Who do you like more: may or dawn?
May or dawn?
Go back to idiot.
May by a landslide.
Stop being a horny waifufaggot and start actually talking about the Pokémon games instead.
Dawn, no contest. Though May seems in advantage because there's plethora of boys that she can be paired with- Dawn's options favor quality over quantity (like Cyrus or Barry etc).
I did not watch Satoshit's anime so I don't know what changes they've made to their personalities- but I don't count it as canon.
Emerald May > Platinum Dawn > DP Dawn > RS May >> Power gap >> ORAS May aka Mr Skeltal
The pokemon games are shit nowadays, gen 8 will be shit too so I won't buy it.
Emerald is the best. BW/BW2 are also really good. New games suck. Post more girls.
May because she gets drawn as a titty monster
This thread will get deleted as usual. You pokemorons never learn.
No. Fuck off retarded waifufaggot.
I like Dawn for the miniskirt and May for the personality. I can't just decide between them.
May is my wife
Dawn is my secret lover
>For me, it's Cynthia
May's booty
she tried to catch me, i don't like her anymore
>tfw can't decide
Dawn is wife tier, but may is better for a casual fuck
For me it's the scottish meme lass
Can we get some pokegirl hentai? I need it to fap. Thanks anons
Me neither
I miss that artist so much
Go literally anywhere else and you will find a shit ton of it, don't be lazy.
Dawn, I've fapped to her the most.
May has more cute feet.
In a fanbase dominated by loli he gave the poke cakes and milfs the love they direly needed.
Although the nips have been generous with Lusamine abd Lans's mom.
how the hell are you gonna say xy are on the same level as bw1 at all? bw1 may have awful prites but it has so much more stuff and s o u l
For me its May
She really was my 2 waifu
But I was more atracted to gardevoir
Masturbated so fucking much thinking how she would get out of her ball and just fuck me without any warning
Having a sluttie gardevoir was one of my child fantasies
Great memories