play Haunting Ground
Play Haunting Ground
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Can't wait to see the intelligent responses in this thread.
Like yours, shitlord?
haha I bet she fucks the dog haha bros I cant stop laughing
you just KNOW
did you guys know haunting ground is one of the most expensive ps2 games in the used game market? rule of rose is even higher for some reason
Why's it so expensive, user? Is it a rare game?
Masterpiece art of work.
Did we get invaded by Reddit?
Yes about 8 years ago. You probably weren't around for it.
Choke on a chode, braindead troglodyte scum. How fucking dare you? I fucking pray, PRAY, you get straight up murdered in some mass shooting by a deranged white man. Piece of shit. Never post again.
that's not cool. asian people can mass murder too
Remaster when? Or just an HD release for PS4. I heard it emulates like shit and physical copies are too expensive.
Yikes and cringe. Reddit the post
whats this game about?
You bet I will.
how? It's expensive and is only on PS2
fuckin brainlets man
should they remake this game?
not really though
Fun thing i got commissioned to draw her recently, but it involved tentacles
Hey it's that dog.
>The ending is being forcefully impregnated
why are japs so based.
oh yeah?
make me
Yeah, nothing mindblowing and i wasn't too happy how it turned out so i didn't uploaded it anywhere yet, but this is the first pic of many
I did. First half's much more memorable than the second half but it's at least worth a playthrough for sure.
So what's freaking happening during the game over screens? The sounds are fucking unnerving but does any user know?
excellent drawing
draw her feet please
Is there some rule 34 on her and the giant retard?
is there an extracted nude model or camera mod screenshot?. shes not wearing pants in several scenes
>But in involved tentacles
Ho ok...thanx drawbro...
you're trying very hard
muh dicc, give sauce because this thread's gonna die anyway
I go by Santystuff on Hentai Foundry/Newgrounds/Pixiv and Santystuffs on Twitter
we'll see about that
I wish they'd remake it... still have my ps2 copy but I just don't want to take it out.
>ywn impregnate sue lightning
I live in the UK so I'm not allowed to play bestiality games
ValkyrieAurora had a video on it before her. I want a Sophie.
What would the reactions be if this game were released today?
play Clock Tower instead
Doggy sexy fucky time?
Does she ever take the knot?
they werent that big were they?
you know it. it touches the rims of her nono area and makes her shake
That is clearly a mod.
There is thicc slider in options
does anyone know who they modeled fiona's face on?
you lie! now I must play this game if true
I honestly always wanted to play it but it just never happened.
It looks good honestly.
I always figured emulation if it sucked and I don’t really wanna buy a physical copy.
I wonder if its PC enough because the one of the main antagonist is a fat retard chasing after a white girl.
>Not the dog
it's good she looks like she enjoys it, but I never like porn that looks like the girl is in pain. I guess I am a monster....
cats no like doge. unless cats have unusual horniness to dogs
Yea to be honest even though i don't mind drawing full on rape, i prefer when the girl enjoys it too or when she ends up broken minded
Do not make me boot my copy up just to check. Don't hurt me like this, man.
No there isn't you cunt, this is done with cheat engine on pcsx2 and through CFW plugins on an actual ps2.
I always let her get caught by the retard and listen to the rape sounds
broken minded ends up sounding dumb tho. like she's on a rollercoaster ride of the dick train which gets too laughable I get flacid.
I only ever got to play a demo of it.
please tell me this is true...
thank god for iso rips
It's unofficially Clock Tower 4 though.
This is literally a thing because that sphere hunter slut posted it. I appreciate that she got a attention to an old masterpiece but if you said it to anyone they would regularly say:
>haha nostalgia xd rite
>Oh but its old
Some of friends all of a sudden took an interest and I told them centuries ago the game was good. Hopefully the attention its get recently prompts something out of crapcom.
The game doesn't emulate that badly, you had to do the settings correctly but after that the game was pretty flawless. On my time playing there was one glaring issue with the lighting but I believe that was actually caused by me, I'm not sure how it runs on pcsx2 1.5.0 versions though, I might try it out on there, some games were worse 1.5.0 last I checked like Soulcalibur III.
I have, user
Is Rule of Rose worth playing?
No Hana, I refuse.
I'll just fap to it instead.
she looks more like sherry than RE6 sherry
Is it, tho good luck getting it to run on an emulator.
*It is
What are the problems with emulating it?
You have to set it up on the right emulator otherwise the sound is fine but the picture is pitch black and can't see a thing
*It is not
HG has long been a hidden survival horror gem, this isn't some recent unearthing so much as a little extra exposure on top of what's already been there. Sphere Hunter's just the most recent in the line of people who have openly discussed the game over the last, what, 15 years?
It's worth trying. If the combat doesn't break your resolve then yeah, it's got a pretty good story and aesthetic to match.
Game's bloody boring.
I'd believe it. I couldn't find a copy for years.
I got lucky. A Texas branch of a used store I went to had a copy for $35 back in like 2012 and I got them to mail it to me.
You control a hot big jiggly titty bitch who's running away from being raped.
The plot is people want to rape her.
And she must run away.
Just did today and beat it are you spying in me?
I have it, but I don't think I ever bothered to get past the second person that chases you. The first was way too fucking annoying and I just lost interest.
If I tried to play it now, I would need to restart and go through all of that shit all over again.
Would you Yea Forums?
I dunno, can you?
You forgot about the woman who wants to kill her because no one will rape her.
I already have though
Right. How did I forget that.
Fiona is still one of the most attractive vidya females ever made to this day, though, so it has that going for it.
>Yea to be honest even though i don't mind drawing full on rape, i prefer when the girl enjoys it too or when she ends up broken minded
But nips /love/ raping, shit eating and torturing. We westerns just want a nice ass
>Nice ending
This game is the only game I ever 100% dick-picked. Waifus are always a factor, but this was the only time it was the only factor. Like, I actually really hate survival horror games, but I payed full price for this fucker. I just really needed some Fiona for some reason. Got bored and shelved it after 2 hours though.
What are some other PS2 era horror games that are worth checking out? I never really got to experience any of them.
Still creeps me out
Anything Silent Hill
Anything Fatal Frame
Rule of Rose
Clock Tower 3 (for a laugh)
There's some out there like Extermination, Cold Fear and Kuon that I haven't played.
The game really falls in quality after Daniella but man, it's damn good up through that point.
Fatal Frame felt boring after playing the first 3 Silent Hill games
You should play Fatal Frame before Silent Hill
Weird, considering it features more polished, even arcade-like combat. That said, Fatal Frame really does know how to stretch tension to a near breaking point with long stretches of nothing so maybe that's what it is. But man, when things do happen it lets you have it. For my money the first game is actually my favorite survival horror game.
why couldn't daniella and fiona just kiss
I actually did, despite the bad voice acting in the English dub version, it had some scary moments. Then I took a break from it and played the Silent Hill games for the first time and it shits all over Fatal Frame. I haven't played the sequels though, are they better?
>tfw getting the alt costumes
>bikini cowgirl gives you a gun that you have to awkwardly aim
>S&M getup gives you a riding crop
finally, I can be the dominatrix when it comes to daniella
pathetic homo
A lot of people think they are, they're definitely more polished in terms of mechanics and presentation, though few will deny that the series absolutely gets easier after the first one. 2's the general fan favorite, if you don't care for that one then the series likely won't win you over elsewhere.
haunting ground is a game where failure gets you raped
rule of rose is a game that would've been solved with a little bit of rape
Rule of Rose is a game that got banned in the UK because they thought there was too much in the way of kiddy diddling.
if the kids diddled each other just a little then maybe none of that would've happened
loooooong torso
I wanna smooch her.
Does she get raped by something hot, or by your average fat gross hentai rapist?
1 is too short but harder. 2 is too easy but longer. 3 got better graphics and gameplay.
why are capcom so obsessed with women and male dogs?
Wow this thread fucking sucks.
A real woman that looks like them isnt even hard to get
That's a dude you faggot.
a giant fat retard, and old man, the maid, and a pretty decent looking guy
capcom is knotpilled
That makes no sense. The headmaster is also implied to have a thing for teens like Diana and Clara, with one scene possibly being a HEAVILY distorted memory of Jennifer possibly walking in on him and Clara.
the boss fights in SH3 are stupid easy, except the first boss since I didn't know the "trick" at the time. It's still my favourite out of the series. But I still think SH2 is the best horror game I played.
look, man, if wendy and jennifer just fucked then maybe wendy wouldn't have gone fucking berserk that her precious waifu was paying attention to someone that wasn't her, much less getting murderously jealous of a fucking puppy
Not until a see the dick
but where is the peepee
With those hips? Stop being retarded
Oooooooh. I thought you meant the game would've never been banned if there was more kiddy diddling when that's what got it banned in the first place. We were on two different pages. I'm following now and yes, I agree.
>thinking traps don't have hips like that
Is this your first week on the internet
is it actually good or is a meme game?
I was referring to Fatal Frame though. Silent Hill is hard because gameplay is too bad. But since the game is suppose to be scary, is a good thing to get a bad gameplay when you are scared. The second is the best survival horror game ever made
yes and capcom liked her design so much they replaced jill with her
It's her neck line, man. That perfect neck just does it for me.
That earlier description applies just as well to Silent Hill. Personally, I think 2 is far too forgiving aside from the Pyramid Head encounters on Hard. 1's scary as all hell in spots and 3 definitely plays the best of the lot.
theres a lot to appreciate but I am a fan of her clavicle
you're going to torrent it for fellow anons, right?
>Thinks traps can't have hips like that?
Why would someone go through all that? How fucking starved are you?
I was about to fap to wholesome friends-to-lovers audio porn but your image made me change my mind
Whatever "hips" a man has are usually doubled in his shoulders, never forget that. Leave the internet and stop letting faggots taking myspace angle shots change your mind
I'm sure this game is so sought after because of its exceptional gameplay and not just because Bobby the shut in wants to beat his microdick to a young girl being raped by a fat old man.
no, it's sought after because it's rare
You are a fellow man of patrician taste. I salute you.
You imply that I know how to do that. Hell, I doubt I'm the only person here with a copy anyways considering I got that WAY easier than some other games of note. Besides, the world shouldn't need me to provide a Haunting Ground ISO. Is that not an available thing in this day and age?
It was a late era PS2 title that was sort of overlooked on release, presumably because of Resident Evil 4.
It's a rare gem of a game with decent gameplay. It's mostly sought after because of its links to RE4.
The fact that I also beat my dick to Fiona is unrelated.
one of the most obnoxious stances to hold is to immediately dismiss a game because it has a hot female character, it doesnt make you enlightened or interesting
>Whatever "hips" a man has are usually doubled in his shoulders
Only dude thing you can point out is his dick
Why are you turning Yea Forums into a den of lies?
have you seen the american version? it's like $150 now
also >PAL
Shoulders deliberately shrugged forward, ass deliberately popped out, shot taken at an angle
Alternatively, just be gay.
Well maybe if there were more rape games the demand wouldn't be so high for this one, you ever think about that? huh?
You haven't seen pics of this trap yet. There are others like this. If I was gay I wouldn't want him to look like her
I like how you also conviently forgot how the defeat condition is being raped to death
have sex
but its not
Why have you made this your hill to die on? Those broad shoulders he was hiding before are evident in this picture. Notice, again, taken AT AN ANGLE
technically speaking, you don't actually get raped
you just get your womb stolen
Depends, what the dog's destiny?
>hear there's a rape scene in Haunting Grounds on Yea Forums ten years ago
>go to youtube to confirm
>search "haunting grounds rape"
Did anything like that happen to anyone else?
Nice creepypasta.
Real women got even broader shoulders
Much like the trap, you are now using a bullshot to exclude something important from the photo; her hips. Women can have broad shoulders too, though; it's highly possible, but fine because they're actually women.
play this
*unzips dick*
>Oh boy, a haunting ground thread
>Trap aesthetics forum within 100 posts.
This guy called it.
No stupid responses, only illuminated answers.
You can't let trapfaggots live in denial; they'll either go on to become trannies themselves or go on to fuck a trap and realize they're just having sex with other big-handed, big-footed dudes. I'm doing this guy a favor.
Never heard of this game before. Post the protagonist's tiddies.
Emulated it.
Finished it.
Great game.
Google 4 "the dog game 4 japan"
It's true. Probably was some sysop having fun or some government social experiment. I heard there was a study that concluded people who thought they were being watched behaved better. Of course that's just something that would figure, but effective deterrents like that could bluff people into being paranoid.
>Women can look like dudes too, though; it's highly possible, but fine because they're actually women.
user, you should always strive to be the best you can do, if not for other, than for yourself. Be the user that made many happy for sharing a good game.
Google search great japanese movie about dog romance
What's your point? Roided up as she is, she's still got a vagina that isn't a rapidly-closing wound, and probably has visibly more womanly features in her face than any trap. Even when you cherry pick, you still lose. Also, did you get banned for that one picture you posted earlier, and are you ban evading right now?
>Just like Jesus would do
That's what I believe, yes.
Banned for showing what? If vagina is all you want go fuck an obese granny.
Appreciate Daniella.
I wish daniella wanted to fuck fiona instead of steal her womb
Banned for showing a dude's dick on Yea Forums, idiot. This ain't your discord tranny BLACKED thread; people are actively in here reporting your ass.
Was that a dick or a banana behind all that? That trap almost fooled me. They can't ban unless her bird flies out and say hi.
>tfw made a faggotposter lose his mind and start schizoposting on Yea Forums
Well, that made my day. Cheers, brother. Have a nice Haunting Ground thread, everyone else.
You are the one who freak out with a harmless pic
>ywn have a cute psychotic maid to fulfill your every need and love and cherish with your azoth
Ahh.. So this is "true despair"..
Haha lmao
Keep going...
lmao seething tranny
I mean, everyone knows it's canon that she bangs Hewie, no good boy like that would go unrewarded
This is a great video
g*d bless wh*te genocide
She looks like she fucks black dogs
What is nigger equivalent for dogs? Pit bulls?
Can you tag on google maps where you have relocated the goalposts to?
What, you think we should play some fucking trash emulated version?
Is this the holy trinity?
>turned the series into mahou shoujo
>all the characters act like they're on amphetamine during cutscenes
Clock Tower 3 is trash.
hold up brother you gonna post the rest?
A shame it completely choked by releasing at peak RE4 hype.
That's okay user. Nobody will ever impregnate Sue Lightning.
and jennifer acts like she's on morphine during all the cutscenes in the game. so what?
this kills the chinabux
I havent played a single game from that trinity
What should I start with? I can emulate all of them probably
I need more of this.
Haunting Ground is the only remotely good game on that list.
You can watch Rule of Rose on youtube. The gameplay isn't worth suffering through.
Don't bother with Clock Tower 3.
Actually yes
>People talking about the problems of emulating it or buying a super expensive copy
why don't you download the game and play it on your PS2? that's what I did years ago.
>Metacritic comment: This has the same rape-escape play mechanic as Haunting Ground. As its years later, you can tell this type never took off for Capcom. Your character is not powerful enough to dish it back out on the bad guys. You get victimized when a ghost or monster is on the screen. Even Silent Hill gave you something to fight with. The environments and character models are really cool. The music and ambiance is cheesier though. I would not recommend this game. They could have made this fun to play but didn't.
I bought a PAL copy for 12 euros a few months ago.
damn, that's cheap, probably they didn't know what they had there
If you're nice to him you get the good end. If you're not he leaves you to be raped.
It is one of the cheaper ps2 games out there, it is actually the cheapest ps2 game I've bought.
That game was so bad on sales that few people is reselling the game
For some reason the game is still cheap in France. I guess people don't care for now.
In Comparison, Rule of Rose is 150 euros....
Nah, people gav less of a shit over here so Capcom gave Europe a lot more copies of the game
the PAL version has never been expensive
you can get it for 15€ sealed
only the US version is expensive for whatever reason
look up "teen girl in licked in woods by her dog"
White girls fuck dogs
And that's a good thing! :3
So do arab girls, the only difference is that the white girl's dog is a loyal creature whereas the arab dog is a mongrel of humanity.
Haunting Ground is worth playing at the very least. I didn't like Clock Tower 3 very much despite being a fan of the series, because it was too different from the rest of the games. Can't comment on Rose of Rose because I never played it.
This is legitimately good stuff, pls upload to sankaku, I have the app
I own physicals of both, with cases and booklets