
Attached: unnamed (1).jpg (900x900, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/reddit boogeyman/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/pol boogeyman/

hey hey people
seff here

I love Sseth and all but I don't think making a thread about him is necessary and only to get a negative reaction off of this board

Im really glad he did that Kenshi video despite already knowing about it myself. It looks like it gave them a large influx of people supporting them, which is nice. I hope he covers more indie pc games that deserve the support and attention.
Outward looks like it could be really fucking cool but no one knows about it. Their prerelease stream only had like 300-400 people watching it and its coming out in a week and has to compete with Sekiro. I'm sure it will tank unless someone big name youtuber puts a spotlight on it.

Were Space Station 13 autists pissed he made that video?

No, my server has blocked anyone from connecting who hasn't connected before yesterday. It's like nothing has changed except everyone is talking in OOC about how horrible it must be for everyone else.

>played the game years ago and decided to get back into it due to all the threads
please let me in, i'm not like the others

He cute

Yeah pretty much. Servers crashing so much

goddamnit i hate him

why did he fuck your mom

Who is he

Can't wait for sseth to cover pathologic (if he ever does), that's the kinda game that needs more exposure.

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It's good that he did the SS13 video. Statics will complain since they always do when people who aren't in their discord play, but once the wave dies down we'll have more players than before. The server struggled to get more than 30 before, after this it'll be much more.


she worked at Infinity Ward and was fired cuz they needed to fire lots of employes to stay profitable

why can't he pronounce "th"?

since Mandelore did I'm sure he will

Remember, his Discord is full of people who monitor this board and is willing to defend him at any cost.
They even talk about these threads in the Discord!

I’m mad because the game is fucking shit

possibly, but I'm not on his discord and I find his videos very entertaining, what's so bad about him?

>was about to try SS13 last week
>work came up and I ended up pushing it to this week
>his video came out
>now I need to wait another 6 months until SS13 is worth trying out

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uhh.... uhh.... discord!

The fact that most of his videos are just stolen content from /vg/ at this point and has the balls to ask for money.

>Stolen content
Link the posts he stole from that arent blatant memes that were already reused beforehand

>The fact that most of his videos are just stolen content from /vg/ at this point
The only one I can recall has stolen content is the Dorf Fort review off the top of my head

He lost it to some cat.

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his Kenshi video is top notch

How did he steal content? Did his pass sorties from there as his own?

Hey hey people fag here watch my game "reviews" to hear nothing about the game but my exremely "funny" expiriences/see a meme I took from Yea Forums lololol

Thanks to the members of the reddit guild for giving me money for this garbage content and shilling me everywhere

I was in some of the rounds he was in on /vg/ station, desu. I saw him / his character. Some of them he's an observer, but the one's he played (i.e. the pneumatic cannon one) I remember and all the footage is his.

Yeah he passed some other peoples' stories around as his own experiences I believe. Check comments honestly I don't care, good dorf fort stories are good dorf fort stories

Why is there a sudden effort to spam threads about him in order to get Yea Forums to dislike him? Is this backlash from SS13 autists?

Based Bobby K for fucking Blizzard in the ass hard.

he's a slav

he doesn't sound like it

You mean reddit

reminder not to mention sseth stealing content because if you mention the stolen content you will get many (You)s of people desperately defending how sseth stole content

You already should dislike him as he was one of the biggest "bring greedy bullshit" into the vidya people.
He marks the change between nerds making games for nerds to diversity hires making games to appease stockholders.

That last video was so good I hyperventilated and got high from laughing.

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Am I missing something? OP posted a picture of Kotick and everyone's talking about some Space Station 13 youtuber?

The fuck?

iirc he is slav who moved to scandinavia when he was little.

I keep hearing this but when did he do this?

stop shilling yourself sseth

dwarf fortress has some stories that aren't his, now the hippest happenist meme is any new video he puts out is stolen

Looks like one of the "obscure" youtubers who only reviews retro/five-year-old+ games and has "offbeat" humor. Kinda like JonTron. Fucking stoner bait.

it's mostly just that he didn't credit some dwarf fort youtubers for using some of their footage and was called out in youtube comments

afaik he used only original footage for his latest vid

he's also shown stolen footage (and failed to credit authors) in previous videos. I.E the morrowind video.

you're just mad that you didn't think of doing that first

hello sseth

Only Bayfags. People who enjoy having fun are having a blast.

*ruined your secret club*

His best review bar none was Path of Exile.

Imagine being such an autistic, sheltered retard that you close your server off to newcomers because some youtuber made fun of your little wankfest.
Are all SS13 players this autistic? I thought Sseth was memeing about the death threats and doxxing but from the sound of crazy morons like you I might actually believe its true.

>You cannot consent to becoming a pizza

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The sheer amount of zoomers itt

Christ, they're like roaches

Slavic/Central European thing

t. Child of Slavs who moved to America and cant pronounce words like "teeth"

He was right about Tim Schafer.

Trouble with new people on SS13 servers is that the servers are shit. And so is the game. Can't really handle new players waves.

a friend just showed me sseth yesterday why the hell am I seeing him everywhere now?

his rimworld and ss13 videos are great though, I gotta say


I can recall stealth Sseth threads for at least the past year, user.

His original videos were popular when Fitz still existed.

>all promises, nothing tangible
Remember that one game from the makers of ARK? What was that again?

Review fucking when, Sseth? Where the fuck is it?

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>It's a youtuber dropping subtle Yea Forums memes episode but only for a quarter second like that makes it better

Anyone have that comic where a young Bobby Kotick makes a deal with a death-deity which explains why he's so terrible for videogames?

>"people" on Yea Forums unironically like ssethtzeenddit

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Servers can barely handle 60 let alone what, 300? Every which way you look everyone loses and will only have a bad time, because servers are shitty and the engine is too.

I dont understand how people can have fun games on SS13 especially when they are playing with people from /vg/

This video confirms he was born in russia

I think Space Station 13 running on a real engine with modern graphics would be game of a lifetime.

I only touched the original Space Station 13 like 5-6 times and I vividly remember all the crazy stuff that happened. The game felt like a cartoon episode.

>Spawn in as scientist.
>Don't know how to play.
>Grabs fire extinguisher.
>Murders other scientist.
>Uses auto clicker to choke out another.
>Guards/cops come. Beat, taze, shoot, arrest, and lock me up.
>Decide to execute me via trash chute.
>Wake up / break free. Grab someone drag them in with me.
>Spam click control panel and destroys it. Cops can't open door.
>Firefighters come to pry door open.
>I manage to kill the person I dragged in with me via spam clicks.
>They can't get the door open so they cut the oxygen to the room and I finally die.

>Spawn as janitor
>Go to bar.
>Get drugged.
>Get cut up and cooked.
>Station eats burgers made out of me.

What fucking video game lets you do this crazy shit?


why am i thinkin about jerry seinfeld when i see op pic

1: good for him taking the stories of others, maybe they should have done it themselves
2: he's always made it clear he does it for the money alone

>Spawn as a plant keeper or something.
>Run around hallway.
>See robot on treads tank thingy.
>Control it. Try to run people over.
>No one lets me.
>Stop controlling it. Stand in front of it.
>Someone runs me over with it.
>Someone drags my body to a church.
>Someone puts me in coffin.
>Gets jettisoned into space.

>Spawn as something, a guard perhaps?
>See people with "T" or "R" on top of their names forget which it was.
>Ask what it means.
>Get instantly killed.
>Get banned cause I revealed who was a traitor, rebel, or terrorist or whatever.

>If I call everything I don't like Reddit, Then my argument is golden

Why does a picture of Bobby Kotick have people talking about someone who isn't Bobby Kotick?

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>Download game
>Join server
>Get banned because I don't know what's going on
>Never touched it again
SS13's community is the most autistic thing I've ever come across

Rule number one, only play assistant jobs in the beginning to get the hang of it
Even if you fuck up it won't affect the other players much. But yes, they are very autistic

>Unnecessary thread
>People who don't use the internet and can't even understand what the thread's actually about

Kotick said that while developing Brutal Legend, Schafer was terrible at dealing with deadlines and (especially) the budget.

Funny how we didn't listen.

>Servers lagging to shit from the thousands of new redditors
>None of them bother even looking at the rules
>Ssethtide constantly complaining that people don't like them while refusing to learn why they're disliked.

Not a single one of them even want to bother learning the game as well, they just want to do epic meme griffs like the funny youtube man. I just want to play my space station game without waves of retards ruining it.

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Thank to him. I can enjoy kill furfags so hard.

>SS13 players this autistic
You can see his video that all furfags is enjoying roleplay sex more than over autistic they got. I mean /vg/ already have pokephilia.

>wanted to try out ss13 before
>never got around to it through other games distracting me
>sseth video comes, 'hey this is pretty funny maybe i'll try it now'
>hear nothing but bad times coming from the tons of people trying it out at the same time
fuck, guess i'll push it off a bit longer.

Anyone got discord or skype? So we can team up and lied about food poison

>learn how to do basic roles a few weeks ago
>drop the game for a bit because sidetracked with other shit
>start wanting to pick it up again
>sseth drops the video
>don't want to be grouped in with the retard army
Time to wait another month

Oh you mean the actual kotick I thought you mean the youtuber calling him out or something, yeah he was absolutely right, hell he was right about all the primadonna/rockstar developers.

I assumed he was Dutch considering that in the Yugioh video he made, he posts the "You are banned!" picture on his facebook and the first two posts you see is someone writing in Dutch. Same person, but still. Plus on the feed on right it has a bunch of dutch peoples names.

He's from 2013 and assumes that we're talking about Kotick instead of some memey cringelord.


Anybody's who's been on the site for anytime longer than a day can pinpoint the humor is obviously from here. He also apparently browses Yea Forums with that one screen with their ITAOTS.

the video was good, piss off incels

I think he's danish though? Unless he faked it in his dakimakura video, he gets it from a Danish Postal Service.

Well Outward are not really indie, they are AA

He is slav but he moved to Denmark as a young child; in his Stalker video he has a pack of ciggies with Danish text written on it
I think he studies medicine as well

Same, but I played it about a year ago. I doubt I will be able to properly roleplay and carry my duty on servers infested with griefing and metagaming newfriends. I liked Sseth's video, but damn he gave a rather twisted impression of what a game should be.

a lot of the humour is hinted at /pol/ rather than Yea Forums. Same stuff as E;R.
It's the typical well crafted video with light racism jokes aimed and making people less hostile to the ideas of white nationalism while never outright stating their political beliefs, giving them enough cover to hide from accusations of hate.
Anyway video was good.

most fun servers have a spillover server to have new players introduced
/tg/ is having a blast

Kenshi is shit though

>muh /pol/
nah he probably only browses Yea Forums and he seems to use more Yea Forums memes than /pol/ ones
even then its not like Yea Forums is afraid to be racist from time to time

It's probably a mix of different boards. I don't think he's a pure /pol/ tard but a lot of his older videos remind me of typical /pol/ humour.

Is it me or are his recent videos different?

They went from him humorously reviewing games to him just telling stories about games.

I doubt that reviewing games like Kenshi, DF, or SS13 without devoting a big chunk of review to in-game stories will make them justice. I mean, he did the same for Cataclysm DDA a long time ago.

I love you sseth

If im not mistaken you left out Might and Magic 6

Do you think Sseth lurks these threads or even posts on it?
does he insult himself?

I dont thini he is the kind of beta faggot that needs false gratification.
Sseth is chad

i suspect he might have lurked /vg/ ss13 thread to witness the meltdown of his video there

i'm glad he finally, over a decade later, killed off blizzard like everyone knew he would

he let the cancer go on for a little too long though

i still remember his old LoL videos fondly

Finding out he was the guy that did the Lucian video was surprising.

Finding out he did the MLG Farming SIM video was fucking wild.

Kenshi or SS13?

He'll only do dated or niche games.
I don't think DD fits the criteria.

>It's the typical well crafted video with light racism jokes aimed and making people less hostile to the ideas of white nationalism while never outright stating their political beliefs, giving them enough cover to hide from accusations of hate.
Or he just finds it funny.
Which is a lot more accurate than "HE'S SECRETLY A NAZI TRYING TO CORRUPT OUR YOUTH!"

Why did the whole "Sseth is Mandalore's alter ego"-thing start?

Attached: mandalore.jpg (900x900, 64K)

Sseth deserves his own thread

They sound similar. Thats it.

>they release reviews on similar types of games
>the upload dates are extremely close together
It's just a joke about how similar their choice of games are.

They cover similar games, they are both Yea Forums "adjacent", that sort of thing

this thing is not human
as you can see, it pretty much resembles a goblin.

i think its because Sseth list his channel on the side of his channel with his Secondary Account

/pol/ is so mainstream nowadays you can find /pol/ humor anywhere.

Everything other people said plus the fact mandalore commented on a couple of Sseth videos and that they both upload close to each other.

Sseth - Yea Forums
Mandalore - reddit

It's actually the other way around, Mandalore makes good original content and sseth just steals from Yea Forums (like reddit)

The latest video was golden.

Anyone blasting sseth for using sekrit club memes is just a contrarian edgelord.
He seems like a genuinely chill and fun guy to be around.

>The fact that most of his videos are just stolen content from /vg/
do you have an example
it can't be worse than crowbcat

>it can't be worse than crowbcat
Who and what?

>picture of activision-blizzard ceo
>entire thread is talking about some literally who eceleb
im getting too old for this board

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>good for him taking the stories of others, maybe they should have done it themselves
But they did and then he stole it and gets defended by his army of dicksucking fanboys


Attached: , J. Howard Marshall.jpg (439x571, 29K)

btw check out this great video. Don't like it? You're just a contrarian edgelord


Good, fuck off boomer

>sekrit club memes

There are no sekrit club memes and there haven't been for years.

>I thought Sseth was memeing about the death threats and doxxing but from the sound of crazy morons like you I might actually believe its true.
ss13 is one of the most autistic games in the world
imagine who hosts those servers
you've literally got peak autism right there
why would you be surprised peak autists would threaten to dox someone

If you're a fan you should be annoyed. If Sseth really is funny, don't you want to make videos using his own jokes? His own footage?
All you're doing by giving him money for stolen material (AND defending this shit) is you're saying to him "keep it up, I'll literally swallow any shit you put out"
If you want the channel to be good and not just total cashin recycled shit then you shouldn't defend this
Fanboys are the fucking worst. They're why everything goes to shit. Why improve or not be complete scumbags when the fanboys will always rush to hand over their money AND attack anyone who criticizes you on your behalf? Fuck the lot of you brainlets.

>imagine who hosts those servers
cute cherokee girls who collect cuddly pokemon pictures?

>even as a young child I was taught to fear muslims

Seeing as there are memes that are still overwhelmingly used on Yea Forums and disregarded/used very rarely elsewhere , that's blatantly false.
Besides which, comparing rage faces to niche memes is fucking retarded.

I love his Karthus video, what a classic!

Once you're giving someone money to make content this poor it'll be near impossible to be convinced that you should stop. If you're PAYING FOR MEMES then you're obviously a fucking idiot and nothing is going to make you think you should stop because you're already paying for the bottom of the barrel
How can Sseth disappoint or let down people whose expectations are already so low?

I swear these are copypasta


are you saying his gameplay is stolen?
if so where from, I'd love to see more videos in the same vein where it just goes over some stupid shit that happened

How can I get into his his discord?

did anyone ever find a source to the mei POTG video in his overwatch vid?

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True. I've seen it a hundred times already by now.
>Oh, he did? Oh well lol who cares lmao

How do you tell yourself you still think a guy is funny after it is confirmed they aren't even his jokes?

I've tried to play SS13 once because of the silly stories and this was YEARS AGO. Like more than half a decade. I hope being a clown doesn't have high expectations

You have to be enough of a retard to give him money to make meme montages.
Reminder: You're not welcome unless you're willing to become a member of the Sseth Defence Force and monitor Yea Forums for Sseth threads where you say over and over that it doesn't matter that Sseth doesn't come up with his own material and that giving him money was the best decision you ever made

What autists don't realize is that if newer players come in and fall in love with the game, the higher the chance that maybe some day someone will actually stick to finishing a remake in a non shit engine.

Most things aren't original so I fail to see the argument. It's about presentation but you will disregard that

>You can't consent to being a pizza

>Help sec to surgery ward
>He's turning her into a PAPA JOHN'S

Attached: nigger.jpg (193x261, 10K)

Ironically it's the opposite, anti-Sseth retards spamming
And such.
It's extremely obnoxious, even more so than paypigs.

How hard could it actually be to remake this engine open-source? And why has every attempt floundered?

the traitor bomb part had me in tears , the plan was flawless and then all of it is ruined at the last second

Lummox personally kills anyone that tries to remake ss13 outside of his engine.

>It's about presentation
>le zoom in
>le hard cut
>make everything fast so zoomers don't get bored while waiting 3 seconds for the next meme

>I thought Sseth was memeing about the death threats and doxxing
Your IP is widely accessible once you get banned from the game since it figures on a list with your in game name.
And he did get banned.

If you can't want to see criticisms of your favourite eceleb then maybe stop making so many threads about him here
Can't you circlejerk on your discord?

>wtf why are people on Yea Forums responding negatively to my e-celeb spam?
Yeah it's weird, I've never seen anything like this before... oh wait


>It's the typical well crafted video with light racism jokes aimed and making people less hostile to the ideas of white nationalism while never outright stating their political beliefs, giving them enough cover to hide from accusations of hate.
You might actually be schizophrenic if you think racist jokes are actually trying to subtly influence people to be "less hostile to the ideas of white nationalism while never outright stating their political beliefs, giving them enough cover to hide from accusations of hate". Jesus fucking christ you're retarded. If the habbo hotel shit happened today you'd be thinking it was meant to make a political statement

I want to be like Bobby Kotick

The problem is ssethkiddies see the EBIN memes and become so convinced he's /OURGUY/ xD that they think these threads are welcome here or that for some reason we're all obligated to be fans. We're not. There is an obnoxious few kids who spam the board with this memeshit and it was never welcome here. Why the fuck do you think sseth deserves a free pass? Every other eceleb gets shat on but we need to turn this board into a sseth fanclub just because he uses a /pol/ meme? Fuck off you dimwit

>im getting too old for this board
but an oldfag would know who sseth was considering he's been uploading since 2011

I like slippery floor and conveyor belt. Not autistic enough to play it but stories were great.

>Mandalore - reddit
haha no mandalore has been Yea Forums core since 2012
when sseth became popular enough for Yea Forums to bother being contrarian and shitposting about, fuck Yea Forums

*and not just regular fucking Yea Forums humor
Like even old ass Yea Forums rpgmaker games had le happy merchant in them as a joke but you faggots have your heads so far up your ass that you need to "le /ourguy/ xDD" the shit out of everything.

literally all people talked about was sseth and newfags
one of the furry servers even changed the server header to "the furry server sseth forgot to tell you about"

Ridiculously hard due to the nature of ss13. Most game devs cannot do atmospherics and ss13 is, above all, an atmos sim, believe it or not. It needs to be able to have a health system, medical system, combat system, temperature system, gas, moles, area coding, sprites or god forbid, 3d tech, then also lighting, to be able to handle a large ammount of people, handle server client shit auto and safely, all at once.

Also needs to be able to have almost 10 years of fucking features in it and be good enough coders remake codebases on it. Which is very, very hard.

>You're not welcome unless you're willing to become a member of the Sseth Defence Force and monitor Yea Forums for Sseth threads

>all these fags talking about some space station 13 slav autist
>not immediately thinking of link below upon seeing this picture of bobby


Not paying, otherwise I'm in.

Blame /pol/. We used to do racist jokes all the time but without people going "psst btw this isn't only funny, it's true too, check out these crime statistics" and so on. Genuine racists tainted the fun of racist jokes because they turned it into le redpill shit. Stonetoss is a good example because the punchline is almost always "but seriously go look at the statistics"

Please read the server rules before you play

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I prefer Mandalore and Ross and the criticisms are same subjects spammed for about 100 posts.
I don't pay him shit nigger.

In which case they would say
>watching ecelebs
Instead of engaging in discussion about them.

> or that for some reason we're all obligated to be fans.
The fuck are you on about?
I think it should be the same thing as all things posted, if you don't like it, fuck off.

I don't know, DD is pretty niche due to shitty RNG

original jokes? get that shit out of here I just want to see a meme compilation
and don't even think of saying meme compilations are bad you contrarian edgelords!

stay on reddit


>if you don't like it, fuck off.
Is this your first time on Yea Forums? You have to be fucking joking. Yea Forums is more like
>if you don't like it, make a thread bitching about it, and then we'll all join in

shhhh don't mention them, they'll taint that too

I can't believe Yea Forums universally shits on ecelebs but the first one they are desperate to defend is the objectively worst one that gets spammed here

All I'm saying is that you're genuinely autistic if you see a Yea Forums meme video and when a picture of le happy merchant comes up when they're shittalking EA or something like that and you think "Ahaha simply based. This will surely redpill the population by shifting their mind to be more accepting of X alignment" when it's literally a fucking joke just like those DOUBLE NIGGER comics.

>"if in doubt blame the boogeyman"
Yeah no, when someone says something retarded, it doesn't mean that user came from reddit. When someone defends tranny shit, it doesn't mean it's retardera. When someone says "hitler was right", it doesn't mean it's /pol/. You're just yet another oversensitive faggot trying to blame all the problems related to a subject on a specific group.

>Yea Forums users liking something
>must be aliens

I like that the clown specified "papa johns", instead of just "pizza". Almost feels too perfect to not be real.

he has a discord full of dicksuckers who reply over and over to deflect criticism
they can't say the criticisms aren't true, because they are and they know it, but they play them down or insist nobody should care about you should just love sseth videos anyway because ???? memes I guess?

>literal old Yea Forums youtuber from back in the 2010,2011,2012 Yea Forums core youtube boom is reddit
ok newfag

I assume you post this in response whenever someone mentions reddit or resetera trannies and don't just save it for when someone criticizes /pol/, right user?

Is this your first time seeing this?

Attached: 1532644719191.png (500x459, 23K)

Besides the autistic editing, Sseth makes great review video

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/reddit boogeyman/
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/pol boogeyman/

The only person who is mad is the person saying DON'T LIKE IT?? FUCK OFF!! and fuming that people are saying his favorite eceleb sucks. Pretty sad.


>‘reddit boogeyman’. 2287 results found.
>‘pol boogeyman’. 5602 results found.
how very telling

Absolutely. I have to remind idiots like you that anger trolling is a thing.
And yet, you fuckers never learn.

>It's the typical well crafted video with light racism jokes aimed and making people less hostile to the ideas of white nationalism while never outright stating their political beliefs, giving them enough cover to hide from accusations of hate.
Congratulations. You're more autistic than the majority of SS13 players.

Attached: 1551553131829.png (446x435, 29K)

>I think it should be the same thing as all things posted, if you don't like it, fuck off.
Since when is every thread on Yea Forums a circlejerk of positive comments?


Still a fucking legendary video.


I posted that as an example of a common response that people will make to anons entering a thread that they clearly don't like the subject matter of.
That you would think that I'm saying that it applies to you and your emotional state is pretty telling.

Almost never.
I still think it's a small group of uncoordinated people spamming the thread.

He stole stories from other dwarf fortress youtubers and outright stole like 80% of his video footage. Sometimes you can even see watermarks. That's why he changes texture pack every clip, because it's stolen from a new youtuber.

The criticisms don't matter because Sseth is big now. Just like Vaati. He knows he doesn't have to give a shit if smaller people rightfully point out when their work has been lifted. How many patrons will this cost Sseth? How many people will unsub? Not even a handful, if any.
I really hate to see this shit but once people are fans of someone they will forgive literally anything.
Everyone here knows Vaati never did anything but read other people's work without giving them credit. But what can you do?/ It's hopeless trying to reason with people who have already decided they like him, so he'll just continue to grow and make money from chumps.

you're right unfortunately. not to mention once you're giving people like this money or in their discords or whatever you tend to feel like you're now the ecelebs """friend""" and at that point theres no chance you're going to stop supporting them even though they dont actually give a shit about you aside from getting your money

Where the fuck is the God Hand video, Sseth

sseth you there?

I literally laughed out loud for the first time in months.
Thanks Seff, you cure my meme depression.

this place truly is reddit:uncensored

What if I am?

I literally don’t give a shit if a YouTuber used Yea Forums memes stories from complete randos like legit don’t give a fuck when he starts stealing from actual people then I might give a fuck.

Attached: DE5A1608-9701-4EB0-9191-9D5D6CC50488.jpg (481x550, 124K)

Sseth fans will read this and know it's true but will have to bury that thought under BUT THE MEMES

Not /tg/station. They love Sseth's people. One of the admins calls them "adorable".

why shill here
most if not all in this board know about your channel by now

go to rebbit

He stole footage from other youtubers, I don't know if that extends t the stories themselves

He looks like he would be the villain in a 90's kids movie. Find a radical kid who skateboards with neon knee pads and hot green sunglasses to bring this fucker down.

wait did he lose subs
im sure last year it was 400k something

literally which criticisms even matter lmao

I hope he's sharing some of the patreon money with you for this whiteknighting

He was absolutely right about a great game you shouldn’t actually play. I played a few years ago and had a blast but I fought against the game’s engine more than I did the actual threats on the station.

>then I might give a fuck.
you won't. you're a fanboy so you'll forgive anything.

You fucking niggers need to go.
I don't know where, but you need to go.

Got a source on that?

For me? Not really. The game needs new players, but hundreds of newbies coming in for an epic griff game is a lot to handle. Hopefully it'll die down soon and the people intrested in the game stay on board.

As captain, the only time I had it, I issued a Judge Dredd protocol to my security to allow summary execution if the crime was serious enough. Was a good captain?

If you were shown proof would you even care?

Like clockwork. Be less predictable next time little guy

Based Bobby K.

Anyone else found Mandalore's latest video disappointing?
It's just him reciting the Wikipedia page about Overlord.

>always wanted to try SS13
>but never did because of the client and controls
>now have to wait longer to not get grouped in with newfag tide

Fuck I love this pic

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>get into sseth videos
>check his older uploads
>he's the guy behind these league videos from 2011 i remember
this planet is so small

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What do you mean? He's right

>He stole footage from other youtubers
Serious Question. If you were making a video and you needed to use someone elses footage how would you go about crediting it? Do you need express permission from the owner or is simply naming the youtube channel in question good enough?

At least link the new vid youtube.com/watch?v=mghhLqu31cQ

how should he be less predictable? you praised sseth for his presentation and that is exactly how he presents it and you know it
maybe if sseth were less predictable the post would have been too

I'd ask them and state it in the description.

If you're making sweet shekels from your videos, then you'd better ask permission first. Otherwise crediting and linking is enough.

who the fuck is this african soldier can't find the original pic anywhere

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>all these faggots falling over themselves to defend him and say LOL WHO CARES
I remember when we used to mock these kinds of people

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Reaction was suprisingly positive

vg station is embracing it and made the server public
Colonial marines handled it surprisingly well and somehow had the patience to actually sit down and tard wrangle them into manageable players

>bingewatching sseth videos
>the next video is always arcanum

Seriously, what the fuck.

I came into this thread thinking it was going to be about reminiscing over the raging at Activision and cawwadoody circa 2011

It's still a mystery to me why his videos haven't been taken down yet.
Although he's right, fuck gnomes.

I think it wants to tell you something.

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Remember that time mrpain banned mandalore?

reminded me of this. and yeah it's sad that this is being defended but then again it's just his discordfags spamming as usual. not that I have much faith in Yea Forums but I think most people here still know not to support this shit

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I heard about that (and vaguely remember seeing LordMandalroe on the banlist) but what happened to get mandalore unbanned?

Never knew the game was this based

the viewer never cares
the third person in that comic would never have seen it in the first place, so he's happy it was stolen

the only person that cares is the person who comes up with it, which in the case of making fun of redditors tends to be Yea Forums

spot on

The server collectively called pain a faggot and told him to undo it.

The video most likely

>sseth video comes out
>"looks like vgs going to put up the panic bunker"
>mfw I look at the server pop

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Sseth and his army of 12 year old /pol/kids need to fuck off and stop ruining everything they touch

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sub to pewdiepie btw

I wanna make autistic informal video game videos. Kinda like documentaries about the production of the game. Should I even bother?

Not only are you defending shitty behavior just because you want to slobber an eceleb cock or justify giving him your money like an idiot, but you're implying that Yea Forums actually creates OC that others steal anymore. That was a long time ago. If you see memes here nowadays it's likely they started elsewhere.

Fuck you

Get this hothead out of here

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why I am always seeing this reddit trash being posted here

when do you think those comics are created
and yes Yea Forums still makes content reddit steals

>satirical video games reviews on youtube are secret nazi propaganda
I think you need help.

>and yes Yea Forums still makes content reddit steals
Such as?

t. Casual

I've seen a lot of shit that gets made for /vg/ threads get ported over to reddit
in particular SCPSL/PoE drawings

literally what is /pol/ about sseth

How's the /tg/ space station server?

Absolutely nothing.
Yea Forums is mostly just wojak edits at this point
Even people who "hate" wojak will defend the boomer meme

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npc meme

The face of evil

He has edgy pre-election /pol/ humor
That's it


why do people watch shills

But when sseth does it he's based and I give him money for it

Depressingly true

because as I explained, in that scenario you're the third party, not the first
if sseth didn't allegedly steal it (since I'm too fucking lazy to find out if he did or not since IDGAF), you wouldn't have seen it, and as such it doesn't fucking matter

>only thing you manage to do in SS13 is to walk around aimlessly, break windows, and launch yourself in vacum
I dont even know who is talking to me when there are more than 2 people in a room
when I was playing on smaller chan server it took me entire fucking round how to create medicine, and then how to eat dohnut.
I guess this experiance is not for me sadly

>still no lifeweb review by major youtuber
I just want to see what happens

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what video

>it doesn't fucking matter
You could have just replied to everyone criticizing him and his shitty retarded fanbase that they are completely right then. Thanks for confirming.

is this thread about a youtuber or the actual guy?


>Janitor escapes murderous cultists by making them slip on soapy water so he can get security

Is it that weird Russian thing? Can you sell me on it?

Could be both




sseth is the perfect eceleb for current Yea Forums
truly the wojack-posters "comedian"

What does that make mandalore?
Obviously not Yea Forums because mandalore plays videogames


>making videos on 20+ year old niche games

He shills GOG, same as Mandabore

Extremely. All past attempts are dead or MIA, except one which is unitystation, which i know very little about.
The game is complex, and most devs who do the remakes are nocoders who make spaghetti then get sad when they need to rework everything to fit in atmos and netcode.

GOG is the patrician store
they make pirating a lot easier & less hassle, any game you buy on there you can keep forever, you don't need to download any shit to run the game, they've got a good selection

if you don't like GOG you're a fucking retard

the real question is, would you want someone to remake SS13 in a different engine exactly
or would you want them to make pressure instead

Kenshi video had me laughing hard

When will he review Pathologic?

>that penis inspection day joke in ss13
He definitely browses Yea Forums

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I heard a joke I heard before and I clapped

Whats up with him and poland?

>He definitely browses Yea Forums
wow how exciting

t. some sub-100 subcount loser asshurt based Sseth borrowed his shitty content

So he'll be returning it?

He's Danish IIRC

>when someone else made it originally it was shitty content
>but when sseth used the exact same footage and material it was BASED and also I gave him money
guild merchants represent!

>piracy is theft

where does his name even come from? Whats a Tzeentach?

it's all about the voice over

what's a sseth


He was a wh40kid but was too retarded to spell Tzeentch correctly.

it was apparent with his popcorn mines joke in one of his older videos

>Be me, long time Sseth fan
>Been following since the HoMM and MM reviews due to being a /vr/ fanboy
>I try and show the videos to my friends because they are funny as fuck
>Only one of my friends like it, the other just shrug it off
Queue about a year later
>"Hey, user! I just discovered this guy Sseth! He's SOOO funny!! OMGLOL!!11!"
>Didn't I try and show you these like a while ago?
>"No, you didn't? But OMG did you know that I LOVE Might and Magic now LOL!! Thanks Sseth for showing me this franchise!"
>Because I haven't been talking about it for years.
>They constantly quote Sseth videos out of context.
>Quotes Sseth videos in public
>Quotes a Sseth video to my S.O. who is creeped the fuck out.
>They haven't even played 90% of the games, let alone heard of them prior to the reviews.
>Haven't even played Morrowwind, HoMM3, or Rimworld but claims to have hundreds of hours in Dwarf Fortress.
>Yeah, okay.
I'm not going to stop liking Sseth, but I really hope that all Sseth fans aren't like my friends. I would have preferred just watching him and giggling in my room in bed with a comfy Sseth review playing. I guess I'm happy he's popular, and it's not like the quality of his stuff has went down. Full-Time Sseth means more reviews, but it just sucks my autistic ass friends are either too dumb to realize that context matters, or they are just fucking with me forever now.
>And then Randy dropped me more milk LMAO

kek thought it looked a lot like a chaos god, is this confirmed cos that's fucking retarded.

>YouTuber who is basically Yea Forums: the channel
>Yea Forums hates him
It's poetic. This board hates video games and YouTubers just like the board too

>it's not like the quality of his stuff has went down
how exactly can meme compilation videos and jump cuts go down in quality? you'll never think the quality has gone down because you're already watching and enjoying garbage

>long time Sseth fan
>following since the HoMM and MM reviews
lol no, you've need to be a follower of his since he LoL days to call yourself a "long time" fan

>>Be me, long time Sseth fan
>>Been following since the HoMM and MM reviews due to being a /vr/ fanboy
lmao newfag
If you weren't around for the shitty LoL-videos you are a babby.

>Yea Forums the channel
How is this a good thing?

Liking Yea Forums is reddit and resetera tier

go for it.

Yes, he confirms it in one of his older videos.

then why be here

How does sseth find his games? I want to find more complex rpgs like the ones he reviews

Stealing content from other sites is the way to go now if you want to make a quick buck off Youtube, haven't you seen the thousands of "Subreddit /r/AnalFissures shares their CRAZIEST stories XD!!! part 57" videos popping up lately?

isn't that the definition of a meme

>LoL videos on youtube
that's the real joke right here.
JK, I actually remembered the Spawn Karthus video from when it came out, but I never knew it was Sseth's until I started actively following him. I did like it, though.
Reminds me of the Pro as Heck Guide to Yi a lot.

he browses /vg/ since the start of his channel and just plays every autistic game that gets mentioned

watching his videos is one thing, but how does anyone justify giving him money? I know you faggots are in the thread, answer me and solve this mystery because I cannot imagine paying someone to meme. if I'm giving someone online my money it's because they're creating something new.

Why do youtubers have their own discord? He posts like 2 videos a month, what is there to discuss to warrant a separatr discord?

i'd argue that Mandalore is more of the /vg/ browser, Sseth is Yea Forums manifest
i say it's mostly normies who don't know about chan culture except things like "le happy merchant" and think his stuff is OC

it's a good way to keep in touch with the community, especially since YouTube been kiking stuff like comments and likes in the last couple of years

>Creator makes content
>People like that content
>People pay creator so he can keep making content
Are you soft in the head? How is this so hard to understand?

it gives people who have no friends a sense of community and makes them wrongly feel like the eceleb is their friend, so they'll hand over more money and defend the eceleb no matter what
once you are a part of the community the chances that you will accept anyone's criticism is gone and everything can be shrugged off because even if the eceleb content is shit you finally feel like you have friends (but you don't)

>Creator makes content
>Some faggot takes it and puts it out as their own
>People pay faggot and mock creator
Ah I see, it just works


I started playing kenshi because of him and now i can't fucking stop

Attached: kenshi_x64 2019-03-18 00-14-23-54.png (1920x1080, 2.66M)

The only people on youtube I can think of who deserve a penny are matthewmatosis and mechagamezilla as they're the only channels that create genuinely original content

I like Sseth more than any other reviewer, just covering your style of games is what you should do, the more you branch out the more you are vulnerable to bias


No one cares about Dwarf Fortresss, your secret autismo club is still safe.

The fuck are you talking about they are just like any other game reviewer, have video game in background while you talk about it. And both of them have shit bias

If your job was to prove that poster exactly right, congrats

Transformative work son.
Your post isn't even worth a food analogy.

Please tell me about mechagamezilla's bias as a game reviewer. I'll give you a few minutes to browse his channel in order to make something up as you clearly never ever heard of the channel you're talking about.

>game reviewer
Matthew maybe but you've just made very clear you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about


>they are just like any other game reviewer

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haha look at him not being payed to make memes

I wonder where all you people were when everyone was fuming about Anita using other people's footage

I really want to know what bias you think Mecha has

he doesn't know what you're talking about. he heard his favorite eceleb being criticized and announced that every other channel, including ones he's never heard of, are bad
this is how the fanboy mind works

/vg/ has no content, 98% of the generals is the OP info post which is the only useful thing about the shitty board or the tripfagging/discord drama/trannyposting/cringeposting which all comes together in one big cancer package

he only reviews good games

I hate this kind of shit, it happened to me with Rick and Morty back in 2015 when I wanted to introduce a friend to it, but wasn't interested because he doesn't watch cartoons and shrugs it off as well.
Flashforward to 2017 with the whole trend of pickle ricks and szechuan shit and he suddenly loves it, even though he doesn't even watch the show and just likes the stupid memes.
Seems to be a common denominator in normalfags to love something and act like a superfan of it only when it becomes a trend to like it, all in spite of people actually trying to get them into that. Said normalfaggotry also forbids them to recognise that they weren't actually interested in first place.

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>Thanks nigge-

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>thread is still up
recommend me a server to go shit up, I have an old account

>mock creator
Have they actually done that though?

>only play assistant
>barely anyone willing to let you in on working with them so you can learn
getting into the game was a pain in the ass, can't even remember how many times I got banned from Chemist

You think Matt doesn't make original content? Even if you hate his videos he very clearly does make original content. A million times more original than your favourite meme faggot. I say this as someone who thinks Matt is highly overrated and I disagree with most of what he says, but I'm not going to delude myself into thinking he just stole everything from others.

I may be retarded, but not the kind of retard you are thinking, I for some reason read Mechagamezilla as joseph anderson

>"head of security" : WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT ?

Why is this shill thread still up?

I like money.

Keep fighting over who is the best video game creator while I and other patricians enjoy the true critic

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he uses Yea Forums memes user you just GOTTA love this guy

Go ahead and draw some random shit on a paper, congratulations you make original content, the phrase doesen't mean jack shit

Is there a single E-celeb thread that does not go to shit?

Mandalore before he made his standard videos he does now used to just shitpost. He made TORTANIC videos when that shitshow was going on. Mandalore is a classic oldfag, I remember his old posts myself.

holy shit ssethfags are absolutely fucking hopeless

>Looking for approval on a brain damaged support forum.

>I love Yea Forums, such funny memes haha!
>oh no, some people on Yea Forums don't like the memes... maybe Yea Forums is full of dummies...

Love it how people on Yea Forums can't fathom people disliking both things, you must be on one side

E-celeb threads are shit from the beginning


Thanks nigger

Moderator here, because you guys can't behave I'm locking this thread, you guys are sick

You sound like a turbonorman yourself
Fuck you

so you dislike both original and unoriginal content? got it

>Comparing Anita with a little bit of footage
So you really are soft in the head

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Based reddit moderator

Hiro make an eceleb containment board asap please.

I agree that there should be an e-celeb board, but you are delusional if you think that the amount of e-celeb threads is such that it affects the board quality, atleast on Yea Forums.

Keep shopping horns onto him.

I couldn't give less of a rat's ass about Jim Sterling's thoughts on the matter if I tried, but it makes me fucking laugh my ass off that Kotick actually catches shit about these photoshops on dates because they come up when women google him.


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i really don't want pathologic to become normie shit

If I'm to continue enjoying sseth I'll have to stand clear of these threads.
All you faggots do is complain.

Yes it's an unfair comparison because Anita didn't also lift her stories and jokes, only the footage. Anita literally created more OC than Sseth, but she was torn apart for stealing footage and Sseth is called "transformative"

>oh shit some of these criticisms are valid, better close my eyes
Fanboys, everyone.

All of your posts are referring to the less than 5 second clips he uses to make jokes and then stories to describe the game hes reviewing. Just admit your angry because you dont like him. you dont give a shit about "stolen clips" and memes which litterally cant be stolen unless you live under the EU jackboot

>SSeth steals jokes and stories
Bold claim from someone who probably posts the exact same knee-jerk vague statement about Sseth every time his avatar shows up in the catalog

>“Think about what it’s like for my dating life when the first picture that comes up is me as the Devil,” he told The New York Times.

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Yea Forums hates Sseth because he's just like us except successful.


And that's why they were playing the dead game with 20 people in it before.

>saying anything positive about any business ever is shilling
Jesus christ theres no where else on the internet where more people cry wolf and use buzzwords to death quite like 4chans very own Yea Forums. Everyone is a shill, incel, cuck, etc.
I liked mass effect 1, 2, and 3. Im now a bioware/EA shill. I remember when people would type out full sentence arguments to support their claims, now you can use control f in every thread about an eceleb to find someone calling them a shill because they openly admit to liking things.
Shills are bad and they need to be pointed out, but underaged faggots like you just scream all the Yea Forums boogyman terms at whoever you dont like when you could just admit you dont like them and call out actual shills. Now being called a shill doesnt mean shit to anyone. actual shills get away scot free. Please come back when you are actually 18 and older

>bold claim
but it's confirmed. nobody even denies it. his fans know but don't care.

Eceleb threads are a million time more interestimg than the same fucking template threads about soulsgames, dmc5, gacha and the flood of waofufaggotry only tangentially related to videogames.

So... Sseth is better

Nothing you and other people have said about Sseth is constructive in the slightest. It's either bitching at his one dwarf fortress video or that he stole a joke from /pol/ without any proof as to which joke he stole. You fail to give a single reason as to why anyone subscribed to him should unsubscribe. Of course his fans, and by extension me, is not gonna give a single shit about what you have to say

can you even imagine a scenario where you unsubscribe considering you and all the other sseth discord kids have your tongues so far up his ass?


The fact that you chose to not give a good explanation as to why you don't like his content and instead just bitch and his fans shows how much of a crybaby retard you are. If there was something wrong with his videos, surely you would have at one point during this thread taken the time to explain why. Get your hivemind mongoloid ass outa here.

>So... Sseth is better
how so? let's not turn it into a popularity contest they're all nice to watch imo

>Implying there are no more reasons to fume about Anita than the "borrowed" footage
At least Sseth delivers content and doesn't take him like two years to make a handful of videos after recieving 100k bucks.
Antia created proganda and a false narrative, if you consider that OC good for you, but not even her political message was original.

not usually, civil discussion of the subject goes out the fucking window the very moment some self-appointed guardian of the board decides that even whispering a username that exists on another website is verboten. i just sit back and enjoy them making an ass out of themselves for ill-defined or even flat-out bad reasons like arbitrarily labeling everything "reddit"

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Based and comfy

is this what autism looks like

so none, thanks for confirming

He told the audience not to play it bro
You can't blame him

I think he's funny and that you fags have opinions devoid of value.

I wonder if he's already been banned from /vg/station?


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>it was I, ANONYMOUS, who made that content and he stole it from me!
fucking get over it, or go to reddit if you want the upvotes so much

>oh shit some of these criticisms are valid
the only thing approximating a criticism itt is the accusations of content-stealing for some recent videos which are provably true, everything else is aimless pandering to the "normies reeeee" crowd complaining that people exist who have more than ten subscribers on youtube, and that he has the audacity to use epic Yea Forums humor that everyone and their grandmother has already known about for ten, eleven years since chanology

Please teach me how to blank text master


>content-stealing for some recent videos which are provably true
Just shut up and give to his patreon idiot

The thread is full of people saying over and over that Sseth can do no wrong. Pointing out the shit he pulls only makes them more stubborn. I really hope it's just underage posters.

The criticism will be ignored but in a years time his videos will be considered embarrassing, like ALL memeshit on youtube. And then the same people being his (unpaid) whiteknights will be rushing to be the first ones to say they never liked him anyway.

>Pointing out
is a thing you're not doing, this information was presented very early in the thread, we all know already, attempting to talk to people actively denying it is more likely to be you getting baited than it is you talking to an underage or stupid poster

Even if everyone on Yea Forums turned on sseth there are an army of redditors and normies who will still keep him going, just like the Vaati situation. How many people here love Vaati? None. How much does it matter? Not at all.

>have to wait a few more weeks before I get back into SS13 now
What shocked me was just how fluid the footage was, I've never played it that responsively.

>in a years time
Remember only the verse, not the hand that wrote it. His work is hilarious now, i will give him a view, a like, and carry on with my life.

Recorded on private server. That's why.


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>can you even imagine a scenario where you unsubscribe
If he expressed any left wing opinions I and many others would unsubscribe in an instant


Even if he's baiting you know it would happen

>not watching Sseth since his farming simulator video
lmao newfag

>a lot of the humour is hinted at /pol/ rather than Yea Forums. Same stuff as E;R.
I know post 2016 newfags don't know this, but /int/ exists and that's where most of his humor comes from, not /pol/

shhhhh, just let the normies make themselves look stupid

Same. I am a free thinker, I don't want to hear that shit.

I would unironically feel betrayed, thankfully it will never happen


ones with no personality like Yea Forums is are the ones everyone here likes

Hey hey people
Death here

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>my friend watches sseth
>but he also browses reddit
What did he mean by this

Sseth is based. His recent videos have been hilarious and well worth the views he's receiving.

t. sseth

does it really matter? Yea Forums and Reddit are practically the same aside from here being less moderated and edgier

What the fuck are you talking about
We're talking about a dude who made an entire video a while ago reading an entire forum dedicated to hating blacks and was laughing his ass off with some buddies at it instead of getting outraged, I seriously doubt he's the kinda dude you're thinking of.

Still nobody posting what he's actually stolen from any thread.a

>stoner bait

Imagine being this brain dead

If only there was a way to change your IP.

Sseth makes funny videos. Tell those other people to make their videos funnier and maybe people would care.

I'm gonna be honest, nobody's posted what he's actually stolen, and at the end of the day, his videos are just for entertainment, he never claims to have any authority as an actual reviewer or anything, and I never take him seriously.

Still gonna watch and enjoy his videos, so suck my cock.

Not gonna give the faggot money though


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I don’t play SS13 anymore but Goon is pretty great at times
>new player announces himself on OOC during roundstart
>everyone jokingly says for him to roll captain
>admins make him the captain and do an announcement
>”everyone report to the bridge to say hello to your new captain”
>20 people show up and greet him
>people are helping him all round showing him the ropes

Wholesome as fuck.

that's heckin cute

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>Being anything but extremely vitriolic "muh secret club" fags
Are you from another dimension?

>Actually wanted to try SS13
>Don't want to join now and look like some youtube loser

>Are you from another dimension?

Nope, they’re actually very welcoming to new players, provided that they don’t grief or spew racial slurs. I mainly played goon for years and they have been like that for a long time.

They’re secretive about chem recipes and telescience shit but only fags care about shit like that.

>They’re secretive about chem recipes
why, so people can't make plasma nades and shit? like I used to when I first started playing


Sure is reddit here.

Damn Jonah Hill is looking rough

How would you know what reddit is like? Do you go there or something?

Yea Forums has always been Reddit though

Pretty much. They have a lot of deadly as fuck chems that people can abuse if they knew how to make.

Since I don’t play anymore, I’ll give everyone ITT the one for sarin.



Heat up to +500 until the mixture turns into sarin. When you do this, you need a gas mask because the mixing gives an 10+ cyanide AoE effect to all people without a gas mask.

What’s awesome about Sarin is that you can multiply the effectiveness by synthesizing it in a crowded room and then using it in something like a smoke grenade or fire extinguisher to share with everyone. It is easily countered by more seasons players however


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kek this was the best part

>he didn't even mention lifeweb
randy's not gonna like this one

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desu , i think lifeweb would need its own video