Get rid of one of them. Which one will it be?

Get rid of one of them. Which one will it be?

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what happens to their ips?

only one of them makes games, tough choice.

Are you an actual retard op in addition of being a fag?

Wow I didn't expect that they'd still be Valve-fags around.

Remove EA. That's fucking obvious.

Well i'm certainly not going to vote to get rid of my $10k steam library

1989 Tiananmen Square protests

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Valve has gotten stupid but they're astronomically less harmful than EA.
What a stupid question

>All of EA's hunderds of games
>Valves hand full

And don't give me that crap about quality over quantity, Valve nowadays is just as bad as EA.

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>tfw killing EA will kill Sony because it'll kill sportsfags for losing their yearly gacha shit

if we get rid of valve who will continue making gems like artifact

EA capitalizes and get PR on LGBT, brings SJW scum into their studios and probably rattling about diversity and inclusivity at GDC. They put lootboxes in every game and instead of giving money to devs, spend most of it on marketing. Absolute cancer.
Valve is just bending under greedy publishers and making all the bad and anti-consumer decision only because of them.


This is a real question?
Valve provides a pretty decent platform. Hate them for whatever reason, you can't deny this.
EA is a cancer that eats up devs and shits out their festering corpses.

>EA's hunderds of games
Most of them aren't being sold any more. If they somehow went under tomorrow it would have very little impact on how can you get most of their backlog.

EA has had it coming for a very very long time
Are you seriously trying to imply Valve is in anyway similar? I feel vaguely insulted that you marketers think we're this gullible.

Anyone who does Valve instead of EA is retarded

>EA capitalizes and get PR on LGBT
user thats every single company ever.

Epic Games

does getting rid of valve get rid of steam? if so then ea no question
but even if it didn't, looking at ea's games the last couple years I haven't given a shit for a long time so I'd probably go with ea again

steam is pretty useless, valve doesn't make games anymore, hate to say it but i'm going with ea

dont remember that kind of stunts from Valve or CDPR. Not sure about Rockstar.

EA. I can't think of anything you could put on the other side to make me not kill off EA.

I think its more 'which one would impact the gaming industry more if they never exsisted.

Valve would give up having Steam and would make having stuff like the Portal concepts and Quake Mods never explored.

Meanwhile, EA would never had made the push during the Gaming Crash for PC and so many companys wouldn't have florished and died by their hands.

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OP is a chink faggot. Fuck China and free Taiwan!

>Without EA. Bethesda would now own Jon Madden

EA, too easy OP.

that was easy

EA in a heartbeat. How is this even a choice?

if Valve didn't exist, EA would be our digital distribution overlords right now
On the bright side physical copies would still be a lot more popular but not like that was ever a perfect situation either

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Boy I'm sure going to miss recycled sportsball games.

>new radiant ai for your team!
>receivers run wrong the way
>players randomly ragdoll and fly out of the stadium
>change your team's jersey with these mods, only 19.99 each!
>special teams can't be added due to engine limitations
>it just works

You have no idea how many franchises EA owns do you?

EA occasionally releases something playable
Valve stopped making games...

Most of these games from series NOW OWNED by EA were made by not EA but smaller companies before they were bought by EA.

Also nobody will miss these Football/basketball/shitball games.

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think about the mods though
who needs football when you have futaball

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I can't make the sacrifice bros.

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Say goodbye to Steam then.

Always EA. No matter what the other choice is.

I know they don't release anything I care about, and that's all I need. Let someone else use the franchises to make games that aren't sickening.

>All of a sudden Yea Forums likes steam

When the fuck did this happen?

If we get rid of ea can we get a decent starwars game?

Where were you for the Epic threads?

EA, because while Valve is essentially a one-trick pony their one trick (not fucking me as hard as possible with steam) is something I value
I know the jewing to expect from valve; i don't know what jewing will result from someone else taking over steam

Where in the OP does it say the games are lost forever? You remove the company for good, as in the next day they magically cease to operate.

Apperently not here.

Yea Forums would fucking rush at the chance to take the shit out of steam for all the Greenlight shit and Payed mods but now the moment Epic starts opening their even worse system, everyone is back to Steam's dick?

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Who cares. These franchises were not made by EA but by smaller companies before they were bought and murdered by EA.
And EA treats all these franchises as trophies made of corpses of video game companies EA murdered.

All this epic shilling made us stop and think about what we have and how much worse it could have been

Where are greenlight and paid mods now?

I don’t know how new you are, but since around 2011 there had been Steam and Lord Gabe praise threads. They dissappeared around 2015 though

i think some people believe that valve is involved in the development of games on steam (aside from dota2, portal, cs:go and tf2)

not even a choice

EA always should die

>"At least my ex husband didn't abuse me as much as the current husband i'll go back to him!"

Just fucking buy phsyical copies or pirate it. Don't depend on shitty services.

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Well all worthy competitors for worst video game company(like LJN or HappySoft) just died.

ah yes physical copies that just come with a digital code in them and tell you to download it on a launcher. that's surely a worthwhile thing to purchase

You mean those threads without about half the posters calling people value fanboys and making fun of their neckbeards?

It's still the best platform we have. I love it mostly because I can buy games from wherever, slam in the code to steam and it just werks.

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I hate valve but i gotta go with ea. Fuck them for ruining sports games. They should be the funniest games on the market but instead they're rushed cheap pieces of shit.

Nah at this point I'm pretty much going to do the opposite of whatever trannies and epic shills tell me to do. If this makes you upset I suggest you get over it.

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ill do ubisoft, thank you

Obviously Valve
At least EA is still making games

Thats when you pirate.

How was Epic shilling again?

Portal 2 release in 2011 was the last time Valve made a good game

one actually publishes games, the other publishes shit that pretends to be games. which is which? hint theres no visual novels from the correct company despite them being shitty

Of course it's a nintendo/pokemonfag who understand shit about gaming industry.

Valve owns the biggest gaming platform ever and the only PC platform that receives all the PC games, and the only one that the Japanese devs cares about.

Removing Valve means you are destroying the whole PC Gaming industry.

>EA only has BF, sports games and other shitty RPGs
yeah, Pokemonfags like you should stay in the Nintendo retarded zone. fuck off.

Released to public domain.

So far the main arguments are.

>Valve because they're not making any games
>Valve because they're greed cunts

>EA because we need steam
>EA because they're massive fucking assholes.
>EA because they're massive greedy cunts.

What other reasons does Value have over EA?

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>At least EA is still making games

Yeah, that's why you should get rid of them.

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>When the fuck did this happen?
started when i learned i can buy games from 50 different sites fighting for my money by having great sales and discounts year round.

I haven't even owned an optical drive in my last two computers. Fuck physical copies.

Literally small fry when compared to Tencent. The chinese menace must be stopped before they ruin video games.

Less retarded than EA.

>remove Valve
>PC gaming is dead
>no more Japanese game series are ruined
>no more cancerous Reddit Steamdrones
>gaming returns to the golden ages

>getting triggered over an image.

Got any 'trigger words' I should be aware of user?

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Easy, EA.

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Am I the only person in the world who finds possums cute?

They killed less dev teams I liked

>no argument
good boy, now go to your containment at /vp/ where other retarded people who believe graphics will ruin Pokemon are.

Funny how anti-valve sorts continuously fall into a certain archetype
Does Epic know that they're paying for Valve PR at this point?

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easily valve
they make no games I care about and their marketplace is actively ruining PC gaming
EA while shitty affects me less by existing and can very rarely put out a decent game where valve can put out none

>Why don't you support something that is worse?

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>All of EA's hunderds of games
are now public domain, jackass.

Valve might have done some shitty things, but nowhere near the level of EA

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Valve because their icon is of a fat black man and that just aint right.

EA needs to pay for what they did to Westwood and all the others.

hahaha remember when they revived Syndicate just to turn it into a fps hahahaahahahah damn that was one funny prank they got me so good

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You can't convince me that the only people defending EA are their employees, niggers, and the faggots who buy Same Game 2019

Valve doesn't even make games anymore

EA doesn't make games anymore, they just mass shit out and barf out a cashgrab microtransactions SJW shit. What if they still release something when this shit is not fun, annoying etc.?

At least valve still has steam.

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How long have you been browsing Yea Forums if you're not aware of the high contingency of contrarians and just straight up shitposters who will simply go against the grain no matter what.

You seem invested in the console war so I'm guessing not very long.

Valve easily, they have done more damage to gaming than any other company.

Hey Bob called he said you left your wallet in your office man. We're leaving the door unlocked for you.

>Removing Valve means you are destroying the whole PC Gaming industry.
>thinks game devs would suddenly stop making games if steam didn't exist
>steam was in the right place at the right time and basically lucked into being the defacto store for PC

The only good things EA ever made are Burnout and Skate. Neither which are made anymore. Fuck EA.

System Call: Remove EA

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>>Removing Valve means you are destroying the whole PC Gaming industry.
Yes, it's the only PC platform with thousands of games.
If you combine China store, Uplay and Origins, you won't get more than 50 games.
>>thinks game devs would suddenly stop making games if steam didn't exist
Not for PC, retard.
All Japanese companies make PC ports on Steam only. Not Origin, Uplay, or shit store.

>Delete EA and lose a potentially good Dragon Age sequel

>Delete Valve and lose nothing except for ASSFAGGOTS2, CSGO skin gambling sites, and Shartifact

tough call OP

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If you think Valve is even in the same league as EA then you probably have brain damage from eating too many epic memes.

>potentially good Dragon Age sequel

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>current day EA
>potentially making a good anything

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Well. Releasing artifact is nothing compared to what EA did you dumbfuck.
Look here and try to still believe into shit what did you said.

I think it has less to do with actually being a good ad campaign, and more to do with if you pay people to shitpost on Yea Forums, they are not being exposed to subversive things like reading about half the shit their government does.

Capcom managed to come back from irrelevancy, it could happen.

you don't get that steam is just a convenience tool to organize a pc game library. if steam didn't exist some other company would shit one out and we'd all use that

Fuck you for reminding me. I had already forgotten that garbage game. Syndicates are some of my favorite games.

EA. No more shit sports games so Sony will have to focus again in AA. Also, the perfect chance for Sega, Konami and others to try again with the sports genre.

Capcom never went full woke either
And even at their worst they don't hold a candle to EA

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consider this

if the Starwars vidya IP is released to the public domain, we might get SW1313, which would be FUCKING AMAZING

also maybe the end of battlefront dickery and all those shitty sportsball "games".

EA won't do good shit as long gacha divegrass props them up.

Oh yeah sure I bet Origin and Steam are totally interchangeable

EA and steam are both doing the industry good right now by flopping.

>Every non-sports game EA has tried to shoehorn pay 2 win microtransactions into has flopped, in the case of battlefront 2 it flopped so bad some countries either considered (or succeeded in) banning lootboxes.
>Valve tried to release a card game that was pay 2 enter, pay 2 play AND pay 2 win and it flopped horribly.

I need them both around to continually fuck up the things that other companies do more reasonably so they are not able to do it again in the future.

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Hey man, Id miss the latter game series. Only representation I get.

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>Say goodbye to Steam then.
Nothing of value lost.