.
2) greed
3) Valve doesn't remember how to make games anymore
The game itself was just bad. Due to that it got a lot of mixed publicity before and during its release. Since there was a paywall to even try the game that put a lot of people off from wanting to bother.
My bad. It was only the threat of going to court back in 2010.
As long as we can all admit when we're wrong.
Because they made something no one wanted.
The game is based on Dota 2 but the only thing that was left from it is the lanes (which some say was a terrible decision, I've never played a card game mind you).
Paywall on top of it. And a market based on the stats of the cards instead of cosmetics.
I love the fact that some Chinese dude in his mother's basement understood Dota's fanbase more than Valve.
Pay2Play business model in a fucking CARD GAME.
valve are a bunch of nonces
>I love the fact that some Chinese dude in his mother's basement understood Dota's fanbase more than Valve.
that the chess thing? what the fuck is that about anyway
>let's translate DotA 2's mechanics into a card game!
>great, how do we do that?
>uhhh, let's hire Richard Garfield and leave it all to him. He made Magic right?
>the one artifact fan
It's actually more of a turn-based tower defense
I've got some bad news user.
They laid off both the artifact devs AND their VR devs.
yeah dude you're right, artifact's model was great and it only failed because of toxic gamers
I think you were trying to type "Duelyst" in which case you are correct
This is what I do; I use cockatrice.
It has its own problems though.
Triple triad is not chess based, and it is also a piece of shit. I say this as a huge FF8 fan.
Not even as good as that card game that some Yea Forumsirgin made and shilled here and gave away keys to.
I don't even remember the name so dont ask me. But I played it. Better than artifact. Lore something I think. Forgotten lore?
>Triple Triad is chess
More like Tic-tac-toe
>makes you pay for the game when their competitors are f2p
>no unique selling point for that price point
>shitty port of dota2's gameplay to card form
Maybe if it was f2p, had some sort of collab with dota 2 it wouldn't have failed at least
We know the game is dying already, but why does Yea Forums (whose OP I assume is the same person) keep making these daily Artifact threads?
Why didn't they make the game f2p and give everyone a small starter deck with untradable cards? It would've fixed so much shit
Aren't all card game pay 2 play/win basically?
It's funny
>"So, how do we differentiate ourselves from our competitors?"
>"You know those other games right? Yeah, you know how they're free? Let's make our game cost money."
What were they thinking?
Do you think valve will try to grab Dota Autochess and make it in standalone under the name "Artifact rebooted"?
i don't think they could if they wanted to. also at this point "dota autochess" has about 10x more brand value than artifact
Now where could my pipe be
The autochess dev will be working with a chinese company for their standalone mobile game so I doubt it
It tried to be MTG Arena and failed miserably because it doesn't have 25 years of Fanbase to work with from the get go. The stockholmed ass MTG players will pay for anything and Wotc knows it so they can get away with jewery from launch. Completely untested Dota card game? Not so much. It doesn't help the actual game was a fucking mess to play or watch. Garfield is a hack who lucked out on one decent game and has since made 30 flops no one cares about, I have no idea why they actually chose to market the game with this retards name attached.
You don't get the actual product like you do with real TCG.
>Yea Forums makes fun of chinks for paying to win in videogames
>Yea Forums has no problem with TCGs
is it nostalgia?
Here are my 5 cents about it:
Valve thought they can make good money by making a game for the "elite", basically some sort of prestigious game only for the rich so rich people can play against each other with no poorfags allowed. They thought they can make some kind of brand with it like Dolche and Gabbana where it is supposed to be prestigious to buy a t-shirt for 1000 bucks.
Basically they wanted to bank on whales without involving smaller fish, and they thought whales will feel good playing against other whales while laughing about poorfags that are not even allowed in the game like it's some sort of elite club for rich people. How the game is animated and designed with all those pimp colours (in comparison to cartoony Hearthstone one's) is another proof that they wanted to bank on the rich.
Well the thing is... Rich players want shit over poorfags with pay2win, this is a game, not real life where richfags gate themselves out, and without poorfags there is not a single reason for a whale to invest.
> tfw a shitty dota mod based on artifact has more players
"has more players" is a bit of an understatement
auto chess has like 500 times as many players
Not being F2P was the boneheadest move they could have ever made, especially for a card game where you need to buy more cards with cash.
I mean dota but it's artifact
>thinks triple triad is shit
only thing you're a huge fan of is cock my man
new milestone boys
In some degree.
Physical TCG you can trade cards with other players in game store.
Artifact cards can't be traded because Valve wants to take % cut for each transaction.
Most of WotC detests the reserved list but Hasbro wants to keep it going.
>301 now
Desperate euroniggers
I just want to say I feel good about this. Fuck you Volvo. If you don't make a game ever again, remember that you ended with an utter failure. And if you do, it better be good because not even gam*rs eat your shit anymore.
Thank you, user.
Great perspective, makes sense to me
Because the game is jewish as fuck.
Either you make it F2P and pay for cards or make it a paid game with only earnable cards. Don't fucking double dip because you can't wait to rake your pull from people who are already tired of shitty card games.
People who defend this crap are usually the same people defending paid modding because they're dickriding Valve that hard and say some shit about the free market, well the free market decided this game was fucking shit
Unironically what DID go wrong?
I'm surprised artifact died as quickly as it did.
Hey that game was fun and that dude gave me a key. I hope forgottenlorebro made it
Dota and card game players don't overlap
Dota doesn't make a good card game if you try to make it resemble Dota.
Nobody asked for artifact.
Most of comment regarding the paywall issue is retarded.
If the game is good, it'll have a steady and loyal playerbase.
Well, its not. Its a fucking shitty, overcomplicated piece of shit that is not thrilling or fun to play.
Its a horribly designed card game and that is why its failed, and failed hard.
I agree, Valve has been resting on their laurels for too fucking long and they need to make a real fucking game instead of just passively making money from people with poor impulse control buying $2.50 lootboxes in TF2,Dota 2, and CS:GO. Plus they're always years late to the party when they feel threatened, like they decided to try to fix the chat interface years after Discord became the norm. Hopefully they feel something from the Epic Store. I don't care about Yea Forums's opinion on Epic's crap but I enjoy their existence because hopefully they can at least pressure Valve to stop being passive fucks.
just play on ygopro and duelingbook
>paying for digital cards is the same thing as physical
A number of reasons.
First of all it looks like shit, hearthstone is popular because it looks clean, crisp, colorful and is easy to follow. Artifart just looks bland and confusing in comparison.
Second, it's needlessly complex for the sake of saying it's a complex. Again, hearthstone is popular because it's both easy to pick up and follow.
You can tune in the middle of a stream, take a look at the board and have all the information you need to watch the rest of the game. But no, gotta have those sideboards.
Third and that goes without saying, the price tag.
When you're going into a saturated market where your biggest competitors are free to play and you come out with a 20 dollars price tag on top of a jewish f2p business model, you're just tripping on your way to the starting line.
It's also boring as shit but that's just me.
This. It's really confusing to me because the game is based off Dota 2, which is free to play. If they were expecting/hoping players to cross over, why not make it free as well? This should've been a slam dunk for every Dota 2 player, who already have connections with the heroes.
Why the greed? They could make it f2p and still make a lot of cards available to earn through playing, and then have paid cosmetic content like alternate artwork for your favourite cards. It should be so fucking easy, I really don't get it. It obviously works very well for Dota 2.
>even implying that any of the precon decks on Arena are even close to good
You can get to mythic-rank by investing a a few common/uncommon wildcards in merfolk and at most 2 mythics on kumena.
The game is more of the dull, slow MTG bullshit.
It suffers from the same old issue all resource based games have, that it is harder to out things that it is to put on the board. This makes the game very difficult to play.
The randomness of the game also makes it feel like you're not in control. Not only do you have to draw your outs, you also have to get lucky on where the creeps spawn and which way the arrows go.
basically every tcg except yugioh is pure shit
I honestly thought when this was announced it was going to bank from all the whales flexing with $300 unusual (whatever the fuck those imp-like mascots are) from loot crates or whatever.
Hell they could even link it with your Dota 2 account somehow, (Get 10000 kills as Huskar and get a free Huskar card) or some shit like that
Defend YuGiOh to me as if I was shitmouthing it and saying MTG was better. I'm not knocking on it since I have casual fun running shit like Lava Golem and Santa Claws in YGOpro but don't people usually complain it's like solitaire and you shit out a billion special summons?
If you won the lottery would you ever want to work your job again? That's modern Valve, they don't want to actually work to make a game, so they just half-ass it and expect it to be successful.
"break my board bro" has been part of the way yugioh played for a long time. There's always been combo decks which make a big board with lots of negates and all that.
However, what mentioned is the important thing that sets yugioh apart from every other game. It is much easier to disrupt people vomiting shit onto the board, than it other games due to how hand traps work.
It is much easier to out big boards because board wipes are ubiquitous, you have Slumber, Evenly, Raigeki, Dark Hole, you have Sphere Mode and the Kaijus.
And none of those cards cost you anything to activate, you can use them whenever you want.
The whole masturbatory combo gameplay only turns into a problem if you have to deal with decks that violate these two points. If you have decks like Gouki which make you start the game with 2 cards in hand, can play through every hand trap and still make a board with a bunch of negates. Decks like Spyral which make boards with 10 layers of protection and a disruption on top of that.
And of course, the FTKs.
But of course combo decks aren't the only deck people play, right now there's one combo deck that's top tier (or maybe two, I'm not sure how to feel about Dark Orcust), the other two top decks are Salamangreat which makes the same board every turn and grinds the opponent out with a disruption and a negate and Sky Striker, which is a control deck that has been out for a year.
Someone better put this Artifact in a museum.
Low hanging fruit, Carlos.
Thanks user
Play Shadowverse!
bad optics and paygate
Shadowverse is alright because it constantly gives packs away for free while also being alive, which is rare but typical of Cygames.
Almost all card games are unsuccessful. Hearthstone is suffering right now from power creep and RNG, and Artifact is basically the same game. In order to gain popularity, you need something that is better than Hearthstone, but not too complex, because MtG fills that niche. There is no (easy) way to make a card game right now that is unique and is different to the two titans that occupy the market. This decision was failed from the start, I knew it would happen, but I didn't know it would happen so quickly.
They could have made a game with card elements, like an old RTS called "7th Legion" - it could bring them some fans, but they'd better invent a completely new system, like chinese did with Auto Chess.
it didn't have any titty images
>unlike 10 other gacha games out there
What was the fucking point of adding a fourth color? They had the perfect, established trio of Str/Int/Agi.
>20$ when every other cardgame is free to play
>still plays like a free to play cardgame
Just make a tactics game, makes it deep but without being unintuitive. Not like duelyst, like xcom (large detailed maps, units have more than one action to take, etc)
Valve is retarded not just because of the dumb paywall but because theyre making a game for an audience that doesnt exist. Dotards will only play Dota, normies and Blizzdrones will play Hearthstone, Weebs have Shadowverse and Oldfags have MTGO and eventually MTGA once WotC finishes their migration. Dota """""""lore"""""""" is laughable and nonexistent so flavorfags wont bother. I kept telling this to those dumbass shills that made constant Artifact threads before release but they wont listen.
Ineffective team/project structures coupled with no need to develop games to make money since Steam gets them enough to keep going
>not valve fault I swear!
>Online tcg
>Fresh Idea
Yugioh Online came out 14 years ago.
nobody asked for it and its pay2play
>Or is it just 3rd worlders who didn't want to pay for a game?
ironic since you guys were celebrating the lack of freeplayers kind
Unironically Hearthstone
I know Artifact is dead and gone, but still I am glad I was able to play a few Phantom Drafts while I could. I think Artifact would've fared better if there was no constructed play, and the focus was on drafting.
What would you change to make artifact a good game keeping it as a card game? What would be your radical change to the rules?
Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Links
>What would you change to make artifact a good game keeping it as a card game?
I'd scrap it entirely
Artifact defenders are almost as autistic as FFXV-kun.
>scrap it
But what do you put in its place? How would the game look like?
I would have made card packs purchasable with in-game currency rather than money only. The $20 "entry fee" isn't a huge deal but when literally every other digital card game is giving away free/in-game currency packs and you say "money please" it makes your game less appealing.
Way too many payment barriers and one of the most disappointing reveals that ever took place.
Apparently, it was good for what it was, but it was a massive burn after 6 years with no new Valve title to see the "The Dota Card Game" subtitle.
people who think it's just monetization that ruined artifact have to answer for the fact that tens of thousands of people who bought into the game dumped it and stopped playing
the biggest problem with artifact has always been that it's not that fun
it's a complicated mess of a game that's hard to learn and easy to master. the games themselves aren't that fun and are overall very convoluted and same-y.
people who pretend it's a masterpiece of a game and that they personally love to play it have all dumped it. when games are actually fun people want to play them. there's so many games with shitty monetization that do fine because despite everything they're still fun.
artifact is so bad and so unfun that it's on track to be the biggest AAA failure of all time. no other game has had such a large player decline in such a short period of time.
I've heard someone say they're glad artifact failed because it succeeding would've gone against everything they were taught about game development.
>It's a better system than all of the freemium shit games even if the game itself blows.
You can get a tier 1 deck in Gwent in a couple of days for free and a full collection within a month.
>biggest AAA failure of all time
Is it really AAA though? I mean how expensive can it be to develop a fucking card game?
Dragon Ball Super is great, you can play online on untap or OCTGN
Do you think Valve lost money on this game? If so how much?
There will be time when more people will be playing Ricoshet
fucking owned
volvo card game
volvo zombie coop game aka l4d3
>turtle studio does it for someone else and calls it back 4 blood
volvo gaming system
>essentialy high end PCs with a name tag and loonix
volvo recently did 2 good things
>steamlink (sadly discontinued)
>games-on-linux thingamajig
#1: heroes can move around lanes by default for no resource cost
#2: attacks are targeted, not automatic
#3: card design isn't a boring pile of stats
#4: hire actually good artists and drop the dota theme in favor of something that's not boring as fuck, like dark sci fi
The only solid facts about Artifact's development we know are that they've been working on it for the last 5 years and that Richard's team/company was under contract from the beginning until they got laid off a month ago.
what happened was valve got caught up in the lies of yesmen.
the entire beta period was filled with streamers and ecelebs as well as valve fanboys. everybody involved thought that they were getting in on the ground level of the next big thing, the next big esport. everybody wanted to carve out a piece of the upcoming smash hit for themselves and to establish not only their place but a good connection with valve for their own gain.
so this cool kids club all did the same thing, they heaped praise on valve and were very conservative and light on criticism. shills like swim have tried to control the narrative by pointing back in time and saying they were critical of the game but 99% of what came out of swim's mouth was constant praise about how good the game was.
publicly they all did the same thing- they said the game was the greatest they had ever played. who cares if they didn't personally enjoy it that much? it's valve right so it has to be good. just stick with it and since you got in early your career will take off.
so valve was surrounded by yesmen all feeding them info that they were sitting on a golden goose. and the culture of valve is filled with superior feeling types who believe they know everything and are the best. just look at the pre-release hype. it's the half life 2 of card games. it's going to revolutionize the genre. it's going to completely change the landscape of card games.
it all went to their head. they made a pile of shit. artifact is a really bad game deep down, in almost every single way. from monetization to gameplay to the community itself.
now that it's released... if you were at valve what would you do? you're allowed to change products freely. would you stick with the game that plummeted from 60,000 online players to 100? why bother? seriously. just jump to a new project that will actually look good on your resume. one or two autists can deal with it right? you did your work. so enjoy something new.
What's up with newfags who have no idea when to greentext?
>6 minutes of positives, most of which go over the same point that doesn't matter to anyone in the games industry (potential pay)
>24 minutes of negatives
Does anyone have that image of Gaben doing the PowerPoint presentation?
Valve can't release anything that isn't HL3 without getting absolutely shit on from all sides
streamers get paid to play new games
nah. the truth is the half life fans are now a small percentage of valve fanboys. that's an old meme. a lot of the current gamer generation doesn't care at all about half life.
Measured exclusively with $$$, Artifact is a cheaper game to play than any other alternatives. Buying a deck with money costs much less in Artifact than it will cost in HS, MTGA et al, doubly so because when you change decks you can just sell them at the market and buy a new one while losing less than in those games (and in MTGA's case you have to start each deck from scratch).
1. Cheaper than "outrageously expensive" is still expensive as fuck. Artifact is STILL more expensive than any videogame has the right to be.
2. The alternatives have F2P paths that are doable. Even Hearthstone, just doing your daily quests gets you some 60 packs per expansion. So most of the playerbase for the alternatives DON'T SPEND MONEY (or spend little money anyway). But Artifact doesn't have this opportunity. So people are turned off.
Going P2P was an awful awful idea.
>Literally nothing to work towards. The only thing you played for was the fun of playing.
Jesus christ you fucking millennial
I am so happy Artifact bombed. Valve deserves all the shit they get nowadays.
>Artifact is a cheaper game to play than any other alternatives
it's cheaper than hearthstone, mtga, and mtgo. it's not cheaper than the other card games, especially gwent. you can sell out and only lose 15-25% of your money but you can't play for free and not lose out, like you can very easily do in gwent.
also another drawback to the system artifact uses other than the outrageous price is that quitting players are very strongly incentivized to sell their entire collection, which means leaving players have a huge barrier if they want to come back.
again though, despite P2P being retarded it was not the reason artifact failed. artifact is not a fun game. plenty of people bought in and by most estimates there are 1-2 million copies sold of the game. people don't play because the game fucking sucks.
>all old games had high score table when you new are fucking movies
how about you shut the fuck up boomer
dota has been dead for years
why ever make a game based on it
based and shortpilled
this video is good until the end. he starts to mention the plummeting player count but ends on an upbeat note instead of talking about how much of a failure the game really was after launch, how valve went completely silent and the community turned on them.
share holders telling them to start milking drones like good ol blizzard, you know the people that destroyed gaming because they just want to milk money like its hollywood when they don't realize that gaming is a completely different culture to movies
if you're talking about valve it doesn't have share holders, it's a private company
what it does have though are board members who function the same way shareholders would, by all reports they're largely indifferent to what's going on at valve these days and pretty much only care about making money
>it's cheaper than hearthstone
No it isnt, ive never spent a single penny on hearthstone and have achieved legend multiple times without cheesing on pirate warrior or face hunter. No card game is more fair than hearthstone to its players but you won't hear that on Yea Forums where you shitters are fanatically seething anti-blizzard
It's not dead, just dead in NA. It's still the #1 steam game, but mostly full of 3rd worlders.
It used to be bigger in NA, but obstinately making ranked games mixed region and allowing 85 IQ south americans to play on NA servers made the game unplayable dogshit, so now the NA scene is totally dead.
HS is the most fair card game ever made, I agree. There are plenty of viable good budget decks that are relatively easy to make without paying any money. It's still boring dogshit, and I've played 5000+ games of it. To have a nice collection where you can change decks and make various cool decks you have to pay up though.
How does it work? Do they need dedicated servers running to play the game?
NA moves on to the next big thing a lot faster than the 3rd world, who tend to keep playing the same thing for many years.
yea mobas are already a dying genre, BR is the new hotness and it's a prime time for another new big thing
Half Life 3
dotards only play dota, stream drones don't care about a card game.
Triple Triad is the DOTA Auto Chess of card games
>Or is it just 3rd worlders who didn't want to pay for a game?
Dota is really big here(argentina/southamerica) because is free same with lol and fornite NOBODY and i mean NOBODY even utterd a sentence in favor or oppossing about this game before and after release so yes , the fact that it was behind a paywall make it defacto dead here
>Same could be said of Artifact except I wouldn't be forced to fucking grind like a schmuck.
Isn't the grind gameplay? If I'm offered the opportunity to skip 'grind' by spending money, all I can think of is how much more 'grind' I can skip for free. By not playing it at all. It's not like video games are thin on the ground, and Artifact is the only game in town.
"Artifact will be to card games what HL2 was to first person shooters"
It's like even Gabe knew it was bad if he's comparing it to HL2
hl2 has more players than artifact these days btw
the joke for a while was that he meant in terms of playerbase, but now hl2 just has more players
Hearthstone. Rise of shadows out next month just bought the pre order hyped af 120 bucks for both preorder packs bout to hit legend sonnnn
I would love to play another online TCG like yugioh where you can combo out but without the years of powercreep enabling FTK's.
Unfortunately every mouth breathing dev just wants to rip off Hearthstone and make yet another energy based slot machine.
Card games all have the same problem: high level play is 100% minmax meta bullshit that is no fun
I like SV because legendaries have a lot higher drop rate than other card games and even if you don't get the ones you want, it's not too bad vialing extras to get them.
that's pretty much the case for all pvp games, you should try getting gud
Its based on the big main ASSFAGGOTS game.
ASSFAGGOTS players are more insulated, angry and autistic than Meleefags. They don't think anything else matters.
It was a disaster from the word go.
Someone was spamming that the Pokemon online tcg was pretty good in /mtga/ for a few weeks. But it looked like the meta was pretty shit with a few cards being in like 90+ percent of decks and his screenshots were all in huespeak so I don't know how much I believe him.
Because Valve didn't make a game they made a stock market sim.
FPS game
make people think it's Half Life
say it's worth the wait
it's another fucking dota
>hey we're making a digital TCG that's just like a physical TCG
Except you can't TRADE your CARDS!
And no Steam Market isnt a proper replacement as Valve takes a cut out of every deal (they take a min of 2cents making low value card trading a waste of time and 15% for higher purchases meaning every "Trade" is 15% less valuabe than it should be from just fucking trading.).
15% is a minimum cut that valve takes, as the price goes down the effective price cut increases
for $0.03 cards which are what most cards are now, valve's cut is 66%
Some fighting games are still tons of fun at high level such as Tekken. It's a problem mainly with card games.
>try getting good
I never said that makes the games more difficult, on the contrary actually. I think you have brain damage.
Yeah its scummy as fuck. I don't know why people don't bring it up more when talking about artifact it the most anti consumer thing I can think of, they are literally nickel and dimeing people on something that effects gameplay. Its something out of EA's playbook!
Artifact’s player count is so low because only patricians with taste can appreciate it.
is that why all the self described patricians and artifact shills have also stopped playing?
Anyone who’s stopped playing was a weakling and merely had delusions of patrician status.
I, however, play Artifact every day.
FTKs only really happen due to old cards and sometimes stupid design decisions.
Anyone with half a brain could've seen that Firewall is an "infinite summons while you have monsters in hand" machine that inexplicably also self-bounces. But what broke Firewall wasn't the fact that it's really, really, really strong, but that there were old cards to abuse the loopy infinite summon effect with. Namely shit like Grinder Golem, Cannon Soldier and Grapha.
Dangers are a problem because there's this old "draw 3 if you have 7 Darks in the grave" card, that inexplicably was printed.
The Pend FTK was just a thing because effect copying is still a degenerate mechanic, like it always has been.
The current generation of FTKs is due to ancient cards, namely Cyber Stein (pay 5k life to summon any fusion you want), Cannon Soldier and friends (again) and Blaze Fenix the FTK Bird (why is this legal, anyone can see that this is degenerate).
Easy to master though? There aren't even enough people playing to ever know if you "mastered it" dumb anime poster
I think people just want them to release real games again, even L4D3 would be nice
Not ching Chong card retardation or ching chong dota
>create game
>people are having fun
>make money
>people stop buying cards
>have to release stronger cards
>people buy cards again
>old cards are shit now
Happens with almost every game. Yu gi oh is probably the worst offender. Power creep is ridiculous. Take a look at an OG card and a new one.
I just wish people would say "okay let's play a game with the old cards and rules" instead of always buying new ones.
Someone actually spent time making that.