What are your hopes and fears

What are your hopes and fears

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I wanna die.
I'm not poor or in extreme debt but I feel guilty if I buy anything over $100 that isn't related to the apartment, food bills etc.

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what about your computer?

A genuinely good farming simulator with a decent adventuring system to SUPPLEMENT the farming aspect, not replace it. Oh, and bachelorettes that aren’t just one-dimensional anime tropes meant to pander to the worst types of weebs
That RF5 will be the opposite of everything above. In other words, the massively disappointing direction RF4 was heading in.

both my hopes are unrealistic. I'd love a pc release so I don't have to consider buying a console for a single game/wait until it's playable in an emulator and I want romanceable older ladies

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Then explain your custom made dragon dildo with chrome finish.

why do the girls in these games always ave sunburnt shoulders?

Hopes: MILF
Fears: can't marry

last time I heard about switch emulation, someone said that you needed a switch or whatever- but that might of changed because it was years ago. My only issue with emulating current gen consoles is that the games are 40 gb or something, and I don't have the patience to torrent that shit.

But fuck it, I might do it because I love Rune Factory games that much. I don't care if I have to wait 3 days or a month.

I want to fuck the dragon

It will have a waifu to my taste and will be good.

It will be butchered in the english localization because muh soggy knees/muh trannies

If you love Rune Factory so much then why don't you pay for them?

he could still buy it but he'd have to download it if he wants to emulate it. it's silly to spend over $200 on a single video game user

>Fun, pretty, crafting as in depth as 4
>uninteresting marriage candidates, long loading times

>coming out next year
>still literally 0 info

Rune Factory Frontier: Rune Factory 3 edition
Shit waifus like 4

12 bachelorettes
3+ arcs (don't hide them behind RNG bullshit)
A bow weapon
RF3 tier wacky ass characters
Give me back Daria

proper monster girls

All Dragons become datable

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MILFS can be dated (no marriage though)
Shallow crafting system

Cute girls
Can't marry the dragon AGAIN AHHHHHHHH

>terrable as an univir neet girl
10/10, would waifu

why would you want to just torture us more

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nonshit artwork

More monster girl waifus
Monster girls exist in the game but you can't marry them

That you can finally get in a relationship with the "older" women

That the art style will be bad

only hope i have is option to marry the cute milf

Hopes: The dub is as hilariously bad as 4's

Literally RF4, but with a significant amount more content, depth, and polish.
Also a waifuable milf would be nice for a change.

That it will end up like RF4; being so close to greatness but falling short with a few lazy decisions here and there, and lacking just enough content and depth to feel a bit off.
Very fearful that they will once again fuck the players over by making the best girl(s) unwifeable
And also worried they might keep that horrifying RNG event system they used in 4.

>A cute short haired waifu with glasses
>A cute short black bobcut waifu
>Not tedious farming

>As bad voice acting as always
>More bad anime tropes
>Combat and RPG mechanics are as barebones as ever

I know my fears are more of a probability than my hopes and I hate that.

Fear: it never actually being released and sitting in limbo like that SMT game announced for switch

There's an interview about 5 with Hashimoto in tomorrow's Nintendo Dream issue.

RNG events again.

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It already has 2020 as a vague release date so it's in a better situation than SMTV.

> Hopes
Expanded lore, more integrated story, more dungeons that feel relevant as something besides an obstacle, a way to get level 10 of any item (For example making our own level 10 flour), less RNG for marriage events

> Fears:
The opposite.

My only fear is that have to buy a shitty console to play it.

No more RNG bullshit, full 3D visuals, a more organic and expansive feeling town like Trampoli, overhauled combat, return of dungeon fields, better house customization, character customization beyond clothes and accessories, romanceable MILFs or dragons
RNG events will return, it will have pacing issues on par with Frontier, the marriage pool will be too small/uninteresting, the game will just feel like a rehash of 3 again

>Console rf's are shit.
>Handheld rf's are great.
>It's on a handheld console.

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lol no, the switch is a retarded hybrid, so the game have 50% chance to be shit

That you wont be able to marry best girl.


Frontier with the Runeys turned off is great though.

A non-shitty game, but the current track record of this series having 0 of those doesn't exactly fill me with hope.

Runeys is a great example of what the devs need to avoid: Stuff that seems like it adds variety or links story to gameplay in theory but in practice just makes the entire thing fucking tedious.

how do turn them off?
i got tired of keeping all areas green and put game on hiatus after vamp girl split

Dolphin cheat codes.

And to my knowledge you can't turn them off/set them neutral, you max them out. So it definitely felt like cheating rather than removing a unwanted feature.

nice, thank you.
not really cheating if you already got them running at max

>And to my knowledge you can't turn them off/set them neutral, you max them out
One of the very first results on google is a cheat that sets them to neutral

>you don't romance Aquaticus
>Aquaticus romances you

Big marriage pool, its ultimately acceptable to have a couple of worse girls as long as there's a similar or higher number of best girls
The opposite of my hopes, also known as Rune Factory 4, the girls weren't unbareable but there but i liked none of them

I’m hoping for multiple save files, and the ability to have two characters in the same playthrough.

I got my GF hooked on Rune Factory, but we’re pisses we’re probably not going to be able to marry each other.


Less RNG focus on stuff that really shouldn't have it, more developed/less tropey characters than 4, same sex marriage so I can be a cute girl with a cute girl or cute guy with a cute guy
It's not enough of a departure from 4, not that 4 was bad but I hope to see a logical upgrade as a sequel and not more of the exact same.

fuck me $450 dollars

Let me NTR milfs, It feels like a cockblock that cant marry milfs

For it to be just like 4, don't fix what aint broke

I like 4 but there's a lot that could be fixed about it:

> Story pacing is all over the pace, Venti is made likable even though you can pretty much never talk to her, Act 2 feels edgy, Ethelberd does like nothing, Act 3 is half-assed

> Graphics are really outdated

> Too much RNG where it's not needed, needs to be weighted and stream-lined better

> Bachelors IMO have too much of a varying quality

> Too much character development is locked behind marriage events


Marriageable cakes. NEVER EVER.

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Frontier is great though.

More after marriage events. I mean, living with your wife/husband is a new life. I'd be great if you can feel it in that way.
Overcensored. Unpolished maps/quests. Dull after-game.

Yeah, hopefully the new stuff in 4S shows up roughly how the devs plan to improve on it.

Outfits that change with the seasons. Of course she's hot wearing that huge winter coat in the middle of summer.

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Chest pussy

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Oh, this definitely!

Preferably you getting cucked by a chad.

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I hope it'll be good, and I fear that it'll be bad.

Hope you're ready for a life full of fear.

>Aquaticus proposes by utterly wrecking your crops' shit
>But Aquaticus, how is that any different from usual

forced dub again.

And your fear?

Hopes: As good as RF 3 and 4
Fears: As good as Ocean

It gets released
It doesn't.