How's that Skyrim installation doing?
How's that Skyrim installation doing?
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playing beyond skyrim bruma
its really good, can't wait for the other provinces
Just fine when I don't have multiple quest being interrupted by a god damn courier.
Which one?
>Wrong pic.
See you in 10 years
at least they'll all be out before skywind
I've been playing modded FO4 instead
Scavving in the overgrown ruins of Boston is really comfy, especially with the precombine fix that makes it run less shitty.
I alternate between the two. Wish 4 had the same kind of in depth mods that skyrim did. Wish America Rising had a full campaign
330~ mods and stable. I really want to play and try MageVR but no desktop for another two weeks.
Well I can tell you it doesn't have Vaseline filters and out of place trees.
By that time people will be busy modding skyrim 2 hammerfell
's pretty great. Finally cracked Skyrim and got that working, so no more Steam integration.
Can I ask what the music/sound and that Whiterun overhaul mods are?
waiting for skse 64 bit before I truly mod skyrim very special edition
FO4's world is pretty garbage though. For that, NV is just better.
You mean Enderal? It's doing fine so far.
>download vampire hunter DLC
>fuck yeah its time to sign up as a vampire hunter and hunt some vampires
>sign up as a vampire hunter with the intent to hunt vampires
>go on a quest to hunt vampires, as is my duty as a vampire hunter
>meet a vampire, with one of the most powerful items in the Elder Scrolls universe, an Elder Scroll
>try to kill her but todd won't let me
>she refuses to hand over the scroll or explain why she has it, instead demanding that I return her home
>return her home because
>turns out she's not just a vampire but the daughter of one of the most ancient and powerful vampire lords in existence
>"thanks, bye"
>quest line bugs out and the next quest never triggers because I'm playing a game developed by bethesda game studio published by bethesda
>left to reflect upon my actions
I like the beyond stuff, but I'm so over skyrim's game play style I can't play it for too long.
After playing Kingdom Come and experiencing the life-like settlements I can't go back. Skyrim got schooled.
I wish FO4 had FUCKING Enhanced Camera or Immersive First Person View but nothing yet.
I tried replaying Oblivion after watching Wilburgur's videos
After playing a few hours I realized why he modded in the spells he had. The quests and dialog are the only good parts of the game
My problems with playing NV nowadays are that I've replayed it so many times, and the way the game handles is so janky to get back into from newer beth style games
Fuckin' sucks. I ragequit and uninstalled.
>Not modding your game
Fuck are you?
That's pretty reasonable. Hope you're able to get some decent enjoyment from FO4. I'm not sure I ever will, even with mods.
Out of order and a bit outdated but here is the full list.
I remember not really liking the collection that comes with the fantasy music mod, just happened to play something good there.
you forgot
>when you inevitable bring vampire back to daddy, you are unable to attack or use any spells
>this is never explained
The key is to just play it while paying most of your attention to other things, like podcasts etc. Just making use of the gameplay mods and exploring
For story purposes I just headcanon like a motherfucker
>looking for cool armor or clothes mods
>ooh this one looks interesting
>female only
>okay, how bout this one
>female only
>well fuck, this one looks like its made for either gender
>female only
fucking waifus man.
going good
I got a new GPU and can still get as low as 15FPS in certain areas when looking in certain directions, and turning off ENB does jackshit. I don't fucking care anymore.