PS3 is a $600 Demon's Souls machine

>PS3 is a $600 Demon's Souls machine
>PS4 is a $400 Bloodborne machine
You cannot prove this wrong.

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Yakuza series

There are enough PS4 and console exclusives to justify owning one, imo. I hate platform wars but it is what it is.

I'm a PS4 owner and I'm not so sure about that anymore. You have to really love Sony's first party titles to justify PS4 over PC and those games aren't for everyone.

I could, but it's not worth the effort. Pointing out the flaqed logic of blind Sony hatred (or blind Nintendo or Mictosoft hatred) is about as worthwhile as trying to point out the flawed logic of people with Trump Derangement Syndrome. It's not going to go anywhere, the minds of the people pushing the absurd notion are already made up, and any dissenting opinion will get branded as shilling for the enemy.

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ps4 is cheaper and easier to maintain than a high quality pc
that is all

That's like saying a free to play game is cheaper than a full retail game. It might be on the surface level but if you want more out of the game then you could possible end up spending more on the free to play game. It's like with Sony and their PS Plus passes. That stuff adds up over the generation.

No I can't.
I own both. And both for those same reasons.

Imagine paying $1120 + tax + tip to play 2 games.

worth the money, though

Was worth it on both cases

Souls games are boring. Fact.

I don't need to imagine it buddy, I did it.
Felt fucking great.

thats how they get ya boy i never said it was the best choice
its cheap and easy (as long as you dont think about the consecutive ps plus purchases and 60$ games)


>PS4 has no g-

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Shit bait

There are so many "remastered" games from previous gens in that picture that it's not even funny

The PS4 also doubles as a jet engine simulator

Those are great movies user

>Haha, you'd buy a console just to play a few really good games

I mean, yeah...?

Wrong, it's a 400 dollar Gravity Rush 2, Tearaway Unfolded AND Bloodborne machine.

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Your shelf is backwards, and on its side.
The two holes that we're seeing on the lefthand are for installing wall-mounting gear.

On pc

This. This gen actually had a lot of good games but Sony's own exclusives don't interest me enough to get a ps4 over my pc. did borrow a ps4 to play bb and enjoyed it though.

>playing yakuza on PC

>You have to really love Sony's first party titles to justify PS4
You mean enjoying movies?
Yeah, I guess.

Thank God there's Bloodborne.
I own a PS4.

>Dur. Game is soulless cuz you didn't play it on the right gamebox.

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Is it even $600 anymore? Maybe for an original model. Do Ps3s make decent hack machines at least?

>t-that's doesn't count!!!1!

What is it about Sony that makes op and other fanboys genuinely in rage?

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Why does Japan get the better looking cover?

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>bloodborne machine
Is that's the best game ps4 has, then it's a sad excuse of a console

Hell, US doesn't even have a physical GOTY edition.

Just get a PC and a PS4 for Bloodborne and Shadow of the Colossus or something user jfc

but demon's souls came out 3 years after the ps3 launched, by that point it was cheap enough to buy

needs a pc port so I can play above 15framesborne.

way worse than the 20 fps is that fucking chromatic aberration imo, that shit makes my eyes bleed and I was only able to finish that game once because of that. what were they thinking?


So if its not soulslike then its not good

Are you a redditor trying to seem hardcore or something?

Im an xbro but im interested in getting a ps4 for:bloodborne,nioh,persona,yakuza games,gravity rush,last gen re releases and other it worth it?id still play multiplats on my x so itd be only for or slim?

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I'll be welcome to for a remaster that introduces 60fps and fixes the frame pacing issues, the netcoding (replacing the shitty node system it has), and the replacing the proximity based invasions to level invasions like Dark Souls. It's already perfect as it is, all it needs is some optimization.

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I think it's worth it. If you have the money for a Pro, get that one instead.

>Nintendo literally releases the same games every generation, mario kart, party, tennis, smash,
>ps4 has too many remastered games

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>Three multiplats that are better on PC
Maximum cope

I paid $250 for my PS3 in 2009, and I have over a hundred games for it. What brand of crack you smoke, yo? Must be good.

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PS3 doesn’t cost 600$, my boy.

What 3rd world shit hole do you live in that your inflation rates are that high? Geez, no wonder you're mad. You should move.

Wrong. PS3 is a $600 Blu-ray player which also doubles as a Demon Souls, Metal Gear and Ni no Kuni machine.

Love your style, and I subscribe to your way of thinking too. We out cherre.

This is always the time I wish Yea Forums allowed for multiple images in a post so I could post more of the games I enjoyed from these consoles in one post. But either way, if you're buying a console for one exclusive, and not trying out what other publisher exclusives are on a platform, you're missing out

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What world do you live in where people only bought PS3's in 2006 and 2007, because they haven't been $600 since then. Btw sweaty, a cheap blu-ray player in 2006 was over a thousand dollars, so tell me more about how bad a deal it all was.

Fuck, I loved wipeout. Is the latest one any good?

They're both shit for doing it. Your assumption that anyone who complains about one company is a fanboy of another is moronic.
I bought a PS4 when crypto mining was fucking up GPU prices and my PC died. I'm too much of a poorfag to get a PC at the moment. I forgot BB though. Will probably get a PC in the next few months, but it will still be expensive because New Zealand prices for most things are fucked and shipping takes away a lot of the money saved buying overseas.

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The Omega Collection is HD, Fury, and 2048 bundled into one package and with reworked visuals to look good at 4k/60fps (without motion blur), with the addition of VR support. If you don't mind the fact theres nothing really new hear other than the VR and the racebox for 2048, I don't see why you wouldn't love it.
When you want that much, yeah, I'd say its worth it. The pro will deff give you more stable performance with its 1080p and boost modes. The pro can also capture video at 1080p as well, instead of 720p like the original.
Theres a lot more than Uncharted bro, and even then Uncharted is a lot more "gamey" than most of you give it credit for. Especially since 2, they've allowed you to replay specific combat encounters.

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100% agree
I'll be getting a PS4 once Death Stranding comes out.
However, if the PS5 gets announced, I'll hold off until then because I want to play PS4 games on the PS5.

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My physical collection is like that but throw in EDF4.1

>bought games that play better on PC
What's the matter user don't have a PC?

They are in fact they're not hard at all. You just have to be patient with them and that's it. Sure as hell not worth buying a whole console over when there are bigger and better titles like God Of War and Uncharted.