How can one game be so perfect?

how can one game be so perfect?

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Really shows you how casualized video games have become that 15 years later and with many times more sales, modern vidya can't even compete.

PM64 was better

>puzzles and exploring objectively worse than first game
>too text heavy
>several chapters have too much backtracking
TTYD is a clever game and the first time you play it will blow your mind just due to the pure diversity and insanity across the different chapters, but it's otherwise a worse game than its predecessor and arguably its successor.

> the second level in the tree
I hate it lads

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The second chapter in general is the worst chapter.

You're wrong.

>Spend the past few weekends playing PM64 for my 7mo son.
>Started TTYD friday
>We just finished Keelhaul tonight
shits comfy lads

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Nah, he's right. You're wrong.

you're all wrong. i'm right.

This is my favorite game, and it's absolutely not perfect

>all of chapter 2
>chapter 4s back tracking, not even possible to skip it in a future play through
>chapter 7's intro of back tracking
>Backtrack Center

I'd be okay with back tracking if it felt like if it wasn't to pad game time.

I swear I'm the only person who doesn't hate chapter 2, adter a first play through when you know what to do the punies arent that hard to deal with. Chapter 4 deserves all the hate it gets though.

It has a really good soundtrack.
PMs is good too but held back a bit by the N64.


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game magazines were always questionable at best. even if its an early 2000s zine, dont trust vidya journalism

>we can never play this again
>virtual console is dead forever

trash game

faggot poster

>defending thousand year old bore
the game is bad, deal with it

YoU'Re BaD!

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