>that edgy user who never joined a guild because he was a "lone wolf"
That edgy user who never joined a guild because he was a "lone wolf"
Other urls found in this thread:
I wasn't a lone wolf, I'm just shy and not good to interact with people
>That socially awkward retard who didn't join a guild or engage with any other players and wonders why he hates MMOs
It's me.
If I find a good ERP FC, I'll join it.
>That guy who joins a guild, never attempts to initiate any kind of group content and just sits around waiting for people to ask him to do stuff.
>He leaves a week later and says all guilds are trash
>Between 2001 and 2004
>I was a Major in the Kugnae army
>This one barbarian who was the epitome of "M'lady" with fedora and everything
Just let it be known that I remember you even in 2019.
Hope you got your shit together. If not I dunno what to tell you son.
>That guild that was made just as a joke
>That Yea Forums guild that collapses due to stupid drama over nothing
>that user that made a joke thread on Yea Forums that gets reported to the FBI
>that guy trying hard to make people believe he's a girl
>you actually like her and marry her in game
>create a new character, look for a guild
>guy ass me to come into discord, since he wants to know more about me before invite
>start to panic, tell him i dont have discord
>he says, he can wait till i get it
>i say ok, delete my character, create a new one, log in and put him on ignore before he can ask me what happened
every fucking time
joining an RP guild and doing the gay little ceremony for a few minutes was probably the most fun I had in MMO desu
literally me
>join a guild
>nobody interacts with anyone
>join another
>people interact too much and it annoys me
What is wrong with me?
>join guild
>asks if anyone want to do anything and invite people for stuff
>none ever wants to do anything
>the only time people actually talk to each other is on Discord, and it's with people that are not even in the guild
>leave the guild after a while because there's no reason to be in it
>people whisper me and asks why I left
I like how now most guilds have an inner clique with people that are not even members of the guild.
I don't do it anymore because I'm getting old and it feels weird to hang around the 14-16 year olds, I just can't relate. The older ones tend to be lost causes that nobody likes to be around with (trannies, furries and so on). I'm kinda jaded, so that'd be my issue since I'm in the latter group. Nobody has to put up with my shit, I don't bother with anybody else's either.
I seriously never understood that shit, why do they need all my fucking background just to quest and boss together? I don't mind joining a voice chat but ffs I don't want to get personal with tards on discord.
>be me in mmo
>some rando asks me to join their guild
>"you have discord, user?"
>face gets red
>uninstall game and sit at my window
>join /vg/ guild
>it's actually not shit
yeah I hate that too. you don't have to know my life story to play some vidya with me
Be glad you have never applied for a "hardcore" raiding guild.
That shit is even more autistic than applying for a job.
I never joined guilds because it was a perpetual circus of bullshit orbiters stirred on by whatever pussy happened to be in it, it gets fucking obnoxious after awhile.
>join guild
>me: where is everybody?
>guy who invited: haha we dont play this game a lot, we do 5 mans for an hour on saturdays, have have real lives you know!
>guy who invited is offline
I do this and I drop a game when it gets too grindy to do alone. Fuck other people.
>that really high level user that only joins noob guilds
I like feeling an older brother and helping out weaker playersbut I don't spoon feed them gears and free stuff
>Join a hardcore raiding guild
>Need to logged in at all times
>Need to all events
>You need to do dungeons all the time
>If you do quests you will be kicked
every guild in rotmg is filled with children
missin u still, vida clan
>sign up for mmo
>make character
>want to make sure my stats and gear is good before joining a party or guild, don't want to annoy anyone by being a shitter
>get bored playing alone, waiting for the right moment to interact with somebody
>never talk to anyone
It's the same with real life, I am afraid I'll just annoy everyone and don't even try to interact with anyone.
>>want to make sure my stats and gear is good before joining a party or guild, don't want to annoy anyone by being a shitter
Unless you're playing some kind of mmo that focus on number crunching, no one really cares. You're solely in a guild to obtain better gear and get better help.
That's where I learned that MMOs are not my type.
This. Never let women become officers in a guild.
>You're solely in a guild to obtain better gear and get better help.
Or shoot the breeze
Never played a game with guilds.
>he plays mmos
maybe I just don't like people
>join eso /vg/ guild
>on console
>it's fucking dead as shit
>leave immediately
You missed out, the golden age was in med/late 2000's and back. It was shitty sometimes but it was a hell of a lot better than today's guild/clans.
That's a shame.
I've barely actually played any multiplayer games online at all.
for you, id recommeed oldschool runescape. simple grind, mostly solo.
newscape for less grind, more traditional mmo gameplay, and some raid style side content
>join Yea Forums guild
>trading banter, jokingly call some dude an incel
>guild suddenly explodes, a bunch of guys really are incels and act like someone just spit in their eye, some others try to calm them down
>a handful suddenly become convinced I'm a woman and start spamming chat with the word ROASTIE over and over
>other morons think I'm a woman and need saving, they go full white knight
>some others get the ass backward idea that I'm a tranny and am just jealous, they never specify who I'm supposed to be jealous of
>in the middle of this the guild suddenly disbands
>get PMs accusing me if being reddit and infiltrating the guild to destroy it
That's why I don't play with Yea Forums anymore, people can't handle banter and can't contain their autism
>Join a 'clan' in Sherwood Dungeon
>Game has no real clan support obvs we just put Aquablade or whatever we were called (aqua something) in our names and always join the same world to hang out
>exclusively talk in game
>people inevitably drift apart and disappear since SD is hardly engaging
>join clan in Jedi Academy
>called The Old Ways
>Like 13 at the time
>acting convincingly enough like I'm older
>Make friends
>even the grill in the clan is nice
>founder is nice
>co-founder is humongous cunt driving everyone insane
>Ends up fucking us over and joining the Neo Sith who even had their own custom map
>eventually other people migrate there and TOW fizzles out
>we only communicated using MSN
>Everyone gone
>Join clan on Halo: Custom Edition
>Always fucking around on Coldsnap or Hugeass
>Founder supposedly commissioning custom map for us
>everyone communicating via Xfire
>No drama people just disappear slowly
>once everyone stopped playing Halo we still chatted for the next 3-4 years
>eventually everyone becomes 'Last Online: Never ago'
>Everyone gone
My experiences with clans and guilds have been nothing but sadness because I'm too fucking sentimental.
You want an easy going environment where people are comfortable with each other but aren't pushy, and are open to doing game stuff but aren't overbearing about it
>that attention whore user who joined a guild because he wanted to be special
I'm not edgy. I just like being alone 90% of the time. Single-serving friendships are how I like my multiplayer interactions.
I never play a game for more than a few months at a time with large breaks in between, so I'm never around long enough to fit into a guild.
What's a good game to get into with comfy guilds?
>that obnoxious rich guy who bought his place in the top guild
>never be in a guild not because i'm edgy, but because i'm too socially awkward and autistic/stupid to get into one
>spend weeks of time get to max level, get all the pre raid gear, have nothing to do because everything else is raid/group content and i have no friends
>get bored and quit
happened to me on every WoW private server i've played
and it'll happen again in classic.
If you donate 20 to our server you can get lots of cool perks!
? why do you get worried? i hate discord i straight up tell them im not doing discord. thats all u gotta do not delete ur acc
>playing on North American server
>accept a person into your guild
>"aluguem espanol?"
>friends tells me to play WoW again and has me join his guild
>all of them are beta orbiters, including friend, of the two females in the clan
>none of them are remotely good at the game and consistently fuck up raids with piss easy mechanics
Clans are a good way to see how little people care about playing a game and how much they just want attention
Everyone in that situation is the problem, that includes you.
Saved from the botnet, good call.
>play mmo in 2019
>everyone is an insufferable faggot
Single player master race.
>tfw don't want to play alone
>but also don't want to join a guild because there's now way I'm putting up with some autists drama
what a dilemma, am I right lads
>join guild
>get on voice chat
>some nerd is sperging out over a "girl"
post your boipussy
>join guild
>chill as fuck
>eventually a girl joins
>everybody and their mothers turn into orbiters
every fucking tiime
>user why don't you use your mic
>user you are so nice everyone likes you we want to hear you
>come on user you are missing on the fun
>eventually once people start getting bored of the game they leave but still want to keep in touch with each other
>can't because no social media even though they insisted a long time
>lost touch with everyone
It has been the only time in my life where I felt I belonged, and I lost it.
you were a retard for using a meme word like incel and they were retarded for making such a big deal about it
In an ideal world the rest of the server would have just quietly distanced themselves from you because you're a slave to trends.
>that super e-sports 100% parse autist who only joined high end guilds to be the best of the best and never made any friends
I had tons of friends to play with and I still hated the MMOs they wanted to play because MMO gameplay is almost universally dogshit.
>incels can't stop seething over a meme word and demand others censor themselves to protect their feelings
Guess you guys get upset about pepes and wojacks huh
>play mmo
>its shit
>get invited to a guild
>mmo becomes not shit
I miss the early 2000's so much,
Try to be happy that it happened user
did i sneak on and make this post earlier? deja vu
>Start playing Furies: Last Escape.
>Gonna do it all on my own. Be that loner high level guy.
>Two weeks pass. Bored out of my skull, regretting that I ignored all those invites from newbie guilds wanting an active member.
>Jump on the very next guild that invites me.
>Donate to Guild research, help out people building structures or researching their own shit. Haven't teleported over yet because I have to save up for one. Made a huge ass trek to help defend someone in case they got attacked.
>Booted for not doing enough to help the Guild.
>Three weeks later am a lvl 15 city out in the boonies of the map. Guilds ignore me raiding local members of their group because I'm strong enough to fight off everyone who isn't an elite. And they're busy elsewhere.
>Invitations start appearing again. Including from group that kicked me.
>Go fuck yourself.
Not making your own meme guild so idiots dont spam you
And after tons of mmo guilds the drama and unfairness got to me, i started getting annoyed by the cucks who force their egirls into things hoping a raid gets them pussy
I am user, they got me through a time where I would have for sure killed myself
I need something like that right now it's the thing so I reminisce.
I am trying on my own but it's too hard for me
c-can I join your guild user
What MMOs are worth trying for someone who's never played one before?
I honestly always just make a safe haven for awkward people, i hate social shit and people that fuck others over, im constantly doing shit and if someone wants to tag along i dont mind
>tfw I never found a guild like this
doing god's work
>any form of voice chat makes me quit instantly because I have my indian accent deep voice
>Have a speech impediment and slur words constantly
>bro turn your mic on haha
>english is not my first language and I've never used it to talk so I'm insecure as fuck about my accent
we should make a guild, boys
Thanks man
Fuck when i felt like shit I'd play games like diablo and I'd just let people follow me and take stuff
I was so overleveled and had maxed gear so id just drop my stuff so others can take it, if it helps someone have fun and get a boost without the hassle to get a group for hard content
>that guy who made a bank guild just for storage and then ended up remaining in it forever so nobody bothered him
I'm aware this is bretty shit advice but
Just don't care about it
I'm from europe and i get people that can barely speak English and I'll take it
Ill take your german, french, rus, arab, whatever accent as long as you try, doesn't have to be proper ill prolly understand it by context, fuck the cucks that only talk in their own language and will talk over others without trying to find common ground
>play mmo
>people ask me if im a furry but username is reference to obscure game
>self conscious as fuck about it now
>no option to change name
>socially awkward as fuck
>only play eso because friend bought it for me and guilt tripped me into playing it
The genre is literally dead now, you missed out almost 10 years ago. Your only options now are either WoW, FFXIV or one of the many deader korean mmo's.
the sad truth is, that most multiplayer bideo game players are just insufferable. thats the only reason i never join guilds unless the game forces me to.
>girl joins guild
>everyone starts acting like a simp
>avoiding pointless drama and bullshit, and most of all, ERP is being edgy
You don't know what that word means kid.
my experience with Halo CE and xfire:
>join cool clan, post funny shit in our personal forum
>coldsnap, cmt snow grove, extinction, hugeass
>some good times, someone linked advent children to me on youtube before I knew what FF7 was lol
>clan leader changes his name and leaves clan
>no one left in charge so it just comes to a sputtering end
>quit playing PC games after that
>guild that collapses due to stupid drama over nothing
it's even worse when the "girl" turns out to be a fat hairy nigga
I guess a Korean MMO is probably the best starting point. Don't the other two have sub fees?
>actually was that type of Tank when communities still mattered and people saved others in friendslists
I knew a lot of people that always asked me to tank for them in Endgame dungeons in Aion. Kinda like a Tank Mercenary in my chinese cartoons.
>that guild leader who just left one day and never came back
>tell some kid it was nothin' personal
>so butthurt he makes a thread about it years later
>join guild
>make friends with people
>do quests and gear together
>get ready to raid
>preplan with party and leader
>day comes
>"ah don't worry user, we found someone else"
Haven't logged in since.
>Ragnarok Online drops
>Be underage
>Get a random guild invite
>Everything was chill for quite a while
>Everyone was up front about themselves
>Several female characters admitted to being gay bois but didn't really understand it then because underage
>Eventually get invited to meet up
>They know I'm underage
>Eventually learn about stories of boys and girls getting diddled in meetups organized through online games
Dodged a bullet.
That's all people ever want to be in MMOs. Nobody wants to be a soldier in a fantasy army that MMO gameplay was designed around. They want to be the lone spellsword who shows up and uses demon-blood powered fire blades to shred apart some bandits harassing a caravan before tipping their fedora to the stage coach and walking away.
This is why MMOs devolved into single player experiences with chatrooms, because everyone wanted to be the "lone wolf". Of course when everyone is playing the lone wolf, nobody is playing the other parts, the "coolness" of being your fantasy fedora tipping samurai god amongst normies dies because everyone is doing the same shit.
It shows that MMOs are naturally a bad emulator of such fantasies that only single player games can pull off.
I just want my friends to stop chasing after thots and play vidya with me
>play maplestory
>joined a guild called LGBT
>didn't know what gay people were at that time
>joined because the people were nice
>maybe too nice
Later I found out what homosexuality was.
>join guild
>it is old and revolves around the same 5 people who are by this time close friends
>can't init conversations bc you will be ignored, the core is louder than you, taking all attention instantly
>can't chime in unless you are super pushy
>people ask me to join their guild
>hear me on the mic and realize I'm a girl
>guild suddenly splits into white knights, red pillers, and normal people
>falls apart a month later
>I didn't even do anything except play on weekends
If you’re pretty we can have dinner. I will pay for one hotdog an hour.
my fucking sides holy shit
>talking to a woman
I was that guy, ran a guild of 350 actives when I was 19 and had nothing else to do but throw myself into a game, started to get burned out and said I was going to take a short break, only 2 months til a new expansion came out
Ended up not logging back in for 5 years and there were only 6 people left, one of them was the brother of the person I founded the guild with and he got all excited seeing me come back, started talking about getting more people and revitalizing the guild
Told him that all sounded good and I would talk to him some more the next day
That was 4 years and a half years ago and I haven't logged in since that day, the game just didn't appeal to me anymore
The only reason a guild should ever require you to come on Discord is if you're raiding and you're needed for voice coms. Random casual guilds asking for voice chat interviews is fucking stupid and you did the right thing.
discord voicechat sucks ass
I thought she had a dick officer
corps > guilds
>not just kicking you for using /r9k/ / tumblr speak
Should have called them a virgin. Its like unironically using Le in regular when you use incel in conversations.
I guess we should check that, don't we
Based Pepe giving his own ice cream to his retarded son. This is why Papi loves him.
>voice chat interviews
Its fucking obnoxious, german guilds in this regard are full retard. Even dumb casual guilds want a voice Interview. Its like they feel they are hotshit for having something like an interview.
based trips
>join guild
>everyone gets along
>help each other with quests
>one day say I'm going to fridge to get a coke
>get kicked out cause everyone drinks Pepsi
Every fucking time!
Guys like this are the problem, they don't understand what banter is and try to control how people talk
>muh bantz
I was never part of a guild, but I was in a couple teams. Is that the same thing?
Thats a good way to ensure to create a guild full of meme-spouting retards. Theres a reason why Yea Forums guilds always die due self-destruction while /jp/ or Yea Forums usually survives.
Sorry you never had any friends
Lets be frens user, i want to learn about vanilla wow
>equaling friends to random dumbasses from a Yea Forums guild.
>internet friends
Incel is a feminist word, used to silence men through sex shaming.
>being so autistic that a few casual jokes in a group makes you upset
>being so friendless and unsociable you have to try and diminish others having fun talking to each other
>join guild at low level
>everyone else is max or near it
>get bored because nobody to play with and quit
based and redpilled
I was always that really specific middle ground between the casuals playing for fun and the tryhards playing it like a job. Like I want laid back atmospheres and people who have fun fucking around but I also want to have actual competent raiders and people who can do serious progression. Either or always just gets me frustrated eventually.
Werent that casual if the guild self-imploded then were they?
>guy tells a story about the word incel causing people to sperg out
>people start to sperg out in this thread because they saw the word incel
Why are you fucks so easily swayed by dumb memes
kys incel
have sex
Something something roastie, red pilled, based, 4 more years, etc
I love you guys
Sounds like the real mistake was thinking Yea Forums posters could act like normal people
>getting triggered over someone else getting triggered
You guys are the opposites of the same coin.
Yeah thats your mistake.
Not the one that posted the story, just commenting
You take an overly simplistic look at things because you derive a sense of moral superiority from being a fence sitter.
MMO's are literally "fun with friends" the genre.
aka they're all trash almost by definition
i used to play mmos and be a lot more social, but i'd still have to take a break every couple of hours and go do something else, or i'd just not go online for days or weeks because i have problems. people would get upset and ask where i was every time. i just stopped going online for like 2 years eventually and lost all my account info. tried playing some mmos again but they're all filled with p2w and cash shop garbage. tried looking for some private servers too but they're all just as bad.
>Not knowing incel was common /r9k/ lingo for themselves
So incel is like nigger, it's ok when they call themselves that but not when others do it?
Have sex
>joined a guild in an MMO
>furries and ERP shit
>no one actually plays the game itself
Guilds are gay
>start playing wow in 2010
>absolutely no-one wants to do quests with me because everyone is a literal zombie on their 27th character speeding through the game just to get to the end-game
Suck cock
>join a guild
>watch the circlejerk occur for a day or two
>leave the guild
this made me kinda sad
>that user that joins guilds but the guilds all go to shit due to girl drama, loot drama, players only playing with small cliques and wondering why the guild isn't "unified", games dying or having a shitty patch that results in everyone else quitting, being full of players that are toxic ragers that always fuck up but immediately blame everyone else, or guilds being full of zoomers that do nothing but spout twitch emotes
>that user that starts making guilds but while they do last longer, they still go to shit due to uncontrollable circumstances such as games dying, people not keeping in touch with one another, devs going full retard, etc.
>that user that became a lone wolf fag
>that user that became a social retard because of minimal social interaction between job and hobbies
>that user that just reminisces in the corner about the few good guilds while pugging everything and/or carrying PUGs
>tfw I am user
at least there were a decent amount of PUGs that were comfy as fuck but goddamn. I basically never run around in a guild now and just have a friends list, unless I make a guild for alt storage
It's only sad because the dude was too lazy to just tell everyone he was done.
Only newfags and boomers have a problem with it
>join guild
>guild is just a link to a discord channel
You know what fuck discord and its bullshit how about playing the fucking game.
Don't really see the use of joining guilds to be honest. Only time I joined a guild I just did absolutely nothing with it until at one point where I insulted a fellow guild member and got kicked out
Why in the fuck can I carry myself easily in RL, but am immensely socially awkward in vidya?
It doesn't make any sense. I have way less online acquaintances.
I'm not edgy, I'm sociopath.
Bitch please, I don't care about "guilds" or "clans". I just want to get into a room and play. That's it.
>join guild for static raid
>guild is just one clique of leaders static and randoms
>clique members never do anything to help othersor play with them
>inside the static everyone shit talks the other members as loser shiters
>finish raid
>quit static and leave guild
>repeat every new raid
Better use a voice changer if you dont want to passively destroy guild cohesion and friendship.
Works most of the time, unless there are physical meetups.
The only good Yea Forums communities I've been in were the ones with a leader that weren't afraid to say no to faggots.
If you started drama, you're gone, faggot.
If you started to "ironically ERP", you're gone, faggot.
If you started to spout memes all the time, you're gone, faggot.
If you started to treat the chat like your shitposting canvas, you're gone, faggot.
Guess what happens to Yea Forums communities with a limp wrist leader? Drama, ERP, memes, shitting up chat, and general subhuman behaviour. No one kicks out the annoying fags because "I'm his friend", and then the whole group is subjected to their poison.
>you're gone, faggot
Nice meme, you're gone, faggot.
goddamn tranny chasers
don't use a voice changer but let everyone know you're fat irl
this will give you a similar social standing as the average male mmo nerd
same here
> guilds
I always joined one. Mostly for "in group" aspect, I guess. I didnt play with guild mates, and I generally am not interested in being a part of some retards autistic schedule and play requirements and gear distribution rules.
> Oh you could use this drop on your main to improve your dps?
> Ya, sorry, but this guy is a higher ranked member of the guild and we are gunna let him have on his alt
> proceed to shit talk
> leave guild
They were nothing but social groups for me. People to talk to and a few hellos when logging in. Maybe a guildie or two that was worth grouping with for some random shit. Also, I fucking hated guild grouping with some fucker that INSISTED you actively speak in vent. Fucker, I can hear you, leave it at that.
>join guild
>use guild chat to shitpost and occasionally engage in conversation if someone brings up a topic I'm knowledgeable on
>no further interaction, no ERP, no group play or even talking to anyone one on one
>everyone likes me because I don't engage in drama and generally get along with everyone
>every single clan i ever joined died not long after for literally no reason
i'm just so tired
You should be happy.
Incel and volcel are words that were created and used by those people in their own community
I never stayed in any group for long because I can't stand people that I don't know in real life.
Fucking this. I have a small discord server and the only reason it's stayed a nice place for vidya conversation is that I remove retards as doon as they start being retarded. Also,
>You're gone, faggot
I really like this
Why do you join guilds to talk? Why don't you join to get shit done and accomplish something? Pic not very related, because it was a big Reddit alliance I have left later, but during that moment I have felt I am a part of something greater.
That's a shame MMOs have turned into instance fest, where the content can be cleared with 5 players or even 2-3. And you have to do the same thing daily.
It's more like a mercenary thing, I like grouping with randoms because there's very little guild-related bullshit drama (if applicable). People expect special treatment from me when I do join those guilds (just for merely being guildmates), or they ask that I contribute to their guild storage, or a tax of some form. Usually for minimal personal benefits that just don't fit within my interest. I only really consider it if the guild benefits are beneficial from a numbers perspective or I actually want to bother with endgame.
As for social environments most of them were either mostly silent or memespewing (usually the /vg/ or even remotely Yea Forums-themed guilds). Even Redshit isn't nearly as empty-headed (however they are rather thin-skinned and more irritating overall to work with than memespews).
TL;DR guilds are overrated and provide relatively little benefits to those not aiming to do endgame things like raid, and even that can be questionable (i.e. guild leader falls for pussy trap in current year, guild leader/preferred members hoard all drops, guild gets robbed+disbands, etc.) Mostly just tired of being involved with social dramas directly from association.
Sherwood have clans?
I was in a guild
I was the only member
The trick is to have a balance between being strict but welcoming. I knew of one group that was completely no fun allowed and had people leave or get kicked out over minor things. I didn't stay long enough to see how long they lasted.
>stripping away anonimity off Yea Forums
>thinking it's a good idea
>retards, aspies, speds and incels with an identity other than user get assmad because now their retarded actions can be tied down to their internet identity/user/character
>shit's incredibly awkward and uncomfortable
Don't play with Yea Forums retards, it's like wanting to play with downies and then wondering why they smeared shit all over you
>never joined a guild
>just played with one IRC friend
>stopped playing MMORPGs in 2004 but we’re still friends and were on the same IRC channel until 2018 when the server went down and we ended up moving it to discord
>never joined a guild because I was autistic and didn't like talking on vent when literally all anyone wanted to do was vc about stupid shit instead of play the game
>ended up doing freelance tanking around mists
>get swept up in a group of mythic run sellers who are pretty close to as autistic as me
>we all just make money and occasionally play other games together
best ending.
>join /vg/ guild
>whole guild memes ERP is for fags
>secretly ERP with whole guild
>discord chats begin leaking in thread
>everyone shitposting everyone
>guild and unrelated guilds from the same thread lose all their actives who then start multiple clique guilds
>clique guilds die
>everyone hooks up back together again
>by now game as a whole is dead so it doesn't matter anymore
>everyone moves on to next game
every time
>never went out of my way to join a guild because when I do I always end up getting too attached and feel like I'd be betraying them if I left even when the guild is in it's death throes
>join /vg/ guild on less populated server
>it's actually pretty good
turns out the turbofaggots always roll on whatever gets classified as the main server
>/vg/ has multiple guilds, everyone tells discordfags to fuck off, every guild leader and drawfag agrees no discords, pastebin OP refuses to put discords in OP
>everyone basically has a hateboner for discord because everyone knew what happened in other generals
>a few guilds make their own secret discords and avatarfag, but discord cliques are still told to GTFO by everyone, namedroppers are told to GTFO, attention whores are ignored
>drama is non-existent, everyone ignores the few vocal retards
>active players drops significantly
>threads are nothing but discord faggotry, every drawfag left, every wiki/website contributor left, the fucking pastebin has gone around multiple owners now
The only good thing that came from Maplestory 2 was all of the shortstack porn during the first months of release. All of the bros quit, and I don't blame them. I just stayed a bit longer to watch the fire.
just say "got no mic, but I can listen". Easy.
>game has content gated behind a guild
>joining a "casual" guild means I get paired with low effort morons
>begrudgingly join a "serious" one and pretend I like people there so I can get the benefits
Man I just want to play my online game alone.
>get told you need a Mic, and then get ignored
fucking discord fags are as bad as the "Why haven't you watched videos and gotten raid exp, the raid came out 3 days ago and hasn't been cleared yet" faggots
It either wasnt because of you if you really played on weekends or you are lying bitch and moaned on voicechat.
>"Uhh helloooo, it's 20XX. Get a mic, everyone has one. I'll play with you then."
Well shit, guess I'm not playing. Easy.
>missed the wow boom
>Join guild. been with it for about a year
>Don't talk much, do some content once in awhile
>Some of the members are insufferable women and over-exaggerative men that act like "quirky" high-school girls
>Take themselves way too seriously
>They were talking about how they think "incels" should just be lined up in tow and shot in the head.
>I made a Jewish joke once and was threatened to be kicked out of the guild right there
I wish they would have fucking normalfags I swear
Oh im laffin
>16year old me playing Guild Wars
>Convince all my buddies one after another to buy the game
>Join a small guild with a very active teamspeak
>Guild leader is a girl
>Comfiest girl i´ve ever met in a game.
>She´s from Switzerland
>Buddies convince me it´s time to make our own guild with by now 10-15 RL buddies
>Tell my old guild lead and fuck off
>She gets really fucking mad at me, i ask if we can join in her guilds alliance
>Tells me to stop joking and come back to the guild
>Stay with the new guild cause all my RL Buddies want it
>She messages me 3 months later that she really misses us talking, and that she came to realize that the only reason she still plays/leads the guild is to spend time with me
>Invites me to her
>Based parents actually drive me to Switzerland from Germany, they are going for some 5 stars resort vacation while i stay at her place
>1 Week later, no more virgin, playing Guild Wars with all my RL Buddies and still getting lewds from her.
Fuck man, guilds are great you awkward fucks
it's because I'm a lazy casual and don't want people relying on me
>that Yea Forums guild that is still going 7 years later
>join guild
>make fun of people's gay conversations and be a dick to everyone
why does no-one like me wtf
Kys reddit, you got exactly what was coming to you
>let everyone know you're fat irl
Is this suppose to be a bad thing?
>friendly guy that strolled into town, made some short-term guild/quest friends, and then left town as quickly as he came after completing his missions and helping others beat theirs
I was actually like an 11 foot tall Aman female in Tera, shepherding all the dumb little 3 foot tall Elins
you're gone, faggot
>join guild
>openly admit doing drugs
>everyone thinks im bad person
>Guild leader whisper to me that he also does drugs
>Because of this, befriend with guild leader.
>We start to talk a lot
>He gives me a spot in the guilds main raiding setup
Moral of the story is that drugs are good for you