Bland level design

>Bland level design
>Imperfect camera and lockon
>Rushed and Cop out ending
>Forgettable OST outside of a few exceptions
>Slow AI aggressiveness even in DMD. Fury is the only truly aggressive one but it's still shit since parrying him doesn't gaurantee that he won't teleport. Judecca is another bullshit enemy that barely follows any rules.
>V is incomplete and fails to be engaging
This game is an MGSV-tier disappointment and you are a complete retard if you disagree.

Attached: DMCV.jpg (2000x1125, 2.76M)

>only really fun are the bosses and there is no way of fighting them without 20 minutes of foregoing filler
>still the for 20 years outdated Dante gameplay without any overhaul
>still the incongruous, unintuitive digi-pad style mechanic (which even sticks out like a sore thumb from the rest of the HUD) and weapon switching to do anything cool
>still absolutely no use of rotational stick inputs, new shifts or other attempts to flatten out and universalize the shitty combat controls
>STILL no option to disable the camera-sensitive dodging (even though Monster Hunter allows you to do it for a decade), which means you always have to quickly assess exactly where your character is facing if you want to dodge right/left/forward/backward, which is horrible
>so fucking repetitive that it's even reptitive for DMC standards
>clobbering the same three enemy types througout the whole game
>most generic locations ever and that tree literally makes up 70% of the game
>first playthrough is completely braindead and piss easy
>V's gameplay is boring and unrewarding as fuck and the game forces him on you
>Nero's arms mecanic feels clunky and unfinished, from having to buy and equip them manually for every mission to not even being able to switch without letting them explode
>cringe westaboo dialogues, story, characters and cutscenes
>Vergil not playable because Capcom Jews know that retards will gladly pay for it and that their shills will take care of it
>level design even shittier and more tertiary than before

Why the fuck did you copy me? Shut the fuck up. Make your own.

good point but i LOVED it

Keep seething, Barry. DMC5 is fantastic.

Attached: 41EC5FF8-0198-4B1A-B717-DE62E27AA3D6.jpg (640x360, 50K)

>MGSV-tier disappointment
You have to be legitmately retarded to believe that. Take your bait somewhere else.

nero is incomplete if anything hes fucking useless until he gets devil trigger and several skills. The early missions are not fun to play at all. same with dantes first mission, once he gets the launcher and motorbike he becomes 100x better

B-b-b-b-but based Capcom!

V was unironically my favourite to play though

Platinum cope.

Is this the new shitposting routine? Someone post the list and add it.

it's a great game

I have no clue why this fag copied by criticisms of the game. He can't even shitpost with effort.

H8ers gonna h8

I'm struggling through DMD but goddamn is it so fun

>MGSV tier disappointment
You have no idea what you're saying. You will never have an inkling of the retarded nature of your own thoughts.

Can someone explain how this is better than 3 or even 4? The levels are bland and uninspired and the enemies are fodder 99% of the time. And where's the cool shit like using the strip pole? I'm 10 missions in and so far it feels like a DLC for 4

What is your idea of exciting level design in the context of action games?

im baffled that there was never a option that opened up to rotate your devil breakers

3 had better story for sure. No joke, Capcom shat the bed big time with the levels, but I guess people are willing to forgive bad levels and stupid story, since the gameplay is good.

Makes sense to me, I'm having fun with the game.

I guess they are meant to be expendible. Besides, it kinda makes sense that he can't switch them on the fly.

not really considering they seem to pop on and off with ease

Well I want yours too.

nice bait