streams where?
Other urls found in this thread:
Up your butt and around the corner
lmao small ass drumpf hands
someone has to have an early copy, tell us something pls
I have, already finished it
game's like 6 hours long
They already said its as long as the first dks
Me too, and i can confirm you are talking shit
7 hours with the secret area
>buying worst version
Who even plays these games on Xbox one?
this isn't even OP, I've seen this pic before
venezuelans by the look of the price
People who want to play the technically superior version with the superior controller?
Very obvious bait
Not obvious enough if you're giving him (you)s, retard.
Fuckng kek
People who want the game to not look like dogshit? Most powerful console bro.
Time to abandon Yea Forums til I get my hands on the game. Say what you will, I will try it myself and see how it is.
>caring about graphix
see you in 4 hours fag
>Buddy got two PS4 copies
>Offered to sell one to me
>Already have PC version pre-ordered and don't want to play it on console
Fuck you bitch you'll see me in 3
has he played it? is it good?
Yeah, he said he's having fun and that it's like Dark Souls and Nioh combined. I asked him not to spoil anything for me, but he's had a lot of hype moments he hasn't experienced since BB.
good to hear
The most generic statement ever that literally anyone could make after watching one trailer.
>i asked him to not spoil anything
Yeah, because I asked for no spoilers or in-depth descriptions. I want to go in fresh so that I can have that experience I had with Dark Souls 1.
Any good deals on Steam keys? Highest I've seen for the US is 8% off.
Then you'd play it on PC?
what ever happened to the shitposter who spammed every sekiro thread for over a week? i miss you shitposter-san
there's 2 chink streams right now
Is HRK legit though?
I'll be getting the game tomorrow, I'll report back to you asap
I've bought from them a few times. Not Steam gift tho.
My friend says theres an achievment for beating the game but only die twice, his uncle works from Soft
It literally is though