Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because it has a 'female' as the main character.
When are you just going to drop this ignorant side of yours already? Doom guy really doesn't need to be a man.
Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because it has a 'female' as the main character.
When are you just going to drop this ignorant side of yours already? Doom guy really doesn't need to be a man.
I don't want to see it because the delivery on "Die die die" was the worst line reading I've ever heard.
No, I'm definitely going to watch it. I love trash movies.
literally nobody gives a crap about this movie, it's direct to dvd shovelware that people only know about because of pre-manufactured controversy
it's on the level of the dead rising movies
The Japs in the 80s made dozens if not hundreds of better female characters who actually were badasses. If you can't match them, don't try.
Isn't it direct-to-blueray trash?
Begone thot
>Dead Rising movies
maybe everyone will be wandering around getting killed off and being useless like a regular horror movie while we get brief glimpses or doomguy ripping and tearing
And I don't need to see this steaming pile of anus
>dead rising movies
The fuck? Did you mean Resident Evil?
>that literal plastic nerf-looking trash they call a weapon
If this is their budget for weapons in a fucking movie about DOOM, then apparently it's not worth seeing anyways.
Where are the muscles?
Im excited for the demon rape porn thats gonna happen cause of a female protagonist.
Fucking this OP, literally no one gives a fuck that the main character is a woman, not even people that would champion that shit.
No one wants to see it because it looks fucking terrible.
Nope, there's three of them.
If DOOM originally had a female character there would be no issue with them being portrayed as a female. Imagine making Lara Croft a dude. People would be like "what the fuck". The same applies here.
It's why people expressed frustration with the Ghostbusters remake. You can't even make out that people dislike female protagonists either because there's been plenty of successful, unique new IPs with female protagonists.
People come to like those characters and hate to see them 'reinvented' when they were fine in the first place. It takes away from the character. Just take a look at the Devil May Cry remake that came out years ago.
The issue isn't 'female character'. It's shitty writing.
i didn't even know there was an upcoming doom movie
Oh man you wish. And there's a sequel.
I don't watch shitty movie games.
It just looks like shit and there hasn't been a good female action hero since Emily Blunt in Edge of Tomorrow or Charlize Theron in Atomic Blonde.
There haven't really been a tonne of good male action stars either.
I actually feel kind of bad for them :
that has got to be the blandest, most boring, soulless, sleep-inducing, boner-killing, ultra monotonous "die die die" phrase I have ever heard.
fuck off retard
i like terminator 2, i like alien and aliens, i liked wonder woman, and i liked alita
stop trying to whiteknight for bad fucking movies with "durr u just hate it cuz womyn"
I’m not going to see it because Dwayne the rock Johnson couldn’t even make it a decent film adaption.
She doesn't have any but here's her sideboob.
It's a generic horror/sci-fi B movie with the Doom label slapped on and it's only being made to hold on to the license.
They're pretty shit but I'd still say they're actually better than 3&4.
I like plenty of movies with female leads. This one just looks like a shitty made-for-tv movie with terrible effects, makeup and acting.
pretty much, it's like the hellraiser movie that came out last year
it's only made so the company can hold onto the rights
I admit it.
What now, faget?
I don't want to see it because it's a shitty direct-to-video adaptation of a video game.
That gun would realistically weigh about as much as she does.
I don't.
If history has taught us anything, it's that film adaptations of video games don't do too hot and this movie has barely anything in common with its source material so it deserves all of the hate it receives.
>DOOM movie.
>Doom Slayer and Doom Guy are more popular than ever right now.
>Make the movie about a bunch of scrubs wearing hockey helmets.
I like how the "entitled" argument is always used. Yet every single thing has to be about women and how special women are.
I'm not going to see the Doom movie because I already saw it the first time.
Better than bolt-ons.
More like sidepancake.
why would you?
This makes me want to re-watch Toshi Densetsu. Loli Sadako nearly ruined my penis.
>It's real
Fucking kek
This is an obvious bait thread.
The movie just looks like straight to dvd shit.
besides existing, what did they do? what isnt going as planned?
The fuck is a bolt-on? Genuinely curious
ur dumb lol
Again, better than bolt-ons.
How the hell did they even have the rights to this? It's so shitty and Zenimax has said before they're really wary about giving movie rights out.
Im not going to see it because it looks like the one with The Rock but worse and with a lower budget and worse cast.
If I wanna watch a crappy excuse for Doom I'll watch the surprisingly comfy 00's one
Probably because its straight to DVD bullshit.
Fake tits, the silicone menace.
>Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because
it's a video game movie, they're all terrible by default
direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video direct to video
Honestly it looks so bad that I might watch it out of morbid curiosity.
Mortal Kombat was good but that's the only example I can give.
Dirty Pair and Bubblegum Crisis for two off the bat.
The band Vox Day was in have a track on the MK movie ost iirc.
*blocks your path*
Street Fighter too
they're definitely exceptions but exceptions are rare, people will rave about it if it's actually good. I'll pay attention when that happens/
it looks like a youtube red series by amatures
I am partly convinced that studios now intentionally put female leads in movies they know will flop so they can manufacture controversy and hopefully trick retards into watching it to own the incels.
This is obviously a movie being made just so they can keep the film licence and has basically no budget.
i hate the term bolt-ons
You talking about the found footage one where they go to Mexico and has nothing to do with Cenobites until the last 5 minutes?
I must say, impeccable taste.
You should tweet that
I know this is a rights thing, but releasing a movie this shitty makes it look like the whole franchise is in a bad spot.
What does that face say, I fucked up and accept it?
Tbf they look unnatrual af, like someone just bolted or welded footballs to a chicks chest. Naturals look better and feel better when you give them a grope.
ahahah what the fuck
no shit tumblar fag
I'm pretty sure both id and Bethesda came out and said they had absolutely nothing to do with this movie because the reaction to the trailer was so negative.
Is that what's that like? I saw it on Netflix but didn't bother checking it out.
Going off of how the last ten movies were repurposed from unrelated scripts into Hellraiser movies, I believe you.
Street Fighter was horrible, what are you talking about? It's funny how bad it is, but you could say the same for all of Uwe Boll's game adaptations.
The weird thing is, to date the best Video Game movie adaptation is actually The Rock's Rampage movie. And that movie is a paint by numbers action/monster/disaster movie. The ridiculous thing is that the best chances of a good Video Game movie in the near future are actually Detective Pikachu, and Metal Gear.
>What's supposed to be a BFG
>Looks like it should easily weigh 40lbs or more.
>120lb woman
>She's lifting it one handed with no effort like its a plastic toy.
At least put in the basic effort to pretend your prop has weight.
Speakin of streetfighter, rumor over on Yea Forums is JCVD banged the blonde chick with the beret for a day straight during filming
Bison was based and Tuesdaypilled.
The best video game movie is always going to Mortal Kombat. There's so much passion and heart that was poured into that movie it's sad to see that the sequel is hot garbage.
I wouldnt watch it either way. Why watch a movie based on a game if I can just play the game?
That was Kylie Minogue.
I watched it drunk with my roommate during a bad movie night. Basically fucking nothing happens for an hour. Guy shows up at his family's place after being missing for a year, fucks his sister and then pinhead shows up at the end calling the sister a sick fuck.
It had a budget under $10,000 I believe.
DOOM has had female characters, though. Major Kira Morgan and Crash, even if the latter is technically from Quake.
I just wanted a movie of Doomguy running around murdering demons. Instead we get this garbage.
This made me appreciate the previous DOOM movie a whole lot more
Rampage was litty af, just simple fun kaiju action with a lil raunch to it
Fuck me she was hot back in the day.
>that giant nerf looking gun
What is the budget for this movie? That looks truly horrible
I don't plan on watching the doom movie because video game movies are ALWAYS trash.
what episode is this.
>replace one of the most iconic and relevant FPS protagonist
That actually pissed me off because I remember watching commercials and that was pretty much all they showed. So I went in thinking that was going to be the entire movie. Would have been much better if it was.
Dunno, it's all part of my Sadako folder.
It's a direct to video movie.
Who are you quoting, you lil kük
>Doomguy really doesn't need to be a man
This is correct, however Doomguy isn't in the movie at all. I don't care who is under the helmet, no faceless & fearless space marine, no buy
Not him
That doesn't matter those are side character not the main character and definitely not the face of the franchise.
DOOM needs DOOM guy. It would be like if they made a The very first Street Fighter movie be about Sakura and gave her Ryu's backstory
Yes. If they can't get DoomGUY right, then what can they get right?
this nigga never saw the comics
Gotta admit im going to pirate the shit out of it because i also watch horrible movies for fun
But fuck if i'm gonna pay money to sit through it
are you that guy who wrote that cracked article?
Guile was the protag of the first Street Fighter movie though, Ryu and Ken were comic relief supporting characters.
you are the zoomer of all zoomers
If you want loli Sadako, it's Toshi Densetsu ep 2, and she shows up in another episode, I forget which.
Yeah, it was one of the most boring films I have ever watched. Apparently there's a new one coming out soon too.
I don't even think about them at all.
why is this making my pp hard
even NuDoom has a face display you mong
Heh, I remember Clive Barker saying "that abomimation is no child of mine!"
Assassins Fist is good.
Your missing the point
If no other street fighter movies existed and my example was the first movie fans would be pissed and plus the real first Street Fighter movie was terrible.
A Doom movie needs Doom Guy
A Tomb Raider movie needs Lara Croft
A Devil May Cry movie would need Dante not a wannabe hipster Buffy dont need no man.
If you must deviate the replace it with something equally good like the Slient Hill did
I'd say the First Slient Hill movie is good better than most video game movies that not really saying a lot though
>good like the Slient Hill did
those were pure trash too
I dont know maybe its the giant female ass on screen user
I didn't even want to see the last Doom movie. I can't believe no ones posted the, BLUE: THE MOVIE, and the screen is Red yet.
Wonder how he feels about what Hellraiser has become. Even then, none of the movies were particularly good.
>guy really doesn't need to be a man
I'm sorry, what now?
That's true.
Why are Doom movies so damn shit? its not like its hard to make an ACTUAL Doom movie but they always fuck up aesthetics and the whole point of it.
Hardcore Henry (aka the Half Life movie) > Doom
>Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because it has a 'female' as the main character.
No it's because it looks fucking awful, the fact that a woman is in it is only secondary as to why I'm not watching that trash.
Those aren't the MAIN CHARACTER, dumbass.
The orc parts of the Warcraft movie were good.
One thing that really bothers me is when video game movies do the opposite of what people like about the video games. Assassin's creed for example, a lot of people complained about the modern day stuff outside of the animus for a good while and just wanted to do the past shit, so when the video game movie came along, guess what happened? The majority of it was spent in a device called the animus that acts nothing like the animus from the perspective of modern day and not the past.
Jumanji 2. One of those you think it will be bad but turned out amazing. Glad Jumanji became a videogame instead of a boardgame. Fucking 76% on rotten tomato.
For a real video game movie, probably Prince of Persia. Very disney formula movie. You see the voice of scar, you know he was going to be the big bad. Alot of people who watched it didnt know it was based off that ubisoft game.
>Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because it has a 'female' as the main character.
Yes, I admit it. DOOMGUY should be a GUY.
Also should have his armor on already.
Also the colors for the movie are too blue/florescent.
It doesn't even look like DOOM. If you made a DOOMSLAYER with tits but she had the correct armor, and the visuals looked more true to source material, then maybe you could get away with it.
But this movie is basically using the DOOM name and nothing else.
you got any more?
Her sideboob in this video is legendary.
They probably had to glue that sexy clothing to her, or else there is a pornorific bloopers reel in Hollywood, somewhere.
I wasn't the guy that posted it I am useless to you now lol
lol there's no way another movie like Hardcore Henry will ever be made again
Why the fuck of all things would you make a Doom movie with no Doomguy? It's like they don't know who plays these games. Or they do and they're doing this specifically to piss off Doom fans.
Yep. That's exactly the reason. Doomguy or bust.
the director and all the cast want to make a sequel, so migth happen eventually
>Just fucking admit it, your don't like or even plan on seeing the upcoming DOOM movie because it has a 'female' as the main character.
Shilling shit products just because said products sing the correct tune is not a good substitute for a complete lack of taste.
>entire game is about cool guy killing demons
>remove cool guy
>wonder where all your interest is going
i wish people were smarter.
yep, it isn't doom without doomguy, heavy metal, and a shitload of ultra violence.
>Making a movie out of everything
fucking americans.
fuck off with your shitty jew medium.
why would I watch it when I have already watched DOOM with The Rock?
This movie is another example of the more and more frequent trend of "who asked for this" movie. Like, who's the target audience for this?
The only people in the world who would be excited to see this are 30-40 years old males who are super Doom fans.
Why cast a female to play DoomGUY? How will that help your movie at all? Who will care about this when the people making it don't even seem to care themselves? I mean, Doom fans will just see this as another muh strong wymen franchise hyjack and won't go see it. Litterally everyone else wouldn't give a shit either way.
What's the point? Is it money laundering? Tax evasion? Payoffs?
What is it?
As soon as I saw the first three titles, I fucking knew Ranma would be in that stack. This picture may as well been made by an algorithm.
nah it just looks really bad
But I want to watch this dumpster fire. It looks just as hilariously bad as the first Doom movie. Don't go projecting that shit onto me.
>The only people in the world who would be excited to see this are 30-40 years old males who are super Doom fans.
Wrong, retard.
Those people dont care about DOOM the franchise, but rather DOOM the 95 game and wads.
This movie is aimed towards the normies that Doom 4 lured in, the LE EPIC RIP AND TEAR XD
and women because women clearly are interested in doom.
Dumb cuck.
What happened to shooters
I won't watch it because Americans are too pussy to sexualize women in any way anymore.
Please go back. You're just humiliating yourself.
t. started with doom 4
I'm not going to see it because it looks like a SciFi original movie piece of shit. The trailer made it look like it was made by Asylum. But sure, I can see people putting the blame on politics even though nobody liked the first movie and that had male leads.
Didn't read past that
Who ever said I even played any Doom game? I'm in the "I don't care about it either way" category.
>What's the point? Is it money laundering? Tax evasion? Payoffs?
Because when you buy the rights to create movies of an IP, you have to keep using the IP, that is, producing movies, or it defaults back to its original owner. That's why Sony keeps rebooting Spider Man ever 4 years, if they don't, they'll lose the rights to it.
Funny story, Disney now owns Lucasfilms and wants to start a streaming service to compete with Netflix, but they couldn't, because Fox owned the Broadcasting rights for all the Starwars films except the first, so Disney bought Fox. Except they still can't Stream A New Hope, because the Broadcast rights are owned by a toy company.
I dont plan on seeing it because it doesnt look like Doom. This is like making a Judge Dredd movie but Judge Dredd isnt in it. Get bent, gender politics will not make a shit adaptation a good one just because people keep bringing it up.
No it doesnt ?
You can see his face here and in the cover
there hasn't been a single good movie based on video games in the history of mankind. thats why I aint watching that shit
Imagine being this fucking blind.
Remember, if your movie with a female main character didnt do well, its because society is nothing but bigoted sexist assholes, not because the movie was terrible
Shut up tranny
this post is extremely low quality.
Yes I admit, what are you going to do about it?
>Mortal Kombat wants to know your location
>exports jew medium to your country
shut up tranny