Which game is worse? Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XV?

Which game is worse? Final Fantasy XIII or Final Fantasy XV?

I'm going with XV. FF XIII was at least so fucking retarded it was entertaining . FF XV was just boring as fuck

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XIII's combat system actually wasn't terrible, it was the entire rest of the game that was. XV was just all terrible all the time.

At least XIII felt like a Final Fantasy game. I cannot say the same for XV

XIII is just a mid tier FF with some nice music and visuals tied to an alright combat system. Not the worst FF but not the best. I haven't played XV

XIII salvages itself with fap material.

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The entire XIII trilogy is unironically great

XIII is better. It's better to have a linear game world than miles of empty field with nothing in it.

ITT: Samefag

The only people who actually believe that XIII is better than XV are delusional Nomurafags trying to push an agenda.

This so much. XIII might have been a piece of shit but it felt like a FF game still. XV was a piece of shit and didn't even feel like a FF game at all. It was just a generic open world game with the name Final Fantasy attached to it

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XIII was shit
XIII-2 was decent
Lightning Returns was good but the story was retarded as fuck

Or XV was just that bad retard

Don't respond to XVkun

Thought he was scared of posting after the pizza incident.

He hasn't ever relented desu. Saw him in a different thread the next day

XIII you can at least issue commands to the characters

Wait what's this about Barry going to jail? I saw it posted in the Kingdom Hearts thread too.

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Nah he just posted a gratuitous amount of CP and gore CP

I couldn't get into XIII, hated the combat system so I just dropped it halfway through and never bothered to pick it back up. XV wasn't great but I could soldier through it

FFXIII was probably a better game, but also way more damaging to the brand overall.

When was this?


Undoubtedly XIII. The most joyless slog of a game I've ever forced myself through. There's just absolutely nothing there to like at all, it almost doesn't even feel like a game since everything is basically decided for you until you get to Gran Pulse.
In Gran Pulse you can see almost the hint of an actual game there, it's really telling about how awful the game was up to that point that such a barebones experience was actually a breath of fresh air in comparison.

XV's combat is more or less equally bad, they're both completely brainless and require no thought at all.
If you play XV while ignoring all the open world shitty fetchquest crap and just go through the story, you actually do have something resembling a FF game, you have actual dungeons, you have towns, you got an overworld to travel across, you've got setpieces that feel like actual places instead of just hallways with a pretty background to look at.

XV has like 20% of a good game in it. With a good combat system, an overhaul of the way the overworld works, story rewrites and expanding all the shit that was chopped down or removed, it could be a good FF game. And I have to at least give them credit for going with the mentality of "what should an FF game brought up to modern gaming standards look like?"
XIII is like 2% of a good game. There's just nothing there to enjoy unless you really like Lightning's armpits. And it feels like the devs didn't even try, and at every corner just said "well, that'd be too hard to do on an HD console", or "the player may not understand how to do this so we'll just do it for them".

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13-2 and LR are great games

13 is too linear

15 is a big letdown and goes to shit after they leave the open world.

People ask for his trouble at this point. He doesn't even hide it when he's found out, why would you feed someone like that attention?

13 was bad but I didn't regret playing it. 15 was so bad that I actually regret playing it. After I beat it, I just felt empty inside. It was soul crushingly bad

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I would say XIII but the sequels kinda redeemed it for me. XIII-2 and LR arent that bad. XV is just a complete mess which is upsetting because I feel like there was potential with the setting they were making but somehow fucked up everything.

They're both great games. 13 saved the company from the wreck that was 14 and 15 took the series in a much needed new direction. It was only let down by a shitty release schedule. Overall, the two games are objectively good games. 13 suffers from being too complex for its own good, while 15 tries too hard to appeal to a mass audience.

XIII unironically has better graphics, gameplay and story (if you take the time to read the data logs) than XV

XV has a better soundtrack and main cast though

the whole fal'cie and l'cie lore were interesting unlike XV's boring world that was basically a generic semi medieval setting but with cars and phones

Like last week I think, he got hella angry because someone dropped his gamefaq account that he tried to use to impersonate a neogaf mod only for a gamefaq mod who was a neogaf mod to completely anally ravage him.

XV by a mile.

Did Yea Forums finally break him?

Noct is Garnet rip off?

>Lightning Returns was good but the story was retarded as fuck
It's like Valkyrie profile.

>gore CP


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He'll keep coming back so long as somebody is dumb enough to reply to his interchangeable webms. He's just biding his time.

I only play XV but I don't know how anything can possibly be worst then that.

XV is good game

>Only person to defend XV is an edgelord pedo



>Final Fantasy
It's almost not worth thinking about

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lmao wait what barrys not just a boogeyman for you guys?

XIII was mediocre but XV was flawed

I prefer XV but I can see both sides

I at least got some nice cums to lightning’s pits

I'm of the very small minority who likes XIII and XV.
13 is fun to play and I like some of the late game stuff in the first game, and kinda love the stuff in 13-2 with the monster companion system.
All while I unironically love playing 15 quite a bit. I wish the story was a little better, but I got so absorbed in the world and just like the interactions between the main party.

13-3 was a bad game though, one of the only JRPGs where I played for 4 hours and returned.

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XIII didn't need to be put together by DLC.

THIS THIS THIS THIS. XIII was a complete when released despite it being a bad game. XV was literally unfinished and needed 2 years worth of DLC in order to be completed

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Best girl

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And it still wasn't good. XV is an embarrassing mess, which only an autist like XV-kun could defend.

He is an active poster but he's not nearly as Omniprecent as people make him out to be, his post are always the exact same and only serve to bait the morons who will tell him to fuck off and newcomers who will reply to him just thinking he's a moron.

Will Barry end up getting arrested?

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>At least XIII felt like a Final Fantasy game

What? I never got a "Final Fantasy" feeling from XIII. I haven't gotten that feeling from an FF in a long, long time.

I love how Royal Edition turned FF XV from a shit game to a mediocre game. That just proves that this game was doomed for mediocrity from the start

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I played the FFXIII trilogy. It has it's problems but the three games were still generation defining, base on what I played on PS3 overall.

haven't touched FFXV. I just don't like how it's handled, so I don't want to play it at all.

I honestly had a pleasant experience with XV Royal Edition.
>Final camp scene
>Gladio tries to hold back his tears
Shit left me weepin

It was also very easy to platinum, so there's that.

Look up Peter Scully. No, you won't get vanned.

multiple people that come from different places and cultures join to achieve a common benefit but each with its own personal agenda, with dragons, knights, swords, magic and crystals on the background

XIII checks almost all of those, XV only checks like half of that

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He's ACfag levels of autistic.

That aussie fuck that went & hid in the Philippines & grabbed poor kids or some shit? I think I watched a documentary on him one time, shit was horrible.

I haven't played either

A group of people with entirely different backgrounds bond and go on an adventure to save the world. 15 is just 4 homos who’ve known each other since childhood go on a road trip and hunt monsters because why not

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I guess what we consider "feeling like Final Fantasy" different things.

I want to rape vanille

Fang please

I want to get raped by fang

What do you consider feeling like FF then ?

Vanille pls

>FFXV was so close to having Square's best gameplay ever with Tokyo team coming off KH2FM and with a much higher budget and no Disney restrictions
>game still looked good in 2014, a year after Nomura had left and Tabata hadn't made *too many* changes
>every year after that the game just keeps looking worse

Attached: what FFXV should've looked like.webm (680x380, 2.95M)

Don’t do it. X is the perfect cut off

Not sure. Can't really explain it. I just know that I haven't felt it strongly from any FF since IX. X barely had it as well.

I respect your opinion but I disagree. FF X to me, felt like the most Final Fantasy game in existence. It felt like the series was building up to the ultimate FF game. Notice that the series hits a sharp plunge in quality after X.

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Vanilla FFXV is garbage.
Pc/Royal edition is... meh? At least graphics are nice
FFXIII-1 is ultimate garbage, No matter how much were you disappointed with XV this doesn't makes XIII a better game.
Everyone who says XIII is anything but trash is either a troll or a fucking retard with shit taste.

Sorry but you're wrong


FF13 has no towns, no dungeons, no exploration, no NPCs to talk to, no minigames, no vehicles to ride, no combat variety, etc. It was just a fucking coridoor and cutscenes aka a literal movie with the worst characters ever and a literal who villain. FF13 literally had cancelled DLC too, hell it was so bad that 13-2 retconned the ending of FF13 just to take place and then 13-2 ALSO had cancelled DLC which were all supposed to be part of the main story. Kitase comfiened they cut enough content out of FF13 to make a whole other game with, FF13 is literally unfinished

XV is actually a fucking game that you play that has towns, dungeons, exploration, NPCs to talk to and get sidequests from, minigames, various vehicles to ride, actual combat variety and each character plays completely unique to each other, and actually great characters and villain that you care about.

FF13 feels and looks nothing like a FF and has worse combat, characters and worse everything, XV is literally a FF world in 1:1 scale and real time combat and it's also the best FF since the 90s.

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In XV you can issue direct commands to other members through their techs and literally play as them by switching to them mid combat all with unique combat and their technique commands are all unique character specific stuff which keeps them all unique

FF13 has other members only AI and you only issue commands to whoever is party leader and have no control over anything else and you can only change party leader when outside of combat and they all play identical because its all just picking autobattle and words from a menu to watch a cutscene that anyone can do the same shit because its all identical

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Sorry but no, YOU are the one who's wrong here.
I TRIED to enjoy FFXIII. I gave it a try, forced myself to play it for 11 hours.
I've been waiting when they will let me our from railroad but it never happened. I could probably tolerate the game if it had decent story and characters, but even those are garbage.
The game is bad. It's like they tried to copy FFX, except they removed everything that made it good.

You know that story is shit when the only character that feels like a real human is a comic relief nigger with bird in his hair.
He was adequate and realistic, like a breath of fresh air compared to other cliche one-dimensional I'M HERO AND HEROES NEVER LOSE-characters.
He's the only thing in entire FFXIII trilogy that's better than FFXV.

these are lies spread by KH fags
that was someone else who posted that who was trying to shit on XV and the KH fags are trying to pretend that was "barry" in a desperate false flag attempt

>and it's also the best FF since the 90s.
You had me till this part.
Barry, please try to be more subtle next time

Uematsu and Sakaguchi is Final Fantasy. I agree with that. X felt like the last Final Fantasy game because it was the last game those 2 were involved in.

No you're still wrong

FF13 is literally more unfinished with less content and its actual main game DLC was cancelled too
all the main game dlc for XV came out and the base game has more content than 13 has regardless


I had no fun playing it
I had ton of fun playing it
I had some fun playing it but fuck the time system
I had fun playing it

You don't provide anything in defense of the game. You are losing an argument.
I win.
FF13 is shit.
End of the line.
The line ends here.

literally everything in that clip is in the final game idiot

I don't have to lmao

it's true

I disagree.

This. 13 at least had some SOUL left in it. By the time 15 came out there was just nothing left.

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No you don't.

Gran Pulse is no different than anything else before it. Actually, instead of being a narrow hallway, it's a slightly larger hallway that pretends to be an open room. Terrible game from start to finish.

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FF13 is a literal hallway. It opens up a little around the middle before going back to hallways again. And hallways wouldn't be so bad if there was more interactivity and variety but there's literally nothing else but a few monsters scattered around, which you fight and beat by mindlessly mashing X and that's all there is to the goddamn fucking game. How the fuck this turd has an 83/100 on Metacritic and mostly positive reviews on Steam is absolutely incomprehensible.

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what the fuck? 13 has literally no soul while XV is the most soul FF ever had

13 is also the only FF without the FF main theme used in it anywhere

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fuck off badonkadonk

>13 at least had some SOUL left in it
The last game with SOUL in FF series is 12.(XIV's Heavenward expac too if you count MMO)
Yes i do.

XV is worse by virtue of:
worst battle system between the two
incomplete story & needing to watch a movie/anime just to understand the story of one game while XIII's story (by itself) is fine


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XV has a better battle system and a more complete story
half of ff13s story was completely cut from the game confirmed by kitase and nothing fucking happens during the "story" anyway

Eh, both are shit in gameplay but XV is just a tiny bit better.

>Eh, both are shit in gameplay but XV is just a tiny bit better.

how so? I got kinda tired of the Hold O system of XV and changed to holding R2 because it felt more comfortable on my hands.

and I also see Barry is still evading that ban he got

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Lightning makes me super aroused

XIII is better than XV cause I like it and don't like XV

>how so?
I might be biased but i hated everything about 13.
In 15 at least you can switch between characters and have some illusion of different combat. It still press O to win, but it's better than spam X to Auto attacks. At least in 15 you can move around and customize your characters a bit. 13 is so fucking linear it's boring.
She's like flat as fuck. No ass no titties, what's wrong with you? There are better girls in FF, hell even in 13 there is that bib breasted girl with glasses, forgot her name.

>Notice that the series hits a sharp plunge in quality after X.
What? I enjoyed XI, XII, and XIV much more than X.

>In 15 at least you can switch between characters

I personally stopped playing FFXV before that update came out since I was a fool and got the game during the Christmas 2016 sale thinking "It can't be that bad". By god it was one of the worst experiences out there that I found something like World of FF to be the better game

What pizza incident?

I don't agree with it being the best FF since the 90s, but everything else is true. That's why, though I don't think FF XV is great, it's at least better than XIII.

>I've been waiting when they will let me our from railroad but it never happened

J-Just wait until you get to Gran Pulse! Then the game really opens up! And then goes back to being linear when you choose to move on with the main story.

You're wrong though.

Would depend; was he just uploading cheese pizza here? Probably not.
Was he actively downloading and uploading cheese pizza on various sites? Eventually, maybe.

>and XIV
This game is garbage. The only good part is HW's story. Gameplay is garbage. ARR and SB story is garbage.
Devs are greedy jew who instead of fixing the game and releasing more free content put new mounts and clothes behind cashshop. IN A FUCKING SUBSCRIPTION GAME.
Content cycle is a chore gear treadmill with zero respect and rewards for hard working players.
FFXIV SUCKS and i say this a someone who cleared Savages and Ultimate with orange parses.
I'm glad i dropped that shitty game.
>I was a fool and got the game during the Christmas 2016 sale thinking "It can't be that bad"
Rule number one for purchasing modern AAA game: Wait for complete edition with all dlc and fixed bugs.

>tfw FFXIII somehow has less lewds than Persona 4.

I want a sweaty big sister who’s mean to me

>13 is also the only FF without the FF main theme used in it anywhere

A tiny portion of it is in The Sunleth Waterscape. It's very easy to miss.

>looking comprehension


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>Versus/FFXV under Nomura
>all characters and guests will be playable
>FFXV under Tabata
>only Noctis will be playable because he can do everything
>but you can let them do some useless techniques mid battle, isn't the so much better let's not pretend that all but a few are anything but "aoe damage attack"
>but if you buy these DLCs then you can play as these characters that were supposed to be playable from the very beginning because it's a fucking FF game
>"i'll release a patch making all the characters playable after a year and that way everyone will see me as a hero"
this is no different from what western developers do. removing features and then bringing them back and expecting to be applauded for it. what makes it even more obvious that their gameplay was done ages ago is that Gladio LITERALLY uses the Duscae Demo combat system. also, it's would be impossible for any development team to create 3 new gameplay styles in the months between the DLC releases, especially post-launch when most of the staff is gone