Tick tock video game industry
Tick tock video game industry
I contributed to this cancer by beta testing project stream. I regret
>get in the alpha
>crashes before the game intro even finishes
enjoy lol
no google-wojack, not in the kisser!
>google kills western gaming
>ouya tier controllers
thanks but no thanks
Remember the Atari wojaks? lol
>Every game has to be streamable
>Competitors allow you to sell your game for 60 bucks
Lol, guess which console developers will ignore
Considering the flavour of the master race is 'baba is you" right now the industry is already dead lol.
All Google can do now is cash in on these incels who think matrix arrangement makes them a sudden scholar.
Lol brainlets are all that's left and anyone over the age of thirty knows once they login and play and get banned for hacking when they aren't.
Google can suck this dry dick but it'll never be wet as it was when sega were relevant.
better make it where you can use other controllers google that thing looks like shit
If the fool were to persist in his folly, he would become wise.
I liked those
they bought sega's old licenses and honestly all i'm hoping for is space channel 5 part 3 (they're kinda going the right way with this one since they already did a remake for the vr) and a jet set radio game.
wait what the fuck is google doing
Do you have some brain problem?
>Google gets into games
>it's all mobile garbage
This is what schizophrenia looks like.
How long until Google Thoughtchips® are installed in everyone's brain?
>Google gets into games
>it's all mobile garbage
>not Google® ThinkSlots®
fifa is that way
Good thread
I googled it and can't find any pictures.
What does the controller look like?
Google will bring GaaS to its logical conclusion, and you fucks will like it
>ass creed odyssey
>mobile garbage