Classic wow is literally rushed just to compete with new ff xiv expack

>Classic wow is literally rushed just to compete with new ff xiv expack
>Daily blizzard shills threads begging people to resub this summer
>v still hyped for it

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Other urls found in this thread:

PServer player here.
I am currently playing both Classic wow and ffxiv side by side and I can say that classic is unironically a better MMO from the top-down even when saturated by chinks.

Wanna explain why FFXIV copies WoW more than FFXI, OP?

>forced to join tranny discord just in order to do baldesions arsenal
>currently waiting five hours and counting just for the privilege to do one starter run

NA was a mistake.

I dont understand your post
They both copy eq theme park style, but while Xi was boring and uninspired clone without new ideas and downgrades of existing features, developers put actual effort into xiv

Why would you subject yourself to that? What are you fighting for?

>developers put actual effort into xiv

>tranny discord
thats just aether
primal is full of normie scum wasting my time being shit at the game

3 days until barafags get btfo

>Yea Forums eagerly waiting for a 15 years old game
Goes to show how fucking awful wow currently is.
And I don't think most people will like it honestly.
It's just hype and nostalgia.

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3 days until no male race because who the fuck cares about males

sup tranny.

t. literal tranny

sup gays

me, i'm gay




cause the next one isn't out yet doofus.



t catboy

t. seething tranny


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fuck off poorfag

how am I seething?
I only said that nobody cares about males, beside fags

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Because Yea Forums is full of kids and degenerates, that don't understand they will never get back 2004.

Is there anything more insufferable than FF14 fags? I don't even play MMO's but you cunts are fucking deluded if you think your ERP skinner box is better than Pablo's ERP skinner box.

You're the one projecting so hard you're confusing sarcasm for sincerity.

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not happening
you get hairier roes with cat ears at most
whatever you say, you overweight incel
only poorly-adjusted lonely freaks play as girls

i have the money for it, i'm just bitching about it

no it's good

bruh I'm a literal faggot and playing a girl as a guy is some seriously faggy shit

tranny or incel, which is it

I just want to get my Ozma mount and be done with it all.

I saw yesterday classic fags discussing how wow wasn't treadmill dungeon shitfest, and how it had journey part lmao

Why is it out of all the MMOs, Yea Forums suddenly has a problem with guys playing girls for XIV?

these freaks think they'll have an easier life as a girl which would be true if they could become an actual girl
instead they just end up a crossdressing abomination and still don't fuck

If you play a girl in any MMO with the exception of gender-locked classes and races, you are a fucking lonely degenerate creep

it reminds them that they're all casuals getting out-parsed by discord trannies

how's that pet doing
oh wait

you can clear ultimate without being a speedrun-obsessed parsefag who ignores the world outside
normal people clear savage, clear ultimate, and then once they've gotten the loot they want simply stop running it

Even outside the game you bitches are catty

>He thinks everyone is a retarded ERP'r

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fuck off, both trannies and incel creeps need to get the fuck out of my normalfag game
go play blade and soul or something you degenerates

>tfw banned from the tranny server because I entered a portal not knowing wtf I was doing
Literally had twenty autists sperging out in my DM's eureka was a mistake

like 90% of male characters are garbage,
if you arent a catgirl, au ra girl or potato you're most likely trash at the game
Yea Forums is full of shitters upset they can't clear o10s

but midgard is fucking easy
pantokrator is the casual filter

i think gunblade is a cool idea but that 'resting it on the shoulder' stance is fucking R E T A R D E D.

ESPECIALLY when its in combat.

i take offense to this, my toon is an au'ra girl and i'm shit at the game

>I-I just play as girls because I'm elite...

fuck off, incel

can someone literally fucking spoonfeed parsing for retards to me? i just cannot get this shit to work and am convinced i need to start over from scratch
please fucking babysit me through this i brain retard

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Better than DRK's.
Especially when fucking running.

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first you need to start HRT

>being this dumb

go in as healer, keep yourself alive, tell em all to suck your ass and get that ozma kill anyway
it's what I did

idk m8

haven't tried it, that's just what's linked in xivanalysis

Here's how you BA properly
>Roll a healer
>Snipe a portal
>Hide chat because they will try to make you do something reportable
>Only heal yourself
As long as you don't leave evidence in that chat log about malicious intent they can't do shit to you.

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>reddit buzzword
you're a male lala I take it

get a room faggots

nice try
male hyur

>developers putting effort in xiv
Oi i'm laffing. No wonder the game is in such a shitty state used to milk retards like you that think rehashibg dungeons since 2.0 is a nice and fine addition.

Fuck you nigger.


hard mode dungeons are pretty cool, it's never the same layout at all and there's always new assets
it's just a way of going 'this is how this place is now since you solved the problems last time'

I think you're lying, faggot
not gonna defend the shitty discord group (I fucking hate it too) but they literally never ban people for that

I'd like to see that in WoW too but without them removing the old version of the dungeon like they've been doing since Cata.

Fuck Blizzard, give me the Edwin fight back.


at least DRK has his weapon out and in front of him ready to defend or attack
gunblade just sits there with no fucking defensive posture at all. its dumb

Its shitty content that is always finished in 15mins or less to grind Tome Stones for Tome Gear. The only good content are raids and the occasional EX Trial.

Wow since wotlk was loot shorter style game, you clear enemies on one map, then do it on higher difficulty exactly same shit, and then once again
So no, you will never see something like that in wow, it just goes against core design

>people unironically defending playing a girl itt
faggots need to kys
you wouldn't be missed

>only good content are raids
Good thing Yoshi will never listen people like you
Literally cancer of the genre

go back to wow
you don't belong here

go make more relics

Because WoW somehow manages to be less of a tranny hugbox than XIV despite being run by nublizz.

raen or xaela

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You have clearly never been in a WoW discord
The game is fucking infested with trannies
Makes me sick to my stomach

>Wow is terrible nowadays
>FFXIV community is full of trannies
Why can't we have a good mmo.

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Xaela master race
Never conquered, never surrendered
Liberated Doma
Stuff namazu in buuz
Never fucked hyur unlike the raen royalty
Plus, they won the race war with raen long ago and kicked them out of the steppe


Can you farm Pyros light if you don't have the relic for the job you are currently on? I'm working on my DRK weapon but I hate tanking for the light farming methods.

This is the mentality that killed Everquest.

yeah but they're also dumb brutal savages
no brain nigger monkeys

and? so are eorzeans

At least Eorzeans don't fuck horses.

you say it like it's a good thing

Hyar eorzean women fuck giant chickens

that's just the goro tribe though


Reminder that Eorzea is rightful Elezen clay.

Fuck you guys im going home

i can't wait to watch fanfest with Yea Forums

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i can't wait for the threads to be good again and then go back to people calling each other trannies within like three days

jesus Yea Forums i thought you liked being good at mmos, why do you instead call anyone that tries to be good or is good a tranny? what happened to wanting to be a good player? or maybe you're actually too stupid to do mechanics?

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shut up tranny

Yea Forums has always been notoriously bad at games. It's just that recently said casuals have a boogeyman to screech at to try and make it look like they're not pathetic faggots who can't even play on the same level as a crazy person who mutilated their own genitals


So I plan on resubbing ff14. I played for about a month, reached max level and did all the story quest up till I reached a gear score requirement. How do I get stronger gear at end game?

yeah like that, that's the bad thing

nope I've cleared both ultimates and farmed them, just curious about why you people are such angry casuals

shut up Yea Forums is a secret organization of legendary gamers

either by trading in tomestones from duty finder shit, buying/crafting it, or by beating raids
tomestones are the easiest to get

Raid, tomestones, Eureka, crafted gear

Farm tomestones of Genesis to get some Scaevan gear. Upgrade said Scaevan gear with materials obtained by trading in coins from the Ivalice raids.
Run Alphascape 4.0 every week so you get the weekly items needed to get the Scaevan weapon, same goes for Orbonne Monastery.

How do I get tomestones? How do I do the raids?

To get said tomestones you need to run dungeons that are unlocked by doing quests found in the overworld. Quests that unlock said dungeons usually have a blue icon. You unlock the raids the same way.

Unironically best caster dps i know is a tranny

>be an actual tranny
>come to Yea Forums because you actually want to talk about a game
>be user
>come to Yea Forums to scream about trannies all day

don't buy crafted gear; it's expensive and actually pointless
just run dungeons that are around your level, pick some gear dropped in said dungeons and save your tomestones for better stuff, then get the ilevel to run 24-man raids and keep looting stuff, or run 8-man raids and grind items that are traded for good gear (you unlock them in the overworld, usually inside the important cities/hub: Revenant's toll for ARR, Idiylshire for HW and Kugane/Ralgh's Reach for Stormblood)

I'm playing XIV but I'm probably leaving for classic.
Also how many "XIV whining about Classic" threads does that make now? Seems like we're having them every day now

>don't buy crafted gear
I have too much money in this game and dont give a shit about housing. Ill gladly spent over a mil to make leveling easier for 3 levels and repeat.
Also some crafted accessories are bis so fuck you

>don't buy crafted gear
absolute fucking retard spotted

just do eureka for easy 390..

>50 hours of leveling and farming crystals is easier than buying the set off MB and upgrading it with a cap worth of tomestone item
Nigga you dum

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How do I level up my alt jobs? I wanna level DrK

Not the guy asking for help here but I never bothered with getting past EL4 and I'm almost certain that it's too late to try and catch up now

Equip the job stone and level it up like normal?

It's not but that's still not even remotely an easy way to gear up.

so 4.56 is April the 2nd?

No, next week


Probably the 26th.

On the contrary, all four Eureka zones still get decent traffic, and the elemental leveling bonus makes it fairly quick. Well, at least for Anemos and Pyros.

Anyone playing WoW or wanting to play Classic is a perfect example of a sunken cost fallacy, as far as I'm concerned.

t. someone who's played WoW for 12 years

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Agreed. Should've used Gaius stance.

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ill just keep playing drk

Maybe tank stance and damage stance actually have different animatiAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>>developers put actual effort into xiv
Seriously even a dedicated code monkey would have learned and fixed everything that's mechanically wrong in the game. Something I'm worried about is the tickrate somehow affects the game engine thus we have mediocre 3fps servers.

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>It's just hype and nostalgia.
Yes to both, and it will be a shitfest because WoW classic will have modern WoW mechanics/stats. Glad I didn't fall for the hype. I wish FFXIV had a good game engine and way to progress, everything being locked behind a single mainline quest is neato but fucking awful for people who have played actual MMOs

Reminder that we are getting cute male viera boys.

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>everything being locked behind a single mainline quest is neato but fucking awful for people who have played actual MMOs
This is something I hated.
It was ok at first and didn't bother me, but after doing 300 fucking main quests to progress I couldn't stand in anymore. Just give me some freedom and let me play just a bit however I want to.

stupid snek

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can't wait until this fuck stop existing

I would rather kill myself than do Eureka

Where's that from?

>login because I can't sleep
>Newbie in guild sees me and PMs me
>Powerlv blue 41-50 and sends me his pos.

Is it alright for me to be a bit pissed or will that make me a bad mentor?

Because WoW clones sell, XI doesn't.

the patch site got updated

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just help him out, shouldn't take long

why the fuck does he need you when he can just jobswap

Just messaged him that right now. I'm a bit annoyed because when he joined yesterday the first thing he said is "powerlv?"

user please kick this autist from the fc.

v isn't a person.

Turn off your mentor tag and say no.

I had a decent BA run today guys. Me and my EB didn't die all the way through, and we progged Ozma down to a whole 92% because retards fucked up AV so we had no one left for Ozma.

nobody cares, tranny

>playing mmos in 2019

Just fucking kill yourself already it's getting sad.

It's not my call. If my fellow co officers get pissed off at him as well. He'll most likely be kicked though.

So Lyse's punch from the trailer breaks his helmet. Let's hope he cuts her down.

i haven't even started the latest eureka
kinda feels bad because all the time wasted in the earlier three but meh, i'm not gonna force myself to do shitty content just because there's nothing else to do in the game anymore

I care.

>i'm not gonna force myself to do shitty content just because there's nothing else to do in the game anymore
Same, although I have to admit that I haven't done all the savage content yet but it's kinda hard to find a decent static if you have almost no contacts anymore.

>doing ba this late
you will never clear

Dunno what dead fucking DC you're on

Fuck about to bot my crafting when some random starts talking to me. I just wanna do my deliveries

As expected.

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Who's ready for this fucker to show up again?

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If I get tank anxiety about a new dungeon/trial as I progress through the MSQs, should I level a DPS alongside my Tank to get a feel for the content/mechanics, or power through it?

dungeons are gated for a reason
let the other guy tank

I'm sure you are, fag

he fucking died like all catboys should, sick faggots burn in hell

Man, FFXIV is the most boring, depressing game I have ever played. Every part of it feels so hollow and lifeless, and every aspect of the gameplay is so slow and boring. Half the quests I did were just telling me to run around like some sort of messenger boy and the story was the most generic shit I've ever seen.

I have no idea why people like it so much. Does the game even have PvP at all? It just seems like complete garbage. And trust me - I have given it multiple tries and leveled to 30 on my most recent try.

Modern WoW blows dick too, for the record, but comparing FFXIV to vanilla WoW is like comparing a turd to the Mona Lisa.

>developers put actual effort into xiv

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>vanilla WoW
>Mona Lisa
You had something going there and you blew it

Vanilla WoW wasn't as good as you remember it being.


Are you kidding me? I play it on private servers all the time and it is fantastic. Final FARTASY XIV on the other hand is just Pure Garbage.

To the OP or any XIV fan on here: If I don't want to put up with the autism/drama of a raiding guild, why would I ever bother with XIV?

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>quest presents a chuuni catboy with a sharingan eyepatch as if he's supposed to be threatening

You can raid entirely in a Pug, outside of ultimates, if you dont want to deal with any potential drama.

Raiders make static groups because it's only 8 people, you don't need to join a guild to raid at all. You can also pug whatever.

Why would I want you to convince you? Make up your own mind, you weak-willed sissy.

Just don't? Nobody cares.

wow has always been trash.

>absurdly slow combat, off-gcd abilities reduced on top of it
>raid mechanics are now being recycled, pass a debuff, watch a number, dodge void zones with many remixes/dps checks in between
>pve difficulty has had the same problem for years, absolute joke-tier easy suddenly spiking to needing a discord/video guides, nothing in between
>pvp is absolutely dead/meme status, not only from developers but the community itself
>the new race is ANOTHER "human with animal ear/horn"

How exactly do you defend XIV? Play for the... story? Muh ala mhigo?

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>dots are synced with server ticks
Imagine the technology

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>no one cares

You're in a XIV shilling thread user, someone cares or is at least paid to

>raiding guild
you think all raiders are trannies from elysium or what

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>yet another wow thread by xiv fags
literally rent free

Trannies are only one of the many problems of a static/raiding guild
>seesaw of extremes, 2 really good players 2 shitters
>akward voice chat since no one is friends
>one guy who always starts yelling when wipes mount
>girls, and their orbiters
>dude im so high lmao

At the end of the day you're paying 15 dollars a month to have co-workers, instead why not at least have a job you get paid for?

This is a sad way to spend your time, son.

Right, I'm agreeing with you

>It's just hype and nostalgia.

privateer here. it's not just nostalgia, it's genuinely enjoyable

>focus up

>Tataru out of weeb outfit

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I hope she gets black rose'd

>Tataru crying again
Jesus fuck.

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they in your head boy, rent free

685 vs 625
i'll still take it

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Hell yeah, I fucking love the crossover quests.

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>>Daily blizzard shills threads begging people to resub this summer
more than shilling its a retail vs classic meme
>v still hyped for it
because vanilla is better

I mean I would most likely find it enjoyable too, it if wasn't because I no longer want to play several hours/day and be very invested.

It can be very tedious for most players.
Specially when they are used to countless quality of life changes and to have everything handed over very nicely.

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>4 days

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you don't have to play that much. i played 2-3 hours a day on a tbc pserver until recently (due to even less free time lol) and thoroughly enjoyed just the adventure of it. i don't expect i'll be able to raid for at least 6 months when classic comes out, but i'm not in a hurry either

hope you didnt forget to do your weekly carnival!

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already got my mount speed upgrades so i'm done with it

>Falling for the BLU meme

Yeah nah

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I don't want to grind for actions when I can't to the primal alone

>he doesn't have his ozma mount yet

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and of course I do

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I'm not going to have it ever because adding one bit of content at the end of a long and boring grind does not motivate me.

im tired of seeing this faggot midlander and his faggot friends

>actually doing enough of Eureka to get it

I'm about to beat the main story quest of XIV. What should I do first when I do?

I bet you're a horsefucker

Kill yourself.

You mean of A Realm Reborn? If so the best advice you can take is pace yourself, because you're about to enter the worst stretch of content.

nothing wrong with fucking horses
but I'm more into dogs and monsters

do you mean you're about to beat up gaius or you're about to finish stormblood

Why is it so bad?

it starts off interesting, but it gets really lame for like 60 fucking quests before getting really interesting again near the end because they hadn't really figured out how to make post MSQ content interesting yet
you're gunna fight a lotta fuckin primals though so if you're into that yee haww cowboy

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2.1-2.5 has a lot of filler, beside the primal fights all you do is talk to people and teleport everywhere
for 200 quests

M-maybe i'll just take a break and finally work on crafting

Nah, you gotta burn through it asap or you'll never get it done.

no don't

What if I play a massive cow person?

I would say the MSQ is boring up to finishing Titan, then is good until you beat Ultima Weapon and is boring from 2.1 to about...2.4.Until then you do literally fucking nothing except fight some primals which are the actual highlight.

HW's post MSQ suffers a similar issue of just doing nothing until stuff actually happens 3 patches in

Such a good artstyle, shame it won't be used to make a good adult RPG. Instead it's wasted on babby looking games.

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>XIV is a literal theme park harvesting the dead organs of other FF titles to make a patchwork grinding monstruosity meant solely to appeal to violent weeaboo-tier anime fans or FF material starved nostalgiafags
>Terrible bastardization of classes from much better games, turned into generic mash button rotation to numbers, in plastic, lifeless environments with the most flatly uninspired writting they could possibly piece together
>not even bothering to make new races, just chopping XI's, giving them somehow less detailed models, and changing the name

>an MMO which, in 2019, has all race/gender combinations share the exact same animations except idles that only play when you are standing completely still with your weapons put away

>still gets a thread every day because autists do not know to remain in their containment board

Both XIVfags and Blizzfags are cancerous tumours to gaming.

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>>an MMO which, in 2019, has all race/gender combinations share the exact same animations except idles that only play when you are standing completely still with your weapons put away

dumb ESL

What do you not understand? All classes, regardless of gender and race, share the exact same animations for all of their skills, autoattacks, actions, and movements. Even the aborted babies.

There are only so many ways you can make a humanoid body run and swing a fucking weapon. The animations between races are different enough, especially in emotes. Unless you want to be bouncy as fuck and slide across the ground like the dogshit male Au Ra running animation for the sake of “uniqueness.”

>an MMO which, in 2019, has all race/gender combinations share the exact same animations except idles that only play when you are standing completely still with your weapons put away
It's like you had an idea to shitpost with, but you didn't even take 5 seconds to make sure what you where saying is true. Honestly a part of me wishes they had the same animations as some races takes on many of them are trash. Yeah, Class/Job animations are the same Except on lalafels because they are the only race they spent extra time rigging shit with but beyond that emotes, movement and jumping, even swimming alters depending on what race you are.

xaela: tranny or VERY thirsty basedboy. raen: either similar to a cat player or a midlander. normie or hyper submissive degenerate.

Literally all races have entirely different emote sets and movement animations. You can tell which race someone is by their running animation, and in certain cases for subraces too though I can only speak for Hyur in this regard, Highlander and Midlander are functionally different races. Male Roegadyn even have a couple of unique animations for Warrior that they didn't want to get rid of from 1.0 because they looked good. Likewise all job poses differ by gender - Samurai, for example, has males hold the sword to their side in a reverse grip in their idle pose, while females hold it at their waist in a normal grip with the other hand on their hip.

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FFXI did. A literal PS2 game had unique gender/race/job animations, for all types of weapons. What excuse is there in that regard, user?

Refer yourself to
Nobody gives a fuck about emotes. There is no excuse for any sort of shared combat animations to ever exist. FFXI did all of what you are attempting to excuse this shit amount of effort, and more.

Going to be comfy.
I agree on the threads being good again but you seem afraid of getting called out, tranny.

>literally talks about emotes specifically
>"nobody gives a fuck about emotes"
lmao cope

>only lalas get unique riding poses

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Not true.

They didn’t think it was necessary.

and male roes
>get gorilla
>same pose as female of all races but lalas
fuck yoshi

>literally not a single mention about emotes in neither of the posts
Is this what continuated exposure to this tranny infested hellhole of a game does to your brain?

So no excuse, really. Just lack of effort as per everything else.

>TFW always tempted to get the collector's edition upgrade for the unique stuff

Being a completionist is terrible

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That's not being a completionist, that's being retarded.

Why do they need unique attack animations specifically? Why are you autistically focused in this one aspect despite the races and genders having unique animations in literally every other regard?

They're the same thing really.

Lalafells usually get unique lots of things simply because their proportions demand it

>Everyone naruto runs with their knives
>Lalafells can't do it so they run with their arms spread out in a T instead

Needed another bullet point to bitch about.

daily reminder

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Because every other regard is literally a filler that means absolutely nothing since only autists would bother standing around doing emotes at nothing, and you only ever run with your weapons put away inside a city.
Are you so violently hollow in your brain and soul both that you can't understand why it would be important for distinctively different races, with distinctively different societies and bodies to fight differently, or at least hold their weapons in a way that makes any sense whatsoever to their builds, which is the only part of the game that remotely matters?

oh i thought it was a leak of a new sch fairy or some shit but this is just a reskin of an SMT demon isnt it

>mch get a new sprint animation because of lalas
>weaponkills arent changed to be 2 handed

You have seriously been beaten down by years of constantly swallowing mediocrity, jesus.

It's a pointless detail that only autistic retards like you care about

Why don't you go ahead and just admit you don't give a fuck about what you consume so long it's padded with shitty anime designs, grinding gimmicks and a braindead gameplay that makes sure you don't need to think about anything but the above listed?

>for 200 quests
It's only 186, you big baby.

I would know. I've leveled about 9 alt characters to 70.

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i think its a fair enough point but its not a deal breaker for me
i can see why people would want it

like square would give us new fairies

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2.x is exactly 100 quests.

I thought ARR was 200 quests and 2.1 through 2.5 was exactly 200 as well

>I would know. I've leveled about 9 alt characters to 70.
alright, lets get this out of the way right now

>Races holding weapons differently is the only thing in the entire game that matters
You are the only person in the entire world that cares about this, let alone makes it out to be such a gigantic fucking deal. It is painfully obvious that you are just reaching for random crap to whine about because you have a grudge against the game for some reason. Did your erp boyfriend break up with you or something?


I suppose poor selene is neglected enough as it is, yeah

Oh shit is this a mod? Gotta install this when I come back.

I want it to be 2002 again, with all my free time and friends back.

I didn’t say anything about emotes you braindead illiterate nigger. And no, it’s not fucking important, you’re the only one who fucking cares. What the fuck do you want, Roegadyn White Mages to wave their fucking staff slightly differently? What difference does it make?

Let me see if I get this straight. Out of a whole post, you choose to grab one point to go "y-y-you are wrong about this one part!", then when you get told out on how it's in fact entirely true and how the predecessor game did it perfectly correctly so there is no excuse not to do it here (which is also a fact), your argument shifts to "nobody cares, you autist! hand-picking! grudge!"... As if it hadn't been you that picked this particular subject out of all the glaring faults in the game to begin with.

All so you can excuse a perfectly valid, straight up factual lack of effort invested in a part of the game because you feel personally attacked over it being pointed out.
Yikes, man. You need to pull the plug.

Here's hoping we get some good gunblades.

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If you honestly can say "what difference does it make", just refer yourself to
since it's clear you are just a seething manchild with little else to do but delude yourself about your waste of time.

It's a fundamentally retarded weapon, I'll be surprised if they can manage to make even one that looks halfway decent

I’m a manchild because I’m not crying about combat animations? Of all the things to bitch about in this game, this is the hill you’re going to die on, you insufferable faggot?

Don't start that shit, it's Final Fantasy, all weapons look fundamentally retarded.

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I don't think you can go wrong with Magitek or Allagan Gunblades (if they do them) or Primal Gunblades.

feelsbad helmets look awful with my horns
which legs? af4? or only the boots?

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You have a sauce on that?

Not at all, it's the hill you tried to climb in some ridiculous attempt to prove something that is straight up undeniably lazy to be wrong, when there was a perfectly apt and developed list of why the game is absolutely garbage which could have been discussed.
Out of all the subjects you chose the one that can't be denied and somehow I am the autist for pointing it admist the rest of the glaring bullshit.
Go to your dumbass corner now if you can bother.

It makes no sense for any character to fight differently because you actually, canonically learn everything there is about fighting in a fucking guild.
Have you ever studied martial arts? Do you know what form is? Nobody gives a shit if you're three metres tall, fat or a literal stick, that's the fighting style and that's what you should follow. And, except for lalafells, we don't have any outliers in terms of proportions (Read: actual fucking proportions, not just height), it makes no sense to have wildly different animations because of that (like, say, what you have in FFXI with Galka because their arms are literally longer than most characters are tall).
Guess what, though, Lalas get unique animations for all your autistic needs! As do Roes.

Gunblades were real weapons retard.

Because it's comfy. I'd load up Netflix and enjoy just running around doing MSQs and dungeons, and seeing all the themepark sights again.
There's a lot of effort invested into this game's writing, especially in 2.0 when Koji still gave a shit, and it's fun going through the story to see things you missed the first time. This means things like journal entries, the dialogue of random throwaway NPCs that change between quests, quest item descriptions, etc.

I'd also transfer HQ gear from my main across to the alts for smooth grinding and give myself things like poison potions to try and style on the DPS (I pretty much always leveled healers for the fastest queues). I'd also use it for practice, since I'd get bored of the endgame grind and unsub for large stretches of time: so when I come back and feel rusty at healing? Time to level another alt and polish up that muscle memory.

Pretty sure it's 186, as I counted the 2.X quests, but I could still be wrong though.

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Fem Midlander side ride all of the primal ponies, don't know if anything else like that exists since that's all I've ever played

Sure, and they're fucking retarded

They tried this with the Black Rock Foundry patch in WoD and Heavensward and it failed miserably. It actually turned out horrible for them in general, since WoW players didn't appreciate having content in a content-starved expansion being delayed four months for such a pointless reason.

The kind which are just a gun attached to a sword or knife were real weapons. The Final Fantasy kind where the gun doesn't shoot anything and just vibrates the blade are too stupid to have ever existed.

in XIV the gunbreaker gunblade seems to fire actual shells but not as bullets, but explosions and other effects like magitek barriers

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It’s not laziness, there was just no point in doing it to satisfy babies like you. Do you genuinely want unique animations for every. single. skill in the game between the six races, future eight? What would those look like? Would the incredibly minute differences outside of lalafells and Roegadyn be worth the time and money? Obviously fucking not. There aren’t a lot of ways to swing a fucking axe or a sword. The animations in 11 weren’t THAT different.

Worked for BRF and Heavensward!

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>that WoD drop

XIV gunblades shoot explosions for shredding armor.

>waiting to get Garlean gunblades so I can Terminus Est motherfuckers and summon aether tigers

I hate the DRKs stance so fucking much. Why hold the blade that way???????????

The wrist pain feeds into the DRK's suffering-based energy.

It's called the ox stance and it was a real thing.

fucked up anime version of ox stance*

It's a real stance you retard

surely, SURELY we'll be able to do some kind of terminus est
its literally /THE/ gunblade attack in ffxiv

DRK lore says that the order based their fighting style on panthers. They keep low and pounce.

Yes, and...?

god I wish a hot drk hunk would pounce on me

>mfw I never played wow and never will
I played dozens of other games while you plebs were grinding the same boring areas over and over again.

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I hope all the trannies stay on FFXIV desu. No BEs so i'm hopeful.

Lalafell Gunbreakers are the epitome of cute

shut the fuck up you filthy tuber

I believe XIV is gonna die in year or something like that.
I bet SHB will flop terribly.
Cause their release date is too close to WoW Classic.
And believe me - EVERYBODY would play classic. Like it is the most important release of the fucking decade

Just image Yoshi's face when he will see the numbers! Like, huh, i believe he'll gonna kill himself

And plus SE doing pretty fucking bad, they don't have any successful and profitable IPs.
KH3 flopped
Left Alive flopped hard
Tomb Rider flopped.

Only XIV was profitable, but they gonna cut the costs for more earnings and anyway SHB gonna flop cause of WoW Classic

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The only people that are going to play Classic are nostalgia-blinded boomers that want to recapture their youth

wow classic dead in the water 6 months in screencap this
it'll be blizzards fault


I'd just read or watch a guide beforehand for any tank specific mechanics.
If you're forthcoming and explain you're new at the beginning of a dungeon run (and aren't a total fuckwit) most people will be fairly forgiving.

Just go in as tank. It's difficult to fuck up a dungeon badly enough to cause a wipe. If you're really scared you can just say you're new and ask if there's any important mechanics you should know, or look up a guide beforehand, but it's not necessary.

i have a life

Anyone have a good SAM guide? I wanna weeb the shit out before ShB drops.

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no matter what you do, never feel obligated to look up dungeon mechanics for shitty fuckin 4 man dungeons
for trials/raids? yes
not dungeons
dungeons are always simple enough
guides for every job by people who are usually very trustworthy

>dungeons are always simple enough
Bet you was carried through all 50 hard dungeons and myst dragon

>guides for every job by people who are usually very trustworthy
I don't trust these fuckers anymore.
>play SMN all through SB
>get purple/orange parses consistently
>decide to check out the Balance to see how I can push myself up toward golds
>check out SMN guides
>do what they say
>suddenly start parsing blue
>check the highest SMN logs just to see
>they're doing what I was doing before, not what the Balance guides say
Fuck that scalie nigger Nemekh pushing out false SMN guides on the Balance.

do you know how incredibly easy lv 50 hard mode dungeons are these days? the mechanics just dont matter and bosses melt in under a minute
i just facetanked haukke hard for the first time in probably 2 years with zero memory of how to do it, with absolutely no problem whatsoever
if you legitimately struggle with dungeon mechanics i fear for your cognitive ability
i will give you that the mist dragon is on the higher end of dungeon bosses though

>myst dragon
>he didn't know not to attack the mist form
Fucking newfags

What guides did you read to get those purple/oranges in the first place? I'm literally in the middle of learning SMN atm and if the guides im reading are inherently kinda shit i'd rather read something else

Because Prishe was the best part of XI and they use her in Dissidia.

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I didn't read any, I guess I just have a knack for reading tooltips and understanding what I'm supposed to do. Basically the shit they're pushing has your second DWT early and Bahamut timing like two seconds early. But that's enough to fuck you. For example, his guides have you using Tri-Disaster just as the Bahamut window ends, but you should be using it during Bahamut.

I'm pretty shit at explaining things, but go check out fflogs and see their timings

Oh boy I can't wait for every party to have DRK/GUN for tanks

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I should say that the one good thing about the Balance guide is the pet swap pre-opener. The pet swapping and micro management is something you can actually learn from them. It's the rotation that's fucked.

Why do these threads always start out seething about WoW? How has it managed to live in heads of other MMO players rent free for damn near 15 years now?

Because janny usually deletes these threads if they aren't console war bullshit

to obfuscate the fact that they are actually /vg/ threads outside of /vg/
god i hate /vg/

Any thread that isn't shitposting between two parties gets shouted down as being /vg/ and eventually the shitposting starts anyway. It's a moot point trying to start a thread without a conflict because some faggot's gomna come in and make one anyway within 100 posts.

That's bullshit, no mod would be that petty.

>he doesn't fucking know
trust me, they do it
i know this because i've had many ffxiv threads i've started deleted for no reason

How new are you?
Last year every xiv thread got deleted on spot while daily bfa threads got free pass

Janny has been deleting XIV threads on sight since Heavensward launch. That's 4 years now.

I love catgirls!

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XIV threads not being deleted on sight is still weird. I wonder if it's only cause we're leading up to a new expansion.

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The update is gonna drop real soon.

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Three days.

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It sounds really stupid but it's true. If you make a genuine FFXIV thread talking about the game on Yea Forums then it gets autosaged or completely deleted soon. But if you make a thread about FFXIV vs WoW or something flamewar related then the thread is allowed to stay up (even though starting flamewar/console wars are against site/board rules)

26th confirmed, keep up

go on then, post those logs of people doing that ass backwards rotation and getting 100s.

i cannot fuken wait
substantially more invested in the end of SB's story than I was for the end of HW's story, even though HW "main" main story was better.
i just love the empire so much, varis and solus being fucking psychos, fucking GAIUS is back from the dead, its like your grandmothers weekday serial where they'll do anything to keep you interested, no matter how absurd

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I'm only disappointed we never got to see ancient beefcake Gestahl Solus in action.

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>Classic wow is literally rushed just to compete with new ff xiv expack
They announced it back at the end of 2017 and then went practically an entire year hearing nothing about it. They have been taking their sweet fucking time if anything considering they are just re-implementing finished content. I quit FFXIV after Sigmascape because the progression and patch cycles along with the constant gear treadmill from tomestones gets boring as fuck after awhile. There are no signs that any of this is going to change either.

It went by periods, late hw and first week of sb were fine, then he went all Hitler on us
After that everything was fine, but around 4.2 he went up shit again


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I think it's just one or two people being really butthurt about FFXIV on Yea Forums and mass reporting the threads with multiple IPs and the janitors are forced to respond.

Bro...what are doing...?

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Blizzard supports the beauty in diversity while Square Enix are misogynists who objectify women.

There are so many more interesting races in Ivalice that it tickles me that they chose the most boring one literally because they look hot. Weebs ruin RPGs.

>just started SB
>still getting accustomed to all these new garleans
>man varis is fucking old, how the hell is he Gaius's son
>and who is this old guy user just posted? Is HE gaius's dad? How long can these fuckers live for?!
>check the wiki
>this entire time I though Gaius was the (former) Emperor
Was this a fair misconception on my part or am I retarded?

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Viera were the most voted for in a 1.0 poll, so they were just making good on that. Plus they're the only ones that could reasonably be seen as fully human by racist Eorzeans who fucking hate beastmen. A Bangaa or Seeq walking around in Ul'dah and being treated totally normally doesn't make sense in the setting.

They updated their sites with pic related for part 2. Shit's going to be real.

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I'm sorry user. You're retarded...

Gaius was just basically Solus's right hand man up until Meteor happened and Gaius turned on him. He was only ever a Legatus.

The fujobarshotapocalypse is coming, and I can't wait.

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>Released over 15 years ago
This is your brain on titty skittles

You're retarded

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Could've been Gria, Garif , Aegyl, fuck I would've taken Helgas. Fuck FF12 is such a wasted setting and it would surprise no one that literal silent bunny girls is voted most popular in tranny game of the year.

Basically it reveals the sad truth that WoW is dead by ActiBlizz and the only thing that its remaining fans are looking forward to is not to the future, to a better new WoW game that will return to the basics and try to damage control all these disappointing years/expansions, but to literally stuck their heads behind to the past and try to relieve some glory days of their bonkers teenage years.

It's the utmost form of desparation and the equivalent of someones putting their hands on this ears and secluding themselves. I never wanted to see WoW in that condition desu.

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I'm pretty sure Gria are going to be introduced as another Au Ra clan. Koji said there was a more ancient clan of Au Ra somewhere in Othard that he wasn't allowed to talk about.

>it would surprise no one that literal silent bunny girls is voted most popular in tranny game of the year
That was 1.0 user, there were no trannies around then. The playerbase was all FFXI boomers

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>tfw Gaius killed innocent royal family members because of "muh country"

They're probably all scheming bastards, but yeah he got tricked into believing Solus was a good guy until he backed Meteor.

yeah, DRK are shit. especially their job quest. terrible.

What's with FCs filled with downers and boomers. Boomers I don't mind if they aren't obnoxious but downers are the worst.

"Hey how's your day going?"
":( Bad...seems like you're having an okay day..."

The fuck dude?

Downers are commonplace in just about any online social setting. They're all emotionally manipulative attention whores and you shouldn't feel bad at all for calling them out on it.

whats going on here
i recognize the music obviously, but whats going on here

in my FC we're mostly boomers that used to play PSOBB,EQ,and RO. we used to have a few doomers but they either stopped logging in or they left.

That’s what tittyskittles do to your brain user

opening ceremony for japanese baseball game, they're playing ffxiv music to intro the players.

what about that one FC member that immediately sends you tells when you log on and would rather talk to you in tells than in FC chat

How would you fix your main job, Yea Forums?

How is Elidibus going to be comparable to Zenos in terms of style and combat anyway? He's possessing a body but he won't have the same nature or personality that really pushed Zenos to excel and perfect his combat skills. Am I going too deep in this and should I just turn my brain off?

Elidibus has been alive for thousands and thousands of years. Possibly since the first fucking era. So he's had a lot of time to git gud at fighting. But I get the feeling that you're exactly right and that's how we're going to kill him. He's assuming Zenos's body will give him the power to kill you, but that's not going to be enough to carry him to victory.

I'm sure he'll have have access to his memories and thus fight style. If anything, he'll throw in more magiclike stuff in combat. Personality will be pure Elidibus

that s pretty nice, although im not sure how is STORM OF BLOOD BORN OF BLOOD connecting to baseball

everybody love this TRIUMPH theme but it plays rarely. only in some dungeons, not in all of them.

WoW Classic describes the state of the vidya industry. No one manages to create original IP's anymore that dont suck ass or are based on a formula that an older IP established.

if you read the rest of the lyrics it kinda makes sense. it's talking about uniting together and using the power of bonds to persevere. also most nips don't understand english so it sounds cool.

They need to fix the cutscene animations. Just rewatched thancred vs WoD that's embarrassing.

>Not WAR Master race

actully there are almost no people who could understand ffxiv music lyrics

chicken tenders

>yfw Rise
>yfw Koji can manage to fucking sing it live

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yea that winnie pooh if fucking something. he s one of the reasons i watch ffxiv festival streams

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By the way there was recorded "THE PRIMALS" concert from novemver festival where they sing eScape live and other songs. anybody can link this one, i somewhat lost it ?

it's a race of barely dressed bunny girls user
there was never any competition
enjoy seeing all those minimum height, pale skinned, pink haired, heterochromatic bunny girls in the shisui set

Ṭ̷̡͈̩̟̳͈͇̮͙̱̺̋͛̾͐̎͋͜ͅh̸̡̡̢̧̦̦̟̣̫̝͇̝̭̹̝̬̣̠̝͍̼͛̌̿́͋̐̇̋͂̍̈́̿͝͠r̶̪͍͇̥̯͋ơ̷̡̧̖̼̜̮̘͉̝͕̤̙͕̐̏̋̋̾͗̈́͌́͗̔̽̚͠͝͝͝W̸̨̖̣͖̪̩̳͠ ̷̧̭͈̥̻̞̹̮̮̖͔͚͒́̓͆̈́̇͌̾͋͝W̴̡̖͚̳͓͕̓́̽̀̐̒͑̑̇̈́I̷̭̭̥̺̜̰̫̥̭͎̤̳̪̊̈́͆͆͝D̴̛̗̮̤̣̪̠̗̖̜̖̤͈̬̮͋͗̋̇̆͂̈́̈́͊͝͝ͅè̶̹͔̼͍̩̬̈̒̈͗́͝ ̶̡͖̤̹̠̥̙̙͕̤̭̪͖̫̆̑̏̽̌̎̾̈́̾̔̋͌̀͘͘͠t̵̨̧͍̬͕̗̪̣̖̣̺̒̈́͘h̶̡̨̥̯̗̣̪̹̜̳̦̦͙̣̻̻͓͌̎̂͗̇̀̈̕ȩ̶̡̜͍̮̙̫͕̤͖̺̦͖͕̀͆̑͛̉͆̂̇̍͛̈́͑̃ ̴̢̛̗̱̜͚̣͖̥̉͋̿̓̎̑͗͂̋̈́̊͆̿̒͜͝ͅĢ̴̧̧̻͚̦͎̞̮͎̜̣͉̠͖̦͈̘͋̈͜ͅá̶̧̡̖̼̮̝̟͓̹̜̜̯̤̻͉̯̐͗̾͛͆́̑̉̌̿̎̓̏̈́̓T̷̖̮̫̖̳̫̜̾͒̋̔͂̇̑̍͛̄̑̈́̿̈́̚͜É̵͇̻̞͍̍́̓̈́̉̀̈́̚͘͠͠Ş̴̢̧̢̻͔̠̤̟̰͇̠̮͖̯̤̞̞̮̔́͊̌̈͐̒͜͜

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He doesn't sing anything live, he just lipsyncs

>that hair
it really is g'raha

>enjoy seeing all those minimum height, pale skinned, pink haired, heterochromatic bunny girls in the shisui set
I don't see a problem.

>the hair
Deniers on suicide watch

you have shit taste is the problem

>t. skrillex haircut femroe

ded thread
ded game

Attached: Please Uninstall.gif (480x270, 2.75M)

it's only 7am here

Your coast is the worst coast.

>whenever an ffxiv thread occurs, WoW nu-blizz cuckolds rush in to screech because the only discussion WoW gets on Yea Forums is how shit it is
Who unironically just laughs here bros?

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I've been playing PLD wrong for years.

Fastblade -> Riot Blade -> Fight or Flight -> Goring Blade -> Spirits Within -> Requiescat -> Holy Spirit

I thought Fight or Flight buffed Holy Spirit time to fucking uninstal.
Still out dps'ed hundreds of actual dps classes in DF lmao

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t. most likely a dude who thinks he's above reading his class guide, and also thinks anyone that installs act is trying too hard, plays his class wrong for years.

This is why happens you have a false superiority complex. you end up being shit

EPIC portal snipe

Sahagin is the most kino beast tribe quest chain, prove me wrong.
Honorable mention to the Vath.

yeah we have a lot of trannies here but at least we got legal weed, fiber internet, and low ping.

I don't understand the rivalry between WoW and FFXIV. They're both catering to two different crowds, westernfags and weaboos.

What's been happening with XIV these days? Any big changes or new additions implemented or on the horizon?

>not playing the press-to-win-button tank

Attached: 1529586301275.jpg (800x450, 57K)


>press win button every 90 seconds
>press win button every 2 seconds

Gee which is more fun to play

It'll take awhile for the threads to be good again because there will be a lot of "BTFO" posting, during and after the fanfest.

March 23-24th - Japan Fan Fest and Live Letter with Director revealing next expansion info
March 26th - Part 2 Finale of Patch 4.5 Main Story
April - FFXV collab event, NA/EU datacenter infrastructure revamp
Early May - Patch 4.57 Cross World Visit Feature Implemented
Mid/Late May - 4 hours long Live Letter with Director detailing the combat system changes in 5.x and other misc news, Shadowbringers Character Creator/Benchmark released
June 28th - Shadowbringers Preorder Early Access released
July 2nd - Shadowbringers Expansion Street Date

Wars are cooler than dorks, though.


when they tried to copy ffxi they made ff4.0

Stop spouting this bullshit you read on Yea Forums because it just proves you never played either one of those games. 1.0 was NOTHING like XI in any conceivable fucking way.

Soken engrished real fucking hard on eScape. Some of the lyrics don't even sound like they match up with the written ones.

It wasn't like XI, but they definitely attempted to make it like XI. 1.0 was current SE's modern day attempt at an old mmo.

>literally same menu combat but 14 one is little more dynamic and laggy
>literally same grind to max level Korean style gameplay

>not being the crafter

Retail-WoW players are some of the biggest suckers who ever lived.

>literally same menu combat
Wrong. Just flat out fucking wrong. You couldn't even bother to look up a video of the god damn gameplay before spouting your bullshit?
>literally same grind to max level Korean style gameplay

>Unironically defending Korean grind fest in Xi and xiv

I played 4.0

blizzard and wow players dont like any competition

I can't fucking wait for the Fanfest, I need to know who's getting btfo

Reminder ignore XIfags. You have them to thank for 1.0, eureka, and BLU.

Redditors who read secondhand accounts of XI are to blame for those things.

wow is a dead meme, mmo's in general are a dead meme, change my mind

will eureka 2 will allow gatherers to enter?

XIfags are the worst
go back to your stagnant PS2 game

they would, but playonline is still updating

everybody who doubted chad rabbits

>3 hours live event to speak about :
>Novelties for shadowbringer PVE wise
>Showing some new dungeons areas more in depth
>Showing what they are changing with the jobs
>Showing one new jobs, and new jobs more in detail overall
>Showing artifact gears
>Showing and explaining crafter endgame and changes
>Teasing the new R8
>Explaining the tease with male Miqote or whatever is there, be it a locked sexe lion race, or whatever....
Pretty sure i forget a good bunch of things aswell. Either they're going to be really quick about all these things, skip some of them, or we're gonna go over those 3 hours by a hefty margin.
Or worst case scenario, a lot of things are scrapped away.

It will be the "one month game".

People will subscribe in huge numbers due to "muh nostalgia". They will soon realize that WoW 1.X is the equivalent of an Early access indie MMO now and quit.

Most hardcore fans will still quit but claim that "Blizzard ruined classic WoW".

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there are people who think Hrothgar will not be beastial.

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Yeah, they're called people who don't skip cutscenes

they're saving the job reworks/combat changes talk for the May liveletter. they're going to be talking exclusively about that since it would be too long for the keynote.

the rest they're going to talk about at the keynote are just standard stuff. new job, new race, new gear, screenshots of new content, misc announcements, etc.

playable beast races NEVER EVER
kys you delusional furfaggot

What if XIV had a 9999 damage cap?

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How do I do more damage with my bard, he is level 30. I feel that he does so little damage compare to my lancer

Bard's job is not to big a big dick deeps.
With that out of the way, keep your crit buff up at all times, spread your dots.Use your offgcd arrow ASAP. That will do for a 30 bard



BRD does mediocre damage and requires a Dragoon debuffing the boss to do it.

keep dots up, have straight shot up, play your songs, keep your ogcds always on cooldown.

The A Challenge is impossible this week. Let's get Physical can't be done because the bombs in the arena count as magic damage.

Top quality content

It used to have a 999999 damage cap and it also used to zero the last digit in any damage value that was above 32500 or something like that, they changed that sometime during Stormblood.

Goes to show how little they cared. And OF faggots defended this garbage.

But FemRoe exists and is 100x cuter than that thing on the right.

I see, thanks for the tips but, what is ogcds?

in-game they're called abilities but most people call them ogcds. it's because they're off the global cooldown. meaning that you can use the ability while your weaponskills/spells are still refreshing. an example would be how you can still cast bloodletter ability or your songs while straight shot and other weaponskills are still recharging.

eventually this game will have to do a number squish anyways. numbers are getting too bloated and the scaling is totally whack for old content.

ARR: 150-550 DPS
HW: 800-2400 DPS
SB: 3500-10000 DPS

I'd say we're doing fine for now.

thank you very much, damn that community is great

As long as we never hit 1mil. I kinda hope we never surpass level 99 either desu.

Why are they wasting time and resources on this shitty Trust System again?

Will gear ever be more than stat tokens?

because eventually I'll be able to dress them and force my weird and degrading fetishes on named characters instead of just a pineapple slut and a bubble princess

Because they're trying to transition it from even less of an MMO than it is now, to more of an 'online game with a lot of things to do'. The Trust system and BLU are both elements of that. They want playing with others to be an option, not the expectation.

It depends on where you ask.
/xivg/ will mostly ignore you for example.

because they already developed the AI for squadron command missions. this is just a reskin. I want more squadron content with my hand picked and glamoured recruits though.

they hardly have to put in work into it. they already have the framework set up, you've seen it already with squadron dungeons. all they gotta do is just add story NPCs and some text/voices when they do skills.

Great... who plays MMO's to interact with people anyway? How did it come to this?

MMO crowd grew up

you either have illusion of choice that creates insane balance issues or you end up with FFXIV where the content is the gatewall not the gear.

>implying we don't have balance issues right now with CDH being over 200% damage

It's also to solve queue times for dungeons. You get in instantly with a Trust setup instead of waiting 30-45 mins as a DPS.

I wanted to try FFXIV with twitch but the fuckin jank ass downloader wouldnt let me finish the download and it didnt cache download progress
>in the year of our lord 2019
I'll stick with games that work

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I really like ffxiv but I hate how dead the world is, you just idle in town waiting for raids or dungeon queues, maybe you leave once in a while to hunt shit, but nothing more
Can’t wait for classic and actually go out and explore
Heavens ward was kino though

everything can clear and is viable which means its balanced well enough. unless you want to end up like WoW where certain specs are severely lower than the other to the point they're useless or how RNG effect gear can determine how well your spec actually is.

Maybe some DPS shitters should play something that requires a bit of effort and queue times wouldn't be so terrible.

what good is having best in slot gear when mechanics >>>> gear, always.

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It also affects tanks and healers too. By 5.0 launch everyone will be playing the new jobs and the queues for both of those roles will be awful.

They started trying to appeal to people who hate MMOs.

I love Ozma, Thunder God is a shallow imitation.

there are people who unironically think this way

Yeah I'm a healer and not looking forward to the bandwagoners. How long do they usually last and shit up the queues?

>hard mode dungeons
Theyre not even hard as their namesake implies. Theyre literally saving dev resource and time by reusing as many old dungeon’s assets with the changes to the design at most being an L shaped tunnel instead of a straight line or a C.

why does the west do party on right of platform and tank on left? It's the opposite here on jp. It's fucking retarded because the orbs in cube phase come in from right to left. I've not seen a single stream that did not have 1. party dying from tank not separating far enough from them when soaking orbs, 2. tank dying from being too close to party when soaking orbs and catching the magic vuln from the stack

Atari 2600 limitations. Please Understand.

Because Japan reads from right to left.
Pretty sure people on NA used to do tank on the right (same in original Ozma too). Must be brainlets doing the content now.

Not that user but going to the extreme end of the other side isn’t good either. Content must be balanced properly which is something XIV fails at. Most of their design philosophy can best be described as “Minigame” at best with so much being turned into faceroll or day to week long content due to the difficulty or rewards leaving raids and Eureka as the defacto content to do and the numbers for both speak for themselves, with the biggest issue of Eureka being the content for everyone.

>Said increasingly nervous fujoshit for the 19th time today

>weapon that has to rest on the shoulder
imagine the clipping. Especially with this games fetish for oversized pauldrons that float above your shoulder. Not even attached

there's 2 groups on each platform, usually one tank is on Ozma and the other is on ball duty.

Also that's a EU run, I can see Gachi Bass in the webm

>Running The Burn/St. Mocianne's for the tank gear, want it for GUN glam
>30 runs in and only got the boots

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At what point did you lose your will to live?

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>How did it come to this?
Skype and later Discord

took about a month for the queues to stablize after HW from the flood of new DRKs and ASTs.

they might end up making it crafted gear in ShB

The moment I finished Wondrous Tails off just running it and getting another full 9 points.

I'm honest to god half-expecting it will be the starting gear set for Gunbreaker. And I'll be so fucking mad.

Does anyone here still run BA? I killed it like 5 times in the first two weeks but I haven't been back in ages. Kind of want to go back to get some other +2 gear but I've heard groups now are absolutely fucking awful. Some guy I know has been trying to kill it for like two weeks now and I don't think I could deal with groups that lose 30 people to AV.

its no different than the usual 'scrub clock'. after a certain amount of time the good players are done with it and only the shitters are left

Yeah there's two tanks but it doesn't change the fact that with party right, the party is standing with their backs inches from where the orbs are being soaked. Someone standing too far back gets clipped and dies, tanks not soaking them far away enough clips the party and kills them. The meteor stack on the party there that inflicts vuln up is massive too and the only way the tank soaking orbs can avoid it is to exit the platform completely and stand on the ring.
All these problems don't exist if you put the party on the left and the MT on the right

Bollocks, I was hoping it'd be better with it being planned on discord but I guess at this point the only ones who still need it are mentally challenged in some way.

well there is a discord, but its cliquish and has retardedly high standards

>lalafell memer with an impossibly heavy lisp

Get me out of this hell

there's zero incentive to do it after you get your ozma, unless you really want to help someone you know.

>has retardedly high standards
must not be the same one I used to clear, they let anyone in


I didn't know what you guys meant by ass capes until I actually looked at the shire set.

I'm pretty sure you guys are just being autistic.

Only if you want to get in the private tranny runs.

FFXIV is great but also plagued with the modernized MMO format of weeklies/dailies over all else.

The shire set doesn't even have an asscape so you still don't know what we mean

I really don't. anything with actual shoulder armor has it floating off the model and you can see it in many common animations.

I genuinely do not think its nostalgia, the state of modern MMO design is just that shitty. It doesn’t refine the old formula it just makes it worse and stale. Do zoomers actually believe that instant gratification and microtransactions are the future? If anything I would just keep the old mmo formula and just make it a lot more solo friendly.

Will FFXIV be available on Stadia?

>If anything I would just keep the old mmo formula and just make it a lot more solo friendly
MMOs should never be solo friendly. Doing that loses the entire purpose. Forcing people to come together to solve problems is the core of an MMO and why friendships forged in those older style MMOs were so strong and meaningful.

Sure, as a male mooncat WoL, he's like my mirror nemesis I guess.

>Do zoomers actually believe that instant gratification and microtransactions are the future?
You don't have to be a zoomer to see that it is the future because people are buying it and have accepted it. We've come a long way from laughing at people who pay money for in game cosmetics, to the current justification that "it's only cosmetic" instead of pay to win.

I'm a lot more open to the idea of trusts because it ensures that I don't have to interact with this faggot community.

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Yes, just like he "died" in ARR... off screen.

If your on primal you should be fine. Cleared 2x back to back last night and got my 10th clear achiv.


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Thats exactly what I think too but when I said solo friendly, I mean giving the player something to do when they can’t find other people to play with. For example: in FFXI they added the trust system, which is summonable npcs that help you, problem with it is that it invalidates partying with other people because your exp isn’t nerfed when you use trusts but it is when you party with others. If the trusts nerfed exp as well then the leveling experience would be preserved while giving the player something akin to a party.

It's not like there's not other people to play with. If you can't find people to play with you're probably not trying at all.

I wonder what the rewards will be this time

I miss Papalymo