>pays millions to fortnite streamers to shill game
>it actually works for a few weeks
>pays millions to fortnite streamers to shill game
>it actually works for a few weeks
Or they're just butthurt that Shroud stole most of the viewers and they crawled back to their niche game to try to soften the blow.
>releases battlepass
>There's nothing in it
streaming games other than the one they are good at only works for a couple variety streamers, of course they went back
the game is incredibly stale already and it looks like nothing is gonna shake it up
>blowing all your money on shills instead of content
>Apex Virgins
The people with over 4000 kills are absolutely hacking, right?
Unlike Fortnite, which can introduce wacky shit and remove it whenever it wants, Apex has kind of pigeonholed itself into not having any new content beyond "Here's a dude that has a kit from TF|2, and uh, new gun I guess?"
This, the battlepass is just some generic skins no one cares about and one new character won't be enough until they balance the ones that are already in the game
Why are armor tiers a thing in these fucking BR games? It is the shittiest mechanic on Earth.
>I have purple armor so you have to shoot me 8 times instead of 3! Hahaha!
Fuck me does it grind my gears
Being a Source game, China is just handing everyone hacks right now. Even their netcafes have VPNS and hacks pre-installed. Respawn has only just now started to give out hardware ID bans, and those are piss easy to get around.
This game is going to die a slow death thanks to China's insects unless Origin accounts start requiring phone number verification or something.
already? honestly for looking at the gameplay it does look like it can get stale quick, thats one thing i'll give to fortnight is all the stuff they add to keep people interest at least
What a retarded thing to be angry about
But what about on PS4?
As opposed to?
gonna say yes until they add a killcam
Legit criticisms of people posting shitty anime images
Those are just kids with no jobs. Or XIMs.
Has the exact opposite problem. Nobody can fucking aim
>Apex is Full of Uggos
>Fortnite has Waifus from sticc to thicc in plenty of flavors, Husbandos as well
>Even has a Werewolf, a Lizardman with a perfect ass, Rebellious Robot Waifu with thick thighs, Dark Elf and wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube woman if you're dobson.
>People cry for the Battlepass
>Devs rush it out
>Has nothing decent because a month of development time is a very small timeframe
Subreddits were a mistake. Devs should be banned from reading them.
They literally haven't done anything yet lol, you can't critique them for having been out for 2 months without even having a roadmap even if it's private. They literally released the game because Titanfall 3(now Apex Legends) was cancelled by EA for funding reasons, so instead of going bankrupt, EA said Respawn could do whatever they wanted, and now we have Apex. Unfortunately because of this there is no content for the game being planned long term.
You have to go back
This.Why the fuck would I want weapon skins
This, your game needs some actual appeal to make people care about dressing up its characters.
I mean, if you suspect you got killed by a hacker you can spectate their game.
yea but more than once is the last squad
>f2p game
>monetization for the game is based on customization
>every single character is ugly as fuck, no skins are even remotely interesting
What were they thinking? The reason games like Fortnite and Overwatch got so popular is because there's actually decent customization and the characters look good.
Apex made every character ugly and bland as fuck to win some diversity points.
Just imagine how fast Overwatch would have died if not for the cute waifu characters.
>Some of the weapons skins block your view
Who the fuck thought these were a good idea?
that's literally the only thing overwatch has going for it at this point. the game is complete dogshit but held together by insane waifuinsects and shippers.
Respawn is absolutely fucking retarded and I'm glad the game is dying already. I didn't even bother trying the game because of how awful the designs were.
Respawn's character designer went back to Infinity Ward.
First and foremost, I'm still buying this, Vanilla Apex is worth way more than $9.50 for the pass IMO. I'm more than happy to give them any money at this point they have certainly earned it and I'm excited to have something to work towards. Thank you Respawn for such a fun game! If you're enjoying this game a suggest you throw them some money too so that you can continue to do so and what better way to do it then through the Battle Pass. This is only meant to be constructive criticism.
What other game has ass like THIS?
Battle Royales are an inherently repetitive genre. How they ever took off this big is beyond me.
god damn, fortnite has some good ass
>literally don't know how to animate face for 2 games before this
>still insist on giving them chimp faces
now we're forever stuck with these lifeless humanoids puppets
Every time I boot up Apex I play like 2 games then spend the rest of the night in Titanfall 2.
I mean, It's the best attempt at the worst genre.
titanfall 3 died for this
How a single scooter ride singlehandedly massively reduced ApexLegens viewership on Twitche in one swell swoop.
>put ugly overdesigned characters in your game
>people don't stay
that bitch looks like nigger suzy from game grumps
>if you suspect you got killed by a hacker you can spectate their game.
"Yep, that's a hacker. Wish I could report them or put them in an avoid list or what ever. Wish I could do something about it but I can't, guess I will try to steer clear next time"
It's why BR is so popular. Some little normie or kid gets the good armor and gets to feel like a god for a while. Literally just the next step in casualizing shooters
If you want competitive instead of looter shooter, play CSGO or R6.
damn it's like the game rewards you for engaging enemies and finding loot.
the stupidest design decision of this game is having the loot end up in coffins instead of gloriously splattering on the ground
there are so many cheaters on PC holy fuck
Like plenty of other pc titles, what a surprise.
This is why I don't play multiplayer games on PC
It would have worked longer if there was new content coming out at a reasonable rate.
It took them a month and a half for the first major content update, when fortnite got it's new season, and 2 minor content updates in that same period.
So did the streamers announce they were being sponsored for this new game like Kripparian and Harbleu, or just pretended like they stumbled into this AMAZING new genre breaker?
>Cuckpex shills actually thought this shit would give the game a shot in the arm
LOL fucking retards
It's literally illegal to not mention if you're being sponsored.
>hurr they'd just not say anything if they were paid enough
yeah i'm sure EA would have an easy time explaining a hundred grand just disappearing out of their coffers to some joe bumfuck streamer.
They did say they were sponsored anyway. No game has streamers without them being paid or horribly addicted.
here's your game bro
Armor in multiplayer FPS games have been a thing since Doom.
Such is the industry, you have to play dirty even if your game is good
>game rewards you for luck
you are retarded
>5 year old game more viewers than Fortnite and Apex COMBINED
>Multiple hacks
>Still dies
Jesus, hackers really are a special breed.
Yeah but if map had armor on it, it was here and there and respawned after a set amount of time instead of being on a random location on a map
>random placed armor is the same as statically placed armor
Are you retarded?
>two things somewhat unique to Titanfall are wallrunning and Titans
>remove those two things for Apex Legends
people are already bored of it? Shocking
I'm not a fan of BR games but a BR with Pilots and Mechs would be pretty close to rad in my opinion.
OP wasn't complaining about random armor, simply the fact that exists. Try learning to read the next time.
>why are armor tiers
>armor tiers
Meanwhile, I point out that the static armor of arena fps isn't the same as opening a box and getting purple armor instead of blue. But I'm the one with a comprehension problem? I'm the same poster you fucking dipshit.
When there is more porn of a robot character than the human ones, you know you have fucked up bad.
Are they gonna fix the hitboxes? I wanna play gibraltar and caustic without being a goddamn bullet magnet
How could they, anyhow? Everyone having Wraith's hitbox would make shots pass right through models like Gibby and Caustic.
based gtaV rp new king of twitch
The Wingman makes you equal
was in doom still go away zoomer
Just give Caustic's Hitbox to Wraith, of course.
Either that, or provide a tiny bit of auto-aim when aiming towards the smaller classes.
Just give each character a %hp increase or decrease depending on their size. Gibraltar is 150% bigger than wraith, so give him %150 more hp.
Either that or give wraith like 50hp and balance from there. Keep hitboxes tight. The fact that the hp is the same but hitboxes are all over the place if fucked.
fortnite skins are so based ive spent probably 500 on waifus
They're both dead now anyways.
GTAV roleplay is the new thing in twitch.
It's stale because meta niggers won't stop running around with Wraith+Wingman advertising their shitty 3 viewer twitch stream.
If the game relied solely on skill it would not be as popular.
that would be fucking horrible, its not like fortnite where you have a max inventory capacity of 5 plus materials, there would be shield cells, health, ammo, grenades and equipped items vomited all over the place after a battle. it would be too hard to pick up the one item you're looking for.
the boxes shouldn't have geometry though, that shit is retarded. getting stuck in a room because boxes are blocking the door is beyond stupid.
>open origin, type his name, send report he gets banned
Wish you could read, that shit worked like a charm in titanfall
>I just found out first hand that you cant hit wraith or lifeline as gibraltar if you're standing up
10/10 GOTY
/pol/ is absolutely right in this case. When they told the game would lose a fuck load amount of momentum in a few week because of paid streamers, the retard here are actually stupid enough to assume that's not true. Go woke, go broke and the curse continues.
Most of the top 10 games on Twitch are years old.
Artificially inflated and hyped up by steamers and journalists as the ultimate fortnite killer while in reality the game has very little depth and variety in terms of replayability beyond getting skins for the nigger tier characters.
the meta is shit and theres no end in sight. why would you play anything but wraith, lifeline, and bangalore/bloodhound
its just like Titanfall 2 where the meta never changed and everything else was just "for fun" cause theres no reason to even use it otherwise.
fortnite could be fun but i can't get into third person shooters, corner peeking is unacceptable gameplay and cheese
jeez, they could have used that money to improve the game or spent it on some other title who needs it. like Anthem.
>implying Anthem wasn't EA's plot to kill bioware
What was the Titanfall 2 meta? Phaseshift, alternator and Tone?
Yea Forums is infested wtih zoomers lmao
Game is literally unplayable solo
You're a funny guy
yeah. anything hitscan is meta pretty much, cause its just ridiculously powerful in 2.