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Other urls found in this thread:


what am i apologizing for first


yeah, what exactly am I apologizing for?

Yo FUCK you dawg

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Yea Forums needs to apologize to Nintendo

I own a switch so fuck you. But I havent played it in months so jokes on me.

wish it translated into more software support, but what he have now is at least better than its ever been.

why? i own a Switch.

Still no games.

but for what exactly
what am i apologizing for

Catching me strokin' it. You don't really need to though, our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such a good size and all

Nintendo fans are all manchildren.

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why should I?

They're closing in

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I'm sorry that you're gay, OP

Manchild culture disgusts me

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Yes, it's bad enough you have to be reminded every time you look in the mirror.


do you think she actually replaced the internal battery to make it functional?

>They're closing in
>on a poor selling home console
Switch should be compared to Nintendo's handhelds because that's what it's replacing. If you want to be really fair, it should be compared to their handhelds+home consoles as it's replacing both

is that supposed to be a lot? Remind me again how much the PS2 sold


No, a lot is a place where you park your car.

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Well, Eric and the other niggers are still adamant the switch will fail any day now.

But I thought the OP wanted me to apologize?

To be fair, switch has had 2 years so far, and Xbox One has had several years and several upgraded versions of the same shit
PS4 will be impossible to beat since its pretty much the Netflix machine of choice

Riddle me this console warriors: if I considered sony fans pathetic for jerking off their sales charts and metacritics, why should i show any leniency when any other fandom does it? In the eyes of an idort, these threads are pathetic wastes of space designed solely to jerk off your corpoation of choice. Unlike a marketer or a shill, you actually do it for free, which is even more pathetic.

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How old is the switch and only at 32 million? PS4 was at what 40 million already?

no gaems

Yea im sorry i fell for the switch meme. I actually thought there would be a decent selection of games but not even. At least i dont have to beg for ports since i own all the hardware that matters

PS4 is where the majority of game sales happen, nintenlard. Switch is just a tertiary toy for kiddies.

>Initial reveal
This might actually be interesting but it seems like Nintendo is going to be literally ten years behind in terms of power now
>Second presentation with the official Odyssey, Splatoon 2, ARMS, and Xenoblade 2 reveals, but an overwhelming feeling of awkwardness
This is going to fucking bomb
Oh shit, I'm sorry.

You keep using that word as if it has any relevance to the discussion

>saying pathetic three times in one post

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No fucking games

Just rehashed bing bing shit from Wii U

Trash hardware

Overpriced games

Paid online

>b-but us Nintenbros won

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Because Nintendo primarily makes games so success = more games

Nobody asked for your shitposts, im giving a legitimate reply to someone which is something far greater than your console warring babyshit brain can muster

Apologizing to a corporation capitalising on the monopoly they've created?
They need nothing of the sort except bitter criticism for their filthy ways.

I'll applaud them though.


How cancerous will Yea Forums be when Sony announces the PS4 passed the 100 million mark?

Sony wish they has the absurd attach rate of Kart, Odyssey, Smash and Zelda on Switch.

with inclusion of the online subscriptions and 70 dollar controllers, Nintendo is printing money again.

Sales discussion is not video game discussion. I'm sorry I have to break that news to you.

If Nintendo had any games whatsoever worth talking about, they would be the focus of this thread, not sales.

I ain't apologizing for anything. I've played the shit out of Smash Bros and have 5 characters in elite. I'm taking a break today.

Switch doesn't even have Netflix

Confirmed, switch is a failure compared to ps4

Stay mad little nincel. PS4 sells more games than Shitch will ever manage.

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Where the fuck do you Snoy shits find these block image lists of games and why are you so obsessed with posting them? It's so fucking bizarre

>sony is succesful
>continues making cinematic third-person games
>sony fails
>abandons platform completely so they can continue making cinematic third-person games

>nintendo is succesful
>focuses more on making good games for their IPs and bringing in more third party devs
>nintendo fails
>continues making games for their platform but this causes a noticable in amount of high-quality killer games

Yeah I think everyone is jealous of Nintendo selling Wii U ports for full price. But only Nintenfatlards are dumb enough to rebuy the same bing bing shit over and over again.

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I like the games they make, and since games are all they fucking do it's kind of important that their shit sells. I like my PS4 just fine and I don't give a fuck about how it sells comparatively. Even if it wasn't as wildly successful as it is, I'd know the PS5 would be coming with no real reason to wonder about what it might be or what games will be on it.

>exposes himself as a shitposter
I broke you in a single post.

You'll never convince Eric, OP.

He's too much of an autistic nigger to admit he was wrong.

Fact: Since the Switch is the continuation of both Nintendo's console AND handheld lines, it needs to compensate for both. It should be shooting for 80+ million sales.

You got it backwards. Nintendo killed WiiU and rushed out switch, remember?

>focuses more on making good games for their IPs and bringing in more third party devs

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>sony is successful
>pushes cancerous garbage like season passes, microtransactions, DLC and 60 dollar games made for casuals

>Nintendo is successful
>>pushes cancerous garbage like season passes, microtransactions, DLC and 60 dollar games made for casuals

You console warriors sicken me.



>You console warriors sicken me
>I like my PS4 just fine
??? shitposter begone

>muh attach rate
Its because those are the only 4 games Switchlets have.

If Nintendo truly didn't give a shit (like Sony) they would've had BotW be Switch-only and dropped all progress on Splatoon, Bayonetta, Mario Maker, Xenoblade etc. a year in. But they didn't.

>But only Nintenfatlards are dumb enough to rebuy the same bing bing shit over and over again.
Look at the top 20 selling games on PS4. It's nothing but the same yearly rehashed titles you fucking poorfag

Wasn't it originally planned to be 40 million by now?

Switch lists multiplats, so already RE2 and DMC5 are killing Nintendo. Then you have other notable games like AC7 or KH3.

Damn this image made me realize Switch has been dry for 1/4 of the year already.

As of January 2019 the PS4 had sold nearly 900 million games.

That's a third of PS4 sales sold in 1/3rd the time the PS4 has been out. I'm not impressed or surprised.

Bwahahahaha, they said they would reach 40 million in 2018, "the games are already there", 8 million behind, guess the games weren't there after all

The best games of the generation though and they are still full price for a reason. They are quality games that you can only get on Nintendo.

how does it feel to lose agaisnt a jap tab snoyboy?

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This. I play my PS4 all the time but I don't give a fuck about Sony. Their games are fucking trash and I couldn't give a fuck if they died. All the multiplats would just go to another platform.

It doesn't matter what console you like. You blatantly approve of non-video game sales circlejerks. And you have the balls to call others shitposters.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is more high effort than the entire Switch (Wii U actually) library combined.

Switch came out in 2017. The last game Nintendo released for WiiU was 2015. So they certainly dropped support at least 2 years.

Ok you got sales.

This still doesn't change the fact that all you can play on Switch is recycled WiiU-era bing bing wahoo shit for toddlers. Congratulations!

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Switch lists multiplats, so already RE2 and DMC5 are killing Nintendo. Then you have other notable games like AC7 or KH3.
Damn this image made me realize Switch has been dry for 1/4 of the year already.

Why even come to Yea Forums then? Or anybody Yea Forums for that matter?

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They have a monopoly on console exclusives that don't suck.
Have you played PS4 Spiderman, it's awful.

>apologize that a Nintendo happy meal toy is selling well

Which is strange because wiiu does
Switch does have some other streaming service I forget the name of.

What about the millions of sales and praise from journalistS? Oh, do those no longer matter?

They don't matter when it's PS4 exclusives. Only when it's Switch (actually Wii U) games.

Did you reply to the wrong person?

Can't get Mario or Pokemon anywhere else

It's exclusive to Nintendo.

Pokemon Go showed what would happen if Nintendo's franchises DARED to jump on a more public platform. They shot that cow dead before it could produce milk sweet enough to replace their actual games.

They want you to only experience it on Nintendo.

It's a strong business tactic but it is also a rather disgusting one.


He's not wrong. PS4 attach ratio is 8-9 games. And since PS4 is closing in on 100m, the math is easy.

On Switch, only Nintendo games sell well. Because that's the only reason people buy Nintendo hardware. On PS4, they buy everything.

>gameplay scares snoyboys

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Nope. It's fact that RDR2 (which is a top selling PS4 game) is more high effort than any Nintendo game ever.

Also Sony's own exclusives like GoW and Spider-Man are also both more high-effort than Nintendo has ever made.

>They don't matter when it's PS4 exclusives
The vast majority of Sony owners don't give a shit about Sony exclusives. 95 million PS4 owners didn't buy bloodborne, me included

Explain how a shitty cardboard sold for $80 is "gameplay".

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>nintendo are soi bois meme is created
>um...no u
Why can't the tendies meme?


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Cool. I didn't buy any of that movie shit

That's what happens when you have a platform where third-party presence is complete and your userbase is more than just toddlers and overweight manchildren. You get a greater variety in demographics.

Sony has placed PS4 has center point of the game industry. It's where the majority of sales happen. Meanwhile Switch is just a glorified Mario device.

Those journalists never played the PS2 game, if they did they would know the PS4 game just can't compete.

Because they're soulless third-world shills.

if gaming wasnt as mainstream as it is now the switch wouldnt have sold that much

What amazing games were playable on Switch these past 3 months?

Forget Bing-Bing-Wahoo.
Wait until Japan buys truckloads of Switch consoles for Kya-Kya-Nani.

Why would he have to when the Toio exists?

So any games that journalists like are pure trash?

>No Ace Combat
>No RE2
>No DMC5
>No Sekiro
Yup, it's fucking dead.

>They shot that cow dead before it could produce milk sweet enough to replace their actual games.
It looked like a natural death to me.

>high effort
What does this even mean?
Requires more manhours to play and beat?
Requires more reflex and skill to master?
Took the hours and health of many men to create?

I don't know what this argument is entailing.

If its the latter then you can believe whatever falsified information you want but it doesn't make the product more worth ones time. If anything it makes the product more bloodstained than moral for wanting being made.

Regardless, it is a great looking game, but it looks tedious to fuck and I'm already soaking 70+ Hours of my time into Persona 5 which I'm fucking regretting.

That's actually very low. In 2018 alone switch dropped below PS4 in sales, and switch is a brand new console compared to PS4

>(((praise))) from (((journalists)))
>do those no longer matter
lurk more retard

Wojak isn't new you newfag

A broken clock is right twice a day.

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God of War both looks, plays and sounds better than any low-effort Nintendo rehash.

Deal with it.

The fuck I need to apologize for? I own 40+ physical games for this otherwise piece-of-shit hardware.

>gets triggered by facts that snoy is getting beaten to a pulp by a jap tab
man too easy, why cant you fags try winning for once?
it'll make things more interesting

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Naw, It was practically a shotdown loose empty cow husk and people fucking lost their shit over it and THEN slowly peoples interest waned away when they noticed it had no milk.

Nintendo could've easily made it a Pokemon game knowing how big it was but that would give people their "core pokemon experience" on a non nintendo device.

Soi boi was, soi boi.

Imagine being this much of a snoy

How are they getting beaten when Switch isn't even getting those games? Sounds like it's Nintendo being embarrassed here.

Facts hurt, don't they? It's ok, atleast you got to brag about all those Mario sales on the glorified Mario tablet.

>he thinks consoles shipped is the same as consoles sold

reminder: nintendo only reports consoles as shipped to defraud shareholders. Sony only reports consoles as sold through retailers.

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Now you're talking about a completely different game without elaborating your point?

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>Yea Forums so butthurt over Switch they steal /pol/ maymays to cope

Basically God of War is everything BoTW should've been. Instead of a lazy open-world of mundane shit, we got a game with tight pacing, great gameplay and decent story.

Yep, it's true. Remember how the Wii died when it didn't get Ace Combat 6, RE5, DMC4 or Dark Souls? What a fucking flop.

Dont make your shitposting so obvious.

>tight pacing
You mean cutscenes everywhere inbetween massive loading screens?

>great gameplay
Ah yes, I too enjoy button mash to win gameplay.

>decent story
Literally ABLOO ABLOO I WANT TO DIE MOMMY. I wouldn't exactly put that in par with Hamlet.

and mind you, this is coming from someone who thought BOTW was a meh-fest built for casuals and nothing more.

Are you really going to remind us of this abomination of a glorified toy? I thought Nintendofags were smart enough to pretend it never existed.

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he's right you know.

A tightly directed game with actual challenges and rewards and plot is better than a meandering "make your own fun" sandbox

Show us you button mashing to win.

And I hope you're playing on a real difficulty setting. It's not paid DLC so you have no excuse.

God of War was much better than the Zelda skyrim clone

i'm sorry, let me help you out, since you snoy fags don't know how to search the web

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You can at least reply with some conviction.
This has nothing to do with the point about "effort"

Botw is the worst game Nintendo has released since other m and journalists sucked its cock immensely.

You implied that having (specific) multiplats is necessary for a console to succeed when that's clearly not the case.

>no games
>but atleast we beat that six year old PS4 in sales
This has to be a mental illness level of cope. Do you play games or sales?

>So(n)y released SJWs shit like Horizon Zero White Male and the last of dykes.
>Never get called out for this shit.
>Meme is reused to called out snoyboys for blatantly ignoring this fact.
>Muh nintendo fan is the soiboi.
Totally not something push by discord tranny and reshitera.

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Nope. I implied that Switch is a piece of shit that doesn't even get the essential third-party games. Learn to read.

>A tightly directed game with actual challenges and rewards and plot is better than a meandering "make your own fun" sandbox
Says who? You?

Says the entire world.

More GOTY awards than BoTW, remember? ;)

Attached: gow-nintendo.jpg (437x1244, 174K)

It is also the worst Zelda since LoZ2: Links Adventure. The fact that it's so highly praised just shows how meek the Switch library is overall, that it looks "good" in comparison to all their other games, when it isn't very good at all.

Whoa whoa whoa. Look, I'm not a Nintendie, but let's not compare BOTW with Other M. The latter was a putrid cinematic abomination (ironic when nintendo fans cry about movies on other consoles), while BOTW simply felt unfinished with the occasional bits of cinematic trash strewn in it.

>Zelda 2 was bad


How many units did the Gameboy/Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, DS, and 3DS sell in 2 years?

Zelda used to be a tightly directed franchise as well, but you probably don't remember that zoomer. Nintendo doesn't remember that either apparently.

zoom zoom zoom!

Wonder why you are only showing user score? Isn't also curious how zelda got a ton of 0 score reviews from users who seemingly only bought a switch for zelda and otherwise only play ps4 games?

Seething. Fuck console wars and enjoy everything.

More GOTY awards than Bore of the Wild

Better userscore (despite nincels raiding with 0's)

No Jewish DLC that sells hard mode for money

Worse than BotW at least (though that's not saying much)

Is this racist to white people?

Labeling anything SJW doesn't mean a thing. And not when people were using it to refer to nintendo owners first. Sorry nintendudes weren't clever enough to make the insult, but now you're stuck with the visage.

>Wonder why you are only showing user score?
The same reason why he's a dummy for using metacritic scores to begin with.

Nintendo has always been associated with soýboys because their games are mostly intended for kids who aren't allowed to see blood or gore in games. This is very nice to soýboys because they also live in that bubble world of delusions.

>Yea Forums needs to apologize to Nintendo because they sold units
This board literally worships Nintendo though?
Sony BTFOs everyone yet Yea Forums still hates them.

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>Says the entire world.
>18000 people who vote on Metacritic is the world
>All these people are saying that
>All these people apparently critically think of the product they play and of course do not consist of brainless sheep people.

>GOTY Awards
By who and what exactly?
You're lauding all this stuff but you're not actually backing up your point.
>A tightly directed game with actual challenges and rewards and plot is better than a meandering "make your own fun" sandbox
Says "Who"?

Isn't the switch made out of onions or was that just a meme image?

Sorry to break it to you but BoTW is fundamentally a completely trash game.

Holy shit, enough with the faggotry with nu-neogaf and discord. Don't you fucking morons realize what's going on? It's just another scapegoat to silence anyone with a different opinion.

Wow Playstation must've made like ten times more profit than Nintendo last year!

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The only thing that's trash about it is the completely nonexistent difficulty. Everything else can be commended for working together to make an interesting world. Yes, there is alot of copy+paste with enemy AI and enemy camps and of course the damn korok seeds and shrines that are disappointing as rewards. But I'd be willing to defend the game as having multiple positives.

It's still inferior to Terraria desu.

Attached: image.jpg (720x720, 123K)

What amazes me is that people genuinely think the overworld in the first game is in any way comparable to botws open world.

Wtf weren't the Jap games supposed to come to Switch bros..............

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But where's the game?

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>Still goes on without actually answering the point
I'm going to assume it's just you saying as you clearly are incapable of answering.

>BoTW is fundamentally a completely trash game
Hmm Alright, it's a trash game, and why does this matter to the "effort" point? Are you simply unhappy that it's selling well on a system thats selling well that you feel the need to express such bitter criticism about it?
Are you unable to grasp the reality that even trash can be lauded as highly as the """""High Effort""""" you so laud too?

>There will never be another game like Terraria

Attached: Angry Robot.png (1178x575, 1.41M)

Never going to happen because the collective install base of PS4-Xbone-PC will always beat Switch's.

Hell, it's embarrassing that fucking Xbone has better Jap support than Switch. XBONE!

Kids and adults will play violent and non-violent video games no matter what demographic they're aged at (unless they're aimed at "early childhood" or those exceedingly rare AO games little Timmy can't get unless he pirates it). Yes, historically Nintendo has always been the "family friendly option", despite having games aimed at adults, like Bayonet ta 2, Conker's Bad Fur Day, the original Resident Evil 4, and so forth and onwards. But I bet you an extremely large portion of Sony and Microsoft's userbase is also composed of children too, maybe the middle school aged ones (hence all the little fags saying nigger-faggot and revealing what board they post on invading gaming since the 21st century). Honestly? If you like a game, play it.

Already sold mine to a friend for $200 and a few games

Shit system with nothing to play. Didnt even remember selling it until he reminded me today.

Shitty tablet can't handle these games even at 480p sub 30 fps lmao

you can thank the MM video essay that bit of easily disproved nonsense. You don't even have to look very hard to do it either.

I can honestly say i really can't respect anything he says and in retrospect his older videos are worse because of it.

>Damage sponge game
>Time sponge game
>More Shoulder shooter trash
>More shitty grapplehook mechanics and no actual manual grapple hook physics

Can't say I was really interested in any of them to be honest. PS4 is still catching dust.


>Red Dead Redemption 2 is more high effort than the entire Switch (Wii U actually) library combined.

Pretty good search engine actually

That's not fair. PS4 has tons of gimped multiplats released every year

Um, okay... I'm sorry you bought a Switch?

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If this means less autists like ACfag are created, that's a good thing.

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Feels good knowing Nintendo are still the kings of gaming.

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ACfag wasn't into terraria as far as I know.

It's literally his favorite game ever

PS4 beat Switch in 2018

Oh yes he was, he was completely autistic over it, calling it the best game ever made and always using it in his crazy rants about "movie games" to show how a game should be devoid of cutscenes and enemy turns and whatnot.

I never heard him talking about it. Still, he was being a cancer on this board years before terraria even existed, so you can't blame the game for creating him.

>PS4 beat Switch in 2018


>it-its ok guys! Sony sold 300k more in Tunisia!


Sorry for what?

Attached: file.png (401x349, 236K)

I meant the original nes game, not oot.

Only the consolewarring snoycucks should apologize. Their no games machine can't compete against the amazing library of the Switch:

Nintendo exclusives for 2017:
>The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
>1-2 Switch
>Snipperclips Plus
>Fast RMX
>Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Splatoon 2
>Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle
>Pokken Tournament DX
>Golf Story
>Fire Emblem Warriors
>Super Mario Odyssey
>Xenoblade Chronicles 2

Nintendo exclusives for 2018:
>Bayonetta 2
>Gal Metal
>Kirby Star Allies
>Nintendo Labo
>Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
>Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition
>Mario Tennis Aces
>Splatoon 2 Octo Expansion
>Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker
>Octopath Traveler
>Code of Princess EX
>Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
>TWEWY ~Final Remix~
>Xenoblade 2: Torna, the Golden Country
>Super Mario Party
>Pokémon Let's Go
>Smash Ultimate

Nintendo exclusives for 2019 and beyond:
>Travis Strikes Again: NMH
>Dragon: Marked For Death
>Yoshi's Crafted World
>Pokémon Sword & Shield
>Animal Crossing
>Fire Emblem Three Houses
>Luigi's Mansion 3
>Daemon X Machina
>New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe
>Yokai Watch 4
>Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3
>Super Mario Maker 2
>The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening
>Dragon Quest 11 S
>Astral Chain
>Box Boy! + Boy Girl!
>Tetris 99
>Rune Factory 4 Special
>Rune Factory 5
>Bayonetta 3
>Metroid Prime 4
>Shin Megami Tensei V
>Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX
>Steamworld Quest
>Umihara Kawase Fresh!
And more to be announced

>Beating PS4's sales records
I'm sorry I thought this thing would do poorly.

>Lose to a 6 year old console last year

Nothing you said was a counter argument to his post

It was mostly in Hollow Knight threads, which he continuously shitposted, posting Metroidvania tier lists with Terraria at the top and Hollow Knight at the bottom.

I get the point, but
Should I post all the screencaps of people saying it'll flop worse than the Wii-U, or that it won't sell 12 million let alone 20 million in its first 2 years or 30 million ever? etc?

How do sales help the fact that Switch has no games? I guess we'll be playing Smash well into 2020.


>Switch has no games

Christ are we still doing this? This wasn't even true on Launch Day. 6 of the Top 20 best selling games of 2018 were Switch exclusives.

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what the fuck is this kiddie shit?

Which is a good thing. Netflix-zombies are just normalfags and need to gtfo.

are you serious? ports for shit released 5 years ago and toddler ware? fuckin lmao

>moving goalposts because you lost

tick tock Snoy

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Stay seething

Someone got banned for shilling Nintendo too furiously.

Also most of those games are trashy bing bing shit or ports.

I'm a stupid fucking mindless consumer Nintendo brainlet. I will always buy whatever fucking dumb new shit is out cause I'm a retard and have no life goals so even $10hr is all expendable income. I buy for the brand recognition and loyalty to what I imagine Nintendo to be which may in fact be challenged any day of the week to make me feel like an idiot, but I'll just close the browser and go play Breath of the Wild or Super Smash Bros Ultimate on my Nintendo Switch cause there are literally no other games of worth on the console despite it being 2 years old and 30 million people just as fucking dumb as me also owning one.

Attached: Nintenbrainlet.png (211x239, 13K)

The only person in the universe to ever brag about revenue is you because that's the metric you need to make Sony look good. Revenue is utterly irrelevant.

are you retarded? im already played a lot of shit in that list