>Devil May Cry 5 doesn't have a good Original Soundtra-


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There's definitely great tracks

This Is Your Legacy and Vergil's battle theme are excellent too.


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The problem isn't that it doesn't have good soundtracks. It's that it doesn't have enough and the moments that are supposed to have good ones fails. Wub wub is so prevalent that it's retarded. The music doesn't even sound like old DMC.

Overall it comes out on top compared to previous games tho. Plus, the addition of dynamic music which is dependent on your Style Rank was genius.

>The music doesn't even sound like old DMC.
Because old DMC is a relatively samey stack of Shootie HG tracks. Honestly, this is right for the franchise in 2019. Shootie's stuff was modern enough back in the early aughts.

Respect to Shootie of course. His work on the series is iconic, but it's not right in the modern era. Musically, things have advanced and Shootie's tracks are just too out of date to be effective in the way they used to be. Could they have brought him on to make a more modern OST with his signature style still intact? Sure? Maybe? No need to though, the new shit is great too.

I'm still mad that the Dante vs Vergil music wasn't a remix of DMC3's theme, or included a part of it.


>out of date music
look at this kike go

Music is like fashion. Styles and what's "cool" changes over time.

>King Cerberus
>great track

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I love devil may cry

It fits the fight fucking perfectly. Not great for general listening though.

>tfw can't use Shadow's Psycho Siren mix as a battle theme
That's going right on my shitlist next to Faust hat disappearing before Nico's enemy gallery can get a picture of it.

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>it's good when you're distracted by the fight but it sucks when you just listen to it

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What you call Shootie's tracks were pretty much all composed by Shibata.

Why doesn't it sound like MGR then? MGR did it the best out of the action games.

Okay but composers are only half the story. Especially in performance based music not electronic music.

MGR was absurdly over the top to a dumb degree. It wasn't cool by being stylish or honestly cool. It was cool in the way confidently wearing ugly clothes can make you cool.

Yeah it's almost like it's a great hype track and fits the pace and vibe of the King Cerb battle but doesn't have enough detail, melody or nuance to be given your full attention.

this is common with shitloads of movie/tv/game music

>this is common with shitloads of movie/tv/game music
Not really. I can listen to all of the previous game's tracks while on public transport.

>I can listen to all of the previous game's tracks while on public transport.
Okay but that's not universal to all of media you fucking retard. There's TONS of music from games, tv/movies that's just flat and plain background accompaniment. Not everything has to be a track you could play on the radio.

Bitch, You just described DMC when you described MGR. They're the same over the top game. One just has the MGS flavor while the other is itself.

>The music doesn't even sound like old DMC.
That's the point. That's quite literally what they were trying to do. Congratulations on uncovering the secret.

Sure, but in context of this thread, DMC5 has the worst soundtrack in the series. Not saying every song is trash, but 90% of it is bland / forgettable nightclub wubs.

Subhuman with Shootie would still just be Subhuman. Composers are easily more than half the story.

>It's okay when Itsuno does it.

>You just described DMC when you described MGR
No. I didn't. Most of DMC's music is brooding and edgy. MGR is loud buttrock with people screaming RUULESSS OF NATUUUURE

Who even complains about the soundtrack for DmC? I don't even remember it really and Combichrist only did a handful of songs anyways.

>Who even complains about the soundtrack for DmC?
Literally everyone on Yea Forums complained when the game came out. But you're new, so I guess you wouldn't know huh.

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DmC's soundtrack was alright actually

I want more demonic angelic choir stuff

I was on like my tenth attempt at the SoS Nightmare/Shadow/Griffon fight and for some reason my health recovered to full during Nightmare's second appearance. What the fuck was that about? Did the game take pity on me and give me a mulligan did I pick up some shit that had been there the whole time?

A game can have a good soundtrack and poorly utilize it. Only song I recall is Neros trigger theme.

no one fucking did this, you autist. you're making shit up so you have an excuse to put up another DmC thread

So if you beat Urizen in the prolouge you get the secret ending. What happens if you beat him in Mission 8 when he stands up? Can you?

>no one fucking did this, you autist.
You fucking lying bastard. Suck my dick and never post in these threads ever again. Itsuno fucking ruined DMC forever by assigning westerners to the production.

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>secret ending
All you get is a screen with text saying "and so the hero killed the villain yay happy ending".

>Wub wub is so prevalent that it's retarded.
Almost all of the music in DMC1 and 2 was electronic. So if anything it's a return to form.

>its an ending
>its secret
Guess I was right

electronic =/= wub, deaffag

>electronic dance music isn't electronic
Cope more.

>a song with no "wub" sound is a song with a "wub" sound because I said so
Okay, incel.

When will we get the full OST rip already so we can stop linking to this Blackbelt Gaming faggot?

>has a donate to Blackbelt Gaming link in the Devil Trigger video
For what? For uploading other people's songs on YouTube? He hasn't even uploaded any of his own content yet.


>Voltaic Black Knight
>Faded Tone
>Silver Bullet
>Urizen 1 and 2 don't know about three
These were great boss themes but Goliath, Cerberus, Artemis, Malphas and that other parasite dude you fight as V are really forgettable tracks with how bland they are. I guess Vergil's is also memorable? I've played the fight with Dante too much to really tell if it's a good track or not but it still falls short to the songs from 3. That said the boss music is the low note of the music besides the ones listed while the rest of the soundtrack is great.

Proto Angelo is kino as fuck.

>that King Cerberus track

I don't know why they decided to include Dante's cutscene intro music to the track. The song (which is great) itself doesn't start until like 2 minutes in.

Are there any differences with Cavaliere R? I thought it was just a skin but I just read it has an extra attack or some kind of upgrade.

R has an air stinger move to it but doesn't have armor. I haven't actually used it myself.