But it GODDAMNED WORKS. If it wasn't a good business strategy with long term financial potential EA would have been buried long ago.
Microtransactions and predatory business models are the way of the future because, lets face it, everyone wants to be EA.
Everyone likes to shit on EA and its business model
Doesn't necessarily mean we have to buy their products
absolutely, the only thing they have left is fifa now! Lets see how that works for them in the future
ive seen worse bait
No, you're right it works, as does blizzards old business model. However that doesn't stop them from being the fucking devil. Technically their actions could be considered illegal. They kill what they perceive is their competition.
>has one of the few game distribution services that can compete with Steam
>What is dragon age series
>what is Mass effect series
>what is Apex legends
>what is battlefield series
Yeah, they got nothing, sure.
>what is Apex
Honestly I don't see why they're still making games aimed at gamers anymore. Just be like Konami and invest in mobile and slot machines and fuck off already.
You listed 3 dead franchises my dude.
>dragon age
done nothing with it since 2014
>mass effect
no plans due to shit launch of andromeda
same game every year and shit sales
>done nothing with it since 2014
You could say the same thing about zelda, there's normally 4 year dearths between releases of zelda games too. And non-spinoff mario games usually have similar gaps. And don't even get me started on metroid.
>>What is dragon age series
A dead franchise
>>what is Mass effect series
A dead franchise
>>what is Apex legends
A passing fad
>>what is battlefield series
A dead franchise
Dragon age isn't dead, 3 was an incredible success.
if it worked theyd still be making good games but they haven't made one that was good in over a decade
how does any of that matter to a non shill though?
retards will keep buying fifa forever. if they didn't like eating shit, they wouldn't be fans of a "sport" as boring as soccer to begin with.
Metroid and Zelda, surprisingly, are not huge blockbusters. BotW really was an exception.
>5 years ago
>be EA and make actual games that people pay money to play
>be Valve and not make any games at all except for huge flops like Shartifact
i'd take EA every day of the week famalams
Please go shill some where else.
A company making more games than another means nothing if I personally dislike every game they put out.
And no, I don't even like Steam. The only Steam game I enjoyed was Portal.
EA only exists on the back of their sports franchises because the people who buy those are fucking idiots who often play only those sports games and don't give a shit.
so does stripmining
Haha retard. You just proved EA is shit
EA has fucking destroyed almost every franchise they've owned
only reason they're still afloat is because huehues buying FIFA and murrikans buying Madden every year
It works more than enough, they can be a less greedy and still make profit while at the same time making people happy
yea not EA's fault that alot of dumb dumbs buy their shit.
they banking
they made money off of fifa and football for year, then decide to to buy normal developers to drain them of all talent and good name. THIS IS THE WAY OF EA. Gamers know of thier ways... sson they will die
I'm just annoyed they always seem to snatch up steller upper-AA devs and franchises, meddle with their output until it sucks, then takes them behind the shed and murders both Dev and franchise.
Apex in a year will be done
>Gamers know of thier ways... sson they will die
I highly doubt that another dragon age game on the way and them talking about continuing the mass effect franchise will keep them afloat
just the name alone on these games will have people buying them enough for them to keep afloat
and apex really netted them some income with retards buying tons of loot box shit. they just watch their favorite streamer do it and do the same
EA prbly has some other jewish tricks up their sleeves
they not going anywhere soon i bet
more like a month
I can respect that they even make products at all, even if i don't personally like anything they make.
it takes alot of work to make a videogame.
Jesus Christ, please use punctuation atleast. Your first sentence(s) is a pain to read.
But yeah, you are right. They made a literal billion dollars from FIFA micro transactions in one year alone.
But in the meantime, they also do a lot of damage to the video game industry with their practices like buying up studios, meddling with developers and killing franchises. So even if that respect is worth anything, it would be nullified by the disrespect they deserve.
On top of that, every monkey can throw money around to have people make games. EA is not exactly efficient at it, seeing how they sometimes have multiple teams working on the same game, driving up development cost by ridiculous margins, which results in all kinds of terrible things. See the chart.
Not a lot of companies could get away with what EA does. They're too big to truly fail. Autistic screeching on the internet could actually harm a smaller company trying something similar. EA gets normalfags to buy the same games every year and have those same normalfags blow hundreds more funbucks on microtransactions. It gives them a ton of wiggle room.
>their practices like buying up studios, meddling with developers and killing franchises
Not him.
So I have never looked into this but I always assumed the franchises they buy would have been dead anyways if no one bought it. So isnt EA basically just running around necromancying the corpses of franchises for one last abomination before it truly dies? That doesnt seem That evil.
>So I have never looked into this
Then do. There are plenty of healthy publishers EA bought and ruined. I'm sure someone has a list floating around. Bullfrog was definately in good health in 1995. So was Westwood in 1998. So was Bioware, whenever they got snatched up.
And even then, buying a dead franchise does harm in so far as EA is the one holding the licenses, so no one else will ever get a shot at reviving them after EA forced someone to make an EA-ified version of the game. Did you also forget what they did to all those Star Wars games that were in development until EA got the exclusive right to make Star Wars games? Every single one dead.
Sure, they are surviving, but they have been named "Worst Company in America" more than once. They use FIFA sales to fund bastardized games and play the same "How could this happen?" card every time a game is poorly received.
>What is dragon age series
>what is Mass effect series
6 feet under
>what is Apex legends
fading from relevance, as much as I hate to admit it they can't keep up with Fortnight's content rate and child fanbase
>what is battlefield series
rehashed and harshly criticized. When would they even set the next game? No way they'll make a vietnam or korea game with China being a huge market these days.
Business exists in a state of nature. There is no "good" or "evil", just "winners" and "losers", defined by who survives at the end of the day.
The only thing that constrains a business is if it will kill/hurt them and if its illegal (and they'll be punshed for it-- corporations do illegal shit all the time so long as they're not punished for it).
There is literally no reason, from a business standpoint, to not engage in the worst, scummiest and destructive behavior's imagineable so long as it gets them money.
remember, if it wasn't illegal, businesses would happily exist to murder people for their belongings, so its not like a video game company would be held back by something as mundane as "it makes the games bad"
Yes. Everyone is aware of this. The question I want to ask you though is, do you think that is a good thing? Do you enjoy what EA is doing?
they lost nearly half their stock worth last year, and have not recovered, and never will.
their business model ISNT good, nor long term sustainable because it relies on continually surpassing their previous success in perpetuity.
they have achieved market saturation, they can not gain any more customers without breeding them. they are desperately shoving monetization into anything possible to make the constant amount of customers pay more to increase their revenue, which can also not work, because people have limited money, and wont pay more than a certain share of it for games.
their entire success is based on their ultimate team lootboxes superimposed into all their games, and within the next few years inclusion of these lootboxes will probably be made illegal in the EU, meaning a market of 750 million people will not be giving them money.
EA is on its way down, and the only thing giving them any sort of temporary respite is Apex legends, which they trusted in so fucking little that they did not put in their obtrusive microtransactions, which is one of the reasons why it did not suck.
Everyone likes to shit on the street in India, but god damn it works!
>There is literally no reason, from a business standpoint, to not engage in the worst, scummiest and destructive behavior's imagineable so long as it gets them money.
which is exactly why some sort of legal oversight of their entire suit of business practices is inevitable.
they are an amoral, immoral creature that has all the intelligence it wants to have, and uses this intelligence to be as unaccountable as possible.
governments exist to invoke the will of the people, and no amount of lobbying will prevent the law eventually turning on something that is considered the worst company for years, and then fucks up basically everything and anything they do.
the worse they behave the louder the demand for their legal chasitizement becomes.
>no amount of lobbying will prevent the law
you REALLY understimate the power of corporate money.
It works because they obtained sports licenses so far back in the past. You cant think crashing and burning almost all their franchises is a sustainable model if they didnt have a super exception like FIFA propping them up.
Selling crack to pre-schoolers 'works' too but that doesn't mean it should be allowed or encouraged.
Still waiting for a reply here, user.
What is shit?
user, I fucking bought Andromeda and Inquisition and they killed the series for me. This is coming from someone with bad enough taste to have been able to stomach ME2 and ME3.
Its shit bussiness model. The actual way to make money is like Chinese do it - i.e. release new Mobage/mobile game every week and forget about it as the week is gone, since 99% of monetization in games happen on week of release - so all you have to do is make new games every week.