>just support devs dude
Just support devs dude
>"PR is a waste of money dude I will handle it"
doesn't it use up more memory than Steam?
I refuse to support tencent in anyway, no matter what
not for long, they already have a roadmap of all the shitty bloated features they're gonna bolt onto it and it will be just another reskinned web browser like everyone else.
Thanks for the money nerd.
More memory because it's firing a millions lines of code to snoop through your computer.
They might be referring to install size
Yes, the epic launcher is unironically the most resource intensive launcher I've ever used. It makes my CPU fan speed up when it launches. It also has slower download speeds than steam.
>give the devs who are going to add loot chest and either p2w items or fanciful cosmetic items that are going to create a pleb/patrician caste no matter how much you benefit them
uhhh? I'll stick with Gabe "Lord of Knives and Bot matches in DotA" Newell"
>i-it gives developers a better deal!
By charging me more, really enticing me to shop there.
Actually- and get this
The epic store/library/launcher is actually running on UE4. They made the client itself in UE4, so, having it open and running is like launching a game and leaving it on the main menu.
you don't have to run the launcher to play any of the games
>why should I buy thing
>because we make more money
This, you can easily just pirate them all.
As you should be, since the devs/pubs already got paid.
>it just works
It cracks me up that they try and auto install fortnite with the launcher.
It doesn't run on UE4, it runs on Slate which is the UI framework used for the editor and games. Slate will work without UE, but UE will not work without Slate.
let's be honest that's what a majority of kids are installing it for
With "lightweight" he means no features like forums, reviews or mod support.
Epic shop is just like a torrent site where you pay for the games.
lightweight is code for "it's bare bones and we're too lazy to actually go through the effort of implementing shit so we'll call not having features a feature in of itself and a great selling point"