Since Yea Forums is now banned in Australia, lets recommend them some games to pass the time. I'll start:

Since Yea Forums is now banned in Australia, lets recommend them some games to pass the time. I'll start:

>Team Fortress 2
>Day of Infamy

Attached: AustralianFlag.jpg (2254x1861, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Hearts of Iron IV
>Doom (2016 game, original games, and community made wads)

I'm from Australia and I'm still here


it's only telstra and optus isp, and it's only a dns block so many people won't even realise since they might be using a different dns without realising. but it is real, the australian wrote an article about it, and telstra tweeted it out

I'm with iinet and they're prone to sucking the cocks of the government, so it'll probably happen with mine soon.


Attached: aussie_boxing.webm (640x480, 2.54M)

>werewolves within

glad i don't use telstra. Anyway good to hear it's only temp than an entire internet shutdown.

Based. Fuck Australia.

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Fuck you there is an easy work around


Expect significantly less shitposts now that we can't use our phones

the phone is easiest way to post, just use mobile data, i'm with optus mobile network and it works fine. i think only optus home internet connections are being blocked.

im not blocked here but i am from 8. also i'm reading in the news the fucking pm (i s morrison the pm? ) wrote to the pm of Japan about .. something to do with social media sites. they left it vague. wtf does the pm of japan care

>literally a whole country of "DELETE THIS!!!!"
lmao just don't look at the video if you don't want to you stupid dumb idiots

seriously what is wrong with them

I'm still here. You'll never get rid of my shitposting.

is that dog all bloody and shit or is it clothing or something

I'm still here OP you muppet.

Believe it or not I come to 4chin to actually talk about shit like obscure Japanese video games without having to be under the guise of politeness and saving face like every other forum on the internet.

idk but wouldn't surprise me if bloody, kangaroo claws are brutal as fuck. those dogs are tough as rocks though, don't worry he'll be ok

Post kangaroo or gtfo

It's wearing a harness. If it were blood it'd be all over the kangaroo.

>Since Yea Forums is now banned in Australia
how could you even tell
the internet here cuts out 10 times a day

I heard the radio shock jocks saying that it's time Anonymity was banned and you'd be forced to have a usename at all times. Like that will somehow make all the nuts magically disappear instead of just going to the Dark Web.

Boomers can't go soon enough.

>banned in Australia
Good fucking riddance. Fuck Aussies.

I've had no problems posting.

To me, banning sites and censorship is scarier than some immigrants. That is a slippery slope.

God, I fucking wish.

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>Boomers can't go soon enough.
>implying gen x isn't going to take their place but even more fiercely

Not banned, eat shit you little pussy bitch, Strayans still slapping their dicks in your face.

>Day of Infamy
obligatory posts advising how the game is dead
Fuck NWI the cunts

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90% of phone IP are banned anyway so it changes nothing.

Use wifi, go advanced settings, manual IP, set the DNS as and

Boom, instantly working.

There's this fun game called "Change your DNS", probably the easiest game I've ever played.

>tfw you don't expect him to actually punch but he does

>Open control panel
>Network settings
>Click find the network you're connected to
>IPV4 properties
>Change DNS address to and
>Press OK
>Restart browser

Your traffic now goes through Google's servers instead of Telstra's. All sites blocked by telstra are unblocked.

Attached: 1552913245318.jpg (531x719, 28K)

I didn't even bother to change anything and no problems.

I'm still here. I'll always be here.

>Mfw I woke up, saw the footage as a webm, and only then saw the news a few hours later
>I didn't even save it

Attached: 1546055774964.jpg (521x644, 57K)

>MFW the kiwi's arrested some guy that saw the video online and he's facing jail time for watching a video online
What a mad mad mad mad world.

Attached: roflxd.jpg (640x600, 27K)

The footage was shared far more on facebook, reddit & twitter, but as usual Yea Forums gets blamed

Yea Forums getting blamed is karma for us blaming ebaums world back in the day

>white suprimacists
>other races are brutish and uncivilized
>also white supremacists
>unga bunga me kill women and children and make meme. unga bunga me hero.

>Meanwhile, ISIS recruitment videos are still freely avaliable.

Yea Forums got blamed because it was fucking livestreamed and originated on 8ch and by relation

Not only that, but the guy livestreamed it on facebook and posted pictures of his guns on twitter before the shooting. I'd say that's more concerning than making a post in an anonymous imageboard

>Snipin's a good job mate...

Attached: sniping.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

I love this one so much

Yea Forums was blocked because it wouldn't censor the video. Those other sites did. We aren't the only ones telstra blocked. They also blocked kiwifarms, cripple chan and liveleak

I don't think he killed any children though

I don't wanna click that link!

Stop pretending you know how DNS works.

You can't livestream to Yea Forums, the video was simply posted a lot on the orange boards, just like every massacare video. I've got a whole folder of people getting killed that I saved from Yea Forums.

prove it


I'm using university wifi

I'm playing persona 4 currently. Up to the part After rescuing Yukiko. The OST is very good

Why are they making such a big deal about hiding the footage? There's gore all over the internet.

Attached: original_result.png (512x512, 462K)

read the fucking thread

>Using university wi-fi
See you when you get out of jail in 14 years

But I do know. It's a digital phonebook that translates what you type into the numerical address of a website. For example, 3478973975 equals pornhub. The phonebook is stored on servers. Normally your computer uses the server of your ISP. The ISP can block websites by removing them from their phonebook. By switching the DNS to google servers, you are using a phonebook that isn't redacted.

Attached: 1552912888023.gif (497x373, 487K)

Wait, really? Source?

>yfw Australians are finally being removed from the internet

Attached: 1463565609821.jpg (1200x1000, 805K)

I used free hospital wifi to play Pocket Camp.

Lock me up and throw away the key.

You'd miss me terribly.

Quick! Download the video and manifesto and say so in this thread! You'll get your university in trouble!

Same lol

Australians memed so hard that the australian authorities have to prevent the shitposters from posting again

Ausfag here, I think only /pol/ was

When all that's left is retarded Americans, boring British and faggy Canadians, you're going to beg for us to come back.

>Australia banned from the 4channels.
Holy shit, this place might actually be good again.

>dns block 8gag and Yea Forums and some other problematic sites
>not block facebook where the video was streamed to in the first place

You can't escape us.

It was everything on Yea Forums and channel. I could still browse through a phone app, which is how I learned to switch my DNS.

I swear this place is ran by the most oldest of old people
their streaming and bittorrent site bans didn't work, and they're banning encryption because they scared and don't understand it

>One of the most free countries in the world immediately becomes an authoritarian nanny state the second a tragedy happens

Attached: 1497154743870.jpg (818x798, 159K)

Some isp's are redirecting certain site's to police/interpol you cna probably just change your DNS address though

no, for the affected people it's all 4ch and 8ch domains, can't go on any board even blue ones, Yea Forums/4channel, doesn't matter

Shutup nigger t. ausfag

>banning Yea Forums and 4x2chan
>when it all started on twitter and facebook

Weird. I'm on mobile though and only have issues going on 8ch and /pol/

I'm on telstra right now

Is the nsfw boards that are blocked for me and I can't change my DNS setting with my Ijew

probably because you can share those vids anonymously here whereas on facebook you have your name attached to it

You're never escaping me.

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>New Zealand isn't actually banned from Yea Forums
>Australia isn't actually banned from Yea Forums
Who's next lads

Those sites are being good goys and taking the video down themselves.

That's only the ipv4.
Need to do the other half of it with ipv6, whihc phones can't do. So that means either via 3rd party app on phone, or forced to post via 4g or other sources.
It's the exact same problem with them blocking piracy and streaming sites via DNS block a month or two ago.

This is what we call in the professional business, "setting precedent".
There'd be fucking uproars if Twitter or Facebook was banned, but Yea Forums and Cripplechan are the perfect starting point for website bannings. And once you ban two, it becomes increasingly easier to ban other sites you as a government disagree with.


Mobile isn't affected unless you connect to wifi.

>I've got a whole folder of people getting killed that I saved from Yea Forums

Attached: but-why.gif (581x327, 3.72M)

i thought murdoch ha a hand in telstra, who also owns sky news?

fuck telstra, glad im with aussiebb

Canada and Australia should just be blocked by all of the internet. Things would improve massively.


it's amusing that normies don't know the difference between Yea Forums and 4+Yea Forums

Attached: moot hates aussies.png (404x238, 47K)

I'm Australian and still here

Grand Battle

No he was arrested for reuploading it. I don't think you can be arrested for just happening to watch it.

what is this? an art piece?

fuck off shill retard, it is banned just not everyone is being affected because of various reasons, they literally fucking tweeted out 'we are blocking the websites temporarily' you FUCKING shill cunt fuck off

Telstra are owned by somebody else I think after the privatisation.
Murdoch hates the internet because then people won't buy foxtel. It's partly why the NBN got so fucked by the liberals.

>doggo in trouble, might be hurt or even killed by kangaroo
>master jumps in and sucker punches him

Bros 4 life

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2√2chan is basically like an even more edgy version of Yea Forums, right?

>get BTFO
>throw a tantrum

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Glad I left that shithole, commie ass censorship country, ain't never getting my HECS debt

Shouldn't have messed with me mate, I won't let you keep getting away with it

>immediately becomes an authoritarian nanny state
It's been that way for quite a while the country is run by unironic boomers
>The maximum penalty under the Objectionable Publications Act for being in possession of an objectionable publication is 10 years in jail, while the maximum penalty for sharing such material, for example by reposting it, is 14 years.

Attached: 1526106693908.jpg (460x258, 45K)

Kangaroos are really uncanny
Walk on two legs, punch like people. And he was choking that dog like a human.

it's just Yea Forums with minimal mod activity

each board has their own rules and mods, but unless you post CP most don't give a shit what you do

this makes 9-1chan's /pol/ waaaaaay edgier than ours, to the point where it becomes unironic and you get people like Tarrant here's the archive of tarrant's actual post to 7+1chan


Do you have any idea what a shill is?

i thought that was nz. how can it be deemed obscene if it aired on nat tv

I really do miss this faggot.

Just realised I didn't see a single Sam Hyde meme about this.

>not even in australia and gookmoot blocked me from posting images because of "abuse"
I'd post a reaction image but fuck you


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hiroshima nagasaki does that to get you to buy the Yea Forums pass

It's a buzzword people just say without knowing context like cuk and soi

yeah well he can suck my left nut

It's where most of "Gamegaters" moved to when it was banned here. If you thought our /pol/ posted on every board here, in there every board is /pol/ with the topic on the sides

>to the point where it becomes unironic
TBHonest I am worried Yea Forums is becoming unironic.

I didnt really give a shit about the stupid video but isps trying to hide it really makes me want to watch the stupid thing now.

Any body know where i can see it? I wanna see why the politicians are so fucking afraid of me watching it

Learn to maths. Like, literally just copypaste 2√2 to google and see what it equals.

If you think Yea Forums is 'ironic' it's simply a sign you're a newfag

Kind of. Take the least self-aware and most paranoid section of our userbase, and that's basically them. There's a lot of stuff that toes the edge of illegal in their smaller boards, but their Yea Forums is surprisingly decent at times. Just don't look at their /pol/ though unless you want to feel like you're in an actual loony bin.

the video is what it sounds like, 'subscribe to pewdiepie', goes in kills a bunch of people, drives off listening to meme eurobeat. the manifesto is what they want to suppress more since it actually might convince some stupid fucks

A lot of people where calling out Tarrant on /pol/ just after it happened, compare that to 6+2chan where people were only cheering him on

Fuck off stormnigger

They're afraid of you watching it because it shows you exactly what happened. They can't spin a little narrative about it if you already know the truth.

So that's why I had to change my dns shit

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So what the fuck do you do to change IPv6 then for your phone?

So why not let people post it so long as the manifesto is removed?

>heard some 50 year old guy talking about the shooting the other day
>says he saw it here and that it happened on the other site
It was really strange desu

Britbong who can't sleep here, it will be us next. Mummy May will make sure the internet shuts at 12am GMT

Oh no anything but a DNS reroute

It's not even really that graphic. Worst part is probably when he shoots a women on the sidewalk, she begs for help, and then he finishes her off. Can't even really see any blood.

It's tame as fuck but because it's a white man who's fed up with immigrant shit it NEEDS to be taken down everywhere. Beheadings and trucks running over people? Those are okay

Realistically anyone in Australia should already be on alternative DNS due to piracy blocks

respect for the victims i guess. normal people probably are better off not seeing the video. them making this big of a fuss about trying to block it off the net is going to make a lot more people curious about it, like you, the idiots never learn streisand effect

I get why they don't want people especially kids to see it and want to imitate it because it is chock full of memes and internet culture which appeals directly to zoomers
well are they gonna block facebook while they are at it? he did stream it like on their platform after all

>autistic infinichan strayan shoots a bunch of muslims
>aussies ban Yea Forums

>A lot of people where calling out Tarrant on /pol/ just after it happened
A couple jidf shills isn't a lot of people. Yea Forums /pol/ hates muslims plenty.

Attached: 1488109416210.jpg (720x462, 26K)

>temporarily blocked

yeah right

I honestly didn't even know there was any bans.

You're already on the right site. Yea Forums doesn't take the video down, which is why australia blocked the place. The video is all over /gif/.

You didn't see the threads about based muzzie?

Attached: hero.png (1094x645, 784K)

>Beheadings and trucks running over people? Those are okay
what are you going on about, retard? the danish government has been prosecuting people for sharing the beheading video

that's disingenuous, there were a number of sincere posts on pol condemning it and the supporters of it. but the majority of threads and posts were positive (fake or not)


there were like half a dozen threads on /pol/ and /k/ talking about how that one guy that tried to tackle the shooter could have prevented the shooting if he had a gun

Attempted hero or coward, depending on who you ask.

Im guessing this isnt the original

that dude had colossal balls charging a guy in armour with a shotgun. if he had a pistol he coulda caught tarrant in the head from the side and saved 40 lives. but lets ban guns

He was trying to run away

What's your point? That's not praise or anything like that. It's just stating that banning guns is stupid.

The piracy block is pretty wide range, mainstream torrent sites like TPB and more niche sites like Nyaa.

>on Parliament Question Time tomorrow

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He was running for the exit, not to tackle or go for the gun

no it's edited down the full vid is 16 minutes long, cuts off as he's driving to the second mosque

It banned TorrentDay too which is a private site. There are always mirror links though, useless effort.

>Muslim no go zones in America and in European countries
>media says it doesn't exist, no reporting
>muslim rape gangs raping thousands of girls and pimping them out
>no problem
>dozens of terrorist attacks
>part and parcel
>one white guy is fed up with seeing the West slowly cuck and decides to do something about it
>his goal is accelerate leftists into cucking even harder and creating conflict
>the left and media do exactly what you expect, bitch and moan about white supremacy and demand censorship and removal of rights

Really is funny. Muslims can't even got to Muslim countries or they will be killed. Boko Haram kills more than 50 Christians every week. No stories, no nothing. They really want whites to stay on their hands and knees and let themselves disappear.

Was the shooter a confirmed /pol/ tard?

i wish they would just leave 4channel yostsuba blue boys alone we NEED to post :(

there were other exits he could have run out of that didn't have an active mass shooter standing in them

he knocked Tarrant over, sure he tried to duck out of the way of Tarrant's fire at the last second but he still manged to tackle Tarrant even if all that ended up really doing was minorly inconvenience Tarrant and get based muzzie killed

it's still anti-shooting, since it's arguing that the shooting could have been prevented if the right guy had a gun

8ch pol which is a different breed. if he was a 4ch pol i think he woulda shot up a synagogue

Literally posted the manifesto on cripplechan's /pol/

I think the real question we need to ask is why haven't we banned memes? This man was clearly indoctrinated by memes. #banmemesnow

He was from cripplechan, Twitter and Facebook. But no, he wasn't actually on pol or Yea Forums.

>muzzies act like savages and murder unarmed civvies so we should too

it will come to this, memes are the final form of cultural conversation, there is nothing else past it, we live in a post-meme world and they just haven't caught up. ban memes? people will meme the shit out of that

>based for doing a suicidal thing

They do that all the time. It's not brave when you don't think you'll die for real.

Looked to me like he got shot before he made it to kangaroo kebab killer and his tackle was more of a falling over dead onto triple K

The ironic thing is those places had ties to actual terrorists.

exactly wha i wrote. the phrase mongoloid gets thrown around a lot, but you are truly deserving of the name. its 2^3 chan if anything

Attached: Screenshot_20190319-125326.jpg (1536x2000, 183K)

Nothing wrong with memes

Attached: funny.png (647x648, 237K)

That explains the music.

I'm not saying we should, I'm saying we should deport them back to their homeland. Islam is not compatible with Western values, period.

I've had no problems.

>Australia banned from Yea Forums
>shitposting will be purged from Yea Forums in your lifetime
m00t's lifelong dream is finally coming true
feels FUCKING good man

Attached: WRONG! This man is DEAD!.png (230x260, 121K)

in fact how can you even get 8 in your form with a different symbol? i dont think its possible

I'm still here and I will still torment you

easily circumvented though
The shitposting continues

this is never going to happen now because of what's happened its all so depressing.

Invasion implies Muslims are or ever were cpaable of unifying. They hate eachtoher as much as they do the west. The problem is and always will be lefts white knighting the sad state George (Both versions) left the Middle East in through kneejerk immigration policies. Stop that and the problem will slowly disappear but that won;t happen any time soon with US and Russia using the Middle East as the battlefield from their bicep flexing.

/pol rant

Did it?

I thought he decided not to go after the mosque that had actual terrorist connections and hit one that was more popular, he said as much in his manifesto

Post source for it having terror connections, I'm genuinely interested

Ah that explains why it wasn't working on my phone but works at home

have sex.

Unarmed invaders are still invaders.

This shit would make Joseph Goebbels cringe

Attached: adolf-hitler-joseph-goebbels-2a.jpg (1484x891, 819K)

Well, it's a court order so every ISP has it implemented, if you're not affected then either you're on a different DNS or an ISP is waiting to get buttfucked

Not the person who was ragging on you, but
>Your traffic now goes through Google's servers instead of Telstra's.
This isn't true. It simply maps domain names to IP addresses, it's the first step but not all of the steps, traffic still goes through your ISP.

I didn't do anything, don't take my autism away

Attached: 1552283375927.jpg (2560x1440, 600K)

>using an Aussie ISP in the Philippines
>tfw Yea Forums isn't banned yet

Its only weeded out those not dedicated to the craft.

>Turk shot eight people in a train in the Netherlands today
>Only a side story on new sites below politicians reacting to the New Zealand shooter
Really makes you think.

manifesto says that islamic culture is much more rich and tight-nit than our own white european culture in its degenerated form. and that that's why we see whites converting to islam, they crave to be a part of a rich culture with traditions, even if it's technically antithetical to their own personal morals

It's not a court order.

>Yea Forums may be banned soon
The one thing keeping me sane and functional in society by giving me an outlet to vent will be banned? This will surely end well for me.

wait what, who